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Microelectronic Circuits I

Ch 3: Diodes

3.1 Ideal diode

3.2 Terminal characteristics of Junction diodes
3.3 Modeling the diode forward characteristics

CNU EE 3-1

- OP amp : linear amplifier

- Nonlinear circuit : ac-dc conversion, various waveform
generation (sinusoidal, square wave, pulses, tec.)
- Simplest & most fundamental nonlinear circuit element : diode

Resistor Diode

Similarity Two-terminal Two-terminal

Linear i-v relationship Nonlinear i-v relationship

V=iR Switch-like characteristics

CNU EE 3-2
Ideal Diode
• Diode symbol • i-v characteristics (piecewise linear)

Reverse-biased (cut off, off) Forward-biased (turned on, on)

open circuit short circuit

CNU EE 3-3
How to Limit Forward Current and Reverse Voltage

The forward current through a conducting diode & the reverse voltage across a
cutoff diode are determined by an external circuit

CNU EE 3-4
Simple application : Rectifier

Input vI Output vO
• bipolar • unipolar
• <vI>=0 • < vO >=dc

• dc-ac converter
• rectifier

vI > 0 vI < 0

Forward biased àshort circuit reverse biased àopen circuit

CNU EE 3-5
Diode Logic Gates

0V : logic 0
5V : logic 1

Common cathode Common anode

OR gate AND gate

CNU EE 3-6
10 - 0
I D2 = = 1 mA
0 - ( -10)
I +1=
D1, D2 on
10 - 0
I D2 = = 2 mA
0 - ( -10)
10 - ( -10)
I D2 = = 1.33 mA
Figure 3.6 Circuits for Example 3.2. V=3.3V
D1 off, D2 on
CNU EE 3-7
Terminal Characteristics of Junction Diodes

Cut-in voltage

Breakdown (v < -VZK ) Reverse(v < 0) Forward-bias (v > 0)

CNU EE 3-8
Forward-Bias Region ( v > 0 ): i-v Characteristics

i » I S ev / nVT when i >> I S

i = IS e ( v / nVT
-1) v = nVT ln ( i / I S )

• IS : saturation current or scale current

- Proportional to the junction area
- 10-12~10-15 A
-Temperature dependence: doubled / 5oC

• VT (thermal voltage) = kT/q = 25 mV @ T = 20oC

- k (Boltzman’s constant) = 1.38 x 10-23 [joules/kelvin]
- T = the absolute temperature in kelvins = 273 + temperature in oC
- q = the magnitude of electronic charge = 1.60 × 10-19 coulomb
- n : 1 ~ 2 (normally 1) , depends on material & physical structure
CNU EE 3-9
Forward-Bias Region
ìï I1 = I S eV1 / nVT
í V / nV
ïî I 2 = I S e 2 T
(V2 -V1 ) / nVT
® I 2 / I1 = e

\V2 - V1 = nVT ln I 2 / I1 v
V1 V2
or V2 - V1 = 2.3nVT log I 2 / I1
Cut-in voltage (0.5V)
where, ln 10 = 2.3
ln A
log10 A =
ln 10

For a decade change in current,

the voltage drop changes by 2.3nVT
(60mV for n=1, 120mV for n=2 or
0.1V/decade, approximately)

CNU EE 3-10
Reverse-Bias and Breakdown Regions
l Reverse-bias region l Breakdown region (v < -VZK)
(v < 0 & v > 2~3 VT) – Z : Zener, K : Knee

( )
i = I S e v / nVT - 1
= -I S
i is reverse directed & constant
à Saturation current
IS doubles for every 5oC rise in

§ Reverse current increases rapidly, with

the small increase in voltage drop
§ Not destructive
CNU EE 3-11
Modeling the Diode Forward Characteristic
Exponential Model
§ Assume VDD > 0.5V, ID >> IS
§ The most accurate but hard to use
ID = by KVL
I D = I S eVD / nVT by exponential model

VD & ID ? 1) graphical analysis

2) iterative analysis

VDD=5V, R=1kW :
VD = 0.738V
ID =4.262mA

CNU EE 3-12
Constant-Voltage-Drop Model
simpler model for diode forward characteristics
à a forward-conducting diode exhibits a constant voltage drop VD (=0.7V).
à most frequently employed in the initial phases of analysis & design

VD = 0.7V
VD = 0.7V

rD = 0
Constant-voltage-drop model for Ex. 3.5 VDD - 0.7
ID =
VD = 0.7V R
5 - 0.7
= = 4.3 mA
CNU EE 1 3-13
Ideal Diode Model
Application voltage >> diode voltage drop (0.6V – 0.8V)
à neglect the diode voltage drop VD =0V
à most frequently employed in the initial phases of analysis & design

Constant-voltage-drop model for Ex. 3.5

VDD = 5V, R=1kW

VD = 0 V
VDD - VD 5 - 0
ID = = = 5mA
R 1

CNU EE 3-14
Diode Small-Signal Model
Application, where a small ac signal is superimposed on the dc quantities
1) determine the dc operating point (VD & ID) by using 0.7V drop model
2) diode is modeled by rd, the inverse of the slope of the tangent to the exponential
model at the dc bias point


DC bias

CNU EE 3-15
Diode Small-Signal Model
VD / nVT
In the absence of the signal vd(t),
ID = ISe dc current ID w/ dc voltage VD only (n=1)
vD (t ) = VD + vd (t ) Total instantaneous diode voltage vD(t)
¯ iD (t ) = I S evD (t ) / nVT
v (t ) / nVT
iD (t ) = I S e(
VD + vd ( t ) ) / nVT
= I S eVD / nVT evd (t ) / nVT = I D e d
æ vd ö ID vd
® iD (t ) » I D ç1 + =
÷ DI + vd , when << 1
è nVT ø nVT nVT
Small-signal approximation (when vd < 10mV for n=2, 5mV for n=1, VT=25mV)
ID 1
\ iD = I D + id , where id = vd = vd , I D = I S eVD / nVT
nVT rd
nVT ¶iD : Diode small-signal resistance,
Here rd = = 1/
ID ¶vD vD =VD or iD = I D or incremental resistance
§ rd is inversely proportional to the bias current ID.
§ VD & ID: dc bias point or quiescent point
CNU EE 3-16
Power supply V+ : 10V dc + 1 Vpeak, 60Hz sinusoid (power-supply ripple)
R : 10 kW, diode : 0.7V at 1mA, n=1
dc voltage VD & the amplitude of the sine-wave signal vd ?

10 - 0.7
ID = = 0.93 mA
VT 25
rd = = = 26.9W
I D 0.93
vd ( peak ) = V peak
R + rd
=1 = 2.68mV
10 + 0.0269

vd < 5mV for n=1,

Small-signal model is O.K
(a) Circuit for Example 3.6. (b) Circuit for calculating the dc operating point.
(c) Small-signal equivalent circuit.
CNU EE 3-17

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