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:. OL2ONGOIALE, B29 © 8800 mers, = wo ¥ oom Ooo Bis Pancipan ups 3 o> 7AM Rights Reserved) Depmrera of Eero Bom fon Daim = ch ine Golem sere wes | [2 n (Ord. Level) Examination, 2021 (2022) 3 1 EN' ' |=) | Entered by + = — 3 | | | Checked by | EMF 6 1 | § Se © BEac e8 oped 8 Basta. Eopes't | ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS ON Tne Se a Sen ape Tota! O Test 1 For Match the following pi it aaa eae aula si Pictures with the names of the places given below, Write the letter of the hs eal ture in the box given against each place. The first one is done for you. Pictures Ql Places Li (1) Post Office ©] (2) School Ll 3) Hospital () @) Restaurant CI (5) Railway Station (6) Harbour CT |e lO Test 2 Fill in the blanks in the following invitation using the words given in the box. Write the letter of the correct word in the space given. The first one is done for you. %~~~~ Invitation YY~~~ oF The Photographic Society of Photographic Wijayaba Maha Vidyalaya : (1) Pa... invites Mr. Kithsiri Dahanayake, ness the (2) sss... of Media Unit Provincial Council Chief as the (3) esses» Guest Director to deliver 0 (4) esses» speech on ‘The Art of Photography’ at the (5) ..sses.+ Exhibition ie which will be (6) ......... on 30th July 2022 a from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Total 5 4y-—~_at the auditorium. ~~ ot (See page two 01L/2021(2022) Study the picture ant correct word in the blank. The first one is done for you. ‘My home garden is the best place to spend my Icisure time. It is very (1) ... .. and tidy. We all (3) but we keep it (2) Today while my mother is watering the (4) my father is (9). ws TE hove a (6) digging the (7) .... .- for manuring. I can see my brother (8) broken fence. Although my grandfather is very (9) « . he enjoys (10) .. ve Of the mango tree and watching the (11) Working together in the garden is indeed a pleasure. 1O Test 4 Fill in the blanks in the following dialogue using the words given in the box. The first one ls done for you. Raini : Good Morning Teacher! Glad to sce you this morning. Teacher : Good Moming Raini. Nice to see you too. Raini : Teacher, where are you going so early (1) ... Teacher : I'm going (2) ..... vs Kandy to see my parents. : Really! Whereabout in Kandy? Teacher : In Galaha. It’s close to Kandy. I'm waiting (3) . She'll come in her car (4) .....-..:cescs-. her son, Raini : OK, teacher, Our train leaves (5) ......-... going for a practice match with the under Rajasinghe Vidyalaya. Teacher : Good Luck Raini, Raini : Thank you teacher. Have a safe joumey. ++ seven from the teen team (6) .... vies there every Sunday, oe 4 fil in the blanks using the words given in the box. Write the letter of ihe (a) feeble (b) pond (©) work (A) some” (c) bed (0 family (g) neat (h) mending (i) shade @ soit (k) plants cleaning the lcxaminers' luse only + of roses in the comer, and 1 am] g.3 coe the: sitting in the + at work, sees the morning? ssssessess MY elder sister. Fort. We are |Total 5 Q4 Ix Fotal 5 (See page three 012021(2022)/31-E-1 -3- 10 Test 5 Read the text and complete the table given below. The first one is done for you. ; Snakes in Sri Lanka $i Lankan reptiles count nearly 209 known species with great diversity. These reptiles consisi| of snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles and tonoises. Almost 125 species of them are endemic to} Sri Lanka. Around 83 species of snakes have already been found in Sri Lanka. Twelve species of earthly snakes and twelve species of sea snakes are yenomous. The specimens of extremely venomous Saakes in Sri Lanka are mostly found in the dry zone. In addition, sea snakes living in the sea around Sri Lanka are more venomous than cantly snakes. It is reported that at present there are nearly 4060 species of amphibians in the world. The| number of amphibian species found in Sri Lanka, however, is 50. The approximate number of known reptile species in » | Sri Lanka ‘The approximate number of species of snakes found in ‘Sri Lanka You lost your pencil case in the school library. You want to find it. Write a notice to be displayed in the school notice board. Use about 40 - 50 words. Include - the date it was lost = things in the pencil case - if found, where to retum it Qs (See page four 01/2021 (2022)/31-E-1 4. 10 Test 7 Read the story and answer the questions, Once there lived a girl named Narmada, She had a lovely house and a beautiful garden on # 'OP of a hill. She was very happy living there because there were many Insects such as butterflies. Uragonflies, ants, bees and beetles there. She loved to watch her pet, the baby squirrel chasing butterflies. All these creatures made her garden their permanent home, Narmada took care of them. well. But among all, the baby squirrel was her best friend. One day, the baby squirrel had a fall and fell sick, 80 everyone became sad as it lay upwards Keeping its eyes closed. She sprinkled a litle water on its eyes, but it did not respond. Narnia wee co worried and she fed her litle pet with some milk. She stroked its head until it fell asleep. ‘Then she murmured in a soft voice. “You, my baby squirrel, get well soon. If you hear me, please open your cyes™. ‘A few minutes passed by, The baby squirre! opened its eyes. It looked at Narmad in a very grateful manner as if it was thanking her for all what she had done, ‘The baby squirrel limped slowly near Narmada and looked at her eyes as o say, “Thank you for taking good care of me”. Narmada held the baby squirrel, kissed its forehead and sald,""A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Underline the correct answer. (1) How many insects are mentioned in the first paragraph? ai (a) three (b) four (c) five (2) Narmada loved to be in her garden (a) to play with her pet. (b) to see her pet running behind butterflies. (©) to feed her pet. (3) Narmada fed her sick pet with (a) some water, (b) some milk. (c) both water and milk. (4) According to the story, the phrase similar in meaning to ‘stroked’ is (a) patted tenderly. (b) shook hard, (c) lifted quickly. (5) The most suitable title for the story is (a) A lost friend. (b) Saved at last (c) A troublesome pet. O Test 8 Write a pamgraph on any one of the following topics. Use about 50 to 60 words, (a) Good health habits in the classroom (b) An unforgettable incident in my life examiner use only Q7 ouziaenye- Te ie all B20 8 BRD LOD! ng) birenoupen.sag//All Righis Reserved ‘sonia qo (axes 0g) Dmroe, 2071 ) Sead Ong peer GR aston smrem Bax Uae, oxic} General Certificaie of Education (Ord. Tech Bouman, 202 (2022) O Test 9 Read the text and underline the most suitable word given within brackets, You can get rid of Covid-19 soon if you behave sensibly in society. Keeping a a). ((@) to (®) two (¢) too) meter distance Is 2 must whenever you are in ‘@ crowded place, Don't forget to (2) += ((@) wear (b) where () ware) your ((a) ight (b) write (€) rite) on your face covering ((a) knows (0) norse (c) mose). If you have’ mask too. Have it (3) both your mouth and (4) ‘signs and symptoms such as hesdache and fever lasting for more than (5) ..... ((@) fore (b) foe (c) four) days, go to 8 doctor for advice. Remember that it is mot advisable to take medicine without consulting » doctor: If found to be Covid positive, inform the Publie Health Inspector in your srea immediately, On ie dialogue given below and fila the Banks wth be comet form of eve ven wii samt + Hit Samith, did you hear the anaouncement’” + No. What was it about? Something special? + Of course, it was about some short COUrSeS. + Sounds Interesting. What are the courses mentioned? + Well, I have some information. A leaflet (1) yesterday at the student leaders’ meeting. + Wow! Have you got it? I want to see it. + Yes. Let's read it together. + Ohl Only two courses (2). Each course (3) ...« + Did you see this? Only 20 students (4) .. for the next intake scheduled for August. + What about the course fee? + Look here. It says that all these courses (5) ... by the Old Boys’ Association. 1 A preat chance. Let's select one and apply soon, (can / follow) by a studem. . (design) for three months. brackets. Zaneer Samith Zaneer Samith Tancet Samith Zancer ‘Samith Zancer ‘Samith Zancer ‘Samith O Test Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. There is ome extra word. (Choosing « cage for parrots African gray parrots weed large cages. However, cages that are at least three or al) .» feet wide are more (2) ... ‘than tall ones. This svesve Mone space for them (4) on (5) ++ bottom of their cages. (6) .. owners prefer (7) .... cages as they can (8) .... ‘areas on them. (9) ... cage-top play area should (10) . be above eye level (I!) . is difficult to (12) .. 8 parrot that is (13) ... of reach and playing (14) .. One's head. When choosing # cage, there are many options to investigate. However, it is advisable to let animals enjoy their freedom. Yoga received the following e-mail from his friend Shenal who in on 4 holiday in Japan, in the blanks: using the most appropriate form of the verb given within brackets, ‘Dear Yoga, Thank you for your email. I'm pleased to hear thet you are having # good time in the to lear Jepancse customs very quickly, | have lot move to teil you. I (4) back to you once | come beck. (5) ... cov (give) my regards to all in your family. fr ‘Shenal. OTs 13 Read the following paragraphs. Select the most sultable caption for each paragraph and write the letier of the caption in the box given against the paragraph, There is one | Captions A- Finally, avacani table B- Disappointing news C- An ideal place for guests D- Sudden invasion E- Long walt fortheservice F- A pleasant experience ‘When we came lo the restaurant, | was surprised because it was completely full. There wasn't « single table free. One of the waiters recognized me and explained the situation, “A party of tourists have come unexpectedly, place as full.” he — “= (See page nine OQ Tet 15 j £ | 3 igs i: ii 3 1 (1) Say whether the following statements are True or False. Put a tick (¥) in the relevant column. his education in a city in Kenya. (1) Maruge started (@) In Kenya, the primary education was made free from the year 2003, @) Complete the following statements. (0) Maruge was a prefect in school when he was in (©) Subjects he studied in school were ...... a @) Read paragraph @ and find a word which has the same meaning as the following. (a) achieving the results wanted or hoped for : . (0) connected with taking care of the health of animals (4) Undertine the best title for the passage. (a) The oldest first grader in the schoo! (b) Education should be free for all (c) You are never too old to learn o (5) Write the statement that says the movie “The First Grader’ influenced older Kenyans” schooling. ‘O Test 16 ‘Write on one of the following topics. Use about 200 words. (a) Write an article 10 a local newspaper on the “Importance of learning another language’ Use the guidelines given, © Your first language and the other languages you can leam © The language that you would like to learn and its advantages @ State how you would use it for your higher studies (b) A speech you would make at the English Literary Association on the topic ‘Home Gardening’. Include © what home gardening is © its importance and advantages © your personal experiences (c) Write an essay on “How I managed to study during the Covid-19 Pandemic’. Include the following. © Changes in the learning and teaching process of the school system (200m mectings.| online lessons) © Advantages (national level study programmes, chances to learn from experts, flexible study hours) @ Problems faced (lack of facilities-intemet, devices) ‘(See page ler

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