7 College Management System Group 3

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Institute of Information Technology

University of Dhaka

Topic: 7 College Automation System

Software Requirement & Specification Analysis (SE-406)
Submitted by:
Group 3
Shazzad Hossain - BSSE 1203
Sakib Al Hasan - BSSE 1209
Muktadul Islam - BSSE 1215
Sifat Sikder - BSSE 1221
Mohammad Momenuzzaman- BSSE 1227
Mehzabin Haque - BSSE 1233

Submitted to:
Dr. Kazi Muheymin-Us-Sakib
Institute of Information Technology
University of Dhaka

Table of Contents

Contents Page Number

Front Page 1

Table of Contents 2

Elicitation of 7CMS 8
Collaborative Requirements Gathering 8
Quality Function Deployment 8
Normal Requirements 8
Expected Requirements 9
Exciting Requirements 9

Usage Scenario of 7CMS 10

User Account Creation 10
1. Student Profile Sign Up 10
2. Teacher Profile Sign Up 11
3. Staff Profile Sign Up 11
4. Admin Profile Sign Up 11
Password Recovery 11
2-Factor Authentication 12
Change Password 12
Login 12
Student Login 12
Teacher, Staff and Admin Login 13
Dashboard 13
Student Dashboard 13
1. Edit Information 13
2. Form Fill Up 13
Result view 13
Syllabus 13

Notice Board 14
Complaints and Feedback 14
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 14
Progress 14
Mental healthcare panel 14
10. Fundraising panel 14
11. Digital Certificate 15
Teacher Dashboard 15
1. Course Materials Upload 15
2. Marks Upload 15
3.Teacher Feedback 15
4. Course Progress 15
5. Edit Profile Information 16
Staff Dashboard 16
1. Notice Upload 16
2. Staff Feedback 16
3. Calendar Management 16
4. Edit Profile Information 16
Admin Dashboard 16
1. Create Accounts 16
2. Archive accounts 17
3. Edit Profile Information 17
4. Software Feedback 17
Result Process 17
Payment: 17

Requirements Modeling 18

Scenario based modeling 18

Use Case Diagram 19

Primary Actor 19
Secondary Actor 19
Level 0: 19
Figure-1 : Level 0 (7-College Management System) 21
Level 1: 21
Figure-2 : Level 1 (7-College Management System) 22
Level 1.1:User Account Management 24
Level 1.4: Payment 27
Level 1.1.1: Account Creation 30
Level 1.3.1: Student Dashboard 31
Level 1.3.2: Staff Dashboard 34

Level 1.3.3: Admin Dashboard 35

Level 1.3.4: Teacher Dashboard 36
Level Information view 37

Activity Diagram 39
Activity 1.1 Account management 39
Activity 1.2 Login 39
Activity: 1.3 Dashboard 40
Activity: 1.4 Payment 41
Activity: 1.5 Result 42
Activity: 1.6 Notification 44
Activity: 1.1.1 Account Creation 45
Activity: 1.1.2 Password Recovery 46
Activity Result View 47
Activity Form Fillup 48
Activity Information view 49
Activity Complaint Box 50
Activity Mental Health 51
Activity Fundraising 52

Swimlane Diagram 52
Swimlane Diagram: 1.2 Log In 54
Swimlane Diagram: 1.3 Dashboard 55
Figure-29: Swimlane Diagram 1.3 (Dashboard) 55
Swimlane Diagram: 1.4 Payment 56
Figure-30: Swimlane Diagram 1.4 (Payment) 56
Swimlane Diagram: 1.5 Result 57
Figure-31: Swimlane Diagram 1.5 (Result) 57
Swimlane Diagram: 1.6 Notification 58
Swimlane Diagram: 1.1.1 Account creation 59
Swimlane Diagram: 1.1.2 Password Recovery 60
Figure-34: Swimlane Diagram 1.1.2 (Password Recovery) 60
Swimlane Diagram: Form Fillup 61
Figure-35: Swimlane Diagram (Form Fill Up) 61
Swimlane Diagram: Result View 62
Swimlane Diagram: Information View 63
Swimlane Diagram: Complaint View 64
Swimlane Diagram: Mental Health 65

Class Based Modeling 66

List of Nouns in 7-College Management System 67

General Classification 69

Potential To Be Classes 72
Selection Criteria 73
Selected Classes 74
Attribute and Method Identification 75
1.Account 75
2.Admin 75
3.Complaint Box 75
4.Form Fill up 75
5. Payment 75
6.SSLCommerz 76
7.Staff 1
8.Student 76
9.SMS 77
10.System 77
11.Teacher 78
12.Viewer 1
Analysis 79
Final Classes 82
Class Cards 83
1.Account 83
2.Admin 83
3.Complaint Box 84
4. Form Fillup 84
5.Payment 85
6. Staff 86
7. Student 87
8. SMS 88
9. System 89
10. Teacher 89
11. UI 90
12. Generator 92
13. Getter 93
14. Checker 94
15.Viewer 95

CRC Diagram 96
ID 1 96
Name: Account 96
ID 2 96
Name: Admin 96
ID 3 97

Name: Complaint 98
ID 4 98
Name: Form fillup 98
ID 5 99
Name: Payment 99
ID 6 100
Name: Staff 100
ID 7 101
Name: Student 101
ID 8 102
Name: SMS 102
ID 9 103
Name: System 103
ID 10 104
Name: Teacher 104
ID 11 105
Name: UI 105
ID 12 107
Name: Generator 107
ID 13 107
Name: Getter 107
ID 14 108
Name: Checker 108
ID 15 109
Name: Viewer 109


State Transition Diagram 111
Event Table 111
State Transition Diagram 116
ID 1 116
ID 2 117
ID 3 118
ID 4 119
ID 5 119
ID 6 120
ID 7 120
ID 8 121
ID 9 122
ID 10 123
ID 11 124

ID 12 125
ID 13 126
ID 14 126
ID 15 127
Sequence Diagram 128
Figure:General Sequence Diagram 130
Figure:Student Sequence Diagram 131
Figure:Teacher,Staff,Admin Sequence Diagram 132
Data Flow Diagram 132
Level 1: 7CMS 133
Level 2: Password Recovery 134
Level 2: Account Creation 135
Level 2: Login 135
Level 2: Payment 137
Level 2: Dashboard 138
Level 3: Feedback 138
Level 3: Student Dashboard 140
Level 3: Edit Information 141
Level 3: Fundraising Help 142
Level 3: Management 142
Level 4: Generate Digital Certificate 144

Elicitation of 7CMS
The main task of the elicitation phase is to combine the elements of problem solving,
elaboration, negotiation and specification. The collaborative working approach of the
stakeholders is required to elicit the requirements. The following tasks have been finished for
eliciting requirements of 7CMS:
● Collaborative Requirements Gathering
● Quality Function Deployment
● Usage Scenarios

Collaborative Requirements Gathering

We have met with the stakeholders in the inception phase such as the staff and faculties. These
meetings created an indecisive state for us to elicit the requirements. To solve this problem, we
have met with the stakeholders (who are playing a vital role in the whole process) a few times to
elicit the requirements.

Quality Function Deployment

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a technique that translates the needs of the customers
into technical requirements for software. Ultimately the goal of QFD is to translate subjective
quality criteria into objective ones that can be quantified and measured, and can then be used to
design and manufacture the product. It is a methodology that concentrates on maximizing
customer satisfaction from the software engineering process. So, we have followed this
methodology to identify the requirements for the project. The requirements which are given
below, are identified successfully by the QFD.

Normal Requirements
Normal Requirements are generally the objectives and goals that are stated for a product or
system during meetings with the customer. The presence of these requirements fulfills
customers’ satisfaction. The normal requirements are given below:
● Faculties and students will create an account by providing their credentials and the
account will be automatically verified.
● A predefined account will be given to the admin.
● Admin will create accounts for college staff.
● Users can recover their password if forgotten.
● College staff will upload notices and results.
● Complaints and Feedback panel is to be created for students, staff and students.
● Results and transcripts will be provided to the students through Dashboard.
● Every dashboard will have a notification panel.
● Student information will automatically be integrated into their profile.

Expected Requirements
These requirements are intrinsic to the product or system and may be so elementary that the
customer does not explicitly state them. Their absence will be a cause for significant
dissatisfaction. Below are the expected requirements for this software:
● User friendly interface
● Encrypted password storage
● Data security
● Improvement exam results are to be integrated with regular exam results
● Digital signature method for faster document approval
● Updated syllabus availability
● Information regarding faculty members to be available for students
● LinkedIn profile attached with student profile.

Exciting Requirements
These requirements are for features that go beyond the customer’s expectations and prove to
be very satisfying. These are the exciting features of our project:
● Statistical sheet for students’ progress and result

● If a large number of students are performing poorly in a particular subject for several
semesters, system will use artificial intelligence to figure out the best possible solution of
what steps should be taken by the course instructor

● Student can review and rate the software along with teacher’s performance and staff’s
behavior by remain anonymous

● When the student passed 4th year successfully, a digital certificate will be generated

● If a student faces a financial problem, he can apply for fundraising with necessary
documents which will be verified by faculty and after verification alumni and other
student can donate for that fundraising

● If a student needs consultation about his mental health, he can consult with the student
advisor by remain anonymous through a mental health care panel

● There will be a timetable for the authorities and teachers panel where faculty and
teachers can update the time of when they will be present in the department.

Usage Scenario of 7CMS

7CMS will be an automated system which will benefit students, faculty members and staff of 7
affiliated colleges and the Registrar Building of University of Dhaka. The software can be divided
into the following components based on the usage scenarios:

User Account Creation

Since 7CMS is an automated system, all the people who receive service have to hold a
designated unique profile or a guest profile, which will be considered as their account through
which they can continue and communicate with the system for any type of procedures. The
profile will be of four types according to users’ perspective in this system: students, teachers,
staff and admin.

1. Student Profile Sign Up

A student will initially visit www.dua7c.com. He must first register if this is his first time accessing
as a student. He will enter his registration number that was provided by the college authority
during his admission, choose his session and program, and press the submit button, which will
direct him to an interface where he must provide his father’s and mother’s names and a

password, and additionally his address and phone number. The provided father’s and mother’s
name will be cross checked with data stored in the database for verification.For completing
phone verification, the system will send an OTP to that phone number.Student will then enter
the OTP.On the action of providing correct OTP, the phone number will be registered with the
account. If the information provided does not match, a message will be displayed saying “Given
information does not match”. He also has to provide a strong password, which needs to contain
the followings:
● At least 8 characters
● A combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

Once a student provides all information correctly, his sign up will be completed and he will be
redirected to the dashboard.

2. Teacher Profile Sign Up

Every teacher will be provided with an account created by the admin with an username and a
one-time password. A teacher will have to log in to his account with this username and one-time
password, and after logging in successfully, the first time, he will be asked to provide a
password, which will be the new password for his account, and other necessary information
along with a phone number which will be verified by system by sending an OTP and matching it.

3. Staff Profile Sign Up

All the profiles of staff will be created in the same way as the teachers’ profiles by the admin.

4. Admin Profile Sign Up

The developer team will create an account for the first admin with an username and a one-time
password. Admin also has to provide a new password and a phone number like teachers and
staff when he logs in the first time. If the admin is changed later, the previous admin will hand
over his account credentials to the new admin.

Password Recovery
When a user forgets the password of his account, he can click on the ‘Forget Password?’
button. It will redirect him to an OTP interface where he will provide the registration number if he
is a student, else provide the username, and an OTP will be sent to the registered phone
number. When he enters the correct OTP in the interface, a password reset interface will appear
where he will be asked to provide a new password and confirm this newly provided password.
The provided password will then be matched with the password strength criteria. If the
password matches the criteria then the system will store the new password in the corresponding
database or else a notification will be sent that “Password must contain at least 8 characters
including at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1symbol and 1 number ”.

Once the password reset is completed, a message saying “Password reset successfully” will be
displayed, and the user will be redirected to the login interface.

2-Factor Authentication
After Successful Login a user will be directed to his account’s dashboard from where he can
ON/OFF his 2 factor authentication.

If user wants to ON 2 factor authentication he will press turn on 2 factor authentication.Then

system will send an OTP to the registered phone number and redirect the user to an interface
where the user will provide the OTP.If the provided OTP is correct, system will turn on the 2
factor authentication, save the authentication status in the corresponding database and send a
notification to the user’s dashboard.

If the user wants to turn off 2 factor authentication he will press the turn off 2 factor
authentication option.
Then the system will ask the user to provide his account’s password. On successful
authentication,the system will send an OTP to the registered phone number and redirect the
user to an interface where the user will provide the OTP.If the provided OTP is correct, system
will turn off the 2 factor authentication, save the authentication status in the corresponding
database and send a notification to the user’s dashboard.

Change Password
After successful login, If a user wants to change his password from the dashboard, he will go to
the change password section where the system will ask him to provide his old password. After
providing the password the system will check whether the provided password is valid or not. If
valid then the system will allow the user to change his password according to the password
strength criteria and store the new password in the corresponding database.

Every user other than a guest user will have to log in via the login interface. The login process
for different types of users are as follows:

1. Student Login
Going to the “Student Login” section, a student has to enter his registration number and
password in the login interface, and then press the Sign In button. If the provided credentials do
not match the account credentials stored in the database, a message stating that “Given
credentials do not match” will be displayed, and he will be asked to provide valid credentials. If
the provided credentials match, the system will check in the database whether the account’s 2
factor authentication is ON or OFF. If it is ON, an OTP will be sent to the registered phone
number. Upon providing OTP correctly, he will be redirected to the dashboard but if the 2 factor
authentication is OFF then the student will be redirected to the dashboard without any OTP

2. Teacher, Staff and Admin Login

Teachers, Staff and Admin have to first go to the “Authority Login” section and then provide their
username and password and select the user type, and then press the Sign In button. For invalid
credentials they will be asked to provide valid information, otherwise, the system will check in
the database whether the account’s 2 factor authentication is ON or OFF. If it is ON, an OTP will
be sent to the registered phone number. Upon providing OTP correctly, he will be redirected to
his account’s dashboard but if the 2 factor authentication is OFF then the user will be directly
redirected to his dashboard without any OTP check.


Student Dashboard
Once a student successfully logs in, the dashboard will offer him access to the following options:

1. Edit Information
He can update his information, upload a photo, change his password, and turn on or off
two-factor authentication in this section.

2. Form Fill Up
A student can complete his exam form using this section. A student has to select the
examination he wants to attend, select his session, provide the list of the courses he’s taking
,exam type(Regular/Improve) and press “Submit”. He will be taken to the payment page, where
he will be asked to confirm the method of payment, and after confirming the method of payment,
he will be redirected to the payment portal to complete the payment.

He can edit his given exam information till the deadline of the form fill up runs out. An admit card
will be generated by the system which he can download or print once it is approved by the
authority .

3. Result view
A student will visit the Result section. Here he will provide his registration number, roll number,
running year and select the program name. If the database has any result for the information
provided, the student will be able to view his result along with the marksheet. If there is no result
in the database for the information provided, a message will be displayed saying “Result Not

4. Syllabus
In the syllabus section, a student will choose the program name, year, and semester, to view
and download the syllabus of that specific semester for that program. Additionally, he will be
able to view folders named after all the courses of that semester containing the books in pdf
format and lecture slides (if available) during that semester. The student can download anything
from these folders. He can also download an entire folder or all the folders at once as zip files.

5. Notice Board
A student can view department, college and central - all types of notices in the notice board. He
can also filter the notices by choosing a combination of the program name, year, semester and

6. Complaints and Feedback

A student will find three types of complaint options: teachers, staff and software. A student will
be able to complain about a particular teacher or a particular staff member, and they can do so
anonymously as well as non anonymously. A message saying “Complaint received” will be
displayed once a complaint has been submitted.
If any complaint submitted by a student is resolved, that student will be able to view it in the
Feedback section.

7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

There will be a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section which will contain answers of some
common questions and help guides about how to use the software.

8. Progress
In this section, a student can view a graph of their performance in different courses in a
semester as well as overall performance across different semesters. He can also view his
attendance and marks in assignments and tasks in different courses of the current semester.

9. Mental healthcare panel

Mental healthcare panel will be attached to the student panel under supervision of a faculty
member, who will in turn be responsible for providing assistance and consultation to students in
need. In the consultation phase, both faculty and students can remain anonymous and have
conversation with each other through this mental healthcare panel.

10. Fundraising panel

If a student faces financial problems he can apply for fundraising with necessary
documentation.System will forward the application to the faculty where the student advisor will
verify the documentations and send acceptance/rejection feedback.
If the application is accepted then the system will send notification to the applicant student that
the application has been accepted and ask for an account number/mobile number where he will
receive a donation.
System will send notification to other students including alumni for donation.Whenever a
student/alumni wants to donate, he will simply go to the fundraising option and donate in the
provided number. System will then send notification to applicant about fund received and
increase the amount of received donation in the applicant’s dashboard

11. Digital Certificate

When a student clears out all fees and passes in all exams of the program he is admitted to
then a digital certificate along with a testimonial will be generated by the system and will be sent
to faculty for verification. When faculty verifies these 2 documents with a digital signature then
the certificate will be sent to the student dashboard from where he can download it or can
directly attach the certificate in the linkedin profile.

Teacher Dashboard
Once a student successfully logs in, the dashboard will offer him access to the following options:

1. Course Materials Upload

A teacher will upload outlines, related slides and books for each course that he takes in this

2. Marks Upload
A teacher will enter marks for assignments, tests, quizzes, midterm exams, lab works,
presentations, term papers, final exams and other tasks in this section which will be stored in
the central database from where the student can view it

3.Teacher Feedback
The students may send complaints regarding any member of the faculty, and a teacher is
assigned to deal with the complaints, who receives and replies to the messages from students
using their dashboard.

4. Course Progress
A teacher will be able to view a graph showing the progress of his course, and information about
students’ performance, attendance, progress of assignments and other tasks of students.

5. Edit Profile Information

A teacher can change his password, email address and phone number for two-factor
authentication, and his contact details.

Staff Dashboard
Once a staff member successfully logs in, the dashboard will offer him access to the following

1. Notice Upload
Three types of notices can be uploaded: specific department’s notice verified by the head of that
department, specific college’s notice verified by that college authority, and central notice for all 7
colleges. Department notices can only be uploaded by department staff and similarly, college
notices by college staff and central notices from Registrar Building staff of University of Dhaka.

2. Staff Feedback
Any complaints made against a particular staff will appear in the complaint box of the superior of
that staff. Once the issue is resolved, the staff who resolved the issue, will click on the
‘Resolved’ button and send feedback to the student who made the complaint.

3. Calendar Management
In this section, staff members of a department can add events and academic calendar for this
department. Staff members of a college can add events and holidays for the college. These
events will be synced with the Google Calendar of the email address of all users.

4. Edit Profile Information

A staff member can change his password, email address and phone number for two-factor
authentication, and his contact details.

Admin Dashboard
Once the admin successfully logs in, the dashboard will offer him access to the following

1. Create Accounts
In this section, the admin will be able to create new accounts for teachers and staff members.
He has to provide a username, a one-time password and an email address provided to him by
the user whose account is being created to create a new teacher and staff account, and this one
time password will be sent to the provided email address.

2. Archive accounts
Admin will archive the accounts of teachers and staff members who either retired or are no
longer in these institutions.

3. Edit Profile Information

Admin can change his password, email address and phone number for two-factor

4. Software Feedback
When a complaint against software will be solved, the admin can send the feedback to that
student who has made the complaint from this panel

Result Process
The teacher will enter the marks of the final exam including the continuous marks. Then the
system will store the result and set the status of the result as unauthorized. Then 2nd examiner
will upload the marks of the final exam which will also be stored by the database
Then the exam officer will authorize the result and mark the result status as authorized. When
all subject’s result status will be authorized then the system will generate a marksheet as well as
a statistical sheet of each student and calculate the result (CGPA+GPA in that particular
semester) and each mark sheet will be stored in the central database until the head of
department publishes it. After publishing the all mark sheets will be sent to the student database
from where the student will be able to view it through his dashboard

When applying for admission to a new year(1st/2nd/3rd/4th) or at the time of giving exam fee, a
student must first confirm the application by paying the application fee/form fill up fee. This fee
can be paid either online or offline. In case of an offline payment, the student pays the fee to any
branch of the connected bank(Agrani/Janata/Sonali). The bank employee confirms payment and
provides the student with a receipt for proof of payment. Then the student gives the receipt to
his department staff who updates the status of the student’s payment in the system. Then
system stores the status in the student database and send notification to the student dashboard
and also send a sms to the student’s registered mobile number

In case of online payment, the student can avail online platforms like SSLCommerz. In this case
after payment has been made, the commerce platform sends the student an OTP via SMS
service, which the student can provide to the application system to authenticate the payment.
After authentication the system connects the SSLCommerz API to the student panel from where
students provide phone number/account number and amount and pin/CVC code to complete
payment. After successful completion, the system stores the payment status in the student

Requirements Modeling
At a technical level, software engineering begins with a series of modeling tasks that lead to a
specification of requirements and a design representation for the software to be built. The
requirements model, actually a set of models - if the first technical representation of a system.
Requirements modeling uses a combination of text and diagrammatic forms to depict
requirements in a way that is relatively easy to understand, and ,more importantly,
straightforward to review for correctness, completeness and consistency.

Scenario based modeling

Although the success of a computer based system or product is measured in many ways, user
satisfaction resides at the top of the list. If we understand how end users and other actors want
to interact with a system, the software team will be better able to properly characterize
requirements and build meaningful analysis and design models. Hence, requirements modeling
with UML begins with the creation of scenarios in the form of use cases, activity diagrams, and
swimlane diagrams.

Use Case Diagram

A use case is a list of actions or event steps typically defining the interactions between a role
(actor) and a system to achieve a goal. The actor can be a human or other external system. In
this modeling, use case diagram is a graphical depiction of a user's possible interactions with a
system. A use case diagram shows various use cases and different types of users the system
has and will often be accompanied by other types of diagrams as well. Use case diagrams are a
blueprint for the system. Due to their simplistic nature, use case diagrams can be a good
communication tool for stakeholders. The drawings attempt to mimic the real world and provide
a view for the stakeholder to understand how the system is going to be designed. Use case
diagrams consist of actors, use cases and their relationships. The diagram is used to model the
system/subsystem of an application. A single use case diagram captures a particular
functionality of a system.

Primary Actor
Primary actors interact to achieve required system function and derive the intended benefit from
the system. They work directly and frequently with the software.

Secondary Actor
Secondary actors support the system so that primary actors can do their work. They either
produce or consume information.

Level 0:
Name: 7-College Management System
Primary Actor: Student,Teacher,Staff,Admin
Secondary Actor: SSLCommerz, Email/SMS, Student Database, Central Database, System

Figure-1 : Level 0 (7-College Management System)


Level 1:
Name: 7-College Management System
Primary Actor: Student, Teacher, Staff, Admin
Secondary Actor: SSLCommerz, SMS, Student Database, Central Database, System

Figure-2 : Level 1 (7-College Management System)


1. Account Management: A student can create an account. A user can

set/change/recover the password if forgotten. A user can edit his profile information.
2. Login : All users need to be logged into the system. All users can login by providing
required information.
3. Dashboard: All users can view information and go to different services from the

4. Payment: A student can make all types of payments using SSLCommerz.

5. Result: A teacher will upload marks of the students.Exam officer will authorize the result
and head of department will publish the result.After publishing,a student can view his
result by providing his registration and exam roll number.
6. Notification: All the users will receive notifications via SMS in the provided contact
number or email in the provided email address along with their dashboard

Action & Response :

1.Account Management:

A1: Students will provide necessary information to open an account and other users will direct
login using a given username and OTP. Every user can add/edit their information,
set/update/recover their password in this portion
R1: System will store information to the corresponded database


A1: User will provide necessary information to login

R1: System will verify the information and send response to corresponding user


A1: User will press the information section that he wants to see
R1: System will direct him to the related interface and then fetch data from database for viewing


A1: Student will make payment in this section by providing the payment method,amount and
necessary details
R1: System will call SSLCommerz API and send the provided details to the SSLCommerz

A2: When payment is successful SSLCommerz will send confirmation to the system or else it
will send “Payment Unsuccessful” notification to the system
R2: If SSLCommerz sends confirmation to the system,it will generate a paid receipt and send it
to the student database or else system will send a “Payment Unsuccessful” message to the

5. Result

A1: Teacher,Exam officer and head of department will upload,authorize and publish the result

R1: System will the store the result as well as the result status in the central database,generate
marksheets when all results are authorized and send it to the student database when it is

A2: Student will provide his exam credentials to see result

R2: System will send the result to the student dashboard if the given credentials are matched or
else a message will be shown that “Invalid information”


A1: System will send notification to the user dashboard

R1: User will be able to view that notification in his dashboard

A2: System will send an sms to the registered phone number

R2: User will be able to see the message in his phone

Level 1.1:User Account Management

Name : User account management
Primary Actor : Admin, Staff, Teacher, Student
Secondary Actor: System, Student Database, Central Database, SMS

Figure-3 : Level 1.1 (User Account Management)


1. Account Creation: A user has to provide necessary information to create an account.

2. Password Recovery: A user can reset the password after forgetting it.
3. Edit Information: A user can edit his profile information.
4. Two Factor Authentication: A user can on/off his account’s 2 factor authentication in
this section by doing password check and OTP verification
5. Change Password : A user can change their password in this section

Action & Response :

1.Account Creation

A1: User will select his type and based on the type he will complete his account creation by
doing registration/First Log in, setting password and adding information

R1: Based on the type system will redirect him to the corresponding interface and on successful
completion of account creation system will store the data in the related database

2 Password Recovery

A1: User will request for password recovery

R1: System will ask for username for verification

A2: User will provide his username

R2: If the provided username matched with any of username in the related database then the
system will send an OTP to the user’s registered phone number or else a message stating that
“Username not found.Try again” will be displayed

A3: User will input the OTP

R3: System will verify the OTP. If verified, the system will let the user recover his password and
allow him to enter his dashboard or else, a notification stating that “Incorrect OTP” will be sent to
the user’s dashboard

3. Edit Information

A1: User can edit his provided information

R1: System will store it into the related database

4. Two Factor Authentication

A1: User will select the type (turn on/off) of 2-factor authentication
R1: System will ask the user to provide the account password first

A2: User will give his account password to the system.

R2: If the given password is correct then the system will send an OTP to the registered phone
number or else the system will send a notification to the user that the given password is

A3: User will provide the received OTP to the system.

R3: If the given OTP is correct then the system will turn on/off the 2-factor authentication based
on the given type and store the 2-factor authentication status in the user database or else the
system will send a notification to the user that the given OTP is incorrect.

5. Change Password

A1: User will press change password

R1: System will ask for previous password for verification

A2: User will input his previous password

R2: If the given password is correct, the system will send OTP to the verified user’s phone
number or else the system will send a notification to the user that the given password is

A3: User will input the OTP

R3: System will verify the OTP and will let the user change the password if the correct OTP is
given or else the system will send a notification to the user that the given OTP is incorrect.

A4: User will enter a new password.

R4: System will check if the password is strong or not.If it fulfills the criteria of a strong password
the system will store the new password in the student database, otherwise the system send
notification about the criteria to be a strong password to the user dashboard

Level 1.3: Dashboard

Name: Dashboard
Primary Actor : Admin, Staff, Teacher, Student
Secondary Actor: System, Student Database, Central Database

Figure-4 : Level 1.3 (Dashboard)


1.Student dashboard: Students can edit their profile information, view results, frequently asked
questions,course contents, syllabus, complaints and feedback,notices and their academic
progress from the dashboard. They can also use the dashboard for completion of form fillup
activities,ask for mental health consultation and apply for fundraising

2.Staff dashboard: The staff uploads notices to the database using their dashboard. They can
provide feedback on the response of a student complaint to a staff and manage the calendar as
well. In addition, staff can edit their profile information as well.

3.Admin dashboard: The administrator uses the dashboard to edit his own profile information.
Afterwards, the admin uses the dashboard to create new teacher and staff accounts and can
also archive accounts of staff and teachers who are no longer associated with the institute and
provide a feedback to a student complaint about software.

4.Teacher dashboard: Teachers can view course progress and upload course materials, exam
marks to the system using their dashboard. They can also edit their profile information using the
dashboard and provide feedback on the response of a student complaint.

Action & Response :

A1: User will request information for view
R1: System will fetch information from the corresponding database and send it to the dashboard

Level 1.4: Payment

Name : Payment
Primary Actor: Student
Secondary Actor: Staff, SSLCommerz, Student Database

Figure-5 : Level 1.4 (Payment)

Bank Payment:
A student will provide the transaction details of any physical bank payment which will be
confirmed by a designated staff member.
Online Payment:
Users can choose to pay online on any order via SSLCommerz. Users will be sent an SMS to
notify about the transaction. Relevant banks will also be notified about the transaction in order to
update users account details.

Action and Reply :

A: Students will choose what payment method they want to do between online and offline
R: System will take student to corresponding webpage according to if student chooses online
payment and s/he can pay through SSL COMMERZ.
A: Students will make payment for form fill up and other required things within the deadline.
R: Payment Details will be stored.
A: In the bank payment system, students will give the information of the transaction number.
R: Staff will update the transaction number of the payment and if both matched then the student
will get a notification of payment confirmation

Level 1.5: Result

Name: Result
Primary Actor: Teacher
Secondary Actor: System, Central Database, Student Database

Figure-6 : Level 1.5 (Result)


This module basically describes the result process of the 7-College Automation System where a
teacher can upload result which will be authorized by the exam officer and on the completion of
all course teacher’s mark authorization, head of department will publish the result

Action & Response

A1: Course teacher will upload result to the system

R1: System will send notification to the teacher that the result has been stored to database
and will make the result status unauthorized

A2: Exam officer will give authorization status to the result

R2: If the result is authorized, it will be stored in the database as authorized result or else it will
be redirected to the course teacher again

A3: When all the stored results are authorized then the system will generate marksheet
corresponding to every student
R3: Generated marksheet will be stored in the central database

A4: Head of department will publish the result

R4: System will store the result from the central database to the student database from where
each student can view it

Level 1.1.1: Account Creation

Name: Account Creation
Primary Actor: Student, Teacher, Staff, Admin
Secondary Actor: System, Central Database,Student Database

Figure-7 : Level 1.1.1 (Account Creation)

In order to get service every person in the 7-College Automation System must have to create an
account based on their designation. This module describes how different users create their
account, add information and set passwords.

Action & Response

A1: Student will give his registration number, college name, department name, session to the
system to get registered in the system.
R1: System will verify the data by comparing with the data stored in the central database. If
verification is successful, the system will redirect him to his dashboard or else a notification
stating that “Given Credentials Not Matched” will be displayed to the student.

A2: When the student enters in the dashboard he will have to add some necessary information
in his profile which includes (Father’s name, Mother’s name,Email,Phone)
R2: System will send OTP in the given phone number

A3: Student will enter the OTP to complete phone verification

R3: If the given OTP is correct student will be redirected to the set password page or else a
message stating that “Invalid OTP” will be displayed to the student

A4: At the password setting screen the student will enter a new password and confirm the

R4: If the given password does not fulfill the password criteria then the system will send
notification that “Password must contain at least 8 characters/Password must contain at least 1
uppercase letter,lowercase letter, symbol and number”. But if the password matches the criteria
then the system will store the password in the student database.

Level 1.3.1: Student Dashboard

Name: Student Dashboard
Primary Actor: Student
Secondary Actor: System, Central Database, Student Database, SMS, SSL

Figure-8 : Level 1.3.1 (Student Dashboard)

When the student login is successful, he is redirected to his dashboard panel where he can form
fill up for an exam, view result of any semester,view any kind of academic information (syllabus,
notice, progress), complaint about a teacher/staff/software, consult a teacher for mental
healthcare and apply for fundraising if he feels any financial problem.

Action & Response

1.Form-Fill Up
A1:Student will give his exam information and press submit
R1:System will store the information into student database

A2:Student will confirm payment for exam

R2: If the payment is successful, the student will be redirected to an interface where he can
either edit information or go to the download admit section or else he will have to complete his
payment to proceed further

A3: Student will press edit information

R3: System will check whether the deadline is over or not, if it is not over then the student can
edit his information and if it is over then the system will send “Can not edit” notification

A4:Student will go to download admit section

R4: System will check if the deadline is over or not. If it is not over then the system will send a
“Wait Till Deadline Ends” notification and if the deadline is over, the system will then check
whether the exam form has been approved by faculty or not. If no system will “Waiting for
clearance notification” or else the system will generate an admit card ,store it into the student
database and send it to the student dashboard panel from where he can download/print it.

2.Result View
A1: Student will enter his exam credentials(department,session,semester,exam roll,reg no) in
order to view result
R1: System will verify if the credentials matched with any of the student entities in the student
database. If matched, system will send result to the student dashboard or else system will send
a message stating that “Given credentials not matched”

3.Information view
A1: Student will request to view information like syllabus,notice,FAQ,progress
R1: System will fetch data from the corresponding database and show it to the student

A1: Student will select complaint type
R1: System will direct him to an interface based on the type he select

A2: Student will select the anonymous type of his identity

R2: System will store the anonymous status in his database

A3: Student will write complaint

R3: System will store the complaint in the student database and send it to the dashboard of the
chosen user type by the student(Teacher dashboard for teacher complaint,Staff Dashboard for
staff complaint, Admin dashboard for software complaint)

A4: Student will check response

R4: If the complaint has got a feedback in the student database the system will show it in the
student dashboard or else “Complaint not yet resolved” notification will be sent to the student

5.Mental HealthCare
A1: Student will select the anonymous type of his identity
R1: System will store the anonymous status in his database

A2: Student will request for mental healthcare service

R2: System will store the request application in the student database and send it to the
teacher(student advisor) dashboard

A3: Student will check if his request has been accepted or not
R3: System will send “Your request has been accepted. Please write your problem” notification if
the request status in the student database is accepted or else “Request Pending for
acceptance” message will be shown.

A4: Student will write his problem

R4: System will store the complaint in the student database and send it to the dashboard of the
teacher(student advisor)

A4: Student will check response

R4: If his problem has got a reply by the teacher, it will be stored in the student database and so
the system will show it in the student dashboard or else “Wait for reply” notification will be sent
to the student dashboard

A1: Student will apply for the fundraising panel & attach necessary documents
R1: System will store all information in the student database and send it to the teacher

A2: System will send notification to the other running student and alumni student if the
fundraising application is accepted by the teacher(student advisor) and it will also send
“Application accepted” message to the applicant student
R2: The student will input his account number/mobile banking number in which he want to
accept money

A3: Alumni & other student will donate money

R3: System will call SSL API to complete donation. On every successful donation the applicant
student will receive a notification stating that “Received BDT.****” and system will increase the
donation amount in the dashboard

Level 1.3.2: Staff Dashboard

Name: Staff Dashboard
Primary Actor: Staff
Secondary Actor: System,Central Database, Student Database

Figure-9 : Level 1.3.2 (Staff Dashboard)


Upload notice: Staff will upload notice and anyone will be able to view it

Staff Feedback: If a complaint from student get solved then staff will upload the feedback
regarding that complaint

Calendar Management: Staff members of a department can add events and academic
calendar for that department. These events will be synced with the Google Calendar of the
email address of all users.

Action & Response

A1: Staff will upload notice
R1: System will store it into the central database

A2: Staff will give feedback if a complaint against another staff has been resolved
R2: System will store the feedback in the central database and send it to the student’s
dashboard who has made the complaint.

A3: Staff will add different events and holidays of departments and college
R3 : System will store that into the central database and sync these events with the Google
calendar of the email addresses of all users.

Level 1.3.3: Admin Dashboard

Name: Admin Dashboard
Primary Actor: Admin
Secondary Actor: System,Central Database, Student Database

Figure-10 : Level 1.3.3 (Admin Dashboard)


Creating Teacher and staff accounts: Admin will create new accounts of teachers/staffs

Archiving Accounts: If any teacher or staff member retires from his job, then the admin will
archive his account.

Software Feedback: Admin maintain software feedback and reply to this feedback. If there is a
problem with software, the admin can solve this issue.

Action & Response

A1: Admin will create new teacher/staff account
R1: System will store it into the central database

A2: Admin will archive accounts who are no longer part of 7-College
R2: System will move those accounts to archive section in the central database

A3: Admin will give feedback to a complaint that is related to software

R3: System will store the feedback in the central database and send it to the student’s
dashboard who has made the complaint.

Level 1.3.4: Teacher Dashboard

Name: Teacher Dashboard
Primary Actor: Teacher
Secondary Actor: System,Central Database, Student Database

Figure-11 : Level 1.3.4 (Teacher Dashboard)


Material & Marks Upload: Teacher uploads his class materials in his dashboard which is linked
with his students.He also upload his assignment marks,continuous assessment, final exam
marks to the central database which will be used by system to generate sheets

Course Progress Info: Teacher updates his course progress info. He daily updates which topic
he covers.
Teacher Feedback: Teacher will give feedback against a student complaint.

Action & Response

A1: Teacher will upload course material, marks of any assignment, attendance sheet
R1: System will store it into the central database

A2: Teacher will update the course progress and topic names that covered in each class
R2: System will store it into the central database

A3: Teacher will give feedback to a teacher complaint

R3: System will store the feedback in the central database and send it to the student’s
dashboard who has made the complaint.

Level Information view

Name: Information View
Primary Actor: Student
Secondary Actor: System, Central Database

Figure-12 : Level (Information view)

In this module a student can see information about syllabus,notice,FAQ and his progress in a
particular course at a particular semester

Action & Response

A1: Student will be ask to choose information type he wants to see
R1: System will redirect him to the appropriate interface based on the type he chooses

A2: If the information type is syllabus, student will give department name, current
year(1st/2nd/3rd/4th), current semester to get the syllabus of that particular semester
R2: System will fetch the syllabus data from the central database and send it to the student
dashboard panel

A3:If the information type is notice, student will select program, department and session to get
R3: System will fetch all the college notices along with central notices based on the condition
given by the student

A4:If information type is FAQ student will be directed to the FAQ page
R4:System will fetch FAQ stored in the central database from where the student can view it

A5: If the information type is progress, the student will be directed to the progress page where
he can select the semester,course and type of progress he wants to view.
R5: If the progress type is performance, the system will send assignment progress along with
continuous marks to the student dashboard panel,and if the progress type is attendance it will
send the attendance of the student in that particular course to the dashboard.

Activity Diagram
Activity diagram is an important behavioral diagram in UML diagram to describe dynamic
aspects of the system. Activity diagram is essentially an advanced version of flowchart that
models the flow from one activity to another activity.

Activity 1.1 Account management

Figure-13 : Activity Diagram 1.1 (Account management)


Activity 1.2 Login

Figure-14 : Activity Diagram 1.2 (Login)


Activity: 1.3 Dashboard

Figure-15 : Activity Diagram 1.3 (Dashboard)


Activity: 1.4 Payment

Figure-16 : Activity Diagram 1.4 (Payment)


Activity: 1.5 Result

Figure-17 : Activity Diagram 1.5 (Result)


Activity: 1.6 Notification

Figure-18 : Activity Diagram 1.6 (Notification)


Activity: 1.1.1 Account Creation

Figure-19 : Activity Diagram 1.1.1 (Account Creation)


Activity: 1.1.2 Password Recovery

Figure-20 : Activity Diagram (Password Recovery)


Activity Result View

Figure-21 : Activity Diagram (Result View)


Activity Form Fillup

Figure-22 : Activity Diagram (Form Fill Up)


Activity Information view

Figure-23 : Activity Diagram (Information view)


Activity Complaint Box

Figure-24 : Activity Diagram ( Complaint Box)


Activity Mental Health

Figure-25 : Activity Diagram ( Mental Health)


Activity Fundraising

Figure-26 : Activity Diagram ( Fundraising)


Swimlane Diagram
A swimlane diagram is a type of flowchart, which diagrams a process from start to finish, but it
also divides these steps into categories to help distinguish which departments or employees are
responsible for each set of actions. It is based on the analogy of lanes in a pool, as it places
process steps within the horizontal or vertical “swimlanes” of a particular department, work
group or employee, thus ensuring clarity and accountability.

Swimlane Diagram 1.1: Account Management

Figure-27: Swimlane Diagram 1.1 (Account Management)


Swimlane Diagram: 1.2 Log In

Figure-28: Swimlane Diagram 1.2 (Log In)


Swimlane Diagram: 1.3 Dashboard

Figure-29: Swimlane Diagram 1.3 (Dashboard)


Swimlane Diagram: 1.4 Payment

Figure-30: Swimlane Diagram 1.4 (Payment)


Swimlane Diagram: 1.5 Result

Figure-31: Swimlane Diagram 1.5 (Result)


Swimlane Diagram: 1.6 Notification

Figure-32: Swimlane Diagram 1.6 (Notification)


Swimlane Diagram: 1.1.1 Account creation

Figure-33: Swimlane Diagram 1.1.1 (Account creation)


Swimlane Diagram: 1.1.2 Password Recovery

Figure-34: Swimlane Diagram 1.1.2 (Password Recovery)


Swimlane Diagram: Form Fillup

Figure-35: Swimlane Diagram (Form Fill Up)


Swimlane Diagram: Result View

Figure-36: Swimlane Diagram (Result View)


Swimlane Diagram: Information View

Figure-37: Swimlane Diagram (Information View)


Swimlane Diagram: Complaint View

Figure-38: Swimlane Diagram (Complaint View)


Swimlane Diagram: Mental Health

Figure-39: Swimlane Diagram (Mental Health)


Swimlane Diagram: Fundraising

Figure-40: Swimlane Diagram (Fundraising)


Class Based Modeling

Class based modeling represents the objects that the system will manipulate, the operations
that will be applied to the objects to affect the manipulation, relationships between the objects,
and the collaborations that occur between the classes that are defined. The elements of a
class-based model include classes and objects, attributes, operations,
class-responsibility-collaborator or CRC models, collaboration diagrams and packages.

List of Nouns in 7-College Management System

2. Events and academic

1. 2nd Examiner calendar 3. Pdf format
4. 2FA 5. Exam type 6. Profile
7. Account 8. Exam roll 9. Progress Percentage
10. Account credentials 11. Exam officer 12. Proof of payment
13. Academic calendar 14. Form fill up deadline 15. Registration number
16. Alumni 17. FAQ 18. Result status
19. Address 20. Faculty information 21. Received donation
22. Admin 23. Fundraising 24. Roll number
26. Fundraising Application
25. Attendance Status 27. Session
28. Attendance
percentage 29. Final exam marks 30. Supervision status
31. Assignment marks 32. Form fillup 33. Semester
34. Admit card 35. Graph of performance 36. Section
37. Bank Employee 38. GPA 39. SSLcommerz
40. Bank Branch Name 41. Calendar 42. Software feedback
43. Viewer 44. Improvement exam 45. Staff feedback
46. Course instructor 47. Lecture slides 48. Staff
49. Course progress 50. Login credentials 51. Statistical result sheet

52. Complaint box 53. Mental healthcare panel 54. Student advisor
55. College Authority 56. Marksheet 57. Student information
58. CVC 59. Mobile banking pin 60. Student
61. Complaint 62. Materials 63. Subject
64. College Name 65. Notice board 66. Syllabus
67. Contact Details 68. Notification panel 69. Teacher feedback
70. CGPA 71. OTP 72. Teacher
73. Continuous marks 74. OTP interface 75. SMS
76. Database 77. Offline payment 78. Transcripts
79. Donation 80. Parent’s Names 81. Types of notices
82. Department 83. Password strength criteria 84. User type
85. Dashboard 86. Payment status 87. Username
88. Digital certificate 89. Phone number 90. Verification status
91. Digital signature 92. Program name 93. Year
94. Document Approval 95. Password 96. Zip files
97. System 98. Payment 99. LinkedIn Profile

General Classification
Candidate classes are categorized based on the seven general classification. The
analysis classes manifest themselves in one of the following ways:
1. External entities
2. Things
3. Events
4. Roles
5. Organizational units
6. Places
7. Structures
A candidate class is selected for special classification if it fulfills three or more

Serial Noun General Criteria


1 2FA 2,3,7

2 Account 4,5,7

3 Address 2

4 Admin 4,5,7

5 Attendance percentage 2

6 Admit card 2

8 Bank Branch Name 2

9 Course progress 2

10 Complaint box 2,3,6

11 CVC 2

12 College Name 2

13 Contact Details 2

14 CGPA 2

15 Continuous marks 2

16 Database 2,5,6

17 Donation amount 2

18 Department name 2

19 Dashboard 6

20 Digital certificate generation 2,3

21 Digital signature 2

22 Document Approval 2

23 Exam type 2

24 Exam roll 2

25 Email 2

26 Form fill up deadline 2

27 FAQ 2

28 Fundraising 2,3

29 Fundraising Application Status 2

30 Final exam marks 2

31 Form fillup 2,3,7

32 Graph of performance 2

33 GPA 2

34 Calendar 2

35 LinkedIn Profile 2

36 Mental healthcare panel 6

37 Marksheet 2

38 Mobile banking pin 2

39 Materials 2

40 Notice board 2,6

41 Notification panel 6

42 OTP 2

44 Parent’s Names 2

45 Password strength criteria 2

46 Payment status 2

47 Phone number 2

48 Program name 2

49 Password 2

50 Online Payment 1,3,7

51 Profile 2,5,6,7

52 Progress Percentage 2

54 Registration number 2

55 Result status 2

56 Received donation 2,3

57 Roll number 2

58 Session 2

59 Supervision status 2

60 Semester 2

61 Section 2

62 SSLcommerz 1,7

63 Software feedback 2

64 Staff feedback 2

65 Staff 4,5,7

66 Statistical result sheet 2

67 Student information 2

68 Student 4,5,7

69 Subject 2

70 Syllabus 2

71 SMS 1

72 System 4,5,6,7

73 Teacher feedback 2

74 Teacher 4,5,7

75 Transcripts 2

76 Types of notices 2

77 User type 2

78 Username 2

79 Verification status 2

80 Year 2

81 Zip files 2

82 Viewer 2,3,5

Potential To Be Classes
1. 2FA
2. Account
3. Admin
4. Complaint Box
5. Database
6. Form Fill up
7. Offline Payment
8. Online Payment
9. SSLCommerz
10. Staff
11. Student
12. SMS
13. System

14. Teacher
15. Viewer

Selection Criteria
The candidate classes are then selected as classes by six Selection Criteria:
1. Retain information
2. Needed services
3. Multiple attributes
4. Common attributes
5. Common operations
6. Essential requirements
A candidate class generally becomes a class when it fulfills around three

Serial Potential Class Nouns Selection Criteria


1. 2 Factor Authentication 1

2. Account 1,2,3,4,5

3. Admin 1,2,3,4,5

5. Complaint box 1,3,4,5

6. Database 1,2

7. Form Fill up 1,2,3,4,5

8. Offline Payment 6

9. Online Payment 6

10. SSLCommerz 6

11. Staff 1,2,3,4,5

12. Student 1,2,3,4,5

13. SMS 6

14. System 1,2,3,4,5

15. Teacher 1,2,3,4,5

16. Viewer 6

Selected Classes
1. Account
2. Admin
3. Complaint Box
4. Form Fill up
5. Payment
6. SSLCommerz
7. Staff
8. Student
9. SMS
10. System
11. Teacher
12. Viewer

Attribute and Method Identification

Class Name Attribute Method

-Address 1. +login()
-College Name 2. +select_user_type()
1.Account 3. -recover_password()
-Department Name
-Email 4. +view_calendar()
5. +change_2FA_status()
6. +send_contact_information()
7. +recieve_contact_information_response()
-Phone Number
8. +send_OTP()
9. +receive_OTP_response()
-Usertype 10. +provide_password()
11. +get_password_validity_response()
12. +change_username()
13. +get_username_validity_response()

-Feedback 1. +get_software_complaint()
2. +send_feedback()
2.Admin 3. +creating_new_accounts()
4. +archiving_accounts()

-Student name 1. +get_complaint_and_type()

-Complaint 2. +check_user_type()
3.Complaint -Software feedback 3. +send_complaint_to_relevant_type()
Box -Staff name 4. +receive_feedback()
- Staff feedback
-Teacher name
- Teacher feedback

-Exam Type 1. -get_exam_information()

-Form Fill Up deadline 2. +send_exam_information()
4.Form Fill up 3. +get_exam_information_response()
4. +direct_to_payment_page()
5. +get_payment_response()
6. +send_complete_form_fill_up_response()

-CVC 1. +get_mobile_banking_pin()
-Mobile Banking PIN 2. +verify_mobile_banking_pin()
5. Payment 3. +send_response()
-Bank Branch Name
4. +send_transaction_detail
-Bank Branch Receipt Number
5. +get_CVC()
6. +get_bank_payment_detail()
7. +store_bank_payment_detail()

-CVC 1. +get_CVC()
-Mobile Banking PIN 2. +get_mobile_banking_pin()
6.SSLComme 3. +get_amount
rz 4. +verify_mobile_banking_pin()
5. +verify_CVC()
6. +make_payment()
7. +send_transaction_detail()
8. +send_payment_response()

1. +send_calendar()
-Calendar 2. +upload_notice_with_type()
7.Staff -Feedback 3. +get_staff_complaint()
-Notice 4. +send_feedback()
-Notice type 5. +provide_bank_payment_detail()

1. +provide_reg_information()
2. +receive_reg_info_validity()
8.Student 3. +set_password()
-LinkedIn profile link
4. +get_password_validity_response()
-Parent’s Names
5. +set_contact_information()
-phone number 6. -provide_OTP()
-Complaint 7. -get_OTP_response()
-Complaint type 8. +give_login_info()
-syllabus_download_type 9. +get_login_info_response()
-password 10. +provide_exam_information()
-type 11. +get_form fillup response()
12. +edit_exam_information()
13. +provide_syllabus_information()
14. +enter_Syllabus_download_type()
15. +recieve_syllabus_download_response()
16. +download_syllabus()
17. +provide_notice_type()
18. +apply_for_fundraising()
19. +send_donation()
20. +enter_mobile_banking_pin()
21. +enter_CVC()
22. +enter_amount()
23. +get_payment_response()
24. +apply_for_mental_healthcare()
25. +send_message()
26. +send_complaint_and_type()

27. +get_digital_certificate()
28. +get_transcript()

-isVerified 1. +send_OTP()
-isCodeSent 2. +validate_input_mobile_number()
9.SMS -mobileNumber 3. +verify()

1. -2FA status 1. +receive_2FA_change_request()

2. -Admit card 2. +get_password()
10.System 3. +change_password()
3. -CGPA
4. +check_password_with_strength()
4. -College Name
5. +send_password_validiity_response()
5. -Calendar
6. +generate_OTP()
6. -Consultation message
7. +receive_OTP()
7. -Donation Amount 8. +check_OTP()
8. -Department Name 9. +send_OTP_response()
9. -Digital certificate 10. +delete_OTP()
10. -Digital Signature 11. +get_info()
11. -Digital Certificate 12. +check_information()
Verification 13. +send_info_validity()
14. +get_login_info()
12. -Document approval
15. +check_login_info()
16. +send_login_response()
13. -Exam Roll
17. +check_2_FA_status()
14. -FAQ
18. +direct_to_dashbaord()
15. -Final exam marks
19. +validate_exam_information()
16. -Form fill up
20. +send_exam_information_response()
17. -Fundraising type 21. +find_syllabus()
18. -GPA 22. +send_syllabus()
19. -LinkedIn profile link 23. +verify_syllabus_download_type()
20. -Materials 24. +send_syllabus_download_response()
21. -Marksheet 25. +check_notice_type()
22. -Mental Healthcare 26. +send_notice()
27. +generate-FAQ()
28. +change_fundraising_type()
23. -Notice
29. +increase_donation_amount()
24. -Notice type
30. +get_transaction_detail()
25. -OTP
31. +check_payment_status
26. -Password strength
32. +update_payment_status()
33. +get_Result status()
27. -Performance graph
34. +generate_CGPA()
28. -Progress percentage 35. +generate_GPA()
29. -Password 36. +generate_Marksheet()
30. -Phone number 37. +generate_statistical_sheet()
31. -Program name 38. +get_publish_result_status()
32. -Parent’s names 39. +generate_performance_graph()

33. -Photo 40. +generate_digital_certificate()

34. -Payment status 41. +send_digital_certificate()
35. -Registration number 42. +check_digital_certificate_validity()
43. +generate_transcript()
36. -Result status
44. +send_digital_transcript()
37. -Roll Number 45. +check_digital_transcript_validity()
38. -Student Name 46. +check_username_and_type()
39. -Syllabus 47. +get_username_and_type()
40. -Session 48. +change_username()
41. -Supervision status 49. +send_username_validity_response()
42. -Statistical result sheet 50. +get_mental_healthcare_message()
51. +get_consultation_message()
43. -Subject
52. +store_in_database()
44. -Semester
45. -Username
46. -Transcript
47. -Usertype
48. -Year

1. -Attendance percentage 1. +change_teacher_information()

2. -Course progress 2. +get_information_validity_response()
11.Teacher 3. +Receive_fundraising()
3. -Continuous Marks
4. +Send_fundraising_application_status()
4. -Document Approval
5. +validate_digital_certificate()
Status 6. +validate_digital_transcript()
5. -final exam marks 7. +get_teacher_complaint()
6. -Materials 8. +send_feedback()
7. -progress percentage 9. +save_result_status()
8. -Result status 10. +publish_result()
9. -supervision status 11. +receive_mental_healthcare_application()
12. +get_mental_healthcare_message()
10. -Feedback
13. +give_consultation()
11. -Syllabus 14. +store_in_database()
12. -Digital Certificate

1. +view_marksheet()
2. +view_statistical_sheet()
12.Viewer 3. +view_form_fillup_deadline()
4. +view_syllabus()
5. +view_notice()
6. +view_FAQ()
7. +view_fundraising_application_status
8. +view_performance_graph()
9. +view_donation_amount()
10. +view_slides()
11. +view_progress_percentage()

12. +view_continous_marks()
13. +view_supervision_status()
14. +view_feedback()
15. +view_digital_certificate()
16. +view_transcript()

By analyzing the above table we can see that the methods and attributes of online payment and
SSLCommerz are almost the same. So we can merge these two classes in 1 class and named it
Payment Class.
So the structure of the new payment class will be-

Class Name Attributes Methods

Payment -CVC 1. +get_amount()

-Mobile Banking PIN 2. +get_mobile_banking_pin()
-Bank Branch Name 3. +verify_mobile_banking_pin()
4. +get_CVC()
-Bank Branch Receipt Number
5. +verify_CVC()
-isTransaction_completed 6. +make_payment()
-isNotified 7. +send_transaction_detail()
8. +send_payment_response()
9. +get_bank_payment_detail()
10. +store_bank_payment_detail()

Also the system and student class contains 70 and 43 methods respectively. As it is a very large
class, we can divide it into subclasses named UI,getter,generator,and checker. All 5 classes will
be inherited by the new system class.

Class Name Attributes Methods

UI 1. +send_password_validiity_response()
2. +send_OTP_response()
3. +send_info_validity()
4. +send_login_response()

5. +send_exam_information_response()
6. +send_syllabus()
7. +send_syllabus_download_response()
8. +send_notice()
9. +send_digital_certificate()
10. +send_digital_transcript()
11. +send_username_validity_response()

Getter 1. -College Name 1. +get_password()

2. -Consultation 2. +get_info()
Message 3. +get_login_info()
3. -Department Name 4. +get_transaction_detail()
4. -Exam Roll 5. +get_Result status()
5. -LinkedIn profile link 6. +get_publish_result_status()
7. +get_username_and_type()
6. -Mental Healthcare
8. +get_mental_healthcare_message()
message 9. +get_consultation_message()
7. -Program name
8. -Parent’s names
9. -Photo
10. -Progress
11. -Payment status
12. -Result status
13. -Registration
14. -Roll Number
15. -Student Name
16. -Session
17. -Subject
18. -Semester
19. -Username
20. -Usertype
21. Year

Generator 1. -CGPA 1. +generate_OTP()

2. -Digital certificate 2. +generate-FAQ()
3. -GPA 3. +generate_CGPA()
4. +generate_GPA()
4. -FAQ
5. +generate_Marksheet()
5. -Marksheet 6. +generate_statistical_sheet()
6. -OTP 7. +generate_performance_graph()
7. -Performance graph 8. +generate_digital_certificate()
8. -Statistical result 9. +generate_transcript()
9. -Transcript

Checker 1. -2FA status 1. +check_password_with_strength()

2. -Digital Certificate 2. +check_OTP()
Verification 3. +check_information()
3. -Notice type 4. +check_login_info()
4. -Payment status 5. +check_2_FA_status()
5. -Phone number 6. +check_notice_type()
7. +check_digital_certificate_validity()
6. -Password
8. +check_digital_transcript_validity()
7. -Password strength 9. +check_username_and_type()
criteria 10. +check_payment_status()
8. -Username
9. -Usertype

So the new System class will contain the following methods and will inherit notification and
storage class

Class NO Attributes Methods

System 1. +receive_2FA_change_request()
1. -Admit card 2. +receive_OTP()
2. -Calendar 3. +delete_OTP()
4. +direct_to_dashbaord()
3. -Donation Amount
5. +validate_exam_information()
4. -Digital Signature
6. +find_syllabus()
5. -Document approval 7. +verify_syllabus_download_type()
status 8. +change_fundraising_type()
6. -Final exam marks 9. +change_username()
7. -Form fill up 10. +change_password()
8. -Fundraising type 11. +increase_donation_amount()
9. -Materials 12. +update_payment_status()
10. -Notice 13. +store_in_database()
11. -Syllabus
12. -Supervision status

Final Classes
1. Account
2. Admin
3. Complaint Box
4. Form Fill Up
5. Payment
6. Staff
7. Student
8. SMS
9. System
10. Teacher
11. UI
12. Generator
13. Getter
14. Checker
15. Viewer

Class Cards


Attributes Methods

-Address +login()
-College Name +select_user_type()
-Department Name -recover_password()
-Email +change_2FA_status_request()
-OTP +receive_2FA_status_change_response()
-Password +send_information()
-Phone Number +recieve_information_response()
-Username +send_OTP()

Responsibility Collaborator

Logging in Getter,UI

Recovering password System,UI

Viewing Calendar Staff

Changing 2FA status Getter,UI

Changing username Getter,UI

Editing information Getter,UI

Getting OTP SMS

Providing OTP Getter


Attributes Methods

-Feedback +get_software_complaint()

Responsibility Collaborator

Getting software complaint Complaint Box

Sending feedback Complaint Box

Creating new accounts Getter

Archiving accounts Getter

3.Complaint Box

Attributes Methods

-Student name +get_complaint_and_type()

-Complaint +check_user_type()
-Software feedback +send_complaint_to_relevant_type()
-Staff name +receive_feedback()
- Staff feedback
-Teacher name
- Teacher feedback

Responsibility Collaborator

Getting complaint Student

Receiving feedback Teacher,Staff,Admin


4. Form Fillup
Attributes Methods

-Exam Type -get_exam_information()

-Form Fill Up deadline +send_exam_information()

Responsibility Collaborator

Getting Exam Information Student

Validation of Exam Information System,UI

Direction to payment portal Payment

Retrieval of Payment Response Payment

Sending form fill completion response Student

Attributes Methods

-CVC +get_amount()
-Mobile Banking PIN +get_mobile_banking_pin()
-Bank Branch Name +verify_mobile_banking_pin()
-Bank Branch Receipt Number
-isTransaction_completed +make_payment()
-isNotified +send_transaction_detail()

Responsibility Collaborator

Getting Payment Information Student

Verification of Payment Information

Sending Transaction Detail Getter

Sending Payment Response Student,Form Fill Up


Getting Bank Payment Details Staff,Getter

6. Staff
Attributes Methods

-Calendar +send_calendar()
-Feedback +upload_notice_with_type()
-Notice +get_staff_complaint()
-Notice type +send_feedback()

Responsibility Collaborator

Uploading calendar Getter

Uploading Notice Getter

Retrieval of staff complaints Complaint Box

Sending Feedback Complaint Box

Uploading Bank Payment Details Payment


7. Student
Attributes Methods

-LinkedIn profile link +provide_reg_information()

-Parent’s Names +receive_reg_info_validity()
-phone number
+get_form fillup response()
-Complaint type +edit_exam_information()
-password +provide_syllabus_information()
-type +enter_Syllabus_download_type()
-photo +recieve_syllabus_download_response()






Responsibility Collaborator

Insertion of Registration Information Getter

Filling up form Form fillup,Payment

Viewing Information UI

Participating in fundraising Teacher,Payment,UI

Applying for mental healthcare Teacher,UI


Getting Digital Certificate & Transcript Generator,UI

8. SMS
Attributes Methods

-isVerified +send_OTP()

Responsibility Collaborator

Getting the phone number Getter

Sending OTP UI, Account

Getting the code as input Account

Verifying the codes Checker


9. System
Attributes Methods

-Admit card +change_2FA_status()

-Calendar +delete_OTP()
-Donation Amount +direct_to_dashbaord()
-Digital Signature +validate_exam_information()
-Document approval status
-Final exam marks +change_fundraising_type()
-Form fill up +change_username()
-Fundraising type +edit_information()
-Materials +password_recovery_request()
-Notice +change_password()
-Syllabus +increase_donation_amount()
-Supervision status +update_payment_status()

Responsibility Collaborator

Changing 2 FA status Checker, UI

Deletion of OTP

Direction towards dashboard Account

Validation of Exam information Checker, UI

Location and specification of syllabus UI

Changing login credentials Checker,UI

Increasing donation Amount UI

Storing in database

Updating payment status


10. Teacher
Attributes Methods

-Attendance percentage +change_teacher_information()

-Course progress +get_information_validity_response()
-Continuous Marks +Receive_fundraising()
-Document Approval Status
-final exam marks +send_feedback()
-Materials +upload_marks()
-progress percentage +save_result_status()
-Result status +publish_result()
-supervision status +receive_mental_healthcare_application()
-Feedback +get_mental_healthcare_message()
-Digital Certificate Verification

Responsibility Collaborator

Changing information Getter, System

Getting information validity response UI

Receiving and Approving fundraising request Student, Getter, System, UI

Validating digital certificate and transcript Getter, Student, UI

Getting teacher complaint and sending UI, Getter, Student


Processing result Getter, UI, System, Student

Dealing with mental healthcare Student, Getter, UI, System


11. UI
Attributes Methods


Responsibility Collaborator

Sending code Response Account, Payment

Sending Information Response Account

Sending digital certificate and transcripts Student


12. Generator
Attributes Methods

1. -CGPA +generate_OTP()
2. -Digital certificate +generate-FAQ()
3. -GPA +generate_CGPA()
4. -FAQ
5. -Marksheet +generate_statistical_sheet()
6. -OTP +generate_performance_graph()
7. -Performance graph +generate_digital_certificate()
8. -Statistical result sheet +generate_transcript()
9. -Transcript

Responsibility Collaborator

OTP generation SMS, System

Result Generation System

Information generation System

Digital Certificate & Transcript generation System


13. Getter
Attributes Methods

-Bank Name +receive_OTP()

-Bank Receipt Number +receive_2FA_change_request()
-College Name +get_password()
-Consultation Message
-Department Name +get_login_info()
-Exam Roll +get_transaction_detail()
-LinkedIn profile link +get_marks()
-Mental Healthcare message +get_Result status()
-Program name +get_publish_result_status()
-Parent’s names +get_username_and_type()
-Photo +get_mental_healthcare_message()
-Progress percentage +get_consultation_message()
-Payment status +get_bank_details()
-Result status
-Registration number
-Roll Number
-Student Name

Responsibility Collaborator

Reception of OTP & Password Account,System

Getting Information Account,System

Getting Payment detail Payment,System

Getting Result information Teacher,System

Getting User Type Teacher,Admin,Staff,System

Getting Mental HealthCare Details Student,Teacher,System


14. Checker
Attributes Methods

-2FA status +check_password_with_strength()

-Digital Certificate Verification +check_OTP()
-Notice type +check_information()
-Payment status +check_form_fillup_deadline()
-Phone number
-Password strength criteria
-Username +check_digital_transcript_validity()
-Usertype +check_username_and_type()

Responsibility Collaborator

Checking Password & OTP validity System

Checking Information Validity System

Checking Digital Documents System

Checking Payment Status System


Attributes Methods


Responsibility Collaborator

Viewing result and mark sheets Student

Viewing student information Student

Viewing general information Account


CRC Diagram

ID 1

Name: Account

Figure: CRC diagram for Account Class


ID 2

Name: Admin

Figure: CRC diagram for Admin Class


ID 3

Name: Complaint

Figure: CRC diagram for Complaint class


ID 4

Name: Form fillup

Figure: CRC diagram for form fillup class


ID 5

Name: Payment

Figure: CRC diagram for payment class


ID 6

Name: Staff

Figure: CRC diagram for staff Class


ID 7

Name: Student

Figure: CRC diagram for Student Class


ID 8

Name: SMS

Figure: CRC Diagram for SMS class


ID 9

Name: System

Figure: CRC Diagram for System class


ID 10

Name: Teacher

Figure: CRC diagram for Teacher Class


ID 11

Name: UI

Figure: CRC diagram for UI class


ID 12

Name: Generator

Figure: CRC diagram for Generator Class


ID 13

Name: Getter

Figure: CRC diagram for Getter class


ID 14

Name: Checker

Figure: CRC diagram for Checker class


ID 15

Name: Viewer

Figure: CRC diagram for Viewer class


The behavioral model indicates how software will respond to external events or
stimuli. In the context of behavioral modeling, two different characterizations of
states must be considered: (1) the state of each class as the system performs its
function and (2) the state of the system as observed from the outside as the system
performs its function.

State Transition Diagram

One component of a behavioral model is a UML state diagram that represents
active states for each class and the events (triggers) that cause changes between
these active states.

Event Table

SL Event name Initiator Collaborator Method

1 Register Account Student Getter,UI,System,Ch +provide_reg_information()


2. Add info Account Getter,System,Check +send_contact_information()

er,UI +get_info()

3 Turn on/off Two-factor Account Getter, System, UI +change_2FA_status_request()


4 Set password Account Getter,System,UI +set_password()

5 Change Password Account Getter, System, UI +old_pasword()



6 Password Account Getter, Checker, +check_password_with_strength()

management System, UI +change_password()

7 Manage OTP Generator System, SMS, +generate_OTP()

Account, Getter, +store_in_database()
Checker, UI

8 Log in Account Getter, System, +login()

Checker, UI +select_user_type()
–if yes
–if no
Manage otp


9 Password Recovery Account Getter, System, UI -recover_password()


10 Edit Information Account Getter, System, UI +send_information()


11 Complete Form Fillup Student Form fillup, System, +provide_exam_information()

UI, Getter, Checker -get_exam_information()


12 Make Online Payment Form Fillup Payment, Student, +direct_to_payment_page()

Getter, System +enter_mobile_banking_pin()

13 Get Offline Payment Staff Payment +provide_bank_payment_detail()

Details +get_bank_payment_detail()

14 Result View Student Getter, Checker, +provide_exam_information()

Viewer +get_info()

15 Information View Account Viewer, Getter +provide_syllabus_information()




16 Progress View Teacher Viewer +store_in_database()


17 Complaint and Student Complaint Box, +send_complaint_and_type()

Feedback Viewer, Teacher, +get_complaint_and_type()
Staff, Admin +check_user_type()

18 Taking mental health Student Teacher, UI +apply_for_mental_healthcare()

care +receive_mental_healthcare_application()

19. Fundraising Student Teacher, UI +apply_for_fundraising()


20. Get Digital Documents Student Checker, System, +get_digital_certificate()

Getter, Generate, UI +get_transcript()

21 Create new account Admin Getter, System +creating_new_accounts()


22 Archive account Admin Getter, System +get_info()


23 Information generator Account Generator, Staff +upload_syllabus()

,Teacher +generate-FAQ()

24 Result generation Teacher Getter, System, +upload_marks()

Checker, Generator +save_result_status()
+get_Result status()

State Transition Diagram

ID 1
Name: Account

Figure: State Transition

Diagram for Account class

ID 2
Name: System

Figure: State Transition Diagram for system class


ID 3
Name: Staff

Figure: State Transition Diagram for Staff Class

ID 4
Name: Generator

Figure: State Transition

Diagram for
Generator Class

ID 5
Name: SMS

Figure: State Transition Diagram for SMS Class

ID 6
Name: Payment

Figure: State Transition Diagram for Payment Class


ID 7
Name: Student

Figure: State transition diagram for Student Class


ID 8
Name: Teacher

Figure: State transition diagram for teacher class


ID 9
Name: Admin

Figure: State Transition Diagram for Admin Class


ID 10
Name: Viewer

Figure: State Transition Diagram for Viewer Class


ID 11
Name: Checker

Figure: State
Transition diagram
for Checker Class

ID 12
Name:Form fillup

Figure: State Transition Diagram for Form Fillup Class

ID 13
Name: Complaint Box

Figure: State Transition Diagram for Complaint Box Class


ID 14
Name: UI

Figure: State Transition Diagram for UI Class


ID 15

Figure: State Transition Diagram for Getter Class


Sequence Diagram
The second type of behavioral representation, called a sequence diagram in UML,is a
representation of how events cause flow from one object to another as a function of time. In
essence, the sequence diagram is a shorthand version of the use case. It represents key
classes and the events that cause behavior to flow from class to class.

Figure:General Sequence Diagram


Figure:Student Sequence Diagram


Figure:Teacher,Staff,Admin Sequence Diagram


Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram is a graphical or visual representation using a standardized set of symbols
and notations to describe different classes' operations through data movement. Superficially
DFDs can resemble flow charts or UML, but they are not meant to represent details of software

Level 1: 7CMS

Figure: Level 1, 7 College management system


Level 2: Password Recovery

Figure: Level 2, Password Recovery


Level 2: Account Creation

Figure: Level 2, Account Creation


Level 2: Login

Figure: Level 2, Login


Level 2: Payment

Figure : Level 2, Payment


Level 2: Dashboard

Figure: Level 2, Dashboard


Level 3: Feedback

Figure: Level 3, Feedback


Level 3: Student Dashboard

Figure: Level 3, Student Dashboard


Level 3: Edit Information

Figure : Level 3, Edit Information


Level 3: Fundraising Help

Figure: Fundraising Help


Level 3: Management

Figure : Level 3, Management


Level 4: Generate Digital Certificate

Figure: Level 4, Generate Digital Certificate

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