EEE3100S IEC61850 Protection Automation Prelab

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EEE4115F of Cape
2019 of Cape Town
Department of
Department of Electrical
Electrical Engineering
(EEE3100S) of Cape- Town

Department of Electrical Engineering



A substation is a vital node in a power system and consists of numerous switchgears

supervised and controlled by the Substation Automation System (SAS). The Substation
Communication Network (SCN) plays a crucial role to ensure fast and reliable communication
between power system devices.

Power system components such as generators, feeders, transformers and loads are prone to
faults. In a three-phase system, faults are categorised by single line to ground, line to line, line
to line to ground, and three-phase short circuit faults or three phase ground faults. When a
fault develops in a power system, the protection system must respond fast to limit the impact
of the fault, preventing damage to equipment and maintaining continuity of supply to the
healthy part of the network.

Zones of protection are used in power systems to define the region for which a protection
group should operate. Protection zones are overlapped to ensure protection of all
components of the system. Moreover, circuit breakers define the boundary of the protection
zone. When a fault develops within the zone, only the protection group associated with that
zone should operate.

Transformers within a substation are used to change the voltage level as required by the
power system. Protection of these transformers can be achieved in different ways from
simple overcurrent protection for small distribution transformers (e.g. 100 kVA) to
percentage differential protection for larger transformers (e.g. 250 MVA)

Transformer Differential Protection

The differential scheme is based on Kirchhoff’s current law. When an internal fault develops,
the differential relay (ANSI code 87) must trip the circuit breakers within the zone of
protection. The relay should not operate for external faults. The percentage differential

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protection supplements the ordinary differential protection schemes by adding a restraint
and operate coil.

Under normal operation, the current through the operate coil is 0 or set to an acceptable
pickup level. When an internal fault occurs, the operating coil carries a high differential
current which is the phasor sum of the primary and secondary currents [1]. The differential
current is usually 0 when there is no fault within the zone of protection. During internal faults,
both the restraint and operate current should increase. However, during an external fault,
only the restraint current increases [2]. The differential relay should trip when the differential
current exceeds a percentage of the restraint current. The percentage is set by the Slope (SLP)
setting of micro-processor relays.

IEC61850 is an international standard for “Communication Networks and Systems in
Substations”, introduced in 2003 by a collaborative effort from the Electric Power Research
Institute’s (EPRI) and Technical Committee (TC57) of the IEC. In the 90s, the EPRI and IEEE
began to design a Utility Communication Architecture (UCA) aimed towards substation to
control centre communication.

With IEC61850, Protection and Control devices in the communication architecture can
communicate using Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) messages. IEC61850
uses an Ethernet interface for communication. Speeds up to 100 Mbps and the increased
bandwidth of Ethernet offer faster and more reliable communication compared to serial
communication over RS232 and RS485.

IEC61850 uses a completely new data model with a hierarchical structure. Physical devices
such as protection IEDs consist of many logical devices. Logical devices provide services such
as GOOSE for time critical applications, Sampled Measured Values (SMVs) processing from
the field devices and others. Logical devices contain many logical nodes(LNs). A logical node
is a named grouping of data defined by IEC61850. It represents a physical object or function.
For example, a circuit breaker has the XCBR logical node. The semantic of a logical node is
represented by data and data attributes. Logical nodes are grouped according to a function
or equipment represented by the first letter. For example, PTOC represents Time Overcurrent
Protection. The logical node groups and number of such nodes are defined in IEC61850-7-4

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GOOSE messages

Part 8-1 of the IEC61850 standard introduces the Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event
(GOOSE) message which is used for peer to peer communication between IEDs. GOOSE
messages must be highly reliable so that proper control actions are executed in case of faults.
IEC61850 GOOSE automatically broadcasts information within the substation network so that
all IEC61850 devices can use the data. The reliability of GOOSE messages is increased by
sending them repeatedly through a retransmission mechanism. IEC61850 considers GOOSE
messages to be time critical and should therefore be sent within 4ms for class P1 type 1A
GOOSE messages (breaker trip functions related) according to IEC61850-5. Status, control and
analogue data (measurands) are sent within GOOSE messages directly to the Ethernet link
layer of the 7-layer OSI model. GOOSE datasets can be used by IEDs which subscribe to the
bits of information. Changes in the dataset trigger a new GOOSE message to be transmitted.
Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) tagging is used so that the GOOSE messages are sent to
their respective VLAN. Priority tagging is used so that GOOSE messages are given priority at
the Ethernet switch.

GOOSE messages are configured using software tools. Parameters for the configuration
process include Dataset Name, GOOSE ID (Go ID), Application ID (App ID), MAC Address, VLAN
ID, VLAN Priority. Using the multicast publisher/subscriber concept, an IED can communicate
with multiple other IEDs at the same time. The IED sending information via GOOSE messaging
publishes a dataset which carries Logical Nodes. The IED receiving the GOOSE message must
be subscribed to the published GOOSE message to receive it.


The panel uses a simplified model of a substation with low power rating equipment. A one-
line diagram of the substation is shown below. The substation consists of a 230V ac source
modelling an incoming supply from the grid connected to bus 1 along Feeder 1 (Incoming
Feeder). A 230/36V 500VA step down transformer is connected along feeder 2. The
transformer is used to step down the high voltage to supply the load.

It is to be noted that for simplification, the 3 phase connections are not shown here. The
substation network diagram is shown as single feeders, but they are designed in 3-phase.
Assume that residential loads are connected to buses 1 and 2.

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Figure 1: One-line diagram of substation model

Internal and external faults to a transformer differential protection zone shall be applied to
the substation model using push-buttons and the operation of some protective relays will be
analysed. GOOSE is used within the modelled substation, to make tripping decisions ensuring
availability of supply. The GOOSE messages exchanged between the IEDs including the GOOSE
message structure are analysed using a network packet analyser, Wireshark.

Software used for this lab

AcSELerator Quickset
AcSELerator Quickset is used to configure the relay settings. The Instruction Manuals [3][4][5]
describe in depth how each relay element operates. The software is used to achieve
communication with the IEDs and send/read settings to them. IEC61850 station level includes
the Human Machine Interface which provides operators data about the overall substation
network. Quickset includes an HMI for each relay which can therefore be used to see which
relay word bits asserted analogue values in the input windings and others.

AcSELerator Architect
SEL offers the Architect Software to configure GOOSE messages. Architect also allows the
transfer of the Substation Configuration Language (SCL) and Configured IED Description (CID)
files used for GOOSE communication setup. Data sets can be created within AcSELerator
Architect to transmit GOOSE messages. The publisher needs to send the data attributes within
the dataset to the subscriber. Architect also allows the mapping of virtual bits by subscribers
to collect data from the transmitted bits by the publisher.

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AcSELerator Synchrowave Event Analyser

The IEDs enable the recording of any event that the user defines within the settings using
QuickSet. The event files are viewed using AcSELerator Synchrowave Event Analyser which
also shows the bits asserted during a trip condition or any status change.

Wireshark is a network packet analyser used to capture Ethernet packets. GOOSE messages
are encapsulated in Ethernet frames. Wireshark is used to analyse these messages. Wireshark
offers an I/O graph so that all captured packets at specific times can be analysed on a plot.

Automation and Communication using GOOSE messages

Within a Substation Automation System (SAS), there are 2 main types of communication
namely horizontal communication and vertical communication. Traditional communication
protocols such as DNP3 and MODBUS are limited to vertical communication. The introduction
of IEC61850 aims to achieve horizontal communication using GOOSE.

In this lab, GOOSE messages will be used to communicate the trip condition between the
relays. GOOSE messages use the publisher subscriber concept whereby one relay publishes
information on the communication network and subscribing relays receive the information.
The SEL relays on the protection panel use virtual bits to subscribe to bits of information.

The first step involved in configuring the relay using Architect includes setting up of the
communication parameters such as IP address and Subnet Mask. For example, the SEL751A
is connected to port 2 of the ethernet switch and therefore entitled the IP Address It is imperative that the subnet mask of all the relays be the same including the
gateway for communication to be successful.

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Figure 2: SEL751A Communication Properties in AcSELerator Architect

GOOSE Data Sets

Data within GOOSE messages are carried in data sets. The data sets carry the Logical Nodes
that need to be used in the protection scheme. The IEEE ANSI protection codes differ from
the IEC61850 logical nodes

An extract of the Logical Nodes supported by the SEL487E is shown below. Here, the trip signal
of the SEL487E is used and its logical node is TRIPPTRC1. A complete list of all logical nodes
can be found in the instruction manuals of the relays.

Figure 3: Extract of TRIPPTRC1 from SEL487E Instruction Manual

Datasets are configured in Architect to decide on data that should be present in the GOOSE
messages. Using the list of logical nodes provided and their description from the instruction
manual, the logical nodes can be easily differentiated.

Figure 4 below shows the mapping of the SEL487E trip signal in a new GOOSE message with
name SEL487E_TRIP_INT.

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Mapping the trip
status information
from SEL487E to the
GOOSE dataset

Figure 4: SEL487E GOOSE Data Set Configuration using Architect Software

Logical nodes exist for

• status information,
• measurands,
• controls,
• configuration,
• description and
• extended definition.

We shall use status information and control parameter data in the GOOSE messages to be
exchanged between the IEDs.

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GOOSE Transmit block for Publishers
The GOOSE transmit block allows users to create new GOOSE messages to be published by
the relay as a means to communicate any event to another relay. Figure 5 shows a list of
parameters to be set for configuring the GOOSE messages.

GOOSE message


ID are discussed
in the literature


Figure 5: SEL487E GOOSE transmit message

Data set carried in


GOOSE Receive block for Subscribers

Subscribers receive data using virtual bits. A number of virtual bits are reserved in the SEL
relays which can be used to receive information such as the trip status of another relay. An
example of the mapping of the trip status of the SEL487E to virtual bit 1 of the SEL751A is
shown in Figure 6.

The virtual bits can be included in any equation of the relay settings since it is considered as
a relay word bit. Hence, relays can take decisions based on received GOOSE messages using
virtual bits.

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Mapping the trip
status information
from SEL487E to
SEL751A Virtual bit 1

Figure 6: Subscribing SEL751A GOOSE Virtual Bit 1 to status bit published by SEL487E

Relay Settings
The settings of the SEL relays are controlled using SELogic Control Equations. These are all
binary operations and therefore operate on 0s and 1s. Relay word bits are used within the
relay settings to control the operation of the SEL relays.

Relay word bits

The protection and control element results are represented by Relay Word bits in the SEL
relays. Each Relay Word bit has a label name and can be in either of the following states:
• 1 (logical 1)
• 0 (logical 0)
Logical 1 represents an element being picked up or otherwise asserted.
Logical 0 represents an element being dropped out or otherwise de-asserted

Check the relay word bits you find useful for the lab from the instruction manuals of each
relay. Make sure you highlight which relay word bits look relevant to you.

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Table 1: SEL751A relay settings

Common Settings

CTRP Current Transformer Ratio on Phase

CTRN Current Transformer Ratio on Neutral

VNOM Nominal Voltage

DELTA-Y Current Transformer connection (Delta or Star)

50P1P Instantaneous Phase Level 1 Overcurrent Pickup

50P1D Instantaneous Phase Level 1 Overcurrent Pickup Delay

50P1TC Instantaneous Phase Torque Control Equation

The torque control equation defines the conditions when the overcurrent element
asserts. The relay uses a cosine filtering mechanism to filter the dc offset and
harmonics due to severe CT saturation. The 5A rating relay can support up to 40A
phase current with the assertion of the bipolar peak detector of the relay.
TR The TRIP relay word bit is associated with the TR control equation. Hence, when
the SEL751A issues a trip condition, the TRIP relay word bit is asserted (becomes
a binary value of 1). The relay word bit can then be mapped to GOOSE messages
so that other IEDs are aware of the trip condition.
OUT102 Output contact 102

OUT103 The output contacts are used to trip or close the breakers and turn on or off the
indicators used on the protection panel. The output contact used on the SEL751A
relay is the OUT103 (on Slot A) which provides a Normally Open and a Normally
Closed Contact. These 2 contacts operate together when OUT103 asserts. The Fail
Safe operation setting is explained in the SEL751A Instruction Manual. When the
SEL751A issues a TRIP condition or the level 1 phase instantaneous pickup asserts
(50P1P), the NO contact closes and the NC contact opens.
ER Event Report

LER Length of Event Report

Communication Parameters

IP Internet Protocol Address

Subnet Mask Usually set

Gateway Usually set

IEC61850 Should always be set to ‘Y’ to enable the IEC61850 protocol.

IEC61850 GOOSE Should always be set to ‘Y’ to enable the IEC61850 GOOSE messages to be

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The SEL487E is a transformer differential protection relay which offers three types of
differential protection elements:

1. Phase percentage restrained differential element (87R)

2. Negative sequence differential protection (87Q)
3. Unrestrained phase differential element (87U).
In this lab, the phase percentage restrained differential element is used to protect the
230/36V transformer.

To configure the relay settings, a deep study of the Instruction Manual was required. Before
discussing the relay settings, it is important to understand how the relay implements the
differential protection. The Instruction Manual provides a complete description of how the
relay implements each differential element. A short summary is provided below.

As shown in Figure 8, the relay filters the input signals from the current terminals. For this lab,
the S and T terminals are used for the HV and LV side respectively. To convert the values to a
common per unit system, the relay uses the TAP setting. Each current channel can be
compensated to accommodate for phase shifts in power transformer or CT connection. All
CTs can then be connected in star.

Figure 8: SEL487E Differential element operation [2]

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The 87R element uses an adaptive slope to determine whether to trip or restrain from
tripping. The operate current is the current for which the relay must trip. The restraint current
is the level of current the relay is expected not to trip.

Figure 9: Adaptive Slope used by the SEL487E to implement the phase percentage restrained differential protection

The maximum allowed differential current is set using the 087P setting of the relay. When the
operate current is greater than the 087P setting, the relay issues a trip condition and opens
circuit breakers 2 and 3 of the substation model.

The relay word bit (IO87Px, x = A,B,C) asserts during a trip condition due to an internal fault.
Slope 1 (SLP1) is used during normal operation when the relay detects an internal fault. Slope
2 (SLP2) is used for external fault conditions when the relay operates in high security mode.
The internal and external fault logic is explained in the Instruction Manual of the SEL487E.

A list of common settings on the SEL487E is shown in Table 2. Make sure you understand each
setting before coming to the lab. The instruction manual provides detailed explanation of
each setting including how the relay uses the settings and parameter values.

12 | E E E 4 1 1 5 F I E C 6 1 8 5 0 P r o t e c t i o n & A u t o m a t i o n P r e - L a b
Table 2: SEL487E relay settings

Configurable Settings

NFREQ Nominal Frequency

ECTTERM Enable specific current terminals of the SEl487E relay

E87 Enable specific terminals in the differential element

CTRx; x = S,T,U,W or X Current Transformer Ratio on Terminal x.

CTCONx; x = S,T,U,W or X Current Transformer connection (Delta or Star) for Terminal x.

E87Tx; x = S,T,U,W or X Include Terminal x in the differential element (Set to 1 to include the terminal)

ICOM Internal CT Compensation Matrix Enabled

TAPx; S,T,U,W or X TAP Setting for a common pu system

087P The maximum allowed differential current is set using the 087P setting of the relay

SLP1 Slope 1 Percentage (Consult adaptive slope for SEL487E for more details)

SLP2 Slope 2 Percentage (Consult adaptive slope for SEL487E for more details)

U87P Unrestrained Element Current Pickup

DIOPR Incremental Operate Current Pickup

DIRTR Incremental Restraint Current Pickup

Trip Logic

TRXFMR Trip condition for transformer terminals

ULTXFMR Unlatch Trip condition for transformer terminals
TRx; S,T,U,W or X Trip Condition for terminal x.
ULTRX; S,T,U,W or X Unlatch trip condition for terminal x.
TDURD Minimum trip duration
ER Conditions for triggering event reports
FAULT Conditions for asserting fault bit
Outputs can be configured for any purpose. OUT102 and OUT106 are connected to breakers 2 and 3.

Event Reporting

SRATE Sample rate of event report

LER Length of Event Report
PRE Length of pre-fault
Event Reporting Analog Quantities and Digitals can be chosen as per user choice.

Port/Communication Parameters

IPADDR Device IP Address/ CIDR Prefix

DEFRTR Default Router
FTPSERV Enable FTP Server (Should always be enable for File Transfer between HMI)
IEC61850 PROTOCOL Should always be set to ‘Y’ to enable the IEC61850 protocol.
IEC61850 GOOSE Should always be set to ‘Y’ to enable the IEC61850 GOOSE messages to be exchanged.

13 | E E E 4 1 1 5 F I E C 6 1 8 5 0 P r o t e c t i o n & A u t o m a t i o n P r e - L a b
Relay Current Terminals used
The current terminals of the SEL487E relay used need to be specified. The ECTTERM

The S and T
terminals of the
SEL487E are
used for

Figure 10: Specifying the current terminals Settings for the SEL487E relay

Settings for differential element

Figure 11 shows the settings used to include the current terminals S and T of the SEL487E. As
shown in the Figure, the relay can provide compensation for the CT connection in multiples
of 30o measured anti-clockwise.

Setting E87TS
and E87TT to 1
tells the relay
that terminals S
and T are
included in the

Figure 11: SEL487E Differential element settings

14 | E E E 4 1 1 5 F I E C 6 1 8 5 0 P r o t e c t i o n & A u t o m a t i o n P r e - L a b
TAP settings
The TAP setting calculations specified in the SEL487E Instruction Manual is shown below.

Figure 12: Extract of TAP setting calculations from SEL487E Manual

Figure 13 shows an example of calculated TAP settings for the SEL487E relay. The MVA setting
must be set to ‘’OFF’’ since we are using low power rating equipment on the protection panel.
Setting it to ‘’OFF’’ implies that the equation shown in Figure 12 will change. It is Up to you to
derive the new formula to calculate the TAP settings

Figure 13: SEL487E TAP Settings for terminals S and T

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Figure 14: SEL487E TAP Settings for terminals S and T

The trip logic settings were modified from default to make them appropriate for the proposed
system. The TRXFMR setting was set to 87R, which is the phase restrained differential
element. The SEL487E relay is set to trip when the 87R element asserts on phase A,B or C.

16 | E E E 4 1 1 5 F I E C 6 1 8 5 0 P r o t e c t i o n & A u t o m a t i o n P r e - L a b
Appendix A: Control Circuit (Auxiliary circuit)

Figure A.1: DC Control circuit wiring diagram

Figure A.1 shows the control circuit including the connection between the relay contacts,
contactors and light indicators.

17 | E E E 4 1 1 5 F I E C 6 1 8 5 0 P r o t e c t i o n & A u t o m a t i o n P r e - L a b
Appendix B: Protection Panel wiring Diagram

Figure B.1: Protection Panel wiring diagram

18 | E E E 4 1 1 5 F I E C 6 1 8 5 0 P r o t e c t i o n & A u t o m a t i o n P r e - L a b

[1] “Differential Protection of a Transformer - Working & Problem

Associated with Differential Protection System - Circuit Globe.” [Online].
transformer.html. [Accessed: 25-Jul-2018].

[2] S. E. Laboratories, SEL487E Instruction Manual, vol. 39759, no. 662.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, 2018.

[3] I. Manual, “MOTOR PROTECTION RELAY Instruction Manual,” no. 905,


[4] I. Manual, “QuickSet SEL-5030 Software Instruction Manual.”

[5] E.- Port and E.- Port, “SEL-751A Feeder Protection Relay,” 2014.

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