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New Game!


Unstressed people Don’t destroy planet Earth.

You wellbieng is our wellbeing
The Old Game, The New Game

8b) OUr proposal is a new game of life. Let’s build new worlds here on Earth in physical space, the
way you guys have been doin in those little boxes. Places where your humanity can flourish where the
magical children iside of you can soar and create and live!!

We feel like the myth of endless progress, the rat race, the rise to power, the seeking of fortune, these
game don’t fulfill you comppletey, you guys are here to be happy, be toegther, to cool stuff. That’s the
cosmis mission, make life awesome! Colonizing the stars the way the Americas were colonized will
bring more of the same. YOur sci-fi is just westerns with different suits!

Why? How?

ur connection with ourselves, and to give these parts of oursleves meaning and use in the real world
Discover New Planets! Don’t waste your hate, gather and create! The solution to your emotional and
ecological and economic crises is not one of the fight until the end, work hard try hard paradigm, its
about making life awesome.

But more than being unsatsified also inspired to imagination, of course you guys are making these
cool new worlds, The good news is the solution is fun! Land is much more expensive than a car, and
land can be shared by multipe people and so can cars. SO instead of 20 people with 20 cars, and no
land, you could have 20 ppeople, 10 cars, and lots of land! Then you guys can come join us, use that
private property thing.

Don’t try to fix something that just doesn;t work, create something better, -Joe Dispenza

Buy the amazon!

And so the kinds of settlements you have built across Earth as it has become more and more
urbanizaed, seems to carry Mental health epidemic, separation, pain, indiffernece, inequality, racial
tensions, violence, abuse, trauma, fear. The stress in these places make people unaware of the natural
world, contamination pours out of them. And inevitably we can feel your unhappiness in the waste your
settlements pour out. Acidifying oceans, dying species, greenhouse gases, poisoned landscpes, you
probably already know the story. Your issues are our issues, ours our oyurs, we are conncted. (this can
go in to interconnectional) YOur problems are our problems,ours are yours, everything is connected
(soft, tender voice) Evertyhgin is connected and all life is dependent on each other. (Link to Video that
explains this).

It is no coincidence that as you have moved out from rural areas, less directly dependent on your local
enviornments, you have lost touch with your own natures. We are here to remind you of the link
between your environments and your well-being, your hapiness!

This paradise will be new worlds springing up from the ground where new games can be chosen.
Building and implementing these new worlds, won’t always be easy, but it will be fun.
We carry to you a message borne from eons of experience on Earth, having been through endless cycles
of life and death. Nothing lasts forever. Everything is born, gorws, flourishes and dies! And life
persists, through adaptation, rebirth, evolution. And we have been watching you and we know potential
you have for radical change.

The era you have been living is reaching a tipping point. The way you live on Earth can probably not
last the centruy.

It has been a grindfest, with all the farming and mining, and too combat-heavy.
Once again, we;re not shaming you for the overharvesting of the Earth. Feel no shame, none of you are
responsible for the world you came in to, but you can leave it behind better than you found it, in fact
you can leave behind multiple better worlds. It will be a New Game with New Worlds!

We know you long for us too, we’re in your hearts and memories, we see the grogeous backdrops
you’ve drawn We can do it together. We are inextricably linked (New Game! Interconnectional),
humans and nature. We can help you brings these planets and levels to life. We have the experience of
how to live balanced and harmonious lives here on earth. We have knowledge for you, to help you
realize your potential. Satisfy your deeper needs: expression, connection, authenticity, they are what
life meaningful, much more than always being warm, always having fat and sugar.

9) We are experts in world building, beauty, coopertion, complexity, finding solutions. We want to help
you along this process. We can do the sets and the backgrounds, Why? Because we love you! We miss
you guys! We used to do everything together! Move back in with us! Lets build these new world
otogether!! Let us be your consoles again! We wannt you to be happy again.

We know you long for us too, we’re in your hearts and memories, we see the grogeous backdrops
you’ve drawn We can do it together. We are inextricably linked (New Game! Interconnectional),
humans and nature. We can help you brings these planets and levels to life. We have the experience of
how to live balanced and harmonious lives here on earth. We have knowledge for you, to help you
realize your potential. Satisfy your deeper needs: expression, connection, authenticity, they are what
life meaningful, much more than always being warm, always having fat and sugar.

how those planets can maximie solar and wind input or deepen soil the freedom that the power of
theater offers to.

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