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The advantages of organizational values are as follows-

 Organizational values encourage healthy growth and

overall development in an organization.
 Organizational goals are created after understanding its organizational
values; hence it is an essential factor that determines future goals,
objectives, culture, processes etc. It sets the tone for the entire
organization and explains how to conduct all its business activities at
every stage
 Organizational values nudge the employees towards common goals and
 Organizational values reduce the risk of inappropriate behaviour in the
 Organizational values boost integrity and accountability factors amongst
internal employees and external stakeholders
 Organizational values help the employees to establish priorities in their
 When you have solid values as your groundwork, then the employees
will feel proud to be associated with the company, and this will lead to a
committed workforce
 Organizational values promote motivation amongst the employees of an
 The role, function and nature of organizational values lay the foundation
for a corporate brand and its image in the market. Companies with solid
values are perceived as ethical and responsible ones. The masses
accept them as one of their own compared to the organization that does
not have a clear set of values attached to it.
 Ethical organizational values help a company to drive good sales figures
and increase its profit margin.
 Organizational values create a strong brand identity that results
in competitive advantage in the market
 Organizational values are beneficial in value-creating processes as it
boosts consistency and credibility
 Organizational values protect and enhance the image and reputation of
the company in the market
 Organizational values improve the ethical character of the organization
with time
 Organizational values strengthen the employment value proposition

Disadvantages of organizational values

The disadvantages of organizational values are as follows-

 If there is a difference between personal and organizational values, it can

cause a contradiction in the mindset of the employees and lead to
 Individuals might suffer from an imbalanced lifestyle if their values are
not in perfect alignment with the organizational values
 When individual and organizational values show differences, it can
hamper the growth and development process of the organization

Benefits of organization values

Just like personal values, organization values can help shape a business's
identity. Defining and promoting organization values can benefit businesses

Providing a framework for decision-making: Understanding the organization's

values can help people throughout the business make decisions that align
with what the company stands for.

Setting an example for employees: Understanding organization values helps

employees know how they should behave when they're representing the

Differentiating businesses from competitors: Organization values help

employees and consumers understand how a business differs from others in
the same industry.

Attracting talent: People look for companies whose values align with their own
when searching for work, so promoting organizational values can be a great
recruitment technique.

Attracting business partners: Just like employees, businesses want to work

with other organizations that share their values.
Increasing sales: Consumers often support businesses with values that align
with their own, so promoting organizational values can be a powerful sales

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