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AR441 – ARCH41S8
Illustrate the relationships, process and services in a 3D wheel layout.

Discuss the process and the various scope of services of an architect in building a project.

Pre-Design Services encompass a wide range of architectural services, from preliminary problem assessment
to activities that enable the Architect to perceive a variety of architectural and related solutions. The Client will
benefit most from involving the Architect in the early stages of the project because the Architect, if sufficiently
experienced, can offer the Client an objective project analysis, having established specifications to maximize
building needs in relation to resources available and attendant restrictions. The scope of services include
Consultation, Pre-Feasibility Studies, Feasibility Studies, Site Selection and Analysis, Site Utilization and Land-
Use Studies, Architectural Research, Space Planning, Space Management Studies, Value Management, Design
Brief Preparation, Promotional Services, and other related activities.

Typically, the Architect serves as the Client's/ Owner's/ Proponent's adviser or representative. He interprets
the Owner's demands and specifications into spaces and forms in the most professional manner. The Architect
gathers important data and information. He prepares conceptual plans and design development documents such
as plans, elevations, sections, and other drawings. When these are approved, the Architect starts to prepare the
complete Contract documents containing the detailed designs, construction drawings, and technical specifications.
The Architect also prepares the Bid Documents and assists the owner in establishing a list of prospective
Contractors. The scope of service includes Project Definition Phase, Schematic Design Phase, Design
Development Phase, Contract Document Phase, Bidding or Negotiation Phase, and Construction Phase.


Focuses on specialized skills for improving the architectural interior and exterior aspects of a project. The word
Architect pertains to the Consulting Architect (CA) who could be holder of a legal Specialist Certificate given by the
Board or the Commission, subject to accreditation or certification by the IAPoA.
Design services required both inside and outside the structure that come within Specialized Architectural
Services as defined by R.A. No. 9266 and its 2004 IRR comprise Architectural Interiors (AI), Acoustic Design,
Architectural Lighting Layout and Design, Site Development Planning (SDP), Site and Physical Planning Services
(including Master Development Planning, Subdivision Planning and Urban Design), Comprehensive Development
Planning, Historic and Cultural Heritage Conservation and Planning, Security Evaluation and Planning, Building
Systems Design, Facilities Maintenance Support, Building Testing and Commissioning, Building Environmental
Certification The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture (PRBoA), Forensic Architecture, Building
Appraisal, Structural Conceptualization, Preliminary Services, Contract Documentation and Review, Post-Design
Services (including Construction Management Services), Dispute Avoidance and Resolution, Architectural
Research Methods, Special Building / Facility Planning and Design, Building Components, Management of
Architectural Practices.

The Architect might also function as the Construction Manager. His experience in the integration of many
specializations enables him to supervise and ensure the correct oversight of all construction operations in terms
of quality, craftsmanship, and cost. The Construction Manager's (CM) tasks include the operations of the
Construction Supervision Group (CSG). Coordination and Supervision, Cost and Time Control, Quality Control of
Work, and Keeping of Records. The Construction Manager may either employ the CSG or administer the CSG
contracted specifically by the Owner.

Building owners, operators, engineers, architects, manufacturers, builders, and building researchers, Property
managers or Building administrators, furniture and equipment vendors, and utility providers maintain open lines of
communication to offer access to information about the operation and maintenance of facilities. The Architect could
also be hired as the Property Manager or Building Administrator of a commercial, residential, industrial, or
institutional facility in order to optimize the building's longevity and so create the highest profitability. The scope of
service includes Building and Facilities Administration (Building Maintenance, Grounds and Landscaping
Supervision, Building Equipment Maintenance, and Business Development and Management), and Post-
Construction Evaluation where the Architect compares the initial design program to the facility's actual use.


Refers to the range of professional services that cover Pre-design Services, Regular Design Services,
Specialized Architectural Services, Construction Services, and Post-Construction Services. The Architect is the
main practitioner in this broadening aspect. He is the developer, author, and organizer of the architectural design
that serves as the foundation for the project's development. In order to adequately support and accommodate his
Client, the Architect must be trained and educated in areas of study other than building design. The Architect is
not required to provide all services. Instead, he is to function as the Client's agent in purchasing and arranging the
services needed for a project. The scopes of services include Comprehensive Architectural Services (Pre-Design
Services, Regular Design Services, Specialized Architectural Services, Construction Services, and Post-
Construction Services), and Project Management (Pre-Construction Phase, and Construction Phase).

In every construction project, the aspects of time, quality, and expense must be balanced, which is often best
accomplished by the architect doing Design-Build Services. It optimizes and accelerates the project delivery
process while also generating inventive cost-effective alternatives. In the implementation of his design, the
Architect provides professional services. In Design-Build Services, he has the civil liability and professional
responsibility for both the project's design and construction. The scope of services includes Design-Build Services
by Administration (similar to that of the Architect’s Regular Design Services). After the different phases of design
services have been accomplished, the Construction Phase advances beyond routine inspections and evaluation.
The second is Design-Build Services with Guaranteed Maximum Project Construction Cost. This approach is
similar to Design-Build Services by Administration, but the Architect grants the Owner or Client a fixed
maximum cost for the project's construction.

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