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Drug/Classification Dose/Route/Frequency Mechanism of Action Common Side Effect Nursing Responsibilities

Amino Acid 750 mgl, PO, BID (8am . Bloating or swelling of the face, arms,
– 6pm) hands, lower legs or feet, blue lips and
fingernails, blurred vision, chest pain,
confusion, cough, drowsiness, dry
mouth, fever, dry skin,
Cefuroxime 500 mgl, PO, BID (8am Inhibits cell -wall synthesis, Frequent: Discomfort with IM Obtain CBC, renal function tests.
Pharmacologic: Second – 6pm) promoting osmotic instability, administration, oral candidiasis (thrush), Question for history of allergies,
generation cephalosporin. usually bactericidal mild diarrhea, mild abdominal cramping, particularly cephalosporins,
Therapeutic: Antibiotic vaginal candidiasis. penicillins. Monitor for signs of
hypersensitivity reaction during
Occasional: Nausea, serum sickness– first dose. Monitor daily pattern
like reaction (fever, joint pain; celecoxib of bowel activity, stool
235 Canadian trade name Non- consistency. Monitor for nausea,
Crushable Drug High Alert drug C vomiting. Evaluate hydration
usually occurs after second course of status. Evaluate for inflammation
therapy and resolves after drug is at IV injection site. Assess skin
discontinued). for doxazosin 395 Canadian
trade name Non-Crushable Drug
Rare: Allergic reaction (rash, pruritus, High Alert drug D rash. Check
urticaria), thrombophlebitis (pain, mental status; be alert to
redness, swelling at injection site). tremors, possible seizures.
Assess sleep pattern for
evidence of insomnia.
Ibuprofen 500 mgl, PO, BID (8am Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis. Occasional (9%–3%): Nausea, Assess onset, type, location,
Pharmacologic: NSAID. – 6pm) Therapeutic Effect: Produces vomiting, dyspepsia, dizziness, rash. duration of pain, inflammation.
Therapeutic: Antirheumatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory Rare (less than 3%): Diarrhea or Inspect appearance of affected
analgesic, antipyretic, anti effects; decreases fever constipation, flatulence, abdominal joints for immobility, deformities,
dysmenorrheal, vascular cramps or pain, pruritus, increased B/P. skin condition. Assess
headache suppressant temperature. Monitor for
evidence of nausea, dyspepsia.
Monitor CBC, renal function,
LFT. Assess skin for rash.
Observe for bleeding, bruising,
occult blood loss. Evaluate for
therapeutic response: relief of
pain, stiffness, swelling;
increased joint mobility; reduced
joint tenderness; improved grip
strength. Monitor for fever.
Multi Vitamins + Ferrous 1 tab, PO, qd (8am) Essential component in formation Frequent: Constipation, diarrhea, Assess nutritional status, dietary
Sulfate of Hgb, myoglobin, enzymes. or upset stomach history. To prevent mucous
Therapeutic class: Iron Promotes effective erythropoiesis membrane and teeth staining
supplements and transport, utilization of oxygen. Occasional: stool turns black with liquid preparation, use
Pharmacologic class: Therapeutic Effect: Prevents iron dropper or straw and allow
Hematinics deficiency. Rare:  allergic reaction, solution to drop on back of
including: rash, itching/swelling tongue. Monitor serum iron, total
(especially of the face/tongue/throat), iron-binding capacity, reticulocyte
severe dizziness, trouble breathing. count, Hgb, ferritin. Monitor daily
pattern of bowel activity, stool
consistency. Assess for clinical
improvement, record relief of iron
deficiency symptoms (fatigue,
irritability, pallor, paresthesia of
extremities, headache).
Vitamin A,C,E + Zinc 1 tab, PO, qd (8am)
Chlornexidine Di gluconate 1 palm full (5ml), daily, Chlorhexidine’s broad-spectrum allergic reaction: hives, severe skin
Pharmacologic: Benzene and vaginal/perineal wash antimicrobial effects are due to its rash, severe dizziness, severe burning,
substituted derivatives ability to disrupt microbial cell itching, or redness; blistering or peeling;
Therapeutic: anti-infective and membranes. The positively swelling or severe skin rash; or any
antiseptic preparations charged chlorhexidine molecule other severe irritation of treated skin.
reacts with negatively charged
phosphate groups on microbial cell
surfaces - this reaction both
destroys the integrity of the cell,
allowing leakage of intracellular
material, and allows chlorhexidine
to enter the cell, causing
precipitation of cytoplasmic
components and ultimately cell
death. The specific means of cell
death is dependent on the
concentration of chlorhexidine -
lower concentrations are
bacteriostatic and result in leakage
of intracellular substances such as
potassium and phosphorous,
whereas higher concentrations are
bactericidal and cause cytoplasmic
 https://go.drugbank.com/drugs/DB00878
 https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-169541/multivitamin-ferrous-sulfate-oral/details
 https://www.drugs.com/mtm/chlorhexidine-topical.html
 Drugs.com
 Nursing Hand Drug book, 2016. By

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