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.Frankenstein bee.

street scenes in a
cyberpunk city
Sometimes when your players go off track and fancy travelling to some unplanned district it can be handy to have details to
fill out your setting in a realistic manner. Roll a D100 to add instant flavour to your cyberpunk street scenes.

1 A man in a jacket patched with different tapes (aluminium, duct, packing) tries to sell stolen cyberware.
2 An eight-year-old punk girl screams obscenities while being arrested by a pair of cops. Both cops are bruised.
3 Six young priests in cassocks with movie star looks flirt with passersby to persuade them to attend their church.
4 A lithe androgynous figure, dressed in a skintight light suit, dances down the street to music nobody else can hear.
5 A small group of gangers dismantles a parked car, watched by diners sitting outside a mock seafood restaurant.
6 A hacked video billboard shows its usual adverts, but every face is replaced by a screaming robot skull.
7 A growing crowd of protesters has gathered outside a business to condemn the misdeeds of its execs.
8 A malfunctioning street sweeper drone causes panic, injuries to people and at least one vehicle collision.
9 Cyberpunks with super speed steal from commuters who wait for a tram, unaware that they’ve just been spotted.
10 Thrill seeking street kids draw the attention of a police drone as they try to scale a concrete tower block.
11 An explosion blows the windows out of the 90th storey of a corpo building, showering the street with glass shards.
12 Crowds form around two heavily chromed combatants who destroy their surroundings more than each other.
13 An armed shopkeeper fires six rounds at fleeing shoplifters, hitting several civilians in the process.
14 A heavy contingent of cops begin setting up a road block, questioning anyone who tries to pass them.
15 A legless veteran in a wheelchair sells umbrellas with light-up shafts. They also sell information to those who pay.
16 Revellers start an impromptu street party, with vehicle mounted sound system and a scary amount of fireworks.
17 Religious devotees in lime robes block the street and pray for humanity. Humanity is unhappy with the traffic jam.
18 A pair of cocky, well-groomed manboys pester women by a subway entrance. Their next target will mace them.
19 A stabbing victim lies bleeding out, while pedestrians step over and around their body.
20 A mime and a living statue get into a silent battle of wills when one invades the other’s performance pitch.
21 Scantily clad models of all genders hand out free samples of a new flavour of synthetic food bar.
22 A video display runs a news story about a feud between two pop stars and updates on this week’s sports.
23 A flying ambulance lands in the street and the medics rush into a nearby building.
24 Police put tape around a crime scene, while detectives and forensics examine a splattered body.
25 A wild haired drummer with two extra arms plays buckets outside a boarded up shop front.
26 Drunken corpo teens stand laughing in the food stall they’ve wrecked, throwing money at the devastated owner.
27 An excited queue forms outside a tech store which has supplies of the latest soon-to-be-obsolete costly gadget.
28 A successful rock band perform a vidcapped free concert on a roof. Nobody watches, but it can be fixed in post.
29 A power cut throws a whole street into darkness. Several people are confused by the sight of stars.
30 A screaming exec hollers at the driver of a bin truck after crashing his sports car into it. The driver chews a cigar.
31 For half a second, everyone on the street freezes in place soundlessly … before snapping back into motion.
32 Everyone on the street holds covers over their faces to block out the smell of blocked sewers.
33 A biotech company truck crashes spilling its cargo of the cutest gene modded Malagasi giant jumping rats.
34 Work teams wrap the facade of a building in scaffolding and blue tarps. Security prevents people peeking.
35 Fire teams tackle a blaze while smouldering bodies lay on the sidewalk, their cyberware sooty, but intact.
36 Crowds watch a figure on a high ledge expecting a jump, unaware that it’s an installation by artist 19:HRV.
37 Down an alley a person in hooded trench coat sells unlabelled liquor and pills from the back of a van.
38 A homeless beggar sits on folded cardboard beside the entrance to a colonnaded luxury hotel.

Yves Reyes (Order #36671602)

39 Police protect surly far right marchers from a much larger, more joyful Antifa counterdemonstration.
40 A funeral procession of a famous figure, with an AI hearse, glides down the street towards a flower laden church.
41 A giant holographic cat stalks the rooftops around a pedestrian precinct. What it advertises is unclear.
42 A shopkeeper sloshes a mop around on the sidewalk in front of their store, splashing the shoes of two salarymen.
43 A trio of masked robbers hold up a bodega. As they leave armed citizens begin shooting at them. It’s chaos.
44 Two cabbies at a taxi rank lean against their cars and share stories while waiting for their next ride.
45 A game of craps on the steps of an apartment gets violent when one gambler accuses another of cheating.
46 Rats climb in and out of a damaged dumpster dragging around what looks like stringy muscle matter.
47 Kids dressed in brightly coloured light-up clothing do elaborately athletic dances on a street corner.
48 Two drunken businessmen prop one another up while weaving and staggering to the next bar.
49 A gang of muggers beat the living shit out of a corpo who has strayed too far from the main streets.
50 Charity workers hand out hot meals to homeless people. Nearby a billboard advertises a luxury restaurant.
51 Riders with high tech power bikes streak ribbons of neon through the streets they race along.
52 At an anti-government demonstration, activists take pot shots at police camera drones with bits of street rubble.
53 A street food vendor belts out opera in a deep baritone while slinging lab grown hot dogs and burgers.
54 People steal from a crashed truck. The driver sits against a huge tyre dabbing cloth on their bloody head.
55 A street party is in progress to celebrate a cultural festival with food stalls, dancing, music and a parade.
56 A lone furious nun harasses a laughing group of LGBTQ people while a pedestrian live streams the encounter.
57 A shoot out between two warring gangs causes pandemonium and police sirens can be heard in the distance.
58 Blossom from a nearby cherry grove dusts the street in a stunning snow of pink and white petals.
59 A cheap LED sandwich board, advertising a nearby sale, is flung into a skip by the person paid to wear it.
60 City workers, surrounded by an oval of warning tape, lift an unexpected body from an open manhole cover.
61 An elderly person, leaning against a walking frame, stands eternally by a busy road, unable to cross.
62 Anti-government demonstrators, in retreat from the authorities, run across the street and hide down an alley.
63 Mist, steam and smoke reduces those on the street to silhouetted spectres, striding out and in and out of vision.
64 An unfathomably complicated traffic jam is stoking frustration and anxiety among would be travellers.
65 A market, selling expensive, difficult to find goods – weapons, cyberware, fashion – pops up in a back alley.
66 A large armoured personnel vehicle disgorges power-armoured corporate soldiers onto the street.
67 Swarming cyclists in bright colours weave through both vehicles and pedestrians like fish in a stream.
68 A line of uniformed school children, headed by a harassed teacher, move hand-in-hand over a road crossing.
69 A bearded man, swamped by deep layers of clothing, sits on a pile of his possessions in mirrored aviator glasses.
70 Cops on the ground chase after an athletic woman dressed in a leather trench coat who jumps over vehicles.
71 A crate falls from the back of a speeding van, spilling out used cyberware and carbon fibre body armour.
72 Facing an upcoming election, a city politician holds a rally in front of a project they want to take credit for.
73 Video billboards show images of unspoiled nature, somewhat incongruous with their glass and neon backdrop.
74 Road workers winch a bus from a massive sinkhole that has opened up in the street. Broken pipes spill sewage.
75 Something airborne tinges the atmosphere green, stings unprotected meat eyes and makes the throat sore.
76 A journalist with shoulder mounted camera does vox pops with the public on the latest significant issue.
77 The brakes of an overhead train scream as the vehicle approaches a station, spewing forth its passengers.
78 The incredibly rare sight of a kestrel swooping down on a flying drone draws audible gasps from pedestrians.
79 The street is busy but peaceful, yet there’s an indefinable underlying tension that something is about to go wrong.
80 A motorist honks their horn and waves at the PCs, but they have absolutely no idea who the driver is.
81 Touts hassle passersby, trying to attract customers to the bars and restaurants that pay them.
82 The smell of what appears to be REAL coffee wafts from an ornately decorated booth by a subway entrance.
83 A political campaigner hands out fliers for a fundraiser concert that is to help poverty stricken families.
84 At the side entrance to a high end apartment building, police bundle a blanket covered figure into a car.
85 An eerie quiet falls over the street as it all but empties of traffic and the crowds of people grow thin.
86 Construction drones and human workers cause a racket as they raise up the skeleton of a new skyscraper.
87 A gaunt, slim man in a white pilot’s jumpsuit hands out single white roses to anyone who will accept them.
88 A small gathering of heavily chromed cyberpunks excitedly show off their best cyberware to one another.
89 Sudden rain showers cast a greasy damp sheen over everything that isn’t covered, sending citizens scattering.
90 Stepping from a taxi and lighting up, a stranger scans the street, before striding through an unmarked door.
91 A woman sits in a window just above street level, sipping boba tea and shouting greetings to acquaintances.
92 Crowds of sports fans, draped in their team’s colours, are upbeat and excited on their way to the game.
93 A dealer of street drugs tries to be discreet while slinging fixes in the doorway of a dingy apartment block.
94 The sun hits the street at just the wrong angle, dousing everything in a blinding vista of direct and reflected light.
95 Standing in the doorway of their tiny shop, a psychic tries to look mysterious and alluring to potential marks.
96 A chunky flying truck booms overhead, looking much too impractical and heavy to stay in the air.
97 Crowds of sports fans, draped in their team’s colours, are dejected and grouchy on their way from the game.
98 A blast of warm, dry air gusts down the street, lifting dust and paper scraps as it swirls on by.
99 A wannabe influencer accidentally live streams themself walking into traffic and breaking six bones.
100 It’s unseasonably cold and the frozen breath of pedestrians mingles in the air.

Happy gaming cyberpunks.

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Image by A.Z on Unsplash

Yves Reyes (Order #36671602)

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