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Cristhian Andres Murillo Garcia ID: 397858


Second Language Articles Report.

Physical modeling in today's world has become an essential part of the design of structures and in
investigations of the phenomenon of interaction between structures and soil or rock mass Monitoring of
results in the natural state They provide real information on the case under investigation. However,
implementation requires a complex process. Operating and administrative costs are high. Some
experiments are unlikely to be carried out under natural conditions (for example, putting a real building
into its hacking stress test) Use of new technologies Developed elsewhere, this import Technology needs
to be validated against conditions Geotechnical details and of spatial density Built by the capital, if not
affected Potential risk of setback collapsed during construction New buildings or buildings adjacent to

A limitation of the investigations in models is the "idealization" or simplification of the existing reality. The
important thing is that all the events in Principles of studies of complex geotechnical phenomena through
models that occur in the model and in the real object, in time and space, comply with the same physical
laws and describe the same mathematical relationships. In this way, investigations in models combined
with studies at natural scales are a means to analyze different phenomena of nature, and in civil
constructions it allows analyzing the behavior of the structure with its environment. In the ground
thousands of forms of life, most of them invisible to our eyes. One hectare of fertile land can contain more
than 300 million small invertebrates: insects, spiders, earthworms and other tiny animals. The soil that
fits in a spoon can contain a million bacteria, as well as hundreds of thousands of yeast and small cells.

All the substances that make up the soil are important by themselves, but the fundamental thing is the
balance. Organic matter and microorganisms supply and release nutrients and bind mineral particles
together. In this way, they create the conditions for plants to breathe, absorb water and nutrients and
develop their roots. Earthworms, bacteria and fungi also produce, which is a stable form of organic matter.
Humus retains water and nutrients and helps prevent erosion.In short, sustainable soil management
should stimulate the activity of microorganisms, maintaining or providing an adequate amount of organic
A test that counts the number of blows required to insert a hollow steel tube sampler or blind spot by
repeatedly dropping a 63.5kg hammer from a height of 76.2cm. These metrics are important because they
help differentiate it from other penetration tests. The sampler should be inserted 60 cm into the soil and
counted every 15 cm. The tubular sampler and blind ends and required connecting rods are standardized.
You can consult them in the SPT UNE-EN ISO 22476-3:2006 or ASTM D1586 standard.

The penetration test allows obtaining the resistance to penetration of the N value, which consists of
increasing the number of blows of the two intermediate sections by 15 cm, ruling out the possible changes
in the soil of the first and last stage, collapse of the walls or jamming yourself with excessive compression.
The design and calculation of the slope stability study depends on the program used. This is complicated
because multiple areas and tools must be used to solve the slope stability problem. It's simple because no
two landslides are alike, meaning ground instability is usually caused by complex conditions.

The SLIDE tool was used to calculate the overturning and sliding stability. Slide is a 2D slope stability
analysis software that uses the limit equilibrium method to calculate stability. It includes steady-state finite
element groundwater analysis and integrates retrospective, probabilistic and sensitivity analysis capabilities
where horizontal force components are calculated including: shear and overturning moments and vertical
force components are included in normal forces and shear moments. endurance.

Resistances and moments also manage to include horizontal georeinforcement forces and imposed
meshes. The wall has a base consisting of footings, and for this geometry it is possible to directly calculate
the factor of safety. A more conservative safety factor is calculated. The properties and homogeneity of
incoming direct materials are essential to design and consider slope stability in all its aspects. As usual,
engineers think about these problems trying to gain enough knowledge in a general way to be able to build
a mathematical model, where analytic stability is a simple matter of pencil and paper and some math or
other. Calculation sequence. Computational methods for determining stability determine a kinematic failure
mechanism, naturally derived from experience, in which the underlying forces.

The forces that they can use and develop must be processed by some procedure so that the destruction
mechanism is not caused by the resistance (resistance) of the soil, roots and other sources. This means
that stability is considered the safety of the earth from damage or currents. Therefore, most of the popular
computational methods are related to specific failure kinematics, thus they are only applicable to stability
problems when failure is the case under consideration. The purpose of the stability calculation focuses on
two main issues. The first is to determine the average shear strength "s" of the resulting slide. Another
thing to know is how strong the factor of safety "F" is, which determines the stability of the slope.

Calculation of "s" from landslides that occurred during construction sometimes caused localized breaches
in exposed areas or embankment slopes. These breaks indicate that the average minimum shear
strength is overestimated, and these deviations provide a good opportunity to estimate the true minimum
strength and avoid further incidents in the field by changing elements based on unknown data. The way
forward is to determine the perspective of the evacuation surface by drilling or excavation, calculate the
weight of the various parts of the mass that tend to cause or resist slippage, and calculate the average
shear strength of the soil. The equilibrium conditions must be compensated.

A landslide is a "debris ball" that represents any downward movement of soil and rock under the direct
influence of gravity. The term "landslide" includes five types of slope movement: drop, overturn, landslide,
expansion, and flow. They are further divided according to the type of geological material (bedrock, gravel
or soil). Debris flows (often called debris flows or landslides) and rock slides are examples of common
types of landslides. Landslides can occur on slopes that are already on the verge of shifting due to rain,
melting ice, changes in the water table, river erosion, changes in groundwater, earthquakes, volcanic
activity, etc. human disturbance or any combination of these factors. Earthquakes and other factors can
also cause underwater landslides. These landslides are called submarine landslides. Underwater
landslides sometimes trigger tsunamis that damage coastal areas.

In conclusion, when delving into the design of foundations, it is recommended and always necessary to
carry out load tests, all to verify the operation of the calculation memory and the structural design to select
a suitable foundation for the project. is based on. which one works; This is why CCCP14 presents a
series of disadvantages in the drag coefficient if the use of the design method is tested. One of the most
important issues in foundation design is the different types of soil that we can encounter during
construction. An adequate investigation, why the test or experimentation is necessary that gives us
reliability and security when choosing the type of foundation to use. Well, the current methods are semi-
empirical and only give us some basic considerations on how they work (their methods are based on

▷ Ensayo de penetración estándar SPT ¿Qué es y cómo se utiliza? (

✓ Estabilidad de Taludes - ESTUDIOS de SUELOS. (

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