Dela Cruz

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Dela Cruz, Art Ezeniel M.


“The Solar system, Earth, Society and the Human Condition”

by: Art Ezeniel M. Dela Cruz

Science's understanding of the arrangement of both living and non-living

components of the earth has shifted dramatically in the last two decades. New
perspectives are emerging that prioritize relationships. Biology and physics are
moving away from a "reductionist" view of function, in which the activity of a
living cell or an ecosystem, for example, is explained by breaking it down into its
constituent parts, rather than including the relationship between those
constituents as crucial to our understanding. Today, scientists admit that this
three-hundred-year-old scientific doctrine is far too simplistic, and they discover
that physical substances work and exist in highly complex, interdependent, and
changing contexts and relationships. Thus, rather than just their individual
functions, the relationships between genes in the human body are the key to the
countless ways that human genes can produce genetic traits and characteristics.
We are now learning that relationship is critical to our species' survival on both a
social and political level. This essay is about relationships in general, and how to
move from wrong relationships to right relationships in our individual and
collective economic lives.

This photo inflicts a very controversial issue between us the human society
and to the earth we live in. In fact, this photo represents the earth and the
surrounding planet it has. Even though the only habitable planet is the earth, it
still looks like giving up because of the wrong doings of the people in it. There
lies the hourglass that represents the time of the earth which is the day and the
night. Simply, it creates a satisfaction to us, human beings because it is what
makes the world so beautiful. Through the day, we tend to plant our inner
beauty and then at night, we blossom as how flowers blossom.

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