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Palawan State University

Puerto - Princesa City


SC - SCI 1





Activity 1.1

What do you expect to teach in science? What first come to your mind when you are
teach science?
I expect to teach in Science is that I will be able to teach them the process of
learning in our natural world through observation and experimentation that I can be a
effected science teacher for them and they will learn a lot about Science literacy. The first
thing that come in my mind when teach science that all happening in the natural world
had explanation and it had evidence to prove it, and to teach this to the student you need
to learn more about science.

In K to 12 enhanced curricula, what is the national framework for science in all levels?
The framework comprises of a predetermined number of components in three
aspects: logical and designing works on, crosscutting ideas, and disciplinary center
thoughts in science. It portrays how they ought to be created across grades K-12, and it is
planned with the goal that understudies persistently expand on and reconsider their
insight and capacities all through their school years. To help realizing, every one of the
three aspects should be incorporated into guidelines, curricula, guidance, and evaluation.

Activity 1.2

1. Explain the given approaches, model or practices.

A. Science - Technology Society (STS) Approach
It is an interdisciplinary field that examines how science and
innovation significantly influence social orders, culture, and conditions as
well as how friendly, social, and ecological variables shape the
advancement of science and innovation.

B. Constructivism
It is a hypothesis that describes how individuals build their own
knowledge and understanding of the universe based on earlier experiences.
When anything new is learnt, it must be compared to the prior
experiences, with the old experiences perhaps being discarded if the new
knowledge is pertinent. Thus, there is constant questioning, research, and
evaluation in constructivism. When it comes to teaching and learning, this
implies promoting active learning techniques like problem-solving in the
real world and experimentation. By talking about what they are doing, the
students will be able to see that their understanding may be shifting,
enabling them to build their own knowledge.

C. Social Cognition Learning model

The main determinant of personal growth is culture. Children learn
a lot of the knowledge that makes up the substance of their thinking
through culture, and second, the culture around them gives learners the
tools or methods for thinking. Simply said, culture instructs the students
on how to think as well as what to think. Therefore, courses should be
organized to encourage interaction between learners and learning activity,
as youngsters learn a lot via interactions. Furthermore, autonomous
problem solvers require the right kind of adult scaffolding or assistance.

D. Inquiry-based Approach
is based on the notion of searching for information, truth, or
knowledge. Asking questions that will help you grasp facts and
information rather than remembering it is more beneficial. It is looking for
the best solution rather than the correct response. No one can ever learn
everything, but everyone may develop the habits of a curious mind.
abilities, capacities, and mental habits for lifelong learning.

2. Choose at least three scientific attitudes that are currently observed. Explain.

Curiosity, humility and rational. Curiosity, scientist must be curious about

the world they always asking what this or that all about, and they always seeing new
things about the world that need to be discover. Humility, scientist admits failures and
recognizes that there are better ideas. They know that in science there are always failures
and they accept and more better job. Rational uses reason or logical thinking before
giving answers. They will not jump on conclusions without any valid reason to prove
their work.

Activity 1.3

A. What do you understand of a spiral progression curriculum in science for the

elementary grades?
A design framework known as the spiral curriculum can assist science instructors
in developing courses, activities, or projects that focus on the development of cognitive
abilities and dispositions that go beyond simple identification. It incorporates growth and
continuity in studying science. Spiral progression strategy enhances memory & mastery
of topics & skills as they are reviewed & solidify, eliminates disjunctions between phases
of education, and helps learners to study topics & skills suitable to their
developmental/cognitive stages.

Activity 1.4

1. Which of the approaches mentioned above are you familiar with? Which one would
you like to try? Why?
I am familiar with all the approaches since we already tackle last year. I would
like to try Science-Technology approach (STS) approach so that I can be well in applying
or teaching science with the technology or innovation.

2. Prepare at least one simple activity by choosing major area in chemistry or biology.
Apply one strategy that inspires you most.

Activity Title: Evaporating water

Materials: water, salt, spoon and container

Procedure: simply mix the water and the salt in the container and ask learners what she or
he thinks will happen over the time. It should be done groupings

Approach use: social cognition learning model


Part 1-A
A. Let’s find out!
Answer the following question based on lesson 1?

1. What are the most important knowledge, skills and valued that I learned?
2. What else do I need to learn to understand the Science Framework for K to 12?
3. As a future teacher, what will I do with what I know?

B. Self-Check. Choose the correct answer from the options given.

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B

B . Test your understanding about the Science Framework from Grade 3 to Grade 6
specific to chemistry (matter) and Biology (living things and their environment).
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A
C. Answer each item with Yes or No. Mark X on the space that corresponds to your
chosen answer. If your answer is Yes, explain. If No, justify your answer.

1. YES X . NO __ . Why?
Learning, mastering and practicing the basic science processes first will be the
foundation for Science learning.

2. YES___. NO X . Why?
Basic science processes is just a simple process for he foundation for science
learning. Further, this basic science processes includes observing, classifying,
communicating, measuring, predicting and infering which does not required sophisticated
laboratory equipment.

3. YES ____ NO X . Why?

There are experimenting in science bit it was not always about it there are also
hyphothesis and other things.

4. YES X . NO __ . Why?
If it have a good foundation for learning science in elementary grades it will be
easy and more stable to create a foundation in higher grade levels.
5. YES X . NO __ . Why?
Because both teacher-centered and student-centered education are fundamental to
all scientific teaching strategies. Both forms of education have their uses, but in reality
the dynamics in the classroom are extremely different.

6. YES X . NO __ . Why?
because integrated science skills in much more complicated so that if you are
teaching it you will develop a higher thinking skills so that you can be ready to teach
integrated science skills.

7. YES X . NO __ . Why?
Inquiry-based science include always asking question because this approach
involves learners to explore possible solution, make explanation, elaborate concepts and
understood based on available evidence and to make it happen there should be a question
from the very beginning so that they can explore, make explanation and much more.

8. YES X . NO __ . Why?
Because to have a discovery there should be a start or the beginning of it and
learning in lower grade will make the start for something to discover.

9. YES X . NO __ . Why?
If you are aware, prepared and you know the content and the processes of science,
it will be much easier for you to teach it in the future.

10. YES X . NO __ . Why?

Because I want to impart my knowledge in Science to the learners and I want to
be part of their journey as their creating a foundation in learning Science.

Part II - Essay

1. Why do we need to teach science in the elementary grades?

We need to teach science in elementary so that they would be prepared for the
complexities or science topic in higher education. Further more, the learners will have a
good foundation and they will be ready for the higher year grades.

2. Can I teach chemistry with a biology degree? Why?

Yes, I do believe that having a degree is just a paper requirement, if you know the
other subject and good with and you know you can teach it well, you can teach a subject
that is not in your degree.

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