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14. Relative Pronouns: Whose Which, Where, When & That for other pronouns such as if and se, $0 ‘uns discussed in this chapter can ref some of the pronouns discusse pees 1d she, some pI and still others can £ people; others can refer to things: Fame Thing People & Things Who Which Rees at Whom Which vs. That Both which and that refer to things; however, as discussed eatlier, which always comes after a comma and sets offa ‘non-essential clause, whereas that never comes after a comma and sets off an essential clause. Farm animals which were introduced to the Galapagos Islands by early settlers, have been Incorrect: responsible for the destruction of many native species. Correct: Farm animals, which were introduced to the Galapagos Islands by early settlers, have been responsible for the destruction of many native species. Incorrect: Farm animals, that were introduced to the Galapagos Islands by early settlers have been responsible for the destruction of many native species. Correct: Farm animals that were introduced to the Galapagos Islands by early settlers have been responsible for the destruction of many native species. Who(m) vs. Which Use who or whom, not which, when referting to people. Incorrect! King Henry VIII was a British monarch which ruled England during the Tudor period and was known for his many wives. Correct: King Henry VIII was a British monarch wh« F peice ieee prema suled England during the Tudor Note: Who ss. that is not directly tested on the ACT. If different answer choices contain who and that, there 6 be other factors that make one answer correct andthe other(s)incomsect, 148 we ys. Whom 1e ACT tests a version of the “yh, oa he a 10 Vs. whom”. Mieen oh thom dren yn ci nr el pi eo ver two things: 4) Whom” should not be used before a verb a “Whom” should be used after a preposition sq hom” Before a Verb ACT wolves ie common SCT error involves incorrectly placing whe rather than mie immediately before « etd. Focesample: Shorty after the Pilgrims arrived in what would 1. A. NOCHANGE ecome Massachusetts, they met a Pawtuxet tribe B. who befriended them C. which befriended them Member named Squanto whom befriended them, D. and befriending them 1 showed them how to plant crops, and acted as an interpreter with the Wampanoag tribe. The fact that both who and whom appear in different answer choices cleatly suggests that wbo wx. whom is being tested, Besides, the sentence is clearly referring to a person (Squanto), so which can’t be the answer, and (D) creates a big mess when it’s plugged back into the sentence. So it's between (A) and (B) you can’t hear that whore befriends sounds very awkward, or don't trust yourself to pick (B) without knowing the tle, the easiest way to solve the question is to recognize that. Since whom cannot go before a verb, (B) must be the correct answer. Note: In order to apply the “no whom before a verb” rule effectively, you must be able to recognize verbs. If you atenot sure whether » word is 2 verb, xy potting fin front of it So, for example, bend is a verb because you &in say fo befriend. Otherwise, know that a word that ends in —édis almost always a verb (eg, bfrended). Although thse “tricks” will not always work for ieregular verbs, they will work often enough to make it well worth your While to use them. 149 "Shortly after the Pilgrim settlers arrived in what would become Massachusetts, they met Squanto, 1 A. NO CHANGE B. from which Paortunet tribe member from who they learned C. fom white about planting crops and surviving in the New World. Since the sentence is talking about a person (Squanto), which cannot be used. So (B) is automatically out (D) can be eliminated as well because the preposition is wrong: the Pilgrim setters learned jo Squanto, not Squanto, “That leaves (A) and (C). Whom must be used after a preposition, and from is a preposition, so whom should be used. The answer is therefore (C). Whose Whoceis the possessive form of both who and which, Although it looks similar to »bo, it can be used to refer to either people or things. 9) Cortect:’ Maria Fernanda Cardoso is an artist whose installations have appeared in museums in the ( United States, Great Britain, Colombia, and Australia. ‘Mount Hosmer is an “upside down mountain” whose oldest rock formations are found © > near the top of the mountain and whose youngest rock formations ate found near the a EE Where, When, and “Preposition + Which» fers to places (physical Where eefers to pl \Physical locations) only, even though this usage is common in Son a nor be used to refer to stories or times/time periods, {Phen refers to times only. Prposition + which (c.g. in which, during whish, ty which) can be used instes Incorrect’ The Middle Ages was they worked. * Petiod where many Comect: The Middle Ages ; a in es * Period when/in which many famers were bound to Incorrect: Lie of Pi, written by Yann Martel, is a novel where the Protagonist survives on a raftin the ocean for neatly a year, accompanied only by a tiger. Bt Lit of Ph wrinen by Yann Martel, is « novel in which the protagonist survives (on araftin the ocean for nealy a year, accompanied only by a tiger, Tits however, should be not used without the preposition, Incorrect: New York is a city which many people travel by subway rather than by car. Correct: New York is a city in which many people tavel by subway rather than by cr. New York is a city where many people travel by subway rather than by cat. Correct: the ACT will never ask you to choose between them. If When either where/when or preposition + which is contect, will also contain an additional clement (word, phrase, both options appear as answer choices, one answer Punctuation mark) that is indisputably wrong. For example: Although Einstein predicted the presence of nen in B. which black holes, regions of space which gravity is e ere = intense that not even light can escape, he had D. OMIT the underlined portion difficulty believing that they could actually exist. While both én which and where could correctly refer to “regions of space,” the addition of the word and in choice in which and wl liminates (C) a5 an option. (B) can be eliminated becanse white by fons the sentence into a fragment and eliminates (D) does not work because the sentence does not make lace, a rally be used to refer to 2 p baal eect te pronoun is removed altogether. 151 Drill: Relative Pronot 1. The tale of Hansel and Gretel, the story of two young children whom stumble across a cottage made Cee, played an important role in the history of sweets. It was published in 1812, atime where many bakers already knew how to (Ges dabonste actors from ocr types of candy. Inspired by the tale, they began form their gingerbread into houses. Soon, gingerbread construction was elevated to an art form whose popularity quickly spread through Europe and the United States. 2. Shortly after I moved from Chicago to Lincoln, Nebraska, I attended the eighty-fifth birthday party of a woman whom was one of the city’s original seulers The room, that was decorated with banners and bales also held family photographs ~ crisp new snapshots of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, wedding photographs from the mid-twentieth century, and ‘wotn black-and-white portraits of ancestors whose stoic expressions and sturdy, upright figures seemed to embody the harshness of life in an 152 uns (answers p- 254) 4, A. NO CHANGE who C. they D, which 2. F. NO CHANGE G. this was when H._ atime which when Ko CHANGE . its C. who's D. and whose 1. A. NOCHANGE een oho D. she 2. NO CHANGE G. :00m, and which HL. room that, J. t00m, which seas CHANGE, B. who's C. their D. which in the works of Willa Cather, we deptedin coves cha Ny =i0 oo ee 5. AL NO CHANGE 1 Nebraska during the late nineteenth ‘whom lived aoe e ‘who lived j chronicled the lives and hardships of the Dz lived preserving theie struggles for generations “Having played a central role in helping the "United States win its independence from Great 1, A. NO CHANGE of them: George Washington quickly became a be one of who D. one of which brity. Not surprisingly, he acquired many sizes, one of whom was Patience Wright. Beer Sever, sins knows Eo bet ___temurkably realistic portraits, that were made out of Pee colitis ‘ wax. She had ce hetself and her by molding faces out of putty, dough, and ; ms ut thanks tos aighbor whom sncouaged. D) Gare 4.@7No CHANGE G. that who HL them which J. those whom sgh loved her work, and those ho Bes sculpt offen commented on the cnet = see NGGUANGE, B, and when brought to the process. In an ers hese a ; mien D. that hs did not exist, skilled portaiiss| iin 2 ha, By 1770, she had become successfull "enough to open a waxworks house in New York NO CHANGE ithoused ity, in which it housed her most important work. , Sy $ tae | when it housed ‘When fire ravaged the New York studio in ‘which housed 1771, however, Wright decided to relocate to London. By that time, she had sculpted many famous figures and had even earned the support 7._A. NO CHANGE who admired of the Queen of England, whom admired her work C. that admired 7 admnised deeply. Still, though, she wasn’t satisfied. To sculpt Detter George Washington, a leader to who so many new & F. NOCHANGE a & Americans owed their deep gratitude, would be the G. feghkh HH to whom crowning achievement of Wright's career. J. that nod at elnees Ge ag ‘mountain climbers attempt’s mountain climber’s attempts + areas, rock-craft, snow-craft and areas, rock-craft, snow-craft and, ). areas; rock-craft, snow-craft, and . ability, and knowledge of safety procedures. en the British archaeologist Howard Carter in Egypt in 1891, most of the ancient 1. A. NO CHANGE B. discovered, however, the a tombs had been discovered, but the C. discovered. Yet the 1 D. discovered, the on of the tomb holding the little-known King. : 2. F. NOCHANGE still being unknowa, After World G. were f 2 H. was Wat I, Carter began an intensive search for “King Lo Tomb.” he finally discovered steps to the At 3. A. NO CHANGE Tomb,” he would finally discover Tomb.” He will finally discover Tomb,” finally discovering i 3 hidden in the debris near the entrance of the y tomb of King Ramses VI. On November 2, Carter and a fellow archaeologist. Lord s S + Sron pop Dr pesipicean in Montana. My grander, who Dads up 0 «Chip seo sd 9 sisters cea pete stories about his youth, When Iw eight and may younger ester Cheyenne was five, her and I would climb onto Fei [pnd tn a pu eng, gripping, tales about wild fn a tad ee sented in front of an imaginary roaring fire, Cheyenne and I liked to pretend, we were hunters ee day of tracking animals. 4. Comedian Will Rogers famously described the Rio Grande, (Spanish for “Great River”) as the 1 only iver he had ever seen that needed irrigation. But the tiver, located just outside of Albuquerque, ‘New Mexico, capital of the driest state in the 2 United States — deserving its name. Surrounded oa : by the Sandia Mountains and herds of cattle, the river is a damp, refreshing, world that re ‘paraaing.b: 3. rE G. H. J A B. c D. Fr G. H. J Dopp NO CHANGE pretend: we pretend we pretend that, we NO CHANGE Grande, (Spanish for “Great River”), . Grande (Spanish for “Great River’) Grande (Spanish for “Great River”), NO CHANGE a ‘New Mexico capital I. New Mexico. Capital New Mexico ~ capital NO CHANGE will have deserved oxygen in tanks that are small, ghtweight, and 3 ‘being portable. ‘Modern gas tanks known as Porpoises, 4 otiginated in Australia. It was invented 3 bya diver named Ted Eldred, whom believed that 6 the existing two-tank model was unnecessary bulky 7 and difficult to manage underwater. To improve on 8 this model, he invented a tank consisting of a single oxygen tank attached to a hose. Thexcan thus "Control the air pressure at their mouths, not at 5 6. ORP vmo™ pomp POTRO™ poser Sno” comp smom pos NO CHANGE 08 and also having portable qualities with portability as well and portable NO CHANGE tanks ~ known tanks, knowa, tanks, known NO CHANGE Ithad been ‘They were ‘They would be NO CHANGE who he which NO CHANGE unnecessarily bulky unnecessary bulkily unnecessarily bulkily NO CHANGE in managing for managing managing NO CHANGE One Divers It 1 A NOGHANGE sap, the unsuspecting prey sap; the unsuspecting prey if fap, and the unsuspecting prey unaware of its mistake. Suddenly, the NO CHANGE, 2. F 2 j Fi cs G. predator's jaws . The is i edators jas snap shut. struggle a HE predator jaws that [ ‘over, and soon the plant settles down to digest its J. predators’ jaws meal. eo 3. A. NO CHANGE, Plants that eat other creatures? It sounds like B. actual nothing unnaturally CC. actually nothing unnatural a science fiction novel. But there’s actually D. actual nothing unnatural 3 Aothing unnaturally about i; carnivorous plants 4. Which of the following would NOT | have always existed. There are hundreds of acceptable alternative to the underlined ‘Varieties: their diets range from microscopic Ze NO CHANGE: 4 G. varieties, their diets range organisms to spiders. One of these plants has H. varieties whose diets range 5 |. varieties, their diets ranging captured the public’s imagination: the Venus H iu 5. A. NO CHANGE, Flytrap. Many people who encounter the plant, B. basing . have ‘hich was featured in che movie. Lie Sty of D. would have Homers, become fascinated by its 6 F. NOCHANGE 6 G. movie, Little Shop of Horrors: s i H. movie Little Shop of Horrors, stangely dietary habit and unique appearance, J. movie Litt Shop of Horrors Although the Venus Flytrap has captivated 7 a NO CHANGE. people actoss the worlds it only grows strange dietarly habits and uniquely 2 in avery & Strange dietary habits and unique small geographic area along the coast of the Strangely dietary habits and uniquely _ 2d southemn United States, Within this are, the plants ae ois Ss - world. This only grows ae further limited to living in humid, wet, and r Sie world and only grows arr tres tod wetlands. The Byerap has been qlegetin the wild 28a 2004 of over colection NO CHANGE destroyed they destroy the destruction of NO CHANGE its they're its ich of the following would NOT be an acceptable alternative to the undeslined portion? sping ems and denying the 2 2 nual wedands where the plants grow there D. jgnowa hefty fine for taking a Flytrap from ae gieative habitat. You can, however, buy one os ey number of nurseries. Just remember not ie Ingettoo close to it at feeding time! 7, You open your eyes to the soft, pale light of L Whi ava. Ice is everywhere ~ some of it is carved into farsiture and relotiacs, and some of it is shaped = ‘ato buge blocks that form the walls, the ceiling, o tadevea on the floor. But even though the room is 2B ia G. beautiful, you have to start moving, After all, the - i temperature in one’s room is below freezing, and gia ue just spent ee night sleeping on a slab of ice : While weapped up in blankets like a mummy. The oe Seamy, the cold, and the quick morning escape are LB Allpart of the typical ice hotel experience. e I Although they have modern amenities, ice Ponts ate essentially largely igloos. Solid blocks 4 159 everywhere, some of it everywhere. Some of it everywhere; some of it everywhere: some of it NO CHANGE con the floor as well being on the floor the floor NO CHANGE their your our NO CHANGE essential large essentially large essential largely o KA B make G would D. making Tags mae the strctures seem more ke magia 6k seotinoeaeseraco ut trphasseey sees ‘water, The water is then frozen and catinto large BE ce ‘Noch which haan pace = iia toc tin whe precem when about & BR NOCHANGE ‘ : G& Blocks that, a pring comes. though all the hand HQ Blocks, they are ‘work meds awa, and the hotels cant be reba Je Blocks. Which are atl the following winter 9 A. NOCHANGE BL comes though, © comes, though, Dy comes while & Tn the 1950s, Marjorie Latimer was the curator ‘ofa tiny museum in the port tows of East London, wA South ica Sebi oe ee, Capen c Hendiick Goosen, who's boat, The Nevis, Gabe D. i the nearby coastal waters of the Indian Ocean, 2B NOCHANGE ‘When he arrived in port, Capain Goosen often n Pe calcd Latimer to pick up any nasa speci Be theyte she muight want for her museum, 3 4 NOCHANGE (On Decenbe: 2 1998, Te Nie © Pam Citta oom D. por Canoe eturned ftom a trip to the mowth of ofthe Chatumna aside, she revealed @ long, blue fish with ; at silver markings. Latimer had no idea type of fish it was, but she did know, it had to back tothe museum immediately. At fest the i driver refused allowing the fish in his cab, but 8 er heated discussion, he drove Marjorie and specimen back to the museum, Looking through the few reference books on ‘ coclacanth ~ a species believed to have 0 ‘extinct for millions of years. -RO™ SoBe omom yo NO CHANGE ee ‘when, as she later recounted, she noticed ‘when, as she later recounted. She noticed ‘when as she later recounted, she noticed NO CHANGE, the other fish one some NO CHANGE, Know: it know it know that, it NO CHANGE, remarkably similar remarkable si remarkable similar NO CHANGE, . coelacanth. A species coelacanth; a species . coclacanth a species “how 10 apply clown makeup, how 10 take pei the nose, and falling down without gstag hose Clown College was the brainchild of Ion Feld. ‘The owner of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & 3 Bailey circus. In 1968, the clown profession seemed to be dwindling. Ringling Brothers had only a 4 dozen clowns, most of who were in their fifties. 3 Because there were few suitable replacements, Feld decided to create a school to train new clowns. Feld and the schools’ other directors decided to Told aindions a malvern sod theaters around the United States. To their surprise, hundreds of ‘would-be clowns showed up. The competition was intense, only thirty students were selected. When Pee se aca cir they donned large shoes and baggy pants to learn about juggling, stilt-walking, and the fine art of making audiences laugh. The classes were free, and Barnun an Dail ected he bt eb on the road with the troupe, 3 = B. Cc D. ‘Which of the following. would NOT be an acceptable altemative to the underlined por |. dwindling: Ringling Brothers “rom poe “mom ).- most of which . NO CHANGE, . intense and only . intense. Only | NO CHANGE, . free, and Barnum and Bailey itselé NO CHANGE Irvin Field, the owner, Irvin Field, the owner Irvin Field: the owner, dwindling - Ringling Brothers dwindling; and Ringling Brothers dwindling: Ringling Brothers NO CHANGE most of whom ‘most of them NO CHANGE schools’s schools school’s intense because only free and Barnum and Bailey, itself, free; Bacnumn and Bailey itself, ed to stop offering introductory : seen a Seen, J. out asa resut ‘oday, Clown College continues to reach 4. A, NO CHANGE B. had decided = through educational programs for aspiring C. decides i D. decided sas well a8 with those employees already 12 12, F. NOCHANGE te enough to tour with The Greatest Show G. by H. for J. to 0, Growing up in Manila’s Chinatown was a ful experience. Throughout my 1, A. NOCHANGE 1 B.. noisy, and colorful od, my life revolved around a fascinating C. noisy, colorful, D. noisy and colorful ‘block radius in the neighborhood of Bay means “bay water” 2. F. NOCHANGE G. speaking H. spoken in a commercial and residential area J. to speak away from the water. In front of our shop 3. Which of the following would be the LEAST acceptable alternative to the underlined portion? A. stall, it was full B._ stall, which was full C. stall; it was full D. stall, full ‘women in strange hats that had giant black boxes round thei necks They often stopped by Li Feng shop wher ey pl his wit pice fo drink — fifty cents, To the tight of our shop was the focal point ofthe nsghborhond: coffe shop with an amazing food stall that sold fried chicken and Pansit (noodles with seafood and hard boiled eggs). ‘The shop also housed a delicious tice stall who’s 7 owner served rice heaped with the customer's choice of meat, vegetables, in addition to tofu. 8 Across from our shop was Bay Tubig’s Green, Tt might have been the smallest park in Manila, but crossing them was a tilling excursion that 9 brought me to the edge of my childhood world, T thought I would live in Bay Tubig forever. mon pomp DO BP Trem BOP who wore strange hats and carried, ;. neighborhood. A coffee shop ’. NO CHANGE also tofu I. tofu as well NO CHANGE wearing strange hats with boxes around _ their necks NO CHANGE neighborhood a coffee shop neighborhood; a coffee shop NO CHANGE, stall whose stall thats stall, the and tofu NO CHANGE these theie ‘Tubig underwent a massive transformation, last visited, my beloved shop had become a ‘court. Office workers from the peasy | g onto the street dusing the h hour, fighting for space alongside the many ts. Despite those changes, Bay Tubig ns the place that most influenced the person I TEO™ DopP “rom comp pORP NO CHANGE plans, at that time plans. Ac chat time plans at that time NO CHANGE myself: I could |. myself I could myself; I could NO CHANGE many lots more NO CHANGE, had became has become became NO CHANGE skyserapers, who poured skyscrapers poured, skyscrapers poured

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