Separartng Mixtures Answers

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a. Classify matter into elements, compounds, mixture
b. Differentiate solution, coarse suspension and colloids from one another.
c. To familiarize students with some methods of separating the components of a mixture


Fine sand
Filter paper
Stirring rod (stick)
Disposable glass (5)
Colored pen


1. Prepare 3 small glasses containing 80 ml of water. Label the glass, A,B,C.

2. Add 1 teaspoon salt into glass A, fine sand into B and starch into C.
3. Stir and mix well. Allow to stand for a while, then observe.
4. Compare and describe the appearance of the mixture. In which mixture did you observe any
solid particles?
Answer: On my observations there is a difference of the appearance of each mixtures, in
mixture B we can still see the solid particles which is called as suspensions, this also means
that the sand is not soluble in water. In mixture A and C the particles are dissolve which means
that Nacl and Starch is soluble in water, but in mixture C the particles are not completely
dissolve, we can observe some colloids.

5. Pass a thin beam of light or laser beam through each mixture. What happen to the beam of
Answer: Mixture A is completely transparent so the beam of light could pass through it. Sand
and water, Mixture B, the sand would sink down to the bottom leaving the water to be
transparent as well, so the light can pass through. In Mixture B, which identified as colloid the
beam of light cant pass through because of its cloudy and dusty appearance.


1. About 1/4 teaspoon of fine sand, nails and NaCl, mix them in a pad of paper and scatter the
mixture thinly. Pass a bar magnet underneath the paper.
Observation: Upon putting the magnet underneath, we have observed that the nails and some
particles of the sand are being drag by the magnet. The magnet attracts the nails and some
irons in the sand and they got separated.

2. Save the components separated by the magnet. Examine and identify this substance.
Answer: The components that have been separated by the magnet is identified as irons.

3. Transfer the remaining components of the mixture into a small beaker and add 20 ml water.
Stir well about 1 minute. Note what happens.
Answer: While stirring, I have observed that the NaCl is slowly dissolving and after a minute the
NaCl Is completely dissolve and now cannot be seen by the naked eye, on the other hand the
sand remains as it is since the sand is not soluble in water

4. Filter the mixture and collect the liquid that pass through the filter paper. What substances
are in the filtrate?
Answer: After the process of filtration, the substance that is in the filtrate is the sand

5. Examine the residue, collected on the filter paper. Identify this substance.
Answer: The substance that is in the residue is a mixture of NaCl and Water

1. Comparison of properties of the mixtures in glass A, B and C.
MIXTURE A : Water and NaCl, it is a homogeneous mixture. The salt is completely dissolved
MIXTURE B: Water and Sand, as Sand is solid, It does not dissolve in water.
MIXTURE C: Water and Starch, it is a heterogeneous mixture, both components can be seen
in the mixture, or there could be particles of the starch remaining which is called colloids

2. Classify whether the mixture in each beaker is a solution, course suspension or a colloid.

MIXTURE A: The mixture is a Solution

MIXTURE B: The mixture is a Suspensions
MIXTURE C: The mixture is a Colloid

1. Indicate the physical appearance of each component of the mixture recovered in the

Components Description
Nails Nails are solid so this remains as what it is
Sand The sand is insoluble in water, the
appearance of the sand may be wet but its
still the same
NaCl After being well mixed with water, the NaCl
is dissolve since its soluble in water. In the
end there is no NaCl particles recovered in
the experiment

2. Identify the component separated by the magnet Nails and some iron from the sand
3. Identify the component collected on the filter paper Only the Sand
4. Identify the components of the filtrate NaCL and Sand


1. What are the properties of each component that made the separation of nails, sand and
NaCl mixture possible?
All three component are solid with significantly difference in physical properties. A magnet can
be used to separate the nails from sand and NaCl, as iron nails get attracted towards the
magnet, the sand and NaCl remains as such. NaCl Is soluble in water, the two can be mixed in
water and stirred, the NaCl will dissolve and the sand will not. Now, by the process of filtration,
the filter will hold the sand while the salt and water will pass through, by this process the
substance that is in the residue is NaCl and water and the sand will be in the filtrate

2. Identify the separation technique most appropriate to use to recover the components of each
of the following mixtures.

a. Sand from iron filings – Magnetic Separation, sand is a non-magnetic material while the iron
fillings is a magnetic material so they can be easily separated using a magnet
b. Sugar from sand – We can add a large amount of water, sugar is soluble in water and sand
is not. We can separate water and sand using filtration and sugar can be separated from water
by vaporization or distillation of water
c. Alcohol from water – Fractional distillation, It is used for separating two liquids. This methods
works for this mixture because the liquids have different boiling points
d. Sand from water – Filtration


In conclusion, different substance reacts differently since they are made up of different atoms
and molecules. Mixtures and solution are a common occurrence in our everyday lives. Mixtures
can be physically separated using methods that use differences in physical properties to
separate the components of the mixture

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