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Anisotropic Depth Migration applied in an area of the Colombian

LlanosFoothills as a tool for understanding the structure in depth

Article · September 2006


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2 authors, including:

Isabel Florez


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Anisotropic Depth Migration applied in an area of the Colombian Llanos
Foothills as a tool for understanding the structure in depth
ISABEL CRISTINA FLOREZ, Hocol S.A., Bogotá, Colombia; and
ROB VESTRUM, Thrust Belt Imaging, Calgary, Canada

ABSTRACT by two wells drilled in the area, which verifies the

use of the Prestack Anisotropic Depth Migration in
We performed a Prestack Anisotropic Depth this kind of structurally complex zones.
Migration in an structurally complex area of the
Colombian Llanos Foothills, with the objective of INTRODUCTION
confirming the existence of the structure in depth,
having a better image and obtaining a better The foothills belt of the Eastern Cordillera
positioning of the events in order to decide on an involves high dipping siliciclastic rocks next to the
appropriate the well trajectory. more flatten beds in the western limit of the
foreland Llanos basin (see Figure 1). This zone is
We created 14 geophysical models with 20 characterized by lateral contrast and inversion of
surfaces describing the structure with its dips and velocities in a complex setting of thrusts that lead
velocities found in all the wells drilled in the vicinity, to a change in the position of the events when
working in close collaboration between the migrating from time to depth.
explorationist and the service company
geophysicist to find the best velocity model to We decided to perform a prestack anisotropic
optimize the seismic imaging. This area has depth migration to include the anisotropic variables
interbedded siliciclastic rocks with high dips and and dips in the processing for challenging our
vertical and lateral velocity contrasts, giving a structural model and for obtaining a lateral and
considerable lateral movement in the images in vertical range for the position of the target before
depth. drilling it or missing it. We knew from studies of
migration from time to depth of seismic
The final Anisotropic Depth Migrated image interpretation in these areas that the amount of
confirms the structure and gives it a movement movement of the events can be a critical issue for
tothe east compared to the time image. The the well planning due to the considerable
position of the structure and dips were confirmed magnitude of movement that we observed.
Figure 2. Cross-section showing lateral movement predicted from isotropic processing of data where transverse
isotropy with a tilted axis of symmetry is present. The dashed lines represent the result of isotropic processing. S
is the distance between the actual subsurface reflection point and the reflection point when the processing algorithm
assumes isotropy (modified from Vestrum et al, 1999).

Figure 2 shows the shift one can expect on a clastic rocks. Because the velocity parallel to the
subsurface structure below dipping anisotropic shale bedding is higher than the velocity
perpendicular to bedding, rays from the eastern or
updip side of the structure will travel in the fast
direction and rays from the western or cross-dip
side of the structure will travel in the slow direction.
The least-time raypath will have a longer travelpath
in the faster direction, as shown in this figure. If we
process these data with an isotropic assumption,
the subsurface structure will image in the updip
direction of the anisotropic strata from where it is in
the subsurface.

The geometry of the subsurface, as shown in

Figure 3, is more complicated than the simplified
cross-section in Figure 2, which has a horizontal
target below uniform 45°-dipping anisotropic strata
above. The model geometry shows laterally
varying dip in anisotropic strata and lateral-velocity
variation above the target reflector; we were not
confident that we could accurately predict the
lateral-movement of the structures from simple
geometric arguments. Aside from the difficulty
predicting lateral-position error on the subsurface
targets, we predicted that correcting for anisotropic
and lateral-velocity effects would improve the
image of subsurface reflectors.

Constructing a velocity model for thrust-belt

depth migration is a highly interpretive process that
requires tight integration with the structural-geology
interpretation. With a lesser signal-to-noise ratio, a
rough topographic acquisition surface, and
reduced multiplicity, velocity model building in
complex-structure land areas is less constrained
by seismic diagnostics and more interpretive than
velocity model building in offshore. Automated
velocity-model-building methodologies such as
reflection tomography are highly unstable under
these seismic-data conditions. We took a
geologically constrained, interpretive approach to
velocity model building for depth migration to
improve the imaging in this thrust-belt land


The Llanos foothills are located to the NE of

Bogotá city in the eastern flanc of the Eastern
Colombian Cordillera, limiting with the Llanos
Basin. The northern part of these llanos foothills
are characterized by a series of duplexes of low to
moderate angle with west verging of thin-skin
tectonics that shorten the section in about 40%.
The thrust belt is oriented SW-NE and Fault
displacements increase to the west. The region is
limited in the west by the Guaycaramo System
Fault and in the east by the Yopal System Fault as Figure 4. Generalized Stratigraphic Column
shown in the Figure 1. The stratigraphic sequence for the Llanos Foothills.
involved in the horses goes from Lower Miocene
down to Lower and Middle Cretaceous units well-log velocities (Schultz and Canales, 1997;
distributed in several tectonic floors along the Schultz, 1999). Even though our initial estimate of
displacement. The generalized stratigraphic the anisotropy parameters may be inaccurate, we
sequence found in the Llanos Foothills and Llanos have found in past experience (e.g., Vestrum and
Basin is shown in the Figure 4. Muenzer, 1997; Vestrum et al., 1999; Lawton et al.,
2001; Vestrum, 2002; etc.) that moderate values
MODEL BUILDING METHOD for anisotropy parameters will allow us to create a
depth-migrated volume with an optimum image
The structural interpretation begins with an that also yields accurate reflector depths.
interpretation of the major velocity boundaries. We
made an initial interpretation on the prestack time- Velocity updates—re-interpretations of the
migrated volume and well-log data. We consulted velocity model to optimize imaging—employed
previous structural-geology work in this area, traditional image-gather analysis (Zhu et al., 1998).
constrained by surface geology and regional well We followed the manual-tomography methodology
control, to ensure that we had adequate geological prescribed by Murphy and Gray (1999). Residual-
constraints on our velocity model. The anisotropic moveout curvature points to areas in the velocity
depth migration used in this study required a model that require higher or lower velocities.
velocity volume with parameters for the normal-to- Where image-gather analysis was deficient, we
bedding velocity, the dip direction and dip of used a basic trail-and-error approach where we
bedding, and Thomsen’s (1986) anisotropic tested different interpretations and evaluated the
parameters, ε and δ. tests based on the changes in the depth-migrated
section. We interpreted the velocity updates, being
careful to have a geological justification for any
Since the velocity changes with direction
velocity changes. We worked to keep the seismic
relative to the dip of the strata, an accurate
model velocities close to the well velocities so that
representation of the subsurface model dip is
we can maintain a tie between the well depths and
essential for an accurate anisotropic depth
the depths of correlated seismic events.
migration. We interpreted dip-direction and dip-
magnitude volumes based on the dip of the
seismic reflectors and correlated with dip-meter Figure 5 shows a screen capture of the
data. interactive model-building display. The depth-
migrated seismic data for the current model are
overlaid on a colour map of the velocity model in
Starting with the initial model, we populated
the window to the left of the figure (Figure 5). The
our velocity model with values for all of these
program raytraces the current velocity model and
parameters. By starting with nonzero values for our
then the velocity model is perturbed by a
anisotropic parameters, in this case ε=12% and
percentage and the model is raytraced again. The
δ=3%, and an initial interpretation of the dip field differences in traveltimes are applied to the image-
from our structural interpretation, we avoided gather display, which is shown in the window to the
interpreting velocity updates that yield artificially right of Figure 5. The model interpreter can then
high velocities because we have ignored the select the velocity change that best flattens the
anisotropy in our clastic overburden. Anisotropy is image gather.
a major factor in the mistie between seismic and

Figure 5. Interactive model-building display showing seismic data overlaid on the velocity model on the left and image-
gather diagnostics in the window to the right.

The final depth image is shown in Figure 8. If The prestack anisotropic depth migration is an
we compare back to the original poststack time additional tool that brings value to the seismic
migration volume used in the initial interpretation data, incorporating variables of the intrinsic rock
(Figure 6), we can see lateral-position changes on properties to the image in depth. It offers the
the major features of the seismic data. The green opportunity to visualize the structure in a more
marker on each if these figures (Figures 6, 7, and realistic position giving a range of values in which
8) shows the position that the well intersects the the events can be.
target horizon. We believe that the lateral-position
difference between the time-migrated image
(Figure 6) and the anisotropic depth-migrated ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
image (Figure 8) results from the improvement in
imaging that revealed more of the target horizon. We acknowledge Hocol, Talisman, Tepma, and
The anisotropy and lateral-velocity heterogeneity in TBI for permission and support to publish this
the strata above the target causes wave- work. Thanks to Hocol staff who collaborated with
propagation effects that limit the ability of time the project: Luis Fernando Castaño, José Arturo
processing to image the leading edge of the target Jaramillo, Alexis Rosero, Antonio Rocha, Henry
reflector. Lara and specially Mario De Freitas for his
valuable suggestions.
The circles on the three figures (Figures 6, 7,
and 8) illustrate the change in vertical and REFERENCES
horizontal position of the fold in the dipping
reflector between the time migration, the isotropic Murphy, G. E. and Gray, S. H., 1999, Manual seismic
depth migration, which corrects only for lateral reflection tomography: Geophysics, Soc. of Expl.
Geophys., 64, 1546-1552.
heterogeneity, and the anisotropic depth migration,
Schultz, P., 1999, The Seismic Velocity Model as an
which corrects for both heterogeneity and Interpetation Asset: Soc. of Expl. Geophys.
anisotropy. The yellow circle surrounds the fold on Schultz, P. and Canales, L., 1997, Seismic velocity
the time section (Figure 6), the blue circle indicates model building: CE in Dallas, 2 November: The Leading
the position of this same feature on the isotropic Edge 16, 1063-1064.
depth migration (Figure 7), and the red circle Thomsen, L., 1986, Weak elastic anisotropy:
highlights the position of the fold on the anisotropic Geophysics, 51, 1954-1966.
depth migration (Figure 8). The lateral shift Vestrum, R. W., 2002, 2D and 3D anisotropic depth
between yellow and blue circles then represents migration case histories: 72nd Annual Internat. Mtg.,
Soc. Expl. Geophys.
the change in reflector position when we correct for
Vestrum, R.W. and Muenzer, K., 1997, Imaging below
only lateral-velocity heterogeneity and the position dipping anisotropic shale: CSEG 1997 National Meeting.
change between blue and yellow circles illustrates Vestrum, R. W., Lawton, D.C., and Schmid, R. S.,
the difference between reflector position when 1999, Imaging structures below dipping TI media:
correcting for anisotropy. Geophysics, 64, no. 4, 1239-1246.
Zhu, J., Lines, L. and Gray, S., 1998, Smiles and
Going from time to isotropic depth, correcting for frowns in migration/velocity analysis: Geophysics, Soc.
of Expl. Geophys., 63, 1200-1209.
lateral heterogeneity moved the structure far to the
Lawton, D.C., Isaac, J.H., Vestrum, R.W., and Leslie,
right. Going from isotropic depth migration to J.M., 2001, Slip slidin’ away—some practical
anisotropic depth migration, the structure moved to implications of seismic velocity anisotropy on depth
the left to a position that matched better with the imaging: The Leading Edge, 19, no. 1, 70-73.
well log added to the improvement in the image of Rochat, P., Rosero, A., Gonzales, R, Florez, I.,
the leading edge. Note also that the vertical Lozada, M. and Petton, R., 2003, Thrust kinematics of
position of the encircled feature is deeper on the the Tangara/Mundonuevo Area: New Insight From
isotropic depth migration because the isotropic Apatite Fission Track Análisis: VIII Simposio Bolivariano
algorithm required a higher velocity than the true – Exploración Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas,
vertical velocity to produce a coherent image.

The well logs and markers along the entire well

trajectory match with the anisotropic depth section
and confirms the structural interpretation that we
had based on broken events in the time-migrated
image that seemed to be artificially continuous and
elongated in the isotropic depth-migrated image.
Figure 6. Inline slice from poststack time migration. The green marker represents the position that the well intersected the target
horizon. The circles show the position of a fold on a reflector as it appears on the time section (yellow), the isotropic depth section
(blue), and the anisotropic depth section (red).

Figure 7. Inline slice from a previous isotropic depth migration project. The green marker represents the position that the well
intersected the target horizon. The circles show the position of a fold on a reflector as it appears on the time section (yellow), the
isotropic depth section (blue), and the anisotropic depth section (red).
Figure 8. Inline slice from prestack anisotropic depth migration after 12 iterations of model building. The green marker represents
the position that the well intersected the target horizon. The circles show the position of a fold on a reflector as it appears on the
time section (yellow), the isotropic depth section (blue), and the anisotropic depth section (red).

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