Analytical Method For Recalibration of Incore and Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System of PWRs

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Analytical Method for Recalibration of Incore and

Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System of PWRs

Yoichiro SHIMAZU

To cite this article: Yoichiro SHIMAZU (1991) Analytical Method for Recalibration of Incore and
Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System of PWRs, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology,
28:4, 293-298, DOI: 10.1080/18811248.1991.9731358

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journal of NuCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, 28( 4], pp, 293-298 (April 1991), 293

Analytical Method for Recalibration

of lncore and Excore Nuclear
Instrumentation System of PWRs
Yoichiro SHIMAZU

Mitsubishi Atomic Power Industries, Inc.*

Received june 29, 1990

In pressurized water reactors (PWRs) of nuclear power plants, it is periodically required

to recalibrate the correlation between the incore and excore nuclear instruments, where the
recalibration guarantees the accurate monitoring of incore axial power distributions by excore
instrumentation. In order to obtain the correlation between incore power distribution and
excore detector response, however, it is necessary to perturb the axial power distribution of
the reactor by control rods or to introduce a xenon spatial oscillation.
In this paper a simplified analytical method that eliminates such perturbations is proposed
to evaluate the correlation between incore power distribution and excore detector currents which
is utilized to recalibrate the nuclear instrumentation system. This method provides as good an
accuracy as that obtained by conventional methods.
KEYWORDS: PWR type reactors, incore instruments, excore instruments, reactor
instrumentation, recalibration, accuracy, axial offset, xenon oscillation, Green's

we can evaluate the required correlation by

I. INTRODUCTION calculations, thus we can eliminate the pertur-
In pressurized water reactor(, (PWRs) of bations.
nuclear power plants, it is periodically required
to recalibrate the correlation between the in-
core and excore nuclear instruments. The AND RECALIBRATION
recalibration guarantees the accurate monitor- The power range monitoring system of
ing of incore axial power distributions by PWR is consisted of four independent power
excore instrumentation. In order to obtain range excore neutron detectors. Each detector
the correlation between the incore power dis- is composed of upper-half and lower-half long
tribution and the excore detector response, ion chamber detectors. The concept is shown
however, it is necessary to perturb the axial in Fig. 1.
power distribution of the reactor by control Axial power distribution is also monitored
rods or by introducing a Xe spatial oscil- by the excore detector in terms of axial offset,
lation. To avoid excessive linear heat gener- AO defined as
ation rate in the fuel, it is sometimes required
to reduce the operating power level during AO= PT-PB_
this operation. As those procedures are of PT+PB'
no benefit for commercial operation, it is de- where PT : Reactor power in upper half core
sirable to eliminate such perturbations. PB: Reactor power in lower half core.
From this point of view, an analytical The signal of PT and PB are generated
method to evaluate the data required for the using the upper and lower detector currents,
recalibrations was studied. With this method * Shibakouen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105.
294 ]. Nucl. Sci. Techno!.,

As described above, the data of various

AOs and the corresponding upper and lower
detector currents are acquired during a Xe
oscillation, which is intentionally introduced.
The AO is measured using incore movable neu-
tron detectors.
In order to eliminate such perturbation fol-
lowing the initial calibration at the startup
test after the refuling, the methodology called
one point calibration is developed by Blake< 1 J.
The method is based on the assumption that
the gradients of the current with AO is con-
stant during the core life. The acceptability
of this method is evaluated by Lacy et at. <2 '
However the assumption above is not rigorous-
ly correct, which is known through actual
measurements or analytical evaluations< 3 '. We
have to be more careful for reactors of com-
0 plex design such as those with partial length
burnable absorber or strong burnable absorber,
for example, gadlinium (Gd).
0 In the following chapter we discuss an
analytical method which can evaluate the
correlation of the currents and AO based on
response matrix for excore detectors and
0 power distributions calculated by design code.
Fig. 1 Conceptual diagram of Thus we can eliminate perturbations to the
excore detector system
reactor or plant operation.
respectively. The calibration or recalibration ill. SIMPLIFIED MODEL OF EXCORE
is required at this stage to guarantee the
accuracy of monitoring incore AO by excore
detectors. The data required for the recali- In order to investigate the basic character-
bration is the correlation for each upper and istics of incore and excore correlation, a
lower detector current with AO as shown in simplified model was considered as follows:
Fig. 2. A general expression of a point detector
response of the length dl is written as
D(X, Y, Z)dl

=H~G(x, y, z-.X, Y, Z)
·P(x, y, z)dxdydz·dl, ( 1)
where D(X, Y, Z): Point detector response at
fixed excore position (X, Y, Z)
G (x, y, z->X, Y, Z) : Green's function for
detector response at (X, Y, Z)
produced by neutron emitted
at (x,y,z)
P(x, Y, z) : Incore power distribution.

Fig. 2 Fundamental data required As explained in Ref. (3) good results were
for recalibration obtained based on two-dimensional calculations,
Vol. 28, No. 4 (Apr. 1991) 295

which implicitly indicates that G(x, y, z-> Further, we simplified the model by assuming
X, Y, Z) is separable in variables as GR(x, y that neutron source is concentrated at the
-+X, Y)·Gz(z->Z). Assuming similar sepa- core surface. The model is shown in Fig. 3.
rability of variables of power distribution,
Eq. ( 1) is rewritten as

D(X, Y, Z)dt=HGR(x, y-+X, Y)·PR(x, y)

·dxdy· ~Gz(z-+Z)·Pz(z)dzdl. ( 2)

According to Ref. (3), the first integration part ze

by dxdy is expressed simply as

))cR(x, y-+X, Y)·PR(x, y)·dxdy

l r • 0 r • re
= J=l
~ WrP1 , ( 3)
Fig. 3 Simplified reactor-detector model
where W 1 : Weighting factor for assembly j
P 1 : Relative power of assembly j. Considering a unit neutron source at the
Among these weighting factors W/s are axial position z of the core periphery, the
dominant for peripheral assemblies which see function G,(z-4Z)dl is written as
the detector directly and also similar in
quantity. Therefore, the right-hand side of
Eq. ( 3) can be approximately written as
where F 1 (z->Zm) : Neutron transport kernel
M _ N in reactor vessel
~ WrP1 ~W · 2::: P;=K (constant), ( 4) F2(Zm->Ze): Neutron transport kernel
j=l i=l
outside reactor vessel
where W is a representative value for periph- Zm: Axial position at surface
eral assemblies. The W is determined only by of reactor vessel.
the geometrical relation between a reactor and
According to Ref. (3), these kernels are ex-
the detector. And P; is relative power of
pressed as follows :
the peripheral assembly i facing the detector.
Then Eq. ( 1 ) can be written as exp(-~,S)
( 7)
D(X, Y, Z)dl=K· ~Gz(z-+Z)Pz(z)dzdl. ( 5)

The function Gz(z-+Z)dl can be evaluated in

the analogy of the method described in Ref. where :r,: Effective removal cross section
(3). In Ref. (3), the neutron transport is treated in reactor vessel.
in two-dimensional geometry. However, we
Same value as Ref. (1) is assumed
apply the concept to one-dimensional neutron
transport. In the calculation, the following S=v'r;.+(z-zm) 2 , ( 9)
treatment are used :
LIG=Angle for neutron seeing detector
(1) Neutron distribution at the outer sur-
face of the pressure vessel is calculated dl cos 0
by a simple point kernel. R
(2) Neutrons are isotropically scattered at
R=.../(re-rm) 2 +(zm-Ze)2 •
the surface.
Thus we get the following equation:
296 ]. Nucl. Sci. Techno/.,

• Characteristics of axial power

G z(z --+Z)dl=!!l_\ exp(-l'rS). (r.-rm)d distribution
21r J S R2 Zm.
• Neutron energy spectrum and
detector sensitivity.
The integration by dzm of Eq. (11) can be However they can be treated analytically as
evaluated numerically, subdividing the reactor described below.
model into axial nodes, for example, 4, 8, 20 (1) Actual detector alignment
and 40 nodes. Then the term is expressed as The effect of the actual detector alignment
a square matrix of the element Eu which is taken into account in two steps.
indicates the response of a point detector at First, the response matrix is evaluated
(r., zk) due to a unit source at (o, z 1). We according to the actual geometrical alignment.
will refer to this matrix as the response In other words, the values of rm and re are
matrix hereafter. selected equal to the actual distance and the
Then D(X, Y, Z)dl is calculated as a summation of subdivided detector nodes are
product of the response matrix, the constant carried out for the actual detector length.
K, a vectorized power distribution P(z)dz. On the other hand, a series of axial diffu-
Assuming that the excore detector consists of sion calculations simulating "the initial" incore
two long ion chambers whose lengths is equal and excore calibration procedures are per-
to the length of a half core, the current formed, obtaining various axial power distri-
outputs of the upper and lower ion chambers butions. Here "the initial calibration" means
are calculated by summing the detector re- the one carried out at the start up after
sponse of each node for various axial power refueling. Using these power distributions
distributions. and the response matrix, the correlation be-
These calculations show that the correla- tween the detector currents and the AOs is
tions obtained by the model become independ- evaluated. Then the each correlation of the
ent of the number of axial nodes if the num- currents and AOs is fitted as follows :
ber is more than 20. The results obtained
I=a·AO+b, (12)
based on power distributions for beginning of
life (BOL) and end of life (EOL) were compared where I: Detector current in arbitrary unit
to the corresponding measured results from a, b: Constants.
actual reactors. Secondly, the above correlation is normal-
The correlations between AO and the cur- ized to that measured at the initial calibration
rents were very close to those of actual in the following manner. The measured cor-
reactors. These results show that our method, relation is given by Eq. (13),
described above, is practically enough for the
analysis of actual reactor systems. Im=A·AO+B, (13)

IV. APPLICATION TO ANALYSIS where Im: Measured current

A, B : Constants evaluated based
OF ACTUAL REACTOR DATA on measurement.
Before applying this model to actual reac-
Equating as Im=al+f', we obtain the normal-
tor data analysis, some considerations must
izing factors a, f' as
be given. First of all, the actual detector
alignment is not so simple as the model. A
a=- (14)
Also the following parameters vary with a ,
burnup, all of which affect excore detector
response: f'=B-b- (15)
• Boron concentration in
primary loop The physical meaning of these factors can
• Radial power distribution be understood to include the effects of both
Vol. 28, No. 4 (Apr. 1991) 297

actual structural materials and the sensitivity AOs at the burnup step under consideration.
of the detectors at the initial calibration. These power distributions are discretized and
The former can be independent of core burnup multiplied by the response matrix to obtain
but the latter is not. However the latter the correlation of AO and detector response.
effect can be corrected by taking into account Thus this correlation includes the effect of
the variation of the sensitivity at each burnup the change in the axial power distribution
step. due to burn up. This correlation is then nor-
(2) Boron concentration effect malized by procedure (1) using a and fi.
The change in boron concentration in the (5) Neutron energy spectrum
primary loop could affect the response matrix and detector sensitivity
through the change of 2:, for the neutron The effects of neutron energy spectrum
kernel. However, a two-dimensional transport and detector sensitivity which are dependent
calculation proved that the change in the on burnup are taken into account by normal-
boron concentration has negligible effect on ization of the detector response obtained by
the detector current. Thus, the response the above procedures to the actual detector
matrix evaluated for BOL can be used. reading at the measured AO of normal opera-
(3) Radial power distribution change tion, these measurements being performed
Radial power distributions are taken into periodically however only at one steady state.
account by multiplying the response matrix The normalization is to find a correction
by a factor C which is defined as factor to adjust the calculated current to the
measured current corresponding to the meas-
C=(A verage power of peripheral assemblies
ured AO. Using the procedures (l)rv(5) a
facing to the detector at respective
new correlation between AO and detector
burnup)/(Average power of the same
response is obtained at any burnup step with
assemblies at startup).
no Xe oscillation or power reduction.
Design values or measured values of the
assembly powers can be used to calculate the IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
value C. This is reasonable because of our As an example, results obtained by this
analytical model described in Chap. ill. method are compared with measurements and
(4) Axial power distribution change are listed in Table 1. The differences between
The characteristics of the axial power the AOs of incore measurements and those
distributions are evaluated based on a series predicted are about the same level of accuracy
of one-dimensional calculations of different as for the conventional method.

Table 1 Comparison of measured and predicted AO

Measured Predicted by this method (%)

(%) N4lt 1 N42t 1 N43t 1 N44t 1
-~ -·----- - - -----------
-4.08 -4.08t 4 -4. 08t• -4.08t4 -4. o8t•
-15.38 -15.23 -14.51 -15.84 -16.04
-13.26 -13.12 -12.54 -13.66 -13.76
-9.58 -9.36 -9.29 -9.51 -9.71
-7.18 -6.80 -6.91 -7.18 -7.25
-4.01 -3.95 -3.74 -3.99 -3.86
-0.46 -0.32 -0.35 -0.54 -0.26
3.27 3.26 2.48 3. 12 3.30
6.68 5. 78 5.45 6.48 6. 70
Errort2 0.02 0.06 -0.13 -0.11
uta 0.36 0.67 0.19 0.29
t 1 Channel 1-4, t• Average error; error=AOpred.- AOmeas.
t 3 Standard deviation of errors, t 4 Normalized at this AO

298 ]. Nucl. Sci. Techno{.,

Although the cost saving for the replace- which is similar to that obtained by the con-
ment energy, for example, fossil fuel is not ventional method. But the new method does
so large, such efforts to keep a high load not require a perturbation in the normal
factor and operational safety are important operation. Thus the present method could be
to both utilities and reactor designers. From of practical use in PWR plants.
this point of view, this method can be used
as an improved procedure for incore-excore
recalibration. (!) BLAKE, R.: One Point Calibration Work Shop,
Nov., 1986.
V. CONCLUSION (2) LACY, P. S., RAPP, ]. S., KAPITZ, ]. : Ex-core
to in-core flux map calibration, Proc. ANS 1989
A simplified analytical method is presented Winter Mtg., p. 587 (1989).
that evaluates the correlation between incore (3) TocHIHARA, H., OcHIAI, E., HASEGAWA, T.:
axial offset and excore detector currents which Re-evaluation of spacial weighting factors for
excore neutron detectors, Nucl. Technol., 58,
is utilized to recalibrate nuclear instrumenta-
310-317 (1982).
tion system. This method has an accuracy


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