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TAHUN PELAJARAN : 2017 / 2018

A.Complete the conversation below with the word from the box ( Lengkapi
kalimat percakapan dibawah ini dengan kata – kata didalam kotak )

What is your You, Do Are Is your name

My name is How do you do ? Is Not Am not

Nadia : Excuse me. ……………………………. Luna ? ( 1 )

Ann : No, it …………………………………( 2 )
Nadia : ……………………. ……………You Rina ? ( 3 )
Ann : No. I …………………………… ( 4 )
Nadia : ……………………………… Name ? ( 5 )
Ann : ……………………………… Ann. ( 6 )
Nadia : How do ………………………… Ann. ( 7 )
Ann : ……………………………… ? ( 8 )

Pilihlah jawaban dari pertanyaan berikut.

1. Bram : ................. Your name.
Guspan : My name is Nana.
a. what is b. what c. is d. are

2. A : Are ................................ John ?

B : No.
a. Your name b. You c. Your d. Name

3. Lisa : Good evening Mr. Big

Mr. Big : …………………… Lisa
a. Good morning b. Good bye c. Good afternoon d.Good evening
4. Ardi : ………………….. Student see you tomorrow
Student : Good bye. Ardi
a. How are you b. Hi c. Hello d. Good bye

5. Hello. My name ……………… handi.

a. Is b. Are c. Too d. Fine Thanks

6. There ……………. two pencils in my bag.

a. Is b. Are c. No d. Is not

7. ………………….. there dictionary in four bag

a. Is b. How c. What d. Are

8. Jei – ei – es – em – ai – en – e.
a. Jas mine b. Jasmine c. Gas mine d. Gasmine

9. Bi – ie – ie.
a. baa b. B – i – i c. B – U – U d. B – E – E
10.………………. Five student in the classroom
a. There are b. There is c. Are d. Is

11.…………………… a student in the room ?

a. Is there b. How c. Have d. Are these

12.My brother ……………………. two marbels.

a. Is b. Have c. Has d. Are

13.What is seven and twenty ?

a. Twenty seven b. Twenty eight c. Twenty nine d. Twenty six

14.What is this
a. Ear b. Nose c. Eye d. Cheek

15.………………….. a melon in the kitchen.

a. There are b. There Is c. Are d. Is
B.Translate into english !
1. Saya sangat lapar
2. Kemana kamu pergi ?
3. Lempah kuning adalah makanan favorit ku
4. Saya pergi ke pantai pasir padi
5. Ayo pergi ke sekolah

C.Translate into english !

I asked ten people . four of them like metball. Two of them like fried
chicken .three of them like pizza . and one of them likes lempah keladi.

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