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Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is the technique of measuring the magnetic fields generated by brain
activity. MEG signals were first measured by David Cohen in 1968. James Zimmerman invented the
SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) technique in 1970. MEG records magnetic fields
generated by electric currents in the brain. An electric current is associated with a magnetic field
perpendicular to its direction as per the right- hand rule. The magnetic permeability of biological tissues is
almost the same as that of empty space so the magnetic field is not distorted by scalp or skull. The magnetic
fields diminish as 1/r3 with the distance of 'r'. So MEG is less sensitive for deeper structures in brain. When
neurons are activated synchronously they generate electric currents and thus magnetic fields, which are then
recorded by MEG outside the head.

Cellular origin of MEG :

MEG signals are generated by the ionic currents flowing inside and outside neurons. The post synaptic
potentials are the main contributors (EPSP and IPSP). They form current dipoles which are short segments
along which the current flows from a source to a sink. Action potentials do not contribute to MEG signals,
because the currents associated with action potentials flow in opposite directions and the magnetic fields
are canceled out. The current flowing along one dendrite is too weak to produce a measurable signal
hundreds of thousands (10000 to 50000) dendrites need to be active synchronously in order to produce an
observable signal. The cortical pyramidal cells have similar orientations and generate magnetic fields that
reinforce each other. Pyramidal neurons are arranged parallel to each other and perpendicular to the cortical
surface and they fire synchronously to generate magnetic fields. The spatial and temporal summation of all
individual current dipoles is called equivalent current dipole (ECD), and can be interpreted as an active
portion of cortex.

The cortex is folded, forming gyri and sulci. Some neurons have apical dendrites that are perpendicular to
the overlying skull, i.e., those that are at the top of a gyrus; others are parallel to the skull, those that are on
the wall of a sulcus. The MEG records only those magnetic fields that have a component perpendicular to
the skull. These magnetic fields are generated by neuronal currents that have a component oriented
tangentially to the skull. Those currents that are oriented radially to the skull do not generate a magnetic
field outside the head.

MEG instrument:

The main components are: the flux transformers, the super- conducting quantum interference device
(SQUID) sensors with their related electronics, and the cryogenic vessel, the "dewar", containing liquid
helium. There are two main concerns, one is to record these small magnetic fields and the other is to shield
out the earth's relatively stronger magnetic fields. The technology that has helped record these minute
magnetic fields is super-conducting quantum interference detector(SQUID) which is like a highly sensitive
magnetic field meter. The measured magnetic field is coupled to the SQUIDs with the help of a flux

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Epilepsy India October December 2020

transformer, which is composed of two coils. The pickup (detection) coil senses the magnetic
field of interest the other coil, the input coil, couples the field to the SQUID. The flux
transformers (sensors) recording magnetic fields are of two types: magnetometers and
gradiometers. The simplest flux transformer is a magnetometer made from a single turn (or few
turns) of superconducting wire. Magnetometers provide the best signal and are most sensitive to
deep brain sources a magnetometer is sensitive to various artifacts and external noise, which
decreases its specificity to brain signals. Gradiometers measure gradients between the magnetic

Gradiometers are better at noise reduction. They reduce sensitivity to noise sources but with
minor loss of sensitivity for the neuronal currents the first-order gradiometer, made by adding a
second coil wound in an opposite sense. There are 2 types of gradiometers — axial and planar.
The two coils may be displaced along the normal of the coil plane, producing an axial
gradiometer or along the coil plane, producing a planar gradiometer. The magnetic field sensed
by this type of a coil is the difference of the average fields sensed by the two coils. Planar
gradiometers have the benefit that they can be fabricated using thin-film techniques. An
additional benefit of a planar gradiometer is that it detects the highest signal directly above the
cortical sources.

Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) is a small superconducting loop

interrupted by two weak links (Josephson junctions). It is sensitive to field changes in order of
femto tesla. At very low temperatures, SQUIDs are extremely sensitive to magnetic field
change, which can be recorded and converted into digital signal (' quantisation '). To maintain
super conductors an extremely cold environment is achieved by using liquid helium which is
only 3 0 about absolute zero (—452 0F or —270 0 C). Usually, the SQUID itself is located on a
separate chip attached to the larger flux transformer. To replace the evaporating helium, the
Dewar container has to be refilled regularly, in modern devices about once a week.

Epilepsy India October December 2020

MEG versus EEG:

EEG records the electrical activity and MEG records magnetic activity of the brain. In EEG the
electrodes are placed on the scalp. MEG is performed using a dewar that contains multiple
sensor coils, which do not touch the patient's head. MEG detects the magnetic fields induced by
intracellular currents, whereas scalp EEG is sensitive to electrical fields generated by
extracellular currents. MEG is more sensitive in detecting currents that are tangential to the
surface of the scalp; EEG is sensitive to tangential and radial neuronal activities. MEG requires
3-4 cm2 of synchronized cortical epileptic activity to detect an epileptic spike, whereas at least
6-20 cm2 of synchronized cortical area is needed for scalp EEG spike detection. Magnetic fields
are not distorted by the tissue conductivity of the scalp, skull, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and
brain; in contrast, electrical fields may be distorted by the skull and CSF. MEG provides better
spatial resolution of source localization (2-3 mm) than EEG (7-10 mm). MEG detects primary
currents, EEG: secondary currents MEG data can be analyzed by source modeling techniques,
which allow for localization in three dimensions. MEG is more expensive than an EEG.

MEG is used in focal epilepsy for source localization.

MEG can be combined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images to create magnetic
source images (MSI), which helps in better localization.


1. Hari R, Baillet S, Barnes G, Burgess R, Forss N, Gross J, et al. IFCN-endorsed practical

guidelines for clinical magnetoencephalography (MEG). Vol. 129, Clinical
Neurophysiology. Elsevier Ireland Ltd; 2018. p. 1720-47.

Epilepsy India October December 2020

2. Braeutigam S. Magnetoencephalography: Fundamentals and Established and Emerging
Clinical Applications in Radiology. ISRN Radiol. 2013;2013: I—18.

3. Singh SP. Magnetoencephalography: Basic principles. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2014;
17(SUPPL. 1).

Epilepsy India October December 2020

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