2020 - KGCN A Graph-Based Deep Learning Framework For Chemical Structures

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et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:32

https://doi.org/10.1186/s13321-020-00435-6 Journal of Cheminformatics

SOFTWARE Open Access

kGCN: a graph‑based deep learning

framework for chemical structures
Ryosuke Kojima1*  , Shoichi Ishida2, Masateru Ohta3, Hiroaki Iwata1, Teruki Honma3,4 and Yasushi Okuno1,3

Deep learning is developing as an important technology to perform various tasks in cheminformatics. In particular,
graph convolutional neural networks (GCNs) have been reported to perform well in many types of prediction tasks
related to molecules. Although GCN exhibits considerable potential in various applications, appropriate utilization
of this resource for obtaining reasonable and reliable prediction results requires thorough understanding of GCN
and programming. To leverage the power of GCN to benefit various users from chemists to cheminformaticians, an
open-source GCN tool, kGCN, is introduced. To support the users with various levels of programming skills, kGCN
includes three interfaces: a graphical user interface (GUI) employing KNIME for users with limited programming skills
such as chemists, as well as command-line and Python library interfaces for users with advanced programming skills
such as cheminformaticians. To support the three steps required for building a prediction model, i.e., pre-processing,
model tuning, and interpretation of results, kGCN includes functions of typical pre-processing, Bayesian optimization
for automatic model tuning, and visualization of the atomic contribution to prediction for interpretation of results.
kGCN supports three types of approaches, single-task, multi-task, and multi-modal predictions. The prediction of
compound-protein interaction for four matrixmetalloproteases, MMP-3, -9, -12 and -13, in the inhibition assays is
performed as a representative case study using kGCN. Additionally, kGCN provides the visualization of atomic con-
tributions to the prediction. Such visualization is useful for the validation of the prediction models and the design of
molecules based on the prediction model, realizing “explainable AI” for understanding the factors affecting AI predic-
tion. kGCN is available at https​://githu​b.com/clinf​o.
Keywords:  Graph convolutional network, kGCN, Graph neural network, Open source software, KNIME

Introduction the democratization of AI, it is expected that these pre-

Deep learning is emerging as an important technol- diction tools should be readily used by the non-experts.
ogy to perform various tasks in cheminformatics [1–3]. The accessibility of deep learning to non-experts is an
With the recent development of artificial intelligence important issue in the field of cheminformatics. For
(AI) and deep learning, the application of deep learning example, as deep learning can be applied to a wide range
approaches has been practically demonstrated for vari- of research areas in drug discovery such as ADMET pre-
ous predictions such as virtual screening [4], quantitative dictions for lead optimization and virtual screening for
structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies [5], and lead identification, the chemists should be able to solve
ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism elimina- these research problems by using the latest technolo-
tion, and toxicology) prediction [6, 7]. In particular, with gies and analyze the results, availing the benefits of deep
learning. However, as chemists are typically not profi-
cient in deep learning, the development of easy-to-use,
*Correspondence: kojima.ryosuke.8e@kyoto‑u.ac.jp
multi-functional deep learning software is necessary.
Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Shogoin‑kawaharacho,
Sakyo‑ku, Kyoto 606‑8507, Japan
In the predictions based on molecular structures,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article graph neural networks (GNNs), where a chemical

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Kojima et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:32 Page 2 of 10

modules can be used as a Python library to allow flexibil-

kGCN ity and processing through programming languages.
The second function is to support different types of
User interface KNIME Command-line tools Jupyter
data. In cheminformatics, various types of data includ-
ing chemical structures represented by graphs shoul-
Graph convolution
ded be considered. For example, the protein sequence
data is often represented as a symbol sequence or vec-
Single-task model Multi-task model Multi-modal model
tor descriptor. In deep learning, various architectures
Visualization Hyper-parameter optimization
for neural networks have been proposed [13]. The sim-
plest GCN is based on the single-graph-input single-
label-output architecture. The kGCN system supports
Fig. 1  Architecture of kGCN 1) multi-input (multi-modal GCN) and 2) multi-output
(multi-task GCN) architectures. A multi-modal GCN is
a neural network that can accept multiple modalities of
inputs [14, 15]. kGCN can accommodate a neural net-
structure is represented as a graph, have been reported work with two inputs: chemical structure as a graph and
to perform well [8, 9]. In particular, graph convolutional a protein sequence as a series of characters. This type
networks (GCNs), a type of GNN, exhibited excellent of neural network can be used to predict interactions
performances in many applications [10, 11]. Despite between the compounds and proteins for virtual screen-
these results, an appropriate application of GCN to real- ing and/or drug-repurposing [4, 16]. However, multiple
world research problems requires practical programming related tasks are needed to be simultaneously handled in
skills and comprehensive understanding of deep learning cheminformatics [17], for example, tasks to predict mul-
and GCN. tiple different properties of a compound. To tackle these,
To address this issue, a new open-source software, a multi-task neural network is applied, which affords bet-
kGCN1. is introduced for various users to employ deep ter results than those for an individual prediction [18,
learning including GCNs. kGCN is developed for the fol- 19].
lowing functions: The third function is the interpretation and under-
standing of the cause of prediction results via deep
• Providing interfaces for the various levels of users learning by visualizing contributions of input data to the
including users with limited programming skills prediction. This process is important because the validity
• Handling different types of data for cheminformatics of the prediction model can be examined through a vis-
tasks ual inspection of the good and bad features. The refine-
• Easy, intuitive, and convincing interpretation of ment or re-construction of the prediction model can be
results performed if the causes of prediction do not appear to
• Hyper-parameter optimization be reasonable or are contrary to common sense. Nota-
bly, designing new molecules with improved properties
As mentioned, one function of kGCN is to afford inter- is possible if the reasons for good and/or bad predictions
faces to assist various users such as chemists, cheminfor- are identified by visualization. In recent years, several
maticians, and data scientists. Considering the expertise methods to calculate the different contributions to the
levels of these users, a software should provide multiple prediction results of deep learning have been proposed
interfaces suitable for each user. To satisfy these require- [20, 21]. The kGCN system uses the integrated gradient
ments, kGCN provides three types of user interfaces. method [22], which can be applied to any type of neural
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the kGCN system. The network architectures including multi-task and multi-
kGCN system supports both GUI-based and command- modal neural networks.
line interfaces. To intuitively access a machine-learning The last function is hyper-parameter optimization. In
procedure, the kGCN system provides a GUI interface analysis using deep neural networks, hyper-parameters
on the GUI platform, KNIME (Konstanz Information of deep learning such as the number of network lay-
Miner) [12]. The command-line interface supports typi- ers, number of layer nodes, learning rate, and batch
cal machine-learning procedures such as training, evalu- size should be appropriately set. However, setting these
ation, and cross-validation. Additionally, the kGCN parameters is not easy for users without deep learn-
ing knowledge and experience. To assist such users and
automatically determine the optimal hyper-parameters,
Kyoto-university graph convolutional network framework.

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Kojima et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:32 Page 3 of 10

the kGCN system employs Bayesian optimization and

(t) 1 (vi , vj , t) ∈ E
metaheuristics for hyper-parameter optimization [23]. (A )i,j = ,
0 (vi , vj , t) ∈
In addition to this information, the kGCN system also
provides tools for improving the usability. The kGCN where (·)i,j represents the j-th element of i-th row. Simi-
back-end implementation uses Tensorflow [24] and sup- larly, the feature matrix is defined as:
ports GPUs (graphics processing units). To setup the
(F)j,k = (fj )k
execution conditions, kGCN-installed Docker images are
also provided2. Additional unique tools to enhance the where (·)k represents the k-th element of a vector.
usability are provided for each interface. These will be Using this matrix, a molecule is represented by
described in the Implementation section. M′ = (A, F) , where A = {A(t) |t ∈ T } . The framework in
Similar types of software have been reported in prior the present system uses RDKit [29] to create adjacency
studies, e.g., DeepChem [25], Chainer chemistry [26], and feature matrices and employs M′ as the input for
and OpenChem [27]. DeepChem is a Python library GCN.
for neural networks, including GCNs. A notable fea-
ture of DeepChem is to support various machine learn- Graph convolutional network
ing methods as well as deep learning methods. Because kGCN supports GCNs in addition to the standard feed-
deep learning usually requires large amounts of data, this forward neural networks. Therefore, GCNs for molecules
feature can help users handle relatively small amounts of are described first. Graph convolution layer, graph dense
data. Chainer chemistry provides GCNs as an extended layer, and graph gather layer are defined as described
Python library of Chainer [28]. Both libraries can be used below.
with Python and were developed for professional pro-
grammers of machine learning and Python. Although Graph convolution layer
OpenChem supports both command-line and Python The graph convolution is calculated from the input X(ℓ)
interfaces, good programming skills are still required to of the ℓ-th layer as follows:
use OpenChem. The kGCN system is a framework con-
taining the GUI, command-line, and Python interfaces.
(t) (ℓ) (ℓ)

The GUI interface of kGCN is expected to engage users X =σ Ã X Wt ,
with limited programming skills in GCN and deep learn- t

ing. To our knowledge, kGCN is the first open-source where X(ℓ) is

the N × D(ℓ) matrix and Wt is the param-
and multi-functional GCN software to support all three eter matrix ( D × D
(ℓ) (ℓ+1) ) for a bond type t, σ is the
interfaces. activation function, and Ã(t) is the normalized adjacency
matrix ( N × N  ). This normalization and implementation
Implementation of the layers follows Kipf ’s model [30] as a default. There
Before describing the details of the kGCN system, basic are various choices for implementing the setting of graph
implementation techniques for the graph representation convolution layers. In the kGCN system, the operation of
of molecules and graph convolution are discussed. the first layer input can be easily switched by changing
the initial setting file for building the model.
Graph representation of molecules for GCN The GCN is based on this graph convolution operation.
This section first describes the formalization of a mol- The input of the first layer X(1) often corresponds to the
ecule to apply the GCNs. A molecule is formalized as a feature matrix, F
tuple M ≡ (V , E, F ) , where V is a set of nodes. A node
represents an atom in a molecule. A node has features Graph dense layer
fi ∈ F (i ∈ V ) , and F is a set of feature vectors repre- X(ℓ) is an input for graph dense layer. X(ℓ+1) is calculated
senting the atom properties such as atom type, formal as follows:
charge, and hybridization. These features should be
appropriately designed by users. E is a set of edges, and Xℓ+1 = X(ℓ) W (ℓ) ,
an edge e ∈ E represents a bond between the atoms, i.e.,
e ∈ V × V × T  , where T is a set of bond types. An adja- where X(ℓ) is an N × D(ℓ) matrix and W (ℓ) is a parameter
cency matrix A(t) is used, which is defined as follows: matrix ( D(ℓ) × D(ℓ+1)).

Graph gather layer

This layer converts a graph into a vector [31], i.e., the
input X(ℓ) is an N × D(ℓ) matrix and X(ℓ) , i.e.,

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Kojima et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:32 Page 4 of 10

Figure  4 shows an example of a multi-modal neural

network employing a graph representing a compound

N and sequence of a protein. In addition to the information
GraphConv BN Activation GraphDense GraphGather
Dense derived from the molecular structure, information from
(read out)
other modalities can also be used for the input. An exam-
Fig. 2  Graph convolutional network for a prediction task with a ple of the prediction of activity using compound and
compound input
protein related information is described in detail in the
Experiment section.
The kGCN system supports operations described
above and some other additional operations to build a
neural network. These operations are implemented using

TensorFlow [34] and are compatible with Keras [35],


GraphConv BN Activation GraphDense Dense allowing the users to construct neural networks such as
(read out) convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural net-
Fig. 3  Multi-task graph convolutional network with a compound works [13] with Keras operations.
input These neural networks include hyper-parameters such
as the number of layers in a model and number of dimen-
sions for each layer. To determine these hyper-parame-
ters, the kGCN system includes Bayesian optimization.


Visualization of graph convolutional network



To confirm the features of the molecules that influence pre-

GraphConv BN Activation Graph Dense GraphGather
(read out)
BN Dense
diction result, a visualization system using the integrated
gradient (IG) method [22] is developed. After the construc-

tion of the prediction model, the visualization of the atom

FASTA format
Embedding Conv1D Activation Conv1D Activation

Fig. 4  Multi-modal graph convolutional network with compound importance in the molecular structure, based on the IG
and sequence inputs value I (x) derived from the prediction model, is possible.
IG value I (x) is defined as follows:
 x  k
(X(ℓ+1) )j = (X(ℓ) )ij , I (x) = ∇S x ,
j k=1

where (·)i represents an i-th element of a vector. This where x is the input of an atom of a molecule, M is the
operation converts a matrix into a vector. number of divisions of the input, S(x) is the prediction
Figure  2 shows an example of GCN for a prediction score, i.e., the neural network output with input x, and
task. The GCN model is a neural network consisting of ∇S(x) is the gradient of S(x) related to input x. In the
a graph convolutional layer (GraphConv) with batch default setting, M is set to 100. The atom importance is
normalization (BN) [32] and rectified linear unit (ReLU) defined as the sum of the IG values of features in each
activation, graph dense layer with the ReLU activation, atom. The calculation of the atom importance is per-
graph gather layer, and dense layer with the softmax acti- formed on compound-by-compound basis.
vation. By assigning the label that is suitable for each task The evaluation of the visualization results depends on
to the compounds, this model can be applied to many each case. Although methods for the visualization of deep
types of tasks, e.g., ADMET prediction based on the learning results are still developing, their effectiveness in
chemical structures. solving common problems has not been reported; how-
Figure  3 shows an example of a multi-task GCN for a ever, a quantitative evaluation of the IG values related to
prediction task. The only difference is that multiple labels the molecules was previously reported for the prediction
are predicted as an output. In this type of neural net- of a reaction [36].
works, multiple labels associated with a molecule such
as several types of ADMET properties can be predicted Hyper‑parameter optimization
simultaneously. It is well-known that multi-task predic- To optimize the neural network models, hyper-parame-
tion affords more improvement in the performance com- ters such as the number of graph convolution layers, the
pared to that of individual single-task prediction [33]. number of dense layers, dropout rate, and learning rate

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Kojima et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:32 Page 5 of 10

should be determined. As it is difficult to manually deter- GCNLearner trains the model from a given dataset.
mine all these hyper-parameters, kGCN allows automatic This node receives the training data-
hyper-parameter optimization with Gaussian-process- set and provides the trained model as
based Bayesian optimization using a Python library, GPy- an output. Detailed settings such as
Opt [37]. batch size and learning rate can be set
as the node properties.
Interfaces GCNPredictor predicts the label from a given trained
This section describes three interfaces in the kGCN model and new dataset.
Using the kGCN nodes mentioned above, Fig. 5 shows
Command‑line interface an example of the workflow. This data flow can be sepa-
The kGCN system provides the command-line interface rated into that before and after GCNLearner. The former
suitable for batch execution. Data processing is designed part is for data preparation, for which kGCN includes the
according to the aim, but there is a standard process com- following KNIME nodes:
mon to many data processing designs, e.g., a series of pro-
cesses for cross-validation. The kGCN commands include
CSVLabelExtractor reads labels from a CSV file
these common processes, i.e., the kGCN system allows
for training and evaluation
preprocessing, learning, prediction, cross-validation, and
SDFReader reads the molecular informa-
Bayesian optimization using the following commands:
tion from an SDF.
GraphExtractor extracts the graph from each
kgcn-chem command 
allows preprocessing of mol-
ecule data, e.g., structure-data
extracts the features from
file (SDF) and SMILES.
each molecule.
kgcn command allows batch execution related
GCNDatasetBuilder  constructs the complete
to prediction tasks: supervised
dataset by combining input
training, prediction, cross-val-
and label data.
idation, and visualization.
GCNDatasetSplitter splits the dataset into train-
kgcn-opt command allows batch execution
ing and test datasets.
related to hyper-parameter
The test dataset is used for the evaluation and interpre-
tation of results. kGCN also provides the modules to dis-
These commands can be used with Linux commands
play the output of the results.
and enable users to construct automatic scripts, e.g.,
Bash scripts. Because such batch execution is suitable for
GCNScore provides the scores of the predic-
large-scale experiments using workstation and reproduc-
ible experiments, this interface is useful for the evalua- tion model such as accuracy.
tion of neural network models. GCNScoreViewer displays the graph of ROC scores
in the image file.
KNIME interface GCNVisualizer computes the IG values and atom
The kGCN system supports KNIME modules as a GUI. importance.
KNIME is a platform to prepare the workflow, which GCNGraphViewer displays the atom importance in
consists of KNIME nodes for data processing, and is par- the image file.
ticularly useful in the field of data science. The kGCN
KNIME nodes described below are useful for the execu- Another example of the workflow is shown in Fig.  6,
tion of various kGCN functions in combination with which includes an example of multi-modal neural net-
existing KNIME nodes. The command-line interface works. To design multi-modal neural networks, the
allows batch execution, whereas the KNIME interface is kGCN system provides the following modules:
suitable for early steps in the machine learning process
such as prototyping and data preparation. AdditionalModalityPreprocessor 
reads the data of
To train and evaluate the model, kGCN provides the another modality
following two nodes. from a given file.

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Kojima et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:32 Page 6 of 10

Single-task workflow
Preprocessing: Training and evaluation:
This part of the workflow constructs a dataset from the input files. A dataset consists of This part carries out the hold-out evaluation, a standard machine learning procedure. The hold-out evaluation con-
a set of pairs whose components correspond to a molecule and a label. Settings like sists of two steps: training a GCN using a training dataset and evaluation of the model using a test dataset. Detailed
input file paths can be set from the properties for each node in this part. settings such as batch size and learning rate can be set as the properties of the nodes.

GCNLearner trains the model
from a given dataset.
CSVLabelExtractor reads This node receives GCNPredictor GCNScore computes
the labels from a CSV file the evaluation scores
the training dataset and
for trainign and evaluation. outputs the trained model as output. such as accuracy.

SDFReader GraphExtractor GCNDatasetBuilder GCNPredictor predicts

GCNDatasetSplitter the label from a given trained
model and new dataset.
SDFReader reads GraphExtractor extracts GCNDatasetBuilder constructs
the molecular information the graph from each molecule the complete dataset GCNDatasetSplitter splits the received dataset
from a structure-data file (SDF) by combining into training and test datasets.
GCNScoreViewer displays
input and label data.
the graph of ROC
AtomFeatureExtractor in the image file.

AtomFeatureExtractor extracts the features from each molecule.

Multi-task workflow
Preprocessing: Training and evaluation:
The topology of this part is the same as the single-task workflow. The process of this This part carries out the hold out evaluation considering multiple tasks, i.e., the training a GCN model for the all tasks
part is similar to that of the single-task workflow. The different part is reading a label file and evaluate the model using the test dataset for each task.
containing multiple labels corresponding to multiple tasks and constructing a dataset
containig multiple labels.


This node reads
a comma-separated values(CSV) file
stored multiple labels for each molecule.
In the multi-task setting,
SDFReader GraphExtractor GCNDatasetBuilder GCNPredictor
this node outputs the evaluation score
GCNDatasetSplitter for each task.


In the multi-task setting,
this node saves the ROC images
for each task.

Fig. 5  Single-task workflow for the hold-out procedure using the KNIME interface (Upper). Multi-task workflow for the hold-out procedure (Lower)

AddModality adds the data of another size of the dataset, GCNDatasetSplitter can be used for
modality to the dataset. selecting a part of the dataset.

To change from single-task to multi-modal, AddMo-

dality node should be added next to the GCNDataset- Python interface
Builder node. The kGCN system also provides a Python library for pro-
The visualization process shown at the bottom-right of grammers to more precisely tune the setting of the analy-
Fig. 6 requires a specific computation time depending on sis. The kGCN system can be used in a manner similar to
the number of molecules to be visualized, as the compu- any standard library and supports pip, a Python standard
tation time for the integrated gradient method for each package manager. Furthermore, the kGCN system can
molecule is 1–5 s during GPU execution. To reduce the be used in the Jupyter notebook, which is an interac-
tive interface. Therefore, the users can easily explore this

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Kojima et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:32 Page 7 of 10

Multi-modal workflow
Preprocessing: Training and evaluation:
In the multi-modal workflow, the two nodes are added after GCNDatasetBuild- In the multi-modal workflow, the two nodes are added after GCNDatasetBuilder: AdditionalModali-
er: AdditionalModalityPreprocessor and AddModality. This additional part adds tyPreprocessor and AddModality. This additional part adds the vector input data from the additional
the vector input data from the additional CSV file. CSV file. GCNScore



CSVLabelExtractor GCNDatasetSplitter


SDFReader GraphExtractor GCNDatasetBuilder AddModality

AddModality adds
This part outputs the images visualizing the contribution to the prediction using the integrated
an additional modality
AtomFeatureExtractor gradient method. GCNVisualizer GCNGraphViewer
into the dataset.

GCNVisualizer computes GCNGraphViewer
This node extracts the integrated gradient scores. displays the computed
a part of the dataset integrated gradients
to reduce samples for visualization. in an image file.
constructs an input vector modality
from a specified CSV file.

Fig. 6  Multi-modal workflow for the hold-out procedure

library using google collaboratory, a cloud environment various types of users with various skill levels. For exam-
for the execution of Python programs. ple, an easy-to-use high-layer GUI can assist the chem-
The kGCN system adopts an interface similar to scikit- ists with limited programming knowledge in using kGCN
learn, a defacto standard machine learning library in and understand SAR at a molecular level. Contrarily, for
Python. Therefore, the process employing the kGCN machine learning professionals with good programming
library includes preprocessing, training by fit methods, skills, it is expected that they will focus on the improve-
and evaluation by pred method, in this order. The users ment of algorithms using a low-layer python interface.
can easily access the kGCN library in a similar manner to By using a Python interface, the users can make machine
that of scikit-learn. Furthermore, designing a neural net- learning procedures more flexible and incorporate the
work, which is necessary for using kGCN, is easy if users kGCN functions into the user specific programs such as
are familiar with Keras because kGCN is compatible with web services. The users with good programming skills
the Keras library, and the users can easily design a neural can also use the command-line interface to automate
network such as Keras. data-analysis procedures using the kGCN functions
To demonstrate a wide applicability of the present because it is easy to construct a pipeline combined with
framework, three sample programs comprising the data- other commands such as Linux commands.
sets and scripts using the standard functions of kGCN
are available in the framework web pages. In addition to Results
these examples, the application of kGCN for a reaction For applications of kGCN, this section describes the
prediction has been reported in a prior study [36], where prediction of the assay results of a protein based on
the visualized reaction centers predicted by GCNs were the molecular structure. The prediction of compound-
consistent with reaction centers reported in the litera- protein interactions (CPIs) has played an important
ture. This literature report used GCNs for reaction pre- role in drug discovery [38], and CPI prediction meth-
diction on the kGCN system. ods using deep learning have achieved excellent results
[4, 14–16]. In this study, the applicability of kGCN to
Flexible user interfaces CPI prediction is demonstrated as an example of sin-
As described in the introduction and implementation gle-task/multi-task/multi-modal GCNs. The single-
sections, kGCN provides KNIME GUI, a command- task GCN predicts the activity against a protein based
line interface, and a programming interface to support on the chemical structure represented as a graph. The

Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.

Kojima et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:32 Page 8 of 10

Table 1  Number of compounds in our dataset 1

Assay type #Compounds 0.9

MMP-3 2095 0.7
MMP-9 2829

MMP-12 533 0.4
MMP-13 2607 0.3
multi-task GCN predicts the activities against multiple
proteins from a chemical structure. Although single-
Fig. 7  AUCs obtained from five-fold cross-validation
task and multi-task GCNs do not use the information
related to proteins, multi-modal neural networks pre-
dict the activity from information of both the protein
sequence and chemical structure.
For this examination, a dataset was prepared from the a b
ChEMBL ver.20 database. The threshold for active/inac- HN OH NH OH
tive was defined as 30uM. This dataset consists of four S N
types of matrix metalloprotease inhibition assays, MMP- O O O O

3, MMP-9, MMP-12, and MMP-13. The number of com-

pounds for each assay are listed in Table 1. These MMPs
Fig. 8  a Chemical structure. b Atomic contributions to the predicted
were selected because relatively large amounts of data MMP-9 activity. Red color represents the positive contribution to
were available for these in the ChEMBL dataset [39]. the prediction (MMP-9 active in this case). Blue color represents the
kGCN provides many types of descriptors for a com- negative contribution (not active)
pound and protein. For example, kGCN allows graph
representation for GCN and vector representation, such
as ECFP [40] and DRAGON [41], for standard neural
networks. Additionally, to represent a protein, kGCN kGCN allows the visualization of the atomic contri-
uses an amino-acid sequence and vector representation butions to the prediction result, as shown in Fig.  8b.
such as PROFEAT descriptors [42]. This application uses The compound, N-hydroxy-2-[N-(propan-2-yloxy)
graph representation for a compound and sequence rep- [1,1’-biphenyl]-4-sulfonamido]acetamide (Fig.  8a), is
resentation for a sequence. used for this prediction and its reported activity 200 nM
To simplify the experiment, the molecules with greater (IC50) against MMP-9 [43]. The label of this compound
than 50 atoms were removed. As the dataset was unbal- for MMP-9 in the dataset is active, and the activity pre-
anced, negative data corresponding to inactivity were dicted for this compound in single-task mode is correct
selected in the same manner [14]. Negative data was gen- (probability of active label is 0.964). This compound
erated to equalize the number of negative and positive possesses a hydroxamic acid group (-C(=O)NHOH),
data for each assay. and it is well-known that many MMP inhibitors have a
Such preprocessing can be realized using the kgcn- hydroxamic group. The crystallographic structure of a
chem command included in the section describing the complex of MMP-9 and this compound has been pre-
command-line interface. viously reported [44]. MMP-9 is a zinc protease, and
Figure 7 shows the area under the curve in the receiver the hydroxamic acid group of the above compound is
operator characteristic curve (ROC-AUC) of five-fold coordinated to the zinc ion of MMP-9. The positive
cross-validation. This result shows that the multi-modal contributions of OH, NH, and carbonyl oxygen of the
approach outperforms the other approaches. The rea- hydroxamic acid group shown in Fig. 8b are consistent
son for a better ROC-AUC of the prediction with with the interaction of the hydroxamic group with zinc
multi-modal approach is speculated to be the use of of MMP-9.
sequence-related information of the target proteins in Such visualization can be used to confirm the valid-
addition to the graph representation of the compounds. ity of the prediction by comparing the atomic contribu-
This result is consistent with the reported results which tions toward the prediction with structure-activity and/
indicate that the sequence descriptor contributes to or -property relationships. Additionally, this visualiza-
improved accuracy [4, 14–16]. tion can be useful for drug designing to improve the
activity, physicochemical properties and/or ADMET

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Kojima et al. J Cheminform (2020) 12:32 Page 9 of 10

properties by modifying the chemical moieties that Authors’ contributions

RK; Designed and implemented the software, analysed data, and co-wrote
contribute negatively to the prediction. the paper. SI; Designed and implemented the software, analysed data, and
co-wrote the paper. MO; analysed data and co-wrote the paper. HI; analysed
data and co-wrote the paper. TH and YO; supervised the research. All authors
provided critical feedback and helped shape the research, analysis and manu-
Conclusion script. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
For assisting various users including chemists and
cheminformaticians, an open-source GCN tool, kGCN, Funding
This paper is based on a part of results obtained from a project commissioned
is described. To support the users with various levels of by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
programming skills, kGCN provides three interfaces: (NEDO).
a GUI using the KNIME platform for users with lim-
Availability of data and materials
ited programming skills such as chemists, as well as Project name: kGCN. Project home page: https​://githu​b.com/clinf​o/kGCN.
command-line and Python library interfaces for the Operating system(s): Platform independent(Ubuntu 18.04, and CentOS 7 are
advanced users such as cheminformaticians and data mainly supported). Programming language: Python. Other requirements:
python3 (> 3.6), tensorflow. License: https​://githu​b.com/clinf​o/kGCN/blob/
scientists. Three steps including preprocessing, model maste​r/LICEN​SE. Any restrictions to use by non-academics: licence needed.
tuning, and interpretation of results, required for build-
ing a prediction model and utilization of prediction Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
results. kGCN supports these three steps by including
functions such as the automatic preparation of graph Author details
representation based on the chemical structures for  Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Shogoin‑kawaharacho,
Sakyo‑ku, Kyoto 606‑8507, Japan. 2 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sci-
pre-processing, Bayesian optimization for automatic ences, Kyoto University, Yoshida, Sakyo‑ku, Kyoto 606‑8501, Japan. 3 Medical
optimization of the hyper-parameters of the neural Sciences Innovation Hub Program, RIKEN Cluster for Science, Technology
networks for model tuning, the integrated gradient and Innovation Hub, Tsurumi‑ku, Kanagawa, Kanagawa 230‑0045, Japan.
 RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Tsurumi‑ku, Kanagawa,
method to visualize the atomic contribution toward Kanagawa 230‑0045, Japan.
the prediction result for interpretation. In terms of the
approaches used for prediction, kGCN supports single- Received: 17 February 2020 Accepted: 28 April 2020
task, multi-task, and multi-modal predictions. The CPI
prediction for four assays of matrixmetalloprotease
inhibition, MMP-3, -9, -12, and -13, is performed as a
representative case study using kGCN. Multi-modal
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