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F: Solid Mechanics Q.1-Q. 6 carry one mark each. QI A simply supported beam AB is subjected to a horizontal foree, P, as shown in the figure. Shear force at section a-a is given by (A) PHIL (B) 3PA(2L) (C) 3PA/L (D) PLA Q2 The two-dimensional state of stress at a point is given by 10 MPa 10 MPa > ia The corresponding Mohr’s circle is (A) acircle of radius 10 MPa with center at 10 MPa on the o-axis (B) a circle of radius 10 MPa with center at - 10 MPa on the o-axis (C)a point on the positive c-axis (D) a point on the negative c-axis Q3 The kind of fracture surface observed in a brittle specimen that fails under a uniaxial tensile test is (A) cup and cone (B) fat rough surface perpendicular tothe axis of the specimen (C) helical rough surface with a 45° inclination to the axis ofthe specimen (©) Mat rough surface with a 45° inclination to the axis of the specimen XE 36/56 Q4 Qs ‘Two masses are attached to the two ends of a cable which passes over two frictionless pulleys as shown in the figure. (acceleration due to gravity = g) Z gw sokg 100 kg The acceleration of the 100 kg mass is As (B) g2 © 8 (@) g/4 A block of mass m is released at rest from a point P of a rough circular path of radius ras shown in the figure. There is a spring of stiffness & at the other end of the path. (acceleration due to gravity = g) The maximum spring deflection is (A) independent of r (B) more than /2mgr/k (C)equal to J2mgr7k (D) less than /2mgr7h XE 37/56 Q6 The truss shown in the figure is A} (A) stable and indeterminate (B) stable and determinate (C) unstable and indeterminate (D) unstable and determinate Q.7-Q. 24 carry two marks each, Q7 A mass m, with velocity v, impacts with a mass ‘mat rest. After the impact, the mass my comes to rest. Then the coefficient of restitution e should be Aje=—_ @ye=—™_— eM (D) e=™ m+m, m+, ™, ™ Q8 A beam ABCD with simple supports at A, B and D and an internal hinge at C is ‘subjected to loads as shown in the figure. 20 kN. 20 KN 2m 2m tm ptm 4 tm y The reaction at middle support is given by (A) 7.5 kN (B) 10kN (C) 20 kN (D) 22.5 kN XE 38/56 Qo Q10 Qu A bar of cross sectional area, A, is loaded as shown in the figure. The normal stress on @ section a-a inclined at 45° to the axis of the bar is a a (A) tensile with a magnitude of 3P/24 (B) compressive with a magnitude of 3P/24 (C) tensile with a magnitude of P/2A (D) compressive with a magnitude of P/2A In a two-dimensional state of stress at a point, the maximum shear strain is found to be Ymu=500 zan/m. The sum of the normal stresses on two perpendicular planes at that point is 40MPa. (Young's Modulus E=200 GPa; Modulus of rigidity G=80 GPa; Poisson’s ratio v=0.25). The principal stresses at the point are (A) 0; = 20 MPa and «2 = 20 MPa (B) 6; = 60 MPa and 2 = -20 MPa (C) 1 = $0 MPa and o; = —10 MPa (D) «1 = 80 MPa and o2 = -40 MPa A mass of 2 kg is hung by a string of length 1.5m as shown in the figure. ‘The mass revolves in a horizontal circular path at 50 revolutions per minute. The tension in the string in Newtons is (A) 25n/3 (B) 2577/3 (C) 50n/3 (D) 50x73 A simply supported beam of span L is subjected to a concentrated load P at midspan. The cross-section of the beam is rectangular. The ratio of the shear stress at 1/4 the depth of the beam to the shear stress at the center of the cross-section is (A) 38 (B) 12 © 34 (D) 2 XE 39/56 Q13 Qi4 Quis An L-shaped bar of square cross-section with sides, 6, is loaded as shown in the figure. IF the value of the stress component oy, at point P is Zero, the distance a of the force F from the x-axis should be (A)b (B) 62 (C) 6/3 (D) 5/6 The rigid links PQ and PR of length Z cach are Connected to 3 sliders P, Qand R, by Pin-joints as shown in the figure. The sliders, Q, and R, slide in the y-direction while the slider, P, slides in the ‘x-direction, When the slider, P, is at the position x=40 mm, its velocity is 30 mm/s along the Positive x-direction. .At that instant, the Velocity of slider, Q will be (A) 40 mm/s along the positive y-direction (B) 40 mm/s along the negative’ y-direction (C) 22.5 mm/s along the positive y-direction (D) 22.5 mvs along the negative y-direction An ‘open ended thin-walled straight pipe is made Of @ material that can carry a maximum shear stress of tmax . The pipe is of diameter, d, and thickness, +. The radial internal pressure allowable is given by (neglecting the normal stress in the radial direction) 0) 42) os. © (Sm (5) XE 40/56 Q16 A stepped shaft PQR is fixed at both the ends as shown in the figure. A torque Tis applied at point Q. The polar moments of inertia of the shafts PQ and QR are J) and 2 respectively. G is the modulus of rigi ’ J lotr f 2L L ‘The angle of twist at point Q due to torque, 7, is given by (in radians) 2(T7 1(TL 2 ,1\(1% 2 TL (A) =| = (B) —| = f+ —a fe é 3(8) i x) o(3-3:)8) ©) (8) Q.17_ Group I contains beams with different types of supports and loading conditions. The beams have the same flexural rigidity EY and span L. Group II contains the maximum deflections. Match the beam from Group I with the maximum deflection given in Group Il. GroupT Group I 1( Fv . woe * (3) FL & (2) 1 (Fe r fee) 5_(FL : 4 of . (4) (A) P-3, Q-4, Rl, S-2 (B) P-3, Q-2, R-I, S-4 (C) P-4,Q-3, Rel, S-2 (D) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1 XE 41/56 Qs Q19 Two bars of different Young’s moduli, £, and E;, but with the same cross sectional area, A, and coefficient of thermal expansion, a, are attached together at one end and fixed at the other as shown in the figure. The construction of this setup was carried out at an ambient temperature of 25° Celsius, L L | kK eh, {—_4+—__, The stress in the bars when the temperature is uniformly increased by 10° Celsius is (A) o =10a(E,+£,) (B) o =20a(E,+£,) EE, =200{ 242 Oo ana( 2 a ©) o=tto( i +B, A cylinder of radius r and mass m is placed with no initial velocity on a conveyor belt SF grown in the figure. There is a frictional contact between the cylinder andre belt at B. A vertical stopper with a smooth surface prevents the cylinder fren rolling sonrge the moment of inertia of the cylinder; ay is the angular acceleration of the eplinder: 14 is the coefficient of fiction between the eylinder and the bel and, g, is the acceleration due to gravity) Z Z Z Te ralld free-body diagram of the cylinder just after placing it on the belt (that shows inertial forces also) is (A) (B) No Na Na («© () gl? HN fo <¥Na Ne XE 42/56 20 The figure below shows 4 long columns with different support conditions but the same flexural rigidity £7. Let P,Q, R, and S be the values of their critical buckling Joad as shown below the respective columns. a > 7 a | lun Pe js t lL 4 Ke P T, Ia L | I P Q R Ss P,Q, Rand S can be arranged in increasing order as MQASRP BARKS CARAS MARSP Q21 A circular shaft of diameter, d, is fixed at one end and subjected to an axial force, P, and a torque, 7, at the other end. The torque, 7; is equal to Pa/8. The ter yield stress of the shaft material is o,. A point on the surface of the shaft will yield according to the Tresea yield criterion if P is equal to (A) ¢, aa. @®)e, ad ©) o,(a*) () o,(xa") 4v2 4 Q.22 A single degree freedom system consisting of 2 springs and a mass is shown in the figure. The natural frequency of the system in radians/sec is given by @) f& © [a bm ath (k+k,)m m (A) XE 43/56 Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 23, 24: For the truss shown in the figure, both the members have a cross Sectional area A and Young's modulus E. P L F = Q23 The vertical deflection at point Q is FL FL FL FL (A) (2) (B) (2) © 2a) (D) (1+203)(4) Q.24 The horizontal deflection at point Q is 1( FL 3( FL FL 3( FL wz) © (%) © (3) 34) Linked Answer Questions: Q. 25 to Q. 28 carry two marks each, ‘Statement for Linked Answer Questions 25 & 26: A propped cantilever beam of span 4m is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m as shown in the figure. 20 kN/m 4m a Q25 The reaction at the roller support is (A) 20 kN (B) 30kN (C) 40kN (D) 80kN Q26 The maximum bending moment in the beam is (A) 7.5 kNm (B) 22.5 kNm (©) 67.5 kNm (D) 97.5 kNm XE 44/56 Statement for Linked Answer Questions 27 & 28: A cylinder of mass, m, and radius, r, is rolling without slipping down an inclined plane that makes an angle, @ with the horizontal. The radius of gyration, k, of the cylinder is half the radius. (The coefficient of friction is, 4 ; Acceleration due to gravity is, g ) Q27 Q28 eo The frictional force acting on the cylinder is given by (A) mesing (B) jmgsing (©) pmgsind —(D)_mgsing ‘The angular acceleration of the cylinder is given by (8222) cm 2( £882) © an( #522) © 4{zsne) 5 END OF THE SECTION XE 45/56 2008 ENGINEERING SCIENCES- XE F : SOLID MECHANICS Q.1-Q.8 carry one mark each. Q.1 Which of the following is true? (A) In the plane of maximum shear, normal stress is always zero. (B) In the plane of maximum shear, normal stress may not be always zero, (C) Ina principal plane, shear stress is never zero. (D) In a principal plane, normal stress is always zero. Q2 State of stress at a point in a loaded body is given by o.=10 MPa, o, Tw "%:"ta= 0. Maximum shear stress at that point is (A)5 MPa (B)2.5 MPa (C) 7.5 MPa (D0 Q3 State of stress at a point of a body in a plane stress Problem is given by o, = -6MPa, c,=2 MPa and t= MPa. Which of the following is true at that point? ' at least one plane where normal stress is zero. is no plane where normal stress is zero. (C) There exists no plane where shear stress is zero. (D) In the plane of maximum shear, normal stress is zero, Q4 To an observer standing on the ground the velocity of a eyeist is 12 m/s in the horizontal direction nd that of rain drops falling vertically down is 6 m/s. The magnitude of the velocity of the ran drops relative to the cyclist is (A) 6 ms (B) 12 ms (C) 13.4 ms (D) 18.4 m/s Q5 Ifa mass attached to the free end of a linear spring is so constrained that it executes vertical indemped oscillations, its acceleration at the instant when it occupies the static equilibrium porition is (A) vertically upward (B) vertically downward (C) the maximum (D) zero 6 Ifthree nonparaltel forces are in equilibrium they (A) must be concurrent but need not be coplanar (B) must be coplanar but need not be concurrent (C) must be both concurrent and coplanar (D) need not have zero as the geometric sum of the force vectors Q7 A point of contraflexure in a loaded beam is one where (A) shear force is maximum. (B) shear force and bending moment are maximum. (©) bending moment is maximum, (D) bending moment is zero. Q& In a beam of uniform strength, the extreme fibers at every cross section are stressed to the maximum allowable stress. Consider a solid circular beam of uniform strength subjected to bending moment. In this beam, the diameter of the cross-section at any section is proportional (A) to cube root of the bending moment at that section. (B) to the square root of the bending moment at that section. (C) to the bending moment at that section, (D) inversely to the bending moment at that section, XE 35/64 2008 ENGINEERING SCIENCES- XE Q.9 to Q.30 carry two marks each. Qs Q.10 Qui Qu2 Qu3 For a loaded body representing a two dimensional plane problem, the displacement components along x and y at any point (x,y) are u=x? +y*, v=2y respectively. Principal strains at the point 3, 1) in the body are (B) £, =6.24,6, () & =S.e; AOKN tensile load will be applied to a 50 m length steel wire with £ = 200 GPa. The normal stress in the wire must not exceed 150 MPa and the increase in the length of the wire should be at most 25 mm. Which among these could be the smallest diameter of the wire so that the wire does not fail? (A) 5.75 mm (B) 7.75 mm (©)8.75 mm (0) 10.7 mm A uniform circular cross section rod made of a brittle material is subjected to a pure torsion. If d is the diameter of the cross section of the rod and oy is the maximum allowable normal stress for the material of the rod, then the maximum twisting moment that can be applied to the rod without failure is (a) 242d? @) Sora ©) Sand? A thin walled spherical pressure vessel of mean radius 1000 mm, having a wall thickness of 10 mm is subjected to an internal pressure of 0.8 MPa. The maximum shear stress developed in the wall will be (A) 0 (B) 20 MPa (©) 40 MPa (D) 80 MPa A rectangular cross section beam of width w = 0.25 m and depth d = 0.4 m is subjected to a bending moment Mf = 200 N-m and a uniform axial load of P = 200 N as shown. Measured from the centroidal axis of the beam, normal stress will be zero at a distance of —— ET! (A) y= 15 mm (B)y=-133mm — (C) 15mm (D) y= 10mm XE 36/64 2008 ENGINEERING SCIENCES- XE. Q.14 Three masses M, 2M and 3M are attached by circular cross section wires and are rotated around a vertical axis on a frictionless plane at 4 Hz as shown in the figure. Consider the masses to be Concentrated as points. For equal stresses in wires in all the three segments, the cross sectional arcas of the wires in the three segments 1, 2 and 3 should be in the ratio (A) 1:2:3 (C) 9:4:1 (D) 14:13:9 Q.15__ Two steel plates of uniform cross section 10 mm x 80 mm are welded together and subjected to an axial load of P=100 KN as shown in the figure. Allowable normal stress (tension and compression) and allowable shear stress for the material of the weld are 100 MPa and 50 MPa respectively and 9=25°. Which of the following is true? (A) The joint will fail due to normal tensile stress. (B) The joint will fail due to normal compressive stress. (C) The joint will fail due to shear stress. (D) The joint will not fail. Q.16 A plane cantilever truss is loaded as shown in the figure. If a positive sign denotes tension and a negative sign compression, the axial force in the member I is z P P , , (A) 5.33? (B) -1.67P (© +P (D) +3P XE ‘37164 HENCES- XE Q.17__ A man weighing 600N stands on a horizontal beam of negligible weight at C and holds a string passing over two smooth pulleys and attached to point B on the beam as shown in the figure. The tension in the string is 2m B c (A) 100N (B)400N (C) 600N (D) 1200N Q.18 A homogeneous cubic block of side Z. and weight 200 N resting on a horizontal floor is acted upon by a force of 100 N at an angle of 60" to the horizontal as shown in the figure. If the coefficient of friction is 0.3, the magnitude of the fictional force between the block andthe floor is 100N L/2 LN L/2 (A)ON (B)50N (©) 86N (D) 100N Q.19 A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 10 m/s from a height of 40 m from the ground. If the air resistance is neglected and g = 9.8 mls’, the time taken by the ball to reach the ground is (A)2.01s (B)2.53s (©) 2.865 (D) 4.05 s XE 38/64 2008 ENGINE ING SCIENCES XE 20 When a ball of weight IV rests on a spring of constant k, it produces a static deflection of 3 em. If the ball is now dropped from a height of /1 = 30 em as shown in the figure, the spring will get compressed by v (A)2.45 cm. (B) 14.07 em (C) 16.75 cm (D) 33 em Q21 A bullet of mass m; = 20 gm fired horizontally with a velocity of v = 200 m/s hits a wooden block of mass mz = 500 gm (take g = 9.8 m/s*) resting on a horizontal plane as shown in the figure and the bullet remains embedded in the block after the impact. If the coefficient of friction between the surfaces in contact remains constant at 0.3, the distance the block will move before coming to rest (A) 5.03 m (B) 10.06 m (© 20.12m (D) 100m Q.22 A block of weight 500 N is about to move up the plane due to a horizontal force of 800 N. The coefficient of static friction between the contact surface: s00 N go) (A) 0.15 (B) 0.25 (C) 0.33 (D) 0.53 XE 39/64 2008 ENGINEERING SCIENCES. XE Q.23 The horizontal displacement at D of the frame shown in figure is (neglect axial strain energy and assume E/ to be constant throughout) }— = —4 : t 2 | ; » : 6P oP 4sP 729P (A) <— = c) = (D) wa Oz © =F = Q.24 The forces in the members of a truss ABCD as shown in the figure are (T stands for tension and C for compression) T’ —> KN (A) Fay = I2KN(T) Fey = 12KN(C), Fy = 9KN(T), Fe = 9EN(T), Fye =0 03 Fac =ISKN(T); Fey =12KN(C); Fyy = 9KN(T); Fyy = 12KN(T) Fyc =ISKN(T); Fey = 12KN(C); Fyy = 12 KN(C) 3 Pye = ISKN(T); Fey = 12 KN(C) XE 40/64 2008 Q25 Q.26 Q27 Q.28 ENGINEERING SCIENCES- XE, The axial force, shear force and bending moment at section A-A of beam shown in figure are respectively k-— 3m —— 3m (A) -400 N, 150 N, 600 N.m (B) 400 N, ON, 600 N.m (C) 0, 250 N, 1000 N.m (D) -400 N,310 N, 1240 N.m The slope and deflection at the free end of a variable cross section cantilever beam subjected to a bending moment at the free end as shown in the figure is ar 1 | | 2ML SML? ML MU ML MU ML ML 7 C) * D) : “ 3EI* I8EI SEI" 3E1 » 3EI" 3EI ‘The maximum compressive load that can be applied on a hinged-hinged column of cross-section 20mm x 10mm and length 2000 mm is (allowable compressive stress = 250 MPa; E'= 210GPa) (A) 0.86 kN (B)3.45 kN (C) 25 kN (D) 50kN A lif originally moving downwards at 10 m/s is brought to rest with a constant retardation in a distance of 25m. The force with which the feet of a passenger of mass 80 kg ( take g = 9.8 m/s!) ress downwards on the floor of the lift is (A) 160'N (B) 784N (C) 944N (D) 1000 NN XE 41/64 2008 ENGINEERING SCIENCES. XE Common Data Questions ‘Common Data for Questions 29 and 30: ‘Two wites are connected to a rigid bar as shown in the figure, The wire on the left is made of steel having an area of cross section A = 60 mm’ and E = 210 GPa. The aluminum ‘wire on the right has A = 120 m? and E = 10 GPa. The weight 1’= 100 KN is placed as shown 350 mm 350 mm oo 0.29 Due to this loading, the vertical displacement ofthe rigid bar atthe mid span under the load is (A) 0.45 mm (B)0.6 mm. (C) 1.04 mm (D) 149mm 0.30 At what distance the weight IV should be placed from the left wire so that the bar will remain horizontal (A) 100 mm (B) 200 mm (©) 350mm (D) 500mm Linked Answer Questions: Q.31 to Q.34 carry two marks each. Statement for Linked Answer Questions 31 and 32: Oaasend of a linear spring is attached to a fixed support and a mass of 2 kg hangs from it at the other end. qitorce of 4 N eauses a displacement of 0.02m. The mass is pulled down a distance of 0.04 m from its static equilibrium position and released with zero velocity Q31 The natural frequency of vibration is (A) Lrad’s (B) 1.59 rad/s (©) Srads (D) 10 rad/s 32. The magnitude of velocity when the body has moved half way towards the static equilibrium position from its initial position is (A) 0.212 ms (B) 0.346 m/s (©) 04 ms (D) 1.0 m/s XE 42/64 2008 ENGINEERING SCIENCES- XE Statement for Linked Answer Questions 33 and 34: A two span variable cross section simply supported beam ABC is carrying two concentrated loads as shown in the figure. 1OKN 1OKN: a c 233. The support moment at B(M, ) is (A)-75kNm (B)OkN.m (©) 20kN.m (D) 80 kN.m Q.34 The support reactions are (A) Ry = Re =3.125KN, Ry =13.75KN. (B) Ry = Re = Ry = 6.67 KN KN, Ry =10KN. (D) R, = Re =10KN, Ry = 0. END OF SECTION - F XE 43/64 2009 xt Q. 1-Q.8 carry one mark each. Q.1 A small spherical ball fails at a normal load of 10 kN under the arrangement as shown below. The vertical force F required to crush the ball is 100 mm (A) 11.6 KN (B) 6.0 kN (C)3.5 kN (D) 3.1 kN Q2 A projectile is fired from point P at an angle of 45° with horizontal as shown below. If g is the acceleration due to gravity, then the speed required to reach a point Q lying on the horizontal surface at a distance of R from point P is k— 8 I (A) JRg/2 (B) JRe (©) J2Re (D) J3Rg Q3 The state of stress at a point in a loaded body is given as o, = +40 MPa, o, = +60 MPa, t4y=+10 MPa. The sum of the principal stresses at that point is (A) +20 MPa (B) +50 MPa (C) +100 MPa (D) +110 MPa Q4 A composite system of two metal bars, as shown below, is made of two dissimilar materials having areas of cross section A; and A2, Young's moduli E; and E and coefficients of thermal expansion a and a3, If the temperature of the system is raised by AT, then the resultant axial force required to be applied to the rigid end plates to maintain the same length L is Metal -1 ‘Metal -2 — , —— (A) (Bia; A+ Epa; Az) AT (B) (1/B, a, Ay + E03 A2 )! AT (C) (Ey + Ex) (ar+an) (Ar + Az) AT (D) (Eva) Ai/ Epa Az) AT XE we Qs Q6 Q7 Qs XE The state of stress at a point is as shown below. Both the normal and shear stresses on a plane, inclined at an angle of 45° with horizontal are zero. If 6,= 6, = 200 MPa. By Ox the shear stress ty is (A) 50 MPa (B) 70 MPa (©) 100 MPa (D) 200 MPa A simply supported beam of span L and flexural rigidity EI carries a uniformly distributed load wlunit length. The deflection at the mid span of the beam is (A) wL‘(48ED) (B) SwL‘(96ED) (C) SwL/Q84E1) (D) 3wL/(16ED) During plastic impact of two bodies, which of the following statement is correct ? (A) Both energy and momentum are conserved (B) Energy is not conserved; momentum is conserved (C) Energy is conserved; momentum is not conserved (D) Neither energy nor momentum is conserved instant the center . The magnitude A disc of radius 1 mis rolling on the ground without slip as shown below. At a cet of the disc is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s and an acceleration of a = + 10 m/s of acceleration of point P on the disc instantaneously touching the ground is v=10 m/s, a=10 mis (A)0.0 m/s? (B) 10.0 m/s? (©) 20.0 m/s? (D) 100.0 m/s* Q. 9 to Q.24 carry two marks each. Qo Q10 [A block of length @ and height b rests on a rough inclined plane (coefficient of friction 1) as shown below. The angle a, of the inclined plane is stowly increased. The condition that the block will topple due to its own weight before it begins to slide is (A) vis cis zl © (D) A particle enters into a smooth frictionless circular loop of radius R, at point P as shown below. If gis the acceleration due to gravity, then the minimum speed with which the particle should enter the circular loop such that it can complete one full circular revolution is (a) J5Re (B) J3Rg © \2Rg @) A circular cylinder of radius r and mass m, starts from the top of an inclined plane and rolls down ‘without any slip. After its center moves to a point having a vertical height h as shown below, the velocity of the center of mass, with g as acceleration due to gravity S “™ Ar ®) | = © at (@) J2gh 2009 XE Q.12 Rod PQ, whose end Q is hinged, touches a semi-circular cylinder at point P as shown below. There is no friction between the cylindrical surface and the rod. If the cylinder moves with a constant velocity of 10 m/s in the horizontal direction as shown, then the angular velocity w of the rod PQ at that instant is P La LA k= 9) (A) 05 rad/s (B) 1.15 rads (C) 2.0 rads (D) 2.30 rad/s Q.13_ An L-shaped elastic member with flexural rigidity El is loaded as shown below : Total strain energy in the member due to bending is: (A) P*b%(b/s + a) / (ZED) (B) P°b*(als +b) /(2E1) (C) PPa*(b/y +a) / (EN) (D) P*a%(aly +b) /(3ED) Q.14 A simply supported beam with an overhanging end is loaded as shown below. The maximum bending moment in the beam is 2kN/m S Q =; s Tm Tm Ta (A)2kNm (B) 1kNm (C)0.75 KN m (D) 0.25 kN m XE Tao Qs Q16 Qi7 A body P while moving rectilinearly with velocity vo collides directly with another body Q, which is at rest, as shown below. Assuming both the bodies have the same mass and the collision is elastic, the velocities of the bodies after the collision, measured positive towards right, are (A) vp=—vol2, Vox Vol2 (B)v,=V0l2, Vo (C)v,=0, vg=vol2 (D) v,=0, ve ‘A stepped circular shaft, fixed at one end, is subjected to two axial forces as shown below. The maximum tensile stress in the shaft is Dia=100mm Dia=SOmm (A) 120 MPa (B) 210 MPa (C) 153 MPa (D) 390 MPa A thin string of negligible mass with one end fixed to the roof is wound around a circular disc of radits 2m and mass, 10 kg, as shown below. The disc rolls vertically down under the action of its own weight. Considering acceleration due to gravity as 10 nvs*, the tension in the string is (A) ON (B) 25.0 N (C) 33.3N (D) SON 2009 XE Q.18 A spring-mass system executes SHM in the vertical direction given by the equation aye Qraty=0 qetwy The correct relation (including sense) between acceleration, a, and velocity, v, of the body is graphically represented by (A) a | =. ©) +s g +s ~ 42. T9780 2009 XE Common Data Questions ‘Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: ‘A 10 mm thick steel rectangular plate of size 100 mm x 200 mm is subjected to biaxial stresses of o,~ 150 MPa, o = 200 MPa, as shown below. The Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are 200 GPa and 0.3 respectively. 200 mm kK— | 100 mm Q.19 The change in the thickness of the plate is (A) 2.39 pm (B) 5.25 pm (©) 7.12 um (D) 9.16 pm Q.20 The change in the surface area of the plate is (A) 9.72. mm? (B) 13.61 mm? (©) 17.52 mm? (D) 24.50 mm? Common Data for Questions 21 and 22: A solid circular steel shaft of 50 mm diameter, fixed at one end, is subjected to torques as shown below. The shearing modulus of the material is 80 GPa . 250 mmn' Q.21 The maximum shear stress due to torsion in the length PQ is (A) 15.75 MPa (B) 21.22 MPa (©) 30.56 MPa (D) 51.21 MPa Q.22 The rotation of the free end S due to the torsion is (A) 0.25° (B) 0.58° (©) 1.22° (D) 1.25° 2009, Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 23 and 24: A body of mass 0.1 kg is dropped from a height of 10 m above a spring of stiffness 500 N/m as shown below. ‘The spring is initially in uncompressed natural state. The impact is without any energy loss and the body gets attached to the spring. The acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s”. | Mass = 0.1 kg SRE —- | 10m : —_ Stiffness = 500 Q.23 The maximum compression of the spring is (A) 2mm (B) 20.2 mm (C) 202.0 mm (D) 2020 mm Q.24 In the ensuing Simple Harmonic Motion of the body, the magnitude of maximum acceleration is (A) 100 m/s? (B) 200 m/s* (©) 500 ms? (D) 1000 m/s* END OF SECTION - D XE Tn 2010 XE D: SOLID MECHANICS Q.1-Q,9 carry one mark each. Qt. Three forces acting on a panicle are given as F,=Gi+6))N, F,=(i+4k)N and F,=(G+6)+16K)N, j, k are the unit vectors along Cartesian coordinate axes. Which one of the following staternents is tue? (B) Forces are coplanar bat the particle is not in equilibrium (C) Forces are not coplanar but the particle is in equilibrium (D) Forces are not coplanar and the particle is not in equilibrium Q.2. A truss consisting of members AD, DC, AB, BD and BC is subjected to a vertical force of )20 N at joint B as shown in the figure. The members AD, DC and BD are each of 1 meter length. The magnitude of force in the member BD is (ayo (B) 20V2N (©) 40N {D) 120N Q3. . Two rigid bodies A and B are each weighing 30 N. Body A is kept on a floor and body B is kept on body A as shown in the figure, The coefficient of friction between two bodies, and between body A and the floor is 0.1. If a horizontal force of 2 N is applied on body A, the friction force at the interface of body A and body B will be uJ (Ayo (B)1N (C) 2N (D) 3N x 180 Q4. Qz. xe A tigid link PQ is rotating about a revolute joint at P with a uniform angular velocity @. A slider R is sliding on the link with a relative velocity v. Which one of the following figures represents the correct direction of the Coriolis acceleration a,? (a) (B) « @) A bullet of mass m having a horizontal velocity of 500 m/s hits a stationary block of mass 6.15 kg. The block breaks into two parts viz. Q (mass of 3 kg) and R (mass of 3.15 kg). with the bullet embedded in R. The pasts Q and R travel in the direction of initial velocity of the bullet. Tf the velocity of Q is 3 m/s and the velocity af R is 5 mvs, the mass of the bullet m is, (A) 5 kg (BOS kg (C) 0.05 kg 4D) 0.005 kg, ‘Two particles, P and Q, are initially at wo ends of a circular are which subtends an angle of 120° at the arc-center, The radius of the arc is r. The particles P and Q are moving along the arc towards each other with constant tangential velocities of Vp and vg tespectively. The distance travelled by the particle P when it meets the particle Q is n, aarp Ye) gp ae elie) @) BE Me gy Pe wee oe 3+) © 30,4) Which one of the following plane states of stress corresponds to Mohr’ circle of radins zero? 7 ° t 5 ( 0 ® tiv) (A) (i) (B) (ii) (C) (iii) «D) (iv) xe Tod 2010 xe Q8. Maximum shear stress theory for material yielding is known as (A) Tresea’s criterion (B) von-Mises criterion (C} Saint-Venant's theory {D) Rankine’s theory Q9. Ina cantilever beam of length 2 m. the shear force in newion (N) along the length is given by V(x) = 5x7, where x is the distance in meter measured from the fixed end. The magnitude of the load intensity at the mid-span of the beam is (ayo B) 1 Nim (©) 5Nim (D) 10Nim Q.10 - Q.22 carry two marks each. Q.10, Two blocks P and Q are connected by a string, which passes over a pulley as shown in the figure The block P is sliding on an inclined surface. Ignoring the masses of the string and the pulley, the tension in the string is (use gravitational acceleration ¢ = 9.81 m/s” and neglect alll friction) (A)55.2N (B)62.5N (C) 74.3N (D) 86.2N QU. A hollow circular shaft of inside diameter 10 mm and outside diameter 20 mm is subjected to a pure symumetric-bending moment of 200 N-m. The magnitude of bending stress at a point in the plane of loading, which is at ¢ distance of 5 mm from the neutral axis, is (ao (B) 68.8 MPa (C) 135.8 MPa (D) 271.6 MPa Q.12, A stepped circular shaft made of steel is rigidly fixed at two supports A and C as shown in the Q.13,_ A thin-walled cylinder wi figure. A torque of 680 N-m is applied om the shaft at point B. The diameter of portion AB is twice that of portion BC. The magnitudes of torque reactions at supports A and C respectively are A 680N-m —C| (A) 640 N-m, 40 Nm (B) 40 N-m, 640 Nm {C) 340 N-m, 340 Nem (D) 544 Nem, 136 Nem ‘open ends is subjected to uniform internal pressure p alone. The wall thickness is 4, internal radius is r and the Young's modulus is £. The increase in radius of the cylinder due to the internal pressure is 2 2 2 ve pr pr pe Dp) Py (A) zero o> OF Oat XE 30a 2010 XE (Q:14. A cylindrical steel bar of uniform cross-sectional area is subjected to an axial tensile force P and a torque 7. Assuming linear elastic deformation of the bar, the internal strain energy stored in the bar is (20P? +87?) x10"¢ N-m. The axial extension of the bar for P = 10 Nand T= 16 N-mis (A) 256 jam (B) 400 pm {C) 2000 pm (D) 2048 pm Q.15. The buckling load of a slender column clamped at both the ends is 4000 N. The column is subjected toan axial compression. During the course of service, one of the ends gets detached from the clamp and becomes fre end. The absolute percenage change it the buckling lod due tothe change inthe condition is (A) 50.00 (B) 75.00 (C) 83.25 (D) 93.75 Q.6. A spring-mass system shown in the figure is vibrating with very small amplitude. The natural frequency of the system is om fE wy FE © 2 pase? m m m m ‘Common Data Questions ‘Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: Two particles P and Q are connected by a rigid link of negligible mass. The length of the link PQ is vir. ‘The inner radius of the ring is r and its centre is at O as shown in the figure. The particles are allowed to slide freely with negligible friction on the inner surface of a vertical circular ring. The angle @, between OQ and horizontal X-axis, is measured from X-axis im the clockwise sense. Gravitational acceleration is g. Q.17. Mass of the particles P and Q are m and 2m, respectively. The link PQ is released from @= 0°. When the fink occupies the horizontal position, the magnitude of velocity of particle P is (A)0.865,/¢r (B) 1.865fa7 (©) 0.086er D) 2.865 gr Q.18. If both the particles P and Q are of the mass m and the link PQ is released from @ = 0°, the maximum possible value of @ during the oscillation of the link is (A) 45° (B) 90° «C) 135° (D) 180° XE 2 2010 xe ‘Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: A cantilever beam of length 31 is subjected to two forces each of magnitude P as shown in the figure. The flexurat rigidity of the beam is Ef. Assume linear elastic material and small deflections. Q.19. Which one of the following statements is true? (A) The magnitude of the bending moment in portion AB is zero (B) The magnitude of the bending moment in portion AB is PI (C) The magnitude of the bending moment in portion AB is 2P! (D) The magnitude of the bending moment in portion AB varies linearly from 0 to Pt Q.20. The deflection due to bending at point B is PP PP (A) sere (downward) (B) dey | (upward) 3 , © Fi owaware (D) Ft ware Linked Answer Questions ‘Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: A steel bar of rectangular cross-section is heated uniformly and the rise in the temperature is AT. The Young's modulus is E, the Poisson's ratio is vand the coefficient of thermal expansion is a The bar is completely restrained in the axial direction and lateral directions. Q.21. The thermal stress developed in the bar along the axiat direction is, . Eat EahT py Feary OT «B) -EaaT © ©) lav Q.22. Assume that the bar is allowed to deform freely in the lateral directions. while keeping the axial direction restrained. The percentage change in the magnitude of axial thermal stress for v= ®.25 is {A)O (B) 25 (C) 50 (D) 100 ND OF SECTION - D 2011 Q1- Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Q6 Q7 XE D: SOLID MECHANICS Q. 9 carry one mark each. A 10 kg rectangular steel block is placed over a smooth cast iron surface. The coefficient of friction between steel and cast iron is 0.4, Acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s?. If a force of 20 N is applied to the block parallel to the surface, the frictional resistance (in N) offered by the surface to the block is (AO (B)4 (©) 20 @) 40 ‘The stress induced in an unconstrained rod that is heated uniformly depends (A) only on the coefficient of expansion (B) only on the temperature change (C) neither on the coefficient of expansion nor on the temperature change (D) both on the coefficient of expansion and on the temperature change ‘The Euler buckling load for a long slender column with fixed-fixed end conditions is 10000 N. If the end conditions are changed to fixed-free, the Euler buckling load (in N) would be (A) 625 (B) 1250 (C) 2500 (D) 5000 For the beam shown, if the maximum deflection occurs at a distance x from support P, which one of the following is “+ ack TRUE? (A) O Bel a 2 ©) Fi) 1+ 2v mréE l+v Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: A ductile material has tensile yield strength of 200 MPa. Qi7 Qs ‘The stress at yield (in MPa) under equi-biaxial compression for this material according to Tresca criterion is (A) 200 (B) 100 (C) 80 (Dy 50 ‘The stress at yield (in MPa) under pure shear for the same material according to von Mises criterion is 100 200 we OF (©) 100V2 (D) 100¥3 xe 1986 2001 xe Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: A hub (outer radius is 35.00 mm and inner radius is 32.98 mm) is press fitted to a shaft (outer radius is 33.00 mm and inner radius is 31.00 mm) over a length of 40.00 mm. The hub and the shaft are made of steel (E = 200 GPa, v = 0.3) and the coefficient of friction is 0.5. The pressure that arises at the interface Oo due to the press fit is given by = + where r is the nominal radius of the interface, Sis the radial Ir interference and 1 = 2 mm is the nominal thickness. Local stress concentrations can be neglected in the calculations. Q.19 The hoop stress (in MPa) developed in the shaft is {A) - 60.6 (B)- 30.3 (C) 15.7 (D) 60.6 Q.20 The maximum torque (in Nm) that can be transmitted by this interference fit is (A) 1005.3 (B) 754.0 (C) 601.0 (D) 502.7 Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: A 2 kg mass, initially at rest, is acted upon by a time-varying force whose profile is as shown. 2 Fa68 = 1 (s) Q2I The velocity (in m/s) of the mass is wae @)2r (or (@) 12 Q.22 The distance travelled by the mass in 2 seconds is (A) 24 (B) 12 (8 (D) 4 END OF SECTION - D XE 2086 2012 D : SOLID MECHANICS Q.1-Q. 9 carry one mark each. Qi Q2 ‘The axial force diagram for the weightless beam subjected to the inclined force P = 5 KN is 5kN A B c —EE Fa Sm MO 4 B c 3kN ® oA B c 3KkN © 1.5kN A c B 1.5 kN © 4 B c 3kN A block of weight W, connected to two springs with spring constants k, and k,., rests initially on a horizontal frictional surface. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is 1. Both springs are initially undeformed. The magnitude of force F, applied to the second spring, is now gradually increased. The block will start to slide when F becomes kt ke w | (OOOL__., a) Ww B) kW k,+k) © Kuk +k) D) KW /k, Tae 2012 Q3 Q4 Qs Q6 XE Three connected railway coaches A, B and C of massesm,, m, and m, respectively are being pulled by a locomotive with force F over a horizontal track. The coaches may be assumed to move on frictionless wheels with negligible air resistance. The tension in the connector between coaches Aand B is A) F (B) Fin, im, + mg +me) (©) Fin, Kin, +m, +m.) (D) Fm, +m), +m, +m) For the beam-column configurations shown in figure, the minimum Euler buckling load is obtained for the case (Young's modulus and second moment of cross-sectional area are as indicated) El P DY K K E201 <—_—_—__________»; — @ O7L i) EL — ! osiL (ii) —_— (iv) (A) @ (B) Gi) (C) (iii) () (iv) A disk of mass m=0.25g and radius r=10:mm is at rest relative to a mass-less horizontal turntable spinning about a vertical axis at an angular speed of «@=2 rad/s. The turntable is assumed to be mounted on frictionless bearings. Another identical, initially non-rotating disk is dropped onto the spinning disk. Friction causes both disks (and the turntable) to eventually rotate at the same angular speed. The eventual angular speed of the disks is (A) 0.15 rad/s (B) L rad/s (© 2rads (D) 4 rad/s ‘A rocket in the atmosphere is accelerating upwards with acceleration @ m/s”. The natural frequency of a spring-mass system (with mass m kg and spring constant k N/m), suspended vertically inside the rocket, is (take g m/s? to be the acceleration due to gravity) ke = k ki ik “ fE (E. A vertical downward load P is applied at the right end. The deflection of the point under the load P is P El L k S77 aye pee © 228 p) 228 O oR Orn © oer © oa Q.14 Find the maximum bending moment (magnitude wise) in kN-m for the beam shown in the Figure. 40 kN 20 kN 2.5m 3m 2m 2013 ENGINEERING SCIENCES — XE Q.15 A projectile is fired with a velocity V= 3V2 m/s from a point at keig't H = 0.8 m at an angle of 45° with respect to the horizontal direction as shown in the Figure. Find the horizontal distance $ in meters travelled by the projectile when it hits the ground. Take acceleration due to gravity as10 m/ s Q.16 A particle P is moving on a circular path of radius r = 1m. The angular location 0 of the particle is measured as shown in the Figure. The motiox of the particle is described by @ = 2 sin(t). Find the magnitude of the total acceleration (in m/s°) of the particle at time ¢ = 1/3 seconds. Arc of a circle XE aT 2013 ENGINEERING SCIENCES — XE Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18 A frame ABC is shown in the Figure. Members AB and BC both have a length of Z, and Young's modulus E. Members AB and BC both have a square cross-section of side a. A load P is applied at point C as shown in the figure. P B ‘50° A Q.17__ Neglecting the axial compression of member AB, the deflection of point C in the direction of the load is eee 4PLs ott 16P LS OTe Ora OTe Eat QU8 The maximum bending stress in the frame is, 3PL 6PL OPL 12PL Wa Oa On = Common Data for Questions 19 and 20 ‘Ata point in an object subjected to plane stress conditions, the state of stress is as shown in the Figure. 40 MPa ‘ j | > 40 |/Pa 100 MPa & 100 MPa 40 MPa ~ 7 4 40 MPa Q.19 One of the principal stresses(in MPa) is (ay4o (B) 80 (©) 120 (p) 140 Q.20 The normal stress on the plane AB (in MPa) is (A) 30 ®) 70 ©) 100 @) 110 aT 2013 ENGINEERING SCIENCES — XE Linked Answer Questions Statement for linked answer questions 21 and 22 ‘Two rods are joined together and the entire assembly is supported between two rigid walls, as shown in the Figure. The cross-sectional area and Young's modulus for both the rods are 0.01 m* and 10 GPa, respectively. ‘The coefficients of thermal expansion for the two rods are ay= 4 x 10*/C and a= 10% /C, respectively. The entire assembly is heated by 100° C. Neglect the effect of Poisson’s ratio. @ ®@ <—____—_> 2m 1m Q.21 The stress in rod | (in MPa) is (A) 4.0 (B) -3.0 © 25 (D) -1.0 Q.22 Considering the displacement to the right as positive, the displacement (in mm) of the interface between the two rods is (A)-0.2 (®) -0.1 © 01 (D) 02 END OF SECTION - D GATE 2014 SOLID MECHANICS - XE-D D: SOLID MECHANICS Q.1-Q. 9 carry one mark each. QI Asteel wire of diameter 5 mm is bent around a cylindrical drum of radius 0.5 m. The steel wire has modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa. Find the bending moment in the wire in N-m. d=5mm Q2 — Acompressed air tank having an inner diameter of 480 mm and a wall thickness of 8 mm is formed by welding two steel hemispheres. If the allowable shear/stress in the steel is 40 MPa, find the maximum permissible pressure (in MPa) inside the tank. Q3 The Enler’s buckling load of a column fixed af both the ends is P. If one of the ends is made free, the buckling load shall change to (A) P/6 (B) PB (Pa @) Pp Q4 A point ina body is subjected to a bicaxial state of stress, equal in magnitude but opposite in nature. Ona plane inclined at an angle 45° with respect to x-axis (passing through the point), the (A) shear and normal stresses are zero (B) normal stress is maximum and shear stress is zero (C) shear stress is maximum and normal stress is zero (D) shear stress is maximum and normal stress is non-zero GATE 2014 ‘SOLID MECHANICS - XE-D Q5 A weightless beam subjected to two point loads is shown ix tke figure below. 10 kN 1m +k 2m——+|¢—1 m. 10 kN The shear force diagram of the beam is 10 kN “ CN) 0 10kN 10 kN (B) A 10kN \ SKN © SKN “ SiN J 10KN ) Q.6 — For the pin joirted truss, fintd)the axial force (in kN) in the member 2-5. 1.5m y 20kN GATE 2014 ‘SOLID MECHANICS - XE-D Q.7 The supporting structure of a water tank is made of reinforced concrete (RC) with a tubular cross section of inner diameter dj, outer diameter d,, height /, and Young's modulus £. The mass of the tank is m. If mass of the supporting structure is neglected, then the natural frequency of the water tank in transverse direction is fsnE(as ny Ine (dha) 648m @) 83m Eada ee (as a oy Ped © ame Q8 A mass is attached to a spring and placed horizontally in a frictionless surface. A simple pendulum has been pivoted to the mass. The degree of freedom of this system is (A) x wi (B) 2 ©3 @) 4 GATE 2014 ‘SOLID MECHANICS - XE-D Q.9 Consider the following two statements Statement 1: A body of weight W falls from a height /: and strikes the ground. If the body starts from rest, the velocity with which it strikes the ground is J2gh , where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Statement 2: If the same body (initially at rest) slides without friction along)an inclined plane PQ (angle of inclination ) starting from an elevation h above point Q, then its velocity at point Q is 2gh The correct option is (A) Both statements I /and 2 are true (B) Statement 1 is true and 2 is false (C) Statement 1 is falseand 2 is true (D) Both statements 1 and 2 are false GATE 2014 SOLID MECHANICS —E-D Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Quo qu Qi2 Q13 A composite bar of length ‘L’ is made of a centrally placed steel plate (50 mm wide x 10 mm thick) with two copper plates (each 30 mm wide x 5 mm thick) connected rigidly on each side. If the temperature of the composite bar is raised by 50°C, find the stress developed in each copper plate in MPa. or Steel: = 2x10° MPa axd a= 12x10° /C; For Copper: E.= 1x10° MPa and a= 17x10*/'C) Conese sum Steel plate 10mm ‘Copper plate 5mm }——— , ——>| ‘The vertical deflection at the free end of the cantilever beani‘as shownlin figure is 100.KN ——— EI = flexural rigidity 2m——> 1 m—! (A) 1400/81 (B) 1400/3EP (©) 20061 (D) 100/87 A hollow shaft and a solid shaft haye'the same length and the same outer radius R. The inner radius of the hollow shaft is/0.6 R. Assuming that both the shafts are made of same material and are subjected to the same torque,find the ratio of shear stress in hollow shaft to that in solid shaft. ‘A beam’ with overhangs*carries one point load acting downwards and the other upward. The clockwise moment Pb is applied at each support. The bending moment at the midpoint of the beam ig P Pb m P kb L b—| (a) 0 ®) PL2 © PL @) Pol. ET GATE 2014 SOLID MECHANICS - XE-D Q.14 A cantilever beam of length £, supports a concentrated load P at the free end. The cross section of the beam is rectangular with constant width & and varying depth h. The depth h of this idealized cantilever beam varies in such a way that the maximum normal stress at every cross section remains equal to the allowable bending stress. Considering only the bending stresses, the depth fi, of the fully stressed beam at any distance x from the free end shall vary — , Loo (A) with square of x (B) with square root of x ‘ (C) linearly with x (@) with cube of x Q.15__A cantilever beam is subjected to following three different loading conditigns: (a) a concentrated load P at its free end, (b) a couple M, at its free end and (©) both loads acting simultaneously ‘The flexural rigidity of the beam may be assumed as EI. The strain energy due to bending when both loads act simultaneously (A) can be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is PUA Mol GEL * 261 (B) can be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is P22 | Mot? El” 2ET (©) cannot be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is PPS | Mo?k | PMo L? EI” 261" 2Er (D) cannot be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is PELE | Mgl3 , PMg l? eer 261 + 26T GATE 2014 SOLID MECHANICS - XE-D Q.16 A tapered rod has diameter « at one end which reduces uniformly to a diameter dz over the length (L). If the modulus of elasticity of the material is F, the change in the length of the rod due to the application of axial force (P) is APL. 4Ph, PL. 2PL. Oman @) ea © Baw ©) ea Q17 For a point in a body subjected to a plane stress condition (o,= 100 MPa, )= 50 MPa and ‘ty = Tye= 25 MPa), the maximum principal stress in MPa is Q18 An isotropic body is subjected to a state of stress given by: o,= 10 MPa and ty = Te Assuming G = 0.4E, the volumetric strain is (A) SIE (B) 7.5/E (©) 10E (D) 15/E, Q19 A block of weight Q rests on an inclined plane and it is dffathed to a string which runs over a frictionless pulley to carry a block of weight P at its other end. The coefficient of friction between the block of weight Q and the inclined plane is j1. Consider the following cases: Case I: weight Q starts moving down the inclined plane Case II: weight P starts falling down The limiting values of ratio'P/Q for Case I and Case If respectively are (A) (sina —pcosa) and “(sina + 10s @) (B) (usind’— cosa) and (ysina + cosa) (© (sina + noose) and (sina — pcosa) (D) (usin@-+cos@) and u(sina cosa) XED 9 GATE 2014 SOLID MECHANICS - XE-D Q.20 To unload an item from a truck a craze boom is raised with a constant angular velocity of 1 rad/s relative to the cab and then the cab is rotated about a vertical axis with constant angular velocity of 0.5 rad/s. If the length of the boom (P) is 10 m, the velocity of the tip (P) of the boom in m/s is (8 (20 - J+ 2k) w2(-r- 2j+ &) OF (-20 - 7+ 2k) @)5(-0 - 27+ 2k) Q21 A block of mass 5 kg moves up on a smooth inclined plane with a velocity of 10 mV/s in the direction shown. A bullet of mass.60 g travelling at 500 m/s strikes the block centrally and gets ‘embedded ix it, The velocity of the blockand embedded bullet in m/s immediately after the impact is vA 10 mvs ' Ai! as a £00 mus (A) 12.54 at 30° (B) 13.84 at $1.78° — (C) 13.84 at 30° (D) 15.62 at $1.78° a GATE 2014 ‘SOLID MECHANICS - XE-D Q.22 A balloon with ballast (weight) inside it has a gross weight of 500 N. It is falling vertically with a constant acceleration of 2 m/s’. If air resistance is negligible, find the weight of ballast (in N) that must be thrown out in order to give the balloon an upward acceleration of 2 m/s”. (Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m/s”) | | 500N END OF THE QUESTION PAPER oy GATE 2016 Solid Mechanies D : SOLID MECHANICS Q.1-Q. 9 carry one mark each. QI Asingle degree of freedom vibrating system has mass of S kg, stiffness of 500 N/m and damping coefficient of 100 N-s/m. To make the system critically damped (A) only the mass is to be increased by 1.2 times. (B) only the stiffness is to be reduced to half. (C) only the damping coefficient is to be doubled (D) no change in any of the system parameters is required Q2_A“L" shaped robotic arm AB is connected to a motor at end A and a magnetic gripper at B as shown in the figure. If the arm is rotating with an angular velocity of 2 rad/s and an angular acceleration of 3 rad/s*, the magnitude of the acceleration (in m/s”) of the end B is (A)20 (B) 25 (©) 5.0 (D) 6.0 Q3. A block of weight 100 N is in static equilibrium on an inclined plane which makes an angle 15° with the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between the inclined plane and the block is 0.3. The ‘magnitude of friction force (in N) acting on the block is xED 8 GATE 2016 Solid Mechanies Qa Qs Q6 Q7 Qs The lower end A of the rigid bar AB is moving horizontally on the floor towards right with a constant velocity of 5 m/s and the point B is sliding down the wall. The magnitude of the velocity of point B at the instant 6 = 30° is Wall (A) zero (B) 434 mis (C) 7.25 mis (D) 8.66 mis ‘The state of plane stress at a point in a body is shown in the figure. The allowable shear stress of the material of the body is 200 MPa. According to the maximum shear stress theory of failure the maximum permissible value of & (in MPa) is o For a slender steel column of circular cross-section the critical buckling load is P, . If the diameter of the column is doubled (keeping other material and geometrical parameters same), then the critical buckling load of the column is (A) 2,6 (B)8P, (© 2P, (@) 16P, ‘A closed thin cylindrical pressure vessel having an internal diameter of 1000 mm and a thickness of 10 mm is subjected to an internal pressure of 4 MPa, The maximum shear stress (in MPa) induced in the cylinder is (neglect the radial stress). A solid circular shaft subjected to pure torsion develops a maximum torsional shear stress of 120MPa. Keeping the torsional moment same, if the diameter of the shaft is doubled then the maximum shear stress (in MPa) induced in the shaft is, xED GATE 2016 Solid Mechanies Qo Ona single straight track, a vehicle of mass 500 kg moving with a velocity of 25 mvs strikes another vehicle of mass 250 kg moving with a velocity 10 mvs in the same direction. After the impact, if both the vehicles stick together, the common velocity (in m/s) with which both the vehicles will move together is Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10 A system with three forces and a concentrated moment at A is shown in the figure. ‘The system is replaced by an equivalent force system with a single force and a single couple at point ‘O°. The ‘magnitude (in N-m) of the equivalent couple at “O" is = | CAE . 4m 50N-m L Q11 A block A on a smooth inclined plane is connected to block B as shown in the figure using an inextensible cord which pass over a mass-less and friction-less pulley. Initially, the block B is constrained to be at rest. If the constraint on block B is released, the magnitude of velocity (in m/s) of the block ‘B’ after 2 seconds from its release is (assume g=10 m/s’), 10kg |B a GATE 2016 Solid Mechanies Qi2 Q13 The vibrating system shown in the figure carries a mass of 10 kg at the free end, where the static deflection is 1 mm, This system is to he replaced by an equivalent vibrating spring mass system having equivalent mass of 2 kg (assume g =10 m/s’) The natural frequency (in rad/s) and the stiffness (in kN/m) of the equivalent system respectively are Y 2m im (A) 10 and 20 (B) 20 and 100 (©) 100 and 20 (D) 1000 and 20 A beam having flexural rigidity EJ and length L is subjected to a concentrated end moment M, as shown in the figure. For Ef=4x10° N-m?, L=1m and M, =8KkN-m, the strain energy stored (in KN-m) in the beam and the rotation (in rad) at the free end respectively are —————)* (A) 8.00and0.02 (B) 800 and2,00 — (C) 8.00. and 0.04 (D) 0.80. and 2.00 w GATE 2016 Solid Mechanies Q.14 Ata point ‘O° ona metal sheet a square OABC of a unit side length is drawn, The square undergoes a small uniform elastic deformation and deforms to OA*B*+C* (dashed lines) as shown in the figure. All dimensions are in mm and the figure is not to scale. The normal strains &,, €, and shear strain 7,, developed in the square respectively are . “Ly ow: AT > |-——1.0 + (A) -0.0020, 0.0025 and 0.0020 (B) 0.0020, —-0.0025 and - 0.0020 (C) 0.0025, —-0.0020 and 0.0020 (D) -0.0020, 0.0025 and — 0.0020 QS Mohs circle for the state of plane stress at a point is shown in the figure, Unit of stress is MPa and the circle is drawn not to scale. Which one of the following options (stress values in MPa) is true? +t (shear stress) O- Origin of o —t axis C—Center of Mohr’s circle (ci, 0) +6 (normal stress) xED w GATE 2016 Solid Mechanies Q.16 As shown in the figure, links AB and CD support the rigid member BD. Links AB and CD are made of aluminum alloy (E =100GPa) and each has a cross-sectional area of 100mm. Ax the members are pin connected and all the dimensions are in mm. Neglecting the weights of the members, the elongation (in mm) of the link AB is Q.17__ Figure shows an elastic beam of constant flexural rigidity EY and length L The transverse deflection v(x) for the beam is represented by the equation v(x) = M, (x? —2°L), oer L), where Mg is the applied couple. If L=100mm and M,=100N-mm, then the magnitude of the shear force (in N) at the middle of the beam (at x=./2) is xED w GATE 2016 Solid Mechanies Q.18 Which one of the following represents the correct bending moment diagram of the beam PQR loaded as shown in the figure? (©) @) P Q R Pp Q R 20kN-m 25kN-m Q19 A point ina body is subjected to plane state of stress in XY plane. If ¢, = 140MPa, °, MPa and the major principal stress is 150 MPa, the magnitude of the in-plane shear stress z,, (in MPa) is (Ay 75 (B) 30 (©) 40 () 70 xED w GATE 2016 Solid Mechanies Q.20 40. mm diameter rotor shaft of a helicopter transmits a torque T= 0.16 1 kN-m and a tensile force P=24 KN, The maximum tensile stress (in MPa) induced in the shaft is Use the value of x= 3.1416 Q21 A wooden block of length 400 mm, width 50 mm and depth 100 mm is subjected to uniaxial load as shown in the figure. An inclined plane ABCD is shown which makes an angle @ with the XZ plane and the line CD is parallel to the Z-axis. The normal stress on the plane ABCD is c,, when ca 6=30° and the normal stress on the plane ABCD is o, when @=120°. The value of 1+ 10 kN =} x 10kN<— GATE 2016 Solid Mechanies Q22._ For the truss shown in the figure, which one of the following statements is true? le 4m 4m 4m > E 9KN 2kN (A) AG is the only zero force member. (B) AG and BH are the only two zero force members, (C) AG, BH and HF are zero force members. (D) AG, BH, HF and GC are zero force members. END OF THE QUESTION PAPER xED oF GATE 2018 SOLID MECHANICS (XE-D) XE(D): — Q.1-Q.9 carry one mark each & Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. QI A thin cylinder (thickness, ¢ and diameter, d) with closed ends is subjected to an internal pressure, p. The ratio of hoop stress to longitudinal stress developed in the wall of the cylinder is (A) 4 (B) 1:2 (©) i (D) 2:1 Q2 A steel rod is fixed at one end and free at the other end. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the steel is a, and modulus of elasticity is E. If the temperature of the rod is increased by AT then the stress and strain developed in the rod are respectively (A) zero, aT (B) Ear, aT (C) Eaar, zero (D) zero, zero Q3 The effective lengths of the columns with ideal boundary conditions shown in Case-I, Case-II, and Case-IIl are respectively Hinged-Hinged Fixed-Free Fixed-Fixed P P P Case-I Case-II Case-II (A) L, 4, 2L (B) L, 2L, L/4 (LLL (D) L, 2b, L/2 Q4 Ata point in a stressed body, sum of the normal stresses acting on perpendicular faces of an arbitrarily oriented plane stress element is always (A) dependent on the angle of orientation of the element (B) constant and independent of angle of orientation of the element (C) one half of the sum of the principal stresses (D) zero XED v8 GATE 2018 SOLID MECHANICS (XE-D) Q5 The principal stresses on a plane stress element are shown in the figure. The maximum shear stress (in MPa) is 2 we s se ye Sov eS \ 3° we wo (A) 200 (B) 100 (©) 50 (D) 0 Q6 A rigid and thin L-shaped bracket is fixed to the wall at point B, and a force F is applied at point A as shown, For a given force F, the point B experiences the maximum clockwise moment when the inclination 6 (in degrees) with the x-axis is..........[up fo tvo decimal places] Q7 A cantilever beam with length, L = 1 m, modulus of elasticity, E = 210 GPa, and area moment of inertia, / = 1.2 x 10-7m* carries a concentrated mass m = 100 kg at its free- end. By idealizing it as a single degree-of-freedom system and neglecting the mass of the cantilever beam, the natural frequency (in rad/s) of small transverse oscillations of the mass mis ........ [up to two decimal places) Q8 Fora typical grade of steel, the value of modulus of elasticity (£) and Poisson’s ratio (v) are 208 GPa and 0.3 respectively. The value of shear modulus (G) of the steel (in GPa) is...... XED 28 GATE 2018 SOLID MECHANICS (XE-D) Q9 A tensile test is performed on a metallic specimen of diameter 8 mm and gauge length 50 mm. When the tensile load P reaches a value of 20 kN, the distance between the gauge marks increases by 0.09 mm. If the sample remains within the elastic limit, the modulus of clasticity (in GPa) of the test metal is. [up to two decimal places] P=20kN 8mm sO mm. P=20kN Q.10 A beam ABC is subjected to load P at its free end C as shown ia the figure. The flexural rigidity of the beam is E/. The vertical support reaction at point B is P XED 38 GATE 2018 SOLID MECHANICS (XE-D) QA horizontal effort P is applied to raise a block of weight 1 on a rough surface inclined at an angle @ with the horizontal. If 4, is the coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface, the minimum effort P required to impend the upward motion of the block along the surface is Block cay (e222) cay (2822) yw (HEM) coy w (eet) a+ustand, a= ystand, 1=ystand. a+ustand, Q.12 Three round bars of same material, equal lengths, and different cross-sectional dimensions are shown in the figures as Case-I, Case-II and Case-IIJ. All the bars are clamped at the upper end, and a concentrated load P is applied at the lower end of each bar. If the elastic strain energy stored in the bar shown in Case-I is U, then the elastic strain energy stored in Case-II and Case-III respectively is Li ? Case-I Case-II Case-III (A) (8/5 )U» (F/—)U 8) (5/46)Un (5/46)U ©) (Fe) (®/s)ts ©) (a) (a) XED a8 GATE 2018 SOLID MECHANICS (XE-D) Q.13 A rigid uniform rod with mass m, length L and center of gravity G is freely suspended from a hinge as shown in the figure. The rod is given a small angular displacement @ in the counter-clockwise direction from the position in which it hangs vertically (@ = 0). If g is the acceleration due to gravity, the natural frequency of oscillations (in rad/s) is wy [2 @ 2 © f# o fe A cylindrical member, made up of ductile material, is subjected to pure torsion as shown in the figure. The failure plane (from Option-1 to Option-I'V) for ductile material as per maximum shear stress theory is represented by T " Option-IV - (A) Option 1 (B) Option II (C) Option II (D) Option 1V XED 38 GATE 2018 SOLID MECHANICS (XE-D) Q.15_A simply supported beam of span L is subjected to a couple Mo at a distance a from support ‘A. Among the four options (Option-I to Option-IV) shown, the correct shear force diagram of the beam is Option-I Option-II Sign convention of shear force for all options tL Option-II1 Ml, Option-IV ee ee (A) Option-1 (B) Option-II (© Option-II——(D) Option-Iv Q16 A circular shaft ABC of diameter, d and length, L is fixed at end A. It is subjected to the torsional moments at point B and point C as shown in the figure. The ratio of angle of twists at point B to point C is Tr y B (A) 15:1 (B) 1:3 (C)1:2 (D) 1:15 XED os GATE 2018 SOLID MECHANICS (XE-D) Q17_ A circular steel bar of diameter 10 mm is bent into the shape as shown in figure, and lies in xz plane. A horizontal force P is applied along the positive =-direction as shown. The yield strength of the steel is 200 MPa, Neglecting the effect of transverse shear, the load P (in Newton) required to initiate yielding as per maximum shear stress theory of failure is... 02... [up to two decimal places| Q.18 Two sliders A and B, connected by a rigid link of length L, slide in two mutually perpendicular and frictionless guide-ways. At a particular instance, the slider 4 is moving in the downward direction with a speed of 0.05 m/s. At this instance, the magnitude of the velocity of slider B (in m/s) is ......[up to two decimal places| 2.0m Q.19._ A simply supported beam ABC is subjected to load as shown in the figure. The 20 KN load is applied at point B with the help of a welded bracket as shown, The beam has a rectangular cross-section of 15 mm width and 100 mm depth as shown. The maximum transverse shear stress developed in the beam (in MPa) is ........[up #0 one decimal place] 20 KN 0.25 m Enlarged view of the XED 78 GATE 2018 SOLID MECHANICS (XE-D) Q20 A rigid rod ABC, in the form of a quarter-circular arc of radius R, is hinged at C and supported by a roller at B. A vertical force P is applied at the end A of the bar. For the reactions at B and C to be equal in magnitude, the value of the angle @ (in degrees) is [up to two decimal places] C eu x ‘. i \ / \y | n 7 nn 1 x . Q21 A marble of mass m slides along a frictionless linear slide AB kept in a vertical plane. The marble is released from point 4 with zero initial velocity, and it reaches point B under the action of gravity. Assuming the acceleration due to gravity to be 9.81 m/s*, the speed (in m/s) of the marble when it just reaches point Bis......... [up fo to decimal places y, smooth surface . 10m | x Q22 A horizontal force 10 N is applied at support B on the frame as shown in figure. Considering only bending deformation, the vertical reaction (in N) at support B is... [up to one decimal place] 10N END OF THE QUESTION PAPER XED a GATE 2019 Solid Mechanics (XE-D) XE -D: Q. 1-Q. 9 carry one mark each Q1 Fora pinned-pinned slender column of length Z, with uniform circular cross section, and with second moment of cross sectional area /, the critical buckling load is Per. For a similar column, made of same material, having length 2Z and second moment of cross sectional area 41, the critical buckling load is (A) 4Per (@) 2Pa (©) Pa @) 0.5Pa Q2 Two rods P and Q of uniform circular cross section are made of same material and are subjected to identical uniaxial tensile load. The length of rod P is twice the length of rod Q and the diameter of rod P is also twice the diameter of rod Q. The ratio of elastic strain energy stored in rod P to that stored in rod Q is (A) 4:1 @)2:1 Ou (@) 12 Q3 The frame comprises members ABC, CD, and BEDF. This frame is fixed at A, and the connections between the three members are pins. Load P is applied at F_ Which of the following statements is TRUE? P L 4 D “eo (A) ABC and CD are two-force members (B) CD is the only two-force member (© BEDF and CD are two-force members (D) ABC is the only two-force member Q4 When two spheres moving in a horizontal plane collide obliquely, which one of the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE? (A) Energy of the two-sphere system is conserved (B) Linear momentum of the two-sphere system is conserved along the normal to the plane of impact (© Linear momentum of each individual sphere is conserved along the normal to the plane of impact (D) Linear momentum of each individual sphere is NOT conserved along the horizontal tangent to the plane of impact = S GATE 2019 Solid Mechanics (XED) Qs Q6 Q7 Qs Qe In a bending moment diagram of a simply supported beam, discontinuity in the bending moment occurs (A) at the point of application of a couple (B) at the point of application of a concentrated force (C) ata point where the cross section of the beam changes abruptly (D) at a point where shear force is zero For a solid circular shaft fixed at one end and a torque applied at the other end, which one of the following is TRUE? (A) Every cross section of the shaft is subjected to the same intemal torque (B) The internal torque gradually increases from one end of the shaft to the other end (C) Every cross section of the shaft is subjected to the same bending moment (D) No cross section of the shaft rotates relative to another cross section Flexural stress occurs in a straight beam when (A) it is subjected to pure torsion @) it is subjected to axial loads (© itis subjected to transverse loads (D) it is subjected to combined axial and torsional loads The bending moment at a point in a beam changes its sign. Which one of the following is ALWAYS TRUE? (A) The slope of the beam changes its sign at that point (B) The deflection of the beam changes its sign at that point (C) The shear force of the beam changes its sign at that point (D) The curvature of the beam changes its sign at that point ‘The state of stress at a point in a body under plane stress condition is given as ¢, = 5 MPa, oy =—1 MPa and ty = 4 MPa. If one of the principal stresses at that point is 7 MPa, then the other non-zero principal stress (in MPa) is Gate 2019 Solid Mechanics XE-D) XE -D: Q. 10-Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q10 A massless rod of length Z having a concentrated mass m attached at its mid-point is held qu at rest between the smooth ground and the smooth wall when it makes an acute angle with the ground as shown. The rod is then released. The acceleration due to gravity is g. At an instant when the angle between the rod and ground is 8, the velocity of the mass m is Lin m Liz (A) Ygl(cos 0 — cos 0) ®) YgL(sindy — sind) (©) Ygl(cos0 + cosy) (D) JgL(sin dy + sind) A cantilever beam of constant cross section is subjected to a positive moment M and a positive axial force F as shown. The normal stress due to the axial force F is 200 MPa and the maximum compressive stress due to the moment M is 100 MPa. If the point A is located on the top surface and the point B is located on the centroidal axis of the beam, the stress elements at these points are (with stresses shown in MPa) (A) ®) 00-<[ a } e100 100 <{a foi 200 200 300 300 © @) pe soo«[o foam GATE 2019 Solid Mechanics (XED) Q12 The block of mass m = 10 kg is held in place along the incline by the force J applied via a pulley arrangement as shown. The coefficient of static friction between the block and incline is 0.65. The range of F (in N) for which the block will remain at rest is (use acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m's?) (A) 63 to 106.30 (B)010 106.30 (C) 0053.15 (D) 53.15 to 106.30 Q13. The frame shown comprises members ABC, BE, BF, and DEF. It is pin supported at A and D. Members BE and BF are pin connected to ABC and DEF. The vertical load is applied at C. The force in the member BF is | (A) compressive P (B) tensile P (©) compressive 2P (D) tensile 2P sD wT GATE 2019 Solid Mechanics (XED) Q14_ A simply supported beam is subjected to @ concentrated force P = 48000 N at the mid-span as shown. The flexural rigidity of the beam is EI = 11 x 106 N-m’. The curvature of the beam between points Q and R is given as =(Px/2EI). The magnitude of deflection (in mm) of the beam at x = 0.5 m is (ayos @)10 © 15 @) 20 QS The shear force (V) diagram for a cantilever beam under certain loads applied at points Band C is shown. The magnitude of applied force at B (Fs), and the magnitude of applied force at C (Fe), are (A) Fa=S00N Fe=300N (B)Fa=200N Fc=300N ()Fe=300N Fo=200N (D)Fa=300N Fo=5S00N a) oT GATE 2019 Solid Mechanics (XE-D) Q.16 A bar of length 1 m, having a uniform area of cross section 1000 mm”, is fixed at one end and subjected to a uniaxial tensile load of 200 KN at the other end. Along with the tensile load, the rod also experiences a uniform temperature rise AT = 100 °C. The material of the rod has a Young’s modulus £ = 200 GPa and coefficient of thermal expansion a= 1x10-7/°C. The elongation of the rod (in mm) is Q17 Asolid rod, with uniform circular cross section, of length 1000 mm and diameter 100 mm is subjected to a uniaxial tensile load. As a result, the increase in length of the rod is observed to be 1 mm while the reduction in diameter of the rod is observed to be 0.03 mm_ If the Young’s modulus of the material of the rod is 260 GPa, the shear modulus (in GPa) of the material of the rod is Q18_ A spherical pressure vessel has inner diameter of 4 m and wall thickness of 10 mm. It is made of a steel having tensile yield strength of 200 MPa. Neglecting radial stress and using the maximum shear stress theory, the maximum value of gauge pressure (in MPa) that the wall of the pressure vessel can withstand is (rounded off to two decimal places) Q19 Two solid shafts P and Q made of same material transmit equal torque. Shaft P has a uniform circular cross section of area A and shaft Q has a uniform circular cross section of area 44. If the maximum torsional shear stress developed in shaft P is 160 MPa, the maximum torsional shear stress developed (in MPa) in shaft Q is Q20 The slotted arm AB rotates in the horizontal plane about point A at a constant angular speed w = 10 rad/sec. The particle P is released from rest, in the frictionless slot, at a distance of 2 m from end A. The magnitude of the velocity of the particle (in m/s) just before it hits end B is (rounded off to two decimal places) a > GATE 2019 Solid Mechanics (XED) Q21 The uniform pendulum rod, having mass 10 kg and length L = 5 m, is attached to a viscous damper having damping coefficient c. Use acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s*. The least value of c (in N-s/m) such that small motions of the pendulum rod decay without oscillations is 2L/3 Q22 A beam having a constant solid rectangular cross section is subjected to pure bending. The longitudinal strain at a point A on the cross section is 3.0 x 10®. If the Young’s modulus of the material of the beam is 200 GPa, the maximum tensile stress (in MPa) is y aha 30mm 100 mm — z END OF THE QUESTION PAPER a) 7 © © Qo, ” ® © © aN. ” ° © o Qo. ” © © Qo. ” ® o o E 2a+y¥) E 30-2) Ev a+G-a A body subjected to does not undergo change in volume. uniform tension pure shear pure bending, hydrostatic pressure ‘The angular momentum of a particle moving under a central force is zero. constant in both magnitude and direction, constant in magnitude but not direction. constant in direction but not magnitude. According to Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, which one of the following statements best describes the state of a beam subjected to pure bending? ‘Transverse shear stress and transverse shear strain are zero. ‘Transverse shear stress is not zero but transverse shear strain is zero. ‘Transverse shear stress is zero but transverse shear strain is not zero. ‘Transverse shear stress and transverse shear strain are not zero. A tigid square ABCD is subjected to planar forces at the comers as shown. P For this planar force system, the equivalent force couple system at comer A can be represented as Blac Ba. Bai _¢ systemt |, | Systemit], | System ttt] , > zp yt 2Pa 2Pa P P P System I System II System IIL System IV No.7 No. 8 No.9 A particle of mass 0.1 kg, which is released from rest, falls vertically downward under gravity in a fluid. The fluid offers a resistive force, which is linearly proportional to the particle velocity with 0.1 N.sim as the constant of proportionality. The uniform gravitational acceleration is 10 m/s? throughout the trajectory of the particle. The magnitude of the particle velocity (in m/s) at time 1 safter release (rounded off to two decimal places) is The state of two-dimensional plane stress at a point in a body is shown on the triangular element ABC, where cos @ =2 and sin @ = 4. The normal stress (in Mpa) on the plane AC is : “D 10 MPa + 30 MP: oO B+— C 30 MPa 90 MPa Consider two point masses m = 10 kg and M = 30 kg connected by a massless inextensible string passing over a massless and frictionless pulley with radius a= 100 mm as shown, The masses are released from rest and move vertically under the action of gravity. Let acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s?, The tension (in N) in the string is Q10 - Q22 carry two marks each, No. 10 ” © © No. 11 ” ® o o No. 12 The cantilever beam AC is composed of two segments AB and BC that are rigidly connected at B. The flexural rigidity of the segment AB is E/, whereas, the flexural rigidity of the segment BC is assumed to be infinite. Determine the magnitude of slope at B due to a force P applied at C. SPL? 6El PLE 2ET PL =r 3PL? ET Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion [a] and Reason (d. Assertion [a]: Efficient columns are d ned so that most of the column's cross- sectional area is located as far away as possible from the principal centroidal axes of the section. Reason [r]: Load carrying capacity of columns will increase as the moment of inertia of the cross-sectior Both [a] and [r] are true and fr] is the correct reason for [a] Both [a] and [r] are true but {r] is not the correct reason for [a]. Both [a] and [r] are false. [al is true but [r] is false. eases. Consider the structure consisting of two massless clastic bars AB and BC, each of length L, cross-sectional area A, and Young's modulus E. Connections at A, B, C are all pinned. A horizontal force P acts on the joint B as shown, Calculate the horizontal deflection of the joint B. ” © QNe. #3 ” © © Qo. 14 PL TAE PL AE y2PL “AE PL V2AE A rigid bar ABC of mass m and length J. is hinged at A and has a point mass M attached at C. An elastic spring with linear stiffness & is attached at B as shown, Ignore the effect of gravity and damping. The natural frequency of small oscillations of this system is k Mem k 2(M + 2m) 3k 3M+m 3k 4M +m) A beam of flexural rigidity £/ is fixed at A and supported by a linear spring of stiffness k = E1/L? at B. Determine the compressive force developed in the spring, when the beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length. w ” 3wk 32 8) 3wL © wh o wh QNo,15 The bar AB is fixed at A and is separated by a gap of 0.005 mm from wall at C as shown, The temperature of the bar is increased by 10°C. If the Young’s modulus of the bar is E = 200 GPa and the coefficient of thermal expansion is 10*10/°C, then the magnitude of the compressive stress (in MPa) developed a in the bar £E = 200 GPa and a = 10*10° °C No.16 A thin walled spherical pressure vessel has mean radius 1000 mm and wall thickness 10 mm, The material has Young’s modulus 200 GPa and Poisson’s ratio 0.25. If the internal pressure is 100 MPa, the radial displacement (in mm) of the spherical pressure vessel (rounded off to two decimal places) is No. 17 A particle of mass m= 100 kg is released from rest and falls under gravity through a height of H = 1 m directly onto an upright massless elastic bar of length L = 200 mm, Young’s modulus 200 GPa, and eross-sectional area 100 mm?, icle mass sticks to the bar, (b) the bar does not buckle, and (c) no energy is lost. Use gravitational acceleration Assume the following during impact: (a) g = 10 nvs?, The maximum axial compression (in mm) of the bar due to the impact (rounded off to three decimal places) is m®@ No. 18 A pingjointed truss has a pin support at A and a roller support at C. All the ‘members are made of same material and have the same cross-section. Neglect the self-weight of the members. Due to the applied loading shown, the total number of zero force members is : 3m. ano. 19 Two beams AB and BC having diameter of 100 mm are connected by an intemal hinge at B. The structure is fixed at A and roller supported at C. Load of P = | KN is applied at B. Ignoring the effect of any transverse shear stress, the tensile stress (in MPa) developed at A due to bending (rounded off to three decimal places) is P=1kN 1m 1m no.20 The shear force diagram for a beam AD, which is simply supported at A and D, is shown. The magnitude of the maximum bending moment (in kN.m) is (rounded off to three decimal places). ISKN Im. SKN Dm basin No. 21 A rectangular thin plate with Young's modulus 200 GPa and Poisson’s ratio 0.30 is subjected to uniform stress distribution at its edges as shown. However, it is stated that the dimension 4 of the plate does not change under the action of the stress components dy, and dyy. Considering micro-strains (in 10%), the change in the length of dimension a (in mm) is, (rounded off to three decimal places). b=100mm| ¢,— = 200 MPa 6, a=200mm No.2 A solid transmission shaft has length 10 m and diameter 100 mm. The shaft is supported by frictionless bearings at ends that act as simple supports. In addition to its self-weight acting as a uniformly distributed load per unit length, an operational torque of Sm kN.m is applied. The density and yield strength of the material are 8000 kg/m? and 350 MPa, respectively. Use gravitational acceleration as 10 m/s? and ignore the effect of transverse shear stress. The factor of safety of the shaft as per maximum shear stress failure theory (Tresca criterion) is (rounded off to two decimal places). XE: Engineering Sciences - E: Thermodynamics Qt - Q9 carry one mark each. ano, If x and y are two independent intensive properties of a thermodynamic system, then which relation among the followings fails to identify 2 as another thermodynamic property? ” xdy+ydx ® dz=xdy-ydx © dz=2dy+dx o ans.2 Internal energy of a thermodynamic system is defined by the zeroth Iw of thermodynamics () first law of thermodynamics (© second law of thermodynamics (third law of thermodynamics aNe.2 Ina polytropie process described by PV" = constant, if n = 0, the process is called as QA - Q.8 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry ONE mark each (for each wrong answer: — 1/3). Q.1 | A force F=40 kN is applied on the hook as shown. The equivalent force- couple system at B is Lz 40kN (A) | 40 KN in +y direction and M=0 (B) | 40KN in-y direction and M=0 40 KN in +y direction and M =4000 Nm counter clockwise () | 40 KN in -y direction and M= 4000 Nm clockwise XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 1 of 12 Solid Mechanics (XE-D) Q2 (@) A rigid rod OA rotates clockwise at an angular velocity of 10 rad/s. A bead B (OB =1 m) translates outward on the rod at a speed of 5 m/s and acceleration 2.5 m/s2 (both quantities with respect to the rod). The Coriolis component of acceleration is y A < x 3 ee B 10 rad/s YZ 2.5 m/s2 in +x direction @®) 100 m/s2 in +x direction © 100 nvs2 in -y direction @) 25 m/s2 in + y direction Q3 A two force member in equilibrium is one in which (A) Forces act at two points and forces are collinear ®) Forces act at two points and member is always straight © ©) Forces act at two points but the member is free to carry moment at any point Force acts at one point and moment acts at second point XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 2 of 12 Qa If the yield point shear stress obtained from the torsion test of a specimen is ty, then what is the maximum value of principal strain at yielding? (1 is Poisson’s ratio and E is Young’s modutus) (A) x E (B) G4 wry E © () Qs If the ratio of Young’s modulus to bulk modulus of a material is 3/2, then the ratio of shear modulus to the Young’s modulus of the material is “ 1 ®) us © U3 @) 3/5 Q6 With respect to the plane of maximum shear stress, which of the following statements is INCORRECT? a) The nonmal stress on this plane is zero. ) ‘The maximum shear stress is equal to the largest of the one half the difference of principal stresses © The plane of maximum shear stress occurs at 45° to the principal planes. @) The magnitude of the maximum shear stress is equal to the largest of the radius of the Mohr’s circles. XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 3 of 12 Solid Mechanics (XE-D) Q.7 | Asimply supported beam of tength L is londed by two symmetrically applied point loads P at L/3 from each support. Both the loads are then shifted to new points which are at a distance L/4 from each support. The bending moments at the mid-section of the beam in both the cases are same. The magnitude of P1 in terms of P is a) Pia 8) 8P/3 © 4P/3 () PI Q8 | Abeam having rectangular cross section is subjected to transverse loading. The ratio of maximum shear stress developed in the beam to the average shear stress is a) 1.50 ®) 1.25 © 1.33 @) 1.66 XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 4 of 12 Solid Mechanics (XE-D) Q.9 Numerical Answer Type (NAT), carry ONE mark each (no negative marks). Qo During an carthquake, a structure vibrates and the vibration can be assumed to be in simple harmonic motion at 5 Hz. At a measurement point, the RMS value of acceleration is 10 m/s?. The approximate amplitude of motion (in mm) at this point (rounded off to two decimal places) is XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 5 of 12 Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2021 Solid Mechanics (XE-D) Q. 10-Q. 15 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry TWO marks each (for each wrong answer: 2/3). Q.10 | For the state of plane stress shown, the components of normal and shear stresses are given in terms of stress ¢ and unknown constants m and n. If the normal and shear components of stress on a 45o plane are 26 and zero, the values of m and n would be: 20 o 45° no *——} Y mao (A) m=1,n=2 ®) m=2,n=1 © m=1n=1 ©) m=2,n=2 Qu1 | Fora state of plane strain, the normal strains are given by exx = 1000 x 10-6, cyy = 200 x 10-6 and the maximum shear strain is ‘ymax = 1000 x 10-6. The value of shear strain xy for this strain state is (a) 600 x 10% (B) 183 = 106 © 1000 = 10% (D) 800 = 10% XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 6 of 12 0.12 | A thin cylinder (closed at its ends) of radius r and thickness t (>> t) is subjected to internal pressure p. The maximum shear stress in the wall of the cylinder is (a) re t @) Re 2t © gz 4t ©) Ser 2t Q13 The truss shown is subjected to a force P. All members of the truss have the same length L. The reaction at A and force in member AB are y P @) pa 4? a2 @) v3 Pv3 I aut SS 4 © PB = and = 4 ©) P Pand 5 XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 7 of 12 Mechanics (XE-D) Q.14 | The figure shows a structure with supports. The correct free body diagram when the supports are removed is 100kN ‘Smooth slot @ 100kN —> ®) 100kN —, © 100kN — I ©) 100KN — — | XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 8 of 12 Solid Mechanics (XE-D) 45 | A hammer of mass 1 kg is used to break an almond shell. The velocity time graph of the hammer during the impact duration is shown in the figure. The shape of force time graph is also given, which can be approximated as a trinngie. A force of 300 N is required for breaking the shell, while a force of 200 N will not be able to break it, but just introduce a crack. Which one of the following events will happen? 1 i j--O3mvs__ Velocity] (as) £ (milliseconds) -0.03 m/s t ' i i i i ! i Foree i { i i ™ i i 1 (milliseconds) <— 3 ms (a) The almond shell will erack but not break (8) _| The almond shell will not erack. (©) _| The almond shell will break (D) _| Cannot be determined from the given data XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 9 of 12 Cee eee Nee le aN ude] ttl ea) Solid Mechanics (XE-D) Q. 16 — Q. 22 Numerical Answer Type (NAT), carry TWO marks each (no negative marks). Qu6 A rigid circular disc of radius 0.2 m and mass 10 kg rolls without slip on the ground at A. The coefficient of static friction pt between ground and discis 0.7. A torque T of 9 Nmacts on the disc as shown. Given acceleration due to gravity g= 10 nv/s* . The friction force (in N) acting on the disc (in integer) is I SN Quiz A prismatic solid circular rod of diameter d is bent to introduce an offset s=d as shown. The rod is further subjected to an axial lond P. If the maximum longitudinal stress at a section A-B in the rod (with offset) isn times the longitudinal stress in the straight rod, the valne of n (in integer) would be XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 10 of 12 Solid Mechanics (XE-D) qs A naturally curved steel beam AB having Young’s modulus 208 GPa, area moment of inertia I = 26.7 cm‘ and radius R=2 mis subjected to a vertical load P = 1000 N at B. The end A at 0 = 900 is rigidly fixed. The bending strain energy of the beam (in Nm, rounded off to two decimal places) is Quy At room temperature of 25°C, a gap of 1 mm exists between the ends of the rods 1 and 2 as shown. Given the cross section area A of the rods is 1500 mm?, Young’s modulus E = 75 GPa and the coefficient of thermal expansion «= 23 10 /°C. When the temperature has reached 150°C, the magnitude of normal stress in each of the rods (in MPa, rounded off to two decimal places) is Imm 300 mm 300 mm k . %. Ss x Q.20 A tube of inner radius 4 cm and outer radius 5 cm can carry a maximum torque of T. This tube is now replaced by a solid circular shaft of the same material. The minimum radius of the solid circular shaft (in cm, rounded off to two decimal places) to carry the same amount of torque T is XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 11 of 12 Solid Mechanics (XE-D) Q21 In System A, a rectangular block of mass M is centrally supported on a spring of stiffness K as shown. In the System B, the mass is hinged at one of its ends and is supported centrally by the spring. The ratio of natural frequency of System B to that of System A (rounded off to two decimal places) is « f K System A ‘System B Q2 A coronavirus droplet of mass 1 microgram ejects from the mouth of a patient with a velocity of 0.7 m/s and travels through air. The gravitational force experienced by it can be neglected due to the buoyancy effect. However, the droplet experiences air drag force proportional to its velocity and the drag coefficient is given ns 1.0 N-s/m. The distance travelled by the droplet before its velocity drops to 10% of its initial velocity (in m, rounded off to two decimal places) is - END OF THE QUESTION PAPER XE(D) - Copyright © GATE 2021 Page 12 of 12 GATE 2021 Answer Key for Engineering Sciences (XE) Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE 2021) Paper / Section : Engineering Sciences (XE) / Solid Mechanics (XE-D) Session Question Type Section Answer Marks Negative McQ/MsQ/NAT Key/Range Marks D 1 1/3 XE-D B 1 13 6 Mca. XE-D A 1 1/3 6 Mca XE-D B 1 1/3 6 Mca. XE-D B a 1/3 XE-D A 1 13 XE-D c Ee 1/3 XE-D A 1 v3 14,30 to 14.35 ° 56.50 to 56.60 XE-D 90.60 to 90.65 2 XE-D AAT to 4.21 2 0.80 to 0.90 0.00 to 0.01

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