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Data-Driven Model-Free Adaptive Control for a

Class of MIMO Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems

Article in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks · November 2011

DOI: 10.1109/TNN.2011.2176141 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Zhong-Sheng Hou Shangtai Jin

Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing Jiaotong University


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Data-Driven Model-Free Adaptive Control for a

Class of MIMO Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems
Zhongsheng Hou and Shangtai Jin

Abstract— In this paper, a data-driven model-free adap- to study the data-driven model-free control method, which
tive control (MFAC) approach is proposed based on a new does not require any model information of the controlled
dynamic linearization technique (DLT) with a novel concept systems.
called pseudo-partial derivative for a class of general multiple-
input and multiple-output nonlinear discrete-time systems. The The data-driven control means that the controller designing
DLT includes compact form dynamic linearization, partial form depends only on the input/output (I/O) measurement data of
dynamic linearization, and full form dynamic linearization. The the controlled plant, without any explicitly using the system
main feature of the approach is that the controller design model, but it could be designed using an implicit informa-
depends only on the measured input/output data of the controlled tion of the system dynamics or system structure, such as,
plant. Analysis and extensive simulations have shown that MFAC
guarantees the bounded-input bounded-output stability and the the direct adaptive control, the subspace predictive control.
tracking error convergence. The data-driven model-free control method implies that the
controller designing is merely based on the input/output
Index Terms— Compact form dynamic linearization, data-
driven control, model-free adaptive control, multiple-input measurement data of the controlled plant, without explicitly
and multiple-output nonlinear system, partial form dynamic or implicitly using the plant structure or dynamics infor-
linearization, pseudo-partial derivative, stability. mation of the controlled plant, and whatever the plant is
linear or nonlinear. Since the data-driven model-free adap-
I. I NTRODUCTION tive control method does not require a model of a plant in
controller designing, the modeling process, the unmodeled
A DAPTIVE control has been with us for several decades.
Many books [1]–[4] and thousands papers have been
published on this subject, and the number of applications
dynamics, and the theoretical assumptions on the dynamics
of the plant do not exist. Up to now, many data-driven
control approaches could be found in literature, but different
appears steadily increasing. The adaptive control techniques
authors call them with different names: data-based, data-
and methodologies typically assume that the structure of the
driven, model-free, iterative learning control (ILC), unfalsi-
plant is known while the parameters may be unknown or slow
fied control (UC), virtual reference feedback tuning (VRFT),
time-varying. For a practical nonlinear plant, however, the
iterative feedback tuning (IFT), etc., Perhaps the first data-
structure of the plant is often difficult to identify, sometimes,
driven control method is the Ziegler-Nichols procedure for
it is impossible. Furthermore, modeling theory was to develop
tuning proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. It is
a plant model lain in a model set covering to the true system,
based, however, on the plant step responses and it is graphical
under the assumption that the true system was in the model
method and cannot be generalized to other control problems.
set, or approximating the true system in terms of bias and
For a repeatable control task on a finite time interval, ILC
variance error on the identified models. It is recognized that the
is most suitable control method with a data-driven feature
model obtained from first-principle or identified from data is
[6]–[8]. UC approach has been investigated in the past decade
an approximation of the true system with some error. In other
[9]–[14]. This approach recursively “falsifies” controllers that
word, the unmodeled dynamics always exists in the modeling
fail to satisfy a performance specification directly using
process. In a sequel, the closed loop control system, designed
on-line I/O measurement data of a plant. Other data-driven
by the adaptive control design approach which is thought to
control approaches, such as, VRFT and IFT can be classified
have no alternative but to use, would inherited a born unsafety
into the framework of the controller parameter tuning. VRFT
caused by the unmodeled dynamics [5]. This motivates us
is designed for an unknown discrete-time single-input and
Manuscript received January 5, 2011; revised August 18, 2011; accepted single output (SISO) LTI system without resorting to the
November 6, 2011. Date of publication November 30, 2011; date of cur- identification of a process model and whose controller design-
rent version December 13, 2011. This work was supported in part by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China, under Grant 60834001, Grant ing problem is transformed into an identification problem for
61120106009, and Grant 61040050, and the Fundamental Research Funds for the controller parameters with the help of a virtual reference
the Central Universities under Grant 2011JBM201. signal under the assumption that the controller’s structure
The authors are with the Advanced Control Systems Laboratory of
the School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiao- is known a priori [15]–[18]. IFT is also suggested for an
tong University, Beijing 100044, China (e-mail:; unknown discrete-time SISO LTI system [19]–[23]. Instead of one-shot controller parameters tuning using a minimizer,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at IFT controller designing needs three experiments recursively
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNN.2011.2176141 in each iteration in order to calculate the controller parameters.
1045–9227/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

For these two approaches, the main issues from the views of Owing to the complexity of MIMO nonlinear systems,
theory and applications are the concerns on the stability and most of the techniques developed for SISO systems cannot
implementation. be directly extended to MIMO systems. One of the main
Recently, model-free adaptive control (MFAC) approach has difficulties in MIMO nonlinear control system design is input
been proposed for a class of discrete-time SISO nonlinear coupling. In order to decouple the inputs, usually the decou-
systems with a systematic framework [24]–[30]. Instead of pling matrix is needed to be known and invertible. However,
identifying the nonlinear model of the plant, a series of it is difficult to guarantee the nonsingular property of the
equivalent local dynamic linearization data models is built decoupling matrix. In [4] and [36], decoupling control was
along the dynamic operation points of the closed-loop system investigated for MIMO system, and the accurate mathematical
using a new dynamic linearization technique (DLT) with a model of the controlled MIMO system and all the state
novel concept called pseudo-partial derivative (PPD). The variables are assumed to be available, which are too restrictive
time-varying PPD could be estimated merely using the I/O to be obtained in practical applications. It is noted that, till
measurement data of a controlled plant. The DLT includes now, very a few papers study the adaptive control problem on
the compact form dynamic linearization (CFDL), the partial the general nonlinear discrete-time system, and they all focus
form dynamic linearization (PFDL), and the full form dynamic on some special class of nonlinearities [37].
linearization (FFDL). We just present the first two in this paper In this paper, the model-free adaptive control approach
due to page limitation. for SISO nonlinear discrete-time is extended to the MIMO
The equivalent dynamic linearization data models based nonlinear system, and the novel proofs for the stability and
MFAC approach is outlined by the following steps. convergence are proposed. Note that, it is not trivial problem
1) Choose one of the dynamic linearization data models for the extending the results of controller design and theoret-
among CFDL, PFDL, and FFDL. ical analysis for a SISO system to that of MIMO case due
2) Estimate the time varying parameter PPD in the equiva- to inputs and outputs couplings. Further, it is more difficult
lent dynamic linearization data model merely using the issue that extending the results of unknown SISO nonlinear
on-line measurement I/O data. system to that of unknown MIMO case [14], [38]. The main
3) Design the MFAC algorithm based on the equivalent contributions of this paper are as follows.
dynamic linearization data model. 1) The controlled plant is assumed to be an unknown
4) Update the PPD parameter of the controller iteratively. MIMO discrete-time nonlinear system, but it is assumed
5) Repeat from step 2. to be known accurately in almost all existing adaptive
In contrast to other adaptive control schemes, MFAC has control methods of nonlinear system, except neural
several attractive properties, which make it suitable for many network (NN) based control methods.
practical control tasks. First, MFAC uses the real time mea- 2) The assumptions in this paper are on the on-line I/O
surement I/O data of the controlled plant only. No mathe- relationship of the closed-loop data, but the assumptions
matical model and structural information of the controlled of other adaptive control methods are on the dynamics
plant are needed, which implies that we can design the model or the states.
controller independently, and also implies that we can develop 3) It does not require any training process for MFAC
a generic controller for a certain class of industrial practi- method, whereas it usually requires training process with
cal processes. Second, MFAC does not require any external rather rich off-line I/O data of the open loop system for
testing signals and any training process, which are neces- NN based control.
sary to the neural networks based nonlinear adaptive control, 4) The MFAC schemes are designed by only using the mea-
so it is a lower cost controller. Third, MFAC is simple surement I/O data of the controlled plant. The traditional
and easily implemented with small computational burden unmodeled dynamics does not appear in these MFAC
and strong robustness. Fourth, under some assumptions, the schemes, so they have very strong robustness comparing
convergence and stability of CFDL based MFAC (CFDL- with the other model based control methods.
MFAC) and PFDL based MFAC (PFDL-MFAC) for discrete- 5) The analysis approach of the proposed MFAC schemes
time SISO nonlinear system are guaranteed [24]–[26], [30]. for the MIMO discrete-time nonlinear system is also a
This is a highlighted feature comparing with other data- novel data-driven one, which is based on the equivalent
drive control approaches, such as, VRFT, IFT, UC, etc. Fifth, dynamic linearization virtual data models.
MFAC has a systematic framework, which includes a series For model-free or data-driven approaches, we are aware of
of equivalent dynamic linearization data models for a class many claims made in the literature that a particular control
of discrete-time nonlinear SISO, multiple-input single-output, technique is “model-free or data-driven.” However, most of
multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems, and a these claims on the basis of implicit system modeling required.
series of controller designing methods, such as, one-step- (We wish to raise this issue not because there is anything
ahead weight control, predictive control, and iterative learning inherently wrong with these other approaches, but to help
MFAC control. Finally, MFAC has been successfully imple- clarify that our “model-free adaptive control” is a truly data-
mented in many practical fields, such as, chemical industry driven approach literally.) For example, fuzzy controllers are
[31], [32], linear motor control and in injection moulding frequently claimed as model-free; nevertheless, in all fuzzy
process [33], PH value control [34], and robotic welding controllers, the fuzzy rules are involved in the controller in a
process [35]. linguistic-type fashion. Similar arguments can also be made

for other controllers claimed as model-free, e.g., some control must exist (k), called the PPD matrix, such that, (1) can be
system using neural network, where, the neural networks act transformed into the following equivalent CFDL data model:
as a system model in the controller. Although the model-
free approach is appropriate for many practical systems, it is y(k + 1) = (k)u(k) (2)
generally inappropriate for systems where an accuracy system ⎡ φ (k) φ (k) ··· φ (k) ⎤
11 12 1p
model can be determined. One reason, of course, is that with ⎢ φ21 (k) φ22 (k) ··· φ2 p (k)

where (k) = ⎣ . .. .. .. ⎦ , and (k) ≤ b.
a reliable model, the controller could be designed to achieve .. . . .
optimality with theoretical guarantee. Further, with a reliable φ p1 (k) φ p2 (k) ··· φ pp (k) p× p
model, the theoretical analysis and many other things, such as Proof: See Appendix A.
controllability, state filtering and estimation, state prediction, Remark 2: The CFDL data model is built along the
system performance monitoring, state feedback, etc., could be dynamic operation points of the closed-loop system. Accord-
done accordingly. ing to Theorem 1, for each fixed k, there exists time-varying
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, PPD matrix (k), such that the nonlinear system can be
the CFDL and the PFDL techniques are presented for a class transformed into CFDL data model. From the proof of the
of discrete-time MIMO nonlinear systems. In Section III, theorem, we can see that the existence of PPD matrix is
CFDL-MFAC and PFDL-MFAC schemes are designed and guaranteed by rigorous mathematical analysis (differential
the convergence and BIBO stability of the MFAC systems are mean value theorem) theoretically, thus it is an accurate and
analyzed. In Section IV, some numerical simulation studies equivalent linearization description. Moreover, from (A3) in
are given to demonstrate the efficiency and correctness for the Appendix A, it is shown that the PPD parameter matrix in
MFAC schemes. Conclusions are given in Section V. CFDL data model (2) is not unique.
Remark 3: From the proof of Theorem 1, we can see that
(k) is related to the system inputs and outputs till time instant
II. DYNAMIC L INEARIZATION FOR MIMO k. However, (k) is a differential signals in some sense and
bounded for any k, so we can regard (k) as a slowly time-
In this section, the equivalent dynamic linearization data varying parameter, and the relationship with respect to control
models of the controlled plant are given. These descriptions input u(k) can be ignored if u(k) = 0 and the magnitude
are then used in the following section to design and analyze of u(k) is not too large, which will be guaranteed by a
the data-driven model-free adaptive control systems. resetting mechanism and an adjustable designing parameter in
Following MIMO nonlinear discrete-time system is control input index function, and will be shown in the next
considered: section.
Remark 4: Several typical linearization methods, such as
y(k + 1) = f(y(k), . . . , y(k − n y ), u(k), . . . , u(k − n u )) (1) Taylor’s linearization, feedback linearization, piecewise lin-
earization, orthogonal function approximation linearization,
where y(k) ∈ R p and u(k) ∈ R p are the system outputs etc., could be found in literatures. Taylor’s linearization for
and inputs, respectively, n y , n u are the unknown orders, p is MIMO nonlinear system is to obtain the constant Jacobian
a known integer, and f(. . .) ∈ R p is an unknown nonlinear matrix at an equilibrium point using Taylor expansion. How-
vector-valued function. ever, the linearized model is an approximated expression in
nature, since high-order terms are ignored. The feedback
linearization is to transform a nonlinear system into a linear
A. Compact Form Dynamic Linearization system so that well-known and powerful linear design tech-
The CFDL of nonlinear system (1) is based on the following niques can be applied. This linearization has been applied in
assumptions. many cases, but it requires the accurate mathematical model
Assumption 1: The partial derivatives of f(· · · ) with respect and full state measurement, and it has difficulty in dealing
to control inputs u(k) are continuous. with the parameter uncertainties or disturbances. Piecewise
Assumption 2: System (1) is generalized Lipschitz, that is, linearization executes Taylor expansion piecewisely to improve
y(k + 1) ≤ bu(k) for each fixed k and u(k) = 0, linearization accuracy, however, more model information of
where y(k + 1) = y(k + 1) − y(k), u(k) = u(k) − u(k − 1) the controlled plant is needed. Orthogonal function approxi-
and b is a positive constant. mation linearization utilizes a set of orthogonal basis functions
Remark 1: These assumptions imposed on the controlled to approximate the nonlinearity, however, a large number
system are reasonable and acceptable from a practical view- of parameters will appear in the linearized model, and the
point. Assumption 1 is a typical condition of control system amount of the parameters will also increases exponentially
design for general nonlinear systems. Assumption 2 limits the as more orthogonal basis functions involves, which renders
rates of changes of the system outputs driven by the changes of heavy computation burden to identification algorithms. Com-
the control inputs. From the ‘energy’ point of view, the output pared with aforementioned linearization methods, the pro-
energy change rates inside a system cannot go to infinity if posed linearization method has several merits for designing
the changes of the control input energy are in a finite altitude. or analysis problems to the control system. First, CFDL is
Theorem 1: For nonlinear system (1), satisfying Assump- only based on the I/O data of the controlled plant, no model
tions 1 and 2 with u(k) = 0 for each fixed k, there dynamics is needed, whereas others are model based. Second,

CFDL data model (2) is an equivalent description of the III. MFAC D ESIGN AND S TABILITY A NALYSIS
original system (1), since the existence of the PPD matrix In this section, we will present the designing and analy-
is guaranteed by rigorous mathematical analysis, whereas sis methods for the data driven model-free adaptive control
Taylor’s model or piecewise linearization model is a “lin- scheme using the equivalent CFDL data model and PFDL
earized model.” Finally, CFDL data model is simple and data model proposed in the previous section, respectively. The
the dynamic behaviors of PPD matrix may be easy to be CFDL and PFDL data models are linear models with a time-
estimated using the measurement data collected in closed- varying PPD parameter matrix. If the PPD parameter matrix
loop system, whereas orthogonal function approximation is obtained through some parameter estimation algorithms,
linearization renders heavy computation burden to identifica- then the equivalent dynamic linearization data models can be
tion algorithms. regarded as a virtual model of the plant. Using certain equiva-
lent principle, in a sequel, all the analysis and designing skills
in model-based theories can be borrowed and incorporated into
B. Partial Form Dynamic Linearization controller design and analysis for this MFAC system.
From (2), we can see that all the systems nonlinearity
of (1) is compressed into the PPD matrix (k). However, A. CFDL-MFAC Design and Stability Analysis
from adaptive control point of view, the unknown parameter
For the rigorous analysis in following discussions, another
PPD (k) must be estimated using some parameter estimation
assumption should be made.
algorithm with system I/O measured data when (2) is used to
Assumption 5: The PPD (k) is a diagonally dominant
design adaptive control system. If the dynamics of PPD (k)
matrix in following sense, |φi j | ≤ b1 , b2 ≤ |φii (k)| ≤ αb2 , i =
is so complex that any estimation algorithm is not able to track
1, . . . , p, j = 1, . . . , p, i = j , α ≥ 1, b2 > b1 (2α +1)( p −1),
it, a reasonable and intuitive strategy to cope with this issue is
and the sign of all the elements of (k) is unchanged.
to decompose it into several components, in other words, the
Remark 7: This assumption is similar to [39]. In the case
other dynamic linearization data model needs to be developed
of input coupling is not too large, (k) is a diagonally
to capture the dynamics driven by different input changes at
dominant matrix. For the discrete-time SISO nonlinear system,
different time instant. For this purpose, the PFDL technique
Assumption 5 is same as the assumption in [24]–[26] and
is proposed with two other similar assumptions.
[30], that is b2 ≤ |φ11 (k)| ≤ αb2 . The sign of the (k)
Assumption 3: The partial derivatives of f(· · · ) with respect
is similar to the control direction in model based control
to control inputs u(k), . . . , u(k − L + 1) are continuous. L
methods. In this paper, our target is to control a class of
is a positive constant called control input length constant of
unknown MIMO nonlinear system under a week coupling
linearization for the discrete-time nonlinear system.
condition, only using the measurement I/O data of the closed-
Assumption 4: System (1) is generalized Lipschitz, that is,
loop controlled system. Since the plant model is unavailable,
satisfying y(k + 1) ≤ bŪ(k) for each fixed k and
and only the system operation data is at hand, the diagonal
Ū(k) = 0, where y(k + 1) = y(k + 1) − y(k), Ū(k) =
dominance condition on the system I/O data relationship may
[uT (k), . . . , uT (k − L + 1)]T , u(k − i + 1) = u(k − i +
be the last choice for the describing on the system coupling.
1) − u(k − i ), i = 1, . . . , L. b is a positive constant.
Roughly speaking, this condition could be verified if the I/O
Theorem 2: For the nonlinear system (1), satisfying
data of the controlled system is rich and accurate enough, so
Assumptions 3 and 4 with Ū(k) = 0 for each fixed k,
¯ it is a common assumption.
there must exist (k), called PPD matrix, such that (1) can
Consider the following control input criterion function:
be transformed into the following PFDL data model:
J (u(k)) = y∗ (k + 1) − y(k + 1) + λ u(k) − u(k − 1)2
y(k + 1) = (k)Ū(k) (3) (4)
where y∗ (k + 1) is the desired output signal, and λ is a
where (k) = [1 (k) · · ·  L (k)] weighting constant.
⎡ ⎤ Rewrite (2) as
φ11i (k) φ12i (k) · · · φ1 pi (k)
⎢ φ21i (k) φ22i (k) · · · φ2 pi (k) ⎥ y(k + 1) = y(k) + (k)u(k). (5)
⎢ ⎥
i (k) = ⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥
⎣ . . . . ⎦ Substituting (5) into (4), differentiating (4) with respect to
φ p1i (k) φ p2i (k) · · · φ ppi (k) p× p u(k), and letting it zero, gives

¯ ρT (k) (y∗ (k + 1) − y(k))

i = 1 · · · L, and (k) ≤ b. u(k) = u(k − 1) + (6)
Proof: See Appendix B. λ + (k)2
Remark 5: Similar discussions like Remarks 2–4 could be where ρ is a step-size constant, which is added to make
listed here. (6) general and will be used in the stability proof later.
Remark 6: When constant L = 1, PFDL of nonlinear Remark 8: It is obvious that λ is not only a penalty factor
system becomes CFDL, which is much easier and simpler for on u(k)2 , but also a part of denominator in (6), which
use and implementation in some case. Please see the following means that the substitution domain of (1) substituted by (2) can
sections for details. be limited into some reasonable scope, in sequel, constraining

Remark 11: A reset algorithm (9) is used to make para-
Estimator Differentiator
meter estimation algorithm have a stronger ability in tracking
time-varying parameter. For the discrete-time SISO nonlinear
y∗ system, (9) is same as reset algorithm in [24]–[26] and [30].
+ y(k)
MFAC Plant For reader’s convenience, the block diagram of MFAC
− scheme is shown in Fig. 1.
u(k−1) u(k)
z−1 Lemma 1 [42]: Let A = [αi j ] ∈ C n×n . For each 1 ≤ i ≤ n,
z−1 n Gerschgorin disk is defined as Di = {z||z − αii | ≤
j  =i, j =1 |αi j |}, z ∈ C. The Gerschgorin domain

is defined
Fig. 1. Block diagram of MFAC. as a union of all the Gerschgorin disks D A = ni=1 Di . All
eigenvalues of matrix A lie in its Gerschgorin domain D A .
the PPD (k) from changing too quickly. In fact λ is an Theorem 3: The nonlinear system (1), satisfying Assump-
important design parameter for the MFAC control system. tions 1, 2, and 5, is controlled by the CFDL-MFAC scheme
Theoretical analysis and computer simulation results show that (8)–(10) for y∗ (k + 1) = y∗ = const., then there
suitable choice of λ can guarantee the stability or improve the exists a λmin ≥ 0, and if λ > λmin , guaranteeing:
performance of the control system. 1) lim y(k + 1) − y∗  = 0 monotonically and 2) {y(k)} and
Remark 9: The control law (6) is designed only by I/O {u(k)} are bounded sequences.
measurement data of the controlled plant, and has a recursive Proof: See Appendix C.
form. It is quite different from the control law in [40], and has
no relations with any explicit model dynamics and structural B. PFDL-MFAC Design and Stability Analysis
information of the plant. In the PFDL case, Assumption 5 may be rewritten as given.
Remark 10: Since the unknown PPD parameter matrix Assumption 6: 1 (k) of the PPD (k) ˆ is a diagonally
(k), is time-varying, the conventional projection or least dominant matrix in following sense, |φi j 1 | ≤ b1 , b2 ≤
squares algorithm cannot track it well. So some time-varying |φii1 (k)| ≤ αb2 , i = 1, . . . , p, j = 1, . . . , p, i = j , α ≥ 1,
algorithms should be used to estimate the unknown (k). In b2 > b1 (2α + 1)( p − 1), and the sign of all the elements of
fact, any time-varying parameter estimation algorithm can be 1 (k) is unchanged.
used to estimate the PPD (k), such as the modified projection Remark 12: Similar Remark 7 could be given here.
algorithm [24]–[26], [30], the least-square algorithm with a Revising the control input criterion function (4) for the
time-varying forgetting factor [40], or the leakage recursive PFDL case, and taking similar procedure to (5) and (6), gives
least-square algorithm [41].
ρ1 1T (k) (y∗ (k + 1) − y(k))
In this paper, we use the modified projection algorithm to u(k) = u(k − 1) +
estimate the unknown PPD λ + 1 (k)2

(k) ˆ − 1)
= (k 1T (k) ρi i (k)u(k − i + 1)
ˆ − 1)u(k − 1))uT (k − 1)
η(y(k) − (k − . (11)
+ λ + 1 (k)2
μ + u(k − 1)2 (7) Here we still use the modified projection algorithm
(k) ˆ − 1)
= (k
where η ∈ (0, 1) is a step-size constant, and μ > 0 is a
weighting factor. ˆ − 1)Ū(k − 1))ŪT (k − 1)
η(y(k) − (k
+ .
Using the parameter estimation algorithm (7) and the control μ + Ū(k − 1)2
law algorithm (6), the CFDL-MFAC scheme is constructed as (12)
follows: Using the parameter estimation algorithm (12), control law
algorithm (11), the PFDL-MFAC scheme is constructed as
(k) ˆ − 1)
= (k follows:
ˆ − 1)u(k − 1))uT (k − 1)
η(y(k) − (k
+ . ˆ
(k) ˆ − 1)
= (k
μ + u(k − 1)2
η y(k) − (k ˆ − 1)Ū(k − 1) ŪT (k − 1)
+  2 .
φ̂ ii (k) = φ̂ ii (1), if |φ̂ii (k)| < b2 or |φ̂ii (k)| > αb2 μ + Ū(k − 1)
or sign(φ̂ii (k)) = sign(φ̂ii (1)) (13)
φ̂ i j (k) = φ̂ i j (1), if |φ̂i j (k)| > b1 or sign(φ̂i j (k)) φ̂ ii1 (k) = φ̂ ii1 (1), if |φ̂ii1 (k)| < b2 or |φ̂ii1 (k)| > αb2
= sign(φ̂i j (1)), i = j (9) or sign(φ̂ii1 (k)) = sign(φ̂ii1 (1)),
ρ ˆ T (k) (y∗ (k + 1) − y(k)) φ̂ i j 1 (k) = φ̂ i j 1 (1), if |φ̂i j 1 (k)| > b1
u(k) = u(k − 1) + (10) or sign(φ̂i j 1 (k)) = sign(φ̂i j 1 (1)), i = j (14)
λ + (k) 2
ρ1  ˆ T (k) (y∗ (k + 1) − y(k))
where φ̂ i j (1) is the initial value of φ̂ i j (k), i = 1, . . . , p, j = u(k) = u(k − 1) + 1
λ +  ˆ 1 (k)2
1, . . . , p.

ˆ T (k)
 ˆ i (k)u(k − i + 1)
ρi  mapping technique. So it is quite conservative in general. The
i=2 simulation results are given in Section IV to illustrate that the
− (15)
ˆ 1 (k)2
λ +  proposed data-driven MFAC control schemes still work well
when they are used in a nonlinear MIMO tracking control
where ρ1 , . . . , ρ L , η ∈ (0, 1) are the step-size series, and λ, μ
problem, and the diagonal dominant condition does not hold
are two weighting constants, φ̂ i j 1 (1) is the initial value of
φ̂ i j 1 (k), i = 1, . . . , p, j = 1, . . . , p.
Remark 13: The PFDL-MFAC scheme (13)–(15) has L p2 IV. S IMULATION
parameters needed to be updated on-line and it is quite
In this section, two numerical MIMO nonlinear systems
different from the traditional adaptive control system design,
and a three tank system are simulated to demonstrate the
in which there are usually 2np2 parameters needed to be
applicability and efficiency of the CFDL and the PFDL data
estimated on-line, where n denotes the order of the controlled
model based MFAC. In following simulations, all mathemati-
system. For the case of L = 1, the number of controller
cal models just serve as I/O data generator for the systems to
parameters needed to be updated on-line for MIMO nonlinear
be controlled, no any information of them will be included in
system is p2 , and the PFDL-MFAC scheme (13)–(15) becomes
the MFAC controller design.
the CFDL-MFAC scheme (8)–(10). It can be designed much
easier than that of the traditional adaptive control system.
A. Numerical Examples
Remark 14: A reset algorithm (14) is to make parameter
estimation algorithm have a stronger ability in tracking time- Example 1: CFDL-MFAC.
varying parameter. Consider the nonlinear system [43]
Remark 15: Extensive numerical simulations and experi- x 11 (k)2
ments have shown that L could be set to be the integer number x 11 (k + 1) = + 0.3x 12(k),
1 + x 11 (k)2
in the interval from 1 to the sum of the estimated orders of
x 11 (k)2
the plant if n y and n u are unknown. For practical applications, x 12 (k + 1) =
L could be 1 for a simple system and could be the maximum 1 + x 12 (k)2 + x 21 (k)2 + x 22 (k)2
for a complex system. +a(k)u 1 (k),
Remark 16: The CFDL-MFAC and PFDL-MFAC schemes x 21 (k)2
x 21 (k + 1) = + 0.2x 22(k),
have no relationship with any explicit or implicit model 1 + x 21 (k)2
dynamics and structural information of the plant, and PPD x 21 (k)2
x 22 (k + 1) =
parameter matrix is estimated just by using the measured I/O 1 + x 11 (k)2 + x 12 (k)2 + x 22 (k)2
data of the controlled system. This is the reason that we call +b(k)u 2 (k),
them data-driven model-free adaptive control. It is a common y1 (k + 1) = x 11 (k + 1) + 0.005r and(1),
sense that there is no universal controller in this world, so
MFAC is not a universal controller either. In order to analyze y2 (k + 1) = x 21 (k + 1) + 0.005r and(1)
the stability and convergence, some reasonable and practical where a(k) = 1 + 0.1 sin(2πk/1500), b(k) = 1 +
assumptions are needed to be made to the plant. 0.1 cos(2πk/1500) are two time-varying parameters. In [43],
Remark 17: As we have known, the designing of the con- this example is controlled by using neural network without
troller and estimator of traditional adaptive control system time-varying parameters a(k), b(k), and the noise.
depends on the structure and the orders of mathematical In this paper, the desired trajectories are
model of the controlled plant, but the real structure and the ⎧
orders of controlled system are very difficult to identify, and ⎨ 0.4 t ≤ 500
y1∗ (t) = 0.7 500 < t ≤ 1000
sometimes have relations with time and ambient, so the control ⎩
0.5 1000 < t ≤ 1500
performance of various existing adaptive control systems may ⎧
be deteriorated or the designed control systems may be unsta- ⎪
⎪ 0.6 t ≤ 300

ble in practice when these mismatching unmodeled dynamics ∗ 0.8 500 < t ≤ 700
y2 (t) =
occur. The MFAC scheme presented in this paper only use the ⎪
⎪ 0.7 1000 < t ≤ 1200

I/O data of controlled system, thus the unmodeled dynamics 0.5 1200 < t ≤ 1200.
disappears, and it should have strong robustness. The initial values are: x 1,1(1) = x 1,1(2) = x 2,1 (1) =
Theorem 4: The nonlinear system (1), satisfying Assump- x 2,1 (2) = 0.5, x 1,2 (1) = x 1,2 (2) = x 2,2 (1) = x 2,2 (2) =
tions 3, 4, and 6, is controlled by the PFDL-MFAC scheme 0, u(1) = u(2) = [0, 0]T . These values are cited
(13)–(15) for y∗ (k + 1) = y∗ = const., then there from [43]. The controller parameters   η = ρ = 1,
exists a λmin ≥ 0, and if λ > λmin , guaranteeing: λ = 0.5, μ = 1, (1)ˆ ˆ
= (2) 0 .
= 00.5 0.5
1) lim y(k + 1) − y∗  = 0 and 2) {y(k)} and {u(k)} are The simulation results using the CFDL-MFAC scheme are
bounded sequences. shown in Fig. 2, where Fig. 2(a)–(d) shows the tracking
Proof: See Appendix D. performances of the output y1 and y2, the control inputs
Remark 18: It is noted that Theorems 3 and 4 are just a u1 and u2, and the dynamics of the PPD (k), respec-
sufficient conditions for the MIMO regulating problem when tively. From Fig. 2(a) and (b), we can see that the control
the data-driven MFAC control system is applied to a plant, performance with time-varying parameters and noise is quite
and the stability analysis method is featured by the contract satisfactory.

y1*(k) Consider the nonlinear system
0.7 y2(k)
2.5y1(k)y1 (k − 1)
Tracking performance y1(k)
0.65 y1 (k + 1) =
0.6 1 + y1 (k) + y2 (k − 1)2 + y1 (k − 2)2

0.55 + 0.09u 1(k)u 1 (k −1)+1.2u 1(k)+1.6u 1(k −2)

0.5 + 0.5u 2 (k) + 0.7 sin(0.5(y1(k) + y1 (k − 1)))
0.45 × cos(0.5(y1 (k) + y1 (k − 1)))
0.4 5y2 (k)y2 (k − 1)
0.35 y2 (k + 1) =
1 + y2 (k) + y1 (k − 1)2 + y2 (k − 2)2
0 500 1000 1500 + u 2 (k) + 1.1u 2 (k − 1) + 1.4u 2 (k − 2)
+ 0.5u 1 (k).
0.85 The desired trajectories are
y2(k) k k
y1∗ (k + 1) = 5 sin
Tracking performance y2(k)

0.75 + 2 cos
50 20
k k
y2∗ (k + 1) = 2 sin
+ 5 cos .
0.6 50 20
The initial values are: y1 (1) = y1 (3) = 0, y1 (2) = 1,
y2 (1) = y1 (3) = 0, y2 (2) = 1, u(1) = u(2) = [0, 0]T .
0.4 The parameters of the CFDL-MFAC and PFDL-MFAC are
η =ρ= ˆ ˆ
0.35  0.5  ρ1 = ρ2 = 0.5, λ 1=0 00.01,  μ = 1, (1) = (2) =
0 500 1000 1500 ˆ
0 , (1) = ˆ
(2) = 000 .
Step 0 0.5 010000
The simulation results are shown in Fig. 3, where
1.6 Fig. 3(a)–(d) shows the tracking performances of output y1
1.4 u2(k) and y2, the control inputs of u1 and u2, respectively. From
Control inputs u 1(k) and u2(k)

Fig. 3(a) and (b), we can see that the control performance of
PFDL-MFAC is quite satisfied, which is better than that of
B. Three Tank Water System
Fig. 4 shows the principal structure of the three-tank system.
The plant consists of three cylinders T1, T2, and T3 with the
cross section S A . These tanks are connected serially with each
0 500 1000 1500 other by pipes with the cross section Sn . A single outflow valve
Step with the cross section Sn is located at tank 2. The outflowing
(c) liquid (usually distilled water) is collected in a reservoir, which
φ11(k) supplies the pumps 1 and 2. Hmax denotes the highest possible
1.2 φ12(k)
φ21(k) liquid level.
Dynamics of the PPD

1 In this paper, the control input signals are the pump liquid
0.8 flow rates Q 1 and Q 2 , the output signals are the liquid levels
0.6 h 1 and h 2 .
0.4 Define the following variables and the parameters: αz i :
outflow coefficients of tank i ; h 1 , h 2 , h 3 : liquid levels (m);
Q 13 : flow rate from tank 1 to tank 3 (m3 /sec); Q 32 : flow rate
from tank 3 to tank 2 (m3 /sec); Q 20 : flow rate from tank 2
0 500 1000 1500 to reservoir (m3 /sec); Q 1 , Q 2 : supplying flow rates (m3 /sec);
Step S A : section of cylinder (m2 ); S1 : section of leak opening (m2 );
(d) Sn : section of connection pipe (m2 ). Then, the dynamics of
Fig. 2. Simulation results of Example 1. (a) Tracking performance the three-tank system is expressed by a set of differential
y1 (k). (b) Tracking performance y2 (k). (c) Control inputs u 1 (k) and u 2 (k). equations [44]
(d) Dynamics of the PPD.
dh 1
SA = Q 1 (t) − Q 13 (t)
Example 2: PFDL-MFAC. dt
In this example, the dynamics of PPD (k) of CFDL data dh 3
SA = Q 13 (t) − Q 32 (t)
model is so complex that the proposed estimation algorithm is dt
not able to track its complex behavior, in sequel, the CFDL- dh 2
SA = Q 2 (t) + Q 32 (t) − Q 20 (t)
MFAC scheme do not work well. We now use the PFDL- dt 
MFAC to control it. Q 13 (t) = αz 1 Sn sgn(h 1 (t) − h 3 (t)) (2g |h 1 (t) − h 3 (t)|

30 Pump 1 Pump 2

Tracking performance y1(k)

20 SA
5 Hmax nominal
h1 T1 T3 T2 outflow
h3 value (pipe)
−5 Sl Sn h2
az1 az3 az2
−20 Q13 Q32 Q20
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
(a) Fig. 4. Three-tank water control system.
Tracking performance y2(k)


10 SA Sn Hmax Q max α1 α2 α3
0.0154m2 5 × 10−5 m2 0.6m 0.0001 m3 /s .22 .28 .27


−20 In the simulation, the discretized model of three-tank system

is obtained by first-order Euler’s method, the sampling period
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 is 1 s and the simulation time is 1500 s. The parameters of
Step three-tank system are given in Table I. The initial conditions
are h 1 (1) = 0, h 2 (1) = 0, h 3 (1) = 0, Q 1 (1) = 0, and
PFDL−MFAC Q 2 (1) = 0. The desired liquid levels are given as follows:

6 ⎨ 0.15 t ≤ 500
Control input u1(k)

4 h ∗1 (t) = 0.3 500 < t ≤ 1000

2 0.15 1000 < t ≤ 1500


⎪ 0.2 t ≤ 300
−2 ⎨
0.4 500 < t ≤ 700
−4 h ∗2 (t) =
⎪ 0.2 1000 < t ≤ 1200

−6 ⎩
0.05 1200 < t ≤ 1200.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 The parameters of PFDL-MFAC scheme are setto be ρ1 =
ρ2 = 0.5, λ = 1, η = 1, μ = 0.0001, and (1) ˆ = 10 01 10 01 .
15 In order to verify the effectiveness and the superiority of
CFDL−MFAC the proposed approach, a comparison to PID control method
10 is given. The PID controller for three tank water system is
Control input u2(k)

5 studied in [45], which is given as follows:

u 1 (k + 1) u 1 (k)
u 2 (k + 1) u 2 (k)
K P11 K I 11 K D11 K P12 K I 12 K D12
K P21 K I 21 K D21 K P22 K I 22 K D22
⎡ ⎤
−15 e1 (k) − e1 (k − 1)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 ⎢ e1 (k) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Step ⎢ e1 (k) − 2e1 (k) + e1 (k − 2) ⎥
(d) ×⎢⎢ ⎥
e2 (k) − e2 (k − 1) ⎥
Fig. 3. Simulation results of Example 2. (a) Tracking performance y1 (k).
⎢ ⎥
⎣ e2 (k) ⎦
(b) Tracking performance y2 (k). (c) Control input u 1 (k). (d) Control input
u 2 (k). e2 (k) − 2e2 (k) + e2 (k − 2)

 where e1 (k) and e2 (k) are tracking errors of tanks 1 and 2,

Q 32 (t) = αz 3 Sn sgn(h 3 (t) − h 2 (t)) 2g |h 3 (t) − h 2 (t)| respectively. K Pi j , K I i j , and K I i j are the PID parameters to

Q 20 (t) = αz 2 Sn sgn(h 2 (t)) 2g |h 2 (t)| be determined.
The main issue associated with PID control is to find
where α1 , α2 , α3 : outflow coefficients (dimensionless, real appropriate values of the PID parameters. In [45], a hybrid
values ranging from 0 to 1), g: earth acceleration (m/s2 ), strategy by combining genetic algorithms [46] and the big-
sgn(z): sign of the argument z. bang big crunch [47] algorithm is used to find optimal PID

h1*(k) The comparison results of PID and PFDL-MFAC scheme
0.35 h1(k) with MFAC
h1(k) with PID are shown in Fig. 5, where Fig. 5(a) shows the liquid level of
Liquid level of T1 (m)
0.3 tank 1, Fig. 5(b) shows the liquid level of tank 2, Fig. 5(c)
0.25 shows the flow rate of pump 1, Fig. 5(d) shows the flow
0.2 rate of pump 2. From the comparison results, we can see
0.15 0.302 that, these two control methods can accomplish the control
0.1 0.3 task successfully. However, we would like to point out that:
0.298 1) the PID controller cannot compensate the interactions as
0.05 0.296
600 800 1000 successfully as PFDL-MFAC scheme at the time instants when
0 500 1000 1500 one of the reference inputs is changed abruptly; 2) the PID
Time (s) parameter tuning procedure is time-consuming comparing with
(a) MFAC, since so many experiments are needed to find the best
h2*(k) PID parameters; and 3) the PID tuning is carried out in an
0.4 h2(k) with MFAC
h2(k) with PID off-line manner and needed the I/O data collection procedure,
Liquid level of T2 (m)

whereas MFAC is the on-line adaptive control approach.

0.15 0.41 Based on a novel DLT, the data-driven CFDL-MFAC, and
0.1 0.4 PFDL-MFAC for a class of MIMO nonlinear discrete-time
0.05 0.39 system are presented. It is shown that the MFAC method is
400 600 a new adaptive control method, comparing with traditional
0 500 1000 1500 adaptive control in the aspects of assumptions, designing and
Time (s)
analysis. The main features are as follows. First, the on-line
× 10−4 I/O data is directly used throughout the entire process of
MFAC controller design and stability analysis without plant model.
Second, the PFDL-MFAC controller has L p2 parameters
Control input Q1(k) (m3/s)

needed to be adjusted on-line. For the case of L = 1, the
number of controller parameters needed to be adjusted on-
0.6 line is p2 , and the PFDL-MFAC scheme becomes CFDL-
MFAC scheme. Third, it can be designed much easier than
that of the traditional adaptive control system. Fourth, the
0.2 BIBO stability and error convergence of the MFAC schemes
are guaranteed by theoretical analysis. This is a highlighted
0 500 1000 1500 feature comparing with other data-drive control approaches.
Time (s) Finally, the effectiveness of the MFAC schemes was illustrated
(c) via numerical simulations.
× 10−4
Our future task will be on the stability of the MFAC for
PID stochastic discrete-time systems, the stability of MFAC for
Control input Q2(k) (m3/s)

the tracking control problem, and applications.
0.4 Proof: From (1) we have
y(k + 1) = f(y(k), . . . , y(k − n y ), u(k), . . . , u(k − n u ))
0 500 1000 1500
−f(y(k), . . . , y(k − n y ), u(k − 1), u(k − 1),
Time (s)
. . . , u(k − n u )) + f(y(k), . . . , y(k − n y ),
Fig. 5. Simulation results of three tank water system. (a) Liquid level of T1 .
u(k − 1), u(k − 1), . . . , u(k − n u ))
(b) Liquid level of T2 . (c) Control input Q 1 (k). (d) Control input Q 2 (k). −f(y(k − 1), . . . , y(k − n y − 1), u(k − 1),
. . . , u(k − n u − 1)). (A1)
parameters. After many trials, the best PID parameters are
obtained as follows: Let
(k) = f(y(k), . . . , y(k − n y ), u(k − 1), u(k − 1),
. . . , u(k − n u )) − f(y(k − 1), . . . , y(k − n y − 1), u(k − 1),
K P11 = 0.00512; K I 11 = 0.00063; K D11 = 0.00721;
. . . , u(k − n u − 1)), and by virtue of Assumption 1 and the
K P12 = 0.00131; K I 12 = 0.00005; K D12 = 0.00130; differential mean value theorem, (A1) can be rewritten as
K P21 = 0.00267; K I 21 = 0.00027; K D21 = 0.00242; ∂f ∗
K P22 = 0.00985; K I 22 = 0.00101; K D22 = 0 : 00642. y(k + 1) = u(k) +
(k) (A2)

where Form (B2) we have

⎡ ∂f ∗ ∂ f 1∗ ∂ f1∗ ⎤
∂f ∗
⎢ ∂u 1 (k) ∂u 2 (k) ∂u p (k) ⎥ y(k + 1) = u(k) +
1 (y(k), . . . , y(k − n y − 1)
⎢ ⎥ ∂u(k)
⎢ ∂ f 2∗ ∂ f2∗ ∂ f2∗ ⎥ u(k − 1), u(k − 2) . . . , u(k − n u − 1))
⎢ ··· ⎥
⎢ ∂u p (k) ⎥
(∂f ∗ )/(∂u(k)) = ⎢ ∂u 1 (k) ∂u 2 (t) ⎥. −
1 (y(k), . . . , y(k − n y − 1),
⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥
⎢ ⎥ u(k − 2), u(k − 2), . . . , u(k − n u − 1))
⎢ . . . . ⎥
⎣ ∂ fp ∗ ∂ fp ∗ ∂ f p∗ ⎦
1 (y(k), . . . , y(k − n y − 1),
∂u 1 (k) ∂u 2 (k) ∂u p (k) u(k − 2), u(k − 2), . . . , u(k − n u − 1))
(∂ f i∗ )/(∂u j (k)) represents the partial derivative value of f i ∂f ∗ ∂
= u(k) + u(k − 1)
with respect to input u j at some point in the interval ∂u(k) ∂u(k − 1)
[u j (k), u j (k − 1)]. +
2 (y(k), . . . , y(k − n y − 1),
For each fixed k, we consider the following equation u(k − 2), . . . , u(k − n u − 1)) (B3)
with the numerical matrix H(k) with p rows and p
columns: where
⎡ ∗ ∗ ⎤

(k) = H(k)u(k). (A3) ∂
11 ∂
⎢ ∂u 1 (k − 1) ∂u p (k − 1) ⎥
Since condition u(k) = 0 holds, (A3) must have at least ⎢ ⎥
∗ ⎢ .. .. .. ⎥
one solution H∗ (k). In fact, it must have infinite number of (∂
1 )/(∂u(k − 1)) = ⎢ . . . ⎥.
⎢ ∗ ∗ ⎥
solutions for each k. ⎣ ∂
1 p ∂
1 p ⎦
Let (k) = H∗ (k)+(∂f ∗ /∂u(k)), then we have y(k+1) = ∂u 1 (k − 1) ∂u p (k − 1)
(k)u(k). Result (k) ≤ b is the direct conclusion of ∗ )/(∂u (k − 1))
1i j represents the  partial derivative value
Assumption 2.

1i at some point in the interval u j (k − 1), u j (k − 2) , and

2 (y(k), . . . , y(k − n y − 1), u(k − 2), . . . , u(k − n u − 1)) =
1 (y(k), . . . , y(k − n y − 1), u(k − 2), u(k − 2), . . . , u(k − n u −
P ROOF OF T HEOREM 2 1)). Equation (B3) also comes from the use of the differential
Proof: From (1) we have mean value theorem and Assumption 3.
Similarly, from (B3) we have
y(k + 1) = f(y(k), . . . , y(k − n y ), u(k), . . . , u(k − n u ))
−f(y(k), . . . , y(k − n y ), u(k − 1), u(k − 1), ∂f ∗ ∂
1∗ ∂
y(k + 1) = , ,..., Ū(k)
. . . , u(k − n u )) + f(y(k), . . . , y(k − n y ), ∂u(k) ∂u(k −1) ∂u(k − L +1)
L (y(k), . . . , y(k − n y − 1),
u(k − 1), u(k − 1), . . . , u(k − n u ))
u(k − L), . . . , u(k − n u − 1)). (B4)
−f(y(k − 1), . . . , y(k − n y − 1), u(k − 1),
. . . , u(k − n u − 1)). (B1) For each fixed k, we consider the following equation with
variables matrix H(k) with dimension p × pL:
1 (y(k), . . . , y(k−n y −1), u(k −1), . . . , u(k−n u−1)) =
f(y(k), . . . , y(k − n y ), u(k − 1), u(k − 1), . . . , u(k − n u )) −
L (y(k), . . . , y(k − n y − 1), u(k − L), . . . , u(k − n u − 1))
f(y(k − 1), . . . , y(k − n y − 1), u(k − 1), . . . , u(k − n u − 1)). = H(k)Ū(k). (B5)
Using differential mean value theorem and Assumption 3,
(B1) becomes Equation (B5) must have at least a solution H∗ (k) since
condition Ū(k) = 0 holds. In fact, it must have infinite
∂f ∗
y(k + 1) = u(k) +
1 (y(k), . . . , y(k − n y − 1), solutions.
∂u(k) Let
u(k − 1), . . . , u(k − n u − 1)) (B2)  ∗ 
∂f ∗ ∂
1∗ ∂
where ¯ ∗
(k) = H (k) + , ,...,
∂u(k) ∂u(k − 1) ∂u(k − L + 1)
⎡ ∂f ∗ ∂ f 1∗ ∂ f1∗ ⎤
··· then we have
⎢ ∂u 1 (k) ∂u 2 (k) ∂u p (k) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ∂ f 2∗ ∂ f2∗ ∂ f2∗ ⎥ ¯
y(k + 1) = (k) Ū(k). (B6)
⎢ ··· ⎥
⎢ ∂u p (k) ⎥
(∂f ∗ )/(∂u(k)) = ⎢ ∂u 1 (k) ∂u 2 (t) ⎥. ¯
Result (k)≤b is the direct conclusion of the Assump-
⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ . . . . ⎥ tion 4.
⎣ ∂ fp ∗ ∂ fp ∗ ∂ f p∗ ⎦
∂u 1 (k) ∂u 2 (k) ∂u p (k) A PPENDIX C
(∂ f i∗ /∂u j (k))
represents the partial derivative value of f i at P ROOF OF T HEOREM 3
some point in the interval [u j (k), u j (k − 1)], and u(k) = Proof: This proof includes two steps. The first step is to
u(k) − u(k − 1). prove the boundedness of PPD estimated value. The second

step is to prove the convergence and the BIBO stability of ˆ

This means that φ̂i (k) and (k) are bounded, since φ̃i (k)
MFAC system. ⎡ ⎤ is bounded from (C7) and (k) ≤ b from Theorem 1.
φ̂1 (k) Second Step: Let
⎢ φ̂2 (k) ⎥
First Step: Let (k) = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ .. ⎦, φ̂i (k) = [φ̂i1 (k), e(k) = y∗ − y(k). (C8)
φ̂ p (k) Substituting (2) and (10) into (C8)
φ̂i2 (k), . . . , φ̂ip (k)], i = 1, 2, . . . , p. e(k + 1) = e(k) − (k)u(k)
Equation (8) may be rewritten as  
ρ(k) ˆ T (k)
φ̂i (k) = φ̂i (k − 1) = I− e(k). (C9)
λ + (k) 2
η(yi (k) − φ̂i (k − 1)u(k − 1))uT (k − 1) From Lemma 1 we have
+ ⎧  ⎛ ⎞
μ + u(k − 1)2 ⎪  p 
(C1) ⎪
⎪ ρ φ j i (k)φ̂ j i (k) ⎟
⎨  ⎜
 ⎜ i=1 ⎟
where yi (k) = φi (k − 1)u(k − 1), i = 1, 2, . . . , p. D j z z − ⎜1 −  2 ⎟

⎪   ⎝ ˆ  ⎠
Subtracting φi (k) from both sides of (C1), and let φ̃i (k) = ⎩ 
⎪ λ + (k)  

φ̂i (k) − φi (k), we have  p ⎫
φ̃i (k) = φ̃i (k − 1) + φi (k − 1) − φi (k) ρ  φ j i (k)φ̂hi (k) ⎪ ⎪

ηφ̃i (k − 1)u(k − 1)uT (k − 1) ≤  2 (C10)
− . (C2) ˆ  ⎪

μ + u(k − 1)2 h=1,h = j λ + (k)  ⎪

Since (k) ≤ b (Theorem 1), we have φi (k − 1) −
where z is the eigenvalue of matrix [I −
φi (k) ≤ 2b. Taking norm on the both sides of (C2) yields ˆ T (k))/(λ + (k)
(ρ(k) 2 )], and D , j = 1, 2, . . . , p, is
φ̃i (k)≤ φi (k − 1) − φi (k) 
the Gerschgorin disk.
 ηφ̃i (k − 1)u(k − 1)uT (k − 1)  Using triangle inequality, (C10) becomes
+ φ̃i (k − 1) −  ⎪   p 
 μ + u(k − 1)2  ⎪
⎪   ρ φ j i (k)φ̂ j i (k) 
ηφ̃i (k − 1)u(k − 1)uT (k − 1) 
  D j z |z| ≤ 1 −  2 
≤ φ̃i (k − 1) −  ⎪
⎪    ˆ   
 μ + u(k − 1)2  ⎪
⎩   λ + (k) 
+ 2b. (C3)  p ⎫
ρ  φ j i (k)φ̂hi (k) ⎪

Squaring the first item of right side of (C3) we have !p
 2 +  2 . (C11)
 ˆ  ⎪
 ηφ̃i (k − 1)u(k − 1)uT (k − 1) 
 h=1,h = j λ + (k) ⎪

φ̃i (k − 1) − 
 μ + u(k − 1)2 
  From Assumption 5 and reset algorithm (9), we have
ηu(k − 1)2
= −2 + p   
μ + u(k − 1)2 ρ φ j i (k) φ̂ j i (k)  
ρ φ j j (k) φ̂ j j (k)
ηφ̃i (k − 1)u(k − 1)2 1−   ≤ 1−  
× + φ̃i (k − 1)2 . (C4)  ˆ 2  ˆ 2
μ + u(k − 1)2 λ + (k)  λ + (k) 
There exists 0 < η < 2, μ > 0 such that ρb22
  ≤ 1−   (C12)
ηu(k − 1)2  ˆ 2
−2 + < 0. (C5) λ + (k) 
μ + u(k − 1)2
Equations (C4) and (C5) imply that there exists 0 < d1 < 1
p   p p   
such that  φ j i (k)φ̂hi (k) φ j i (k) φ̂hi (k)
h=1,h = j i=1 h=1,h = j i=1
 ηφ̃i (k − 1)u(k − 1)uT (k − 1)  ρ  2 ≤ρ  
  ˆ   ˆ 2
φ̃i (k − 1) −  λ + (k)  λ + (k) 
 μ + u(k − 1)2 
φ j j (k) φ̂h j (k)
≤ d1 φ̃i (k − 1) . (C6)
h=1,h = j
Note that, we only need the existence of constant d1 instead =ρ  
 ˆ 2
of its exact value. λ + (k)
Substituting (C6) into (C3) yields
φ j i (k) φ̂hi (k)
φ̃i (k) ≤ d1 φ̃i (k − 1) + 2b h=1,h = j i=1,i = j
2b(1 − d1k−1 )  ˆ 2
≤ · · · ≤ d1k−1 φ̃i (1) + . (C7) λ + (k)
1 − d1

α 2 b22 ( p − 1) α 2 b22 ( p − 1)
φ j j (k) φ̂h j (k) ≤  2 <   < 1. (C16)
h=1,h = j ˆ   ˆ 2
=ρ   λ + (k)  λmin + (k) 
 ˆ 2
λ + (k) 
Selecting 0 < ρ < 1 and λ > λmin such that

φ j h (k) φ̂hh (k)  p  p   
 ρ φ (k) φ̂ (k)  ρ φ j i (k) φ̂ j i (k)

h=1,h = j  j i j i 
   i=1  i=1
 ˆ 2 1 −  2  = 1−   . (C17)
λ + (k)   ˆ    ˆ 2
 λ + (k)  λ + (k)

φ j i (k) φ̂hi (k)
h=1,h = j i=1,i = j,h Obviously, the following inequality holds:
 ˆ 2
λ + (k)  2αb12 ( p − 1)2
0 < M1 ≤   usi ng (C14)
2αb1 b2 ( p − 1) + b12 ( p − 1)( p − 2)  ˆ 2
λ + (k) 
≤ρ   < 1. (C13)
 ˆ 2
λ + (k) b22
 ˆ 2
From Assumption 5, we have λ + (k) 
α 2 b22 + b12 ( p − 1)
b2 > b1 (2α + 1)( p − 1). (C14) ≤   usi ng (C16)
 ˆ 2
λ + (k) 
Adding (C12) and (C13) yields
α 2 b22 + b12 ( p − 1)
 p  <   < 1. (C18)
     ˆ 2
ρ φ j i (k) φ̂ j i (k) ρ  φ j i (k)φ̂hi (k) λmin + (k) 
1−   +  
 ˆ 2  ˆ 2 From (C15), (C17), and (C18), we have
λ + (k) h=1,h = j λ + (k)     p 
b22 − 2αb1 b2 ( p − 1) − b12 ( p − 1)( p − 2)  ρ 
φ j i (k)φ̂ j i (k)  ρ  φ j i (k)φ̂hi (k)

≤1−ρ  !p
   i=1  i=1
 ˆ 2 1 −  2  +  
λ + (k)   ˆ    ˆ 2
 λ + (k)  h=1,h= j λ + (k) 
b2 (b2 − 2αb1 ( p − 1)) − b12 ( p − 1)( p − 2)
= 1−ρ   < 1 − ρ M1 < 1. (C19)
 ˆ 2
λ + (k) 
From (C11) and (C19) we have
usi ng (C14)
% &
b2 b1 ( p − 1) − b1 ( p − 1)( p − 2)
ρ(k) ˆ T (k)
< 1−ρ   s I− ≤ 1 − ρ M1 < 1 (C20)
 ˆ 2 ˆ
λ + (k) 2
λ + (k) 
b2 b1 ( p − 1) − b12 ( p − 1)( p − 1) where s(A) is the spectral radius of matrix A.
< 1−ρ   There exists ε > 0 such that
 ˆ 2
λ + (k)   
 ρ(k) ˆ T (k) 
b1 ( p − 1)(b2 − b1 ( p − 1))  
I −  < 1 − ρ M1 + ε = d2 < 1. (C21)
= 1−ρ    λ + (k) v
ˆ 2
 ˆ 2
λ + (k) 
Taking norm on the both sides of (C9)
agai n usi ng (C14)  
2αb12 ( p − 1)2  ρ(k) ˆ T (k) 
< 1−ρ   . (C15) e(k + 1)v ≤  I −  e(k)v
 ˆ 2  λ + (k) 
ˆ 2
λ + (k) v
≤ d2 e(k)v · · · ≤ d2k e(1)v . (C22)
From Assumption 5 and reset algorithm (9), we have
φ j i (k)φ̂ j i (k) > 0, i = 1, . . . , p, j = 1, . . . , p. Thus, there Thus, the conclusion 1) of Theorem 2 is the direct result of
exist λmin > 0 such that the following equation holds when (C22).
λ > λmin : Since y∗ is a constant and e(k) is bounded, y(k) is also

p p 
 Form the boundedness of (k)ˆ we have
φ j i (k)φ̂ j i (k)  φ j i (k) φ̂ j i (k)  
     ρ ˆ T (k) 
 ˆ 2  ˆ 2  
λ + (k) λ + (k)      ≤ M2 . (C23)
  ˆ 2 
 λ + (k) 

Using (10), (C22) and (C23) yields ¯

Since (k) ˆ¯
and (k) are bounded, there exists λmin > 0,
k such that the following equations hold when λ > λmin :
u(k)v ≤ u(0)v + u(i )v 2αb12 ( p − 1)2
i=1 0 < M1 ≤  2

 λ +  (k) 
ˆ T (i ) 
≤ u(0)v +     e(i )v α 2 b22 + b12 ( p − 1)
  ˆ 2  <   <1 (D5)
i=1  λ + (i ) 
v  ˆ 2
λmin + (k) 
≤ u(0)v + M2 d2i−1 e(1)v s(A1 (k)) ≤ 1 (D6)
i=1 C1 (k)v ≤ M3 < 1 (D7)
M2 C2 (k)v ≤ M4 (D8)
≤ u(0)v + e(1)v . (C24)
1 − d2 M1 + M3 M4 < 1. (D9)
Thus, the conclusion 2) of Theorem 2 is obtained.
Remark 19: In the case of p = 1 or b1 = 0, from Note that, (D5), (D6) can be derived by the similar procedure
Assumption 5, reset algorithm (9), and (C10), we have as (C10)–(C20).
ρb22 Taking the similar procedure as (C10)–(C20) yields
|z| ≤ 1 −   <1 (25)
 ˆ 2 s (A2 (k)) ≤ 1 − ρ1 M1 < 1. (D10)
λ + (k)
The characteristic equation of A1 (k) is
where z is the eigenvalue of matrix [I − ⎛ ⎞
(ρ(k) ˆ
ˆ T (k))/(λ + (k) 2 )], λ > λ
min and 0 < ρ < 1.
⎜ !L ˆ (k)
ρi  T ˆ i (k) ⎟
Using (25), the conclusion of Theorem 2 is obtained. z p det ⎝z L−1 I + z L−i 1
 2 ⎠ = 0. (D11)
A PPENDIX D i=2 λ +  1 (k) 
Note that, det(z L−1 I + ˆ i (k))/
i ˆ 1 (k)
L−i (ρ  T
i=2 z
Proof: The proof of boundedness of the PPD matrix is ˆ 1 (k) )) is a (L − 1) p-order monic polynomial,
(λ +  2
similar to that of Theorem 3 in Appendix C.
ˆ¯ which can be rewritten as z (L−1) p + ( max ρi )/
Based on the estimated value of (k), now we prove the i=2,...,L
convergence and BIBO property. (λ + ˆ 1 (k)2 )χ(z), where χ(z) is a (L − 1) p − 1-order
Let polynomial.
Since (k) ˆ¯
and (k) are bounded, and s(A1 (k)) ≤ 1, the
e(k) = y∗ − y(k),
⎡ ⎤ following inequality holds:
ρ2 ˆ T (k)ˆ 2 (k) ˆ T (k)
ρL  ˆ L (k)
1 1
⎢−  2 · · · −  2 0 ⎥ |χ(z)|
⎢ ˆ  ˆ  ⎥  2 ≤ M2 . (D12)

A1 (k) = ⎢ λ +   1 (k)  λ +   1 (k)  ⎥, ˆ 
⎥ λ +  (k) 
⎣ ⎦ 1

I 0 Selecting max ρi such that

 T  i=2,...,L
1 (k) 0
0 0  T |z|(L−1) p ≤ max ρi M2 < 1. (D13)
C1 (k) =  2 , E(k) = eT (k) 0 . (D1) i=2,...,L
λ + 1 (k) From (D13) we have
Equation (15) is rewritten as ) * 1
(L−1) p
s (A1 (k)) ≤ max ρi M2 < 1. (D14)
Ū(k) = A1 (k)Ū(k − 1) + ρ1 C1 (k)E(k). (D2) i=2,...,L

Substituting (3) and (D2) into (D1) gives For a given matrix A, there exists an arbitrary small positive
⎛ ⎞ constant ε such that the following inequality holds:
⎜ ˆ (k) ⎟
ρ1 1 (k) T
e(k + 1) = ⎝ I − 
2 ⎠ e(k) Av < s(A) + ε (D15)
λ + 1 (k)
where s(A) is the spectral radius of A, and Av is the
−(k)A 1 (k)Ū(k − 1). (D3) consistent matrix norm of A.
⎡ ⎤
ρ1 1 (k)1 (k)
T From (D15), (D10), and (D14) we have
 2 0 ⎥ ' (
⎢ I− ¯
Let A2 (k) = ⎣ ˆ  ⎦, C2 (k) = (k) . A1 (k)v < s(A1 (k)) + ε
λ + 1 (k) 0 1
0 0 ≤ { max ρi M2 } (L−1) p + ε < 1 (D16)
Equation (D3) is rewritten as i=2,...,L

E(k + 1) = E(k) − C2 (k)Ū(k) (D4) and

= A2 (k)E(k) − C2 (k)A1 (k)Ū(k − 1). A2 (k)v < s(A2 (k)) + ε ≤ 1 − ρ1 M1 + ε < 1. (D17)

Let Using (D9), we have d2 = 1 − ρ1 M1 + ε > ρ1 (M1 +

) * 1 M3 M4 ) − ρ1 M4 + ε = ρ1 M3 M4 + ε > d3 . Thus h(k) can be
(L−1) p
d1 = max ρi M2 +ε (D18) rewritten as
d2 = 1 − ρ1 M1 + ε. (D19) h(k) < d3 d1k E(1)v + d3 d1k−1 E(2)v
+ · · · + d3 d12 E(k − 1)v + d2 d1 g(k + 1)
Taking norm on the both sides of (D2) and using
Ū(0)v = 0, yields < d3 d1k E(1)v + d3 d1k−1 E(2)v

Ū(k) ≤  A1 (k)v Ū(k − 1) + · · · + d3 d12 E(k − 1)v + d2 d1 d2k−1 E(1)v
v v
ρ1 C1 (k)v E(k)v 
k−2 !
< d1 Ū(k − 1) + ρ1 M3 E(k)v v +d1 d3
k−2− j
d2 d1
j −i
E(i )v
k j =1 i=1
< · · · < ρ1 M3 d1k−i E(i )v . (D20) 
i=1 < d1 d2k E(1)v
Taking norm on both sides of (D4) yields
k−1 !
k−1− j j −i
E(k + 1)v ≤  A2 (k)v E(k)v +d1 d3 d2 d1 E(i )v
  j =1
+ C2 (k)v A1 (k)v Ū(k − 1)v
  = d1 g(k + 1). (D25)
< d2 E(k)v + d1 M4 Ū(k − 1) v
Substituting (D25) into (D24) yields
d1 Ū( j )v .
k−1− j
< · · · < d2k E(1)v + M4 d2
g(k+2) = d2 g(k+1)+h(k) < d2 g(k+1)+d1 g(k+1). (D26)
j =1
(D21) Selecting 0 < ρ1 < 1, . . . , 0 < ρ L < 1 such that

Let d3 = ρ1 M3 M4 and substituting (D20) into (D21) gives { max ρi M2 } (L−1) p < ρ1 M1 < 1 and

  ) * 1
d1 Ū( j )v
k−1− j (L−1) p
E(k + 1)v < d2k E(1)v + M4 d2 0 < 1 − ρ1 M1 + max ρi M2 < 1. (D27)
j =1 i=2,...,L

< d2k E(1)v Since ε is an arbitrary small positive constant, following

k−1 !
j inequality holds:
k−1− j j −i
+M4 d2 d1 ρ1 M3 d1 E(i )v ) * 1
(L−1) p
j =1 i=1 d2 + d1 = 1 − ρ1 M4 + ε + max ρh M1 + ε < 1.
k−1− j
j −i (D28)
= d2k E(1)v + d1 d3 d2 d1 E(i )v
Substituting (D28) into (D26) gives
j =1 i=1
= g(k + 1) (D22) lim g(k + 1) < lim (d2 + d1 )g(k)
k→∞ k→∞
where < lim (d2 + d1 )2 g(k − 1)
k−1 !
g(k + 1) = d2k E(1)v + d1 d3
k−1− j
d2 d1
j −i
E(i )v . < · · · < lim (d2 + d1 )k−1 g(2) = 0. (D29)
j =1 i=1
(D23) This implies that lim |e(k + 1)| = 0.
Obviously, if g(k + 1) converges to zero, then E(k + 1)v From (D20), (D22), and (D28) we have
also converges to zero. Computing g(k + 2) yields
k !
k !
j Ū(k) ≤ Ū(i ) ≤ ρ1 M3 i− j
d1 E( j )v
k− j j −i v v
g(k + 2) = d2k+1 E(1)v + d1 d3 d2 d1 E(i )v i=1 i=1 j =1
j =1 i=1 ρ1 M3
< (E(1)v + · · · + E(k)v )
= d2 g(k + 1) + d3 d1k E(1)v + d3 d1k−1 E(2)v 1 − d1
+ · · · + d3 d12 E(k − 1)v + d3 d1 E(k)v . ρ1 M3
< (E(1)v + g(2) + · · · + g(k))
1 − d1  
< d2 g(k + 1) + d3 d1k E(1)v + d3 d1k−1 E(2)v
ρ1 M3 g(2)
+ · · · + d3 d12 E(k − 1)v + d3 d1 g(k + 1) < |E(1)| + . (D30)
1 − d1 1 − d1 − d2
= d2 g(k + 1) + h(k) (D24)
Thus the conclusion 2) of Theorem 4 is obtained.
where h(k) = d3 d1k E(1)v + d3 d1k−1 E(2)v + · · · + Remark 20: Similar discussion like Remark 19 could be
d3 d12 E(k − 1)v + d3 d1 g(k + 1). listed here.

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of a class of SISO nonlinear systems,” in Proc. Amer. Control Conf., Director of the Advanced Control Systems Laboratory and the Head of the
Albuquerque, NM, 1997, pp. 343–344. Department of Automatic Control of the School of Electronic and Information
[26] Z. S. Hou, C. Han, and W. Huang, “The model-free learning adaptive Engineering. He has over 80 peer reviewed journal papers published and
control of a class of MISO nonlinear discrete-time systems,” in Proc. 100 papers in prestigious conference proceedings. He is the author of two
IFAC Low Cost Autom., Shenyang, China, 1998, pp. 227–232. monographs: Nonparametric Model and its Adaptive Control Theory (Science

Press of China, 1999, in Chinese) and the forthcoming Model Free Adaptive Shangtai Jin received the Bachelors, Masters, and
Control Theory and Applications (2012). His current research interests are Ph.D. degrees from Beijing Jiaotong University, Bei-
in data-driven control, model-free adaptive control, learning control, and jing, China, in 1999, 2004, and 2009, respectively.
intelligent transportation systems. He is currently a Lecturer with Beijing Jiaotong
Dr. Hou served as a Committee Member for over 40 international con- University. His current research interests include
ferences and Chinese conferences, and as an Associate Editor and a Guest model-free adaptive control, data-driven control,
Editor for several international journals. learning control, and intelligent transportation sys-

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