Corresives and Plant Poison

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Carbolic Acid ( Phenol )
 It’s a coal tar Derivative with characteristic
 Present in Dettol , Phenol detergent
 Condition of poisoning :.
 Accidental : Children , Workers (absorbed
through the skin)
 Suicidal : Easily obtained , Cheap , Painless
 Homicidal: Never Due to characteristic Smell
Carbolic Acid ( Phenol )
 Action :. Local & Remote
 Local : Stomach
 Mild Corresive (Superficial Ulcers )
 Coagulative Necrosis
 Local Anesthetic Action
 Local :Skin
 Eschars
 Local aAnesthetic Action
 Remote
 CNS: Stimation then Depression
 CVS: Depression
 Kidney: Acute Glomerulonephritis
 Blood Metheamoglobenimia
Carbolic Acid ( Phenol )
 Clinical Picture
 Local
 Stomach : Pain , Vomiting
 Skin : Whitish Scars (Mouth) which Turns on Exposure
To Air
 Remote :.
 CNS :. Stimulation & Depression (Convulsions ,
Coma )
 CVS :. Arrhythmias
 Kidney :. Acute Glomuronephritis , Oligourea
with albumin in the Blood & Casts, Anuria
(Uremia)The urine turns green on Exposure to air
Carbolic Acid ( Phenol )
Cause of Death & Fatal Peroid
Respiratory Failure ---4hrs
Renal Failure ----4 days
Urine General
Carbolic Acid ( Phenol )
 Treatment:.
 Supportive Measures :. ABCDs
 GIT Decontamination
 Gastric Lavage :. ???
 Local Antidote :. Milk & Egg
 Elimination Absorbed Poison :. Dialysis
 No Specific Antidotes
 Symptomatic :. RF for Dialysis
Oxalic Acid
 Its Used For Metal Polish and Removing ink Stains
 Condition of Poisoning :.
 Accidental For Sugar and Salt ( white Crystals )
 Action :. Local & Remote Effect
 Stomach :. Mild Corrosive ( Superficial Ulcers )
 Skin :. Escher's
 Remote :.
 Ca Oxalate Crystals …Renal Failure
 CNS Stimulation & Tetany
 CVS.. Arrest in Diastole
Oxalic Acid
 Clinical Picture
 Local
 Stomach : Pain , Vomiting White Crystals
 Dehydration
 Skin : Whitish Scars
 Remote :.
 CNS :. Stimulation and contraction of Muscles:.
Convulsion + twitches+contraction of Respiartory
Muscles ( Respiratory Failure )
 CVS :. Arest
 Kidney :. Oligourea with Ca Oxalate Crystals in
urine (Anuria)
Oxalic Acid
Cause of Death & Fatal Peroid
Respiratory Failure ---4hrs
Renal Failure ----4 days
Urine General
Ca level in the Blood
Oxalic Acid
 Antidote Ca is Life Saving by Every
 Supportive Measures :. ABCDs
 GIT Decontamination :.
 Gastric Lavage
 Local Antidote :.Milk or Ca OH
 Elimination Of the Absorbed Poison :. Dialysis
 Antidote :. Ca Gluconate 10% I.V
 Symptomatic :. Convulsion .. Diazepam
Plant Poisons (Alkaloids)

 They have called Alkaloids (similar To
Alkalies) But not True Alkalies as they
Don’t Turn Litmus Paper Blue.
 They Have Remote Action Only
 Local Antidotes are :.
 Charcoal :. ( Adsorption)
 Tannic Acid or Na HCO3 (Preciptation)
 H2O2 or KmmO 4 1/5000 ( oxidation )
Opium [Morphine][Heroin]
 Source
 Papaver somni ferum plant opium
 Opium contains more than 20 alkaloids such as morphine and
 Opium is injested or smoked and has smell [meconic acid ]
 Whike morphine is injected only and has no smell
 Uses of morphine
 Pain killer [e.g Burns , Metals, and corresive poisining]
 Treatment of opiate addicts [Gradual withdrawal]
Opium [Morphine][Heroin]
 Condition of piosining
 Accidental
 Children
 Therapeutic
 Addicts
 Suicidal: in addicts
 Action and Clinical Picture
 Opiate receptor agonist
 Mixture of CNS Depression + Stimulation
 But mainly depression
Opium [Morphine][Heroin]
 Stimulation of
1. Vagal Centre
2. Vomiting Centre
3. Pupilconstrictor centre
 Depression
1.Sensory Cortex [Analgesia]
2.Cough Centre
3.Intestinal Motility
4.Respiratory centre
5.Heat regulating centre
Opium [Morphine][Heroin]
 Treatment
 Supportive measures [ABCs]
 GIT Decontamination
 Gastric lavage
 Local antidotes
 Physiological antidote
 Antagonist [Atropin]
 Competitors
Opium [Morphine][Heroin]
 Couse of death [ Respiratory Depression
 Investigation
 UrineGeneral
 Chemical Analsysis of the piosining
Opium [Morphine][Heroin]
 Differentail diagnosis
 Patient with classic opioid toxidrome [3C]
Coma, cyanosis and constricted pupil.
 May be due to
 Morphine
 Carbolic acid
 Organophosphorous or pontine hemorrhage

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