Mahavakyas Pallavi

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The Mahavakyas are "The Great

Statements" of the Upanishads, the
foundational texts of Vedanta. Though
there are many Mahavakyas, four of
them, each from one of the four Vedas,
are mentioned often as "the
Mahavakyas". The subject matter and
the essence of all Upanishads being the
same, all the Mahavakyas essentially
say the same in a concise form. The
four statements indicate the ultimate
unity of the individual (Atman) with
God (Brahman)

Statement Veda Upanishad Type Meaning Philosophy

Prajnanam Rig Aitareya Declarative Brahman is Dvaita
Brahma (Lakshana Vakya) Intelligence
Tat Twam Asi Sama Chandogya Instructive That thou art Visistadvaita
(Upadesha Vakya)
Ayam Atma Atharva Mandukya Practical The Self is Visistadvaita
Brahma (Abhyasa Vakya) Brahman
Aham Yajur Brihadaranyaka Experiential I am Brahman Advaita
Brahmasmi (Anubhava Vakya)

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