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Federal Ministry of Health

Data Collection Standard Operating

Procedure for Replicate Operation
Triple A Campaign

Data Collection Standard Operating Procedure for Replicate Operation
Triple A Campaign
I. Introduction
HIV/AIDS situation in Ethiopia is characterized by a mixed epidemic with a significant
heterogeneity across geographic areas and population groups with high HIV transmission among
key and priority populations.
According to UNAIDS targets, countries committed to meet the 2025 95-95-95 and to end public
health threat of AIDS by 2030. As the country progresses towards universal coverage of HIV
diagnosis, treatment and viral suppression of persons living with HIV, different strategies have
been implemented. This include like targeted testing, test and treat, routine viral load testing. But
according to EDHS 2016 from the estimated PLHIV, 79% knew their HIV status. Similarly,
EPHIA report showed, only 72.0% of PLHIV ages 15-64 self-reported knowing their HIV status.
Therefore, according to those reports, there are 21% and 28 % gaps on the first 90 respectively.
In addition, program report from DHIS2 data of annual 2012 EFY and semiannual 2013 showed
very slow progress of HIV positive case detection compared to our targets. Only 44% and 35%
of HIV positive identified respectively; the yield is continuously declining through time.
Moreover, there is no significant improvement in the ART coverage in the country, showing the
need to strengthen more targeted HIV case finding in order to address unmet need of ART
treatment and enhance progress to HIV epidemic control.

II. Goal
Accelerate National New HIV case detection & enhance enrolment to treatment and increase
ART coverage across all age groups.
III. Objective
Objective of the tool is to monitor key HIV service delivery and process indicators.
IV. Key Data Elements Selected for this ROTA Campaign
Testing in different HIV service delivery units, ART Initiations and Rapid Test Kit utilization
performance are major subjects selected for this campaign.
1. Testing
This section intends to collect HIV testing performance from each testing service delivery point.
It is categorized in three sub-sections or modalities such as PITC, VCT and ICT. PITC includes
all testing unit except VCT and ICT. All three sub-sections are similarly disaggregated by age
and sex except VCT that excludes under 15 clients unlike the other two. These HTS modalities
service performance will be measure using the following data elements:
1.1. PICT
1.1.1. Number of clients received HIV test results: Count individuals who received
HIV testing service and received their test results within a week from each HIV
testing service delivery unit in the facility. Data source for this data element is
mainly HTS registers.
1.1.2. Number of individuals tested positive for HIV: Count those individuals who
are identified as HIV positive in the reporting week. Data source for this data
element is mainly HTS registers. Note that, this number must not be greater than
1.1.1. It can be maximum of 1.1.1 though usually it is much lower than 1.1.1.
1.1.3. Number of individuals who started ART: Count number of HIV positive clients
who imitated ART during the reporting week. This data element is not restricted
under data element stated on 1.1.2. In other words, this indicator may include
individuals who started ART in the reporting week though they were identified as
HIV positive before the start of the reporting week. Data source for this data
element is mainly ART registers.
1.2. VCT
1.2.1. Number of clients received HIV results: Count number of individuals who
received HIV testing service and received their test results within a week from VCT
unit. Data source for this data element is VCT register.
1.2.2. Number of individuals tested HIV positive: Count those individuals who are
identified as HIV positive in the reporting week. Note that, this number must not be
greater than 1.2.1. It can be maximum of 1.2.1 though usually it is much lower than
1.2.3. Number of individuals who started ART: Count number of HIV positive clients
who initiated ART during the reporting week. This data element is not restricted
under data element stated on 1.1.2. In other words, this indicator may include
individuals who started ART in the reporting week though they were identified as
HIV positive before the start of the reporting week. Data source for this data
element is mainly ART registers.
1.3. ICT
1.3.1. Number of clients received HIV results: Count number of individuals who
received HIV testing service and received their test results within a week from ART,
PMTCT and KP clinic. Data source for this data element is ???.
1.3.2. Number of individuals tested HIV positive: Count those individuals who are
identified as HIV positive in the reporting week. Note that, this number must not be
greater than 1.3.1. It can be maximum of 1.3.1 though usually it is much lower than
1.3.3. Number of individuals who started ART: Count number of HIV positive clients
who initiated ART during the reporting week. This data element is not restricted
under data element stated on 1.1.2. In other words, this indicator may include
individuals who started ART in the reporting week though they were identified as
HIV positive before the start of the reporting week. Data source for this data
element is mainly ART registers.
All data elements result has to be disaggregated by Sex (M or F) and Age (Under 15 and
Above 15). A client, whose age is 15, has to be included under Above 15 age category.
Reporting period has to be aligned with HMIS week to avoid duplication of effort.

2. Rapid Test Kit (RTK) Monitoring

This section aims to monitor rapid test kit utilization in the facility. Unlike the above testing
section, this section’s data collection period is monthly rather than weekly. It has three rapid test
kits types such as Stat-pack, Abon and SD-Bio Line. Consumption and availability of these
RTKs will be monitoring monthly using the following data elements.
2.1. Rapid Test Kits consumption
2.1.1. Number of Stat-Pack consumed during reporting period: Count number of
Stat-pack consumed during reporting month. Data Sources are HRRF and Bean
2.1.2. Number of Abon consumed during reporting period: Count number of Abon
consumed during reporting month. Data Sources are HRRF and Bean Card.
2.1.3. Number of SD Bio Line consumed during reporting period: Count number of
SD-Bio Line Consumed during reporting month. Data Sources are HRRF and Bean
2.2. Rapid Test Kit Availability
2.2.1. Stat-Pack on hand at the end of reporting period: Count Stat-Pack in stack at
the end of reporting month. Data Sources are HRRF and Bean Card.
2.2.2. Abon on hand at the end of reporting period: Count test kit Abon in stock at
the end of reporting month. Data Sources are HRRF and Bean Card.
2.2.3. SD-Bio Line at hand at the end of reporting period: Count test kit SD-Bio
Line at the end of reporting month. Data Sources are HRRF and Bean Card.

V. Data Collection Frequency and Report Submission

All testing data elements are expected to be collected in weekly basis. Weeks duration are clearly
defined on the data entry page and they are aligned perfectly with HMIS weeks definition to
avoid duplication of efforts. We use Ethiopian calendar for the data collection report period and
months are categorized by weeks as the following:
1. Week1 from 21-27
2. Week2 from 28-4
3. Week3 from 5-12
4. Week4 from13-20
Every facility has to start weekly data collection on the next working day of the intended
reporting week and has to complete within two working days including data verification and
submission. Regional M&E team has to review submitted report and ensure data quality and
other related requirements and confirm submission on the third day. On the Forth day, Central
Data Manager share the updated version of Tableau base data analysis and visualization file with
respective staffs.
VI. Responsible Staffs in each level
Data Collection and Entry: Health Facility data clerks/HIT.
Data review and submission: Regional M&E officers.
Data Analysis and Sharing: MOH Data Manager.

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