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2 My Leadership Styles & Approach In order to achieve the overall business objectives,
employee's contribution is vital, thus, it is important to motivates, inspires and encourage
employees which will increase the employee's efficiency and also will help to deal with change
successfully. Change is the only constant in this changing business environment and
employee's autonomy for innovation is essential at the workplace which will increased
employee's engagement and influences the employee behaviour in a positive manner. 3.2.1
Transformational Leadership Styles & Approach I adopted transformational leadership styles
which help the business adapt to the changes successfully. Transformational leadership styles
play a significant role to deal with changes as ! med to identify the changes which are essential
and then encourage, inspire and motivates team members to innovate or create changes.
Under my transformational leadership, I tried to create enthusiasm, foster creativity and facilitate
changes for an organization which adding values to the business by creating a competitive
advantage. I always tried to build trust and relationship with team members through effective
communication skills, taking the risks together and showing respect to every one of others
which build a positive work environment and empower employees at the workplace. I am
trustworthy, honest, sincere and genuine which are the key traits of my leadership approach; as
a result, I can earn trust from the followers and enables me to bring everyone in the same boat
to achieve the team goals successfully. Following are the benefits and characteristics of my
leadership styles and approach: Responsive to Changes: Organization must adapt to changes
rapidly and transformational leadership styles facilitate open communication, positive attitude
and maintain a relationship which ultimately fosters creativity and organization can respond to
changes rapidly. (Banfield, 2008) Motivate Employees: This is one of the main advantages of
transformational leadership as I always motivate employees through different motivational
strategies which ultimely motivate employees at the workplaces; hence, these employees
contribute more for an organization,

Lower Employees Tumover Costs: Under my transformational leadership styles, employees

megale are increased which lead to jobs satisfaction and a positive work environment, as a
result, organization can retain its skilled employees and also reduce employee absenteeism.
Increases Employees Efficiency: Under my transformational leadership, an organation can
increases employees efficiency as this leadership styles motivates and boog employee's morale
at the workplaces, as a result, employees work with great effort in order to complete the tasks'
more efficiently. Competitive Advantages: In order to survive and sustain in this competitive
business environment, creating a competitive advantages are vital. Transformational leadership
helped the business to create a competitive advantage by adding values to the business which
ultimately meet the customers' needs. Break-Down Complex Problems: Transformation
leadership styles helped to break down complex problems at the workplaces as everyone brine
innovative ideas and provide feedback which ultimately helps to break down complex problems
for an organization. 2.2 The Characteristics of My Leadership Self-motivated: One of the key
characteristics of my leadership is self-motivated which assist me to do the things differently
from others due to own enthusiasm, interests and initiative. I can grab the opportunities, show
commitment and turn the weakness into strengths which help to achieve the goals successfully
Transparency: This is another key characteristic of my leadership styles as it facilitates open
communication and encourages employees to bring innovative ideas which ultimately helped to
break down complex problems at the workplace and foster creativity for an organization.
(Beardwell & Thompson, 2015) Accountability: I take the responsibility of employees for good or
poor work performances, actions and then celebrate success together which ultimately earns
trust and support from subordinates; as a result: followers willingly follow the leader and accept
the more responsibilities at the workplace.

Emotional Intelligence: This is one of the key characteristic of my leadership styles which helps
me to control, understand or use emotions in a positive manner. Moreover, it assists me to
influence team members and enables to stay positive during tough times. Adaptability: In order
to deal with changes, adaptability skills is vital as this trait helped me to adapt to the changes
rapidly, as a result, an organization can gain a competitive advantage by differentiating its
business from others in a particular industry or market. 4 CONCLUSION From the above report,
it can be concluded that emergent leadership skills not only enhance the overall effectiveness of
an organization but it also helps to build leadership capacit increase employees efficiency,
promotes diversity, foster innovatie minimizes costs, creates a healthy work environment, build
a business reputation; which ultimately increases organizational productivity and performances.
Moreover, emergent leadership skills can add values to the business as emergent leaders can
adapt to the changes quickly, motivate team members, accelerate team development, build a
healthy relationship with others, bring fresh ideas or provides valuable feedback to complete the
assigned tasks efficiently, as a result, emergent leaders bring everyone under one umbrella
towards achieving common team goals. Alison Brittain adopted multiple leadership styles which
are transformational and visionary leadership styles which help Whitbread PLC to run its
business operation smoothly and competently. Leadership styles of Alison Brittain helped the
busine to turn its weakness into strengths and also utilized the hidden trends as an opportunity
which ultimately created a competitive advantages an industry, thus, Whitbread sales and
profitability increased dramatically. Moreove Alison Brittain realized that employees are the main
assets for business success, as a result, implemented various strategies at the workplace to
motivates these thployees which ultimately motivated and encouraged employees t contribute
more for Costa Coffee and Premier Inn (Northouse, 2017)

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