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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

Public Administration Department

Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

MGT 111

Fundamentals of Management

Aubrey Kaith S. Verbal

Jay Desierto

Evangeline Camarote

Marites Josol

Jenesa Talibod

Loreto Damocom

Submitted To:

Mr. Elmore Quiming Nocos

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

Approaches to the Four Function of Management

Every organization must apply the management functions what may be the type

of the organization it may be (Public, Private, or Religious sector). In order for them to

handle and develop the planning, organizing, leading and controlling, the best thing to

do is to apply the time management. These functions will be maintained it is because

every time, every hour, and every second, you come up with ideas on how to control the

staff, your plans, and also how to control the entire work.

Public Sector- Department of Trade and Industry Region XII

I. Planning

(DTI) The Department of Trade and Industry is responsible for realizing the

country’s goal of globally competitive and innovative industry and services sector that

contribute to inclusive growth and employment generation, it’s the government’s main

economic catalyst in enabling innovative, competitive, job-generating, inclusive

business and empowering consumers.

In terms of planning, DTI always plan for the yearly events and implementation.

Before the year ends, the DTI have already back-up plans, and also for the incoming

years, they’ve plan it ahead of time. That is not just the basis of DTI for planning

because they also talk to their stakeholders. DTI do not only plan for the client, they

plan with them in order for the DTI to be more aware of the client’s needs and demands.
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

 Financial

The budget of (DTI) Department of Trade and Industry Region XII are from the

National Government in which the budget is based on the Annual Investment Plan, for

example the 2020 budget; from the month of January, February and March of 2019,

they present it already to the budget hearing and submit the request to the senate, once

approved by the senate of the National Expenditure Program (NEP) and approved by

President Duterte, it would become a General Appropriations Act (GAA).

For now, the DTI is waiting for the budget to become a Law and hopefully, maybe it will

be successful by this month of October. The Personnel Salaries (PS) is where the

salaries of employees taken, those charges only are for the salary, benefits like

remittances, GSIS, PhilHealth, Pag-ibig Funds and the likes, just Mandatory of the

Government only.

 Physical Resources

Department of Trade and Industry have industry clusters, they have 16 focus

industry here in region 12. They are more on coffee, cacao, process foods, bamboo,

rubber and palm oil. The equipment and machineries are under the process of operating

resources involving the suppliers and also the consumers. DTI’s purpose helps to

encourage and enhance competitive advantage and the value.

 Human Resources
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

In terms of recruitment, DTI proposed methods before they hire people. Hiring

savvy is very essential; hiring the right people, for the right place, in the right time. DTI

provide Personality test and IQ examination for those applicants and once they reached

the passing score, the department will contact those who passed and call them for an

interview, if they pass the interview then they need to undergo for a psychological test.

This is very important so the employer would know the attitude and soft skills of the

people they will going to hire like for example, being nice and approachable or maybe

they are into drug addiction or what.

The talents, skills and competencies of the workforce, together with external

partners, represent the human resource available to sustain the organization.

 Intangible

DTI makes sure that they have properly oriented trained employees and loyal

clientele. These are very valuable because growth plans are not just relying on the

ability to scale up the numbers but on maintaining things like quality, responsiveness,

and reliability.

II. Leading

Successful companies have such qualities and the ones in which everyone is

aware of the role they play for the company’s success.

In terms of leading, though the Department of Trade and Industry have different

functional groups, the leadership actively involved for the change process. They lead

every individuals or people understand what their priorities are, teaching them in a way
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

how they should contribute and motivate them to behave in a proper manner, not just in

the work but especially applying it in their daily lives.

III. Organizing

Fundamental Structure


  Organizational Design
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

DTI have specialization and departmentalization which composed of bureaus that

are either involved in line operations which deliver business and consumer services.

The Competitiveness and Innovation Group (CIG) the socio-economic agenda that

increase competitiveness, innovation, and ease of doing business, the Consumer

Protection Group (CPG) in-charge for the enforcement of laws to protect consumer,

consumer education and formation of consumer groups, Industry Development and

Trade Policy Group (IDTPG) that is responsible for trade and industry policy formulation

and implementation of the Manufacturing Resurgence Program, the Management

Services Group (MSG) ensures the operational efficiency within the Department by

providing support services to all units and properly equip them in the performance of

their respective functions, Regional Operations Group (ROG) is responsible for the field

operations of DTI in the region and provinces, lastly, the Trade Promotions Group

(TPG) that is responsible for DTI’s export and investment development program.


DTI plans and decide not only for their own but together with their stakeholders

also. DTI makes sure that the suggestion of the consumers will be given attention. The

focus of the DTI are specifically on the products that are basic needs of human.

Chain of Command

The Department of Trade and Industry is an ISO Certified in terms of quality

management system. The employees follow guidelines coming from their Regional

Director, actually DTI have Head Office situated in Manila specifically in Makati City.
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

Every programs and decisions from the head office are being downloaded to the

bottom, and that will serve as their basis.

 Organizational culture

In the Department of Trade and Industry, they have practices of values and

ethics in order for the organization to grow more. That is the key component and ability

for them to achieve their goals. The ability to inspire its people, create outstanding

poducts anad services and connect effectively with aspirations and values of their

internal and external relationships.

DTI promotes how to reach the heart and minds of group who may not all share a

common perception about the true essence of value.

 Type of organization

The Department of Trade and Industry is a public sector that its mission is to

empower the consumers and at the same time helping the Business sector how to

develop different areas like marketing , and providing trainings for the common good.

IV. Controlling

In terms of planning, DTI’s control measures is through following the guidelines

that enables them to control not only the plans, but of course the people and equipment

that are involved in the programs they wanted to implement. Every organization needs

alternatives supporting the situational crisis that may occur.

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

Controlling the organizing process helps the organization specifically the

Department of Trade and Industry to prevent jumbled resources and promote


Span of Control

The Department of Trade and Industry is a wide sector that consists a number of

employees that’s why the span of control is broad.

The challenges DTI faced using the span of control they have at present is

through the performance of each subordinate , maybe that’s the reason why they have

a lot of job opportunities and vacancies as of today.

Private Sector- Reynaldo’s Cafe and Resto

I. Planning

Reynaldo’s Cafe and Resto is situated at JC Convention center for just 3 months

as of now. How they do the planning is they have to think twice about the plans you

make if that plan will fit for the overall set up. They have to see it if the first plan would

be effective at once, they need to have plan A, B, and C because if the Plan A won’t

function so you have the plan B, if it won’t work again then you have the plan C as your

reserve alternative. But the best thing to do is that you will make sure that your plan A

would be the best among the best.

 Financial
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

When the finance uses the funds properly, they can reduce the cost of capital

and increase the value of the firm. The main objective of Reynaldo’s is to have

transparency where the revenue came from and where do they spent the money. The

Manager is still the responsible for the acquisition and allocation of fund.

 Physical

In physical planning, they serve extraordinary foods because they don’t settle for

less and wanted to serve the taste of Reynaldo’s, in which the resto won’t be satisfied to

serve cliché and natural foods that are common to the taste of everybody, they wanted

more and to shock the guest and have a great impact.

 Human

Institutions and organizations won’t grow without the help of the people.

Reynaldo’s Cafe and Resto makes sure that the employees receive proper treatment

and exact training to have backgrounds of it, so that before they hire the people they

know what the employees are doing. In terms of recruitment of human resource,

Reynaldo’s give chances to those people who don’t have any background as long as

they are able to do it and have the ability to learn it. The training and development is a

step by step process and the main reason is to develop and improve the skills they

didn’t discover before. In the job contracting, there is a 6-month rule that serves as a

basis either the employee will become regular or terminated. The manager is the one

who is responsible for hiring and promoting employee.

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

 Intangible

Reynaldo’s Café and Resto practices the soft skills like being approachable to the

guest and dealing with them in a properly oriented manner.

II. Leading

In leading the individuals and the teams; the head manager don’t take advantage

their positions and the priorities that they focused are more on the needs and wants that

their employees may apply in the work and to their everyday living. Being on the higher

position, the manager treats the employees like close friends and they are not being

strict. In case the employee commit mistakes, as a leader and a manager, we talk to

them one by one to build more strong connections with each other. In that way of

leading, it lessen the pressure of everyone, but still treated their boss as higher ones

that inspires them and work more.

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato


Fundamental Structure




Cashier Head Chef Head Of waiter

other personnel
other personnel

 Organizational Design

Specialization and departmentalization on the resto are the following: waitery,

cookery, preparation, and the human resource management. The skills are being

developed, through trainings and development, everything is under process.

Reynaldo’s Café and Resto is the main resto that is situated at the JC Convention

center; no branches for now but sooner.

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato


The decision came from the General Manager or Head, but as long as there’s a

suggestions and issues, Manager give chance to the many to decide and apply it if

it’s the best for the Resto.

Chain of Command

In the café and Resto, they respect their supervisor because even if they treat

each other as close friends, the authority were still on the higher one.

 Organizational Culture

They have what we call “Employee Motivation” in which the manager inspires the

employees and also share skills and knowledge to them in preparation for the

employee’s future positions.

Reynaldo’s only wanted hardworking people and committed one’s, not just in the

field of work but applying it in their daily lives also.

 Type of Organization

Reynaldo’s café and resto is a private sector that served food not just an ordinary

but a remarkable taste.

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

In terms of planning, the café controlled and prevent disorganization through

laying down back-ups of alternatives and more possibilities to prevent uncertainty.

In controlling the organizing performance of the resto it is thoroughly observed by

classifying and categorizing the physical, financial, and human resources to organize

things up, it is more appropriate to follow protocols or process that is very beneficial in

controlling an organization.

Span of Control

The Reynaldo’s café and Resto have not less than 12 personnel

Religious sector- Assembly of God Church in Koronadal


When we say planning, leading and organizing in church, most of the churches

have what we call “Board of Deacons”, these are the people who usually run the church.

Deacons are elected by the congregation and then they become the head equally with

the pastor and often times deacons are the one who decide for the plans in the church,

but here are churches also that their structure were pastor’s are the one whose on the

top and the church staffs and leaders are on the bottom.
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

So, how they run the Assembly of God Church in Koronadal is that they’ve

change their structure as of now, the one who is leading is the pastor. The pastor is the

one who decide and plans together with the elders and the leaders. So that’s how they

run the church and the one who really initiate in planning is the Head pastor, approved

by the leaders and the elders, usually in physical planning, the decision falls down to the

elders because they are the older leaders in church, and then they have 24 leaders (12

girls- 12 boys) these are the young generation leaders and these are the movers of the

church, they are the one that when it comes to mobilizing, planning and strategizing,

however the elders are making their physical plans in church like plans for building,

purchasing and anything about physical, so everybody have their own responsibilities.

Usually, the one who thinks the idea for the plans in church is the pastor, and they

easily lay it down to the 24 leaders called the “primary leaders”, they are the one who

thinks for back-ups and alternatives to those lay downed plans. Then when it comes to

mobilizing and strategizing the role of these 24 leaders, the most challenging part is

that, in making plans, conflicts are not totally present to the point that we are united, our

minds built as one. Whatever the plans of the pastor and facing challenges like the lack

of resources, lack of potentials, lack of skills, especially when they have a lot of plans to

implement yet the lack of resources, people and skills. That’s why plans are not being

implemented easily because the needs with regards to people and skills for the fast

needed we’re not definitely given.

 Financial
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

Planning involves budgeting and financial stability. Financial support through

fund raising and donations are the main source for the planning, financial records of

the money used for plan implementation.

As a church, they have benefits also in a way that paid staffs receive salaries,

secular fruit like SSS and retirement incentives. Pastor said, “It is the Lord who place

you there, it is the Lord who will paid you”.

 Physical

Physical planning involves the infrastructure, buildings, and other equipment in

enhancing the benefit of the members/employees and the organizations common


 Human

Human resources plays a fundamental role in planning because these people are

the main reason why the organizations grows and improved more. In religious

sector, specifically the Assembly of God Church, as much as possible everyone

or every people should be involved in the ministry so they never actually used the

word “recruit” but they just encouraged people to participate in every activities

and demands, so because of their desire, it help to starts them up and most

especially, it is not good to force someone just because you wanted to. Let them

be encouraged and get involved when they’re ready.

 Intangible
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

The church have practices like every Monday, they have meeting in which they call

it “primary meeting” and the reverent of the church do the “I.I” or the Instruction and

Inspiration, he always shares the word of God to inspire the leaders because it is

not easy to hold a group.


As a church and a ministry, they are on the point that they train people to move

the ministry, usually their work is to share the Gospel, going to the campus to train

leaders, training leaders in their own respective market places like for example, if you’re

a student, we trained you how to reach out with other students. If your one of the young

professionals, we are training you if this will work out.

As a church, they train their people because they believe every person is called to be a


Before church boards and leadership teams can make the best decision for the

future of the churches, they need first to better understand their role, responsibilities,

and purpose from a biblical perspective as their choices have serious consequences for

a healthy ministry of the local church. “Church leadership teams are most often

composed of seasoned leaders who sacrificially volunteer their time to build up the local

church”, said Pastor Hederson.


Fundamental Structure

“The congregation”
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato


Church Staff Elders Primary Leaders



 Organizational Design

They have specializations and departmentalization usually training and

development to encourage and inspire others. The church have different groups

that plays a significant role. They have the “wise group” or the elders ages 50

above, focuses on the older ones too, the youth or the “Acquire the Fire” group

encourages the youth also, the “cross-over” group or youth professionals those

are the working students and young couple ages 25-45 years old. These teams

plays different roles in the church.

So the general task of every level is to encourage and inspire individual because

there are also absences and losing of members.

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

The decision depend sometimes for example there are times that the

congregation decide, or the many decide. Usually there are people who rise up issues,

demand and needs. They accept suggestions and discussed it within the group deeply

and then the last word or the last approval is through the pastor.

Chain of command

In the church, plans are usually presented to the congregation and that will be

the mouth of the week, and once the plan is already approved and decided by the

pastor and the 24 leaders, the 24 will download it to the members.

Organizational culture

In assembly of God they have what they called “ Pastoral Ethics” in which it

should be set, every pastor should set this, ethics for pastors and leaders are separate

and different. They have accountabilities. They also have what they call “District”, the

one who oversee the churches assemblies of God, the 24 leaders are accountable to

them so whenever they make mistakes or violation they’ve just open up to the pastor

then do some restoration process, they system that helps them restoring their selves,

for the meantime they won’t hold their group or any work in the church until they are

fully restored. If there’s technicalities like pastors have immorality, he commits

corruption in money/fund or teaches different from bible those are the grounds for the

pastor to be terminated when it comes to the members there’s a membership but no

expiration of contract.
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

Type of Organization

Assembly of God Church is a religious sector in which shares the Gospel of the

Lord to encourage and inspire others and to train every individuals to become a good



In the church, they control their plans through backups and alternatives support.

mostly, there’s a lot of plans that they wanted to implement but the lack of resources

and potentials are controlled through strategizing and implementing other productive

ideas to avoid conflict and whatever the plans of the Pastor, they are all united.

Through organizing, they acquire systems like staff appraisal, new system in an

organization, of 10 times its kind of hard for a start like the other churches also

encountered conflicts if the system already run and apply good performance in the

church, it is already the one who protects the church, so that we prove that the system

helps working things out, it run smoothly and the organizing performance ids controlled.

That system may be a procedure or experiment on how to deal with the conflicts and

how may it help the organization to be healthy.

Span of Control

In Assembly of God Church they have church staff including the reverent of the

church, his wife which is a Pastora also, and the two secretary, they are all known as a
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
Public Administration Department
Public Administration Student Society
Crossing Rubber, National High Way, Tupi, South Cotabato

staff of the church but supposedly those 24 leaders are called staff also but the

difference is that the 24 are not paid, and the church staff are the only staff paid one’s

for recording and banking purposes.

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