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“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less”—C.S Lewis. As I
learned about the Myth of Arachne with my classmates, I observed one core value that Arachne
doesn’t want to have within—humility. Humility is often mixed up or confused with the act of
belittling your own self in order to be viewed as a humble person, but rest assured, humility doesn’t
mean having low opinions of yourself or having a broken ego, it is all about considering yourself
accurately in a way that haughtiness and low self-esteem is absent. In simple terms, it is like admitting
to your own mistakes, having an open mind, and having the capacity to understand and listen.
Humility can be one of the main things that can help us grow further in this life as it helps us to learn
and to be self-aware, it offers the opportunity to become less self-involved.
Like Arachne, others might not be able to practice and do humility well because it might be
hard for them to break down their walls of pride. Whenever I come to think of it, I seem to travel
farther in my train of thought. Upon reflecting, I noticed that I also might be prideful in many ways. It
might be in little petty ways or ways that can affect others but I am still young and still learning. With
this topic, practicing and doing humility is what I can do in order to be the best version of myself.

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