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 Disability and Exceptional

 Giftedness – These gifted individuals excel in their ability to think, reason and judge, making it
necessary for them to receive special educational services and support to be able to fully
develop their potential and talents.
 Difference between giftedness and talented
 Does giftedness go away?
 Signs that children might be gifted and talented
- perceptive, inquiring minds
-ability to see connections between ideas
- long concentration spans in areas of interests
 6 types of gifted children
1. Successful
2. Autonomous
3. Challenging and creative
4. Underground
5. Potential Dropout or At risk
 Disability and Exceptional
 6. Doubly Exceptional or 2E – Doubly exceptional children are those who are gifted and
who also exhibit a learning or physical disorder.

 Many people have difficulty comprehending that a child can be gifted and also have learning
disabilities. As a result, children with special needs that result from both their high abilities and
their learning problems are rarely identified and are often poorly served.
 When educators first began describing children who showed evidence of having a learning
disability (LD) yet also appeared to be gifted, many viewed this as contradictory.
 In 1981, a colloquium held at The Johns Hopkins University convened experts from the fields of
both learning disabilities and giftedness to consider this issue.
 In recent years, the concept of giftedness and learning disabilities occurring concomitantly in the
same individual has become commonly accepted


In its definition of the gifted and talented, the government specifies that these children are to be
identified by professionally qualified persons as being capable of high performance in the visual arts.
Unfortunately, neither "high performance" nor "qualified persons" are easily defined.

Hurwitz goes on to say that he believes "high visual ability, rests largely on intensity and commitment.
Whatever most children are capable of accomplishing, the gifted surpass in quality, love of work, and
amount of time spent."


Moon Sang Tae

How can the teacher manage and help a 2e student that is excellent in visual arts?

• The parents must know their child’s condition and capabilities so that the teachers can
understand how they are gonna handle and teach the child.

How to support the child with special need and talent in visual arts?

• Know the students’ preferred way or learning.

• Determine if they needed to be transferred in a class where they excel (visual)

• The school should have knowledge, tools, and plan when handling students like this.

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