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Present Continuous Party
Role Cards

Name: ______________________________ Name: ______________________________

What are you doing at the party? What are you doing at the party?

You are playing music at the party. You are meeting a friend.

What's your job? What's your job?

You are a DJ. You are an actor / actress.

What are you doing right now? What are you doing right now?

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

Are you enjoying the party? Are you enjoying the party?

You are having a great / good / bad / terrible You are having a great / good / bad / terrible

time, because ________________________ time, because ________________________

Name: ______________________________ Name: ______________________________

What are you doing at the party? What are you doing at the party?

You are taking photos for a magazine. You are networking.

What's your job? What's your job?

You are a photographer. You are a singer.

What are you doing right now? What are you doing right now?

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

Are you enjoying the party? Are you enjoying the party?

You are having a great / good / bad / terrible You are having a great / good / bad / terrible

time, because ________________________ time, because ________________________ ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Present Continuous Party
Role Cards

Name: ______________________________ Name: ______________________________

What are you doing at the party? What are you doing at the party?

You are getting drunk. You are dancing the night away.

What's your job? What's your job?

You are a writer. You are a web designer.

What are you doing right now? What are you doing right now?

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

Are you enjoying the party? Are you enjoying the party?

You are having a great / good / bad / terrible You are having a great / good / bad / terrible

time, because ________________________ time, because ________________________

Name: ______________________________ Name: ______________________________

What are you doing at the party? What are you doing at the party?

You are trying to meet new people. You are hosting the party.

What's your job? What's your job?

You are a builder. You are a businessman / woman.

What are you doing right now? What are you doing right now?

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

Are you enjoying the party? Are you enjoying the party?

You are having a great / good / bad / terrible You are having a great / good / bad / terrible

time, because ________________________ time, because ________________________ ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Present Continuous Party
Complete the chart with information about the people you meet at the party.

What is he / she What’s his / her What is he / she Is he / she

Name doing at the enjoying the
job? doing right now?
party? party? ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Present Continuous Party
Students assume the identity of someone at a party in this dynamic teaching activity.

Before class, make one copy of the role cards for each group of eight students and one copy
of the chart for each student.


Tell the students that they will assume the identity of someone at a party.

Divide the students into groups of eight. If you don’t have enough students, groups of six or
seven are fine.

Give each student a role card. Tell the students to complete the questions on their card
using the present continuous tense.

Explain to the students that the third question refers to what the person is doing right now.

Example: What are you doing right now?

DJ: I’m choosing a song to play.

When everyone has finished, give each student a copy of the chart.

Then, have the students walk around and speak to the different partygoers in their group.

They must ask and answer present continuous questions and write the answers in their chart
using the third person singular.

When everyone has finished, have the students report back to the class on the people they
met at the party.


I met Tom. He is playing music at the party. He is a DJ. At the moment, he is choosing a
song to play, etc. ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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