Fliess Join-CheapIntelligentControl

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“Intelligent” controllers

on cheap and small

programmable devices
Cédric Joina,b,d, Frédéric Chaxelb and Michel Fliessa,c

Abstract— It is shown that the “intelligent” controllers which the first time, to the best of our knowledge, thanks to
are associated to the recently introduced model-free control intelligent PIDs [6].
synthesis may be easily implemented on cheap and small pro- This aim is fully justified by the following facts:
grammable devices. Several successful numerical experiments
are presented with a special emphasis on fault tolerant control. • Intelligent PIDs are much easier to tune than the classic
arXiv:1307.4841v1 [math.OC] 18 Jul 2013

Keywords— Model-free control, intelligent PID controllers, ones.

small programmable devices, estimation, identification, noise • They are robust with respect to most disturbances,
attenuation, fault tolerant control. including quite strong ones.
• They permit straightforward fault accommodations.
• Many successful concrete applications were already
It is well know that the overwhelming majority of in- achieved in most various domains within a few years
dustrial control applications is based on PID controllers (see the numerous references in [6]).
(see, e.g., [1], [17], and the references therein). Those con- Our paper is organized as follows. Section II summarizes
trollers are often manufactured by numerous companies as some of the most important facts about model-free control
microcontrollers on cheap and small programmable devices, and its corresponding intelligent controllers. The implemen-
like a Microchip1 PIC or a Freescale2 DSC for instance tation on small programmable devices is detailed in Section
This communication demonstrates that the recent model-free III. Section IV describes some numerical experiments, with
control [6] and the corresponding intelligent PID controllers a peculiar emphasis on fault tolerant control, i.e., on an
[6] may also be implemented on such devices, important topic in control engineering (see, e.g., [3], [16],
• thanks to the low power computation cost which they and the references therein). Several excellent simulations are
require, provided. Some concluding remarks may be found in Section
• although they obey to mathematical principles, which V.
are quite different from those of “classic” PIDs.
When compared to a PID regulator, its intelligent coun-
A. The ultra-local model
terpart contains one term more, which subsumes not only
the unknown structure of the plant but also the unknown The unknown global description of the plant is replaced
disturbances. This term, which is estimated online thanks to by the ultra-local model
recent parameter identification techniques ([8], [9]), is also y (ν) = F + αu (1)
found in the linear ultra-local model which
• replaces the unknown global description of the plant,
• is continuously updated online via the same calcula- • the derivation order ν ≥ 1 is selected by the practi-

tions, tioner;
• is of low order, which is most of the time equal to 1. • α ∈ R is chosen by the practitioner such that αu and
y (ν) are of the same magnitude.
Remark 1.1: Let us emphasize moreover that the strange
ubiquity of classic PIDs was mathematically explained for Remark 2.1: Note that ν has no connection with the order
of the unknown system, which may be with distributed
a AL.I.E.N. (ALgèbre pour Identification et Estimation Numériques), 24- parameters, i.e., which might be best described by partial
30 rue Lionnois, BP 60120, 54003 Nancy, France. differential equations (see, e.g., [13] for hydroelectric power
{cedric.join, michel.fliess}@alien-sas.com
b CRAN (CNRS, UMR 7039), Université de Lorraine, BP 239, 54506 plants).
Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France. Remark 2.2: The existing examples show that ν may
{cedric.join, frederic.chaxel}@univ-lorraine.fr always be chosen quite low, i.e., 1 or 2. In almost all existing
c LIX (CNRS, UMR 7161), École polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau,
concrete case-studies ν = 1. The only counterexample until
France. Michel.Fliess@polytechnique.edu
d Projet Non-A, INRIA Lille – Nord-Europe, France. now where ν = 2 is provided by magnetic bearings [4] where
1 Let us quote Wikipedia: Microchip Technology is an American manu- frictions are almost negligible.4
facturer of microcontroller, memory and analog semiconductors.
2 Let us quote again Wikipedia: Freescale Semiconductor is an American 3 See [6] for more details.
company that produces and designs embedded hardware. 4 See the explanation in [6].
Some comments on F are in order: Noise attenuation is achieved by multiplying both sides on
• F is estimated via the measure of u and y; the left by s−2 .5 It yields in the time domain the realtime
• F subsumes not only the unknown structure of the estimate
system but also any perturbation. Z t
Fest (t) = − 3 [(τ − 2σ)y(σ) + ασ(τ − σ)u(σ)] dσ
B. Intelligent PIDs τ t−τ
Set ν = 2 in Equation (1): where τ > 0 might be quite small. This integral may of
ÿ = F + αu (2) course be replaced in practice by a classic digital filter.

Close the loop via the intelligent proportional-integral- III. I MPLEMENTATION

derivative controller, or iPID,
R Let us remind that implementing controllers on small pro-
F − ÿ ∗ + KP e + KI e + KD ė
u=− (3) grammable devices is a well established topic in engineering
α (see, e.g., [11], [12], [18], [20], [21], [22], and the references
where therein).

• e = y − y is the tracking error,
• KP , KI , KD are the usual tuning gains. A. The iP device
Combining Equations (2) and (3) yields We first detail the implementation of the iP device, which
is most of the time sufficient in practice.
ë + KD ė + KP e + KI e = 0
1) Device: The device is a microchip
where F does not appear anymore. The tuning of KP , KI , dsPIC33FJ128GP204 characterized by:6
KD is therefore quite straightforward. This is a major benefit • Architecture: 16-bit.
when compared to the tuning of “classic” PIDs (see, e.g., [1], • CPU speed (MIPS): 40.
[17], and the references therein). • Memory type: Flash.
Remark 2.3: If KI = 0 we obtain the intelligent • Program memory (KB): 128.
proportional-derivative controller, or iPD, We also utilize
F − ÿ ∗ + KP e + KD ė • two inputs with a 12-bit, 500 KSPS analog-to-digital
α conversion,
Set now ν = 1 in Equation (1):
• one 12-bit digital output coupled with an external
ẏ = F + αu (4) digital-to-anolog converter.
The loop is closed by intelligent proportional-integral con- The values of the input and output variables, which are
troller, or iPI, expressed in volts, are in the range [0, 3.3]. They can be
R connected however to an electronic amplifier stage. Let us
F − ẏ ∗ + KP e + KI e
u=− (5) add that our material is cheap: it costs less than 5 euros.
α Figure 1 displays the corresponding architecture:
If KI = 0, it yields an intelligent proportional controller, or
F − ẏ ∗ + KP e
u=− (6)

Remark 2.4: Equation (6) and the corresponding iPs are

most common in practice. This is again a major simplifica-
tion with respect to “classic” PIDs and PIs.
C. Estimation of F Fig. 1: Control scheme
F in Equation (1) is assumed to be “well” approximated
by a piecewise constant function Fest . According to the alge- 2) Simple calculations: A control iteration needs:
braic parameter identification developed in [8], [9], rewrite, • affectations: 19,
if ν = 1, Equation (4) in the operational domain (see, e.g., • conditions (if...then...else): 5,
[23]) • additions/subtractions: 14,
sY = + αU + y(0) • multiplications/divisions: 16.
where Φ is a constant. We get rid of the initial condition The computational power which is used is indeed very low.
y(0) by multiplying both sides on the left by ds : 5 See [5] for a theoretical explanation.
dY Φ dU 6 See http://www.microchip.com for more technical details, and
Y +s =− 2 +α also the prices.
ds s ds
B. Some extensions 1) System 1: Consider the nonlinear stable system:
Some new calculations are of course needed for iPIs, 2(3v̇v 2 + v 3 ) = 0.5ÿ + 0.5ẏ − y
iPIDs, and iPDs.
Remark 3.1: An iPD was employed only once, for mag- where v is the saturated control after offset (see Figure
netic bearings [4]. Note moreover that it was not necessary 2 for an explanation). The tracking performances, which
until now to useR iPIDs in practice! are presented in Figure 4, are quite good. They however
The integrals e appearing in iPIs and iPIDs may be dealt deteriorate with important change points. This is due to the
via the classic trapezoidal rules (see, e.g., [2]). Less than 10 saturation of the control variable which is bounded.
basic operations are used. Set
v̄ = πv
The derivative D(t) = KD ė in iPIDs and iPDs may be
obtained via where
• a backward Euler difference scheme (see, e.g., [2]) • π = 1 corresponds to the fault-free case,
• Figure 5-(c) shows the case 0 ≤ π  1, which
e(tk ) − e(tk−1 )
D(tk ) = KD corresponds to a power loss of the actuator.
tk − tk−1
Figures 5-(a) and 5-(b) display an excellent fault tolerant
• a low-pass digital filter for reducing the noise (see, e.g., control even with violent faults.
[10]). 2) System 2: Consider the nonlinear unstable system:
As above for the integration, less than 10 basic operations 9v̇v 2 + v 3 = ÿ + ẏ + y
are used.
Remark 3.2: With very noisy signals, more advanced Close the loop with the same iP as above. Figure 6 displays
tools might be necessary for the differentiation (see [7], [15], excellent tracking and fault accommodation performances.
and [14]). V. C ONCLUSION
IV. N UMERICAL EXPERIMENTS This communication has demonstrated that the intelligent
controllers, which are associated to model-free control, may
A. LabVIEW easily be implemented on cheap and small programmable
As well known, LabVIEW greatly facilitates numerical devices. Future applications will show that our academic nu-
simulations in engineering and in science.7 LabView can be merical experiments may be easily extended to more realistic
programmed in order to control a real system by the use case-studies. It should lead to great industrial opportunities
of an input-output device (analogic and logic inputs and for this new setting.
outputs). Simple as well as advanced regulation strategies
Acknowledgement: The authors thank the department of Génie
may therefore be assessed. It may also be used for emu-
Électrique et Informatique Industrielle, Institut Universitaire de
lating/simulating the behavior of a real system (see, e.g.,
Technologie Nancy-Brabois, Université de Lorraine, for its most
[19]). Emulation is achieved in our experimental platform
friendly help and its loan of some essential devices.
via Labview and an input-output card (see Figure 2).
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an interface from National Instrument.8 http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00828135/en/
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B. Two experiments at
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8 See http://www.ni.com/white-paper/2732/en for details. from Sampled Data, Springer, pp. 362–391, 2008.
Fig. 3: Our experimental setup with a dsPIC connected to an input-output card driven by LabVIEW








0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
time in s time in s

(a) Control (– blue) and control limits (- - red) (b) Setpoint (- - black) and output (– blue)
Fig. 4: Experimental results: fault-free case

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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
time in s time in s

(a) Control (– blue) and control limits (- - red) (b) Setpoint (- - black) and output (– blue)









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
time in s

(c) Multiplicative power loss

Fig. 5: Experimental results: faulty case








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
time in s time in s

(a) Control (–,blue) and control limits (- -,red) (b) Setpoint (- - black) and Output (– blue)
Fig. 6: Experimental results: fault free case

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1.5 1.8










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time in s time in s

(a) Control (– blue) and control limits (- - red) (b) Setpoint (- - black) and output (– blue)









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
time in s

(c) Multiplicative power loss

Fig. 7: Experimental results: faulty case

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