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080658 Practice Test 1 Examinee Agreement and Signature: By testing today, | agr¥e lo the terme and conddtions set forth in the AGT registration booklet or website fr this exam, inclucing the provisions about prohibited behaviors. | also certify that | am the person whose signature appears below, Tess Date Your Dato of Bit “eur Sgratane ol Prot Your Neme Het vest a Directions This booklet contains tests in English, Only responses marked on your answer document Mathematics, Reading, ard Science. These tests measure skills and abilities highly related to high school course work and success in college. CALCULATORS MAY BE USED ON THE MATHEMATICS TEST ONLY. ‘The questions in each test are numbered, and the suggested answers for each question are lettered. On the answer document, the rows of ovais are umbered fo match the questions, and the ovals in ‘each row ate lettered to correspond to the suggested For each question, frst decide which anewer is bbost. Nexi, locato o7 the answer document the row cf oval numbered the game as the question. Then, locate the aval in that row lettered the same as your answer. Finally, fin the oval completely. Uso a soft fad pancil and make your marks heavy and black. DO NOT USE INK OR A MECHANICAL PENCIL, Mark only one answer lo each question, If you ‘change your mind about an angwer, erase your tirst mark thoroughly Defore marking your new answer. For each quostion, make certain that you mark in the row of ovals with the sane number as the question. will be scored, Your score an each tast will be based only on the number of questions you answer correctly during tne time allowed for that test, You will NOT be ponalized for guessing. IT iS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO ANSWER EVERY QUESTION EVEN iF YOU MUST GUESS. You may work on cach test ONLY when your tost supervisor tells you to do so. 11 you finish @ test before time is calles for that lest, you should use the timo remaining 10 reconsidar questions you are Uncertain about in that fest, You may NOT look back 0 a test on which tima has already besn called, and you may NOT go ahesd to another test. To do so will GO GN TO THE NEXT PAGE. 181 mee M41 Detection pengrams ore avsitable that seareties for and then destruys computer viruses, Evidence that tome soltware wiers have played top the medical analogy being found in the names of their programs: Vaveine, Cheekup. Antitoxin, 31 ‘As with all diseases, the bes! cure is preventioa, Experts Suggest that you avai hacrowing computer disks because they might contain viruses, "They: war that wouny of these viewses are quite sophistiewted in thir programming, They also say that yor: should make ‘eapics of your computes files, so thar if sinus docs strike anil Sou mos! delete your infected files, you will at least shave backup copies. Paxperts also pint oat thot asin the Asiernet anc: World Wide: Web bas led to new visks oP infection in he foro ot vinuses hidden in peegsatns venous, or eopled, fem these sssources tel Wittere isu yitus in your system, you haid hope tt i ct reypouds to the appropriste Ueatiaent and therapy Others you chuld be in fe a long night at the 162 67. 68, 0 7. a. n. yorackAC E cam ieee eee , NO CHANGE G. Detection programs that detect computer vinuses HH. Compnter virnses cau he found hy detection pro- sams that J. Deietion programs that find cérnputer viruses A. NO CHANGE BL searches for and destio CC. seareh for and destroys DL Seureh for and osteo FP. NO CBANGE G. amilogy is HL analogy, having bo J analogy. A. NO CHANGE B. programs: C. proscams BL prosrams, F. NO CHANGE &. Sunilarly to HL inthe same way as Je Aeconding with fn this paragraph, the writer intends to recommend a number of specilie Ways to protect computer dat fagsinst virnses, This i810 be the second recommenda tion, Given thar al) of the choices are tue, which one sould best accemnplish the writer's inlencion? A. NO CHANG! B. propose aiding software thay checks the spelling th the papers you weite on your computer, advise! you us give your system frequent checkups ‘with antivirus progeams, 1B, susgest Ui ia order ly protect your computes. you pyust be ave of the yabious ways to prevent The best placement for the anderlined portion wuld ie F. where itis now. G. afer the word your HL after ine Word fe TL after the Word responds GQ ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. 1a 88 ew ew me Oeck{ctcom ‘Questions 73-75 ask about the praceding passage as a whole 73, Upon ceviewing this essay and ceolizing énat some. iformation has hoen lef at, the writer composes the following sentence, incorporating thst information: ‘Names Hike these suggest What the problem is ‘The most logicil and effective place 10 add this sene tence ould he aller the last sentence of Paragraph: A. B C b 74, Paragraphs 1, 5, and 6 of this essay are written in the second person (yeu, Jou). If these paragraphs were revised 50 Malthe “secolad-gerson pronouns Were Faplaced with the pronouns one and one's, the essay sould peiraurly F. gain more polite and formal wane appropriaie 16 the purpase ot the essay. G, gain accessibility by speaking wo a broader and hore inclusive audience. AB, Toso the sense oF dizectly addressing ancl advising the reader. Je Tose ihe iramediaey of is sorting in cerns of time sind place, 75, Suppose the writer had desided to write an essay dis chewing the thoral usd ethical consciences of pro- ‘shunning a computer virus te tamper wih a computer System. Would this essay: successfully [ulti the wotier’s goal? AL Yes, because the essay explains the moral apd exh- ical consequences whoa s ¥igus enters 4 computer sysieu. 8. Yes, because the essay dotails the process af ic ing w computer system of viznses, which helps the reader understand the-eonsequences of progesiy= ‘ming computer virese ©. No, beesse the essay does aac explain howe to program views, s0 the reader has no basis for makeing 2 moral or etbieat imegment D. No, because the ossey limits itself to descriving corapmer viruses and the basie procauaions 1 he taken against them. END OF TEST 1 STOP! DO NOT TURN THE PAGE UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO. Practice ACT Tests: 163 24 \ A \ a = MATHEMATICS TEST 60 Minutes—60 Questions DIRECTIONS: Solve each problem, choose the correct answer, and then fil in the corresponding oval en your answer document Do not linger over problems that take too much time. Solvo as many as you can; then return to the others in the time you have left for this test. You are permitted to use a calculator on this lest, You may use your calculatar for any problems you choose, but some of the problems may best be done without using a calculator. Note: Uniass otherwise stated, all of the following should bbe assumed. 1. Illustrative figures are NOT necaseanly drawn to scale, 2. Geometric tigures lie n a plane. 2. The ward fine indicates a straight line, 4, The werd average indicates arilhmetic mean. 1. Kaya ran 12 ailes on Monday and 24 miles om Ivey. Wt was the tia stance im mies, Kaya sam duviag those 2 dass? or Bad o4e'y is equisatent to: Kory? 98 H. 2dy'y? Je ay Ke 2a" 3. Me. Dietz is a teacher whose salary ig $22,570 for this school yeai. which has 189 days. fm My. Dietz's schoo digirict,suhstiture toackers are paid $80 per day. 1f ME Diets kes a day off without pay and a sulistitate cencier Js patd to teich Me. Dietz classes, hoe much less does te selwvol distict gay inj salary by paying a substitute (eacerinsteu! of paying Mz, Diciz tr that buy? AS 2 BS 80 C897 D. $103 siz 4. So fur. a student hus earned the fyllowing scores on Sour 160 -pointtesis this grading period: 65,73, ST, and 82, Whar score must the sluden eum on the filth and last 100-point test of the grading period to earn an average tert prade of 80) forthe 3 tests? E35 G. % H 7s i 98 K, he student cannot cars an averuge of 80. DO YOUR FIGURING HERE, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 2 NRK AA 5. ‘he oxygen caturation level of a river is found by DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. dividing the amount of dissolved oxygen the river ‘rater currently has per liter by the dissolved oxygen sapsetly pet hte of the water and thea converting 0 # petceutdtthe river currently hue ? 3 milligrams of cise Solved oxygen per Iter of water aid the dissolved Oxypen eapactty is 9.8 mihigrams per liter what i fhe oaysen sition level the nearest peseent? 6. A rectangular lor that measures 150 ft by 200 ft is comptes y:fenced, Wlaat is the approximmu length, ia Feet of the Fence? F300 G50 #400 Je 700 i. 100 7. The expression alb + fe ~ dh] is equivalent AL ab~ae~ad Bo ub ecsad Cab ote= et D. aboevd EB. ah-e-a Bo W443 =00- 4. then c= Practice ACT Tests 9. What 2 numbers shoul be placeel in the flsmks below 40 hal the difference betwen consecutive numbers 1s the same? Bl A. 23.29 B24 C283 D. 26.35 B.o7 31 GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, 165 SO em 10. If cis areal number such that 2° = 64, Men C+ VE= 2 Roa Go Bis 420 K. 47 AL, A foemule fur she volume V of a sphere wit radius ris = fe? the radius ef aspherical bbe bal is inches, what is its volume to the nearest cubic inch? AL © c b, E 42, [f-2 marble is randomly chosen from a hag, that con. tains exactly § ted marbles, @ blac marbles, and f white murbles, What isthe probabibly that the marble Wi NOT be white? Bed 3 6. 23. The qumber of stodents pavtcipating iu fall sports at a extlain high schoo! can be shown bs the toltowing mattis ‘Yennis Socver Cros-Counuy Football [40 60 80 so] ‘The athletic diteetor estimates the ratio of the numer of sports awards thar sll be caraedl to ihe mnmber of Students parivipuling with the following marr ‘Tennis [0.3 Sovcer | 0:4 Cross-Couniny | 0.2 Foosball LOS. Given these matrices, whar is the athletic diteetor's estimate for Tho number of sports awards [bat will be earnest For these Sul spots? AL a0 BS c. 81 D, 82 E99 DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, . ACTicom PAKRAAKAA A AEA DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. Use the fellowing information to answer | quastions 14=15 | The following chant shows the current enrolment in all the ‘mathematics classes offered by Eastside Hight Schoo Counce Paced [Exotic Pie Aluchis 73} pe alecbrat i 5 or Geomery [A t a1 s B 2, 22 Agee [aT a ‘Pro-Caleulus | AS o 14, What is the average number of slidents enewlled per section wm Algehia l? rR 6. M i i ‘The school owns 2 classroom sets oF 39 culoulauors cach, which students are cequived to have during their aleutators roe ous $= fd 6 calculators from the othor set Uhat are not avs able for use by the students because dese cuculators are being repaued. For which uf the following class I periods. of any, re there NOT cnough calculators tvailable for edch stdent to use a sehaol-owned calc Ttor witnnur having ta share? A. Pesiod ? only BE Peniod 3 ualy ©, Period 4 cuts D. Pesiods 3 sad 4 only R. hete ace eriough calculators for cach class pei. 18. 16, What expression must the center cell of the I25le Ipelow cantain so that the sans of exch sow. each ccolun, and each Jiagonal yee equivalent? Case Tepoir KG Go Hod a Koa GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. 167 ae LA ~ ean yd 17. Point 4 is to be graphed in & gsaciram of the standard (2,») coordinate pla below, ” y quadrants a 1 ‘orthe standaad (x9) — < coordinate o lane m W AL ihe a-coordinate snd the y evordinate of point 4 axe to have opposite signs, thea point A must be located i AL Quadrant It only BE Oascinant TV onky Quadrant Lor 11 only DL Quscrant Tor 1V only. EL Quadrant 1har FV only 18, Karcem bas4 sweaters, 6 shirts, and 3 pairs of slacks, How many distinct duis, each consisting of a sweater, a shirt, and a pair ef slacks, can Ratcom select? R13 G36 Ha Lon K 26 19, Ava refinery, 100,000 tons of sand ae required 10, produce cach 60,000 barrels of a turry material, ow masy tom of sand we required to produce 3.000 barrels a this tarry materia’? A. 5,000 18,005 20, Ia rectangle measwes 54 meters by 72 meters, what i the lengih, in meters, of the diagoaal of the ree. langle? Bag G6 90 I. 16 K. 259 168 DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. 2 a. 2 24, J a / Bor all positive imepers& yas hich of he Fol lowing expressions is euivaleml 0 © ? A B c D. F. ‘What isthe slope-imtcrcept form of Se — y — F, y=-Sr-6 G. yar ee Woops Be 4 e+ 6 Kops @o8 Which of the following is a solution to the equation C3677 AD R36 Cs Dos rs For right ciangle AST showa below, what is tan RY e et ut ' x doe ¥ r Ky - chord 24 inches fong is 5 inches from the center of » Glrele, as shown below. What is the radius af the titele, to the noarest tenth of an inch? we ps 163 Bo 103) Ppose A 4 = DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. ‘piiiotice AoT Teste. '°: GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. 189 ah VA 26, The length Z. in meters, of 1 spring is given by the equation £.= 24 + 0.03, where Fis che applied foree in nowtons, Wha force, in nowtons. must be applied for the spring's length to be 0.18 meters? B03 G05 HL 0.235 ¥ 0255 K. 027 27. After a snowstorm, city workers removed su estimated 10,000 cubic yaedls of snow fiom the dowatonn area If this snow Were spread in an even Taver over the entire rectangular football fleld shown Beles, about how many yards deep would the layer oF snow be? Ee . mya yd AL Tess than 1 Reuven {und 2 C. Botwoon 3 and 3 D. Between 3und 4 F. More than 4 28. ‘The hypotenuse of the sight wiangle APQR shown helow is 16 feet long. The sine of ZP is 2. Anout how any feer Tong is QR ? 3 Pe 17 A a] DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. AA CrackACT:com = 29, The graph below shows the number of cary assembled DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. fast year in 4 cilles, to the neurest 5,000 car, Ascording co the graph, what fraction of the ears assembled in all 4 were assembled Coupeville? Ke Y= 10.000 cars us assembled Cretows | Sa) Ge SS aI cops | LOCO A Truck Oy GO SF Sedan Fatls | =a! Sd 1 al nl 3 a3 3 >» 1 Boy 30, Points 8 and © lie on AD as shown below. The length of AD is 30 nites AC is 16 units long; and AD is 20 pat long. How many units fong, iF can he deter -Bractive ACT Tests Cannot be determines from the givea information 31. What is the x-eoondinate of the point in the standard ery} eoonlinace pre al whieh the 2 tines y= 2x + 6 By +4 inlerscor? GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. ra /s \ 2° A A KrackAcT cap 32. For all pairs Of real numbers Mand were Ma3V +6, Hoe G #46 Hh sor 6 w6 K M38 233, Puraielogtam ABCD. with dimensions in inches. is nen inthe diagroe Delaw, Whae i he aren oF the parallelogram, in sate hes? B. c 5 AC 1S 4 ie 24 9 Ce 4 sD eB 34, Wha = b +2, then (ia) =? F -16 Gs ot ‘oS Ko 235, A pack has che shape and dimensions in blocks given below, A water fountain 1s located halbway berween point B and point D, Which of the following is the Eocation of the water fountain from point A? (Nie. The park's borders om east-west OF woth: sows) F B } a As 34 blocks vist and 6 locks north B.S) blocks east and 4! blosks north C. $ Blocks east dé. blocks noth D. 8} Woche eas and 4 blocks noth B, 9) blocks ene! and 7 Moos north 172 DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, 9 AA A A CrackAC tenn 36. The lurger of wo numbers exceeds twive the smaller DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. number by 5. The sim of twice the larger und 3 times the sivaller number is 65, Ir 8 the smalier norber, which equation below desermines the correct value ote? K, 3ar+8)+28 @. 30e— 8) 22 Hl Gsh aes Je 22e+8) +38 K 202" 8) 3e 63 63 65 63 6 37, Members of the tire department leau 1 30-toot ladder agains! 2 building. The side of the building is perpen- cular (0 the level ground so that the base of the fadder is 10 fect wway feom the base of the building. To the nearest toot, liow far up the building does the lasider rowel? AL 1G 20 et 31 ® & h FE. 40 S.A square is circumscribed shows a cirele of 7-Faot zalis. a shown below, What isthe area ef Wie square, fn sqnige feel? E # a ad Ee NA Ie ratio of the side lenglhs for a uriangle ig exactly 1D4.15. Jo a second tiaugle simile to be First, the shortest sige is 8 inches long, To the nearest tenth of an inch, what is the length of the longest side of the secd triangle? s AL 110 169) 93 DoBt B.Cannot he deveriined fron the given infortvation Ire below, ABCD is a tupezoid, E Ties en ND. ami smgle measures ate ay marked. What is the mesure of es ® y & : » a ) ia) crake fia ad yo ie 5B. A triangle, AABC, is reflected across the a-axis 10. hhave the isage AA'B'C’ in the standard (x,y) coordi- hate plane; thus, A reflects to A’. The coordinates of point are (el). What are the coordinates of point”? EB Cea) Ga We Gen) de (ae) KE. Cisor be determined from the giver inforsnation Uy = 2-9 ond y= 5 ‘expresses yin terms of 2 5, which of the following 8 ~~ Sx DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, ZAAAA CrackACT:com a 60, What is sip-% given har B= %~ % gad that Pp a sine — B) = (ein encos B) — (evs @pisin B) (Netw: You may’ use the following table of values.) sin | cove 1 | ve DO YOUR FIGURING HERE. END OF TEST 2 STOP! DO NOT TURN THE PAGE UNTIL TOLD TO Do So. DO NOT RETURN TO THE PREVIOUS TEST. 9 READING TEST 35 Minutes—40 Questions DIRECTIONS: There are four passages in this test. Each passage is followed by several questions. Aller reading a passage, choose the best answer fo each question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. You may refer to the passages as citan as, CrackA “ . ed necessary. Passage! PROSE FICTION: This passage is adnptes tom the anor story ip tho rarator ofthe story Sih va 35 her Fingernailsa nena vislet Lop 50 event reall the letter T after waiting so long, a8 “What's that?” Motixe sacl looked ap, speechless for once, waiting [or me to set the tone. Hor name's Linda Rose 7 Just ‘mpled into bliss have ample time to adjust fo (he idea, You Beriyiaetock eisMees Sheth ial Fak 40 O oagrs Ren” Tsu -Mottes, who wanted to keep hes, aways thought We Topked atthe cme agaia, The blond woman ot hor a sane Wik lle Sie but know she ant Was seated op @ Tloared covet, her wavy pr a some wi tle bird, but knew she was tying the cps of adnate Seascape cep Bath odnee oe later She would ake @ tom A tor; 48 lame s Sr human boomerang. So eventhough 1 had long since . » Stopped oxpoeting 1,1 was not surprised wen T walled ‘Mather poisted to the envelope. “What's she say own ih gravel drive on the snalbox, which ed painted papaya yellow to alract guod news, and found the Jonfolded the fetter, a single page neatly written ifn covelope with the Dallas postmark. 1 dida't oe 10 know'a soul in Dallas, or Texas for that matter, but the ‘She says she’s hud my nume and address for nov aso nally of Texas for hat mtn some time bu wanted to wat sn cont me unl after go the birth: Ihe baby's ames Blake and he weighs eight spake hack ns the house Poundsy eight ounces: und seas bow by cesarean. She Fwvatkedd ack vase the b says they are waiting and hoping to hear back from me ng?" Mother asked, She vias siting in SS hee ew elect wheslehir in iomt of the TV. paioting cthaeeio™ ssuse Le up." fsa “Sun's poking dhrooghe You 88 Tnedded and handed her the lester, It wes shot sou ARLES an 25 Ses ing oa Vou gg tea tated oa ee " igg lotr she inust have aotten and “Not 40 a5 Frecall.” She dabloed at her pinky with the wastebasket a contnball, Rother vas Vain abou her Hands. 1 was nn ene . 29 used to how she fooked now. but 1 noticed people ‘| guess that makes you a geeat-grandmother,” | stating he decioes wacigroom, She had ont seme 6 sk olght and most ot hor hat to chomotherapy~ and cy . uess people were stased 10 see these dragon lady ‘What shout you" she anorted, pointing « Junple nails om a woman who looked as if she should be lying Orchid fingernail at me. “You're « grandmotter. 26 tn satin with some Rowers on her chest We shook our heads in disbelief. T sat silent] . cou ask she sa sing 9 my brain catch up with my history. Forry ‘Why do you wsk?" she sai. 6 years old and I fale a if { hed just shaken hands with dhe envelope and a picture utterey ini Dest T appee t's sili Lr any woman to accep 2 eR UE SMS S idud schemata te th oral nde widing a newborn baby iu & blue blanket. Before | ings, ing noon aby ea blue Banks efor nes yow hive ms fe a at oe Hes Le fect when snddenly, after tiventy or thirty aneventiul 79 gifl_You gave up twanty-fonr years age suylag yours, they are mieested walking dowit some stan ‘Congratulations. you're a gruncin Zar in Bucoos Aves, W's the shack of being Found Is not faite" [sai “T dont even feel ke a mother “Well, hre's the living prt.” Mother tapped her 8 | wheeled her around to face me and handed! her the Pofaraéd, She studied st for 4 minute and then 180 nail aginsé the glossy pitas. "She looks jost he 30 Only Her nos oo istostatie™ GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. “I'm going to work." My knees cracked when 1 stood up. "You he alt eight here? Mother nt 2 “You going to wer I, scrutinizing the picie in her lap toher?™ “OF course T am,” things, hot Tam aot ude 1 bristled, "T may be ser ou going to invite then here? Her and the bualy2” She awiveled her eyes sideways at me 5 "Thawen"t th tae Far Tsai ‘Well, don’t put it off She slid her eyes Back to the television. "She's heen waiting twenty-five veurs ‘You worried she's going to be tkouble ot ask Tor mmonvy? For all we kui, she's mattied to a hrait sor 9 geon with his and hor Cadillacs, "She didn’t mention any hosben geting drawn into it despite mipsel at ull” suid, “Maybe you're woried she'll be disappointed in yuu" She ssid, “Vou know, that she's hail this big tan- sy for all these years thac maybe you Were Grace ‘OF Minguret Meo nd wha chu live wp > than? No one, Bnt you dant have to, Fran, that’s the thing. You're hor Mesh-ind-blowid mother and that’s enough ‘That's alli" take.” AL. Fran would most Hkely agree with which of the fol- lowing statements shou hee relationship with Lins Rose? A. Thele lives are sll connected despite Tong separa tions of time an distance. R. They have built up too muct resentment ioward uch oiler to have 4 good relationship now G. Hran's'dreamns of 2 pectect danghter will interfere with any seal tclaonship suc might have with Lind: Ros D. The two of them have enough in. common that it won't be difficult for them get close, 2, Ecan's mother eon most accurately be charncleriusd ss F. argu ad ers G. siconswitled and caring Hi treadly but withsrawn. J. loving but embittered. 3. Which of the ‘one of Fran's rea moter? lowing statements does NOT describe jons to the news thar she is 8 grand- A. She wishes she hae ad time 40 poepare far the 1B. She looks forward to inviting Linda Rase and her son, Blake, over for a visit. C. She feels Hiddenly older now that ibe lab andthe apples ther She protests hat Unis chutnye in fcr Tie is unfair of 4 9. ‘The main point of de firs, paragryp cha F. Kran believed Linda Rose would someday ty 19 ‘contact her G. Linda Rose acted like 4 wild bird when she was; young. Fran finds ahe 21 swprisi J. Linda Rose’s handwriting reminds Bran of her own handwciting val of » letter from Linda Rose The main point of the Just paragraph is thas Eran"s aother believes: [A Linda Rose has fow illusions about Fran, B, Linda Rose might cause trouble er ask for meney C. Fron shouldnt worry about disappeimting Lida Rove. D. Fran shoulde’ write 0 Li cemorionally prspered. da Rose unbil Fray Is According to the passage, when Fran looks at her mother, Tran feels , surprised by how weak and old her mother looks. G, exbarrassed hy the gaudy colors of nail polish Her mouies ores. H. plty that so many people stare at her mother in public Je accustomed to her mother's fiailnes Finge-natls ang) unusual Which af the following statements most accurately expresses Prats feelings when she ads Her mother fine Fetor finn Linda Rose? A. Fran is disappointed shout gevting such « short letter aficr 30 mauy yous of no news from Linda Rose BB, Fran Welcomes the guod news about the birth of her grandson, Blake, C. Fran is uffended by the letters cold, businessike 1. ean knows how had it mast have bee for Lines Rose to wile the lee . Te can logically be Inferred from the passupe thatthe reason it has Rese lave se F. bimle home to get mania. arguments between Fran and Linda Rose drove Linda Rose avway. H, Linda Rose chose to live with her father, Fo 365 old Linda Rose was adapted hy another family. een 3 Tong time sineo Fran aad Linda ‘each pihor is Heeause A reasonable conclusion Fran and her mother dsav about Linda Rose irom her leticr and picture is that Linda Rose: A. lives sear the coaet of Texas with her bushand, FB, cajoys and colievts ine paintings. (C.bears aeatrang rexernPlance is Pra BD. cares fille about haw she 07 her house Jeoks. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 181 Ww Praclicd AGT Tests: 3 | According to the passage, the reason why Fran's mother warns Fran not to put off contacting Linda, Rose is Hat Fran's mother: F. wants before she dive t6 see her new gr erondson. G, Knows Fran tends to delay making hard deeisions. BH. Knows how long Linda Rose has been waiting i see Fran JJ. Suspects Linds Rose is in some soxt oF rouble. te Passage I SOCIAL SCIENCE: This passage ¢ adaplod fom a book tiled Haw Courts Govern America ny Plenard Neely {1961 By chara Neo Government is a technical undertaking, like the building of rockeiships or the organizing oF railroad yaids. Except possibly on the Joeal level, the issnes, Which atHact public notice usually involve raising lmumiey (axes), Spending money (public works), foreign wars (preventing theLs or arguing for fighting easy ones), education, public mecals, evime She steets, And, tost important oF all, the economy. When Lines are bad, of there is a uationwide strTke oF disaster womy becomes. all-consuming, gover, the daily toiling ol countless millions of cis ssivanls Im areas sie 2s occupational health an salely, auolor vehicle regulation, of conitel of navigable Waterways eseapes publie notice almost completely 1 Furthermore, even with eogard to high-visibility issues. significaut communication between the clec: lorate amd public efeials is extremely ciecuanscribed. Mos! suzieus political communication is Tinted to fony-tive seconds an ihe yotwork evening news. In 20 days gone by. when the only enteriaingen! id town en & ‘Wedresday might was te 29 to the esunty conrtheuse to listen 10 a prominent povitician give a tasateiesl trade sgainst Herbert Hoover, ap eloxuent speuker could pack the courthouse and have five thousand penple lined up 25 0 the railtend tracks listening to the booming loud speakers The politiea) yrutor of yesteryear has been replaced by a fiekering image on the tube unlocking, the secrets of the government universe sn Torty-five 0 seeond licks. Gone forever are Linooln-Donglas type slehates in courthouse stops, Newspapers whe np the slack a litle, But very Hite, Mast af what one says te # veal newspaper (maybe not the New York Tomes) gels filtered through the mind of an inexperiences| 36 WWenty-three-yeur-oht journalists school graiualc. Try sometime to explain the intricacies of a program ‘hudget, which basically involves salving a ara sion composed of Tupetions, co 3 rep 4g nicolan did not hathing of caleulus, But the eleetorete is a9 intezesied in the whys and whetefores of most cechnical, nonemotional pol 162 vu issues as T am in puviing ships in hoses: they do noe 45 particularly care. Process and personalities, the ay decisions are mags and ty ‘whom, the level ot perquisites, extramariial sexal relations, and, in high oltices, personal gossip deminase sho public. mind, While inerest in the substance of eelmnical decisions Is 8) ininimal, Reporiers toeus on what sells papors Hr gets & high Nielses rating: neither newspapsrs nor television stations iend to lose their primary wallee as sntertain~ Tea Since the populace wt Latge Is moze than with to delegate evaluation of the technical aspects of gos 155 etament to somebody else, il inevivahly follows thar voting is a negative exereise, not a posicive one. Angry vowetS Lure the rascals gut ai, in the triumph of ape ever caperience, let new rascals in, What vorers are tunable 0 do—beeauce they themselves da net uncer 60 stund the technical questions—is tell the saseals haw 4 Aly eir jabs beter, Serious coverage of goiagscon in government is ddozorred ny the fact that governmeit i 50 leekieal that fever earser civil servinis cimmot explain what +s hap 95 pening. Tn L978 T attended a sensinar on tederal estate and git tax, whore the Tnternal Reveaue Service lawyers responsibte for this azen flankly contessce thet they did net endessiand the Tax Reform Act at 1976, Jnutieate technical issues seh as ravation, atm conte 70 and nuclear power ate difficnly io understand for prow fessioaals, o say nothing of the mast diligem layman ‘That unyching gets done by 2 polideal body st all isto be appa se miacle ater chon secu 9 matter of Course. When we revogtie shat in the federal 78 government, with if) millions of employees, Thoke axe bus five hundred nd thirty-seven elected ovficials. put Into office to carry out the “will” of a poaple who Tor the wast part know Tite ond care less ahout ike tech: nical funectionins of their government, the absurdity of 80 the notion of rapid clesuocrarie eesponsivensss becomes lear. Tae widely held tenet of democratic faith that elected efficials, as oppased to uresicrats «IIe jldi= Chary, are popularly. selected and. democratically espensive is Teegely a myth which gives a wsclul lea lus macy fo a system. To Tact, however, lar reer democratic control, the eo most imporlant Frees in politiesl life nuiffcrence and its direct bypreduer, inerea, HL. One of the ain points that the auibor socks to make ia the passage i that American citizens A. cannot wuiderstand goverament because they reat too many newspapers and watch (oo much felevie TB. have fiuile chance ef improving government ecause they do not understund the important olails af government C. can control elected officials? tavhnical decisivns through elections, but huve ne control over the ‘bureaerats. 1D. used lo hive s responsive government before telee vision eu Bacic on news and Regan to concentrnne bon entertainenent. GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. 14, 16 w asserts that focal newayiapes repmriens are .ced and insaficiently educated, ead hut well ducted, HL young bat experienced 4. Young and well eavexted, The omhor usex the deseription of the tax seminar in 1978 to make the puint That same governmental issues AL so technical that wot even career civil servants ean understand chem B, so fechnieal thet only caveer civil seevants ean sondsrstand them ©. more technical thap they used te e before the pas sae of the Tax Reform Ack, 1D. fot lerkinical for anyons other than an Tatoenal Revenue Service las lawver Wo onderstans. When the author asserts that dndifference ix a central fact af American politcal ife tline 82), Re mest likely means thaveitizens ar Knol concerned about the tectn Uetails ol wovernment 2. cuuipletely taken i by the myth that goveroment respensive to democratic contol. jore respansive te elected gove! than io uilelected bureaucrals Je not prepared tw concedy Iesitimacy to a govern: iment unless i js democratically elected but important, H. ynent officials ing to the passage. when is voter inlerest in the ‘scone 8 A. When vationsl elections are hele 1B) When interesting peisorulities une leaders CL When there sre hatl eeonoenie vies, D. Wren there are no other interesting issues AS iL is used in Fine 17, the word cizcrmucribed means: ¥. tectonics G. Tinted H, ceteriaining J. secu. v. 18, w the nevss story under which would attrags the greatest According to the passag Of the Following oad amber of readers? A. Departizent of Interior Announces Find of National Park Foes 1B. New Accounting Procednres in Federal Budget New Federal Sifely Regulations Due Out Today DL Snitor Sih Clas Never Mado w Nickel On ss ‘The passage makes the claim that televising news cow erage js heavily influenced by Nicisen ratings heeanse: F. those ratings place great emphasis on (eehnical ils, G. their competitors, the mewspapers, wet very high ratings, FH the Federal Communications Commission reyuires Niclses tating, Jk television is primarily an entestaimment medivra, . Ia the Fourth paragraph, the phease “the ¢clumph of hope over experience” (lines 37-58) is sm expression of the belie thal A. newly clocted officials will govern borer chow che nes just defeated 1B, expoitise ip a technical field is a qualification for holding office, C. if the voters get angry enongh. will do a beter je 1D. newspapers and television will eventually provide otter news cowccage, we oTisials Inthe passage, the argument made thst citeems aro if tunable ty rel! government officials haw to de their jobs holler because citizens: F. don't vote in every election G. have a tendency t0 elect rascal HB. don't reed enough newspapers or see enough tele J. don’t wndeestund the technical detils of goverament GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. 188 Practice ACT Tests: 3 Passage lil 1 20 oo 40 4s 50 HUMANITIES: This passage is alapteg trom Bharat! Dustenee's saaey “A Fou-vunstes-Yoar Oia Weman” anion 2poaara n tho anthology Tha Wier on Her Work 41081 By ‘et Stermburah | was born into a class thet did not live in its native language. | was born into a city that feared its fatu and trained. te fer emigration, faltendedl 4 school 1 by Mish uns, who regurded our wailed-olf school compound in Caleucia as a corer of England. My ‘eountcy"—called in Bengali desh--T have fever seen. Ihis the ancoswal home of my father and is now in Bangladesh, Nevertheless, speak his dialect of Dongali, and think of myscif as “belonging” to Faridpua. tbe Uay village that was als birthplace, The larger pobtival entity to whieh T gaye amy rst alle iglance—India—was ol even a sovereige nation whoa [ ‘wap bern. My horoscope. cust by « neighborliood astrologer when Twas a weck-old infant, predicted thal Lwoule be weiter, that would erose deans and make ay home among aliens. Brought ap in culture thal places its faith in barescopes, # acvee Oceusted 19 ie 19 donb Ft, Ihe sslweloger meant W offer me 3 melancholy [eluret to be destined ( leave Tndia was ta he banished. fear the sources of true culture. The nuns at school, on the tther hunt imsinsated thal India had long outlived its lories, and that «7 Ge Wanted to Be educated, madern ‘women, we'd nesler hil he tail westeaed. AIS my gu hood, Tstraddied the seesaw of contradictions 1 hue found my way co the United States afer many tos stops. The anelinpeed phantoen Fandpr zl ie al too weal Martin nice merged os eae iv at Americas. Taman Amecican writer, in the American malostcan, trying to eatend fl. This isa ‘ley important sateen for mo um aot an fadian Sie, uta espatmat. am ad uigiats my Invest tment isin the American rast. not the Ian. Ti took me tea painful years, fromm the warty seven- tios wo the early eighties, «0 overdheow de smothering Iyranny of postalain, The remaining sisugge for me is ler inake the Anveriesa readership, leasing the editorial ane publishing indusiries 9s wall, acknowledge the Sane fact. The foreign-born. the Think Wocld ran ‘grant with non-Westeim selizions and aen-Buropean Ennguages and appearance, eam he as Aupetiean as aly steerage passenger from Ireland, Maly. or the Russian Pale, agenda Begins by acknowledging dat America has transformed! aie, Lt does not ead until 1 Show liow J (aud the hundreds of yhousands like m=) hve tanstorined America, T've hid to sensitize editors as well us feaders ¢0 the richness of the Lives Im wiiting aboot, The most moving form of praise T ceoeive Liem readers can be Semmed up in thive words: 7 never knew. Meening, I See these people (call thera Indians. Tilipinos, Koreans, 14 " ww Chinese) around me all the time and J never knew they hadan inner life. [never Knew they sehemed avd 96 cheated. sullered, cused s0 passionacely. When even the forms of praise are so radimentary, the wotel Kaos sho has an inexhaustible fictional population te cul erate, Perhaps even a mission J hase been blessed with an enormity of material 60 the rapid and dramarie iransformation of the United Stuses' since the easly 170s, Within chat percelved rerimeter. however. I hupe to wring suprises ‘Yer say imaginative home ig sls in the tales told by my mother and geindmother the sore he Ha 6 epics For afl the Hope and energy Thave placed jn the process of immigration and necotnimadation un a ferson who couldnt re puniie hus wen she frst uirived, and now i'm someone who watches tracer pully oa obscure cable channel—ihere are parts af zo tw that romain Indian. The form that my stories ad novole ake inevitehy rellects the rexources of Fiat mnythslog)——shape-ctangipe, miracles. godly perspec Hives. My charatiers st haps, Fanacend te sr igehet of simple psyshologizing, ‘The people L weice 15 abv are culturalty ane pobiically several hundred Sears olds consadef ths hisory icy have wtnevse (Colonjalivn, tecinelagy, evcation, hoeratiom, civil ac). They have shew oid Montiice taken on neve ones. ‘ad learned to Ride the seas. They my Sell YOU mews 80 papers or slean your otfiees a ight. Writers (especially American writers weaned on affluence and freedom) often disavow the notion of “iterary duty” or “political consciousness,” citing the afl-too-frequeot examples of writers ruined By Uneir 96 sivill commitments. GHhness abounds ea ath siges of the argument, but finally 1 have to side with my “Thiel World” compatriots: Ido have « duty, besord telling a ocd story. My duty is 19 give voice to continents, fut also to redefine the nature of Anierfeam 24. One of the main arguments the author is eying 16 make fin the passage is thar A, until recently. foreiga-bom residents have got ‘wagted to be involved ia defining the American reality. B. non-Western iammigrants are changing the defini tion ot what zt means to be an Americin C. the United Stutes immigration policy is inhercatly untae. WD. America bas clinged the political affiliations of rnost non-Western immigrants, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 2. 2. 2, 26. Considering the information given ia. the first three parageaples «lines 133}, which of the following is the Invast accurate doscviptioa of the atuhou"s gird ant early adulthood? F, sew up and wus eduewted in Calentta, moved to the United States. sad lived in Manhattan, 1G. She was born in Calcutta, was eduested in England by irish runs, (hem mayed uo Manhattan H. She sons raised Im Bangladesh, educated by Irish rooms in Calcutta, moved Fist 1o England ad some Aine Tater arrived im ine United! States. Je She wos born in Farulpur. was educated in Caleatta, then moved to Manhattan, ss hr “fivorury agenda”

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