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In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Batch 2020 - 23





This is to certify that the practical titled “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY” submitted by TANNU
RATHEE to New Delhi Institute of Management, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University in
partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of the Bachelor of Business Administration degree is
an original piece of work carried out under my guidance and may be submitted for evaluation.
The assistance rendered during the study has been duly acknowledged.
No part of this work has been submitted for any other degree.

Faculty Guide:
Place: New Delhi
Date: 29 March 2022


Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and this work is not different.
Regardless of the source, I wish to express my gratitude to those who may have contributed
to this work, even though anonymously.

I would like to pay my sincere thanks to my RESEARCH METHODOLOGY guide, DR.

EISHA KHAN, New Delhi Institute of Management under whose guidance I was able to
complete my Practical successfully. I have been fortunate enough to get all the support,
encouragement and guidance from him needed to explore, think new and initiate.

My final thank goes out to my parents, family members, teachers and friends who
encouraged me countless times to persevere through this entire process.



What is SPSS?
SPSS stands for “Statistical Package for the Social Sciences”. It is an IBM tool. This tool first
launched in 1968. This is one software package. This package is mainly used for statistical
analysis of the data. SPSS is mainly used in the following areas like healthcare, marketing, and
educational research, market researchers, health researchers, survey companies, education
researchers, government, marketing organizations, data miners, and many others.
It provides data analysis for descriptive statistics, numeral outcome predictions, and identifying
groups. This software also gives data transformation, graphing and direct marketing features to
manage data smoothly.

They came under IBM SPSS Statistics, and most of the users refer to it as SPSS only.
It is straight forward, and its English-like command language helps the user to go through the flow.
SPSS introduces the following four programs that help researchers with their complex data analysis needs.

 Statistics Program
SPSS’s statistics program gives a large amount of basic statistical functionality; some include frequencies,
cross-tabulation, bivariate statistics, etc.

 Modeler Program
Researchers are able to build and validate predictive models with the help of advanced statistical procedures.

 Text Analytics for Surveys Program

It gives robust feedback analyses which in turn get a vision for the actual plan.

 Visualization Designer
Researchers found this visual designer data to create a wide variety of visuals like density charts and radial
box plots.

Features of SPSS
 The data from any survey collected via Survey Gizmo gets easily exported to SPSS for
detailed and good analysis.
 In SPSS, data gets stored in SAV format. These data mostly comes from surveys. This
makes the process of manipulating, analysing and pulling data very simple.

 SPSS have easy access to data with different variable types. These variable data is easy to
understand. SPSS helps researchers to set up model easily because most of the process is
 After getting data in the magic of SPSS starts. There is no end to what we can do with this
 SPSS has a unique way to get data from critical data also. Trend analysis, assumptions,
and predictive models are some of the characteristics of SPSS.
 SPSS is easy for you to learn, use and apply.
 It helps in to get data management system and editing tools handy.
 SPSS offers you in-depth statistical capabilities for analysing the exact outcome.
 SPSS helps us to design, plotting, reporting and presentation features for more clarity.

Statistical Methods of SPSS

Many statistical methods can be used in SPSS, which are as follows:
 Prediction for a variety of data for identifying groups and including methodologies such
as cluster analysis, factor analysis, etc.
 Descriptive statistics, including the methodologies of SPSS, are frequencies, cross-
tabulation, and descriptive ratio statistics, which are very useful.
 Also, Bivariate statistics, including methodologies like analysis of variance (ANOVA),
means, correlation, and nonparametric tests, etc.
 Numeral outcome prediction such as linear regression.

It is a kind of self-descriptive tool which automatically considers that you want to open an
existing file, and with that opens a dialog box to ask which file you would like to open. This
approach of SPSS makes it very easy to navigate the interface and windows in SPSS if we open
a file.
Besides the statistical analysis of data, the SPSS software also provides data management
features; this allows the user to do a selection, create derived data, perform file reshaping, etc.
Another feature is data documentation. This feature stores a metadata dictionary along with the
data file.

What are the 4 Main Windows in SPSS?

There are 4 main windows in SPSS and we thought it would be useful to introduce you to what
the 4 windows in SPSS are and what each is used for:

1. Data View - The data view is used to store and show your data. It is much like an ordinary
spreadsheet although in general the data is structured so that rows are cases and the columns are

for the different variables that relate to each case.

2. Variable View - The variable view contains the variables on your data set, so it defines the
properties of your dataset. Each row will define all of the various variables for one set of data.
For example, for a numerical piece of data this would show (amongst other things) the number
of decimal places that are stored for that piece of data.

The variables include - name, type, width, decimals, label, values, missing, columns, align and
measure. Ensuring that the 'measure' of your variables is correct is vital. The variable can be
Nominal which is for strings of data, Ordinal for data that isn't continuous but can be ranked
or ordered or, finally, scale which is used for a variable that is continuous, for example a
distance to somewhere.

3. Output Viewer Window - This window is used to show the results that have been output
from your data analysis. Depending on the analysis that you are carrying out this may include
the Chart Editor Window or Pivot Table Window.

4. Syntax Editor Window - This window shows the underlying commands that have executed
your data analysis. If you are a confident coder this is where you can amend the code, or write
your own from scratch, and then run your own custom analysis on your data set.
What does data in SPSS look like?

What are the basics Operations in SPSS?

The Data Editor window is the default window and opens when SPSS starts. This window
displays the content of any open data files and provides drop-down menus that allow you to
modify and analyze data. The data are displayed in a spreadsheet format where columns
represent variables and rows represent cases. The spreadsheet format includes two tabs at the
bottom labelled Data View and Variable View. The Data View tab displays the open data set:
variables appear in columns, and cases appear in rows. The Variable View tab displays
information about variables in the open data (but not the data themselves), such as variable
names, types, and labels, etc. The tab that is currently displayed will be yellow in colour.


When you perform any command in SPSS, the Output Viewer window opens automatically and
displays a log of the actions taken and the associated output. Primarily, the Output Viewer is
where the results of statistical analysis are shown, but any command invoked through the drop-
down menus or syntax will be printed to the Output Viewer. This includes opening, closing, or

saving a data file. If an Output Viewer window is not open when a command is run, a new
Output Viewer window will automatically be created.

The Output Viewer window is divided into two sections, or frames. The left frame contains an
outline of the content in the Output Viewer. This outline is especially useful when you have run
many SPSS commands and need to locate a particular section of output easily. The right frame
contains the actual output. Clicking on an item in the left frame will jump to that content in the
right frame. Items that have been selected in the right frame are indicated by a red arrow and a
box drawn around the content.

You can modify the contents in the Output Viewer by selecting items in the left or right frame
and copying, pasting, or deleting them. To remove an item from the Output Viewer, click on its
name in the left frame or click on the object itself in the right frame, then press the Delete key on
your keyboard.

An Output Viewer window can be saved as a viewer file (*.spv) so that you can review it again
without having to re-run the same commands in SPSS. To save an Output Viewer window,
click File > Save As. Alternatively, you can export some or all of the contents in
the Viewer window to a new document or image file by clicking File > Export. In general, you
can export all content as a PDF (*.pdf), a PowerPoint file (*.ppt), an Excel file (*.xls or *.xlsx),
a Word file (*.doc or *.docx), an HTML file (*.htm), or a text file (*.txt). Graphs can be saved
as *.bmp, *.emf, *.eps, *.jpeg, *.png, or *.tif.


SPSS syntax is a programming language unique to SPSS that can be used as an alternative to the
drop-down menus for data manipulation and statistical analyses. The Syntax Editor window is
where users can write, debug, and execute SPSS syntax. To open a new Syntax Editor window,
click File > New > Syntax.

The right panel of the Syntax Editor window is where your syntax is entered. The left panel of
the Syntax Editor window shows an outline of the commands in your syntax, and can be used to
navigate within your code. You can jump to a specific part of your code by clicking on the
command in the left panel. This feature is useful for showing the start and end points of a
command, especially if the command is longer than one line.

Syntax can be saved as an *.sps file by clicking File > Save or File > Save As within the Syntax
Editor window.
Executing Commands in SPSS

SPSS offers two basic ways of working with your data: drop-down menus and syntax

1. Drop-down menus: Users who are new to SPSS typically learn the software by using
drop-down menus. These are the menus that you see across the toolbar at the top of the
screen--e.g., File, Edit, View, Data, etc. These menus provide the options you need for
performing specific actions on your data. Clicking on any one of the menus will produce a
list of menu items. You may then select a specific menu item from the list to perform
specific actions.

2. Syntax Commands: Advanced users can interact with SPSS by writing their own syntax.
Syntax is a command-driven language that tells SPSS what actions to perform on the data.
Using syntax commands (rather than drop-down menus) is preferable for several reasons:
 Syntax allows users to write commands that are not available via drop-down menus.
 Syntax provides a useful log of what steps you have taken while working with your data.
 Syntax allows you to easily edit your commands, in any order, rather than having to re-
select each drop-down command if you decide to change some part of your analysis.
 Syntax allows you to consistently reproduce your commands, which is important for
validating your methods.

Overall, syntax offers more flexibility, a clearer record, and greater ease in making changes and
re-running commands. It does take some practice to learn to write the basic command language,
but once you learn the language the benefits of working with data in this way will become very

To use syntax, click File > New > Syntax. This opens a new Syntax Editor window where you
can write and execute syntax commands.

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SPSS Toolbar Shortcuts

By default, the Data View window has the following shortcuts for common tasks.

Icon Tooltip Description

Open data Open a data file. Equivalent to File > Open > Data.

Save this Save the active dataset. Equivalent to File > Save or Ctrl + S.

Print Print the contents of the active data view window. Not recommended.
Equivalent to File > Print.

Recall Shows the list of most recently used dialog windows. Use when you need
recently used to re-run an analysis.

Undo a user Equivalent to Edit > Undo (in the drop-down menus) or Ctrl + Z.

Redo a user Equivalent to Edit > Redo (in the drop-down menus) or Ctrl + Y.

Go to case Jump to a specific case (row) in the active dataset. Equivalent to Edit >
Go to Case.

Go to Jump to a specific variable (column) in the active dataset. Equivalent

variable to Edit > Go to Variable.

Variables View the variable name, labels, type, measurement level, missing value
codes, and value labels for all variables in the active window. Equivalent
to Utilities > Variables.

Run Run descriptive statistics (using the Frequencies procedure) on the

descriptive selected variable. The statistics shown are determined by the variable
statistics measurement level setting. Nominal and ordinal variables are summarized
with a frequency table; scale variables are summarized using mean,
median, standard deviation, range, minimum, and maximum. Only
activates when a cell or column in the Data View window is selected.
Equivalent to Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Frequencies.

Find Search for a value or observation in the dataset, or search and replace a

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Icon Tooltip Description

value or observation in the dataset. Only activates when a cell in the Data
View window is selected. Equivalent to Edit > Find and Edit > Replace,
or Ctrl + F and Ctrl + H, respectively.

Insert cases Insert a case between two existing cases. Equivalent to Edit > Insert

Insert Insert a new variable between two existing variables. By default, new
variable variables created this way are scale numeric variables. Equivalent to Edit
> Insert Variable.

Split file Stratify your analyses based on a categorical variable. For example, if the
variable Gender is selected in Split File, running descriptive statistics on
any other variables will produce descriptive for males and females
separately. Equivalent to Data > Split File.

Select cases Extract a set of cases to a new data file based on some criteria, or apply a
filter variable. Equivalent to Data > Select Cases.

Value labels Toggle whether the raw data or the value label is displayed in the Data
View window. Equivalent to View > Value Labels.

Use variable Select or unselect sets of variables to show in the active window. Multiple
sets sets can be selected at a time. Equivalent to Utilities > Use Variable
Sets. Note that you must first define a variable set (Utilities > Define
Variable Sets) in order for this to be useful.

Show all Shows all variables in the active dataset. Only activates if Use Variable
variables Sets has been used. Equivalent to Utilities > Show All Variables.


Step 1: Set up a new form or quiz. Go to ...

Step 2: Edit and format a form or quiz. You can add, edit, or format text, images, or videos in a
form. ...

Step 3: Send your form for people to fill out. When you are ready, you can send your form to
others and collect their responses.

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My Questionnaire Link:

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Q1. Gender
CODING: Female = 1
Male = 2

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Q2. How much time did you spend last week playing video and/or
computer games?
CODING: Less than 1 Hour = 1
More than 2 Hours = 2
Between 1 Hour or 2 Hours = 3

Q3. What types of games do you play?

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CODING: Action = 1
Adventure = 2
Role Playing = 3
Others = 4

Q4. Why do you play the games you checked above?

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CODING: I like the graphics/realism= 1
For relaxation= 2
It challenges my mind= 3
It’s such a great feeling to master or finish a game= 4

Q5. Where do you usually play video/computer games?

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CODING: Arcade = 1
On a computer = 2
On Android = 3
On iPhone = 4

Q6. Do you think video games are educational?

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CODING: Yes= 1
No = 2

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Q7. Do you still find time to play when you’re busy (e.g., during
CODING: Yes= 1
No = 2


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Describing My Data
Using Crosstabs (Chi-square)
 Let’s Cross-tabulate [Do you think video games are educational and Gender]:
1. Analyze > Descriptive Statistics >Crosstabs…
2. In the dialogue box that pops up, place your outcome of interest ( Games are
Educational) in the columns, and the variable you want to group participants by (to
compare one against the other)in the rows(i.e., Gender):

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3. If we leave it at this, we’ll just get a count of respondents in each combination of
categories. But we want to know how to also get a percentage for each group. For
this, we need to Select the “Cells..” button to the top right of the dialogue box:

4. Here we select percentages for rows, columns and total. Let’s select all three then
click Continue, then Paste, to paste the syntax to our syntax file for the record.

5. Run Selection, then look at your Output:

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We can see that in this cohort:

 the majority of males and females (66.7% and 33.3%, respectively) thought that video
games are educational;
 the majority of males and females (33.3% and 66.7% respectively) thought that video
games are not educational;

It’s also possible to run chi square tests using crosstabs to test whether those differences
observed are statistically significant. We can do this through the “Statistics…” option in the
crosstabs dialogue box:

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1. Tick the “Chi-square” check box at the top left of the statistics dialogue box, then
click Continue.
2. Paste your updated crosstabs syntax to your syntax file (don’t delete the previous
one!), and run selection.
3. In addition to the crosstabs results table you had before, your output should also
include another table at the bottom with the results of the Chi-square test:

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The Pearson Chi-square test (top row of data in the table) indicates that there are
significant differences between groups, given by the p-value less 0.402 in the third
column of the table.


Let’s also Cross-tabulate [How much time did you spend last week playing video games
and Gender]:

35 | P a g e
 We can see that in this cohort:

 the majority of males and females (8.3% and 50%, respectively) play video games {Less than 1
 the majority of males and females (66.7% and 33.3%, respectively) play video games {More than 1
 the majority of males and females (25% and 16.7%, respectively) play video games {Between 1 hour
to 2 hours};

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The Pearson Chi-square test (top row of data in the table) indicates that there are significant differences
between groups, given by the p-value less 0.145 in the third column of the table.


Analyze > Compare Means > One-Sample T Test

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From above Table,

t value = 3.344
df = 17, so according to student’s t distribution table :Critical value = 2.110
t value > critical value
3.344> 2.110, from this I can conclude means are significantly different.


Analyze > Compare Means > Independent Samples T Test

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(i.e., a type of research design that aims to obtain information to systematically

describe a phenomenon, situation, or population.)

A hypothesis states your predictions about what your research will find. It is a tentative answer
to your research question that has not yet been tested. For some research projects, you might
have to write several hypotheses that address different aspects of your research question.

A hypothesis is not just a guess — it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also
has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research
question (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).

Variables in hypotheses
Hypotheses propose a relationship between two or more variables. An independent variable is
something the researcher changes or controls. A dependent variable is something the
researcher observes and measures.

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Developing a hypothesis

1. Ask a question
Writing a hypothesis begins with a research question that you want to answer. The question
should be focused, specific, and researchable within the constraints of your project.

2. Do some preliminary research

Your initial answer to the question should be based on what is already known about the topic.
Look for theories and previous studies to help you form educated assumptions about what your
research will find.

At this stage, you might construct a conceptual framework to identify which variables you will
study and what you think the relationships are between them.

3. Formulate your hypothesis

Now you should have some idea of what you expect to find. Write your initial answer to the
question in a clear, concise sentence.

4. Refine your hypothesis

You need to make sure your hypothesis is specific and testable. There are various ways of
phrasing a hypothesis, but all the terms you use should have clear definitions, and the hypothesis
should contain:

 The relevant variables

 The specific group being studied
 The predicted outcome of the experiment or analysis

5. Phrase your hypothesis in three ways

To identify the variables, you can write a simple prediction in if…then form. The first part of the
sentence states the independent variable and the second part states the dependent variable.

In academic research, hypotheses are more commonly phrased in terms of correlations or effects,
where you directly state the predicted relationship between variables.

If you are comparing two groups, the hypothesis can state what difference you expect to find
between them.

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6. Write a null hypothesis
If your research involves statistical hypothesis testing, you will also have to write a null
hypothesis. The null hypothesis is the default position that there is no association between the
variables. The null hypothesis is written as H 0, while the alternative hypothesis is H1 or Ha.

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