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New Game! Informational!

Nature Beings Here! Oak and Yew and Elephant and Mycellium here!

So you’ve been inspired, you’ve been touched, and now you’re back for more, some of you want the
nuts and bolts, how would this all work.

Luckily we’vce laid the ground work and we’re here to help! How would LiveoGaming WOrk?
Ecologclally, Economically, Emotionally?

Watch “New Game! Human Nature” *Provide here a summary of that video and argument. *

Liveo games?

We call it Liveogaming, lets build real-life levels with quests, puzzle and platoforming! We can teach
you how to design the natural environments (permaculture, natural building, and ofrest gardening)
Most fantasyscapes and aestheics can be made with clay wood and some of your new inventions for
special effects!

So we recognize a paradox, humans can change very rapidly but they are also resisteant to change. We
want to help yo understand that trauma, which suppressese oyu increible ability to rapidly learn and
adpdat new habits and skills.

We also recognize that leaping in to “free love” can have a lot of backlash, as we saw with the hippie
movements. People need to feel safe in order to come back in to openness and love, not feel pressures,
do it gradually (although to gradually go from PTSD to light being in a few short years, wbhich is
possible, the narratopr has done it, is astounding to us,) and not be taken advatange of by narcisiccists
who seek to use others to escape from their own pain.

Evolve Constantly as Caretakers – Liveo Games – And Live our new Story, fulfill goals
The Good News, Life Can Be a NEW GAME!!! The power of Theater to relax the
ego, the fear through the power of play and experimentation, The “game levels” will be like new
planets! And we can help you make them so they fit oyur needs better than what you’ve been making!
Givving us trial and error to figure out what works, what we like. It is a world for rewiring, a place to
fulfill human needs

To evolve in to our fullpotential – renacestrando. We need to stop fighting who we are.

Build new habits, values. And keep them malleable so that we are not slaves to tradtiion These self-
contained spaces offer experiments in evolution. Technology advancement.has been moving so fast,
peole haven’t been able to keep up with cultural. NOt just pop-culture, we love the new chgaracters and
memes. But we mean traditions, dances, rituales, valies, festival, ceremonies.
We’re living in the most creative time in history yet we’re still living with the consiousness, tastes and
values of Vicotorians, Inquisitors, It is a world for rewiring, a place to fulfill human needs
leaving behind the paradigms of the world seeing the world as a alive and not raw materials to be
constructe You have had to sacrifice part of oyur humanity, magical childhood, balanced masculinity
and feminitiy. Logic has monopolized and feeling has faltered.

Be the creator we were meant to be – Bosquenautas – new worlds, embrace our ability to
manipulate enviornments and rather than “maipulate environments” learn to co-create with nagture,
participating in evolotuion, making ecosystems more abundant thanks to our presnce. While creating
new challenges, new ways of living, having new experiences. So we want to tell you to take those little
worlds seriously, because they are expressions of where you were meant to live! Taking seriously our
local habitatas, treating them with love and care as our homes. Sailing through the oceans of change.

How Would this Even Work? The Responsible Part

YOu walk in to a place, a large coproate park, abanonded detroit block, industial ust belt, former farm,
whatever, you walk in thorugh the entrance and suddenly, everything looks and feels… different.

There is an opening cut scene, a laser show, pupper show, projection of a short film, or short play.
Actors disguyised as magical creatures take you through a guided meditation, you close your eyes,
there is music. They take you by the hands, you get up and lead you somewhere, perhaps they then lie
you down, or put you up a ladder or up a tree

Suddenly you are in a house, home village, or a wide view of a brillian landscape, or in the cove of a
giant ancient tree. YOu know what oyu watch Star Wars and there is a desert planet, and ice planet!
Places that have unifying themes, that can be a simple as a landscape or as complex as a whol egame.

Actors pretending to be NPCs, or ven GPS-aware characters speaking to you from an app on a tablet or
phone introiduce you to the world, remind you who you are, what is going on in the world, what
problems there are. Maybe they rem.

Or maybe its more of an MMO oyu step in to a wardrobe and choose clothing, a job class.

The Npcs send you on quests, getting through obtacle courses (platformers) Or solving puzzles (like
how escape rooms have been doing) or getting through a dodgeball/paintball situaion (like an FPS).

You have to gain new skills and aquire magical items. Its called play and pretend, youve all donie it as
kids, its easy to rekundle! Pretend splash damage. YOU might have to prentend you are effected by
area of effect when someone use a card, spell or item and you are affected. YOu might actually have to
perform a jutso or cast a spell whennyou implement one.

Paintball, Six Flags, Mini-Golf, Arcades, theaters. This is just a new place of entertainment! But with
more opportunities for gorwth and personal development! Places where you can discover yourselves,
like nurseries.

The people who built these places, those on the world-building side could have new careers from this
as players pay to play.
Or they could be public services placed in parks, schools, hospitals.

They could also be places to experiment and try to economic models! So these planets could offer to
social models for cooperative living or working. New economic models (approiatete tech workshops,
not as time-consuming as traditional artisanry, not as soul-crushing as factories)

Waht we are working on, and asking you to support on this channel is how to tweek the game
experience eto include the aspects of life that video games can’t offer. The activities in gaming can be
adjusted to benefit the surrrounding ecosystem. The culture of the game can benefit mental health and
group cohesion.

Models for the Future, Surviving the selective forces of the HUman Worlds

The Planets Will Serve as Memes, or New organisms, whose success or failure will see if they are able
to rerpoduce on the larger economic/political/cultural ecosystem without being killed off by
conservative fear, laws, threatened corporations.

We have a plan that can solve both of our problems in a fun way! Without eco-dictatorships, or grueling
effort to clean up centirues-long mess.

Hierarchy is not what we think it is. Leadership is not ownership. Power to, power over. Hierarchy
blocks univeral success, redefining success. Joy, intneral peace, self-realization, these are not prileges
for a minority, they are veryones preorgatie! A way to democratize self-realization

Practical Advantages

people are very good at understanding small systems, like trying different specs or eqiipments builds,
they could search out the most complete little planets.

And since we’re leaving the linear endless growth paradigm behind, lets remember that every culture is
lnked to a surrounding ecosystem, that’s us baby!! Think about video games and how the levels
“culture” matches the natural background!

The endless growth paradigm built came thorugh hard-work sacrifice which often devolved into pain,
suffering because it wasn’t in balance with other things. We have a plan, the next phases of human
cultures can be fun and FEEL GOOD!!!!!!

Planets hedged in abundance and beauty. We can teach you how to craft ecosystems with healthy deep
soils! And we can try all kinds of styles and themes. And live all kinds of expereinces/

People’s success is not measured by society, sintead it is measured in how well they feel they are
growing and learning and loving and helping, Perhaps you have followed ll the advice, been
determined and still not found success, maybe you are playing the wrong game, maybe you are Michael
Jordan on a Baseball Diamond. Maybe you need the right game.
Places Where people Can actually Learn How Planet Earth Works

These times are also resurrecting forgotten knowledge and deep truths. You coming in to a new
maturity, reclaiming some age old wisdom: (Lion King) Nothing lasts forever. Everything is born,
gorws, flourishes and dies! Evertyhgin is connected and all life is dependent on each other.

All other species have to accept the environments as best they can, of course some build shelters. But
you, you can comepltely modify an ecosystem, you can choose any enviornment. You are world-


Reconnecting, rembodying, feelingonself as part of the landscape

he game you’ve won has been like a game you rush through just to get to the end, ruching through each
acheivmenet and level and boss. And once you get to the end, youre left with a feeling of empitness,
Rather these new games will be slowly savored, have a healthier pacing, be present.

We need to satisfy human needs, a story beyond surival, Reintegrate our needs for connection,
expression, love, our animal nature that has anger. Create Happy people, happy people don’t destroy
planets. We need to build new and radically different spaces that recognoize these deep needs and give
an outlet to our primal urges in integrative wand not-destructive ways.

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