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♣ Cover page

♣ Title Page
♣ Preface
♣ Author’s Page
♣ Acknowledgement
♣ Dedication
♣ School Profile
♣ School Vision and Mission
♣ Nature of the BTVTED Program
♣ Bar and Restaurants (Proposed Architectural Design)
♣ Menu
♣ Filipino Cuisine
♣ Inventory
♣ Italian Cuisine
♣ Inventory
♣ Korean Cuisine
♣ Inventory
♣ Japanese Cuisine
♣ Inventory
♣ Week 1 Filipino Cuisine Output
♣ Week 2 Italian Cuisine Output
♣ Week 3 Korean Cuisine Output
♣ Week 4 Japanese Cuisine Output
♣ OHS in the workplace
♣ Tools & equipment used
♣ Bar Menu
♣ Buffet Package Menu
♣ Graduation Package
♣ Birthday Package
♣ Debut Package
♣ Leisure Package
♣ The training Experiences and its Influence in my career
♣ Article of subject during pandemic( Experience and
♣ Narrative Report on Weekly Activity
♣ Webinar Certification
♣ Certification of Supervision Industry Training
♣ Curriculum Vitae
♣ Credits
A Professional Portfolio
(On the Job Training)

A Portfolio
Presented to: PROF. MERLY G. MATUNDO

A Faculty of Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education

Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia
Don Julian Rodriguez Ave. Ma-a, Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Subject
Supervised Industry Training
TLE 15

Presented by:
Agbay, Marry Nel J.


In this portfolio, are my pieces of
work that I have produced within the
months of being in this class. I have
included my work that I have
completed over the course of the
past four months in this portfolio. I am
proud of the papers I wrote, even
though they may not have been the
greatest in the perspective of others.
Since I am aware of the time and
effort I put into these papers, I am
proud of them. These documents
seem to have required more time
from me than anything else in my life.
Sincerably, putting in all that time and
work felt terrific. I believe that with
these three papers, I can
demonstrate my development as a
Marry Nel Agbay is a writer on
her own. Marry Nel is a student
in Christian College of Southeast
Asia, Marry Nel is in her 3rd year
shes taking up Bachelor of
Technical Vocational Teacher
Education major in Food Service
First I would like to thank Mrs. Merly Matundo our
TLE 15 Supervised IndustryTraining instructor, giving me the
opportunity to do this and experience and to make this portfolio
as my compilation of the outputs in this summer period.

I also would like all the people that worked along

with me to my family with their patience and openness they
created an enjoyable as part of my home traininginsupervised
industry. And for being supported especially in terms in financial
needs. It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense
senseof gratitude that I acknowledge the help of these

I am highly indebted to our Dean Mr. Leonito A.

Fabian and Asst.Dean Mr. Paquito Pasia for the support
provided to accomplish this training.
I dedicate this portfolio to my parents,
to all the people who are supporting
me in my studies, this is also dedicated
to the students who wants to see some
example to what does a Supervised
Industry Training activities lloks like.
Above all, I am also very very thankful
to God for the life and the knowledge
that he gave to me.
Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia

Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia (CCSA) is a leading

Christ-centerededucational institutions that provides quality and
holistic learning.

Contact Information
School Name: Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia
Dean: Mr. Leonito A. Fabian, M.M.
Region: Region XI
Address: Rosario Building, Don Julian Rodriguez Ave., Ma-a,
Davao City, DavaoDel Sur
Contact No. : (082) 287-8398; (082) 296-9455

CCSA is a leading Christ-centered educational institution

that provides quality, holistic and innovative learning in a
nurturing environment. As a beacon of light, CCSA
envisions producing globally- competitive servant-
leaders who have passion for academic excellence,
character development and social responsibility.


CCSA commits to educate students for excellence in

learning, character and spiritual formation and social and
environment stewardship.


Faith, Integrity, Loyalty, Respect, Stewardship

Bachelor of Technical-
Vocational Teacher Education
(BTVTEd) is an undergraduate
teacher education program that
equips learners with adequate
and relevant competencies in
teaching the four areas of
technical and vocational track in
the K to 12 Curriculum: Industrial
Arts, Home Economics,
Information and Communications
Technology, and Agri-fishery Arts-
The BTVTEd program aims to
develop highly competent and
motivated teachers in technical
and vocational education in their
area of specialization.
Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education major
in Food Service Management
Graduates of this program will teach TLE for Grades 9-10,
senior high school for the technical-vocational livelihood (TVL)
track, technical-vocational education and training (TVET), and
for higher education institutions offering BTVTEd and other
allied programs. The technical and vocational teacher education
curriculum shall impart a body of knowledge, skills, attitudes,
values, and experiences to provide prospective teachers with
the necessary competencies essential for effective teaching.
Graduates of BTVTEd are considered to have satisfied the
TESDA requirement for Trainers’ Methodology.
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and
work attitude of food and service managers in accordance to
needs of industry. It covers competencies on food selection and
preparation, meal management, basic and advanced baking,
food processing, packaging ad labelling, international cuisine,
quantity cookery, cafeteria and catering management,
bartending and bar management.

Career Opportunities
v Senior High School Teacher (TVL Track with specialization
in Bartending (NC II), Bread and Pastry Production (NC II),
Commercial Cooking (NC III), Cookery (NC II), Food and
Beverage Services (NC II) other related qualifications.
v TVET Trainer/Instructor for Food Service Management
v Faculty member in higher education institution offering
BTVTED and other allied programs.
v Work in a food service industry both local and overseas.
v To be an entrepreneur

Eating Area
The style of cooking and the food associated
with Philippine cuisine have evolved over
many centuries from its Austronesian origins
to a mixed cuisine with many Malay, Indian,
Arab, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese,
American, and other Asian and Latin
influences adapted to indigenous ingredients
and the local palate.

Filipino cuisine is distinguished by its bold
combination of sweet (tamis), sour (asim),
and salty (alat) flavors. While other Asian
cuisines may be known for a more subtle
delivery and presentation, Filipino cuisine is
often delivered all at once in a single
Day 1

Ingredients Procedure
§ 1/4 cup soy sauce ü Gather the ingredients.
§ 10 cloves garlic ü In a medium bowl, combine the soy sauce, half of
§ 2 tbsp. lemon juice the garlic, lemon juice, brown sugar, and black
§ 2 tbsp. brown sugar pepper.
§ 1 tsp. black pepper ü Add the sliced sirloin and mix until well combined,
§ 1 pound beef sirloin and all the pieces are well coated.
§ 2 tbsp. oil ü Add the rice and mix thoroughly.
§ 4 cups rice ü Season with salt to taste.
§ salt ü Serve
§ 4 eggs

Tinolang Manok with Malunggay
§ 1 kilo Chicken Procedure
§ 1 small young papaya q In a casserole, heat oil and saute' garlic, onion,
§ 2 tbsp. ginger tomatoes and ginger.
§ Malunggay q Add the chicken. Add water and lemongrass. Bring
§ Water to a boil, then Add papaya.
§ oil q Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or until
§ 3 siling haba chicken is tender.
§ lemongrass q Add Siling Haba (chili) and chicken cube then,
§ 5 garlic cloves continue to simmer for the papaya softens but not
§ 1 red onion overcooked.
§ 2 tablespoons patis q Add Malunggay leaves then, turn off the heat.
§ 1 Chicken cube q Serve steaming hot with plain rice.

Chopsuey Recipe Procedure:
Ingredients: ♡ In a pan, add all the
1/4 kl. pork 1/4 kl. shrimps ingredients except for the
1/4 kl. chicken liver 1/4 kl. vegetables.
cauliflower ♡ Mix all the vegetables. Add
1/4 kl. string beans 1/4 kl. cabbage the dissolved cornstarch.
5 cloves garlic 2 onions Cook for about 10 minutes or
1 carrot 1 piece bell until the vegetables are done.
pepper ♡ Salt and pepper to taste.
2 tbsp. of cornstarch 3 tbsp oil ♡ Serve hot with rice.
3 tbsp patis Salt
Day 2
Scramble Egg with Rice
- Egg
- Salt and Pepper
- Tomato
- Onion
- rice
- Oil

1. Mix the Egg, tomato, and onion with
salt and pepper
2. In the pan put some oil
3. When it hots, put the mixture of egg
4. Wait until it golden brown
Tortang Talong
5. Serve it hot with rice.
- Talong
- Egg
- Onion
- Salt and pepper
- flour
- Oil

1. Grill the egg plant and peel it.
2. Combine all the ingredients except the
egg plant
3. In the mixture of egg and flour add the
3 tbsp olive oil
egg plant
1 onion
4. In the pan, put an oil and fry the
2 cloves garlic
mixture of egg together w/egg plant.
½ pound pork loin
5. Serve it with rice
½ pound prawns
salt and pepper to taste
¼ pound fresh okra
¼ pounds green beans
¼ pound eggplant

1.Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat; stir the onion,
garlic & pork cook until tender.
2.Stir in season with salt and pepper, cover and simmer for 5
3.Stir in okra, green beans, eggplant, cover and cook until
the vegetables are tender, about 10 minutes.
Day 3
Tortang Kalabasa
- Kalabasa
- Egg
- Flour
- Garlic
- Onion
- Oil - Salt and pepper
1. Grate the pumpkin
Sauteed Bamboo Shoots
2. Mix the Egg, flour, onion, garlic and
salt & pepper
- Bamboo shoots
3. Then add the pumpkin. In the pan
- Garlic
Put an oil
- Onion
5. Cook the mixture of pumpkin
- Salt and pepper
6. Wait until it becomes golden
- Soy Sauce
7. Serve it hot with rice
- oil
1. Boil the bamboo shoots for 10 minutes
2. After it boiled Strain it
3. In the pan saute the garlic and onion
4. Add the boiled bamboo shoots Pancit Canton Recipe
5. Season with salt and pepper and soy
sauce 250 grams Pancit canton 2 pcs
6. Mix it for 6-20 minutes sausage
7. Serve with rice 300 grams pork 15 pcs
1 clove garlic 1 small
1 cup peas 1/2 cup
1/2 cup bell pepper 1 cups
1 1/2 cups chicken stock 3/4 cup
1 tbsp oyster sauce 3 tbsp patis
3 tbsp cooking oil Salt and
1.Wash, slice and measure all the ingredients needed
then set aside.
2.Drain the water and transfer the blanched veggies into
the iced bowl of water. Let it cool.
3.In the same wok heat the oil and saute garlic and
4.Add the Chinese sausage and saute.
5.Add pancit canton noodles and toss it until the
noodles absorb the broth.
6.Serve Pancit Canton while it's hot.
Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 5 P40.00

Lunch 10 P40.00

Dinner 8 P50.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00

Lunch 8 P25.00

Dinner 8 P30.00

Servings Cost per


Breakfast 6 P20.00

Lunch 10 P25.00

Dinner 13 P25.00
Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price
Soy sauce P3.00 Chicken P180.00 Pork P50.00
Garlic P3.00 Oil P10.00 Shrimp P40.00
Lemon P5.00 Siling P5.00 Chicken liver P30.00
Black pepper P2.00 haba P3.00 Cauliflower P30.00
Brown sugar P10.00 Garlic P10.00 String beans P10.00
Beef sirloin P100.00 Onion P3.00 Cabbage P20.00
Vegtable oil P10.00 Soy P10.00 Garlic P3.00
Rice P30.00 sauce Onion P8.00
Salt P5.00 Chicken Carrot P20.00
Eggs P16.00 cube Bell pepper P10.00
Cornstarch P5.00
Oil P5.00
Soy sauce P3.00
Salt P5.00

P184.00 P260.00 P239.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

Egg P8.00 Talong P30.00 oil P10.00
Salt and P5.00 Egg P16.00 onion P8.00
Pepper Onion P5.00 garlic P3.00
Tomato P5.00 Salt P5.00 pork P50.00
Onion P8.00 Pepper P3.00 prawn P10.00
rice P30.00 flour P10.00 salt P5.00
Oil P10.00 Oil P20.00 pepper P2.00
okra P10.00
green beans P10.00
eggplant P20.00
P66.00 P86.00 P128.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

kalabasa P15.00 Bamboo shots P20.00 Pancit Canton P30.00

egg P16.00 garlic pork P50.00
flour P10.00 onion P3.00 garlic P3.00
garlic P3.00 salt P8.00 peas P28.00
onion P8.00 pepper P5.00 bell pepper P10.00
salt P5.00 soy sauce P1.00 chicken cube P8.00
pepper P1.00 oil P3.00 oyster sauce P8.00
oil P30.00 P10.00 oil P10.00
sausage P20.00
shrimp P50.00
onion P5.00
carrot P15.00
cabbage P15.00
soy sauce P3.00
salt P5.00
pepper P1.00
P88.00 P50.00 P261.00
Italian cuisine is famous around the world for its richness and
diversity. Typically prepared with fresh ingredients from recipes
spanning generations, Italian food is an integral part of Italian
heritage and one of the country’s main cultural exports.

Northern Italian Cuisine

In north Italy, the climate can range from cool to very cold in winter.
Signature dishes there reflect the richness of this dairy-producing,
sometimes mountainous region: white truffles with eggs, risotto
cooked with delicate broth, creamy polenta rich with butter, classic
bean soup called paste e fagioli, and bollito misto, mixed boiled
meats served with piquant green and warm red sauces. The cuisine
tends to be lightly prepared and simple.

Southern Italian Cuisine

Southern Italy is warm and rich with Mediterranean influences. The
cuisine here is savory, vibrant, and full-flavored featuring dishes.
Examples include seafood salad (insalata di mare), pizza and pizza-
style sauces, pasta with red sauces, fresh tomatoes, basil,
mozzarella flavored with olives, herbs and pesto.

Central Italian Cuisine

In central Italy, the fruity olive oils of Tuscany and Umbria flavor
elegant, yet rustic and simple food. T-bone steak, grilled and served
with olive oil, pepper and lemon, white beans and garlic, hand-made
pastas, Parma ham and proscuitto, and lasagna Bolognese

Cuisine from the Italian Islands

The sea influences island cuisine, with squid with pasta, or fried as in
calamari, sardines, pastas sauced with robust Sicilian garlic and
tomato sauces, and veal chops with rosemary and garlic. Flavors are
robust and lots of spice are the hallmarks of Italian island cooking.
Day 1
1 c. bread crumbs
1/2 c. milk
1 lb. ground beef
♦ In a large bowl, use your hands to combine beef,
1/2 lb. ground pork
pork, sausage, onion, and garlic.
1/2 lb. Italian sausage
♦ Season with salt and pepper, then gently stir in
1 small onion
bread crumb mixture, eggs, parmesan, and
3 cloves garlic
parsley until just combined. Form mixture into 1"
black pepper
♦ In a large high-sided skillet over medium heat,
2 large eggs
heat oil. Add sauce to skillet.
1 c. grated Parmesan
♦ Bring sauce to a simmer then immediately add
1/4 c. parsley
meatballs back to skillet.
2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
♦ Serve
1 (32-oz.) jar marinara sauce
Chicken and Asparagus Fettuccine
12 ounces dry fettuccini pasta
Procedure 2 cups 1 inch pieces fresh asparagus
 Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to ½ cup butter
a boil. Add pasta, and cook. 2 cups half-and-half cream
 Add the asparagus during the last 3 to 5 ¼ tsp garlic powder
minutes of cooking. Drain. ¼ tsp ground black pepper
 In a large saucepan over medium heat, 1 pinch cayenne pepper
combine butter and half-and-half. ¾ cup grated Parmesan cheese
 Season with garlic powder, black pepper, ½ pound chicken breasts
and cayenne pepper. Add everything.
 Pour sauce over pasta and asparagus,
and toss to coat.

Spaghetti Procedure
Ingredients ♡ On medium heat melt the butter and
1 small onion (chopped) sautee the onion and bell peppers.
1 bell pepper (chopped) ♡ Add the hamburger meat and cook
2 tablespoons garlic powder until meat is well done.
3 tablespoons butter ♡ Add the tomato sauce, salt, pepper
1 teaspoon salt and garlic powder.
1 teaspoon pepper ♡ Salt, pepper and garlic powder can
2 (15 ounce) tomato sauce be adjusted to your own tastes.
1 (16 ounce) spaghetti noodles ♡ Cook noodles as directed.
1 - 1 1⁄2 lb hamburger meat ♡ Mix the sauce and noodles if you
like, I keep them separated.
Day 2
Beef for Sandwich
3 cups water
1 (.7 ounce) package dry Italian-style salad dressing mix
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried parsley Procedure
1 tsp onion □ Combine water, salad dressing mix, oregano, basil,
1 tsp garlic powder parsley, onion salt, garlic powder, bay leaf, salt, and
1 bay leaf black pepper in a saucepan. Stir well, and bring to a
1 tsp salt boil.
1 tsp ground black pepper □ Place rump roast in slow cooker; pour salad dressing
1 (5 pound) rump roast mixture over the meat.
Chicken Parmesan
4 boneless chicken breast
salt and ground black pepper
Procedure 2 large eggs
♡ Place chicken breasts between two sheets of 1 cup bread crumbs
heavy plastic on a solid, level surface. Firmly ¾ cup grated Parmesan cheese
pound chicken with the smooth side of a meat 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
mallet to a thickness of 1/2-inch. Season chicken ½ cup olive oil
thoroughly with salt and pepper. ½ cup tomato sauce
♡ Beat eggs in a shallow bowl and set aside. Mix ¼ cup chopped fresh basil
bread crumbs.
♡ Dip a flour-coated chicken breast in beaten eggs. Dinner
Transfer breast to the bread crumb mixture, Hearty Minestrone Soup
pressing crumbs into both sides. Ingredients
♡ Heat until it begins to shimmer. Cook chicken in 2 tbsp olive oil
the hot oil until golden. 1 pound beef stew meat
1 large onion
2 stalks celery
⅓ pound green beans
1 large carrot
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
□ In a pan add beef and onion; cook until beef is
1 pinch pepper
no longer pink on the outside, about 4 minutes.
6 cups chicken bone broth
Add the ingredients. Stir to combine.
1 can red kidney beans
□ Unlock and remove the lid. Stir in kidney beans
1 cup gluten-free ditalini pasta
and pasta. Turn on Slow Cook mode and cook
1 pinch kosher salt
until pasta and vegetables are tender, about 10
⅓ cup finely grated Parmesan
minutes. Season with salt. Ladle soup into
bowls and top with Parmesan cheese and fresh
2 tbsp basil
Day 3
Bucatini Cacio e Pepe
1 teaspoon salt Procedure
1 pound bucatini (dry) □ Bring a large pot of water to a boil and
2 cups finely grated Pecorino Romano add salt. Cook bucatini in the boiling
cheese water, stirring occasionally, until tender
1 ½ tablespoons freshly ground black yet firm to the bite.
pepper □ Once the bucatini are al dente, lift them
out with a spaghetti fork or tongs and put
them directly into the bowl with the
cheese. Do not allow the water to drain
too much.
□ Stir the bucatini around until a cream has
□ Add more pasta water, little by little, until
Lunch a thick cream has formed.
Skillet Spinach Lasagna □ Sprinkle freshly ground pepper over the
Ingredients pasta.
1 pound Italian sausage roll □ Toss and serve immediately.
8 lasagna noodles
♡ Cook and stir sausage, breaking into smaller
1 can crushed tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce
♡ Mix noodles into sausage.
2 cups torn fresh spinach
♡ Pour crushed tomatoes and tomato sauce
½ cup ricotta cheese
over sausage-noodle mixture; bring to a boil.
4 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese
Cover skillet, reduce heat, and simmer until
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
noodles are cooked and sauce is thickened,
about 25 minutes. Add spinach, ricotta cheese,
and mozzarella cheese; cover skillet and
remove from heat. Let lasagna stand for 5
Procedure minutes
v Melt butter and olive oil, add ♡ Top with Parmesan cheese.
cream, garlic, and white pepper; bring
to just under a boil. Reduce heat and Dinner
simmer, stirring often, until mixture is Better-Than-Olive
slightly reduced. Garden Alfredo Sauce
v Stir Parmesan cheese into cream Ingredients
mixture; simmer until sauce is 3 tbsp sweet butter
thickened and smooth, 8 to 10 minutes. 2 tbsp olive oil
Add mozzarella cheese; cook and stir 2 cups heavy whipping cream
until melted, about 5 minutes. 2 cloves garlic, minced
v While the sauce is cooking, bring a ¼ tsp ground white pepper
large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. ½ cup grated Parmesan
Add pasta; cook, stirring occasionally, cheese
until cooked through but firm to the bite ¾ cup shredded mozzarella
v Drain and transfer pasta to serving cheese
plates. Spoon sauce over pasta. 1 package angel hair pasta
Zuppa Toscana
1 pound bulk mild Italian sausage
1 ¼ teaspoons crushed red pepper Procedure
flakes Ø Cook the Italian sausage and red pepper
4 slices bacon flakes in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat
1 large onion, diced until crumbly, browned, and no longer pink,
1 tablespoon minced garlic 10 to 15 minutes. Drain and set aside.
5 cans chicken broth Ø Stir in the onions and garlic; cook until onions
6 potatoes are soft and translucent, about 5 minutes.
1 cup heavy cream Ø Pour the chicken broth into the Dutch oven
¼ bunch fresh spinach with the bacon and onion mixture; bring to a
boil over high heat. Add the potatoes, and boil
until fork tender.
Ø Mix the spinach into the soup just before

Lunch Procedure
Mushroom Chicken Piccata v In a shallow dish or bowl, mix together flour,
Ingredients salt and paprika. In a separate dish or bowl,
½ cup all-purpose flour mix together egg and milk. Dip chicken pieces
1 tsp salt in egg mixture, then in seasoned flour.
½ tsp paprika v In a large skillet, heat butter or margarine over
1 egg medium-high heat. Saute chicken pieces until
2 tbsp milk golden brown. Add mushrooms and onion and
6 chicken breast saute for 3 to 5 minutes.
4 tbsp butter v In a medium bowl combine the broth, wine,
½ pound mushrooms lemon juice and cornstarch. Mix together and
¼ cup chopped onion pour mixture over chicken and mushrooms.
1 cup chicken broth v Sprinkle with parsley and serve.
½ cup white wine
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp parsley

Spaghetti Aglio e Olio Procedure
Ingredients Ø Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil.
1 pound pasta Cook pasta in the boiling water, stirring occasionally
6 cloves garlic until cooked through but firm to the bite, about 12
½ cup olive oil minutes. Drain and transfer to a pasta bowl.
salt & pepper Ø Combine garlic and olive oil in a cold skillet. Cook
¼ cup Italian parsley over medium heat to slowly toast garlic, about 10
1 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano minutes.Serve pasta topped with the remaining
cheese Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.
Italian Breaded Pork Chops
3 eggs Procedure
3 tbsp milk ü Beat eggs and milk together in a shallow dish.
1 ½ cups Italian seasoned bread ü Mix bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, and
crumbs parsley together in a second shallow dish.
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese ü Heat oil in a large, oven-proof skillet over
2 tbsp dried parsley medium heat. Stir in garlic and cook until just
2 tbsp olive oil golden brown to flavor the oil. Remove garlic
4 cloves garlic with a slotted spoon and reserve for another
4 pork chops use.
ü Dip each pork chop into egg mixture, then
bread crumb mixture until well coated.
ü Place pork chops in the skillet and cook until
golden and crisp, about 5 minutes on each side.
Ø In a shallow dish or bowl, mix together the
flour, salt, pepper and oregano. Coat chicken
Chicken Marsala
pieces in flour mixture.
Ø In a large skillet, melt butter in oil over
¼ cup all-purpose flour for
medium heat.
Ø Place chicken in the pan, and lightly brown.
½ tsp salt
Turn over chicken pieces, and add
¼ tsp ground black pepper
½ tsp dried oregano
Ø Pour in wine and sherry. Cover skillet; simmer
4 chicken breast
chicken 10 minutes, turning once, until no
4 tbsp butter
longer pink and juices run clear.
4 tbsp olive oil
1 cup sliced mushrooms
½ cup Marsala wine
¼ cup cooking sherry
Dinner ü Add some zucchini to the hot oil and deep-fry
Spaghetti alla Nerano until lightly browned, 4 to 5 minutes. Transfer to
Ingredients a single layer on paper towels to drain and
1 quart sunflower oil repeat to cook remaining zucchini.
6 medium green zucchini ü Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil.
4 ounces spaghetti Cook spaghetti in the boiling water, stirring
2 tablespoons olive oil occasionally.
1 pinch salt ü As you are cooking the spaghetti, heat olive oil
2 basil leaves in a skillet over medium heat.
2 tbsp unsalted butter ü Grab spaghetti with tongs and transfer it right
5 tbsp Pecorino Romano cheese into the sauce; stir until coated. Mix in Pecorino
3 tbsp Parmigiano-Reggiano Romano and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses.
cheese ü Serve with more grated cheese and fresh basil.
Servings Cost per serving
Breakfast 5 P40.00
Lunch 10 P40.00
Dinner 8 P50.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00
Lunch 8 P25.00
Dinner 8 P30.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00
Lunch 10 P25.00
Dinner 13 P25.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 5 P40.00
Lunch 10 P40.00
Dinner 8 P50.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00
Lunch 8 P25.00
Dinner 8 P30.00
Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

rice P40.00 rice P40.00 mirin P50.00

salt P5.00 vinegar P8.00 miso paste P70.00
bonito shavings P50.00 salt P5.00 brown sugar P30.00
dry seaweeds seaweed sheets P40.00 soy sauce P8.00
sesame seeds P50.00 crab legs fish fillet P80.00
cream cheese P60.00 onion P20.00
P10.00 P40.00

P155.00 P193.00 P258.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

Egg P8.00 Talong P30.00 oil P10.00

Salt and Pepper P5.00 Egg P16.00 onion P8.00
Tomato Onion P5.00 garlic P3.00
Onion P5.00 Salt Pepper P5.00 pork P50.00
rice P8.00 flour P3.00 pepper P2.00
Oil P30.00 Oil P10.00 okra P10.00
P10.00 P20.00 green beans P10.00
eggplant P20.00

P66.00 P86.00 P128.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

Egg P8.00 Talong P30.00 oil P10.00

Salt and Pepper P5.00 Egg P16.00 onion P8.00
Tomato P5.00 Onion P5.00 garlic P3.00
Onion P8.00 Pepper P3.00 pork P50.00
rice P30.00 flour P10.00 okra P10.00
Oil P10.00 Oil P20.00 green beans P5.00
eggplant P20.00

P66.00 P81.00 P98.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

rice P40.00 rice P40.00 mirin P50.00

salt P5.00 vinegar P8.00 miso paste P70.00
bonito shavings P50.00 salt P5.00 brown sugar P30.00
dry seaweeds seaweed sheets P40.00 soy sauce P8.00
sesame seeds P50.00 crab legs fish fillet P80.00
cream cheese P60.00 onion P20.00
P10.00 P40.00

P155.00 P193.00 P258.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

kalabasa P15.00 Bamboo shots P20.00 Pancit Canton P30.00

egg P16.00 garlic pork P50.00
flour P10.00 onion P3.00 garlic P3.00
garlic P3.00 salt P8.00 peas P28.00
onion P8.00 pepper P5.00 bell pepper P10.00
salt P5.00 soy sauce P1.00 chicken cube P8.00
pepper P1.00 oil P3.00 oyster sauce P8.00
oil P30.00 P10.00 oil P10.00
sausage P20.00
shrimp P50.00
onion P5.00
carrot P15.00
cabbage P15.00
soy sauce P3.00
salt P5.00
pepper P1.00

P88.00 P50.00 P261.00

Korean cuisine than just this side dish of
fermented vegetables. Korean cuisine reflects not
only the rich culture and history of Korea; it also
celebrates Korea's natural geography as well as the
Koreans' love of fresh, healthy, and hearty dishes.

Korean food typically includes rice, vegetables,

meat, and seafood. Kimchi is also served at every
meal. While Korean cuisine places a lot of
importance on the seasonality and freshness of the
ingredients they use, Korean dishes also use a lot
of fermented ingredients in their recipes, which
gives Korean food a stronger flavor and sometimes
more pungent smell.
Rice, noodles, vegetables, meats, and tofu (dubu in
Korean) make up the key ingredients in Korean
cuisine. Traditional Korean meals boast abundant
side dishes, (banchan), that accompany steam-
cooked short-grain rice, soup, and kimchi
(fermented, spicy vegetable banchan, most
commonly cabbage, radish, or cucumber). Banchan
accompany every meal. Sesame oil, doenjang
(fermented soybean paste), soy sauce, salt, garlic,
ginger, and gochujang (red chili paste) usually
season Korean food.
Day 1
Vegan Korean Kimchi Fried Rice
 1 tbsp oil
 ¼ cup onion
 1 tbsp garlic Procedure
 ½ cup kimchi ♣ Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium
 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar heat.
 1 cup white rice ♣ Add red onion, garlic, and ginger.
 2 tablespoons white sugar ♣ Increase heat to high and add chopped kimchi and
 2 tbsp soy sauce vinegar.
 2 tbsp kimchi brine ♣ Stir in cooked rice, soy sauce, sugar, soy sauce,
 ½ tablespoon sesame oil kimchi brine, and sesame oil.
 salt to taste ♣ Season with salt and pepper.
 black pepper

Lunch Kalbi
♡ Place ribs in a bowl and cover with water
3 pounds beef short ribs
♡ Combine soy sauce, Asian pear, onion, garlic, and
½ cup soy sauce
ginger in a food processor. Pulse until smooth.
1 Pear
♡ Combine green onions, sesame oil, brown sugar,
½ small onion
sesame seeds, honey, and black pepper in a large
2 tbsp garlic
bowl; mix well. Add ribs and coat thoroughly with the
1 tbsp ginger
2 tbsp sesame oil
♡ Cook ribs on the grill until slightly charred and tender,
2 tbsp brown sugar
about 4 minutes per side.
¼ tsp pepper

Dinner Procedure
Jap Chae ü Break the vermicelli into small pieces and
Ingredients place in a deep-sided dish.
1 pkg. sweet potato vermicelli ü Whisk together the soy sauce, brown sugar,
½ cup reduced-sodium soy sauce and boiling water; pour over the drained
¼ cup brown sugar noodles; allow to soak 2 minutes.
½ cup boiling water ü Add the noodles and soy sauce mixture to
3 tablespoons vegetable oil the skillet and cook and stir until hot, about 5
1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds minutes.
Day 2
Vegetarian Bibimbap
2 tbsp sesame oil
1 cup carrot Procedure
1 cup zucchini Ø Heat sesame oil in a large skillet over
½ can bean sprouts medium heat; cook and stir carrot and
6 ounces canned bamboo shoots zucchini in the hot oil until vegetables begin to
1 can mushrooms soften, about 5 minutes. Stir in bean sprouts,
⅛ tsp salt to taste bamboo shoots, and mushrooms.
2 cups rice Ø Stir cooked rice, green onions, soy sauce,
⅓ cup onions and black pepper in the same skillet until the
2 tbsp soy sauce rice is hot.
¼ tsp black pepper Ø To serve, divide hot cooked rice mixture
1 tbsp butter between 3 serving bowls and top each bowl
3 eggs with 1/3 of the vegetable mixture and a fried

Ø Peel skin from chicken thighs and trim off
excess fat. Cut each into single flat 'steak,'
Lunch working around the bone. Save any smaller
Dak Bulgogi pieces for cooking as well.
Ingredients Ø Pour marinade into the bowl with the
2 pounds bone-in chicken thighs chicken and stir to coat. Pierce the chicken
½ cup soy sauce with a skewer for extra absorption, if desired.
½ apple Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate, 6 to
1 tbsp brown sugar 12 hours.
3 cloves garlic Ø Heat a skillet over medium heat. Remove
1 tsp sesame oil chicken from the marinade and add to the
1 tsp gochugaru (Korean chile skillet. Cook and stir until no longer pink in
powder) the center, 15 to 20 minutes.
1 tsp ginger Ø Transfer thighs to a serving plate and
1 tsp sesame seeds garnish with sesame seeds.

Korean Cucumber Salad
¼ cup white vinegar
Ø In a medium bowl, stir together vinegar, black pepper,
¼ tsp black pepper
and red pepper flakes.
½ tsp red pepper flakes
Ø Heat oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir
1 tsp vegetable oil
in sesame seeds, and reduce heat to medium. Cook
2 tsp sesame seeds
until seeds are brown, about 5 minutes. Remove
1 cucumber, thinly sliced
seeds with a slotted spoon, and stir into vinegar
½ green onion, sliced
mixture. Mix in cucumber, green onions, and carrot.
½ carrot, julienned
Cover, and refrigerate at least 5 minutes.
Day 4
Kimchi Pancake
Ingredients Procedure
1 cup kimchi Ø Stir together the kimchi, kimchi juice, flour, eggs,
½ cup reserved juice from and green onion in a bowl.
kimchi Ø Heat vegetable oil over medium heat in a large
1 cup all-purpose flour skillet. Using about 1/4 cup of batter for each
2 eggs pancake, pour into skillet, spreading as thin as
1 green onion possible. Cook pancakes until set and lightly
1 tbsp vegetable oil browned, turning once, 3 to 5 minutes per side.
salt to taste Season to taste with salt.
1 tbsp rice vinegar Ø Whisk together the rice vinegar, soy sauce, sesame
1 tbsp soy sauce oil, chili pepper flakes, and toasted sesame seeds.
½ tsp sesame oil Serve with the pancakes.
Korean Hot Wings
1 cup soy sauce Procedure
¾ cup brown sugar Ø Stir soy sauce, brown sugar, ketchup, barbeque
¼ cup ketchup sauce, garlic, vinegar, chile-garlic sauce, pepper,
3 tbsp barbeque sauce sesame oil, and ginger together in a saucepan;
2 tbsp garlic bring to a boil.
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar Ø Whisk cornstarch and water together in a small
1 ½ tsp black pepper bowl; stir into sauce. Remove from heat and set
1 tsp sesame oil aside to cool and thicken.
1 tsp ginger Ø Heat oil in a deep-fryer or large saucepan. Season
1 tbsp cornstarch chicken wings.
1 tbsp water Ø Fry chicken wings in batches of 6 to 8 at a time in
1 quart peanut oil hot oil until no longer pink at the bone and the
4 pounds chicken wings juices run clear.
Ø Place cooked wings into a large mixing bowl.
Ladle sauce over the wings and toss to coat.
Kongnamool (Korean
Soybean Sprouts)
1 pound soybean sprouts
¼ cup sesame oil
Ø Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil;
2 tablespoons soy sauce
add bean sprouts and cook, uncovered, until
2 tablespoons Korean chile
tender yet still crisp, about 15 seconds. Drain in a
colander, then immediately immerse in ice water
2 teaspoons sesame seeds
for several minutes to stop the cooking process.
1 ½ teaspoons garlic
Drain well and set aside.
¼ cup chopped green onion
Ø Whisk sesame oil, soy sauce, Korean chile
2 teaspoons rice wine
powder, sesame seeds, and garlic together in a
vinegar, or to taste
large bowl.
Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P40.00

Lunch 10 P40.00

Dinner 8 P50.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00

Lunch 8 P25.00

Dinner 6 P20.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00

Lunch 10 P25.00

Dinner 13 P25.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00
Lunch 8 P25.00
Dinner 6 P20.00
Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

rice P40.00 rice P40.00 mirin P50.00

salt P5.00 vinegar P8.00 miso paste P70.00
bonito shavings P50.00 salt P5.00 brown sugar P30.00
dry seaweeds seaweed sheets P40.00 soy sauce P8.00
sesame seeds P50.00 crab legs fish fillet P80.00
cream cheese P60.00 onion P20.00
P10.00 P40.00

P155.00 P193.00 P258.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

oil P10.00 ribs P200.00 vermicelli P40.00

onion P5.00 soy sauce P3.00 soy sauce P8.00
garlic P3.00 pear brown sugar P10.00
kimchi P70.00 onion P20.00 vegetable oil P10.00
rice wine P45.00 garlic P8.00 sesame seeds P10.00
rice P30.00 sesame oil P3.00
white sugar P10.00 brown P10.00
soy sauce P3.00 sugar
sesame oil P10.00 P10.00
salt P5.00
pepper P3.00

P194.00 P244.00 P78.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

sesame oil P10.00 Chicken P180.00 vinegar P10.00

carrot P20.00 soy sauce P8.00 pepper P3.00
zuchinni P50.00 apple P20.00 pepper flakes P20.00
bean sprouts P20.00 brown sugar P10.00 vegetable oil
bamboo shoots garlic sesame seeds P10.00
mushrooms P25.00 sesame oil P5.00 cucumber
salt gochugaru P10.00 onion P10.00
rice P30.00 sesame seeds P65.00 carrot
onion P5.00 P10.00 P20.00
soysauce P45.00 P5.00
pepper P5.00 P20.00
butter P8.00
eggs P3.00

P275.00 P308.00 P98.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

kimchi P70.00 soy sauce P8.00 soy beans sprouts P30.00

all-purpose P15.00 brown sugar P10.00 oil
flour ketchup P8.00 soy sauce P10.00
egg P16.00 barbeque sauce P15.00 chili powder P5.00
onion P5.00 garlic sesame seeds P1.00
oil P20.00 rice wine P5.00 garlic P10.00
salt P5.00 pepper P30.00 onion P3.00
vinegar P5.00 oil P5.00 rice wine P5.00
soy sauce P5.00 cornstarch P40.00 vinegar P15.00
chicken wings P15.00 P5.00

P141.00 P316.00 P87.00

Japanese food is a very diverse cuisine
that is reflective of the different regions of
Japan. Japanese food is also often
reflective of traditions within the culture.
Many people associate Japanese food
with sushi, but there is more to it than that.

Traditional Japanese food is usually based

off steamed white rice, which can be
served with miso soup and other side
dishes like fish or pickled vegetables as
well as with a main protein and sauce.
Instead of rice, many Japanese dishes are
noodle-based; soba noodles and udon
noodles are the most popular. Traditionally,
noodles are eaten as a main dish and do
not come with any sides.
Day 1
Sushi Rice
2 cups uncooked glutinous Procedure
white rice § Rinse the rice in a strainer or colander under
3 cups water cold running water until the water runs clear.
½ cup rice vinegar § Combine rice and water in a saucepan over
1 tablespoon vegetable oil medium-high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce
¼ cup white sugar heat to low, cover, and cook until rice is
1 teaspoon salt tender and all water has been absorbed,
about 20 minutes. Remove from stove and set
Lunch aside until cool enough to handle.
Sesame-Seared Tuna § Meanwhile, combine rice vinegar, oil, sugar,
Ingredients and salt in a small saucepan over medium
¼ cup soy sauce heat. Cook until the sugar has dissolved.
2 tbsp sesame oil Allow to cool, then stir into the cooked rice.
1 tbsp mirin (Japanese sweet While mixture will appear very wet at first,
wine) keep stirring and rice will dry as it cools.
1 tbsp honey
1 tbspn rice wine vinegar
½ cup sesame seeds
4 tuna steaks Procedure
1 tbsp olive oil § Stir together soy sauce, sesame oil, mirin, and honey
wasabi paste in a small bowl. Pour half into a separate small bowl,
stir in rice wine vinegar, and set it aside as a dipping
§ Spread sesame seeds out on a plate. Coat tuna
steaks with remaining soy sauce mixture, then press
into sesame seeds to coat.
§ Heat olive oil in a cast iron skillet over high heat until
very hot. Place steaks in the pan; sear for about 30
seconds on each side. Serve with dipping sauce and
wasabi paste.

Miso Soup Procedure
Ingredients § In a medium saucepan over medium-high
2 tsp dashi granules heat, combine dashi granules and water;
4 cups water bring to a boil.
3 tbsp miso paste § Reduce heat to medium, and whisk in the
1 package silken tofu, diced miso paste. Stir in tofu. Separate the layers
2 green onions of the green onions, and add them to the
soup. Simmer gently for 2 to 3 minutes
before serving.
Day 2
California Roll
4 cups water Procedure
2 cups white rice Ø Wrap a sushi rolling mat completely in plastic wrap and
½ cup seasoned rice vinegar set aside.
1 tsp white sugar Ø Bring water and rice to a boil in a saucepan over high
1 tsp salt heat. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer
¼ pound cooked crab meat until the rice is tender and the liquid has been absorbed,
1 tbsp mayonnaise 20 to 25 minutes. Transfer rice to a bowl and cut in rice
5 sheets nori (dry seaweed) vinegar using a rice paddle or wooden spoon.
1 avocado Ø Combine crab meat with mayonnaise in a small bowl.
¼ cup red caviar Ø Place a sheet of nori on a flat work surface. Spread a
1 English cucumber thin layer of rice on top of the nori. Place the nori, rice
2 tbsp pickled ginger side down, on the prepared rolling mat.
2 tbsp soy sauce Ø Serve garnished with pickled ginger, soy sauce, and
1 tbsp wasabi paste wasabi paste
Beef Kushiyaki
2 ½ tablespoons mirin (Japanese
sweet wine)
1 clove garlic
⅓ cup soy sauce
⅛ tsp monosodium glutamate Procedure
⅓ cup white sugar Ø In a bowl, mix the mirin, garlic, soy sauce, monosodium
1 pound beef sirloin steak, cut glutamate, and sugar; stir to dissolve the sugar.
paper-thin Ø Roll a slice of thin beef around a piece of green onion;
3 green onions, cut into 2-inch skewer the roll with 2 bamboo skewers, place about 1/2
slices inch apart. Repeat twice more, placing 3 beef rolls onto
bamboo skewers the 2 skewers. Repeat with remaining beef, green
onion, and skewers until all the beef is rolled up. Place
skewers onto a broiling pan. Discard used marinade.
Ø Broil until browned on both sides, about 3 to 3 1/2
Dinner minutes per side.
Chicken Ramen Bowl
1 medium onion
3 cloves garlic
1 tbsp grated ginger Procedure
½ cup rice vinegar Ø Add onion and saute until starting to soften, about 5
½ cup soy sauce minutes. Add garlic and ginger; cook about 30 seconds
2 tbsp oyster sauce more. Add rice vinegar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, mirin, fish
2 tbsp mirin sauce, and sriracha sauce; stir to combine. Add chicken
1 tbsp fish sauce broth and water and bring to a boil. Add chicken and bok
1 tbsp sriracha sauce choy; simmer gently until bok choy is just tender, about 2
4 cups chicken broth minutes.
1 cup water Ø Fill a large pot with lightly salted water and bring to a rolling
1 cooked chicken breasts boil. Add ramen noodles and return to a boil. Cook,
¾ pound baby bok choy uncovered, stirring occasionally, until noodles are tender
3 packages dried ramen noodles yet firm to the bite, 5 to 7 minutes.
1 tbsp vegetable oil Ø While ramen is cooking, fill a pot with enough water to
4 eggs cover the eggs and bring to a boil. Gently lower eggs into
1 jalapeno pepper the boiling water and cook until yolks are barely set.
2 green onions Ø Add broth. Top each with jalapeno, green onions, cilantro,
¼ cup chopped cilantro and soft boiled egg. Serve immediately.
Day 3
Sushi Roll
⅔ cup uncooked short-grain white riceProcedure
3 tablespoons rice vinegar ü In a medium saucepan, bring 1 1/3 cups
3 tablespoons white sugar water to a boil. Add rice, and stir. Reduce
1 ½ teaspoons salt heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes.
4 sheets nori seaweed sheets ü Center one sheet nori on a bamboo sushi
½ cucumber, peeled, cut into small mat. Wet your hands. Using your hands,
strips spread a thin layer of rice on the sheet of
2 tablespoons pickled ginger nori, and press into a thin layer. Arrange
1 avocado 1/4 of the cucumber, ginger, avocado, and
½ pound imitation crabmeat, flaked imitation crabmeat in a line down the
center of the rice. Lift the end of the mat,
and gently roll it over the ingredients,
pressing gently. Roll it forward to make a
complete roll. Repeat with remaining
Lunch ü Cut each roll into 4 to 6 slices using a wet,
Crispy Shrimp Tempura sharp knife.
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 pinch salt
1 cup water
ü Whisk flour, cornstarch, and salt in a large
1 egg yolk
bowl. Make a depression in the center of the
2 egg whites, lightly beaten
flour. Stir in the water and egg yolk. Mix just
1 pound medium shrimp
until moistened; batter will be lumpy. Stir in
2 cups vegetable oil for frying
egg whites.
ü One at a time, dip shrimp into the batter to
Dinner coat. Do not batter tails. Carefully place a few
Japanese-Style Cabbage Salad shrimp at a time into the hot oil. Fry until
Ingredients golden brown, about 1 1/2 minutes. Drain on
3 tablespoons sesame oil paper towels.
3 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1 tablespoon white sugar
ü Whisk together sesame oil, vinegar, garlic,
1 teaspoon salt
ginger, sugar, salt, and pepper in a small bowl
1 teaspoon black pepper
until the sugar has dissolved. Toss the
½ large head cabbage
cabbage, green onions, almonds, and
1 bunch green onions
sesame seeds in a large bowl with the
1 cup almond slivers
dressing until well coated.
¼ cup toasted sesame seeds
Day 4
Ingredients Procedure
2 cups uncooked jasmine rice v Stir in the onion, and cook and stir until
4 cups water the onion is soft, about 5 more minutes.
4 skinless, boneless chicken thighs Pour in the stock, and whisk in soy
1 onion, cut in half and sliced sauce, mirin, and brown sugar, stirring to
2 cups dashi stock dissolve the sugar.
¼ cup soy sauce v Whisk the eggs in a bowl until well-
3 tablespoons mirin (Japanese rice beaten, and pour over the chicken and
wine) stock.
3 tablespoons brown sugar v To serve, place 1 cup of cooked rice per
4 eggs bowl into 4 deep soup bowls, top each
bowl with 1/4 of the chicken and egg
mixture, and spoon about 1/2 cup of
soup into each bowl.
Chicken Yakisoba
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 chicken breast halves
2 cloves garlic
v Heat 2 tablespoons canola oil and sesame
2 tablespoons chile paste
oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.
½ cup soy sauce
Cook and stir chicken and garlic in hot oil
½ medium head cabbage
until fragrant. Stir chile paste into chicken
1 onion
2 carrots
v Heat 1 tablespoon canola oil in the skillet
1 tablespoon salt
over medium-high heat; cook and stir
2 pounds yakisoba noodles
cabbage, onion, carrots, and salt in hot oil
2 tablespoons pickled ginger
until cabbage is wilted.
v Add noodles; cook and stir until noodles are
hot and chicken is no longer pink inside.
v Garnish with pickled ginger.
Cucumber Sunomono
Ingredients Procedure
2 large cucumbers, peeled v Cut cucumbers in half lengthwise and scoop out
⅓ cup rice vinegar any large seeds. Slice crosswise into very thin
4 teaspoons white sugar slices.
1 teaspoon salt v In a small bowl combine vinegar, sugar, salt and
1 ½ teaspoons minced fresh ginger. Mix well. Place cucumbers inside of the
ginger root bowl, stir so that cucumbers are coated with the
mixture. Refrigerate the bowl of cucumbers for at
least 1 hour before serving.
Day 5
Onigiri - Japanese Rice Balls
Ingredients Procedure
4 cups white rice q Combine 1 cup water with the salt in a
4 ½ cups water small bowl. Use this water to dampen
1 cup water hands before handling the rice. Divide the
¼ teaspoon salt cooked rice into 8 equal portions. Use one
¼ cup bonito shavings portion of rice for each onigiri.
2 sheets nori (dry seaweed) q Divide one portion of rice in two. Cover
2 tablespoons sesame seeds with the remaining portion of rice and
press lightly to enclose filling inside rice
ball. Gently press the rice to shape into a
triangle. Wrap shaped onigiri with a strip of
nori. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Repeat
Lunch to make a total of 8 onigiri.
Cream Cheese and Crab Sushi
1 cup white rice
2 cups water
2 tablespoons rice vinegar Procedure
1 teaspoon salt q Lay out seaweed sheets. Moisten hands
2 sheets nori seaweed sheets with water, then spread the rice evenly on
¼ cucumber each sheet. Arrange strips of cucumber,
2 pieces imitation crab legs imitation crabmeat, and cream cheese in a
½ package cream cheese straight line along the side opposite of the
1 teaspoon ginger root gap. Roll the sushi from the toppings to the
exposed end of the the seaweed sheet.
q Using a sharp wet knife, slice each roll into 5
or 6 pieces. Serve with minced ginger on the

Miso and Soy Chilean Sea Bass
q Whisk together sake, mirin, miso paste,
brown sugar, and soy sauce in a bowl.
⅓ cup sake
Place sea bass fillets in a large
⅓ cup mirin (Japanese sweet rice
resealable plastic bag; pour marinade
over fillets.
⅓ cup miso paste
q Arrange fillets on a baking sheet;
¼ cup packed brown sugar
discard marinade.
3 tablespoons soy sauce
q Broil sea bass in the preheated oven
4 (4 ounce) fillets fresh sea bass,
until fish flakes easily with a fork, 7 to 9
about 1 inch thick
2 tablespoons chopped green onion
q Sprinkle with chopped green onions to
Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 5 P40.00

Lunch 10 P40.00

Dinner 8 P50.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00

Lunch 8 P25.00

Dinner 8 P30.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00
Lunch 10 P25.00
Dinner 13 P25.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 5 P40.00

Lunch 10 P40.00

Dinner 8 P50.00

Servings Cost per serving

Breakfast 6 P20.00

Lunch 10 P25.00

Dinner 13 P25.00
Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

rice P40.00 sesame oil P20.00 cucumbers P20.00

chicken P180.00 chicken P180.00 rice vinegar P30.00
onion P10.00 garlic P5.00 white sugar P20.00
mirin P40.00 chile paste P20.00 salt P5.00
brown sugar P20.00 soy sauce P8.00
eggs cabbage P20.00
P16.00 onion P10.00
carrots P15.00
salt P5.00
yakisoba noodles P50.00

P306.00 P328.00 P75.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

rice P40.00 rice P40.00 mirin P50.00

salt P5.00 vinegar P8.00 miso paste P70.00
bonito shavings P50.00 salt P5.00 brown sugar P30.00
dry seaweeds seaweed sheets P40.00 soy sauce P8.00
sesame seeds P50.00 crab legs fish fillet P80.00
cream cheese P60.00 onion P20.00
P10.00 P40.00

P155.00 P193.00 P258.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

rice P40.00 all-purpose flour P20.00 sesame oil P20.00

rice vinegar P20.00 cornstarch rice vinegar P30.00
white sugar P20.00 salt P10.00 garlic P5.00
seaweed sheets P50.00 egg P5.00 white sugar P20.00
cucumber shrimp P16.00 salt P5.00
avocado P20.00 oil P100.00 pepper P3.00
crabmeat P10.00 P50.00 cabbage P20.00
P40.00 onions P10.00
sesame seeds P10.00

P200.00 P216.00 P123.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

rice P40.00 sesame oil P20.00 cucumbers P20.00

chicken P180.00 chicken P180.00 rice vinegar P30.00
onion P10.00 garlic P5.00 white sugar P20.00
mirin P40.00 chile paste P20.00 salt P5.00
brown sugar P20.00 soy sauce P8.00
eggs cabbage P20.00
P16.00 onion P10.00
carrots P15.00
salt P5.00
yakisoba noodles P50.00

P306.00 P328.00 P75.00

Breakfast Price Lunch Price Dinner Price

rice P40.00 rice P40.00 mirin P50.00

salt P5.00 vinegar P8.00 miso paste P70.00
bonito shavings P50.00 salt P5.00 brown sugar P30.00
dry seaweeds seaweed sheets P40.00 soy sauce P8.00
sesame seeds P50.00 crab legs fish fillet P80.00
cream cheese P60.00 onion P20.00
P10.00 P40.00

P155.00 P193.00 P258.00

I reflected on what made it so good, I think
there are three fundamental things my experience shared
with most memorable, impactful learning experiences. It
seeks to give students a solid theoretical grasp of instruction
and technology. It gives students a thorough understanding
of the theories and practices of teaching and learning that
are essential for the delivery of technical-vocational courses.
Additionally, it explores how larger historical, social, cultural,
and political processes link to educational processes. The
program's goal is to provide prospective participants with the
knowledge, abilities, attitudes, beliefs, and experiences that
will help them. The ability to contribute to various forms of
community development using their knowledge, skills,
competence, and abilities combined with humanity values to
genuinely care for others and the environment to uphold the
greater good is one of the qualities and values of the UTSP
brand that are expected of BTVTEd graduates.
This pandemic is a much more challenge
training because we don’t have a complete things that are
needed in this subject but it is very worth it, I learned a lot
the challenge makes me more wiser, to search for a
substitute if a certain ingredients is expensive or not
available at all.
The COVID-19 corona virus pandemic, along
with the ensuing lock downs and physical separation
measures, caused unprecedented disruptions in the
provision of education and training, but it also acted as a
catalyst for reform, according to the International Labour
Office and World Bank. Online education innovation. The
most marginalized communities were precluded from
continuing to participate in education and training despite
some people still having access to it due to the rapid
adoption of distance learning in technical and vocational
settings (TVET). They could end up falling more behind in
their academics. With a few exceptions, the increasing use
of distant learning alternatives in TVET programs has not
benefited in the management of work-based learning or the
development of practical skills, both of which are essential
for the success of technical vocational training. I face many
difficulties because of this, such as the fact that we only
receive in-house training under the guidance of a
professional trainer. But it also encourages us to be creative
and analytical in our search for new knowledge and abilities.
Although it may be challenging and cause us problems on a
physical, emotional, and most importantly a financial level,
this is not a reason to give up.
This training we just had at home gives us
more motivation to keep going and fight for our aspirations
because it shows us that even if life is difficult, we can still
reach our desired objectives if we are determined to make
them a reality. This pandemic is a much more difficult
training because we lack the necessary supplies, but it is
well worth it. I learned a lot and the challenge made me a
better person by teaching me to look for alternatives when
some materials are expensive or not available at all.
As I have done my weekly activity, especially

in making a menu and the dish its quiet tough because of

the fact that I need to think if I where in a shoes as a

cutomer will I be attracted to the name or the picture of the

dish? and there are a lot of configuring I did before I added a

specific dish in my own menu. And ofcourse the weekly

cooking that I did is really a challlenging one because of the

monetary reason, especially when I cooked the different kind

of dihes in each cuisine, the ingredients, the equipment, the

tools that I may use in each dishes, but thank God, I already

done those things with a flying colors.

Thank you for the pictures, recipes,
and thought that I get from various
pages, sources. Credits to the
following sites that I am going to
♡ Google
♡ youtube
♡ allrecipes
♡ youtube

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