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Chapter 2: Aquatic Activities

Water or aqua, has a certain unique attraction to people of all ages. Children love
to engage in water to play, while adults alike would get lured to take a dip at the sight of
a pool or the beach. Water, in its most natural form, can be a great venue to relax, to
workout, to have fun, to pump up the adrenaline, and to challenge one’s limits.
The Philippines, having more than 7000 islands, is abound with natural water
forms which can host numerous aquatic activities. There is surely something to do in the
different waters of our country, which attract not only locals but foreigners as well.
Aquatic activities may be done in water such as swimming and snorkeling, on water
(surface water) such as surfing and whitewater rafting, and underwater such as scuba
Water has special characteristics that provide a unique environment for activities
and good workout. These characteristics include buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure, and
enhanced cooling.
 Buoyancy is the upward force of the water on an object. This is the reason why
boats and people float on water. It also gives a weightlessness feeling, which
makes it easier to move, lift knees, or even jog in water (for some water
 Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted by the water at equilibrium due to
the force of gravity. In other words, it is the weight of the water pressed down on
the object. Hydrostatic pressure is exerted on the body from all sides and this
pressure, combined with buoyancy, helps keep standing balance in water.
 Enhanced cooling transfers heat away from the body much quickly than air given
in the same temperature. This is the reason we can stay longer in water and can
tolerate longer workouts without feeling being overheated.
One of the best but simple way to see, discover, and appreciate the intriguing
underwater life is through snorkeling. It allows one not only to grasp the amazing beauty
of marine life, but swim with them as well.
Snorkeling is peeking through life underneath water by swimming with the aid of
a snorkel and mask. Through snorkeling, one can observe the underwater attractions
for a longer period of time, without the need to constantly resurface to gasp of air, and
with relatively lesser effort.
Snorkeling is not only used for recreational purposes. It has also been used in
water-based search by rescue teams and in water sports such as underwater hockey,
underwater rugby, and spear fishing.
Snorkeling helps the overall fitness of a person. Aside from having fun under the
water swimming, doing the flutter kick and diving tones and trims the body. It works out
the quadriceps, hamstring, calves, ankles, hip flexors, core muscles, and shoulders
while swimming. Above all, snorkeling builds greater lung capacity as one is forced to
hold breath underwater for sustained periods of time. It increases the oxygen uptake,
which is a positive indicator of aerobic fitness. It is also a good cardiovascular workout
as it increases heart rate and strengthens the heart muscle.

What are the important things to remember while snorkeling?

To have an enjoyable adventure in snorkeling, follow and remember the following
safety tips:
S tay close to the shore if you are in beginner. Some beginners misjudge their
capacities and endurance and before knowing it, they are exhausted.
N ever do it alone. Always have a buddy so that whatever happens, someone is there to
help you. It is advised to have a minimum party of three. A buddy pair to lookout for
each other in the water and a shore lookout. Know where to call for help in case of
O ne up, one down. While diving with your buddy, one should stay on the surface while
one is underwater. In case the diver has problems, one can help or seek help.
R ain check! Always check the weather forecast and the state of the sea. Wind can
cause waves to increase, which makes snorkeling challenging to do.
K now your surroundings. Know the area where you will be snorkeling. Know the tides.
Be careful around rocky shore or some marine life that may be known to be aggressive.
Know the conversation rules and regulation.
E nergy retention. Do not overestimate your limits. To avoid being worn-out, flotation
device or a simple snorkeling vest will help conserve energy.
L eave them alone! Do not touch marine life. Maintain safe distance as well. Touching
them might damage their habitats and hurt marine life. In the same way, you might also
suddenly be stung, bitten, or hurt by some marine life if you touch them. Try not to make
sudden moves that will startle them.
A great way to explore the rivers, lakes, canals, and other bodies of water is
through the use of a boat. Canoeing and kayaking are two floating crafts that may take
anyone to places in the water that are even difficult to access by any other means.

What is the difference between kayaks and canoes?

Canoes and kayaks may be confusing to some, but it is really easy to distinguish
one from the other. Kayaking and canoeing both require a paddle for propulsion and
steering. The most noticeable difference is the structure of the boats. A kayak has a
covered deck, while a canoe is wide open. Kayakers extend legs and are seated low or
sometimes on the deck. It uses a double-bladed paddle. A canoer, on one hand, sits on
a raised seat or kneels on the bottom of the boat and uses a single-bladed paddle.
Historically, there are some similarities and differences in terms of the kayak and
canoes’ function and in how they are built. In the early days, both boats were
constructed and used for the day-to-day economic needs, the canoe for transporting
goods and people and the kayak for hunting marine life. The materials used in the
original boats also had the same source, that is, their most immediate environment.
The word “canoe” originated from the Carib word “kenu” which meant dugout.
Canoes were originally made from large tree trunks. The trunks were dried for months,
and then the middle part was burned. After which, the burned part was scraped away
with shells. The whole process took “one moon” or 28 days. The more well-known
version of the canoe was introduced by the North American Indians where the frame
was built from wooden ribs. The frame was covered with the lightweight bark of birch
trees and sometimes elm or cedar trees, whichever was more available to them. The
birch tree was the better choice through because it was lightweight and smooth and
most importantly, it was resilient and contained waterproofing qualities.
Kayaks or “qajak”, meaning “man’s boat” or “hunter’s boat” originated from the
inuit and Aleut tribes of Arctic North America. Interestingly, the early kayaks were very
individualized as each kayak was crafted by the user, basing the measurements to the
frame of his body and not on any standard. Building the kayak was also a joint effort of
the man and his wife. The man builds the frame from frame. Whale fats were used to
waterproof the boat. To improve buoyancy, the natives placed air-filled bladders of the
seal in the vessels.

What are the health-related benefits of paddling?

Canoeing and kayaking are activities that can range from low to high intensity
levels of activity. Paddling will work out the muscles and the heart and thus will improve
one’s aerobic fitness, strength, and flexibility. Specific health benefits include:
 Improved cardiovascular fitness
 Stronger muscles and muscular endurance particularly in the back, arms,
shoulders, and chest as these are the main muscles involved in paddling
 Development of the torso and the leg strength to power a canoe or kayak comes
mainly from rotating the torso and applying pressure with your legs

What are the important things that we should always remember to be safe in
kayaking or canoeing?
K now first your skills in swimming and canoeing or kayaking.
A void paddling alone, paddling far from coastline, or paddling in routes of ships.
Y ield to safety and know where to go in case of emergency.
A lways wear personal floatation device and other safety equipment.
K eep hydrated as you will be under the sun.

C heck weather conditions.

A lways plan ahead. This includes studying the river maps ahead of time.
N ever forget to put your things in waterproof bags.
O rientations given by facilitators or leaders are important. They tell you the rules and
regulations and safety procedures. Listen and follow them well.
E quipment should be tried and always checked. Try on new or unfamiliar things and
ask questions on the proper way of using them.

Scuba is an acronym for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or
SCUBA. Scuba diving is a diving method where a diver uses a regulator as the
breathing apparatus and a tank with compressed air which enables the diver to breathe
normally underwater. With these equipment, a diver can explore the waters for a longer
period of time and at greater depths.
Modern-day divers are fortunate to have better means of going deeper and
staying longer underwater. The beginnings of diving can be traced from using the hollow
reeds as a way of staying longer underwater. From the simple reed, more effective
ways of breathing underwater were invented.
Scuba diving can be for varied purposes. It can be for recreation where one
undertakes it for sheer enjoyment of experiencing marine life while observing fish and
other marine animals, taking photos and videos. Scuba diving may also be used for
technical purposes such as cave diving and advanced wreck diving. It may also be done
for commercial purposes. This is done to earn a living such as those who build
underwater structures, carry out underwater maintenance, conduct surveys, or
participate in salvage operations. Another purpose of scuba diving is those done by the
military or highly qualifies divers who do underwater surveillance; mine clearing; or
search, rescue, or retrieve passengers of capsized passenger ships and other sunken

What are the health-related benefits of diving?

Diving on a regular basis improves and maintains the general fitness and
stamina level. Exercising in water is very effective because of the water’s natural
resistance against our bodies. It improves cardio-vascular performance and is
translated into reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes, and circulatory problems and
ailments in general.
Muscle tone and strength are also improved due to the movement through the
water and the physical effort of carrying equipment such as the weight belt and diving

What are the safety reminders in scuba diving?

Before Diving
 Make sure you are fit to dive.
 Always listen to instructor or dive guide.
 Plan your dive depth, time, and safety stop with your buddy.
 Choose dives that match your skills.
 Check equipment thoroughly.
During the Dive
 Breathe normally all the time – never hold your breath.
 Equalize your ears frequently as you descend.
 Stay aware where your guide and buddy are located.
 Keep an eye on your air gauge.
 Dive within the limits of your dive computer and no deeper than 40 meters.
 Do not overexert yourself.
 Do not touch anything.
 Always ascend slowly from every dive.
 Listen to inner voice. If you feel you have exceeded your comfort level, then abort
 When finishing descent, establish neutral buoyancy, ensure that ears are ok,
check your air and depth, tighten your weight belt if necessary, and communicate
with your buddy that you are ok.
 Watch your ascent rate on all divers.
 Make a safety stop.
After Dive
 Stow all gear away on the boat.
 Debrief with guide and buddy and discuss what you can improve on the next
 If you feel something strange, let others know.
 Do not fly unit at least 18-24 hours. Flying is a pressurized environment and can
cause decompression sickness if nitrogen has not dissipated from body.

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