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Media and Information Literacy

Media and Information Literacy

• Subject Requirements:
– (Written Works) – 25%
– (Performance Task) – 50%
– Quarterly Assessment – 25 %
Lesson 1: Introduction to Media
and Information Literacy
Lesson Objectives:
1. Describe how communication is
affected by media and information.
2. Identify the similarities and differences
of media literacy, information literacy
and technology literacy.
3. Weigh the value of being a media and
information literate individual.
Media and Information Literacy
It is linked to access to information,
free expression and education. Media
and Information Literacy (MIL), defined
as the ability to access, analyze and
create media, is a prerequisite for
citizens to realize their rights to
freedom of information and
Media and Information Literacy
“Everyone has the right to freedom of
opinion and expression; this right
includes freedom to hold opinions
without interference and to seek, receive
and impart information and ideas through
any media regardless of
-Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Important terms:
1. Media
2. Literacy
3. Media Literacy
4. Information
5. Information Literacy
6. Technology Literacy
It is the physical object used to
communicate with, or the mass
communication physical objects such
as radio, television, computers, films
etc. It also refers to any physical
object used to communicate
The ability to identify, understand,
interpret, create and communicate using
printed, written materials and other means
associated with varying context. Literacy
involves a continuum of learning, wherein
individuals are able to achieve their goals,
develop their knowledge and potential, and
participate fully in their community and
wider society.
Media literacy
Media Literacy is a 21 century
advent to education. It is the
understanding to access, analyze,
evaluate, create, reflect and act using
all forms of communication. It is an
effective and engaging way to employ
critical thinking skills to a wide range
of issues.
Media literacy
Access Analyze &

Act Create

Media literacy skills can help people to:
1. Develop critical thinking skills
2. Understand how media messages shape our
culture and society
3. Recognizing what media makers want us to
believe or do
4. Recognize bias, spin, misinformation and lies
5. Discover the parts of the story that are not being
6. Evaluate media messages based on our
experiences, skills and values.
7. Create and distribute our own media messages
8. Advocate for media justice.
Information is a broad term that
covers processed data, knowledge
derived from a study, experience,
instruction, signals or symbols.
Information literacy
It is a set of skills requiring people to
recognize when information is needed
and have the ability to locate, evaluate,
and use effectively the needed
Information literacy
An Information Literate person is able to:
1. Determine the extent of information needed.
2. Access the needed information effectively and
3. Evaluate information and its sources critically.
4. Incorporate selected information into one’s
knowledge base.
5. Use information effectively to accomplish a
specific purpose.
6. Understand the economic, legal, and social issues
surrounding the use of information, and access
and use information ethically and legally.
Technology Literacy
Technology literacy is the skill of
the person, working independently
and with others, to responsibility,
appropriately and effectively uses
technology tools to access,
manage, integrate, create
and communicate information.
Learners who have obtained technological literacy are
able to:

1. Problem-solve
2. Communicate
3. Locate, use and synthesize information
found using technology
4. Develop skills necessary to function in
the 21 century.
Salient preparatory skills of a technology literate person:

1. Creativity and Innovation

2. Communication and Collaboration
3. Research and Information Literacy
4. Digital Citizenship
5. Technology Operations and Concepts

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