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Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering of data, the researchers selected students from Granby Colleges of Science and

Technology. The researchers gave the respondents a survey questions to be answered for the fulfillment

of information in this study.

Before gathering data, the researchers asked permission from their research adviser and to the

adviser of selected grade 9 of Granby Colleges of Science and Technology. The researchers requested a

copy of list of students to their research adviser. To conduct the data gathering, the survey will start only

after the permission is given.

The researchers were randomly giving the survey questions to the selected students of Granby.

While answering the survey questions, the researchers gave them enough time to analyze and answer

the questions appropriately. The researchers guided the respondents if they cannot understand some

point of the survey questions. Lastly, after collecting the data it will be tailed and undergo statistical

treatment by the researchers.

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