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Purposive Communication

Ariella Jade M. Ani BSED-ENG-1201

Formative Assessment

Direction: In not more than 100 words, share an

experience wherein you can relate it on the image given


The Internet has turned our existence upside down. It has

revolutionized communications, to the extent that it is

now our preferred medium of everyday communication. In

almost everything we do, we use the Internet. Back when I

was just a little kid, We don't need gadgets just to play,

instead we socialized and play with others through

traditional games like "luksong-baka", "tagu-taguan",

"bahay-bahayan", "chinese garter", "tumbang preso", and

many more. You had to leave the house to socialized.

Today there is a plethora of platforms and apps that let

you do much of this from the comfort of your bed.

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