Factors Affecting Creativity in The Architectural Ed 2018 Frontiers of Archi

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Frontiers of Architectural Research (2018) 7, 100–106

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Frontiers of Architectural Research



Factors affecting creativity in the

architectural education process based
on computer-aided design
Abdollah Baghaei Daemein, Hossein Safari

Department of Architecture, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

Received 28 December 2016; received in revised form 7 September 2017; accepted 8 September 2017

Creativity; One of the most influential factors in architectural design is creativity. The enhancement of
Design process; student creativity is a universally sought objective. This research hypothesized that computer-
Architectural educa- aided design, experience, sketching, physical modeling, learning environment, and images and
tion; visual references can serve as powerful tools to stimulate creativity in the architectural design
process. It sought to investigate which of these components has the greatest impact on
increasing student creativity. A total of 114 bachelor students and 347 master students of
Architecture were surveyed using a questionnaire. Data were then analyzed using SPSS and one
sample t-test and Friedman test for ranking. Results showed that experience can significantly
increase the creativity of students in the architectural design process compared to the other
& 2017 Higher Education Press Limited Company. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on
behalf of KeAi. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction been proposed during the same period (Alexander, 1979;

Darke, 1979). In a publication on design methodology,
In recent decades, many developments have been achieved Sydney Gregory (1966) argued that every design problem
in the field of architectural design, and numerous acade- can be approached from infinite angles. Likewise,
mies have contributed to the creative design and variety of Broadbent (1973) stated that a design problem can be
design procedures. Several design process theories have also approached seven general ways (Davey, 2008: 4). However,
Dorst and Cross (2001) suggested that creativity remains one
of the fundamental factors in the architectural design
Corresponding author. process. In the middle decades of the 20th century, many
E-mail address: baghaei@iaurasht.ac.ir (A. Baghaei Daemei). studies on the effect of creativity on architectural design
Peer review under responsibility of Southeast University. and its associated factors have been conducted

2095-2635/& 2017 Higher Education Press Limited Company. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Factors affecting creativity in the architectural education process 101

(Cross, 1997; Howard et al., 2008; Dorst, 2011; Bashier, Rzevsti characterizes the design process as an investiga-
2014; Tzonis, 2014; Baghaei Daemei et al. 2017). tive, creative, rational, and decision-oriented procedure
The factors that may influence student creativity (Crilly (Laseau, 1980). Goel describes the design process in stages
and Cardoso, 2017; Lu, 2016; Augello Infantino et al., 2015; of initial design, refinement (improvement), and detailed
Cybulski et al., 2015; Chang, 2013; Casakin and Kreitler, design. According to Riba (1973), the design process
2010; Kowaltowski et al., 2010; Christiaans and Venselaar, includes the three stages of analysis, synthesis, and
2005) can be divided into several general categories, evaluation.
including group activities (Farhang et al., 2008; Eslami Another approach is the intellectual–ideological approach
et al., 2009; Hoegl and Parboteeah, 2007), learning envir- to the design process, which refers to the procedure
onment (Azemati et al., 2016; Karimi Azeri et al., 2015a; designers use to deal with any design problem. These
Nazidizaji et al., 2015a, 2015b, 2015c; Amabile and Conti, approaches to the design process can be divided into three
1999; Cho, 2017), teachers (Chambers, 1973), technology groups, namely, logical rational model, creative intuitive
(Bertol, 1997; Snyder, 1998; John, 2015; Robertson and model, and participation collective model. Archer (1969)
Radcliffe, 2009; Kazanjian et al., 2000; Lawson, 1999; proposed eight stages for the design process as follows:
Kalay, 2006: 376; Mozaffar and Khakzand, 2009), and sketch briefing, programing, data collection, analysis, synthesis,
images and visual references (Khakzand, 2009; Tian, Masry development, communication, and solution. Table 1 shows
et al., 2009; Yavuz and Yildirim, 2012). the details of the design process from the view of other
Other researchers also cited the systematic approach researchers.
named TRIZ as one of the factors that boost creativity The architectural design process can be described as the
(Chang et al., 2016; Pokhrel et al., 2015; Nazidizaji et al., procedure of drawing ideas from one's unconsciousness. It
2015a, 2015b, 2015c; Li et al., 2007; Ogot and Okudan, originates, as an abstract idea, from the thought and
2006; Totobesola-Barbier, Marouzé et al., 2002; Low et al., experience of a person and gradually develops into a
2000). Factors associated with creativity are generally tangible novel subject through a process of conversion of
outlined in research literature, and thus, determining which subjectivity to objectivity, which is mediated by creativity
factors play an effective role in boosting student creativity (Fig. 1).
in architectural design is important. The purpose of the Fig. 1 shows the process through which a designer creates
present study is to assess the six factors that affect the an architectural space. As can be seen, creativity is one of
creativity of students, including computer-aided design the primary requirements for the creation of architectural
(CAD), experience, sketch, images and visual reference, space. This study aims to investigate the factors associated
learning environment, and physical modeling. Ranking these with this particular feature.
components will show which of them has the greatest
impact on the creativity of architecture students. CAD is
also associated with the extent of architectural creativity 2.2. Aspects of creativity
among students.
Louis Sullivan stated that imagination and creativity are
innate, not learned, but they seem to be inherent talents
that can also be acquired and reinforced with appropriate
2. Theoretical framework training (Antoniades, 1990). Einstein stated, “Imagination is
more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited,
2.1. Architectural design process whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating
progress, giving birth to evolution” (Russo and Montecchi,
Creativity is the cornerstone of architecture (Danaci, 2015). 2011). According to Antoniades (1990), imagination is a
It is one of the captivating and stimulating aspects of the catalyst for visualization, and visualization serves as a filter
human mind and is defined as the ability to change old ideas through which imagination must pass before achieving
to produce unique inventions (Heap, 1989). According to realization. Guilford (1968) provided an alternative defini-
(Mozaffar and Khakzand, 2009), the design process has two tion, stating that creativity is the novel product of the
main features: first, it is an essentially creative effort, and useful and beneficial work of an individual or a group (Stein,
second, it is closely associated with drawing. Christopher 1974).
Alexander believes that the design process consists of two Therefore, creativity is a combination of several functions,
primary stages, namely, analysis and synthesis (Laseau, including innovation, flexibility, and sensitivity to other views.
1980). Lawson believes that the creative process has five It enables the learner to transcend irrational thinking and
stages, namely, first insight, preparation, incubation, illu- reach new heights of productivity and satisfaction. Runco
mination, and verification (Schon and Wiggins, 1992). In noted that creativity is a convenient yet powerful tool to
Jones’ model, the relationship between the three stages of solve problems through innovative solutions. Robins believed
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation is defined within a that creativity involves identifying new qualities in old
circular diagram that represents the evolution of a raw concepts, meanings and ideas, or coming up with new ways
and abstract idea to a decision and, ultimately, to a final of organization.
solid idea (Gross, 1996). Meyer describes the design process Chen et al. (2012) suggested that designer problems in
as a problem-solving process in which creativity plays a producing creative conceptual designs often stem from the
central role. The process proposed by Meyer consists of four lack of sufficient multi-disciplinary knowledge. A research
stages: preparation, incubation, illumination, and proof/ by Loxton (1969) on design education in schools concluded
negation. that “experience” is one of the most important factors in
102 A. Baghaei Daemei, H. Safari

Table 1 Review of opinions of some famous architects about the design process (Abo et al., 2016).

Strategic Frank Gehry Zaha Hadid Toyo Ito Peter Zumthor


Knowledge Canadian American Iraqi–British architect Japanese Architecture Swiss architect

background architect American Architecture schools Le corbusier's
schools five points of architecture
Modern architecture Le Corbusier Oscar Neimeyer conservation architecture
Schools Frank Lloyd Wright Le Corbusier
Inspiration Conscious Conscious Natural forms Lifting building PILOTIS to
sources and structures allow a sequence of green
Inspiration Inspiration Islamic patterns areas and free movement
Sculptors Nature Organic design of pedestrians
Painters Sculpture artwork Tree structure
Developing Scribbling a sketch Digital techniques Digital Physical model to represent
tools New floor plan Strategies Sculptural techniques techniques Sculptural the initial phase of the project
(Codex rules) techniques and models
Product Morphological forms in Sculpted buildings Branching design Raised horizontal beam, up on
a wonderful composition appear to be mystical Tree Building pilotis
Express fluidity, Façade as structure Very large amorphous surface
velocity, and lightness that directly expresses
the flow of force

Fig. 1 Proposed model of the architectural design process.

the creative process (Lawson, 2013). In a publication by 41% were male; all participants were 18 years and older.
Gordon (1961) on creativity empowerment, he character- Moreover, 35% of participants were master students, and
ized creativity using four analogies, namely, symbolic, the remaining 65% were bachelor students. In the data
direct, personal, and fantasy analogies. Boden (1990) stated analysis, the demographic variables were first studied, and
that creativity is an unconventional ability to capture the then the validity of the questionnaires was assessed using
ideas provided by different sources and use them to address the test of Cronbach's alpha. Then, primary statistical
problems and explore and evaluate solutions. Unlike parameters, including mean, median, mode, and standard
invention, creativity does not indicate creating something deviation (one sample T-Test), were obtained and com-
absolutely new, given that it mostly relies on prior pared. The type of analytical test (parametric or non-
achievements. parametric) was determined by Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
(K–S test). Data were then analyzed by one-sample t-test,
and then Friedman test was used for ranking
3. Research methodology

The present descriptive-analytic and quantitative research 4. Research findings

was conducted based on the information collected through
questionnaires and from existing quantitative records. The 4.1. Close-ended questionnaire data analysis
collected data were analyzed by SPSS. The sample size of
210 people was computed by using the Cochran formula. To evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire,
The population comprised 461 individuals, consisting of 114 30 questionnaires were distributed among a sample group.
master students and 347 bachelor students of architecture The resulting Cronbach's alpha was 5%, indicating the
at the Islamic Azad University of Rasht in the fall semester reliability and validity of the questionnaire. In general,
of 2014. A total 59% of the participants were female and the students were asked about their opinion on the extent
Factors affecting creativity in the architectural education process 103

Fig. 2 Study of the distribution of normality of the research data.

of the effect of CAD utilities, experience, sketch & rando,

Table 2 Descriptive characteristics of variables.
visual images and references, learning environment, and
physical modeling on creativity, and also whether they were One-sample t-test
interested in learning and utilizing CAD utilities for archi-
tectural design. All the participants showed positive views Frequency Mean Standard
about the use of CAD utilities for design. Interestingly, only deviation
7% of the participants agreed with the statement that
sketch & rando stimulate creativity in architectural design. CAD utilities 210 3.1143 .77106
The questionnaire contained 27 questions organized into Experience 210 3.9893 .56741
6 subscales dedicated to CAD utilities, experience, sketch Sketch & rando 210 3.7179 .74450
& rando, visual images and references, learning environ- Images and visual 210 3.4095 .92661
ment, and physical modeling. All questions were devised references
based on a five-item Likert scale with answers ranging Learning 210 3.4095 .92661
from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). Results of environment
the exploratory factor analysis showed that the question- Physical modeling 210 3.6167 .66713
naire was saturated with six factors, and every question
had a significant factor loading in its respective factors.
Confirmatory factor analysis also confirmed these findings. As shown in Fig. 2, the distribution of the research data
The test-retest reliability of the questionnaire was eval- with respect to mean and standard deviation for CAD
uated and confirmed at seven-day intervals. Correlation utilities was .771, .567 for experience, .927 for images
coefficients of individual subscales in this test-retest were and visual references, .736 for learning education, .667 for
.66 for CAD, .65 for experience, .65 for sketch, .57 for physical modeling, and .745 for sketch and rando. These
images and visual references, .64 for learning environ- results indicated that the data were normal.
ment, and .72 for physical modeling. Cronbach's alpha for
these subscales were .89 for experience, .85 for sketch, 4.2. One sample t-test
.88 for images and visual references, .81 for learning
environment, and .87 for physical modeling. To check the Data analysis was conducted using descriptive and inferen-
normality of the data, Kolmogorov and histogram diagram tial statistical tools. One-sample t-test was carried out to
were used (Fig. 2). identify significant differences between the means of test
104 A. Baghaei Daemei, H. Safari

and reference values. Descriptive characteristics of the 3.11, SD = .77) and the reference value (t (209) = 13.75, p
study variables, including mean, standard deviation, and = .033) of the learning environment, and the significant
frequency, are presented in Table 2. difference between the mean value (M = 3.11, SD = .77)
As shown in Table 2, the mean value of the component and the reference value (t (209) = 13.39, p = .033) of
CAD utilities is slightly higher than the reference mean (3) physical modeling.
(Figs. 3 and 4). The results of Friedman test (Table 4) showed a statistical
The descriptive statistics in Table 3 suggests the follow- significance (χ2 (5) = 210, p o.001). Friedman test was then
ing: the mean value (M = 3.11, SD = .77) and the reference used to rank the variables. Table 5 shows the ranking of
value (T value = 3) (t (209) = 2.14, p = .033) of CAD variables in terms of their mean values.
utilities, the mean value (M = 3.11, SD = .77) and the According to the results of Friedman test and the ranking
reference value (t (209) = 25.26, p = .001) (T value = 3) in Table 5, the variables that hold the first to sixth place in
(t (209) = 2.14, p = .033) of experience, the significant terms of magnitude of effect are experience, sketch,
difference between the mean value (M = 3.11, SD = .77) physical modeling, learning education, images and visual
and the reference value (t (209) = 13.97, p = .001) of references, and CAD utilities, respectively.
sketch and rando, the significant difference between the
mean value (M = 3.11, SD = .77) and the reference value
(t (209) = 6.4, p = .033) of images and visual references, 5. Discussion and Conclusion
the significant difference between the mean value (M =
This study attempted to determine which parameter from
among the six effective parameters on creativity had the
most impact on students. Kolmogorov test and histogram
chart were used to determine whether the distribution of
data represented a community selected from the sample

Table 4 Results of Friedman test.

N 210
Square root of a chi-square 170.432
Degrees of freedom 5
Significance level .000
Fig. 3 Descriptive characteristics chart of the variables.

Table 5 Ranking of variables.


No. Variable Mean value

1 Experience 4.54
2 Sketch & rando 3.81
3 Physical modeling 3.51
4 Learning education 3.7
5 Images and visual references 3.09
6 CAD utilities 2.34
Fig. 4 Descriptive characteristic chart of the variables.

Table 3 Results of one-sample t-test on the research variables.

Reference value = 3

t Degrees of freedom Significance level Mean difference 95% confidence interval

Lower bound Upper bound

CAD utilities 2.148 209 .033 .11429 .0094 .2192

Experience 25.266 209 .000 .98929 .9121 1.0665
Sketch & rando 13.973 209 .000 .71786 .6166 .8191
Images and visual references 6.405 209 .000 .40952 .2835 .5356
Learning environment 13.756 209 .000 .69881 .5987 .7990
Physical modeling 13.395 209 .000 .61667 .5259 .7074
Factors affecting creativity in the architectural education process 105

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