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The Ultimate Power


Youth Sabbath School

Teacher’s Guide


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c o r n e r s t o n e welcome
conn e c t i o n s Welcome to the experience of teaching from Cornerstone Connec­tions:
Teacher’s Guide Real. Solid. Stories.
The following are provided for your assistance:
REAL. SOLID. STORIES. • A Word About What’s Ahead . . . (student introduction) [p. 2]
• Why the Bible Story Approach? (teacher introduction) [p. 3]
4th Quarter 2021 • What Tools Are Provided for Teaching the Stories? [p. 4]
The Ultimate Power • Complete Scope and Sequence [p. 5]
• Current Year Overview [p. 6]
editorial assistant • Current Quarter Overview [p. 9]
Kathleen D. Sowards

world Sabbath School directors

A WORD ABOUT WHAT’S AHEAD . . . (student introduction)
Ramon Canals, Jim Howard
The goal of Cornerstone Connections is to lead you to the Bible to see the
General Conference adviser big story of God and people. This big story continues from the first genera-
Ted N. C. Wilson
tion in Eden to your generation today. It’s about the lives of people as the
Biblical Research Institute adviser God of the universe interacts with them.
Clinton Wahlen
If you are looking for a word from God that is real, Cornerstone Connections
design direction captures the message of Scripture and challenges you to make the connec-
Review and Herald® Design Center tions to your real life.
circulation God’s Word is not only real; it is rock-solid. For the first generation to hear
Rebecca Hilde
God’s voice in the garden to the last group standing before Christ at the
Second Coming, the Word of God has been and continues to be reliable.
The word from God comes to us in the stories of people who encountered
Him and made a decision either to follow Him or walk away.
Real. Solid. Stories. You will find one in Into the Story in each lesson. Out
of the Story will provide you with ways to search for truth you can apply to
your life. In each lesson you also will find:
• What Do You Think?—a mental activity to get your mind and heart in
gear for the story to follow. Every time you approach a Bible story, you
are coming to it in the context of the story in which you live every day.
• Did You Know?—a brief statistic or definition that digs a little deeper
into the story or simply provides some helpful facts to bring to the les-
• Key Text—a verse that points out a key concept from the story. It
is also a great place to find verses that you can memorize and store
away for later use.
• Punch Lines—a few other verses from Scripture that punctuate key
concepts of the lesson. You may see connections between them and
the Bible story, as well as your own life.
• Flashlight—a brief snapshot of Ellen White’s input on the story. These
glimmers that shed light onto the biblical passage will also give you a
glimpse of what awaits you in the suggested weekly reading from her
inspired commentary on the stories—The Conflict of the Ages.*

Background illustration © 2013 Thinkstock


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• Further Insight—one or two quotes that will provide further insight into
the central message of the lesson.
• Connecting to Life—the guide to making the truths about God in this
story your very own. Study the Bible lesson during the week in prepa-
ration for Sabbath School. On Sabbath you will have the opportunity to
review, discuss, and elaborate on what you learned with your teacher
and other students in your Sabbath School class. Each day of the
week you will be directed to explore one of the sections of the lesson,
to relate it to the story you live, and to make the message from God’s
Word apply to you personally.
WHY THE BIBLE STORY APPROACH? (teacher introduction) 8685), Vol. 52, No. 4, Fourth Quarter 2021. Published
quarterly and copyrighted by the General Conference
Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists®, 12501 Old
There is a tendency to neglect God’s Word because the Bible seems so Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600, U.S.A.
Published for the General Conference of Seventh-day
old and the issues of life today don’t seem to automatically connect with Adventists® by the Review and Herald® Publishing
the ancient, inspired text. But the Bible was never meant to be read. It Association and printed by the Pacific Press® Publishing
was meant to be studied, reflected on, and integrated into life. It wasn’t
Postmaster: Send address changes to CORNERSTONE
written to be analyzed as much as it was to be obeyed. It takes effort.
CONNECTIONS Teacher’s Guide, P. O. Box 5353, Nampa,
If you simply want a story to entertain you, then the Bible isn’t for you. ID, 83653-5353. Periodicals postage paid at Nampa, Idaho.
Single copy, US$27.99 plus postage. One year, United States:
The Bible is not a novel that grips you, but if you get a firm hold on US$74.00. Canada and foreign: US$82.00. Prices subject to
the message of the Bible with a teachable heart and an eye that seeks change without notice.

God, you will find something more than entertaining. You will discover Scripture quotations marked ESV are from The Holy Bible,
a message just for you. “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13, NKJV). Jesus said,
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will
Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the King James
liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24, Version.
NKJV). Scripture quotations marked TLB are from The Living Bible
copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by
The Bible is the tool used by the promised Teacher—the Holy Spirit. We, permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream,
the earthly teachers, will be effective as we first let the Spirit teach us. Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Each of these lessons is built around a specific Bible story. You will lead Scripture quotations marked The Message are from The
Message. Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene
the students into Into the Story and help them mine truth for their lives in H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing
Out of the Story. The gems of truth are not already mined for you. You Group.
and your students will have an opportunity to dig for yourselves. Scripture quotations marked NASB are from the NEW
AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962,
“In daily study the verse-by-verse method is often most helpful. Let the 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by
student take one verse, and concentrate the mind on ascertaining the The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. www.
thought that God has put into that verse for him, and then dwell upon
Scripture quotations marked NCV are from the New Century
the thought until it becomes his own. One passage thus studied until its Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson. Used by
significance is clear is of more value than the perusal of many chapters permission. All rights reserved.
with no definite purpose in view and no positive instruction gained” Scripture quotations marked NIV are from THE HOLY BIBLE,
(Education, p. 189). 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Welcome to Cornerstone Connections. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are from the New King
James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
—The Editors
Scripture quotations marked NLT are from the Holy Bible,
New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007,
PS.: Don’t forget to check out the reading plan. 2013, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by per-
mission of Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission
*A special adaptation has been created just for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and the of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois.
Pacific Press Publishing Association. Get more info about it at: www.cornerstoneconnections
.net. 3

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what tools are provided
for teaching the stories?
(Bolded text helps you review the suggested steps at a glance.)

❶ With each lesson in this Teacher’s Guide you dents are also directed to work through one
will find an Explore section with topics listed section of their lesson on their own each day
that relate to each week’s story. We have pro- by following the instructions in Connecting to
vided a variety of resources for exploring the Life.) Encourage students to study the Bible
topic you choose—from discussion questions lesson during the week in preparation for
to illustrations, from reader’s theater scripts Sabbath School. On Sabbath you will review
to learning activities. Use the resources the lesson and will help them elaborate on
at to it. This process will strengthen in students
create a “program” that is relevant to a sense of accountability and will facilitate a
your group. deeper spiritual understanding of the content
under study in Sabbath School.
❷ Begin the actual “lesson” time with

the What Do You Think? activity (and ❼ Each week’s Teacher’s Guide includes a teach-
the Did You Know? information) in the ing tip in Rabbi 101 that will be helpful for you
student lesson. The activities are designed to to keep for future reference. You are also pro-
get your students to think, respond, and share vided an activity and a summary that helps to
with one another. The rich discussion that can draw the lesson together and close.
grow out of this exercise is a great entry point.
The key question to ask at the end is “Why did ❽ In each lesson students are provided with
you respond the way you did?” a reference to the volume from the Conflict
of the Ages Series, by Ellen White, that cor-
❸ Your Teacher’s Guide provides an illustration, responds with the week’s story. Students
along with a short “bridge” thought that will who follow the reading plan included in these
help you lead your students into the Bible Sabbath School Bible study guides will be
passage itself. able to read the entire series in four years. The
audio and e-book versions of the Conflict of
❹ The heart of the lesson experience is to read the Ages Series in Today’s Language are now
the Bible passage, Into the Story, together available online at www.cornerstoneconnect
and to discuss it with the help of your Out of The prayerful study of God’s Word
the Story for Teachers questions. Other pas- along with the reading of these books promise
sages to compare to this one for further study of to help students grow in their relationship with
the Word are sometimes provided as well. God!

❺ Then share the information about con- ❾ Teachers, in your role as a discipler of youth,
text and background that will make the the GC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries
story become more understandable for you Department wants to help you in every way
and your students. possible to be equipped for this important
work. You are encouraged to go to www
❻ You are provided with a short guide to help you There you will
unpack the other sections of the stu- find resources to help you be more intentional
dent lesson with your class. (Your stu- and fruitful in the discipling of your students.


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scope & sequence
2019 2020 2021 2022
1st Quarter 1st Quarter 1st Quarter 1st Quarter
1. Adam and Eve   1. God’s People   1. Jesus   1. The Mission
2. The Serpent   2. Solomon   2. It’s Time   2. The Holy Spirit
3. Cain and Abel   3. Temple Builder   3. Mary   3. The Lame Man
4. Seth and Enoch   4. Proud Potentate   4. Simeon/Anna   4. Ananias/Sapphira
5. Noah   5. Repentant Author   5. The Wise Men   5. God’s People
6. Tower People   6. Rehoboam   6. The Child Jesus   6. Stephen
7. Abraham   7. Jeroboam   7. The Voice   7. Paul
8. Isaac   8. Asa, Ahab, Jezebel   8. Victory   8. Peter
9. Lot   9. Elijah   9. Messiah Found   9. Paul/Barnabas
10. Rebekah 10. Evangelist 10. Marriage Feast 10. Gentiles Included
11. Jacob and Esau 11. Coward 11. The Temple 11. Spreading Good News
12. Jacob 12. The Sabbath 12. Nicodemus 12. The Thessalonians
13. Israel 13. Jehoshaphat 13. John the Baptist 13. The Ephesians

2nd Quarter 2nd Quarter 2nd Quarter 2nd Quarter

1. Joseph   1. Ahab   1. Samaritan Woman   1. The Corinthians
2. The Brothers   2. Elisha   2. The Nobleman   2. Workers for Christ
3. Moses   3. Prophet   3. The Lame Man   3. Romans/Galatians

4. Egyptians   4. Naaman   4. John the Baptist   4. Last Journey
5. Fleeing Slaves   5. Jonah   5. The Anointed One   5. Adventures and Trials
6. Unhappy Campers   6. Hosea   6. Peter   6. Philemon
7. Chosen Nation   7. Isaiah   7. Capernaum   7. Colossians/Philippians
8. Aaron   8. Jehovah   8. The Leper   8. Final Arrest
9. The Tabernacle   9. Ahaz   9. Levi-Matthew   9. Before Nero
10. Miriam and Zipporah 10. Hezekiah 10. The Sabbath 10. John the Beloved
11. Twelve Spies 11. Assyria 11. The Disciples 11. Patmos
12. Korah 12. Manasseh 12. The Centurion 12. The Revelation
13. The Bronze Serpent 13. Josiah 13. The Demoniac 13. Church Triumphant

3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter

1. The Borders Revisited   1. Jeremiah   1. Woman/Jairus   1. First Believers
2. Balaam   2. Approaching Doom   2. The Seventy   2. Seekers
3. Questionable Neighbors   3. Last King   3. The Disciples   3. Wycliffe
4. Law Review   4. Captives   4. Misunderstandings   4. Luther
5. Moses’ Death   5. Daniel   5. Broken Barriers   5. Zwingli
6. Crossing Jordan   6. The Dream   6. Jesus’ Ministry   6. French Reformation
7. Rahab   7. Three Hebrews   7. Who Is Jesus?   7. English Reformers
8. Blessings and Curses   8. Nebuchadnezzar   8. Lawyer/Ruler   8. French Revolution
9. Gibeonites   9. Belshazzar   9. The Children   9. American Reformers
10. Canaan Divided 10. Daniel 10. Lazarus’s Family 10. William Miller
11. Last Words of Joshua 11. Daniel 7 11. Zacchaeus 11. Prophecy Fulfilled
12. Annual Feasts 12. Daniel 8, 9 12. Mary 12. The Sanctuary
13. Early Judges 13. Daniel 10-12 13. James and John 13. God’s Law

4th Quarter 4th Quarter 4th Quarter 4th Quarter

1. Samson   1. Haggai/Zerubbabel   1. The King Comes   1. Future Glory
2. Samuel   2. Zechariah   2. The Pharisees   2. Renewal
3. Eli   3. Temple Two   3. The End of Time   3. Investigative Judgment
4. Philistines   4. Esther   4. Servanthood   4. Origin of Evil
5. First King   5. Queen   5. The Last Supper   5. Snares
6. Saul’s Death   6. Ezra   6. Gethsemane   6. Great Deception
7. Anointed   7. Nehemiah   7. The Trial   7. The Papacy
8. Fugitive   8. Builders   8. Calvary   8. Spiritual Challenge
9. Lunatic   9. Plotters   9. Resurrection   9. The Bible
10. Crowned King 10. Reformers 10. Mary Magdalene 10. Last Chance
11. Incumbent 11. Jesus 11. The Emmaus Road 11. Time of Trouble
12. Sinner 12. Deliverer 12. By the Sea 12. Deliverance
13. Fathers 13. The Sabbath 13. Jesus’ Ascension 13. The End
14. The Beginning 5

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  1. The Living Message Scripture Story: John 1:1-18.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 1.

scope & sequence   2. The Fathers God

Chose for His Son
Scripture Story: 2 Samuel 7; Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:21-36.
Commentary: P atriarchs and Prophets chapter 70;
The Desire of Ages, chapter 2.
  3. Countdown to the Scripture Story: Genesis 3:15, 16; Genesis 22:18; Isaiah 7:14;
Savior Isaiah 9:6, 7; Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:1, 18-23;
Acts 2:29, 30; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 1:18-21.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 2, 3.

1s t Q uar t e r
  4. What You Seek Is Scripture Story: Luke 2:21-39.
What You Get Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 4, 5.
  5. Following Yonder Star Scripture Story: Matthew 2.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 6.
  6. Growing Up Scripture Story: Luke 2:39-52.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 7-9.
  7. One of a Kind Scripture Story: Matthew 3:1-17; Luke 1:5-23.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 10, 11.
  8. It Is Written Scripture Story: Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4:1-13.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 12, 13.
  9. Come See Scripture Story: John 1.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 14.
10. Celebrating With Jesus Scripture Story: John 2:1-11.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 15.
11. Show Reverence in Scripture Story: John 2:12-22.
My House! Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 16.

12. Born Again Scripture Story: John 3:1-17.

Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 17.
13. It’s Your Turn Scripture Story: John 3:22-26.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 18.

  1. Unlikely Missionary Scripture Story: John 4:1-42.

Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 19.
  2. Seeing Is Believing? Scripture Story: John 4:43-54.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 20.
  3. Do You Want to Scripture Story: John 5.
Get Well? Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 21.
2 0 2 1

  4. Appearance Versus Scripture Story: M

 atthew 11:1-11; 14:1-11; Mark 6:17-28;
Reality Luke 7:19-28.
2nd Quar te r

Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 22.

  5. A Tumultuous Scripture Story: Luke 4:16-30.
Homecoming Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 23, 24.
  6. I Am a Follower Scripture Story: Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 25.
  7. Restored at Church Scripture Story: Mark 1:21-28.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 26.
  8. Willing and Able Scripture Story: Matthew 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-28.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 27.
  9. Not Love at First Sight Scripture Story: Matthew 9:9-17; Mark 2:14-22; Luke 5:27-39.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 28.
10. Front and Center Scripture Story: Matthew 12:9-14; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 29.
11. Jesus Calling Scripture Story: Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-31; Matthew 5–7.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 30, 31.
12. Faith-FULL Soldier Scripture Story: Matthew 8:5-13; 12:22-28; Luke 7:1-17.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 32, 33.
13. “Used-to-Be’s” and Scripture Story: Luke 8:26-29.
“Has-Beens” Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 34, 35.


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  1. Always There Scripture Story: Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 36.
  2. Can I Get a Witness? Scripture Story: Matthew 10; Mark 6:7-11; Luke 9:1-6.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 37.
  3. Days of Discipleship Scripture Story: Matthew 14:1, 2, 13-33; Mark 6:30-35; Luke 9:7-17; John 6:1-21.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 38-40.
  4. Misunderstood Scripture Story: John 6:22-42; Matthew 15:1, 2; Mark 7:1-23.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 41, 42.
3r d Q uar t er

  5. Savior to the Gentiles Scripture Story: Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30.

Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 43.
  6. Moving Mountains Scripture Story: Matthew 17:9-21; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-45.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 44-47.
  7. Who Is Jesus? Scripture Story: John 7; 8; 9; John 10:1-30.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 49-52.
  8. Two Seekers Scripture Story: Mark 10:17-23; Luke 10:25-37.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 53, 54, 57.
  9. Trust Like a Child Scripture Story: Mark 10:13-16; Matthew 19:13-15; Luke 18:15-17.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 55, 56.
10. Wake Up! Scripture Story: John 11.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 58, 59.
11. Jesus and Me Scripture Story: Luke 19:1-10.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 61.
12. The Alabaster Jar Scripture Story: Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-11; Luke 7:36-50; John 11:55-57; 12:1-11.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 62.

13. You First Scripture Story: Matthew 17:22-27; 18:1-20; 20:20-28.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 48, 60.

  1. Keeping It Real S
 cripture Story: Matthew 21:1-19; Mark 11:1-21, 27-33; 12:1-12; Luke 19:29-48;
20:1-19; John 12:12-19.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 63-65.
  2. What Belongs to God Scripture Story: M  atthew 22:15-46; 23; Mark 12:13-44; Luke 20:20-47; 21:1-4.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 66, 67.
  3. Preparing for Tomorrow Today Scripture Story: John 12:20-43; Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21:5-38.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 68, 69.
  4. May I Help You? Scripture Story: Matthew 25:31-46; Luke 22:7-18, 24; John 13:1-17.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 70, 71.
4th Quar te r

  5. My Way Versus God’s Way Scripture Story: M  atthew 26:20-29; Mark 14:17-25; Luke 22:14-23; John 13:18-38;
John 14–17.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 72, 73.
  6. The Choice Scripture Story: Mark 14:32-42.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 74.
  7. Trials Scripture Story: L uke 23:1-25.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 75-77.
  8. Christwise Scripture Story: M  atthew 27:31-53; Mark 15:20-38; Luke 23:26-46; John 19:16-30.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 78, 79.
  9. Resurrection Power Scripture Story: Matthew 28:2-4, 11-15.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 80, 81.
10. First Witness Scripture Story: John 20:1-18.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 82.
11. Journeying With Jesus Scripture Story: Luke 24:13-34.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapter 83.
12. Making Things Right Scripture Story: Luke 24:33-48; John 20:19-29; 21:1-22.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 84, 85.
13. Calling Change Agents Scripture Story: Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-12.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages, chapters 86, 87. 7

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October November December
 2—Keeping It Real! [p. 11]  6—The Choice [p. 51]  4—First Witness [p. 83]
Jesus is truth, but He was constantly Christ came face to face with the Mary of Magdala’s love of Christ
surrounded by lies. He challenged hell of becoming a Sinbearer, yet gave her a special revelation: she
the pretense and false piety of the He made the decision to choose was the first person to witness Jesus
religious leaders, which is why they God’s will over His own. He won the in His glorified post-death state. A
were determined to rid themselves spiritual battle by surrendering to His lesson for us is that those who love
of Him forever. Father’s will. How will you meet the Jesus with their whole heart and
temptation to go your own way? seek after Him will be given fresh
 9—What Belongs to God [p. 19] revelations of God’s divine grace.
The religious leaders attempted to 13—Trials [p. 59]
use Scripture to trap Jesus. How- The trials Christ endured the night 11—Journeying With Jesus [p. 91]

ever, all of Jesus’ arguments were before He was crucified revealed Viewing the two travelers on the
based on Scripture. He proved that betrayal and injustice on the part of road to Emmaus as they walked
God’s Word is reliable. An assur- the Jewish legal system as well as in disillusionment and dismay, we
ance that we can still have today. cowardice and corruption from the may wonder to ourselves, Couldn’t
Roman authorities. But Christ was they see truth right in front of their
16—Preparing for Tomorrow Today always in complete control. eyes? But it may be that humanity is
[p. 27] blinder today than they were on that
One of the key issues in the last days 20—Christwise [p. 67] ancient road.
is remaining faithful to Jesus. So long It is from the bloody tree at Cal-
as we are “in Christ,” we have noth- vary that Jesus calls us to live lives 18—Making Things Right [p. 99]
ing to fear. What does that mean? of sacrifice, forgiveness, persever- Drained from grief and in need of
ance, selflessness, and grace. Never encouragement after Jesus’ death
23—May I Help You? [p. 35] underestimate the power of gazing and resurrection, Thomas chose to
When no servant was present to upon the cross! doubt, and Peter distanced himself
wash the disciples’ feet, Jesus did from the group. How would Jesus
the job Himself. Service requires us 27—Resurrection Power [p. 75] bring them back to unity?
to get our hands dirty for “the least Satan and his evil host engineered
of these.” the dark events that led to the death 25—Calling Change Agents [p. 107]
of Christ. They thought Christ’s sin- God doesn’t need stargazers—
30—My Way Versus God’s Way [p. less life and perfect death would be Christians standing around looking
43] rendered moot by the power of the into the sky and wondering when
Jesus would have saved Judas had grave. They were wrong! Jesus will be coming back. He needs
he surrendered, but Judas chose a change agents—fully committed dis-
path of greed rather than salvation. ciples who will fulfill the great Com-
He could not bring himself to sur- mission and reach lost people and
render to a humble Messiah. teach them to obey everything Jesus
commanded. What will you choose? 9

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The Ultimate Power


Youth Sabbath School

Teacher’s Guide


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keeping it real!
Scripture Story: Matthew 21:1-19, 23-46; Mark 11:1-21, 27-33;
Mark 12:1-12; Luke 19:29-48; Luke 20:1-19; John
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 63-65.
Key Text: Luke 19:41, 42.


The students will:
Understand the relationship between God’s
Nothing was as it seemed. A joyful multitude cel- mercy and judgment. (Know)

ebrated Christ as King. Prophecy was being fulfilled, • Sense the heart of God concerning sin and its
and the people finally appeared to be accepting God’s consequence. (Feel)
Son. However, this was not the case. The same peo- • Evaluate the authenticity of their own spiritual
ple who shouted “Hosanna” would cry “Crucify Him” life. (Respond)
just days later.
The priests and Pharisees, who were supposed III. EXPLORE
to be leading the people to God, did all they could to The Experience of Salvation, Seventh-day Advent-
deter people from following Christ. Jesus continued ist Beliefs, No. 10
to challenge their pretense and false piety. Thus, they In infinite love and mercy God made Christ, who
were determined more than ever to rid themselves of knew no sin, to be sin for us, so that in Him we might
Him. be made the righteousness of God. Led by the Holy
God’s people turned out not to be His people Spirit we sense our need, acknowledge our sinfulness,
after all. It was all a show! For centuries they sang, repent of our transgressions, and exercise faith in Jesus
prayed, and looked for the Messiah. When the Son as Savior and Lord, Substitute and Example. This saving
of God came, they rejected Him. Nothing was as it faith comes through the divine power of the Word and is
seemed. the gift of God’s grace. Through Christ we are justified,
Even Jesus showed a few surprises. In the midst adopted as God’s sons and daughters, and delivered
of His grand parade, Jesus showed great pain as from the lordship of sin. Through the Spirit we are born
He wept over Jerusalem and the hypocrisy of those again and sanctified; the Spirit renews our minds, writes
around Him. Though He came to bless, the disciples God’s law of love in our hearts, and we are given the
witnessed Jesus curse a fig tree, which, like Israel, power to live a holy life. Abiding in Him we become
was not as it seemed. It appeared to have fruit, but it partakers of the divine nature and have the assurance
was barren! Nothing was as it seemed. of salvation now and in the judgment. (Gen. 3:15; Isa.
This lesson is about Jesus’ frustration with fake 45:22; 53; Jer. 31:31-34; Ezek. 33:11; 36:25-27; Hab.
spirituality. He is truth, but He was constantly sur- 2:4; Mark 9:23, 24; John 3:3-8, 16; 16:8; Rom. 3:21-26;
rounded by lies. This story also serves as a warning to 8:1-4, 14-17; 5:6-10; 10:17; 12:2; 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Gal.
us to be authentic in our relationship with Christ. God 1:4; 3:13, 14, 26; 4:4-7; Eph. 2:4-10; Col. 1:13, 14; Titus
is looking for people who are totally committed to Him 3:3-7; Heb. 8:7-12; 1 Peter 1:23; 2:21, 22; 2 Peter 1:3, 4;
and bear the fruits of love, obedience, and humility. Rev. 13:8.) 11

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TEACHING fered public humiliation. Bob Harris was pretending
to be something he was not and it finally caught up
I. GETTING STARTED with him. He lost his job. It is a mistake he will always
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? II. TEACHING THE STORY
section of their lesson. After they have completed it,
discuss their responses. Bridge to the Story
Have students get into pairs. Each student should Share the following in your own words:
come up with one “Would you rather . . .” scenario Bob Harris was not the only one who was pre-
(see the What Do You Think? section for examples) to tending to be something he was not. This week’s
ask their partner. Give them time to discuss with their lesson is filled with people who claimed to be one
partner and then bring the class back together. thing although they were something else. This week’s
Discuss the last scenario in the What Do You Think? story also records Jesus’ strong reaction to folks’
section. Ask students whether they think it is better to phoniness. He cried. He cursed a fig tree. He even
be a hardened criminal who everyone knows is bad or overturned tables. Why? Because if there’s one thing
to be a hardened criminal who attends church and has that God doesn’t like, it’s hypocrisy! God calls for us to
the people around him thinking he is a saint. What are keep it real.
the seeming advantages of each position? What are the Out of the Story for Teachers
disadvantages? Which do you think God prefers? Why? After you read the Into the Story section with your

How do your answers reflect this quote in The Desire of students, use the following in your own words to pro-
Ages? “He declares that the open sinner is less guilty cess it with them.
than is he who professes to serve God, but who bears • Circle the people and things in this story that
no fruit to His glory” (p. 584). appeared to be something they were not.
• Place a star by the character you most identify
Illustration with.
Share this illustration in your own words: • The same people who praised Jesus on Sunday
In 1979 New York weatherman Bob Harris, or yelled for Him to be crucified on Friday. How
“Dr. Bob” as he was known, faced his own personal could this happen?
storm. He had created quite a name for himself in the • Why was Jesus irritated with the fig tree?
New York area. Sometime earlier, he had contacted • Do you think Jesus overreacted in this story?
the CBS television station and introduced himself as Why or why not?
a Ph.D. in geophysics from the prestigious Colum- • Jesus told a parable about a man who had two
bia University. Truth be told, he had studied math, sons. He asked them to work. One said, “Yes,
physics, and geology at three different colleges but sir,” but never went to work. One said, “No,” but
never finished any degree. He decided he wanted to regretted it and went to work anyway. Which
be a weatherman. Well, his phony degree paved the one did the will of the father? Why? What does
way. Before long, “Dr. Bob” began work as an off- this passage teach us about God?
camera weatherman for WCBS. His career took off Use the following as other teachable passages that
as he began to work for other stations and even did relate to today’s story: Matthew 21:28-32, 42-45; Isa-
weather for a nationally syndicated news program. He iah 1:16, 17; 28:21; Hosea 11:8; 13:9; 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
also worked for the baseball commissioner, the Long
Island Railroad, and the New York Times. Sharing Context and Background
He was just 40 years old when it all began to Use the following information to shed more light on
crumble. An anonymous letter came to the television the story for your students. Share it in your own words.
station that caused his superiors to check out his cre- Jesus’ earthly ministry was coming to an end. His
dentials. It was then they found out that Dr. Bob was a ministry was often marked by hardship and humility.
fraud. The television station and the New York Times As Jesus marched into Jerusalem during His final
fired him. His story made national news, and he suf- week, He was met with royal treatment. People cried


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✁ Jesus had transformed. Those who were healed from
blindness led the processional. Those who could not
Tips for Top-Notch Teaching speak before Jesus healed them shouted the loud-
est praise. Those who used to be lame leaped for
Beating Boredom

joy! Lazarus, who was raised from the dead, led the
We have all had disruptive students. Often-
donkey on which Christ rode. This commotion infu-
times, disruptions come as a result of boredom.
riated the Pharisees. When they couldn’t contain it,
One way to curb disruptions and boredom is
they became more bent on Jesus’ demise.
to keep students engaged both physically and
As the processional reached the crest of the
mentally. Allow students to move around, to
hill, Jesus stopped. As He saw Jerusalem in all her
work in groups, and to discover information
jeweled splendor, something welled up within Him.
on their own. Also, you can break the monot-
It was not the pride or joy the accompanying crowd
ony of ordinary questions and answers. Accept
felt. Jesus was overcome by heart-wrenching grief. As
responses to questions in creative ways other
He looked at Jerusalem, He could see the destruction
than verbally spoken. For example, in this week’s
that awaited her because she would not turn from her
Out of the Story section, the question is asked,
ways. He also saw what she would have been had she
“What character in the story do you most identify
remained faithful to God.
with? Why?” Allow students to write, draw, sing,
Israel had only a form of godliness. She carried
or even rap a response.
out rituals and was steeped in religion, but was far
from the God to which they pointed. God had given

much mercy, grace, and love. He was now giving His
out, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” The disciples only Son, but Israel refused to change her ways.
longed for this kind of recognition. It seemed they The fig tree Jesus found on the way to Jerusalem
were finally coming into their own. was a great illustration for Israel. Fruit grows on fig trees
More than fulfilling the disciples’ dreams, Jesus before the leaves do, so when Jesus saw this tree full
was fulfilling the words of prophecy. Zechariah 9:9 of leaves, it was supposed to be full of fruit. Though it
prophesied that the Messiah would come to Jerusalem had a form of fruitfulness, it was barren like all the other
riding on a donkey. This was the Jewish custom for the trees. The pretentiousness of Israel, (appearing to be
entry of a king. The people, sensing what was taking godly, yet being so godless), is what angered God. “He
place, began shouting honor due only to the King of declares that the open sinner is less guilty than is he
kings. who professes to serve God, but who bears no fruit to
The crowd was filled with those whose lives His glory” (The Desire of Ages, p. 584).

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 13

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Share the following thoughts in your own words:
Activity Sin is serious to God and should also be serious to
Close with an activity and debrief it in your own us. In His mercy, God gives us grace, but a time is
words. coming when mercy will end and judgment will begin.
Give each student a piece of paper and instruct In our story, God’s patience with pretense had run out
them to draw a large clock. Ask students to draw a for Israel. God had done all He could do to show Israel
picture beside three times of the day when they think His love for them, including emptying heaven of His
they might be tempted not to be real in their relation- only Son. Israel rejected Jesus and the freedom He
ship with Jesus. Have students break into groups of came to give. Israel would much rather serve God with
three and share their pictures. Afterward, have stu- their lips than with their lives.
dents pray for one another to be authentic in their spiri- Jesus wept bitterly over the judgment Israel would
tual walk, even when tempted to do otherwise. now face. Oh, how He loved them! Oh, how He loves
us! Christ desires that we, too, be changed inside and
out. He wants us to live for Him not just on the week-
ends, but every day. He is not looking for us to con-
form for our teachers or parents. God wants us to be
transformed into disciples who serve Him with our
whole heart!

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 63-65.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 14 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 1

Scripture Story: Matthew 21:1-19, 23-46; Mark 11:1-21, 27-
33; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 19:29-48; Luke 20:1-
19; John 12:12-19.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters

keeping it real!

Photo by Colleen Cahill

“As he approached Jerusalem and

flashlight saw the city, he wept over it and

said, ‘If you, even you, had only
“In every age there is given to men their day of light and privilege, a probationary
known on this day what would
time in which they may become reconciled to God. But there is a limit to this grace.
bring you peace—but now it is
Mercy may plead for years and be slighted and rejected; but there comes a time
hidden from your eyes.’ ”
when mercy makes her last plea. The heart becomes so hardened that it ceases to
respond to the Spirit of God. Then the sweet, winning voice entreats the sinner no (Luke 19:41, 42, NIV)
longer, and reproofs and warnings cease” (The Desire of Ages, p. 587). 15

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 15 12/13/20 10:19 AM

nowhere. Look how
the whole world has gone
after him!’ “

do you think? “As he approached Jerusalem and saw

the city, he wept over it and said, ‘If you,
even you, had only known on this day
Would you rather:
what would bring you peace—but now
____ Make all your social network posts public?
it is hidden from your eyes. The days will
____ Let the world know what you think of Jesus?
come upon you when your enemies will

____ Spend two years in jail for a crime you didn’t commit?
build an embankment against you and
____ Make people think you are a Christian, even if you
encircle you and hem you in on every

don’t really believe?
side. They will dash you to the ground,
____ Share your faith in Jesus in the most authentic
you and the children within your walls.
ways, lovingly, with sensitivity toward others,

They will not leave one stone on another,
and with the openness to be led by the Holy
because you did not recognize the time
of God’s coming to you.’ “

“They brought the donkey and “Jesus entered the temple courts and
the colt and placed their cloaks drove out all who were buying and sell-
on them for Jesus to sit on. A very ing there. He overturned the tables of

large crowd spread their cloaks on the money changers and the benches
the road, while others cut branches of those selling doves. ‘It is written,’ he
from the trees and spread them said to them, ‘ “My house will be called
on the road. The crowds that went a house of prayer,” but you are making
ahead of him and those that followed it a “den of robbers.” ’
“The blind and the lame came to him

did you “ ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!’ at the temple, and he healed them. But

when the chief priests and the teachers
“ ‘Blessed is he who comes in the of the law saw the wonderful things he
name of the Lord!’ did and the children shouting in the
temple courts, ‘Hosanna to the Son of
6 he fig tree is peculiar
“ ‘Hosanna in the highest heaven!’ ” David,’ they were indignant.
because the fruit appears
before the leaves do. When
“Some of the Pharisees in the “ ‘Do you hear what these children are
Jesus was hiking toward Jerusa-
crowd said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, saying?’ they asked him.
lem, He grew hungry. He saw a fig
rebuke your disciples!’
tree with lots of leaves on it. It wasn’t the season
“‘ Yes,’ replied Jesus, ‘have you never
for figs, but lots of fig leaves was supposed to
“ ‘I tell you,’ he replied, read, “From the lips of children and
mean lots of figs. Jesus found that there
‘if they keep quiet, the infants you, Lord, have called forth your
were no figs on the tree at all,
stones will cry out.’ ” praise?” ’ . . .
and He cursed it. Later the
disciples found that the tree
“So the Pharisees “Early in the morning, as Jesus was on
had died. Was Jesus mad at
said to one his way back to the city, he was hungry.
the tree? No. The figless tree
another, ‘See, Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went
served as a warning to people
this is get- up to it but found nothing on it except
who try to look holy and pretend
ting us leaves. Then he said to it, ‘May you
to bear good fruit in their actions,
never bear fruit again!’ Immediately the
but are just putting on a show for
tree withered.”
others. God wants us to keep it real
and keep it right!
(Matthew 21:7-9; Luke 19:39, 40; John 12:19;
Luke 19:41-44; Matthew 21:12-19,


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OUT punch lines
OF THE “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but
is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should

STORY come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9, KJV).

“Say to them: ‘The Lord God says: As surely as I live, I do not want
any who are wicked to die. I want them to stop doing evil and live.
Why do you think the Pharisees were offended by
Stop! Stop your wicked ways! You don’t want to die, do you,
what the people were doing?
people of Israel?’ ” (Ezekiel 33:11, NCV).

“Your beauty should not come from outward adorn-

What did Jesus say would happen to Jerusalem?
ment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of
gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that
of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle
and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s
From whom does the Bible say God ordained praise? How can you
sight” (1 Peter 3:3, 4, NIV).
praise God this week?
“I know your deeds, that you are neither
cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the
other!” (Revelation 3:15, NIV).
The same people who praised Jesus on Sunday yelled for Him to be

crucified on Friday. How could this happen? “For it is time for judgment to begin with
God’s household; and if it begins with
us, what will the outcome be for those
who do not obey the gospel of God?”
What was Jesus’ reaction to the fig tree? Why? (1 Peter 4:17, NIV).

What character in the story do you most identify with? Why?

What does this passage teach us about God?
insight 7

How can we use this information in our lives today? “Many persons are by
their own endeavors hewn,
polished, and beautified;
but they cannot become ‘liv-
ing stones,’ because they are not
connected with Christ. Without this
connection, no man can be saved.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 599


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 17 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath Christ thought they were doing Him a favor, Thursday
Read Isaiah 29:13. but Jesus was able to look past the outward Read Revelation 3:15.

I n the What Do You Think? section you had to

answer some pretty difficult questions. The
last one deals with whether we are going to be
festivities and see their inward falsities. Why do
you think Jesus reacted this way? P eople often use the phrase “Keep it real.”
This is not a new concept. God has been
calling for this since the beginning of time. God
real in our relationship with God. God is looking Their sin broke God’s heart. Sin should break presents choices and desperately desires for us
for wholehearted service and love, not just a our hearts too. Say a prayer today asking God to choose Him. He continually calls us to rela-
show for our parents or church family. to help you view sin the way He does. tionship and service with Him. Whatever choice
we make, however, God wants us to be honest
Isaiah 29:13 says: “These people come near Tuesday about it. God is calling for us to keep it real!
to me with their mouth and honor me with Read Ezekiel 33:11.
their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of me is based on merely human
rules they have been taught” (NIV). Jerusalem
I n this week’s Flashlight Ellen White talks
about the mercy God gives us as sinners.
People often call God “the God of second
If things are not right between you and God,
today is a great day to change that! God
offers mercy and forgiveness for our sins and
appeared to follow God, but her heart was far chances,” but the record shows He gives a mistakes. Pray a prayer confessing your sins
from Him. What about you? Is your relationship lot more than two chances. By the time Christ to God and ask for His power to keep you
with God real, or does it only appear so for came, humanity had almost 2,000 years of from falling.

everybody else? chances. Jesus’ coming to earth as a last-

ditch effort to save humanity was mercy at its Friday
Sunday best—but even that was rejected. Read 1 Peter 4:17.
Read 1 Peter 3:3, 4.

R ead the Into the Story section and then

answer the questions in the Out of the
What would you do if people continued to reject
your help and promise of deliverance? How do
G od is calling us to have a real relationship
with Him. God is also calling us to have
a right relationship with Him. Take some time
Story section of your lesson. It includes a story you think the story of Jerusalem is similar to to evaluate your spiritual walk with Christ. Is
about a fig tree. Jesus curses it because it our story? What does this reveal about how it authentic? Is your service based on love for
was not bearing fruit. Although it wasn’t time God will respond to sin in these last days? God or the desire to please other people? What
for fruit, it was covered with leaves, and that ____________________________________ can you do this week to “keep it real” with
signified that it should have been covered with ____________________________________ Christ and have a more authentic relationship
fruit too. This tree was a hypocrite—appearing ____________________________________ with Him?
8 to be one thing while being something else. ____________________________________
Wednesday ____________________________________
This is an easy trap to fall into—appearing Read 2 Peter 3:9. ____________________________________
to be holy or Christian but not really being
changed on the inside. To God, not serving
Him but telling everyone you are is worse than
H ave you ever wondered, “If God is so lov-
ing, how can He destroy people?” In Isaiah
28:21 the Bible characterizes the punishment
not serving Him at all! He wants your service, for sin as a “strange work” for our merciful God
and He wants all of it! What are some areas (NIV). He does not delight in it, but judgment
of your life that you need to invite God to take and consequences are both necessary to save
over fully? humanity from complete destruction.

Monday Read this week’s Punch Lines section. In the

Read Luke 19:41, 42. lines below, write out what these texts reveal
this week’s reading*
C onsider this week’s Key Text. In the story
of Jesus’ great march to Jerusalem, He
stopped on the side of the road. Can you
about God.
The Desire of Ages or Humble
Hero, chapters 63-65.
imagine the surprise of everyone in Jesus’ ____________________________________
grand processional when in the midst of their *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
celebration He started crying? Those around more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 18 12/13/20 10:19 AM



what belongs to God

Scripture Story: Matthew 22:15-46; Matthew 23; Mark 12:13-
44; Luke 20:20-47; Luke 21:1-4.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 66,
Key Text: Matthew 22:37-40.


The students will:
I. SYNOPSIS • Understand what hypocrisy is and why Jesus
When Jesus faced the powerful Pharisees and took it so seriously. (Know)

Sadducees, they were doing their best to trap Him to • Sense both the reliability of the Scriptures as
have Him put to death. However, Jesus was not only well as God’s fairness in looking at each per-
battling a war of ideas; He was fighting a spiritual war son’s heart instead of their lip service or per-
as well. His debates, meant to discredit Him, were formance. (Feel)
instead written down for us to read 2,000 years later. • Choose to examine their own motives and keep
God inspired the Bible writers to record these public it honest with God and others. (Respond)
debates in four separate accounts because there is
something there for us today. III. EXPLORE
Jesus’ main accusation against the Pharisees was The Holy Scriptures, Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs,
that of hypocrisy. These wealthy, religiously and No. 1
socially elite men were looked up to by the common The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are
people. They were seen as both an example for godly the written Word of God, given by divine inspiration.
living and a guide for all their questions. However, The inspired authors spoke and wrote as they were
these religious leaders were the furthest from “good moved by the Holy Spirit. In this Word, God has com-
examples” that they could possibly be! They said one mitted to humanity the knowledge necessary for salva-
thing and did another. Jesus took that seriously. tion. The Holy Scriptures are the supreme, authorita-
Another important point that Jesus makes in a less tive, and the infallible revelation of His will. They are
direct way is that of the reliability of the Bible. The the standard of character, the test of experience, the
Pharisees attempted to use the Scriptures to trap definitive revealer of doctrines, and the trustworthy
Jesus into saying something damning. However, record of God’s acts in history. (Ps. 119:105; Prov.
Jesus’ arguments were based in the Scriptures. All of 30:5, 6; Isa. 8:20; John 17:17; 1 Thess. 2:13; 2 Tim.
Jesus’ wisdom was based in Scripture. He pointed to 3:16, 17; Heb. 4:12; 2 Peter 1:20, 21.)
the inspired prophecies of the Messiah to come, prov-
ing that God’s Word, handed down through the gener- TEACHING
ations, was still entirely reliable and trustworthy. We
have that same assurance today. I. GETTING STARTED

Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- 19

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 19 12/13/20 10:19 AM

tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis- Out of the Story for Teachers
cuss their responses. After you read the Into the Story section with your
Invite the students to think of rules or attitudes students, use the following in your own words to pro-
that seem to have a double standard. For example, are cess it with them.
some students at school able to get away with more • Whom does Jesus criticize for hypocrisy?
than others? In their homes, are boys allowed more • What does Jesus warn the people to avoid?
freedom than girls? Or vice versa? Does someone give • Why are the Pharisees trying to trap Jesus?
a lot of lip service to all the work they do when every- • Where does Jesus turn for His wisdom? What
one else seems to do far more than they do? does that tell us about the integrity and reliability
Look at each example and discuss why the behav- of the Bible?
ior might be considered hypocritical. How does it Use the following as other teachable passages
make the students feel? that relate to today’s story: Mark 7:1-20; Zechariah 7;
Isaiah 58:1-9.
Share this illustration in your own words: Sharing Context and Background
Do you know that animals take on a different Use the following information to shed more light
appearance to defend themselves, a phenomenon on the story for your students. Share it in your own
known as camouflaging? Take the owl butterfly, for words.
instance. It has markings on its wings that mimic the The Pharisees were religious leaders in Judea.
eye of an owl. Scientists have found that when digital They were not only the most educated but also the

images of the owl butterfly’s wings are presented to most socially powerful. The people looked up to the
certain birds (who are natural predators of this butter- Pharisees to tell them how to please God and how to
fly) they react strongly and keep away. In some cases properly live their lives. These religious leaders had a
they react more strongly to the image of the butterfly’s large responsibility to God’s people; however, many of
wings than to the image of the owl itself. Some other them were abusing the power they held.
butterflies have markings that look like a cobra, which The Pharisees convinced the people that they
is also effective in scaring away predators. Other must give their money to sacred causes. They would
insects look like sticks or leaves, and in one case a find ways to use the donated money for their own
locust has markings that makes it look like a bee or a gain. They established traditions and treated them as
wasp. God’s requirements, demanding that the people obey
These creatures all appear to be something they the man-made laws. They prayed loudly in the street,
are not in order to defend themselves. But while drawing attention to themselves and trying to appear
camouflaging is necessary in the animal kingdom to more pious than others. The Pharisees also declared
prevent the most vulnerable creatures from ending up that poor people were poor because God was punish-
at the bottom of the food chain, hypocrisy is disdained ing them for their sins. If something bad happened to
among humans and abhorred by God. someone, they did not feel obliged to help that person
because it would be “wrong” to get in the way of God’s
II. TEACHING THE STORY punishment on them. All the while, they were accumu-
lating more money and more influence.
Bridge to the Story The Sadducees were a rival group of scholars.
Share the following in your own words: They studied just as hard as the Pharisees did, but
You may not have seen a hypocritical creature, they held different theological views. Sadducees did
but you have probably had your own distasteful not believe in a resurrection. They believed that the life
encounters with hypocritical people. However, we a person had on earth was their only life. When Jesus
shouldn’t be so quick to pont fingers. We can each discussed marriage in heaven, He was addressing this
be hypocritical, too, intentionally or unintentionally. belief. Marriage, as they understood it, would not exist
Luckily, the problem isn’t too big for God. after death. Thus the Sadducees used the argument of
the seven brothers having been married to the same
woman to say that the resurrection was absurd since,


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 20 12/13/20 10:19 AM

✁ Tips for Top-Notch Teaching
tatives while having hardened hearts that were not
surrendered to their heavenly Father. They betrayed
their evil motives by asking questions that were sup-
Encouraging Participation posed to stump Jesus and show His illegitimacy.

When a vocal student makes a comment, ask Instead, their challenges backfired and exposed the
for reactions from the other students. Many stu- rottenness in their souls. The religious leaders’ influ-
dents are not comfortable answering a direct ence over the Judean people arose from a religious
question from the teacher, but are more comfort- culture in which many false ideas about God had
able responding to a peer. Look for cues that a become accepted. Jesus’ intent was not to wrestle
student is ready to contribute: direct eye contact, earthly power from these men (they were all men,
body language, slightly raising a finger. Give the no women). He simply told the truth and let people
student an opportunity to speak without causing choose whether to accept it or not.
embarrassment by saying something such as
“Was there something you would like to say?” or III. CLOSING
“What do you think?”
Ask for special input from the students who Activity
may have a particular knowledge about the sub- Close with an activity and debrief it in your own
ject. Students are more apt to contribute when words.
they know that they have helpful information that Hypocrisy begins in the heart. List five situations in
no one else can contribute or refute. which a hypocritical attitude or action might be tempt-

—Taken from: ing or easily exhibit itself. What is common about
/ these situations? Make another list. This time, list five
ways that we can deal with our own hypocritical atti-
tudes before they start spilling over into our actions.
if all the brothers were raised from the dead, who After making the list as a class, discuss God’s power
would be the husband of the woman? Jesus pointed to help us achieve the goal.
out that the Sadducees were ignorant of the Scrip-
tures and that the resurrection was to a life without Summary
marriage as we know it on earth. Share the following thoughts in your own words:
The Pharisees and the Sadducees were guilty of Jesus addressed the hypocrisy of the Pharisees
hypocrisy because they claimed to be God’s represen- head-on. He was concerned about the abuse the

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 21

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 21 12/13/20 10:19 AM

common people received at their hands. Not only did are times, as Jesus showed us in His debates with the
Jesus debate with the Pharisees; He always returned Pharisees, in which a Christian’s responsibility is to
to the Scriptures to make His points. Jesus pointed stand up for what is right and for people who are not
out the truth, even the truth that the Pharisees misun- being treated fairly. As Jesus demonstrated, violence
derstood from God’s Word. We can rely on God’s Word should never be an option—no matter how frustrated,
just as heavily as Jesus Himself did. angry, or justified we might feel.
Hypocrisy arises in many situations in life. There

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 66, 67.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 22 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 2

Scripture Story: Matthew 22:15-46; Matthew 23; Mark 12:13-
44; Luke 20:20-47; Luke 21:1-4.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
66, 67.

what belongs to God

© Thinkstock 2021

“Jesus replied: ‘ “Love the Lord

flashlight your God with all your heart and

with all your soul and with all your
“The first four of the Ten Commandments are summed up in the one great precept, mind.” This is the first and great-
‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart.’ The last six are included in est commandment. And the sec-
the other, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ Both these commandments are ond is like it: “Love your neighbor
an expression of the principle of love. . . . When God has His rightful place on the as yourself.” All the Law and the
throne of the heart, the right place will be given to our neighbor. We shall love him Prophets hang on these two com-

as ourselves. And only as we love God supremely is it possible to love our neighbor
mandments.’ ”

impartially” (The Desire of Ages, p. 607). (Matthew 22:37-40, NIV) 23

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 23 12/13/20 10:19 AM

were amazed at him.”

The Greatest Commandment

do you think? “One of the teachers of the law came

and heard them debating. Noticing that
Jesus had given them a good answer,
• Is it hypocritical to act “nicely” when you’d really rather not?
he asked him, ‘Of all the command-
• Which matters more to God, our intentions or our actions?
ments, which is the most important?’
• Is a certain level of insincerity necessary to smooth over

conflicts or combustible situations?
“ ‘The most important one,’ answered
• Jesus used some harsh-sounding words when He
Jesus, ‘is this: “Hear, O Israel, The Lord

talked to the Pharisees. How do you reconcile His
our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord
blunt words with our understanding of “Christian”
your God with all your heart and with
attitude and behavior?

all your soul and with all your mind and
• How can an intelligent, well-thought-out answer
with all your strength.” The second is
bring glory to God?
this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
• In what ways can each of us be hypocritical
There is no commandment greater than
“Later they sent some of these.’
• What hypocritical attitudes bother you the
the Pharisees and Herodians to
Jesus to catch him in his words. “ ‘Well said, teacher,’ the man replied.

They came to him and said, ‘You are right in saying that God is
‘Teacher, we know you are a man one and there is no other but him. To
of integrity. You aren’t swayed by love him with all your heart, with all
others, because you pay no attention your understanding and with all your
to who they are; but you teach the strength, and to love your neighbor
way of God in accordance with the as yourself is more important than all
truth. Is it right to pay the imperial tax burnt offerings and sacrifices.’
to Caesar or not? Should we pay or

did you shouldn’t we?’ “When Jesus saw that he had answered

wisely, he said to him, ‘You are not far
“But Jesus knew their hypocrisy. from the kingdom of God.’ And from
‘Why are you trying to trap me?’ he then on no one dared ask him any more
10 asked. ‘Bring me a denarius and let questions.”
rom Martin Luther King, Jr.’s
me look at it.’ They brought the
“I Have a Dream” speech, deliv-
coin, and he asked them, ‘Whose “As he taught, Jesus said, ‘Watch out
ered August 28, 1963: “But there
image is this? And whose for the teachers of the law. They like
is something that I must say to
inscription?’ to walk around in flowing robes and
my people, who stand on the warm
be greeted with respect in the market-
threshold which leads into the palace of justice:
“ ‘Caesar’s,’ they replied. places, and have the most important
in the process of gaining our rightful
seats in the synagogues and the places
place, we must not be guilty of
“Then Jesus said to of honor at banquets. They devour
wrongful deeds. Let us not seek
them, ‘Give back to widows’ houses and for a show make
to satisfy our thirst for freedom
Caesar what is Cae- lengthy prayers. These men will be
by drinking from the cup of
sar’s and to God punished most severely.’”
bitterness and hatred. We must
what is God’s.’
forever conduct our struggle
(Mark 12:13-17, 28-34, 38-40, NIV)
on the high plane of dignity and
“ A n d
discipline. We must not allow our
creative protest to degenerate into
physical violence. Again and again, we
must rise to the majestic heights of meeting
physical force with soul force.”


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 24 12/13/20 10:19 AM

OUT punch lines
OF THE “All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the
evil one” (Matthew 5:37, NIV).

STORY “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his
height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things
people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord
When the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus, what did He looks at the heart’ ” (1 Samuel 16:7, NIV).
quote from to answer them?
“Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your
neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. Do not
seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among
your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am
the Lord” (Leviticus 19:17, 18, NIV).
If the commandments are based on love, is love a feeling, an action,
an attitude, or a combination of all three? Explain. “The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom,
and their tongues speak what is just. The law
of their God is in their hearts; their feet do not
slip” (Psalm 37:30, 31, NIV).

What principle can you derive from Jesus’ statement to “give back to Caesar “To humans belong the plans of the

what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”? heart, but from the Lord comes the proper
answer of the tongue” (Proverbs 16:1,

For whom was Jesus showing love when He talked about the “teachers of the

Jesus obviously didn’t believe that smoothing things over was always the
right course of action. When is it proper to “say it like you see it”? 11

Compare Jesus’ direct language with the smooth, flattering words “It is the motive that
of the Pharisees trying to trap him. What does this tell us about the
integrity of a Christian’s speech?
gives character to our acts,
stamping them with igno-
miny or with high moral worth.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 615


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 25 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath being before our own. Can you get it right with Thursday
Read Matthew 5:37. other people if you don’t have it right with God? Read Jeremiah 17:9, 10.

T oday’s reading tells us to let our “yes” be

“yes” and our “no” be “no.” Words can be
used to deceive more often than we notice.
Is it possible to be right with God if we aren’t
taking care of each other? Explain.
I t is common for people to try to put their
best foot forward. We try to appear at our
best when being looked at by other people.
Do you ever use your tone of voice to make _________________________________ We will hide our true opinions if we think that
yourself sound worse when calling in sick to _________________________________ they aren’t popular. This isn’t entirely honest,
work or school? Do you ever promise to “look putting something false on display to hide the
into” something without really meaning it? Do Tuesday truth underneath. What things do you hide for
you ever promise to pray for someone and Read 1 Samuel 16:7. the sake of appearances? What things do you
then never remember them in your prayers?
How can you ensure that your words are not
motivated by an urge to manipulate or play
L oving other people is a lot harder to do than
to say. People frustrate us. They get in our
way. They hurt our feelings, misunderstand us,
pretend so that you will look better?
games? Think about how you talk. What are and talk behind our backs. Sometimes people _________________________________
your motives behind your words? joke about their jobs, saying, “My job would be
perfect if it weren’t for the people!” Sometimes Friday
Sunday we just can’t understand where some people Read Psalm 37:30, 31.

Read Leviticus 19:17, 18.

K eeping the peace is important, but there

are times when it is proper to stand up
are coming from. How can we empathize with
people who frustrate us? How does putting our
relationship with God first help us to empathize
A re you ever tempted to “tweak the truth” a
little bit to get what you want or need? Do
you make yourself seem more rushed when you
and say something—stand up for what is right. with others? arrive late? Do you try to make yourself seem
When people are being put down or treated _________________________________ more helpless when asking for an extension on
differently because of their ethnicity, skin color, _________________________________ the due date of a paper? How can we trust God
political views, or gender, what do you think _________________________________ enough to be honest and straightforward and
your responsibility is as a Christian? Does let Him sort out the rest?
silence mean consent when you hear someone Wednesday _________________________________
being mistreated? Read Proverbs 16:1. _________________________________

W hat is in our hearts ends up coming out
of our mouths. If we are angry, it’s hard
to hide that in our tones, even if we manage

to say the right words. It’s been said that one

Jesus stood up for the common people who of the hardest things to hide is being in love!
were being mistreated by the religious leaders. When something happens on the inside of us,
He didn’t leave them to fight their battle alone. it is natural for that to come out of our mouths.
He said something when they didn’t have the The trick is to be right on the inside so that what
social power to say something for themselves. comes out of our mouths brings glory to God.
Who can you stand up for today? How can you put the law of God in your heart?
____________________________________ Proverbs 16:1 says that the “proper answer of
____________________________________ the tongue” comes from the Lord (NIV). What
____________________________________ can you do to shift your focus toward God when
you are the most tempted to lash out?
Monday _________________________________
Read Matthew 22:37-40. _________________________________ this week’s reading*
L ove for God and love for your neighbor are
the key points that God’s law hangs upon.
It’s pretty simple. First, we must love God and
The Desire of Ages or Humble
Hero, chapters 66, 67.
put Him first. Next, we must love each other and *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
think about other people’s feelings and well- more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 26 12/13/20 10:19 AM



preparing for
tomorrow today
Scripture Story: John 12:20-43; Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
68, 69.
Key Text: Matthew 24:42-44.

PREPARING TO TEACH Or you may opt to follow the direction of this

teacher’s guide and explore the apocalypse. The
I. SYNOPSIS emphasis you make on this topic is of utmost impor-

David Marshall observes: “To talk the language of tance. We would strongly discourage scaring youth
apocalypse is to talk hope in a hopeless world. No about the terrors of the time of trouble or laying on
hell conceived by human imagination could exceed guilt for not being prepared for the judgment. A better
in awfulness our own sick, polluted world going on approach is to emphasize that the key issue in the last
in unending existence. Ecologists say things cannot days is remaining faithful to Jesus. To live in the pres-
go on. The Bible says things cannot go on. But the ence of Jesus—that is the invitation of apocalypse. So
apocalypse of the ecologist is a catastrophe that long as we are “in Christ,” we have nothing to fear.
would send the entire human race into eternal obliv-
ion. The apocalypse of the Bible is an encounter with II. TARGET
Jesus.” 1 The students will:
This lesson focuses on the apocalypse—the great • Be exposed to the doctrine of the Second Com-
revealing. A natural place for the discussion to go ing. (Know)
would be toward the signs that suggest the soon • Be challenged to assess world events in light of
return of Jesus. You may wish to reference the ecology Jesus’ promise, “I will come again.” (Feel)
(climate change, pollution, etc.), the economy (the • Be offered an invitation to live in Christ until He
plummeting stock market, the financial crises, global comes. (Respond)
uncertainty, etc.), the shaky political climate around
the world; the wars and rumors of wars; the natural III. EXPLORE
disasters; and any one of a host of other indicators The Second Coming of Christ, Seventh-day Advent-
that suggest the Second Coming could occur in our ist Beliefs, No. 25
lifetime. However you approach this topic, keep in The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of
mind that “the apocalypse of the Bible is an encounter the church, the grand climax of the gospel. The Savior’s
with Jesus.” coming will be literal, personal, visible, and worldwide.
This “encounter with Jesus” may take you to John When He returns, the righteous dead will be resurrected,
12:20-43 for a study about the Greeks who say to and together with the righteous living will be glorified
Philip: “Sir, we would see Jesus.” Chapter 68 in The and taken to heaven, but the unrighteous will die. The
Desire of Ages or Humble Hero is rich with insights almost complete fulfillment of most lines of prophecy,
about mission, prejudice, and judging others outside together with the present condition of the world, indi-
of one’s personal faith. cates that Christ’s coming is near. The time of that event 27

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 27 12/13/20 10:19 AM

has not been revealed, and we are therefore exhorted to house training was impeccable. After relieving himself,
be ready at all times. (Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; John Bear guzzled from the water bowl, gulped some dry
14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; food, and then rushed back to report for duty.
5:1-6; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; 2:8; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Titus 2:13; Heb. The burglar had started his descent—until he saw
9:28; Rev. 1:7; 14:14-20; 19:11-21.) Bear return. He bounced back to the top of the cabi-
net and stayed there sniveling until the police arrived.
TEACHING They were amazed at Bear’s “welcome.” The burglar
went to prison and had to eat food that wasn’t as good
I. GETTING STARTED as Dog Chow pet food.
Bear was rewarded with a fresh prime rib and a
Activity dozen Hostess Twinkies. As tasty as the reward was, I
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- suspect Bear didn’t keep watch over the house for the
tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis- reward, but rather because he loved his master.
cuss their responses. Or consider this alternative activ-
ity to introduce the topic: II. TEACHING THE STORY
Organize a “hymnfest” in which you sing lots of the
old Advent hymns that focus on the soon return of Bridge to the Story
Jesus. Share some history of Seventh-day Adventists Use the following discussion questions to follow
and their hope in the Second Advent that bound their up the story:
hearts together as a community. Explain that an We too are commanded in Scripture to keep watch

Adventist is simply someone who believes in the for our beloved Master, Jesus, who is coming soon.
“Advent of Jesus—the Second Coming.” Matthew 24 lists the signs that alert us to the nearness
of His coming.
Illustration Questions to consider:
A story went around the Internet that tells of a • What is the difference between watching and
huge German shepherd named Bear. The watchdog waiting?
was minding his family’s house when a burglar • What does it mean for you to be actively watch-
dropped in through a second-story window. Bear ing for Jesus to come as compared to passively
snarled like an idling bulldozer. waiting?
The burglar sprang to the top of a cabinet, trem- • What signs are there today of Jesus’ soon return?
bling but happy to have a pumping heart. But now
what? He couldn’t escape. He couldn’t relax for fear Out of the Story for Teachers
the monster dog might jump up. He’d have to sit there After you read the Into the Story section with your
until the beast got distracted. students, use the following in your own words to process
But Bear knew better. His master, Dave, trained it with them. Split your class into three groups and assign
dogs for a security company. Trained to use minimum each group one of the following passages (Bible pas-
violence, the dog patiently watched. sages that complement Mark 13) and assignments. After
The burglar waited for the owners to come home approximately 15 minutes of working on the assignment,
and call the watchdog off. He figured he could bolt to have each group share their project with the rest of the
safety at that point. He looked at his watch (well, class. (If your class is small, use one assignment.)
someone else’s actually). Two o’clock in the afternoon Read John 12:20-43—Challenge this first group
on Friday. to create a presentation titled “We Would See Jesus.”
He waited . . . and waited . . . and waited. Have the students key in on that request by the Greeks
On Monday afternoon Bear’s family returned from (verse 21) and share personal and practical sugges-
their weekend vacation. Inside, they found Bear on tions on how we can see Jesus in daily life.
guard, and the burglar sitting atop the cabinet. For three Read Matthew 24—Have this second group list
days he hadn’t slept, eaten, or drunk. “Help!” he begged. all of the signs of the Second Coming that Jesus
When Dave got close enough to take control, Bear warned us to be aware of. Then have them produce
bolted out the door toward the lemon tree. The dog’s a documentary (supply a video camera and a TV to


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 28 12/13/20 10:19 AM

show it to the rest of the class) connecting the prophe- was termed “the great dark day.”
cies of Jesus with our world today. • The moon. On the night of May 19, 1780, the
Read Luke 21:5-38—Have this third group leave moon looked as if someone covered it with a giant
the classroom to interview people, asking the question: cloth—as if the sun had been veiled that day.
“When you think about the second coming of Jesus,  The dark day was described by a captain at
what do you look forward to the most? Why?” Provide sea in a letter in The Independent Chronicle
them with pens and notepads or a recording device. (Boston), June 15, 1780, as “the blackest cloud”
This group will then share the responses they receive. he ever saw. About 11:00 there was a little rain,
and it grew dark. Between 1:00 and 2:00 he had
Sharing Context and Background to light a large candle to steer by.
Use the following information to shed more light on  In Conway, Massachusetts, the people dined
the story for your students. Share it in your own words. by candlelight, and farmers had to stop working
The Setting. Jesus shared this teaching on the in their fields because it was too dark. At
Mount of Olives—the very place where Zechariah had Fishkill, New York, in the afternoon many busi-
predicted that the Messiah would stand when He nesses were closed due to the darkness.
came to establish His kingdom (see Zechariah 14:4). • The stars. On November 13, 1833, the greatest
This was the ideal place for the disciples to ask Jesus display in history of falling stars occurred. Jesus’
when He would come in power and glory. Jesus spoke prediction about the falling of the stars was
of events that would transpire before His coming, but described in the American Journal of Science
He emphasized that His disciples should be less con- and Arts: “The morning of November 13, 1833,

cerned about the date of His return and more con- was rendered memorable by the exhibition of the
cerned about living God’s way consistently. Thus, phenomenon called shooting stars, which was
regardless of the time of the Second Coming, they probably more extensive and magnificent than
would be ready. any similar one hitherto recorded. Probably no
Prophecies Fulfilled. Jesus prophesied that “the celestial phenomenon has ever occurred in this
sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its country, since its first settlement, which was
light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly viewed with so much admiration and delight by
bodies will be shaken” (Matthew 24:29, NIV). Tradition- one class of spectators, or with so much aston-
ally, Seventh-day Adventists have pointed to the fol- ishment and fear by another class.” 2
lowing historical occurrences that correspond with this Why the Delay? For an activity, bring copies of
prophecy: this week’s readings in The Desire of Ages or Humble
• The sun. The sun darkened on May 19, 1780. It Hero. Have students read and search the copies for

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 29

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 29 12/13/20 10:19 AM

✂ • Are we living in the last days?
Tips for Top-Notch Teaching • Why didn’t Jesus tell us when He was returning?
• How has your belief in the Second Coming
Feeding Holy Curiosities affected your life?
As human beings we are naturally curious. As an

instructor, it is important for you to recognize and nur- Summary
ture the innate curiosity of the students. Given the Conclude by addressing the two simple questions:
topics of the Second Coming, the future, heaven, So what?
and so on, this lesson lends itself nicely to capitaliz- The apostle Peter paints a sign that signals Jesus’
ing on the questions and curiosities that students soon return. He describes a world of contaminated
have. Before teaching this lesson, ask yourself: with sin (see 1 Peter 4:3, TLB). He then concludes,
“How can I feed students’ curiosity while provid- “The end of the world is coming soon” (verse 7, TLB).
ing biblical support in answer to their questions?” He does not stop there, however, but continues to
Whenever questions are raised that express doubt, suggest specific things we should do in order to be
pray with your students and lead them in Bible study ready. “Therefore be earnest, thoughtful men of
on the topics that are under discussion. Continue prayer. Most important of all, continue to show deep
praying for the Holy Spirit’s leading in the lives of love for each other, for love makes up for many of
your students. your faults. Cheerfully share your home with those
who need a meal or a place to stay for the night. God
has given each of you some special abilities; be sure

reasons for the delay in Jesus’ coming. Here are some to use them to help each other, passing on to others
of the reasons Ellen White gives: God’s many kinds of blessings. Are you called to
1. S in must run its course so we’ll worship God preach? Then preach as though God himself were
out of love, not fear. speaking through you. Are you called to help others?
2. Our failure to proclaim the third angel’s message. Do it with all the strength and energy that God sup-
3. Sabbath reform hasn’t been carried out. plies, so that God will be glorified through Jesus
4. Our selfishness. Christ—to him be glory and power forever and ever.
5. So that more people won’t die the eternal death. Amen” (1 Peter 4:7-11, TLB).
Question for discussion: In your opinion, what is Now what?
the primary reason for the delay? Because the end is near, note the things Peter
says you should do today:
III. CLOSING • Pray (verse 7).
• Show deep love for each other (verse 8).
Activity • Cheerfully share with those in need (verse 9).
Summarize the lesson with this activity: • Help others (verse 10).
In light of the frequency of the signs of Christ’s • Use your special abilities to glorify God (verse 11).
coming, Sunnyside youth group organized a visit from
David Marshall, “How Soon Is Soon?” Adventist Review, Jan.
their pastor. They wanted to know more about the
2, 1992, p. 39.
Second Coming. Assuming you are the pastor, how 2
Vol. XXV, 1834.
would you answer their questions?

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 68, 69.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 30 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 3


Scripture Story: John 12:20-43; Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke

Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
68, 69.

preparing for tomorrow today

Photo by Terrill Thomas

“Therefore keep watch, because

flashlight you do not know on what day your

Lord will come. . . . If the owner of
“Christ has given signs of His coming. He declares that we may know when He is the house had known at what time
near, even at the doors. He says of those who see these signs, ‘This generation of night the thief was coming, he
shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.’ These signs have appeared. Now we
would have kept watch and would
not have let his house be broken
know of a surety that the Lord’s coming is at hand. ‘Heaven and earth shall pass
into. . . . The Son of Man will come
away,’ He says, ‘but My words shall not pass away’ ” (The Desire of Ages, p. 632). at an hour when you do not expect

(Matthew 24:42-44, NIV) 31

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 31 12/13/20 10:19 AM

to them. And the
gospel must first be
preached to all nations. When-
ever you are arrested and brought

do you think? to trial, do not worry beforehand about

what to say. Just say whatever is given
you at the time, for it is not you speak-
T (true) or F (false)?
ing, but the Holy Spirit.’ . . .
____ The second coming of Christ is one of the predominant
themes in the Bible.
“ ‘At that time people will see the Son

____ Christians should thoroughly understand biblical proph-
of Man coming in clouds with great
power and glory. And he will send his

____ Believing that Jesus is coming again is an
angels and gather his elect from the
essential part of our identity as Seventh-day
four winds, from the ends of the earth

to the ends of the heavens.
____ Events in the Middle East point to the soon
return of Jesus.
“ ‘Now learn this lesson from the fig
____ Even if Jesus does not return in my lifetime
tree: As soon as its twigs get tender
I can have peace placing my hope in His
“As Jesus was sitting on and its leaves come out, you know that
soon return.
the Mount of Olives opposite the summer is near. Even so, when you
temple, Peter, James, John and see these things happening, you know

Andrew asked him privately, ‘Tell that it is near, right at the door. Truly
us, when will these things happen? I tell you, this generation will certainly
And what will be the sign that they not pass away until all these things
are all about to be fulfilled?’ have happened. Heaven and earth will
pass away, but my words will never
“Jesus said to them: ‘Watch out that pass away.

did you no one deceives you. Many will come

in my name, claiming, “I am he,” and “ ‘But about that day or hour no one
will deceive many. When you hear knows, not even the angels in heaven,
of wars and rumors of wars, do not nor the Son, but only the Father. Be
be alarmed. Such things must hap- on guard! Be alert! You do not know
ne of the most solemn
pen, but the end is still to come. when that time will come. It’s like a man
14 and yet most glorious
Nation will rise against nation, and going away: He leaves his house and
truths revealed in the Bible
kingdom against kingdom. There puts his servants in charge, each with
is that of Christ’s second
will be earthquakes in various their assigned task, and tells the one at
coming to complete the
places, and famines. These are the door to keep watch.
great work of redemption. To God’s pilgrim
the beginning of birth pains.
people, so long left to sojourn in ‘the region and
You must be on your guard. “ ‘Therefore keep watch because you
shadow of death,’ a precious, joy-inspiring hope
You will be handed over do not know when the owner of the
is given in the promise of His appearing.
to the local councils and house will come back—whether in the
. . . The doctrine of the second
flogged in the syna- evening, or at midnight, or when the
advent is the very keynote of
gogues. On account rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes
the Sacred Scriptures” (Ellen G.
of me you will stand suddenly, do not let him find you sleep-
White, The Great Controversy,
before governors ing. What I say to you, I say to every-
p. 299).
and kings as one: “Watch!” ’ ”
(Mark 13:3-37, NIV)


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OUT punch lines
OF THE “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey

STORY everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the
very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19, 20, NIV).

“In all history there has never been such a time of terror. It will
What does this passage teach us about the second
be a time of trouble for my people Israel. Yet in the end they will
coming of Jesus?
be saved!” (Jeremiah 30:7, NLT).

“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal

glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have
suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and
How does this passage inform our understanding of world issues?
strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm
foundation” (1 Peter 5:10, NLT).

“As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait

confidently for God to save me, and my God
What does it mean to “watch” for Jesus to come? Is this any different than will certainly hear me” (Micah 7:7, NLT).
“waiting” for Him to come? If so, how?
“For the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has a

day of reckoning. He will punish the proud
and mighty and bring down everything
that is exalted” (Isaiah 2:12, NLT).
Contrast Mark’s account (Mark 13) of Jesus’ teaching on the Mount of Olives
with the other Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 24 and Luke 21:5-38). In what ways
are they similar? In what ways are they different? What does this comparison
study tell you about . . .

Mark? _________________________________________________________

Matthew? _________________________________________________ further

Luke? ___________________________________________
“There’s something equally
as important as coming to
Christ. Are you in a saving rela-
tionship with Christ? If you are,
then you’re ready for His coming right
now!”—Morris Venden, SDA pastor and author


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 33 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath Monday _________________________________
Read Acts 1:9-11. Read Matthew 24:42-44. _________________________________

R eflect on why you answered either true

or false for each question in the What Do
You Think? section. Go back to each question
C onsider the following story that illus-
trates the difference between watching
and waiting.
How do you live in the here and now, knowing
that our Lord is about to return? What are you
doing for the salvation of souls?
and think about somebody giving the opposite
answer as you. What rationale might they use? A fishing vessel returned home after many days Wednesday
Could you defend the opposite answer? Why at sea. As they neared the shore, the sailors Read 1 Corinthians 15:50-58.
or why not?
gazed eagerly toward the dock where a group
of their loved ones had gathered. The skipper
looked through his binoculars and identified
A fter each text included in Punch Lines,
write a simple summary. For example,
after Jeremiah 30:7 you might write, “Salvation
_________________________________ some of them: “I see Bill’s Mary, and there is is sure!”
Tom’s Margaret and David’s Anne.” _________________________________
Sunday _________________________________

S upplement the Scripture reading from

Into the Story by reading the following
passages listed under “READ.” Reflect on the
One man became concerned because his wife
was not there. Later, he left the boat with a
heavy heart fearing something tragic had hap-


thought questions under the heading “THINK” pened to her. He hurried to his cottage. As he Read Micah 7:7.
and then put the passages into practice by
doing the suggested activity under “ACT.”
opened the door, she ran to meet him, saying,
“I have been waiting for you!” I f I knew Jesus was going to come tomorrow,
how would I live today? Is that the way I will
live today? Why or why not?
READ: He replied with a gentle rebuke, “Yes, but the _________________________________
• 1 Thessalonians 4:17 other men’s wives were watching for them!” _________________________________
• Daniel 12:1-3 _________________________________
• Revelation 1:7; Revelation 6:14; Revelation Watching is not a spectator sport. As Oswald
13:11-18 Chambers put it: “The only way to wait for the Friday
• 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Second Coming is to watch that you do what Read Matthew 28:19, 20.

• 2 Peter 3:10, 11
• 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52
• 2 Thessalonians 2:8
you should do, so that when He comes is a
matter of indifference. It is the attitude of a
child, certain that God knows what He is about.
A s you think with anticipation of Jesus’ sec-
ond coming, what can you do to prepare
starting today? How much of your time, energy,
When the Lord does come, it will be as natural means, resources, talents, and spiritual gifts
THINK as breathing.” are you willing to contribute to share your hope
• Is my faith in Jesus strong enough to carry of Jesus’ return with others?
me through the last days? Tuesday
• How can I live today in order to be ready for Read 1 Peter 5:10.
the Second Coming?
• How would I explain to a friend to “watch and
be ready” for Jesus’ second coming?
A fter reading the Flashlight section, con-
sider another observation Ellen White
wrote about the Second Coming:

ACT “Those who are watching for the Lord are

• Pray that you can stay connected to Jesus purifying their souls by obedience to the truth.
through every circumstance in life. With vigilant watching they combine earnest
• Meet with some friends and talk about cur- working. Because they know that the Lord is at this week’s reading*
rent events in light of what the Bible teaches the door, their zeal is quickened to co-operate
The Desire of Ages or Humble
about the Second Coming. with the divine intelligences in working for the
• Read the final chapters in The Great
Hero, chapters 68, 69.
salvation of souls” (Ellen G. White, The Desire
Controversy by Ellen G. White. of Ages, p. 634). *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
_________________________________ more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 34 12/13/20 10:19 AM



may I help you?

Scripture Story: Matthew 25:31-46; Luke 22:7-18, 24; John
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
70, 71.
Key Text: Matthew 25:40.

PREPARING TO TEACH most vulnerable around us? When we saw suffering,

did we try to relieve it?

Service is often seen as an unpleasant duty, an II. TARGET
obligation, or a punishment. However, Jesus taught The students will:
that serving should be a Christian’s way of life. • Understand that service is the way of life, not a
Serving others, however, isn’t a theological ideal; it once-in-a-while experience. (Know)
is something that the Holy Spirit whispers to every- • Sense their own responsibility toward the vul-
one, believer and nonbeliever alike. Ellen White tells nerable people around them. (Feel)
us that there will be many people in heaven who • Choose to listen to the Holy Spirit and look for
never opened a Bible or knew about God, but who opportunities to serve. (Respond)
followed their consciences and helped people
around them. III. EXPLORE
Jesus taught His disciples about service through Spiritual Gifts and Ministries, Seventh-day Advent-
an object lesson. When no servant was present to ist Beliefs, No. 17
wash their feet, and when the disciples were too filled God bestows upon all members of His church in
with their own competitiveness to lower themselves to every age spiritual gifts that each member is to employ
the task, Jesus did the job Himself—washing their in loving ministry for the common good of the church
dusty, dirty feet. Jesus was showing them the impor- and of humanity. Given by the agency of the Holy
tance of service. He was also showing them that their Spirit, who apportions to each member as He wills,
perceptions of status and social importance were of the gifts provide all abilities and ministries needed
no consequence in His kingdom. by the church to fulfill its divinely ordained functions.
Jesus also told the parable of the sheep and the According to the Scriptures, these gifts include such
goats. Those who join in God’s kingdom and are ministries as faith, healing, prophecy, proclamation,
saved are the ones who fed, clothed, and comforted teaching, administration, reconciliation, compassion,
“the least of these.” Service is not only about fund- and self-sacrificing service and charity for the help
raising for worthy causes; it also requires you to get and encouragement of people. Some members are
your hands dirty with the socially unpopular, the dirty, called of God and endowed by the Spirit for functions
the poor, the neglected and rejected. The condition of recognized by the church in pastoral, evangelistic, and
our hearts is not gauged by our lip service or theologi- teaching ministries particularly needed to equip the
cal stances, but by our actions. How did we treat the members for service, to build up the church to spiritual 35

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 35 12/13/20 10:19 AM

maturity, and to foster unity of the faith and knowledge back right along with them. After some solid work, the
of God. When members employ these spiritual gifts job was done. The man wiped his face and hands and
as faithful stewards of God’s varied grace, the church walked back to his horse.
is protected from the destructive influence of false “Mr. Corporal,” he said. “Next time you have a job
doctrine, grows with a growth that is from God, and like this and not enough men to do it, go to your
is built up in faith and love. (Acts 6:1-7; Rom. 12:4-8; commander-in-chief and I will come again.”
1 Cor. 12:7-11, 27, 28; Eph. 4:8, 11-16; 1 Tim. 3:1-13; The man was none other than George Washington.
1 Peter 4:10, 11.)
Bridge to the Story
I. GETTING STARTED Share the following in your own words:
Service is not menial labor. It is not reserved for
Activity the lowest members of society. Service is our respon-
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- sibility to each other. George Washington saw that
tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis- helping his men would do more for them than simply
cuss their responses. commanding them. By helping them, by serving by
Have each student make a list of their talents. their side, he encouraged them more than a great
(There might be singing, drawing, math, athletics, etc.) speech or quotable quote could ever do. He also
Have them also list as many strengths as they can showed his corporal what leading really means. True

think of. Invite the students to share some of their lists leadership is not a “desk job.”
with each other. Ask them how they can use their gifts
to help other people both now and in the future. Out of the Story for Teachers
For example, a talent in science might turn a per- After you read the Into the Story section with your
son to becoming a medical doctor one day and help- students, use the following in your own words to
ing many sick people. But what can you do with an process it with them.
aptitude for science that can help people right now? • What kinds of service does Jesus talk about in
these passages?
Illustration • Where would you rank these service opportuni-
Share this illustration in your own words: ties if they were paying jobs?
During the American Revolution a small group of • Would they be highly respected, elite jobs?
soldiers was laboring to repair a defensive barrier. The • What was Jesus trying to explain about serving
work was hard, their backs were sore, and their com- others?
manding officer kept barking orders at them from where Use the following as other teachable passages that
he stood a few yards away, his arms crossed over his relate to today’s story: Mark 9:33-37; 14:1-11; Mat-
chest. It wasn’t a huge job, but it was bigger than the thew 15:32.
few men could accomplish easily. Their commander
was getting more and more irritated with them, shouting Sharing Context and Background
for them to hurry up and put their backs into it. Use the following information to shed more light on
Riding alone in civilian clothes, a man stopped to the story for your students. Share it in your own words.
watch. He rode up to the commanding officer and It is important to remember that society in ancient
looked on in silence for several minutes. Judea was stratified. People were born into a particu-
“Why don’t you help them?” the man asked the lar station in life, and there was very little they could do
commanding officer. to move outside of it. You learned the trade of your
“Sir, I am a corporal!” the officer snapped, irritated father if you were male, and you learned to keep house
at being interrupted in his supervisory role. if you were female. If your parents were wealthy and
The man shrugged his shoulders, dismounted, respected, you would also be wealthy and respected.
and went to help the struggling soldiers. He worked If your parents were poor or had a poor reputation then
with them, muddying his clothes and straining his you would also inherit their poverty or poor esteem in


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 36 12/13/20 10:19 AM

✂ Servants held the low jobs in society. They dealt
with the dirt and grime. They washed the smelly feet of
Tips for Top-Notch Teaching
their betters, using a bowl of water and their hands
to remove the dust and grime. No one wanted to
Responses to Silence

take the position of a servant. It was unthinkable!
Being faced with a classroom full of silent
Respected members of society acted like respected
students who will not participate can be a har-
members of society. They associated with people
rowing experience for any teacher. How do you
of similar ranking and always tried to impress their
get longer, more meaningful, and more frequent
betters. No one wanted to be mistaken for a lower
responses from your students? After they give
class than they occupied. It was insulting. It was
you an initial response, try these tips:
1. Maintain a deliberate silence.
This is why Jesus’ teaching was so radical. Jesus
2. Make a declarative statement.
taught that social ranking didn’t matter. In God’s eyes,
3. Make a reflective statement giving a sense
we are all equal. Jesus taught that serving was the
of what the students said.
most important aspect of life! This turned their entire
4. Declare perplexity over the response.
social paradigm on its head. Jesus told the com-
5. Invite elaboration.
mon people that they had value outside of the social
6. Encourage other students to comment.
structure. People would be part of His kingdom based
7. Give students time to think after they are
on their ability to serve each other, not based on birth

or breeding. According to Jesus’ teaching, who your
family was, what level of society you belonged to, or
how wealthy you were did not matter in God’s eyes. In
the public eye. One could not easily marry outside fact, according to some scholars, Jesus chose His
one’s station, since marriages were arranged between students from the failures of the rabbinical schools. He
families and the families were mostly concerned with chose fishermen who had not made the cut in the
property, wealth, and business connections. Personal school system and had to go take up their fathers’
attraction didn’t factor into marriages at all. If you were trades.
poor, you would always be poor. If you were a servant, Jesus called down the pompous rich for their
you didn’t have any hope of being anything else. You hypocrisy and abuse of the poor. Jesus was indeed
would marry a servant, and your children would be a radical.
servants too.

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 37

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 37 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Share the following thoughts in your own words:
Activity Jesus taught that a life of service was the key to
Close with an activity and debrief it in your own entering His heavenly kingdom. Knowing theology or
words. even scanning the Bible won’t save us. It is easy to get
Have each student make a list of five people into a rut and think that we are OK with God because
whom they come across in an average week who our family goes to church or because we read our
could use a helping hand. Examples might include Bibles from time to time. It takes more than that. We
parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, teachers, must listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. This is part
strangers, bus drivers, fellow students, coworkers, of developing a personal relationship with God. Ser-
etc. Make the lists as specific as possible. Then have vice helps us to put the world into God’s perspective.
the student write beside each listed person the way The most precious things to God are not the newest
they could help them. Encourage the students to gadgets or the corporate climb. God cares about peo-
choose at least one person from their list and make a ple. When we get that into its proper priority, we
point of connecting with and helping that person in understand God better too.
some way. Ask them to share their experiences the
next week.

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 70, 71.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 38 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 4


Scripture Story: Matthew 25:31-46; Luke 22:7-18, 24;

John 13:1-17.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
70, 71.

may I help you?


Photo by Alden Ho

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell

flashlight you, whatever you did for one of

the least of these brothers and
“Those whom Christ commends in the judgment may have known little of theology,
sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ”
but they have cherished His principles. Through the influence of the divine Spirit
they have been a blessing to those about them. . . . Though ignorant of the written (Matthew 25:40, NIV)
law of God, they have heard His voice speaking to them in nature, and have done
the things that the law required. Their works are evidence that the Holy Spirit has
touched their hearts, and they are recognized as the children of God” (The Desire
of Ages, p. 638). 39

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 39 12/13/20 10:19 AM

gry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you
something to drink? When did
we see you a stranger and invite you

do you think? in, or needing clothes and clothe you?

When did we see you sick or in prison
and go to visit you?’
“Rate each of these statements from 1 to 5.”
1 = strongly agree, and 5 = strongly disagree.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you,
• When my church organizes a community project, I feel I need
whatever you did for one of the least of

to help out.
these brothers and sisters of mine, you
1 2 3 4 5
did for me.’ ”

• People feel comfortable asking me to help them with
things because I generally say yes.
(Matthew 25:31-40, NIV)
1 2 3 4 5
• When I agree to help out, it is normally because
I feel pressured or guilted into doing it.
1 2 3 4 5
STORY “He came to Simon Peter, who said
to him, ‘Lord, are you going to wash
my feet?’
• I think that people should help themselves
“When the Son of Man comes
and stop being a burden on those around
in his glory, and all the angels “Jesus replied, ‘You do not realize
them who do better than they do.
with him, he will sit on his glorious now what I am doing, but later you will

1 2 3 4 5
throne. All the nations will be gath- understand.’
ered before him, and he will sep-
arate the people one from another “ ‘No,’ said Peter, ‘you shall never wash
as a shepherd separates the sheep my feet.’
from the goats. He will put the sheep
on his right and the goats on his left. “Jesus answered, ‘Unless I wash you,
you have no part with me.’

did you “Then the King will say to those on

his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed “ ‘Then, Lord,’ Simon Peter replied, ‘not

know? by my Father; take your inheritance,

the kingdom prepared for you since
the creation of the world. For I was
just my feet but my hands and my head
as well!’

18 ommunity service is
hungry and you gave me some- “Jesus answered, ‘Those who have
often used in U.S. and Cana-
thing to eat, I was thirsty and you had a bath need only to wash their feet;
dian courts of law as a special
gave me something to drink, I their whole body is clean. And you are
condition of probation. While
was a stranger and you invited clean, though not every one of you.’
punishment is part of the reason
me in, I needed clothes and
for this measure, giving the person less free
you clothed me, I was sick “ ‘You call me “Teacher” and “Lord,”
time to enjoy, benefits exist for the convicted indi-
and you looked after me, and rightly so, for that is what I am.
vidual, the victim, and the community.
I was in prison and you Now that I, your Lord and Teacher,
Community service may help the
came to visit me.’ have washed your feet, you also should
offender to atone for their crime.
wash one another’s feet. I have set you
It can be used as a substitute
“Then the righteous an example that you should do as I
for financial compensation if
will answer him, have done for you.’ ”
the offender does not have the
‘Lord, when
funds available. It also can con-
did we see (John 13:6-10, 13-15, NIV)
tribute to the offender’s rehabil-
y o u
itation, instilling a work ethic and
sense of pride in contributing to the


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 40 12/13/20 10:19 AM

OUT punch lines
OF THE “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax
collectors doing that?” (Matthew 5:46, NIV).

STORY “Whoever seeks good finds favor” (Proverbs 11:27, NIV).

“Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what

What kind of service is Jesus telling us to perform?
disaster may come upon the land” (Ecclesiastes 11:2, NIV).

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free.

But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather,
serve one another humbly in love” (Galatians 5:13,
Whom should we be serving? NIV).

“For who is greater, the one who is at the table

or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is
at the table? But I am among you as one who
What is the result of serving others, both in our lives now and in the life serves” (Luke 22:27, NIV).
to come?

How is serving others perceived by the secular society?

Whom do you think it would be easiest to serve? Whom would be the hardest,
and why?

What would be the modern equivalent of foot washing from Jesus’ day? insight 19

“The Father from His

throne numbers the unselfish
What kinds of service do we think are beneath us to perform?
workers among His most
precious treasures.”—Ellen G. White,
The Desire of Ages, p. 639


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 41 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath Which of “the least of these” will you come into Thursday
Read Proverbs 11:27. contact with today? How can you be of service Read Ecclesiastes 11:2.

W hen we look for places to serve others,

the person we help is blessed through
our good deeds, and we are blessed in return.
to people who are least valued in your school
or your community?
L ife is busy, and you have responsibilities.
You might need to keep your grades up,
earn money, or take care of family members.
In order to reap that blessing, our hearts need _________________________________ Life is not only busy, but it is demanding.
to be in the right place. We can’t enjoy God’s _________________________________ There must be a balance between what you
rewards while we are trying to show off our do for others and what you do to take care
“good works.” If we are only trying to pad our Tuesday of your own needs. How can you serve others
résumés with community service in order to Read Galatians 5:13. while you are busy going to school, working,
look more appealing to an employer, then our
motives are tainted. Service to others is not
about making ourselves look good.
K nowing what the Bible teaches isn’t
enough. We can read our Bibles every day,
but if we don’t put the Word into action, it isn’t
and living your life? Must you dedicate time to
community service, or are there less structured
ways to serve others?
able to help us grow and change (see James _________________________________
What is your attitude toward service? How can 2:14-18). Although reading God’s Word is _________________________________
you serve with unselfish motives? What bene- important, people who may never have had the _________________________________
fits do you see in serving others? opportunity to read the Bible will go to heaven

_________________________________ because they listened to the Holy Spirit and did Friday
_________________________________ what they knew was right. The Holy Spirit will Read Matthew 5:46.

guide you, telling you what is right and what is
not, as you personally spend time in Christ’s
presence and with other believers. How can
W hen you serve another person, how do
you think you grow spiritually, socially,
emotionally, and morally? What does service
Read John 13:15. you make a point of listening closely to that do to your heart?

J esus said, “I have set you an example that

you should do as I have done for you” (John
13:15, NIV). Not every person is easy to serve.
inner voice today?
Some people don’t want help. Others are so _________________________________
difficult to be around that even to think about
serving them makes us angry. Still others seem Wednesday
20 to be black holes of neediness, and no matter Read Luke 22:27.
how much we do for them, they seem to beg
for more. Which people do you find it hardest to
serve, and why? How can we become capable of
P osition and prestige are important to people
in the world. They are concerned about
being “upwardly mobile” and looking suc-
this kind of service? Where is the boundary line cessful. “The good life” is an expensive life.
between serving and being taken advantage of? When we try to keep up with everyone else,
_________________________________ all of our time can be used up pursuing the
_________________________________ newest gadgets and clothes. But God wants
_________________________________ us to see things differently. Jesus didn’t come
to impress people with His social standing.
Monday Instead, He devoted Himself to the people
Read Matthew 25:40. whom no one else wanted to deal with. Which

W ho are “the least of these” mentioned

in the Key Text ? Many unattractive and
“untouchable” people live in our communities.
of your priorities might be standing in your way
of serving others?
this week’s reading*
The Desire of Ages or Humble
They make us want to cross the street to get _________________________________
Hero, chapters 70, 71.
away from them. They may be dirty, smell bad, _________________________________
or have a bad reputation. They may be unpop- *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
ular, badly dressed, or have poor hygiene. more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

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my way versus
God’s way
Scripture Story: Matthew 26:20-29; Mark 14:17-25; Luke
22:14-23; John 13:18-38; John 14–17.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
72, 73.
Key Text: John 13:33-35.


The students will:
I. SYNOPSIS • Realize the importance of humility and God’s
In this lesson we learn about Jesus’ sacrifice and sacrifice in order for us to gain salvation.

the gift of salvation. We will discover that to truly sur- (Know)
render to God we must be humbled, as was Jesus. • Feel a need to surrender fully to God. (Feel)
We learn that at the Lord’s Supper He instituted the • Submit fully to God’s will for their lives.
tradition to remember Him and His sacrifice. To fully (Respond)
accept His death, we must surrender our lives to His
will, and in humility walk according to that will. Judas III. EXPLORE
didn’t fully surrender. He loved money and had pride The Lord’s Supper, Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs,
as well. He betrayed Jesus even though Jesus loved No. 16
him. Jesus would have saved Judas had he surren- The Lord’s Supper is a participation in the emblems
dered. But Judas chose a path of greed rather than of the body and blood of Jesus as an expression of
of salvation. Judas could not bring himself to surren- faith in Him, our Lord and Savior. In this experience of
der to the will of a humble Messiah. He wanted a communion Christ is present to meet and strengthen
fighting warrior. Judas wanted his way and not God’s His people. As we partake, we joyfully proclaim the
way. Lord’s death until He comes again. Preparation for the
When we partake in the Lord’s Supper, we should Supper includes self-examination, repentance, and
seek to have our hearts right with God. James 4:6 confession. The Master ordained the service of foot-
says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the washing to signify renewed cleansing, to express a
humble” (NIV). As a teacher, explain to the students willingness to serve one another in Christlike humility,
what humility is, how it’s an awareness of our own and to unite our hearts in love. The communion service
weaknesses and a need of God’s grace in our lives. A is open to all believing Christians. (Matt. 26:17-30;
humble person is one who is willing to learn from oth- John 6:48-63; 13:1-17; 1 Cor. 10:16, 17; 11:23-30;
ers, aware that they still have a way to go in growing. Rev. 3:20.)
The point of this lesson is to show the students the
mistakes that Judas made and that we can learn from TEACHING 
those mistakes and not make them ourselves. Help
the students realize that the need of grace in our lives I. GETTING STARTED 
should make us humble before God and others.
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? 43

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section of their lesson. After they have completed it, Out of the Story for Teachers  
discuss their responses. After you read the Into the Story section with your
After going over the What Do You Think? section, students, use the following in your own words to
divide the students into an even number of groups. process it with them.
Give them each paper and pens and ask them to write • What did Jesus mean when He said to His disci-
down the top 10 things that they think could bring ples: “I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the
someone to Christ. Afterward, have each group read vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in
aloud their top 10 things and then discuss them as a my Father’s kingdom” (Matthew 26:29, KJV)?
whole group together. • What do you think made Judas choose to betray
his Master? Or was Jesus ever truly his Master?
Illustration In what way did he portray a greedy heart?
Share this illustration in your own words: • What do you think was going through Jesus’
It was said by Plutarch that once when Caesar mind when He knew He was eating with some-
was crossing the Alps, he and his band of men came one who would soon betray Him?
across a small and desolate native village that had • What kept Judas from truly surrendering to
hardly any inhabitants. It looked like a morbid, miser- Christ?
able place. While his friends joked and laughed among • What is humility? Is there a counterfeit humility?
themselves, saying, “No doubt here too one would Explain.
find people pushing themselves forward to gain office, • Are there things that can keep us from display-
and here too there are struggles to get first place and ing humility in our lives? If so, what are they? Are

jealous rivalries among the great men.” Caesar then there different things for different people?
replied to them in utter seriousness: “As far as I am Explain.
concerned, I would rather be the first man here than Use the following as other teachable passages
the second in Rome.” that relate to today’s story: Psalm 147:6; Proverbs
22:4; Galatians 6:14.
Sharing Context and Background  
Bridge to the Story Use the following information to shed more light
Share the following in your own words: on the story for your students. Share it in your own
This struggle for position and power didn’t begin words.
with Caesar. It began in the heart of Lucifer, the most
beautiful of all God’s created beings. Even Jesus’ dis- History of the Passover
ciples experienced this struggle. When Jesus ate with His disciples in the upper
Mark 9:35 states clearly: “Sitting down, Jesus room, they were celebrating the Passover, one of the
called the Twelve and said, ‘Anyone who wants to be most ancient of all Jewish festivals, one that the Jews
first must be the very last, and the servant of all’” (NIV). all over the world still celebrate today. Wherever there
This struggle is also evident in our society today. are practicing Jews, there will be during the springtime
It’s easy to forget about God’s grace. It’s easy to get the celebration of this sacred Jewish holiday.
caught up in a world that is far away from God’s king- The origins of this sacred ceremony are found in
dom. It’s easy to forget that we are called to be ser- the book of Exodus. “For I will pass through the land
vant leaders. Remembering Christ’s sacrifice helps us of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the
to humble ourselves and surrender fully to Jesus. This land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the
can be difficult for many reasons (pride, love of the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord.
world, a desire to do one’s own thing, etc.). While the And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the
Lord’s Supper reminds us of Jesus’ death and sacri- houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will
fice for our sins, Judas’ story can remind us of where pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you
straying from Christ can lead to. After all, who wants to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. And
to wind up like Judas? this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall
keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your genera-


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✂ son in every home. This was the first step in the
whole process by which God would save them from
Tips for Top-Notch Teaching Egypt, and from the slavery they had suffered under
Increase Relevance for so long.
The fascinating thing about this was that the

Some ways to make the lesson more relevant
would be to: Focus on what personal spiritual les- blood saved them; the angel of death would see the
sons the students can take away from what blood and “pass over” their house. This, of course,
you’re talking about. Ask what it means to be was a powerful symbol of salvation by faith in the
“under the blood on the door posts” today. How blood of Jesus. They were protected by the blood.
can we get under the blood? Not that the blood of an animal itself would save
Visit a local synagogue (if there is one in your them, but the blood was a symbol of the blood of
area) and ask the rabbi to explain to the class Jesus, which would be shed for all humanity. That’s
his understanding of the meaning of the Pass- why, centuries later, the apostle Paul could write:
over, or pull it up from the internet. “For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us”
Think about what changes the students (1 Corinthians 5:7, KJV). In the Passover celebra-
could make to their lives as a result of what they tion we are given a type, a symbol of the plan of
have learned. Try to make the lesson as practi- salvation. When God’s final judgment falls upon the
cal to their lives as possible. What have they world, those under the blood, those who by faith
learned that can improve how they live? How, claim the salvation found in Jesus, will be spared.

then, can they make those changes in their own
lives? True Versus False Humility
Humility is not low self-esteem. It is not allowing
oneself to be a “doormat.” And it is not denying one’s
tions; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever” giftedness. True humility is our not thinking of our-
(Exodus 12:12-14, KJV). selves more highly than we ought, but equal to how
The Israelites in the time of Exodus had been told God views us (Romans 12:3). This distinction is most
to sacrifice an unblemished lamb and roast it without important for this topic—an often misunderstood one.
breaking any of its bones. They were then to apply Obedience is an aspect of humility that would be
the blood on the doorposts of their houses. This helpful to also discuss with the students. We see this
would protect them from the angel of death, who revealed in Philippians 2:8, which talks about Jesus
would pass through the land and kill every firstborn humbling Himself and becoming “obedient to death.”

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 45

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 45 12/13/20 10:19 AM

In John 13 we see humility lived out in Jesus’ life. example, learn important lessons about what it means
Jesus walked with spiritual power and giftedness, a to be humble, and how we can avoid pride?
strong sense of identity, and unending purpose. And
we can do that as well. Humility acknowledges the Summary
source of these characteristics: God. Share the following thoughts in your own words:
Jesus was a perfect example of humility and grace.
III. CLOSING Often we tend to see Him as a glorious and affluent God
but, in reality, when He descended to this earth He took
Activity upon Himself a lowly status. Many times we strive to
Close with an activity and debrief it in your own be first. We want the glory and honor. That is so differ-
words. ent from the attitude Jesus displayed. Mark 9:35 says:
Have the students try to find as many verses that “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and
talk about pride or humility in a certain amount of time. the servant of all” (NIV). We must come to Christ with a
Concordances are helpful. After they have done this, humble spirit and be willing to surrender to His will. If we
have them read out loud to the class what they’ve can’t let go of our pride, then we will have a big struggle.
found in the Bible about this topic. Afterward, discuss God died for us. He was a sacrifice for us. If we accept
it as a class. What does the Bible say about these top- His death on our behalf, come before Him in humility,
ics? How can we get rid of these attitudes if we see and truly ask for salvation—it is ours.
them in ourselves? How can we, by looking at Christ’s

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 72, 73.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 46 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 5

Scripture Story: Matthew 26:20-29; Mark 14:17-25; Luke
22:14-23; John 13:18-38; John 14-17.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
72, 73.

my way versus God’s way

Photo by Colleen Cahill

“My children, I will be with you

flashlight only a little longer. . . . Where I am

going, you cannot come. A new
“Christ was standing at the point of transition between two economies and their two command I give you: Love one an-
great festivals. He, the spotless Lamb of God, was about to present Himself as a sin other. As I have loved you, so you
offering, that He would thus bring to an end the system of types and ceremonies must love one another. By this ev-
that for four thousand years had pointed to His death. As He ate the Passover with eryone will know that you are my
His disciples, He instituted in its place the service that was to be the memorial of disciples, if you love one another.”
His great sacrifice. The national festival of the Jews was to pass away forever. The
(John 13:33-35, NIV)
service which Christ established was to be observed by His followers in all lands
and through all ages” (The Desire of Ages, p. 652). 47

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 47 12/13/20 10:19 AM

“And as they were
eating, Jesus took
bread, and blessed it, and
brake it, and gave it to the disciples,

do you think? and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

“And he took the cup, and gave thanks,

On a scale of 1 to 10, list the things that you think can lead
and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye
people to stray from God and to deny what He’s done for them
all of it;
through Jesus (1—the most likely and 10—the least).

____ pride
“For this is my blood of the new testa-
____ lack of self-discipline
ment, which is shed for many for the

____ tragedy
remission of sins.
____ lack of trust
____ wanting to do their own thing

“But I say unto you, I will not drink
____ fear that they aren’t good enough
henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until
____ indifference
that day when I drink it new with you in
____ lack of care about eternal life
my Father’s kingdom.”
____ unbelief
“Now when the even was
____ anger
come, he sat down with the (Matthew 26:20-29, KJV)


“And as they did eat, he said, Verily

did you I say unto you, that one of you shall

betray me.

know? assover is a Jewish

“And they were exceeding sorrowful,
and began every one of them to say
unto him, Lord, is it I?
festival. Its purpose is to
remember God’s intervention
“And he answered and said, He that
in sparing the Jews when He
dippeth his hand with me in the dish,
killed the firstborn of Egypt.
the same shall betray me.
22 The word translated “Passover” comes from
a Hebrew word, pesach, meaning “to pass
“The Son of man goeth as it is
over,” which is what God did when the angel
written of him: but woe unto that
of death passed over every Jewish house that
man by whom the Son of man
had the blood on their doorposts. It is followed
is betrayed! It had been good
by the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread,
for that man if he had not
which recalls the Exodus from Egypt and the
been born.
freeing of the Israelites from slavery.
Passover starts on the fifteenth
“Then Judas, which
day of the month of Nisan, the
betrayed him,
full moon of that month, the first
an swered and
month on the Hebrew calen-
said, Master, is it
dar’s festival year. The first and
I? He said unto
last days of this seven-day feast
him, Thou
were observed as legal holidays
h a s t
or holy days. The people would
also hold special prayer services
as well as holiday meals. Jews were
known to have observed the festival for eight
days. Most still do. If you know some practicing
Jews, they might invite you to their house for a Passover
seder, the practice of celebrating the Passover.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 48 12/13/20 10:19 AM

OUT punch lines
OF THE “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only,
but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and

STORY trembling” (Philippians 2:12, NKJV).

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better

to be lowly in spirit and along with the oppressed than to share
What does Jesus mean when He says, “I will not drink
plunder with the proud” (Proverbs 16:18, 19, NIV).
henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I
drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom”?
“For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the
humble with victory” (Psalm 149:4, NIV).

“If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show

my weakness” (2 Corinthians 11:30, NIV).
What do you think went through the disciples’ minds when they heard
these words of Jesus?

What do you think possessed Judas to betray Jesus? How do greed and
pride fit into this story?

How do you think Jesus felt knowing that He was eating in the presence of
someone who would betray Him?

What do you think initially led Judas away from accepting Christ?
What do you think keeps people from coming to God with humility and
insight 23

full surrender? “And if we consent,

[Christ] will so identify Him-
self with our thoughts and
Why do you think Jesus used the bread and wine to represent His
aims, so blend our hearts and
body and blood? minds into conformity to His will,
that when obeying Him we shall be
but carrying out our own impulses.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 668


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 49 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath notebook, write in your own words some par- life. Jesus told His disciples that He was going
Read Matthew 6:24. allels between those stories and today’s story to die, and He instituted the Lord’s Supper as a

J esus was the sacrificial Lamb for the

world. He let the people kill Him in order
to save all humanity. Do you think that Judas
about Judas. What do you think initially puts
greed or pride into people’s hearts? What is it
that steers them away from salvation? What do
reminder of Himself and His death in our behalf.
How seriously do you take the Lord’s Supper
when it’s offered in your church?
truly understood this? Why do you think he let you think can bring a person back to accepting
money and power reign in his heart? Judas Jesus as their Savior? Friday
is a good example of what Matthew 6:24 is _________________________________ Read Luke 22:18.
saying: “No one can serve two masters. Either
you will hate the one and love the other, or
you will be devoted to the one and despise the
_________________________________ J esus promised His second coming when
He said: “For I tell you I will not drink again
from the fruit of the vine until the kingdom
other. You cannot serve both God and money” Tuesday of God comes” (Luke 22:18, NIV). We have
(NIV). Judas never truly served Christ. He let Read Psalm 149:4. assurance of knowing that Jesus died and will
money and greed rule over him. He never let
himself be humble enough to accept Christ’s
love and sacrifice. He simply threw it all away
S alvation is a gift. We can accept it or reject
it. Nobody, not even God, can force it on
us. Humility is one of the first things that leads
return. The Lord’s Supper is a way by which we
can remember truly the depth of His sacrifice
and come to understand salvation and what
for some silver. to salvation. If we have pride in our hearts, it means for us. Titus 2:11-13 states: “For

then we will try to be self-sufficient and have the grace of God has appeared that offers
Write down in your journal a few things that can trouble relying on the Lord. Humility is also a salvation to all people. It teaches us to say ‘No’
lead us away from salvation. gift. Yet we can make choices that will impact to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to
the presence of humility in our lives. live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in
Sunday this present age, while we wait for the blessed
Read Proverbs 16:18, 19. Write down on the lines below three ways in hope—the appearing of the glory of our great

M any times when people are led away

from Christ, it’s because of their own
selfishness or pride. Many don’t want to hum-
which we can increase humility in our lives.
God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (NIV). God gave
His Son out of grace. His Son humbled Himself
and obeyed His Father. The best way to go is to
ble themselves and surrender fully to God. _________________________________ accept that grace and humility, and remember
Others simply don’t want to change their way the sacrifice that was made for us.
of life in order to follow Him. Wednesday
24 Read Hebrews 9:28.
To be humble is to understand our own weak-
nesses and need of God; to know that we are
not perfect, that we are sinners, and that we
W hy do you think the Passover is so
important to the Jews today? What are
the similarities between the Passover and the
need to learn and grow—and are willing to Lord’s Supper?
do just that. _________________________________
What are some ways in which we can go about _________________________________
daily surrendering to God?
_________________________________ Thursday
_________________________________ Read Philippians 2:12.
Y et to all who did receive him, to those who
believed in his name, he gave the right to
Monday become children of God.” John 1:12 (NIV) states this week’s reading*
Read John 13:33-35. it clearly: we are all God’s children if we receive
The Desire of Ages or Humble
T oday, page through your Bible looking for
stories and prophecies that speak to these
topics: salvation, humility, greed, sacrifice. Find
Him and accept Him. It has nothing to do with
anything that we ourselves could possibly do,
but what Christ has done for us. Because of
Hero, chapters 72, 73.
*Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
at least one example of each. In your journal or His sacrifice on our behalf, we can have eternal more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

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the choice
Scripture Story: Mark 14:32-42.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapter 74.
Key Text: Mark 14:35, 36.

PREPARING TO TEACH that we might become the righteousness of God”

(2 Corinthians 5:21, NKJV).
Next to His death on Calvary, Jesus’ season of II. TARGET
struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane is the second The students will:

pivotal point in the history of our salvation. The drama • See the horror of sin and the love of God.
of God’s plan to redeem humanity reaches a climax: (Know)
Jesus must willingly choose to give His life as a ran- • Sense the battle that rages between good and
som for many or He will fail. Some suggest that Jesus evil. (Feel)
could have walked away and left humanity to perish. In • Decide that embracing God’s will is the way to
the garden, He faced that excruciating choice. eternal life. (Respond)
Several powerful themes come through in this les-
son. First, in the garden we get a strong sense of the III. EXPLORE
horror of sin. Look at the way Jesus shrinks back from The Experience of Salvation, Seventh-day Advent-
the pain. Even He can barely stand up under the ist Beliefs, No. 10
weight of it. “So dreadful does sin appear to Him, so In infinite love and mercy God made Christ, who
great is the weight of guilt which He must bear, that knew no sin, to be sin for us, so that in Him we might
He is tempted to fear it will shut Him out forever from be made the righteousness of God. Led by the Holy
His Father’s love” (Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, Spirit we sense our need, acknowledge our sinful-
p. 685). Can He then face up to doing God’s will? It ness, repent of our transgressions, and exercise faith
is likely that your students will understand both the in Jesus as Savior and Lord, Substitute and Example.
temptation to go their own way and the anxiety of This saving faith comes through the divine power
trusting God’s will over their own. of the Word and is the gift of God’s grace. Through
Finally, a spiritual fight of universal proportions Christ we are justified, adopted as God’s sons and
takes place in the olive grove called Gethsemane. The daughters, and delivered from the lordship of sin.
name means “the olive press,” and it is no coincidence Through the Spirit we are born again and sanctified;
that Christ is squeezed to complete exhaustion by the Spirit renews our minds, writes God’s law of love
unimaginable agony. in our hearts, and we are given the power to live a holy
It is important to convey to students that we life. Abiding in Him we become partakers of the divine
will never have to go through the second-death nature and have the assurance of salvation now and in
experience because Christ has already done it for the judgment. (Gen. 3:15; Isa. 45:22; 53; Jer. 31:31-34;
us. In Gethsemane He looked at becoming the Sin- Ezek. 33:11; 36:25-27; Hab. 2:4; Mark 9:23, 24; John
bearer in the face and chose God’s will over human 3:3-8, 16; 16:8; Rom. 3:21-26; 8:1-4, 14-17; 5:6-10;
wishes. Jesus made the decision to “be sin for us, 10:17; 12:2; 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Gal. 1:4; 3:13, 14, 26; 4:4- 51

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 51 12/13/20 10:19 AM

7; Eph. 2:4-10; Col. 1:13, 14; Titus 3:3-7; Heb. 8:7-12; fied with sinful human beings in order to save us.
1 Peter 1:23; 2:21, 22; 2 Peter 1:3, 4; Rev. 13:8.)
Bridge to the Story
I. GETTING STARTED Share the following in your own words:
In the Garden of Gethsemane Christ chose to
Activity experience the punishment of sin at its deepest, dark-
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- est level. While we human beings splash around the
tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis- reefs thinking sin isn’t so bad, we simply have no clue
cuss their responses. what Jesus experienced when He chose to take the
As the students share their responses to the rank- cup of suffering. At each point of prayer in the garden,
ing exercise, invite them to share why they responded Christ plummeted deeper and deeper into the dark-
the way they did. You can make your way down the list ness, getting a foretaste of the horror that awaited Him
of options, asking, “How many of you chose ________ at Calvary. Not the whips or the nails pained Him most,
as your first choice?” Comment briefly on the signifi- but the deep, dark pit of separation from God. Read
cance of each event and ask: “What do you think was the story of Christ in the garden and imagine His
the most painful part of Gethsemane—what He knew agony, paying careful attention to His decision.
about the future, or what He did not know?” Some
might say, “Jesus knows everything.” But the Bible Out of the Story for Teachers

says that God “made Him who knew no sin to be sin After you read the Into the Story section with your
on our behalf” (2 Corinthians 5:21, NASB). How does students, use the following in your own words to
Christ negotiate the path of “knowing no sin” to process it with them.
“becoming sin”? Is there a greater example of going • Read this story and make a list of things Christ
from one extreme to another? knew and didn’t know about the future.
• How do you think the disciples reacted to hear-
Illustration ing Jesus say, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful,
Share this illustration in your own words: even to death” in verse 34? When has Christ ever
The ocean is earth’s last little-known frontier. Sci- spoken like this or conveyed such emotion?
entists have shown us how most of the ocean that • Underline the phrases in this passage that indi-
immediately surrounds land, about 60 meters (200 cate how much the decision to go forward to
feet) deep, is filled with the beauty of rich marine life. Calvary weighed on Christ.
But this is only about 1/20 of the total ocean on earth. • Why did Jesus want the disciples to keep pray-
Beyond this relatively shallow zone, much of the ocean ing? Was it for them or Him that He longed for
drops to depths of as much as 3,500 to 6,000 meters them to be praying?
(11,500–20,000 feet), in areas called abyssal plains. • How is Christ’s attitude in verses 41 and 42 dif-
They make up more than 50 percent of the ocean floor. ferent from the first part of the scene?
These are not the deepest places in the ocean, how- • Why do you think the story of Gethsemane is
ever. In some areas of the western Pacific Ocean, the such a pivotal story told in Scripture? What does
sea floor drops away into elongated gashes, called this event reveal about Christ?
trenches, with water depths of 10,000 to 11,000 • What do you think was “the cup” Christ referred
meters (33,000–36,000 feet). to in His prayer to the Father?
The deepest parts of the ocean are mostly
unknown and unseen by human beings. While the Extra Questions for Teachers:
shallow zones are visible as beautiful and alive, the Agree or Disagree
deep, inaccessible parts are shrouded in darkness and • The hardest prayer anyone will ever pray is
mystery. “Lord, not my will, but yours be done.” Why?
Now imagine the great stoop that Jesus took Agree or Disagree
when He came into our sin-polluted world and identi- • 
The emotional trauma and knowledge of


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 52 12/13/20 10:19 AM

becoming the Sinbearer was far more torturous

than any physical trauma Jesus endured. Why? Tips for Top-Notch Teaching
Use the following as other teachable passages
that relate to today’s story: Genesis 3; Job 1; Genesis Word Wrestling

22; Acts 9; Matthew 4. The problem with language is that it often
fails to capture fully what is taking place. Para-
Sharing Context and Background phrasing a verse or passage challenges students
Use the following information to shed more light to pay close attention to the meanings of
on the story for your students. Share it in your own words—especially if you use the following rule:
words. Rewrite this verse, but you cannot use any words
The setting for this week’s study on Christ’s strug- currently in the passage, except for essentials
gle in the Garden of Gethsemane is clear. It was the such as: it, to, the, and, but, for, etc. Have stu-
night of the Passover meal and just prior to His arrest. dents practice paraphrasing familiar passages
Judas is in the process of carrying out his horrible such as John 3:16 or 1 John 1:9. As students
betrayal. The accounts of this event are portrayed in do this, they use higher order thinking skills and
all four Gospels, some offering very little detail while must try to understand the meaning of the pas-
others are as graphic as possible. sage by wrestling with the meaning of key words.
Matthew 26:36-50
Mark 14:32-46
Luke 22:39-49

John 18:1, 2 The Temptation
The focus of Jesus’ season of agony in the garden When Jesus was first tempted by Satan in the
is a choice He must make if He is to redeem humanity wilderness, He was not tempted to lie, cheat, steal, or
from their sin. It is appropriate that the decision to commit adultery. He was tempted to abort the plan of
accept sin’s price came in a garden. Human history God to redeem humanity by His blood (Matthew 4).
began in a garden (Genesis 2:7-25), as did sin (Gene- When Jesus described His upcoming death at the
sis 3). Adam and Eve’s choice to go their own way ver- hands of the Jews, Peter launched a rebuke at Jesus
sus the revealed will of God’s way infected humanity that prompted Jesus to reply, “Get behind Me, Satan!
with sin. Now Christ faced the decision to obey God’s For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the
will and stick to the plan of redemption. things of men” (Mark 8:33, NKJV). Jesus rebukes

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 53

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 53 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Peter for urging what Satan wants more than anything gar, ketchup, etc.). Have the students name the sins as
else—for Him to avoid Calvary. Even while Jesus was you add the elements. At the end of the lists, when the
on the cross, Satan tried to tempt Him to give up on cup is full, say, “Christ said, Father, let this cup pass
the plan. Thus, he incited the people to shout: from Me, but not My will but Yours be done.” Christ took
“‘You who destroy the temple and build it in three the cup when He made the choice to go to Calvary.
days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come
down from the cross.’ Likewise the chief priests, also Summary
mocking with the scribes and elders, said, ‘He saved Share the following thoughts in your own words:
others; Himself He cannot save. If He is the King of Gethsemane is truly one of Christ’s defining
Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we moments. We all have moments where we reach a
will believe Him. He trusted in God; let Him deliver Him crossroad. We have the option to go one way or turn
now if He will have Him; for He said, “I am the Son of to the other, but a choice is required. You make a deci-
God”’” (Matthew 27:40-43, NKJV). sion, and that decision ultimately makes you.
The temptation had been the same in the Garden of Jesus suffered unimaginable agony in Gethsem-
Gethsemane. Matthew’s account of the dramatic time ane with His choice. What do we do with what hap-
of prayer depicts Christ going back three times, saying, pened to Christ in the garden? One response is to
“Let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, thank Him for His willingness to take the cup. Another
but as You will” (Matthew 26:39, NKJV). response might be to mirror His willingness to pray,
“Not my will but yours be done.” It’s likely to be the
III. CLOSING hardest prayer you will ever pray. But pray it about

specific areas of your life and things will change. Your

Activity choice to live by God’s plan for your life will produce a
Close with an activity and debrief it in your own peace and a confidence that will enable you to deal
words. with any adversity. In fact, knowing that Christ chose
Have students (in pairs) make a list of as many sins to experience death, the second death—anything you
committed by people in Scripture as they can think of. face from here on out pales in comparison to what
Give them one to two minutes. Then, in one minute, waits for those who are faithful to Christ. As Paul says,
have them add to that a list of the most heinous sins “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time
committed in history. Then, at the bottom of the list are not worthy to be compared with the glory which
simply write, “My sin.” Invite the students to be ready shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18, NKJV). When
to read the lists out loud while you do the following Christ faced His choice in Gethsemane, it is likely
demonstration. that He could see only the immediate future. But Paul
The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate how assures us of the promise that:
Christ took the cup of sin willingly. Using a large cup or “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered
glass, fill the container halfway with water and add ele- into the heart of man the things which God has prepared
ments that will drastically taint this water (dirt, oil, vine- for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV).

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapter 74.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 54 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 6

Scripture Story: Mark 14:32-42.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapter 74.

the choice

Photo by Colleen Cahill

“He went a little farther, and fell

flashlight on the ground, and prayed that if

it were possible, the hour might
“[Christ] felt that by sin He was being separated from His Father. The gulf was so
pass from Him. And He said,
broad, so black, so deep, that His spirit shuddered before it. This agony He must
‘Abba, Father, all things are pos-
not exert His divine power to escape. As man He must suffer the consequences of
sible for You. Take this cup away
man’s sin. As man He must endure the wrath of God against transgression” (The
from Me; nevertheless, not what I
Desire of Ages, p. 686).
will, but what You will.’ ”

(Mark 14:35, 36, NKJV) 55

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 55 12/13/20 10:19 AM

spirit indeed is will-
ing, but the flesh is

do you think? “Again He went away and prayed, and

spoke the same words. And when He
returned, He found them asleep again,
Rank the following moments according to what you think
for their eyes were heavy; and they did
caused Christ the most agony.
not know what to answer Him.
____ Enduring the scourging/beating.

____ Hearing His own people cry “crucify Him.”
“Then He came the third time and said
____ Being betrayed and abandoned by His closest
to them, ‘Are you still sleeping and

resting? It is enough! The hour has
____ Deciding to accept the cup of suffering and sin
come; behold, the Son of Man is being
in Gethsemane.

betrayed into the hands of sinners.
____ Experiencing the absence of God on
Rise, let us be going. See, My betrayer
is at hand.’ ”
All the events surrounding the passion of
Christ were severely traumatic. What do you
“Then they came to a place (Mark 14:32-42, NKJV)
think was most traumatic for Christ? Why?
which was named Gethsemane;
If you had to go through a traumatic experi-
and He said to His disciples, ‘Sit

ence, would you prefer to have it forced upon

here while I pray.’ And He took
you or to face it knowing it was your choice?
Peter, James, and John with Him,
and He began to be troubled and
deeply distressed. Then He said
to them, ‘My soul is exceedingly
sorrowful, even to death. Stay here
and watch.’

did you “He went a little farther, and fell on

the ground, and prayed that if it were

know? possible, the hour might pass from
Him. And He said, ‘Abba, Father, all
things are possible for You. Take
n the Garden of Gethsemane, Luke,
this cup away from Me; never-
says of Christ, “And being in agony
theless, not what I will, but what
prayed fervently . . .” The Greek word for
You will.’
agony means to be “engaged in combat.”
The word “agony” was used by the Greeks
“Then He came and found
to denote “intense emotion,” and severe
them sleeping, and said to
emotional and physical anguish. It is
Peter, ‘Simon, are you
the same word they used for the
sleeping? Could you
arena in which battles would
not watch one hour?
take place for entertainment.
Watch and pray,
What was so entertaining to
lest you enter
them was the intense life-and-
into tempta-
death emotion that character-
tion. The
ized the games. Clearly, what
took place in the Garden of Geth-
semane was a battle, filled with
intense emotion.

From Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, copyright

© 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers.


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 56 12/13/20 10:19 AM

OUT punch lines
OF THE “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come

STORY boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to
help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:15, 16, NKJV).

“[Christ] who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up

After you read this story, make a list of things Jesus
prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to
knew and didn’t know about the future.
Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard
because of His godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He
learned obedience by the things which He suffered”
(Hebrews 5:7, 8, NKJV).
How do you think the disciples reacted to hearing Jesus say, in
“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for
verse 34, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death” (NKJV)?
us, that we might become the righteousness of
God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21, NKJV).

“And He began to teach them that the Son

When had Christ ever spoken like this or conveyed such emotion? of Man must suffer many things, and be
rejected by the elders and chief priests and

scribes, and be killed, and after three days
rise again. He spoke this word openly.
Underline the phrases in this passage that indicate how much the decision to Then Peter took Him aside and began
go forward to Calvary weighed on Christ. to rebuke Him. But when He had turned
around and looked at His disciples, He
Why did Jesus want the disciples to keep praying? Was it for them or Him that rebuked Peter, saying, ‘Get behind Me,
He longed for them to be praying? Satan! For you are not mindful of the
things of God, but the things of men’ ”
(Mark 8:31-33, NKJV).

How is Christ’s attitude in verses 41 and 42 different from the first part of the “The reason my Father loves me is
scene? that I lay down my life—only to take it up
again. No one takes it from me, but I lay
it down of my own accord. I have authority 27
to lay it down and authority to take it up
again. This command I received from my
Why do you think the story of Gethsemane is such a pivotal story told in Father” (John 10:17, 18, NIV).
Scripture? What does this event reveal about Christ?

What do you think was “the cup” Christ referred to in His prayer
to the Father? insight
“So dreadful does sin appear to Him,
so great is the weight of guilt which He
must bear, that He is tempted to fear it will
shut Him out forever from His Father’s love.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 685


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 57 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath of accomplishing His will in our lives aren’t
Read John 10:17, 18. always what we would choose? Thursday
R ead and respond to the question in the
What Do You Think? section of this week’s
lesson. Does it matter that Christ had the
Take a few moments and identify three or four
friends that you believe want to live fully for
Read Hebrews 4:15, 16.

G ethsemane was about a choice. Clearly,

the most important decision made on
choice to go to Calvary or to walk away? Of all God. Pray a prayer of surrender to God’s will earth happened in that garden. It is likely that
the painful experiences that faced Christ in the as the Savior did in the garden for yourself and you have some pressing decisions to make in
garden, the reality of our hopelessness pained for your friends. your life, but none more important than accept-
him more. In a way, what happened after He ing Christ’s sacrifice for you. Sometime this
made His choice was horrible, but by that time Tuesday week, go to a garden, or the closest thing to a
He had resolved to endure it. Reflect on the fact Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. garden, and make the decision to receive God’s
that Christ was not the victim caught between
a rock and a hard place, but a Savior willingly
offering His life as a sacrifice. What do you
R ead the quote in the Flashlight section
and imagine the worst of what sin can do.
Consider the most repulsive of sin’s effects on
grace and embrace His will for your life. You
might want to take a few moments to journal or
write about your experience in the garden and
think is the difference? this earth and on people, and reflect on what keep it in your Bible for future reference.
_________________________________ must have made Christ “shudder” against
_________________________________ what He was going to face. As hard as it is Friday

_________________________________ to wonder what Christ faced, as sinners we Read 1 Corinthians 15:22.

Read Hebrews 5:7, 8.
can never imagine what sin looks like from the
perspective of One who “knew no sin.” Whom
do you know that has a real hatred for sin and
T wo choices. Two gardens. Reflect on the
choice made in Eden, which ushered in a
world of sin for humanity. Also, reflect on the

R ead the Into the Story section and use the

questions in the Out of the Story section to
guide your study. Up to this point in the life of
a deep sense of the love of God?
choice Christ made in the Garden of Gethse-
mane thousands of years later. A third choice
still remains that opens the way to eternal life
Christ, He had been in control and deliberate _________________________________ in a garden home in heaven. Adam and Eve
about God’s plan. But in Gethsemane this atti- made a choice. Christ made His choice. What
tude changed. Christ’s humanity shrank from If Ellen White emphasizes anything in this will be your choice?
the task and longed for another way, but finally chapter, it is the full exposure of both hatred of
accepted the hard part of the plan. What do you sin and love of God. Make a list in your journal
28 think are some of the key truths that emerge of what you love about God’s love and a list
about Christ and you in the Garden of Gethse- of the things you hate about sin. Write out a
mane? In what way does a similar spiritual war prayer of thanksgiving to God for His will and
occur in your life today? What message does His willingness to redeem you.
Christ’s victory in the garden give to you as you
make choices about your life? Wednesday
T he Punch Lines texts in this week’s lesson
touch on Christ’s choice to embrace God’s
will and die for humanity. Read the list and
identify two or three that really speak to you
Monday personally. Why do these passages connect
Read Mark 14:35, 36. with you today? If you were to order these

T he Key Text this week is perhaps the

hardest prayer to pray: “Not what I will, but
what You will.” In what areas of your life do you
verses to be read in a sequence like a Bible
study, how would you organize them? Think of
someone you know who might be encouraged
this week’s reading*
The Desire of Ages or Humble
find it difficult to pray this prayer? What is it or inspired by these passages and share them.
Hero, chapter 74.
about God’s will that tends to make us hesitant Feel free to add any other verses you think
to embrace it? Is there any question that God would encourage or inspire. *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
has our best in mind? Or, is it that God’s ways _________________________________ more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 58 12/13/20 10:19 AM



Scripture Story: Luke 23:1-25.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
Key Text: Luke 23:20-23.


The students will:
I. SYNOPSIS • Witness how humans can be so wrong while
The night Christ was betrayed, He endured six tri- thinking they are right. (Know)

als in which He was questioned, beaten, accused, and • Sense that God is in control even in the worst of
condemned to death. The Jewish portion of the trial situations. (Feel)
was a gross betrayal of its legal system, and the • Decide to let the inward desire for mercy and
Roman part of the trial an even sadder display of cow- truth live on the outside. (Respond)
ardice and corruption. The fact that the Jewish leaders
would violate their own legal process is a testimony to III. EXPLORE
their hatred of Christ. Trials typically have at least two Growing in Christ, Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs,
purposes: to discover the truth and to establish jus- No. 11
tice. The truth about everyone was exposed in these By His death on the cross Jesus triumphed over the
trials. Jewish leaders were corrupt and hypocritical in forces of evil. He who subjugated the demonic spirits
the worst way. Pilate was revealed as a coward. Herod during His earthly ministry has broken their power and
was a fool. The masses and the crowds were weak made certain their ultimate doom. Jesus’ victory gives
and mindless. The disciples had abandoned Christ. us victory over the evil forces that still seek to control us,
The leaders thought they were getting justice by their as we walk with Him in peace, joy, and assurance of His
schemes, but their depravity was exposed and the love. Now the Holy Spirit dwells within us and empowers
glory of Christ was unmistakable. us. . . . In this new freedom in Jesus, we are called to
One of the lessons in this story is how character grow into the likeness of His character, communing with
is not only developed in trials but revealed by them. Him daily in prayer, feeding on His Word, meditating on
Students will benefit from being reminded that their it and on His providence, singing His praises, gathering
inward person is exposed by challenges. This may be together for worship, and participating in the mission of
a good opportunity to discuss how we all may desire the Church. We are also called to follow Christ’s example
truth in the inmost places but need to also practice it by compassionately ministering to the physical, men-
in life. Another truth is that Jesus let it happen. He was tal, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of humanity.
in complete control—from the betrayal in the garden to (1 Chron. 29:11; Ps. 1:1, 2; 23:4; 77:11, 12; Matt. 20:25-
the nails at Calvary. Christ laid down His life purpose- 28; 25:31-46; Luke 10:17-20; John 20:21; Rom. 8:38, 39;
fully. If we learn anything from this event it is that Christ 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; Gal. 5:22-25; Eph. 5:19, 20; 6:12-18; Phil.
chose to redeem us because He believed we could 3:7-14; Col. 1:13, 14; 2:6, 14, 15; 1 Thess. 5:16-18, 23;
live for greater purposes than ourselves. Heb. 10:25; James 1:27; 2 Peter 2:9; 3:18; 1 John 4:4.) 59

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 59 12/13/20 10:19 AM

TEACHING guilty to change their ways.
What is your perception of the legal system of your
I. GETTING STARTED government? Do you feel that it is too harsh or too
lenient? Explain.
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- II. TEACHING THE STORY
tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis-
cuss their responses. Bridge to the Story
The ranking activity helps students prioritize their Share the following in your own words:
values and experiences. In this activity they must con- While Michael learned that the basis for law is
sider the attributes of each experience and then make a restoration, the Jews suspended practically every rule
decision as to the order, according to their percep- that was meant to safeguard their justice system
tions. Some students will feel betrayal more than oth- when they decided to put Christ to death. It is clear
ers. There may be young people who feel misunder- that the Jewish leaders were desperate to kill Jesus.
stood, or are victims of hatred. Everyone will feel They stopped at nothing to make sure this hap-
these emotions keenly, but differently. It is important pened. But remember, Jesus could have stopped the
to emphasize this dynamic. Another way to approach proceedings at any point. You will also notice that it
this activity is to have them choose a side on the fol- was Jesus who was vindicated, not maligned, by this
lowing either/or exercise: trial.
Which emotion do you think is more extreme:

anger at those who cause injustice, or sympathy for Out of the Story for Teachers
those who are mistreated by injustice and endure the After you read the Into the Story section with your
experience alone? students, use the following in your own words to
Invite students to explain, but to also listen for process it with them.
another person’s perspective. For a step-by-step description of the six trials of
Christ, follow the sequence:
Illustration 1. Before Annas, John 18:12-23
Share this illustration in your own words: 2. Before Caiaphas and the elders, Mark 14:55-65
At a juvenile court hearing, a young man was ush- 3. Before the Sanhedrin, Matthew 27:1, 2
ered in and sat in a chair. He had been caught stealing 4. Before Pilate, Luke 23:1-7
from homes, and capped off his conquests by stealing 5. Before Herod, Luke 23:8-12
a car and accidentally crashing the stolen vehicle 6.  B efore Pilate, Luke 23:13-25 (also John
into a police car. The judge read the reports and 18:28–19:45)
asked a few questions trying to find a way to under- • Circle the names of individuals and groups men-
stand the young man’s behavior. After Michael tioned in this passage that were part of the trials
thwarted his every attempt, the judge said to the coun- of Christ. Compare the attitudes of the religious
selor appointed to Michael, “Would you mind taking a leaders to Pilate and Herod. What do you know
moment and explain to Michael what I’m doing by all about these people, and what is revealed about
these questions?” them as Christ is tried?
The counselor knew. Quietly he said to Michael, • As you read through this portion of the trials,
“The judge is asking you these questions because he underline every phrase or sentence that conveys
is hoping that you will give him the tiniest reason to accusations or the stubborn intent to execute
help you. You see, he wants to extend mercy in some Jesus. How would you describe their mind-set
way to you if he sees that you will try to make better as they try to convict Christ?
choices. He is begging you to give him something so • What one verse or phrase seems to summarize
he can help you.” the meaning of this event? Explain.
Michael finally began to understand the basic • Christ seems to be alone during His trials. What
nature of the legal system: innocent until proven guilty do you think was going through His mind? What
was an attempt to protect the innocent and compel the thoughts kept Him so composed?


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 60 12/13/20 10:19 AM

• What are some unanswered questions you won- In order to understand the trial of Christ it is impor-
der about as you read the story of Christ’s trials? tant to know the background of the Jewish legal sys-
• How do you think the trials are part of the plan tem. Under Roman rule, the Jews lost their capacity to
of redemption? How are all the events that lead try capital cases on their own. Jesus’ trial was not
up to Calvary related to each other? only unfair, it was blatantly unlawful. Notice the simple
description for capital cases:
Extra Questions for Teachers: “The provisions relating to criminal trials, and espe-
• When have you witnessed someone suspend- cially to those in which the offence was punishable by
ing their beliefs and values because they des- death, were very stringent and were all framed in the
perately wanted something to happen. How do interest of the accused. Among them were the follow-
you see this taking place in the trials of Christ? ing: The trial must be begun by day, and if not com-
• Discuss what you think is the motivating emo- pleted before night it must be adjourned and resumed
tion for the religious leaders? by day; . . . a verdict of acquittal, which required only a
• What type of leaders were Pilate and Herod. majority of one, might be rendered on the same day as
Use the following as other teachable passages that the trial was completed; any other verdict could only be
relate to today’s story: Acts 6:7; John 7:45-53; rendered on a subsequent day and required a majority
Matthew 27:19; John 8:1-11; Acts 16:35-40. of at least two; no prisoner could be convicted on his
own evidence; it was the duty of a judge to see that the
Sharing Context and Background interests of the accused were fully protected” (Interna-
Use the following information to shed more light on tional Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Electronic Data-

the story for your students. Share it in your own words. base. Copyright © 1996, 2003, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc.
The setting up of the trials of Christ occurred All rights reserved.).
even as Judas left the table and settled his deal with The Jewish law was designed to make certain no
the religious leaders to hand over Jesus. While Jesus one was ever falsely punished, even at the risk of let-
prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Temple ting the guilty go free. No night courts. No hasty judg-
guards came with key religious leaders to arrest Him ments. Two or three eyewitnesses were required.
on Thursday night. Enduring essentially six different Furthermore, to ensure no dubious witnesses were pro-
trials before sentencing might seem to have sapped cured, the death sentence applied to those who falsely
Jesus of His will, but the opposite was true: Christ testified. If one person felt the accused was not
became more glorious as His enemies sank deeper guilty—they were acquitted. One could not be con-
into their darkness. demned based on one’s own testimony to avoid

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 61

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✂ Tips for Top-Notch Teaching


Close with an activity and debrief it in your own
All the information in the world is relatively words.
useless if never put into practice. One of the Divide the students into groups of two or three and
foundational principles of learning is that you share the following experiences:
really know something when it is applied from • Share a time in your life when you were falsely
your head to your life. It is likely the hardest part accused of doing something wrong.
of the learning experience to facilitate. But as • Share a time in your life when you were treated
Jesus said, everyone who hears His words and with mercy, although you did not deserve it.
does them “is like a wise man who built his • Share a time in your life when you struggled to
house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24, NIV). give someone else the benefit of the doubt.
There are three qualities that can be used • Students can share one or all of the experiences
when trying to apply a biblical truth to life . . . as they have time. You might want to extend the
It must be: discussion by asking the class to answer: What
1. Personal (The individual needs to see this did you learn about mercy and justice? How
as something for them to do.) does adversity reveal who we really are inside?
2. Practical (The individual needs to choose
something to do that is doable, within the Summary

sphere of their capacity to make it happen.) Share the following thoughts in your own words:
3. Provable (The individual needs to make As always, adversity exposes who we really are.
the action so specific that they know Christ, fresh from His choice to surrender Himself to the
when they have done it.) plan of salvation, stood before men pretending to have
authority; He remained noble. His character stood tall
while priests were screaming and ripping their clothes,
someone admitting to a crime they did not do or to guards were slapping Jesus, Pilate was quaking, and
prevent a judge from tricking the defendent into saying Herod was partying. The Jewish leaders mocked their
something they didn’t mean to say. No trials during the own rules in order to put this penniless teacher to death.
Passover. No trials close to the Sabbath. You can see Everyone in the scene became small, petty, and wrong.
how desperately the Jewish leaders wanted Jesus And the accused, Jesus Christ, emerged as true, good,
dead. and righteous. Keep in mind, at any moment Christ
The entire intent of legal procedure in Jewish law could have called down angels and they all would have
was to give the greatest opportunity for mercy to pre- been wiped out. But Jesus was clear about His pur-
vail. Even today, the notion of “innocent until proven pose: His Father’s will was to send His only Son to die,
guilty” is derived from the ancient practice of “above so that even His accusers would have a chance at life.
all—let mercy prevail.” The real question to ask is: What is inside of you?
Are your aspirations about eternal things or temporary
stuff? What’s on the inside will be revealed.

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 75-77.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 62 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 7


Scripture Story: Luke 23:1-25.

Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters


Photo by Colleen Cahill

“Pilate, therefore, wishing to re-

flashlight lease Jesus, again called out to

them. But they shouted, saying,
“Standing behind Pilate, in view of all in the court, Christ heard the abuse; but to ‘Crucify Him, crucify Him!’ . . .
all the false charges against Him He answered not a word. His whole bearing gave They were insistent, demanding
evidence of conscious innocence. He stood unmoved by the fury of the waves that with loud voices that He be cruci-
fied. And the voices of these men
beat about Him. It was as if the heavy surges of wrath, rising higher and higher,
and of the chief priests prevailed.”
like the waves of the boisterous ocean, broke about Him, but did not touch Him. He
stood silent, but His silence was eloquence. It was as a light shining from the inner (Luke 23:20-23, NKJV)
to the outer man” (The Desire of Ages, p. 726). 63

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 63 12/13/20 10:19 AM

things about Him,
and he hoped to see
some miracle done by Him.
Then he questioned Him with many

do you think? words, but He answered him nothing.

And the chief priests and scribes stood
and vehemently accused Him. Then
Rank the following emotions from the most extreme to the
Herod, with his men of war, treated
least (1—least extreme, 5—the most):
Him with contempt and mocked Him,
____ feeling hated
arrayed Him in a gorgeous robe, and

____ feeling alone
sent Him back to Pilate. . . . Then Pilate,
____ feeling betrayed
when he had called together the chief

____ feeling abandoned by friends
priests, the rulers, and the people, said
____ feeling falsely accused
to them, ‘You have brought this Man to
Describe the emotion you feel is most painful or

me, as one who misleads the people.
extreme. Explain your answers.
And indeed, having examined Him in
your presence, I have found no fault
in this Man concerning those things
“Then the whole multitude of of which you accuse Him; no, neither
them arose and led Him to Pilate. did Herod, for I sent you back to him;
And they began to accuse Him, and indeed nothing deserving of death

saying, ‘We found this fellow per- has been done by Him. I will therefore
verting the nation, and forbidding to chastise Him and release Him’ (for it
pay taxes to Caesar, saying that He was necessary for him to release one
Himself is Christ, a King.’ Then Pilate to them at the feast). And they all cried
asked Him, saying, ‘Are You the King out at once, saying, ‘Away with this
of the Jews?’ He answered him and Man, and release to us Barabbas’—
said, ‘It is as you say.’ So Pilate said who had been thrown into prison for a
to the chief priests and the crowd, certain rebellion made in the city, and

did you ‘I find no fault in this Man.’ But they

were the more fierce, saying, ‘He stirs
for murder. Pilate, therefore, wishing
to release Jesus, again called out to

know? up the people, teaching throughout
all Judea, beginning from Galilee
to this place.’ When Pilate heard
them. But they shouted, saying, ‘Crucify
Him, crucify Him!’ Then he said to them
the third time, ‘Why, what evil has He
he Sanhedrin was a 71-
of Galilee, he asked if the Man done? I have found no reason for death
member supreme court com-
were a Galilean. And as soon as in Him. I will therefore chastise Him and
prised of scribes, rabbis, Phar-
he knew that He belonged to let Him go.’ But they were insistent,
isees, priests, Sadducees, and
Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent demanding with loud voices that He be
elders presided over by the high
Him to Herod, who was also crucified. And the voices of these men
priest. The constitution of the Sanhedrin held by
in Jerusalem at that time. and of the chief priests prevailed. So
law: it could not convene at night—only
Now when Herod saw Pilate gave sentence that it should be
by daylight and only in the Hall
Jesus, he was exceed- as they requested. And he released to
of Hewn Stone in the Temple
ingly glad; for he had them the one they requested, who for
courts. Also, you could con-
desired for a long rebellion and murder had been thrown
demn someone to death based
time to see Him, into prison; but he delivered Jesus to
only upon the testimony of two
because he their will.”
witnesses—never by their own
had heard
testimony. Furthermore, a death
m a n y (Luke 23:1-25, NKJV)
sentence was never to be carried
out on the same day as the trial
or during the Passover, in order to
give time for the court to make sure they
were not making a big mistake. These rules were
always strictly adhered to—except for one case.


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 64 12/13/20 10:19 AM

OUT punch lines
OF THE “Therefore the chief priests and the Pharisees convened a council, and were
saying, ‘What are we doing? For this man is performing many signs. If we let Him

STORY go on like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and
take away both our place and our nation.’ But one of them, Caiaphas,
who was high priest that year, said to them, ‘You know nothing at all,
For a step-by-step description of the six trials of nor do you take into account that it is expedient for you that one
Christ, read the following sequence: man die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish.’
. . . So from that day on they planned together to kill Him”
1. Before Annas, John 18:12-23 (John 11:47-50, 53, NASB).
2. Before Caiaphas and the elders, Mark 14:55-65
3. Before the Sanhedrin, Matthew 27:1, 2 “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he
4. Before Pilate, Luke 23:1-7 opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the
5. Before Herod, Luke 23:8-12 slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers
6. Before Pilate, Luke 23:13-25 (also John 18:28–19:45) is silent, so he opened not his mouth. By oppres-
sion and judgment he was taken away; and as
Circle the names of individuals and groups mentioned in the passage for his generation, who considered that he was
(Luke 23:1-25) that were part of the trials of Christ. Compare the attitudes cut off out of the land of the living, stricken
of the religious leaders to those of Pilate and Herod. What do you know for the transgression of my people?” (Isaiah
about these people, and what is revealed about them as Christ is tried? 53:7, 8, ESV).

“A single witness shall not rise up
against a man on account of any iniquity
or any sin which he has committed; on
As you read through this portion of the trials, underline every phrase or sen-
the evidence of two or three witnesses a
tence that conveys accusations or the stubborn intent to execute Jesus. How
matter shall be confirmed. If a malicious
would you describe their mind-set as they try to convict Christ?
witness rises up against a man to accuse
him of wrongdoing, then both the men
who have the dispute shall stand before
What one verse or phrase seems to summarize the meaning of this event?
the Lord, before the priests and the
judges who will be in office in those days.
The judges shall investigate thoroughly,
and if the witness is a false witness and 31
Christ seems to be alone during His trials. What do you think was going
he has accused his brother falsely, then
through His mind? What thoughts kept Him so composed?
you shall do to him just as he had intended
to do to his brother. Thus you shall purge
the evil from among you” (Deuteronomy
19:15-19, NASB).
What are some unanswered questions you wonder about as you read
the story of Christ’s trials?

How do you think the trials are part of the plan of redemption?
How are all the events that lead up to Calvary related to
each other?
“He suffered in proportion to the perfec-
tion of His holiness and His hatred of sin.
His trial by men who acted as fiends was to
Him a perpetual sacrifice.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of
Ages, p. 700

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 65 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath of your life do you feel torn between right and Thursday
Read Isaiah 53. wrong? Like Pilate, we all hear voices that pull Read 2 Corinthians 5:21.

R ead and respond to the voting question

in the What Do You Think? section of this
week’s lesson. The trials of Christ demonstrate
at us. These voices come from inside as well as
outside from others. Whom do you know that
stands for what is good and true, no matter
C learly, Jesus was falsely accused and
grossly mistreated. Christ is innocent, but
humanity is guilty of sin. Paul states: “For He
the supreme hatred that the Jewish leaders felt what they face? Ask them about the voices made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us,
for Christ, the ambivalence of leaders such as they hear and the voices they choose to listen that we might become the righteousness of
Pilate and Herod, and the absence of the dis- to. Model their courage and make the decision God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21, NKJV). Write
ciples and the loyalty of people who previously ahead of time to stand. on a card or piece of paper the verdict: guilty
adored Jesus. or not guilty. Condemned to death or set free
Tuesday for eternity. Make a list of similar phrases that
What is the greatest tragedy of the trials: the Read Deuteronomy 19:15-19. describe what Christ experienced and what you
injustice, or the loneliness, or something else?
Explain. According to Isaiah 53, what are the
trials that Christ suffered in light of the plan of
R ead the quote from The Desire of Ages in
the Flashlight section and try to imagine
the scene. During high-pressure moments,
experience as a result. You will notice that such
a list reminds you of what matters most. Place
this paper or card out in the open where you
redemption? such as the trial, everyone’s colors are more can see it every day.
_________________________________ clearly seen—including Christ’s. Try to picture

_________________________________ Christ the way Ellen White portrays Him in this Friday
_________________________________ passage. Think of some biblical characters who Read Isaiah 53:7, 8.

Read John 11:47-53.
have made their stand. Notice how as they
choose to be true, no matter what the result,
their character shines clear. For Christ, this
W hat do you think is the most God-
honoring response to the way Christ
was mistreated during His trials? Worship?

R ead the Into the Story section and use

the Out of the Story questions to guide
your study. Take a moment to scan through
had to do with letting what was on the inside
become visible on the outside. What part of
your inner character do you want to show on
Gratitude? Surrender? Belief? Devotion? Praise?
Reflect and write out a prayer to God using one
or more of the responses you feel are most
the sequence of Christ’s six trials and indicate the outside? Honesty? Kindness? Your devotion relevant to you today.
which encounter was the most frustrating for to God? Share with someone this week what is _________________________________
you to read. Do the trials tend to stir up anger on the inside. _________________________________
as well as sympathy? As you answered the
32 questions in this week’s lesson, what do you Wednesday
think is the message God has for you in the
T he Punch Lines texts in this week’s lesson
feature large portions of Scripture that
relate specifically to Christ’s trial or to the
_________________________________ larger themes of truth and justice. Look for a
_________________________________ couple of specific themes in the Punch Lines:
identify a verse that speaks to you personally
Monday and offers a challenge for you to live differently,
Read Luke 23:20-23. from the inside out. Identify a passage that

T he Key Text in this week’s lesson conveys

the conflict between what Pilate knew was
right and the unbridled hatred of the Jewish
informs your understanding of what happened
to Christ in a way you might not have thought
of before. Which verse of all the Punch Lines
leaders and the riotous crowd. Read the text challenges you the most? Why?
and think of how you get torn between what _________________________________ this week’s reading*
is clearly right and what others want you to do _________________________________
The Desire of Ages or Humble
that is wrong. Often, the everyday decisions _________________________________
Hero, chapters 75-77.
we make are not as life-changing as Pilate’s,
but they are complicated. What specific areas *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 66 12/13/20 10:19 AM



Scripture Story: Matthew 27:31-53; Mark 15:20-38; Luke
23:26-46; John 19:16-30.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 78, 79.
Key Text: Luke 23:44-46.


The students will:
I. SYNOPSIS • Be informed of the sacrifice that Jesus made for
Ellen White tells us: “The cross of Calvary appeals humankind at Calvary. (Know)

in power, affording a reason why we should love Christ • Sense the need to accept Jesus’ sacrifice. (Feel)
now, and why we should consider Him first, and best, • Have an opportunity to live in the shadow of the
and last, in everything. We should take our fitting place cross. (Respond)
in humble penitence at the foot of the cross. We may
learn the lessons of meekness and lowliness of mind III. EXPLORE
as we go up to Mount Calvary, and, looking upon the Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary,
cross, see our Savior in agony, the Son of God dying, Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs, No. 24
the Just for the unjust. Behold Him who could sum- There is a sanctuary in heaven, the true tabernacle
mon legions of angels to His assistance with one that the Lord set up and not humans. In it Christ min-
word, a subject of jest and merriment, of reviling and isters on our behalf, making available to believers the
hatred. He gives Himself a sacrifice for sin. When benefits of His atoning sacrifice offered once for all on
reviled, He threatened not; when falsely accused, He the cross. At His ascension, He was inaugurated as our
opened not His mouth. He prays on the cross for His great High Priest and, began His intercessory ministry,
murderers. He is dying for them. He is paying an infi- which was typified by the work of the high priest in
nite price for every one of them. . . . Look, O look upon the holy place of the earthly sanctuary. In 1844, at the
the cross of Calvary; behold the royal victim suffering end of the prophetic period of 2300 days, He entered
on your account” (Ellen G. White, That I May Know the second and last phase of His atoning ministry,
Him, p. 65). which was typified by the work of the high priest in the
This lesson affords the ideal opportunity to “Look, most holy place of the earthly sanctuary. It is a work
O look upon the cross.” Never underestimate the of investigative judgment which is part of the ultimate
power of gazing upon the cross! The Bible reminds us disposition of all sin, typified by the cleansing of the
that by beholding we become changed (2 Corinthians ancient Hebrew sanctuary on the Day of Atonement.
3:18). To this end, challenge your students to focus In that typical service the sanctuary was cleansed with
daily on Christ’s sacrifice on the cross with the prayer the blood of animal sacrifices, but the heavenly things
to live as Jesus died. For it is from the bloody tree at are purified with the perfect sacrifice of the blood of
Calvary that Jesus calls us to live lives of sacrifice, Jesus. The investigative judgment reveals to heavenly
forgiveness, perseverance, selflessness, and grace. intelligences who among the dead are asleep in Christ
and therefore, in Him, are deemed worthy to have
part in the first resurrection. It also makes manifest 67

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 67 12/13/20 10:19 AM

who among the living are abiding in Christ, keeping demnation for all people, so also one righteous act
the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, resulted in justification and life for all people” (Romans
and in Him, therefore, are ready for translation into 5:18, NIV).
His everlasting kingdom. This judgment vindicates the In other words, because of what Jesus did on the
justice of God in saving those who believe in Jesus. It cross, if you accept Him as your Savior, you are saved.
declares that those who have remained loyal to God Period. Calvary is complete and you are saved!
shall receive the kingdom. The completion of this min- How, then, do works fit into the equation? Con-
istry of Christ will mark the close of human probation sider this: When the Golden Gate Bridge was built, ini-
before the Second Advent. (Lev. 16; Num. 14:34; Ezek. tially there was no safety net constructed under the
4:6; Dan. 7:9-27; 8:13, 14; 9:24-27; Heb. 1:3; 2:16, 17; bridge. During the first phase of the construction, 23
4:14-16; 8:1-5; 9:11-28; 10:19-22; Rev. 8:3-5; 11:19; men fell to their death. Finally, some bright engineer
14:6, 7; 20:12; 14:12; 22:11, 12.) suggested that they suspend a net beneath the bridge.
For the modest price of only $100,000 the net was
TEACHING installed.
During the second half of the construction, 10
I. GETTING STARTED men fell. All of them were saved in the net. But what’s
amazing is that production increased 25 percent dur-
Activity ing the second half! Why? Because once people
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- knew that they could work without fear of death, they
tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis- were more productive. They did better work.

cuss their responses.

Or use this as an alternate activity: II. TEACHING THE STORY
Bring the elements used in a traditional Commu-
nion service. Divide the class into three small groups Bridge to the Story
and ask each group to search the Bible and find texts Use the following discussion to follow up the story
that tie their specific element into the story of the of the Golden Gate Bridge:
cross. (If your class is small, do activity as a group.) Your heavenly Father does not want you to live
For example, the first group will have a basin and with the fear of falling. He wants you to know that there
towel. They are then to find all the passages in Scrip- is a net in the shape of a cross anchored beneath you,
ture that inform about the practice of foot washing securing you in your salvation. And in that assurance
and service. The second group will do the same using you can do better work.
the bread. The third group will do the same with the
grape juice. After they have searched and discussed Out of the Story for Teachers
their element in the small group, have them share After you read the Into the Story section with
highlights of their discussion with the group at large. your students, use the following in your own words to
process it with them.
Illustration • After reading Matthew 27:31-53, what immedi-
Begin with a question that a lot of Seventh-day ately strikes you, stops you cold, stands out?
Adventist youth struggle with: • Is there anything in the account that you have
Ever wonder if you’re good enough to be saved? never noticed before? If so, what?
Oh, you’re working at it all right. You volunteer at • For what crime was Jesus crucified?
the soup kitchen. You go to Sabbath School. You don’t • Why do you think the accusers insulted Jesus in
drink or swear or chew or date those who do. But in the way that they did?
your honest moments maybe you wonder if you’ll ever • Had Jesus come down from the cross, do you
be good enough. Perhaps you have no real assurance think people would have believed in Him then?
of salvation. Why or why not?
If this describes you, take heart. God does not • If Jesus came today, who would crucify Him?
want you to be fuzzy about being saved. The apostle Under what charge(s)?
Paul explains: “Just as one trespass resulted in con- • What is the significance of Jesus’ cry, “My God,


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 68 12/13/20 10:19 AM

My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew large wooden cross (made in various shapes) and left
27:46, NKJV). to hang until dead. It was in use particularly among
• Why are the supernatural events surrounding the the Persians, Seleucids, Carthaginians, and Romans
death of Christ significant? According to the from about the sixth century B.C. to the fourth cen-
centurion, how dramatic were these events? tury A.D., when in the year 337 Emperor Constantine I
• What do you imagine the women present at the abolished it in his empire, out of veneration for Jesus
cross were thinking? Christ.
• How do the Gospel accounts of the Crucifixion Details of Crucifixion. Crucifixion was never per-
differ? What details do all of the Gospel writers formed for symbolic purposes; usually, its purpose
include? was only to provide a painful, gruesome, and public
• Explain Ellen White’s commentary on the story: death, using whatever means were readily available
“When the loud cry, ‘It is finished,’ came from toward that end. In fact, crucifixion is only a subset of
the lips of Christ, the priests were officiating in a much wider continuous spectrum of slow and painful
the temple. It was the hour of the evening sacri- execution methods, which include varied forms of
fice. The lamb representing Christ had been impalement, hanging from hooks, burning at the stake,
brought to be slain. . . . All is terror and confu- and exposure to wild beasts. 
sion. The priest is about to slay the victim; but the Thus, the details of any crucifixion varied consid-
knife drops from his nerveless hand, and the erably with location and epoch, and even from case to
lamb escapes. Type has met antitype in the case; therefore, very little can be said about the prac-
death of God’s Son. The great sacrifice has been tice in general. 

made. The way into the holiest is laid open” (The Cross Shape. The horizontal beam of the cross,
Desire of Ages, pp. 756, 757). or transom, could be fixed at the very top of the ver-
tical piece, the upright, to form a T called a tau cross.
Sharing Context and Background The horizontal beam could also be affixed at some
Use the following information from en.wikipedia. distance below the top, often in a mortise, to form
org/wiki/Crucifixion and a T-shape called a Latin cross, most often depicted
/details_history_of_crucifixion.htm to shed more light in Christian imagery. Alternatively, the cross could
on crucifixions in the ancient world. Share it in your consist of two diagonal beams to form an X. A single
own words. vertical wooden stake with no transom at all has also
Crucifixion is an ancient method of execution been cited. 
whereby the condemned person is tied or nailed to a Location of the Nails. For the sake of expediency,

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 69

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 69 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Tips for Top-Notch Teaching Activity
Close with an activity and debrief it in your own
Environment and Learning

Research shows that the physical environ-
Remind the students that because of Jesus’
ment of a room impacts learning. In light of the
sacrifice on the cross we can be forgiven and
serious nature of this lesson, it might serve you
freed from all of our sins. One way to illustrate this
well to give extra forethought to the learning
in closing is to have a cross in the room. Play a
environment you will use to share the sobering
song about the cross and invite students to write
story of Calvary. Perhaps you’ll want to set up a
their struggle(s) on a piece of paper. Have them
table in the shape of a cross and use candle
come to the cross and hammer the paper on the
lighting. Maybe you could have class in the
cross. There is something powerful about hearing the
chapel of a local hospital or funeral home. By
hammer pounding sin into the cross. Assure the stu-
changing the setting you can immediately signal
dents that their papers will be destroyed (you may
to the students that this lesson will be different.
wish to do that as part of this activity) and nobody will
read them. Underscore one more time that because of
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross they can have full assur-
the victim was probably affixed to the cross by ropes, ance of salvation.
nails, or some combination of the two. In popular

depictions of crucifixion, possibly derived from a literal Summary

reading of the description in the Gospel of John, of Read the following statement about the decisive
Jesus’ wounds being “in the hands,” the victim is role of the cross:
shown supported only by nails driven straight through “Satan did not then exult as he had done. He had
the feet and the palms of the hands. However, the hoped to break up the plan of salvation; but it was laid
flesh of the hands cannot support a person’s body too deep. And now by the death of Christ he knew that
weight, so some other means must have been used to he himself must finally die, and his kingdom be given
support most of the weight, such as tying the wrists to to Jesus. He held a council with his angels. He had
the crossbeam.  prevailed nothing against the Son of God, and now
Cause of Death. Death could come in hours or they must increase their efforts and with their power
days, depending on exact methods, the health of the and cunning turn to His followers. They must prevent all
victim, and environmental circumstances. A theory whom they could from receiving the salvation purchased
attributed to Pierre Barbet holds that the typical cause for them by Jesus. By so doing Satan could still work
of death was asphyxiation. He conjectured that when against the government of God. Also it would be for his
the whole body weight was supported by the own interest to keep from Jesus as many as possible.
stretched arms, the victim would have severe difficulty For the sins of those who are redeemed by the blood of
exhaling, due to hyperexpansion of the lungs. If death Christ will at last be rolled back upon the originator of sin,
did not come from asphyxiation, it could result from a and he must bear their punishment, while those who do
number of other causes, including physical shock, not accept salvation through Jesus will suffer the penalty
dehydration, and exhaustion.  of their own sins” (Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 178).

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 78, 79.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 70 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 8

Scripture Story: Matthew 27:31-53; Mark 15:20-38; Luke
23:26-46; John 19:16-30.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
78, 79.


© Thinkstock 2021

“It was now about noon, and dark-

flashlight ness came over the whole land

until three in the afternoon, for the
“The Savior made no murmur of complaint. His face remained calm and serene, sun stopped shining. And the cur-
but great drops of sweat stood upon His brow. There was no pitying hand to wipe tain of the temple was torn in two.
the death dew from His face, nor words of sympathy and unchanging fidelity to stay Jesus called out with a loud voice,
His human heart. While the soldiers were doing their fearful work, Jesus prayed for ‘Father, into your hands I commit
His enemies, ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do’ ” (The Desire my spirit.’ When he had said this,

of Ages, p. 744).
he breathed his last.”

(Luke 23:44-46, NIV) 71

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 71 12/13/20 10:19 AM

priests, the teachers
of the law and the elders
mocked him. ‘He saved oth-
ers,’ they said, ‘but he can’t save

do you think? himself! He’s the king of Israel! Let

him come down now from the cross,
and we will believe in him. He trusts
Review how well you remember the details surrounding the
in God. Let God rescue him now if he
cross by taking the following quiz:
wants him, for he said, “I am the Son of
1. What was written on the cross of Jesus?
God.” ’ In the same way the rebels who

a. Jesus is Lord
were crucified with him also heaped
b. Jesus is the Son of God
insults on him.

c. Jesus saves
d. This is Jesus, the King of the Jews
“From the noon until three in the after-
2. In fulfillment of another prophecy, which awful

noon darkness came over all the land.
punishment was not inflicted on Jesus during
About three in the afternoon Jesus
His last 24 hours:
cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eli, Eli, lema
a. Body scourged
sabachthani?’ (which means, ‘My God,
b. Purple robe draped over His cut and
“As they were going out, they my God, why have you forsaken me?’).
bleeding back
met a man from Cyrene, named
c. Legs broken on the cross
Simon, and they forced him to “When some of those standing there

d. Side pierced with a spear

carry the cross. They came to heard this, they said, ‘He’s calling Eli-
3. Simon, the man who carried the cross
a place called Golgotha (which jah.’ Immediately one of them ran and
for Jesus, was from:
means ‘the place of the skull’). got a sponge. He filled it with wine
a. Cyrene
There they offered Jesus wine to vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it
b. Jerusalem
drink, mixed with gall; but after tast- to Jesus to drink. The rest said, ‘Now
c. Rome
ing it, he refused to drink it. When leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah
d. Alexandria
they had crucified him, they divided comes to save him.’
4. When the centurion in charge of Jesus’
up his clothes by casting lots. And
crucifixion heard what Jesus said from
sitting down, they kept watch over “And when Jesus had cried out again
the cross and saw Him breathe His last,
him there. Above his head they in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
what did he conclude?
placed the written charge against
a. “Truly, this was the Son of God.”
him: This is Jesus, The King Of The “At that moment the curtain of the tem-
34 b. “Truly, this was a good man.”
Jews. Two rebels were crucified ple was torn in two from top to bottom.
c. “Truly, this man was not like the other
with him, one on his right and one The earth shook, the rocks split and
criminals who were crucified today.”
on his left. Those who passed by the tombs broke open. The bodies of
d. “Truly, God will avenge these murder-
hurled insults at him, shaking many holy people who had died were
ers.”1. d; 2. c; 3. a; 4. a.
Answers: their heads and saying, ‘You raised to life. They came out of the
who are going to destroy tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and
the temple and build it in went into the holy city and appeared to
three days, save yourself! many people.”

did you Come down from the

(Matthew 27:32-53, NIV)

cross, if you are the
Son of God!’

ome Bible “In the same

scholars say way the
that Golgotha c h i e f
(“skull”) gets its name
from its appearance. Gol-
gotha could have been a place for regular
executions. It was easily accessible, just outside
the city. In this way government leaders believed that
executions held there would serve as a deterrent to crime.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 72 12/13/20 10:19 AM

OUT punch lines
OF THE “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches
us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled,

STORY upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed
hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus
Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and
Why did darkness fall over the countryside and the to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do
city for three hours? what is good” (Titus 2:11-14, NIV).

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was

crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought
us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are
healed” (Isaiah 53:5, NIV).
What did Jesus die from?
“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the
law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written:
‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole’ ”
(Galatians 3:13, NIV).
Why didn’t Jesus come down from the cross?

What is the significance of the curtain in the Temple being torn in two?

If you were the editor of the Jerusalem Herald, write the headline you would use

to announce the story of the Crucifixion:

Imagine it is the day following Jesus’ death. Write an obituary for Him:
insight 35

“With amazement the

angels beheld the infinite
love of Jesus, who, suffer-
ing the most intense agony
of mind and body, thought
only of others, and encour-
aged the penitent soul to believe.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 752


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 73 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath How does the cross affect your belief in God? Wednesday
Read Matthew 27:32-53; Mark 15:20-38; Could God have redeemed the human race Read Isaiah 53 and Leviticus 16:1-34.

Luke 23:26-49; and John 19:16-37.
without pain or suffering? Explain. What does hat parallels do you notice between

E llen White says, “It would be well for us to

spend a thoughtful hour each day in con-
templation of the life of Christ. We should take
the cross tell us about Jesus’ love?
Jesus as our sacrifice and the ancient
practice of sacrificing a lamb?
it point by point, and let the imagination grasp _________________________________ _________________________________
each scene, especially the closing ones. As we _________________________________
thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our Monday
confidence in Him will be more constant, our Read Luke 23:44-46. Thursday
love will be quickened, and we shall be more
deeply imbued with His spirit” (The Desire of
Ages, p. 83). How well do you know the story
C onsider the Key Text in the context of Mel
Gibson’s comments about his film The
Passion of the Christ:
Read Titus 2:11-14.

T his passage found in this week’s Punch

Lines. Give three examples of what your
of the Crucifixion? life would look like if you were to live a
“It’s time to get back to a basic message, the self-controlled, upright, and godly life in this
How can my thinking about the closing scenes message that was given. . . . Christ spoke of present age? Be as specific as possible.
of Christ’s life help me to love Him more and to faith, hope, love, and forgiveness. And these _________________________________

be filled with His spirit? are things I think we need to be reminded _________________________________
of again. He forgave as He was tortured and _________________________________
_________________________________ killed. And we could do with a little of that
_________________________________ behavior.”2 Friday
_________________________________ Read Isaiah 53:5.
How can imagining Christ’s life and death help Read Hebrews 12:1, 2. K eeping in mind what happened at the
cross, how can I live under the influence
me to overcome temptation?
R ead the Flashlight section and ask yourself
these questions:
• How could Jesus remain calm on the cross?
of Christ today?
_________________________________ Was this human strength, divine strength, or _________________________________
a combination of both? Do we have access
36 Sunday to this same power to be calm in dire cir-
1 Edythe Draper, Draper’s Book of Quotations for the Christian
Read Galatians 3:13. cumstances?
World (Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1992), as

A fter reviewing the Into the Story section,

react to the observation of John Stott in
The Cross of Christ:
quoted in Bible Illustrator, Parsons Technology.
2 Mel Gibson, interviewed on The O’Reilly Factor, Jan. 16,


“I could never myself believe in God if it were • If you could have offered Jesus “words of
not for the cross. In the real world of pain, how sympathy” while He hung on the cross, what
could one worship a God who was immune to would you have said to Him?
it? I turn to that lonely, twisted, tortured figure _________________________________
on the cross, nails through hands and feet, _________________________________
back lacerated, limbs wrenched, brow bleeding _________________________________
from thorn-pricks, mouth dry and intolerably
thirsty, plunged in God-forsaken darkness. • What “enemy” is God calling you to pray for? this week’s reading*
The Desire of Ages or Humble
“That is the God for me. He set aside His immu- _________________________________
Hero, chapters 78, 79.
nity to pain. He entered our world of flesh and _________________________________
blood, tears and death.”1 *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 74 12/13/20 10:19 AM



resurrection power
Scripture Story: Matthew 28:2-4, 11-15.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 80, 81.
Key Text: Matthew 28:2-4.


The students will:
I. SYNOPSIS • Discover that the resurrection of Jesus meant
This week’s lesson focuses on the physical, bodily that Christ had successfully finished His work

resurrection of Jesus Christ and its ramifications for all on earth. (Know)
time. Satan and his evil host engineered the dark • Be urged to embrace the truth that He who
events that led to the death of Christ. They exulted at raised Christ from the dead can do the same for
the thought that the efficacy of Christ’s sinless life and them. (Feel)
perfect death would be rendered moot by the sheer • Seize opportunities to share with others the
power of the grave. But they were wrong. power of Christ’s resurrection. (Respond)
While Satan saw in the grave his last, best hope for
derailing God’s plan of redemption, Christ’s death left III. EXPLORE
His followers just plain hopeless. Unfallen worlds were Death and Resurrection, Seventh-day Adventist
likewise transfixed by His death. They were horrified at Beliefs, No. 26
the death of the One who had spoken them into exis- The wages of sin is death. But God, who alone is
tence. Had Satan succeeded in his plan to besmirch immortal, will grant eternal life to His redeemed. Until
the character of God? All seemed lost that Friday after- that day death is an unconscious state for all people.
noon at Calvary. But Sunday was on its way! When Christ, who is our life, appears, the resurrected
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is absolutely righteous and the living righteous will be glorified and
indispensable to God’s plan of salvation. As you share caught up to meet their Lord. The second resurrection,
this week’s lesson with your class, make the point that the resurrection of the unrighteous, will take place a
Christ’s death on the cross is inextricably linked to His thousand years later. (Job 19:25-27; Ps. 146:3, 4;
resurrection from the dead. Christ’s sinless life met the Eccl. 9:5, 6, 10; Dan. 12:2, 13; Isa. 25:8; John 5:28,
demands of the law. His death paid the price for sin 29; 11:11-14; Rom. 6:23; 16; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; Col. 3:4;
(Romans 3:23). But His resurrection and ascension 1 Thess. 4:13-17; 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 20:1-10.)
meant that the Father had accepted His sacrifice on
our behalf. Salvation was not assured until Jesus rose TEACHING
from the grave and returned to the Father.
Additionally, the resurrection of Christ is the linch- I. GETTING STARTED
pin on which hang all our hopes for eternity with God.
Without it, as the apostle Paul notes in 1 Corinthians Activity
15:14-17, all our preaching and pronouncements are Refer the students to the What Do You Think?
in vain. 75

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 75 12/13/20 10:19 AM

section of their lesson. After they have completed it, Share the following in your own words:
discuss their responses. Everyone needs hope. Every time we hear the
The objective of this activity is to get students story of a rich person attempting suicide, we ought to
thinking about some of the attitudes and beliefs peo- be reminded that all the money in the world can’t buy
ple generally have about death, based on how it is por- us hope. If the rich are not safe from the ravages of our
trayed in the media. difficult world, how much more so the poor?
After the students complete the exercise, ask When life comes in like a flood, we humans can take
them to share their responses with the class. More comfort in the truth knowing that Jesus conquered the
than likely, there will be a combination of answers that grave and that’s a reason to rejoice.
best explain our human fascination with death and
what happens after death. The point to remember here Out of the Story for Teachers
is that Satan seeks to cloud our understanding about After you read the Into the Story section with
the state of the dead in part because He hopes to your students, use the following in your own words to
undermine our belief in the resurrection of Christ. If we process it with them:
can live on without the power of God, then we do not • The Into the Story for this week is but one
need the hope of Christ’s resurrection. account of the Resurrection story, perhaps the
most complete of all the Gospels. Did you notice
Illustration anything new in this account of the events fol-
Share this illustration in your own words: lowing Jesus’ death? Share any new insights
A pastor in a local church recounted the following you glean with your class.

true story. • In addition to the theme of hope inherent in

“I am not a connoisseur of great art, but from time Luke’s account, the reader is treated to a close-
to time a painting or picture will really speak a clear, up of grief. Grief can be powerful—so powerful,
strong message to me. Some time ago I saw a picture in fact, that it can blind us to the facts. Explore
of an old burned-out mountain shack. All that with your students all of the things that the
remained was the chimney, . . . the charred debris of women at the tomb and Jesus’ disciples over-
what had been that family’s sole possession. In front of looked because of their sorrow. For one, they
this destroyed home stood an old grandfather-looking forgot that Jesus had predicted His death and
man dressed only in his underclothes with a small boy resurrection. How can we grieve in a way that
clutching a pair of patched overalls. It was evident that does not discard God’s promises and pro-
the child was crying. Beneath the picture were the nouncements?
words which the artist felt the old man was speaking • Another important truth that arises from this bib-
to the boy. They were simple words, yet they pre- lical narrative is that God will not leave us wan-
sented a profound theology and philosophy of life. dering during times of perplexity and pain. Notice
Those words were ‘Hush, child, God ain’t dead!’ that the angels appeared in response to a sincere
“That vivid picture of that burned-out mountain search for Jesus. Jeremiah 29:13 makes it clear
shack, that old man, the weeping child, and those that we will find the Lord, when we seek Him with
words ‘God ain’t dead’ keep returning to my mind. all our hearts, as Christ’s followers did that day.
Instead of it being a reminder of the despair of life, it • The Gospels also make clear that Jesus was
has come to be a reminder of hope! I need reminders resurrected on the first day of the week, but
that there is hope in this world. In the midst of all of there is no accompanying injunction to worship
life’s troubles and failures, I need mental pictures to on that day. Make the point that as miraculous
remind me that all is not lost as long as God is alive as Resurrection Sunday was, God chose not to
and in control of His world” (Willard Aldrich, When God memorialize it by making it a day of worship.
Was Taken Captive, p. 24). What does this fact tell us about the sanctity of
the Seventh-day Sabbath?
II. TEACHING THE STORY • Why didn’t the disciples believe the report of
Jesus’ resurrection brought to them by the
Bridge to the Story women who had spoken with the angels? What


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 76 12/13/20 10:19 AM

does this tell us about the mind-set of the disci- be more unhistorical than to pick out selected sayings
ples after the Crucifixion? It should give us of Christ from the Gospels and to regard those as the
pause to think that those who were closest to datum and the rest of the New Testament as a con-
Jesus while He walked the earth forsook Him struction upon it. The first fact in the history of Chris-
in His hour of need, and then refused to believe tendom is a number of people who say they have seen
that He had risen. Could this happen again? the Resurrection” (C. S. Lewis, Miracles, pp. 143, 144).
Use the following as other teachable passages that 2.   Powerful Symbol. The resurrection of Jesus is:
relate to today’s story: Mark 16; John 20; 1 Corinthians • what underscores the truth of Jesus’ teachings
15; Romans 4-5. (Acts 2:22-24; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20).
• the heart of the gospel (Romans 4:24, 25; 10:9;
Sharing Context and Background 1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
Use the following information to shed more light • the answer for the believer’s doubt (Luke 24:38-
on the story for your students. Share it in your own 43).
words. • why we witness and evangelize (Matthew 28:18-
1.  First Things First. It bears remembering that 20; Acts 10:39-43).
the fact of Christ’s bodily resurrection (Luke 24:36-43) • the key indication of the believer’s daily power to
preceded all written accounts of that Resurrection. live the Christian life (Romans 6:4-14; 8:9-11;
Why is this important to note? C. S. Lewis, Christian Philippians 3:10).
apologist and theologian, makes the point in his book • the reason for the total commitment of our lives
Miracles: (Romans 7:4; 1 Corinthians 15:57, 58).

“The Resurrection is the central theme in every • the antidote to the fear of death (John 11:25;
Christian sermon report in the Acts. The Resurrection 1 Corinthians 15:54-58).
and its consequences were the ‘gospel’ or good news • the example of our resurrection from the dead
which the Christian brought: what we call the (Acts 4:2; 1 Corinthians 6:14; 1 Thessalonians
‘Gospels,’ the narratives of our Lord’s life and death, 4:13-18).
were composed later for the benefit of those who had The implications of Jesus’ resurrection to Christian
already accepted the gospel. They were in no sense theology are inexhaustible!
the basis of Christianity: they were written for those 3. The Back Story. The resurrection of Jesus
already converted. The miracles of the Resurrection, Christ from the dead disquieted many people. The sol-
and the theology of that miracle, come first: the biog- diers guarding the tomb were dazed and confused.
raphy comes later as a comment on it. Nothing could Mary Magdalene and the other women who came to

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 77

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 77 12/13/20 10:19 AM

✂ Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair of stu-
dents a 3" x 5" card and a pencil. Ask each pair to come
Tips for Top-Notch Teaching up with three ways in which they can share the signif-
icance of Jesus’ resurrection with a friend this week.
Musically Speaking

Encourage the students to think creatively. For
Music is one of the obsessions of teenagers instance, how would they go about sharing the good
around the world. It doesn’t matter the continent news of the resurrection of Jesus with an online
or culture, music unites today’s teens. There friend? How could they approach the subject with a
have been numerous songs written about the friend from school?
resurrection of Jesus. Ask one or two pairs of students to share their
Consider playing one as a way to introduce responses, and then ask someone to close with
or close this week’s study. Distribute copies of prayer, asking God for wisdom and opportunities to
the words to the students so that they can share this important truth with others this week.
follow along. Choose a song that captures
the hope of the resurrection in a beautiful and Summary
thought-provoking way. Share the following thoughts in your own words:
The good news of salvation would have perished
in the grave had Jesus not been raised back to life.
the tomb met angels and took off running to share the Jesus Himself declared: “The reason my Father loves
good news of Jesus’ resurrection with the disciples. me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again.

While the soldiers guarding the tomb were No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own
knocked senseless by the glory of the angel sent to accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to
wake Christ, and the women ran off with the good take it up again. This command I received from my
news, the Jewish leaders who instigated the death of Father” (John 10:17, 18, NIV).
Christ were tormented. Ellen White writes that when the angel of the Lord
Ellen White writes: “The priests, in putting Christ to spoke to Jesus in Joseph’s tomb, “the Savior came
death, had made themselves the tools of Satan. Now forth from the grave by the life that was in Himself”
they were entirely in his power. They were entangled in (The Desire of Ages, p. 785). Jesus’ power over life and
a snare from which they saw no escape but in continu- death not only assured our salvation, but gave us the
ing their warfare against Christ. When they heard the blessed hope that like Christ, we too would one day be
report of His resurrection, they feared the wrath of the raised back to life to live in peace with God.
people. They felt that their own lives were in danger. The This was the revolutionary message that birthed
only hope for them was to prove Christ an impostor by Christianity, and it remains the heartbeat of the gos-
denying that He had risen” (The Desire of Ages, p. 785). pel today. No matter what habits bind us or struggles
threaten us, Jesus can breathe new life into us. Even if
III. CLOSING we are forced to taste the brutal cup of death, we are
assured that one day Jesus will raise us back to life to
Activity live with Him for eternity.
Close with an activity and debrief it in your own

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 80, 81.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 78 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 9

Scripture Story: Matthew 28:2-4, 11-15.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 80, 81.

resurrection power

Photo by Hiskia Missah

“There was a violent earthquake,

flashlight for an angel of the Lord came

down from heaven and, going to
“When Jesus was laid in the grave, Satan triumphed. He dared to hope that the the tomb, rolled back the stone
Savior would not take up His life again. He claimed the Lord’s body, and set his and sat on it. His appearance was
guard about the tomb, seeking to hold Christ a prisoner. He was bitterly angry when like lightning, and his clothes were
his angels fled at the approach of the heavenly messenger. When he saw Christ white as snow. The guards were
come forth in triumph, he knew that his kingdom would have an end, and that he so afraid of him that they shook

must finally die” (The Desire of Ages, p. 782).

and became like dead men.”

(Matthew 28:2-4, NIV) 79

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 79 12/13/20 10:19 AM

look for the liv-
ing among the dead?
He is not here; he has risen!
Remember how he told you, while

do you think? he was still with you in Galilee: “The

Son of Man must be delivered over to
the hands of sinners, be crucified and
Why are you amazed by Christ’s resurrection story?
on the third day be raised again.” ’ Then
(Circle one.)
they remembered his words.
• Death is the one permanent state from which no one can

“When they came back from the tomb,
• The resurrection of Jesus proclaims victory over sin and
they told all these things to the Eleven

death and gives us hope that when Jesus returns our
and to all the others. It was Mary Mag-
mortal bodies can take on immortality.
dalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of
• We all want to live again after we die.

James, and the others with them who
• Resurrection at Jesus’ coming offers hope and
told this to the apostles. But they did
meaning to our mortal lives.
not believe the women, because their
words seemed to them like nonsense.
“There was a violent earth-
quake, for an angel of the Lord “Peter, however, got up and ran to the
came down from heaven and, tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips

going to the tomb, rolled back the of linen lying by themselves, and he
stone and sat on it. His appearance went away, wondering to himself what
was like lightning, and his clothes had happened.”
were white as snow. The guards
were so afraid of him that they shook (Matthew 28:2-4; Luke 24:1-12, NIV)

and became like dead men.”

“On the first day of the week, very

did you
early in the morning, the women took
the spices they had prepared and

went to the tomb. They found the
stone rolled away from the tomb,
38 but when they entered, they did
not find the body of the Lord
hen the angel of
of the Lord spoke to
Jesus in Joseph’s tomb,
“While they were wondering
“the Savior came forth
about this, suddenly two men
from the grave by the life that
in clothes that gleamed like
was in Himself” (Ellen G. White,
lightning stood beside
The Desire of Ages, p. 785).
them. In their fright the
Jesus’ power over life and death
women bowed down
not only assured our salvation,
with their faces to
but also gave us the blessed
the ground, but
hope that like Christ, we, too,
the men said
will one day be raised back to
to them,
life to live in peace with God.
‘Why do


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 80 12/13/20 10:19 AM

OUT punch lines
OF THE “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.
More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we

STORY have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did
not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are
not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ
Read through the narrative of Jesus’ resurrection has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins”
closely. Try to see it with fresh eyes. Put an X by (1 Corinthians 15:14-17, NIV).
something that was new to you. What hadn’t you noticed
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with
a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and
with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will
rise first” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, NIV).

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and

Why do you think the earth quaked when the angel came to open the
the life. The one who believes in me will live,
tomb of Jesus? What does this tell you about the significance of Jesus’
even though they die’ ” (John 11:25, NIV).
“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus
is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that

God raised him from the dead, you will be
saved” (Romans 10:9, NIV).
Jesus foretold His resurrection. Why didn’t the disciples believe that Jesus
had risen when they heard the news?

Many people claim to worship on the first day of the week (Sunday) because
Jesus rose on that day. Is there anything in this week’s Out of the Story that
tells us to worship on Sunday as a memorial of Jesus’ resurrection?


When the women came seeking Jesus, the angel asked, “Why do you look
for the living among the dead?” Think for a moment. Do people today
“A restored creation, a
look for the living among the dead through movies, music, the occult, redeemed race, that hav-
etc.? Explain.
ing conquered sin could
never fall—this, the result to
flow from Christ’s completed
work, God and angels saw.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 769


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Sabbath with the “special effects”? _________________________________
Read Genesis 3:1-4; Ecclesiastes 9:5. _________________________________

N ow that you’ve completed the What Do

You Think? activity, write a sentence
below explaining why you chose the answer
Read Matthew 27:45-53. What happened in
nature on the day that Jesus was crucified?
Jesus’ resurrection is our hope for the future!

that you did. _________________________________ Thursday

_________________________________ _________________________________ Read John 11:25; 1 Corinthians 15:55.
_________________________________ Jesus’ disciples grieved His death at Calvary,
but they were not alone. All of heaven yearned
W hat does Jesus’ resurrection mean to
you? Do you ever think about it during
the day? When was the last time that you got
What do the verses in Genesis 3:1-4— to see Jesus raised back to life. And when the into a discussion about it?
specifically verse 4—tell you about why many signal was given, the angel of God left heaven
people are fascinated by the idea of life after like a bolt of lightning! To believe in the Resurrection is to believe that
death? What do you think Satan meant by “You God has power over life and death—over your
will not surely die”? Tuesday life and over your death. If God is controlling
_________________________________ Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16. your life, should you be afraid of anything?
T his week’s Flashlight quotation from Ellen

_________________________________ White opens a window into Satan’s devi- List two fears that you would like to turn over
ous machinations. Satan never would have to God right now.
Satan still uses this lie to convince men and tempted Jesus as powerfully as he did if he _________________________________
women that there is life after death, that we had not known that Jesus was the Messiah, _________________________________
won’t “surely” die. But what does the Bible the Savior of the world. Kill the Savior, and the _________________________________
say in Ecclesiastes 9:5? Until God calls people world dies.
back to life at Jesus’ return, the dead are dead. Friday
Satan became the “accuser in chief” of all Read 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:14-17.
humanity, constantly accusing us of breaking
God’s law. Since Jesus’ sinless life met the T he life that Jesus lived fulfilled the
demands of God’s perfect law, the law

A fter reading the Into the Story section,
explain what you think would have hap-
pened if Satan and his fallen angels had suc-
demands of God’s law, and His perfect death
paid the price for all our sins, Satan’s last
hope to prevent the salvation of humanity
that Adam and Eve broke when they sinned.
The death that Christ died paid the price for
Adam and Eve’s sin and the sins of the entire
cessfully sealed off Joseph’s tomb, preventing was to prevent Jesus from ever rising again. world.
Jesus from rising again. The Resurrection made Christ’s life and death
_________________________________ effectual for us. Together they give us the assurance that we
_________________________________ are saved. Together they are “the good news”
_________________________________ Wednesday of salvation.

In rising from the dead, Jesus broke Satan’s

power over all created things—forever!
T his week’s Punch Lines texts begin with
perhaps the most important verse in all of
Scripture. To whom was Jesus speaking when
He stated that He was the resurrection and the
Monday life (John 11:25)? What was the event that led
Read Matthew 28:2-4. Jesus to make this startling statement?

T his Sabbath’s Key Text is essential to

understanding the significance of Jesus’
sacrifice for sin. Think about it. Did Matthew
Notice how closely Romans 10:9 ties belief in
the resurrection of Jesus Christ to salvation.
this week’s reading*
The Desire of Ages or Humble
really need to record that the angel sent from Can you be saved if you do not believe that
Hero, chapters 80, 81.
heaven to open the tomb of Jesus caused an Jesus was raised from the dead? Explain your
earthquake when he landed on earth? Wasn’t answer. *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
Jesus’ resurrection fireworks enough? What’s _________________________________ more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 82 12/13/20 10:19 AM



first witness
Scripture Story: John 20:1-18.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapter 82.
Key Text: John 20:17.


The students will:
I. SYNOPSIS • Learn that God offers hope to all who are
Mary Magdalene’s reaction to Jesus’ crucifixion is brokenhearted. (Know)

perhaps the most heartrending of all of Jesus’ follow- • Experience the joy of knowing that God has a
ers. We can picture her tear-stained face and hear her unique role for each of them to play in His plan
sobbing cries of anguish. The Gospel accounts of the of redemption. (Feel)
resurrection of Jesus have a very human face, and that • Embrace the joy of knowing that Jesus rose
face is Mary’s. from the dead and offers this hope to them.
Mary of Magdala loved Jesus very much, and for (Respond)
good reason. Mark 16:9 tells us that Jesus had cast
seven demons out of her. That’s reason enough to III. EXPLORE
make anyone rejoice, but Mary was also a prostitute. The Nature of Humanity, Seventh-day Adventist
Mary’s gratitude for what Jesus had done in her life Beliefs, No. 7
preceded His death. It was this same Mary who Man and woman were made in the image of God
washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried them with with individuality, the power and freedom to think and
her hair, to the utter dismay of everyone gathered at to do. Though created free beings, each is an indivis-
Simon’s house that day (Luke 7). She had been for- ible unity of body, mind, and spirit, dependent upon
given much, so she loved much. God for life and breath and all else. When our first
Mary’s all-encompassing love of Christ won her a parents disobeyed God, they denied their dependence
revelation that no other human being could match. upon Him and fell from their high position. The image
She was the first person to witness Jesus in His glo- of God in them was marred and they became subject
rified post-death state. Jesus conversed with her and to death. Their descendants share this fallen nature
comforted her before He did so for any of His disci- and its consequences. They are born with weaknesses
ples. This is one of the most important points to be and tendencies to evil. But God in Christ reconciled
emphasized this week. Those who love Jesus with the world to Himself and by His Spirit restores in
their whole heart and seek after Him will be given penitent mortals the image of their Maker. Created for
fresh revelations of God’s divine grace. the glory of God, they are called to love Him and one
Also, it bears noting that in patriarchal culture, another, and to care for their environment. (Gen. 1:26-
Jesus chose to show His glorified state to a woman. 28; 2:7, 15; 3; Ps. 8:4-8; 51:5, 10; 58:3; Jer. 17:9; Acts
Jesus broke many social taboos of His day, and this is 17:24-28; Rom. 5:12-17; 2 Cor. 5:19, 20; Eph. 2:3; 1
one more poignant example of that. Thess. 5:23; 1 John 3:4; 4:7, 8, 11, 20.) 83

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 83 12/13/20 10:19 AM


I. GETTING STARTED Bridge to the Story

Share the following in your own words:
Activity Can you imagine what it must have taken for Edith
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- Rockefeller McCormick to continue sitting there at a
tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis- dinner party while the news of her son’s death hung in
cuss their responses. the air? Her reaction begs the question: Did she really
The purpose of this activity is to get the students love her son?
thinking about the role of women in Scripture. You may Now contrast her reaction with that of Mary Mag-
expand the activity by focusing on the exploits of other dalene in the aftermath of the death of Jesus. One gets
women in Scripture, such as Rahab, Huldah, and Dor- the sense that had it not been for the Sabbath, Mary
cas, to name a few. would have remained at Jesus’ tomb until the angel
There are some who criticize what they consider showed up to call Him back to life. Mary’s grief gave
the Bible’s “servile” roles for women in Scripture. way to hope and joy as she met the resurrected Savior.
Remind the students that the Bible records the stories
within the cultural framework of the time in which the Out of the Story for Teachers
events occurred. This does not mean that God After you read the Into the Story section with your
approved or sanctioned social mores that subjugated students, use the following in your own words to pro-
women. This week’s lesson gives us a picture of how cess it with them.

God views the role of women in His plan. • John’s Resurrection narrative is unique in sev-
eral ways. For instance, John is the only person
Illustration who mentions that Jesus’ burial cloth was
Share this illustration in your own words: folded neatly along with the strips of linen used
The September 29, 1992, edition of Today in the to wrap Him. Luke mentions the strips of linen,
Word, a daily devotional by Moody Bible Institute, car- but he omits the folding nugget. Why do you
ried the following story: think John mentioned this? This detail should
“Edith Rockefeller McCormick, the daughter of not be overlooked, especially by teenagers who
John D. Rockefeller, maintained a large household hate to clean their rooms! It is also important
staff. She applied one rule to every servant without because the Jewish leaders alleged that some-
exception: they were not permitted to speak to her. one had stolen Jesus’ body. Thieves would not
The rule was broken only once, when word arrived at have stopped to fold clothes.
the family’s country retreat that their young son had • Peter and John rushed to the tomb once Mary
died of scarlet fever. and the other women told the disciples that
“The McCormicks were hosting a dinner party, but Jesus’ body was missing. Luke 24:12 makes
following a discussion in the servants’ quarters it was clear that even after seeing the empty tomb and
decided that Mrs. McCormick needed to know right grave clothes, Peter left “wondering to himself
away. When the tragic news was whispered to her, she what had happened” (NIV). The disciples did not
merely nodded her head and the party continued with- understand Old Testament prophecies about
out interruption.” Jesus’ resurrection, and they had forgotten His
To be sure, Mrs. Edith McCormick felt the pain of words.
the loss of her young son, but her high breeding didn’t • The first recorded words of Jesus after He had
allow for a public show of emotion—even at the death risen were: “Woman, why are you crying?” (John
of her child. We all deal with grief differently, but one 20:13, NIV). Jesus knew why Mary was weep-
thing is for sure: if we live long enough on this sinful ing. Why did He ask her this question? Might this
planet, we will all grieve over something or someone. question be linked to the hope that Jesus had
spoken about before His crucifixion? Perhaps
Jesus was asking a deeper question: Why are you
weeping when I told you that I would rise again?


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• The students were asked to share two lessons also sealed Satan’s fate. The only parts left in this cos-
that they might take away from the Into the mic drama are the second coming of Jesus to retrieve
Story passage. One takeaway is the blessing the righteous, the millennium examination of life’s
that comes to those who seek earnestly after record, and the end of sin forever.
Christ. Another is the tender compassion that 2. Quick Stop. After His resurrection, Jesus for-
Jesus showed toward those who were broken- bade Mary to touch Him until He had returned to God
hearted at His death. Jesus was the first Com- the Father. Though Jesus had died, the acceptance of
forter sent by God to earth. His life as a ransom for sinful humanity was not just
Use the following as other teachable passages that dependent on what He had done. The sacrifice had to
relate to today’s story: Psalm 39:7; 1 Corinthians 15; be accepted by God, as was the case in the earthly
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; Lamentations 3:24. Jewish sacrificial system. Ellen White notes: “He
ascended to the heavenly courts, and from God Him-
Sharing Context and Background self heard the assurance that His atonement for the
Use the following information to shed more light on sins of men had been ample, that through His blood all
the story for your students. Share it in your own words. might gain eternal life. The Father ratified the covenant
1. Cosmic Conflict. The resurrection of Jesus made with Christ, that He would receive repentant and
fits into the struggle between God and Satan, and obedient men, and would love them even as He loves
we must never forget this. Isaiah 14:12-15 gives a His Son” (The Desire of Ages, p. 790).
description of the thinking that led God to expel Satan
and his followers from heaven. Revelation 12:12 III. CLOSING

describes Satan’s attitude when he was hurled out of
heaven, and gives this frightful warning: “But woe to Activity
the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone Close with an activity and debrief it in your own
down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows words.
that his time is short” (NIV). Joy was the emotion that enveloped the disciples
Satan’s anger at God has been directed toward in the days following the resurrection of Jesus. Ask the
the inhabitants of earth. It is his goal to destroy every students to close their eyes and picture the newly res-
human being by any means necessary. Jesus chose to urrected Christ walking toward them. His face is glow-
come to earth that He might save us—not in the might ing. His clothing is luminescent. A warm smile greets
of His divine nature, but in the weakness of humanity. each of them as He extends His arms. This is their
The resurrection of Jesus not only saved humanity; it personal Savior, and the Savior of the world.

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 85

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✂ Tips for Top-Notch Teaching
Close with a prayer thanking Jesus for His sacri-
fice and the hope of eternal life.

Unlock the Talk Summary

Share the following thoughts in your own words:

Getting teens to talk in Sabbath School—about
the lesson, that is—can be tough. Many times “Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoic-
teens haven’t formed opinions about the material, ing comes in the morning,” wrote the psalmist
or worse yet, they don’t want to share them in a David (Psalm 30:5, NIV). Mary Magdalene, Mary
high-pressure environment. Here are a few ways to the mother of James, Joanna, the disciples, and all
get your teens talking and sharing. the other unmentioned believers who witnessed the
1. Look for opportunities to keep the conver- resurrected Lord would testify to the truth of David’s
sation peer centered. Look for opportunities words.
to have the teens break up into pairs or Mary Magdalene was the first person to arrive at
small groups where they can talk together Jesus’ tomb. She embodied the pain that everyone
and come up with responses. felt. When she discovered that Jesus’ body was miss-
2. Keep discussions fairly brief, unless the ing, a sad terror sent her running to the disciples for
teens take hold of a topic and seek more help. In the next frantic moments, Mary yearned to
interaction time. know what had become of her Lord. The answer came
3. Once students begin sharing, someone will from Christ Himself.
Jesus appeared to her before He had even

likely say something wrong or slightly

embarrassing, etc. Correct these errors in a returned to see His Father. He appeared to His disci-
general way. Avoid drawing attention to ples only after He had gone back to His Father and
individual students, if possible. returned. Mary Magdalene was no spiritual giant of
her time. She was a simple sinner who believed that
Jesus could change her life. He did, and she remained
Ask the students to think of something they want forever grateful. For this devotion, she received a
to say to Jesus. Maybe they want to thank Him for unique honor.
something, ask His forgiveness for something, etc. The lesson teaches us that God sees our sorrows
Allow the students a minute of silence to converse and offers us hope that is found only in Christ.
with Jesus.

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapter 82.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


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real.solid.stories LESSON 10

Scripture Story: John 20:1-18.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapter 82.

first witness

Photo by Colleen Cahill

“Jesus said, ‘Do not hold on to me,

flashlight for I have not yet ascended to the

Father. Go instead to my brothers
“Christ’s first work on earth after His resurrection was to convince His disciples of
and tell them, ‘I am ascending to
His undiminished love and tender regard for them. To give them proof that He was
my Father and your Father, to my
their living Savior, that He had broken the fetters of the tomb, and could no longer
God and your God.’ ”
be held by the enemy death; to reveal that He had the same heart of love as when
He was with them as their beloved Teacher, He appeared to them again and again. (John 20:17, NIV)
He would draw the bonds of love still closer around them. Go tell My brethren, He
said, that they meet Me in Galilee” (The Desire of Ages, p. 793). 87

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 87 12/13/20 10:19 AM

ciple, who had
reached the tomb first,
also went inside. He saw and
believed. (They still did not under-

do you think? stand from Scripture that Jesus had to

rise from the dead.)
Most of the time when people assemble lists of great Bible
“Then the disciples went back to where
figures, few women are mentioned. Yet women have played a
they were staying. Now Mary stood
variety of unique and important roles in God’s unfolding plan
outside the tomb crying. As she wept,

of salvation.
she bent over to look into the tomb and
Here are five great Bible heroines. Match each name
saw two angels in white, seated where

with the clue that best matches each of them.
Jesus’ body had been, one at the head
____ Deborah
and the other at the foot.
____ Ruth
____ Abigail
____ Esther
____ Mary
STORY “They asked her, ‘Woman, why are you
A. She bravely went before a king to save her
“Early on the first day of “ ‘They have taken my Lord away,’ she
the week, while it was still dark, said, ‘and I don’t know where they have
B. A prophet and judge of Israel (Judges 4).
Mary Magdalene went to the tomb put him.’ At this, she turned around and

C. A faithful foreigner who served her

and saw that the stone had been saw Jesus standing there, but she did
removed from the entrance. So she not realize that it was Jesus.
D. Her common sense and quick thinking
came running to Simon Peter and
saved her family’s life (1 Samuel 25).
the other disciple, the one Jesus “He asked her, ‘Woman, why are you
E. She was chosen to bear the Son of God
loved, and said, ‘They have taken the crying? Who is it you are looking for?’
(Luke 1).
Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t
know where they have put him!’ “Thinking he was the gardener, she
said, ‘Sir, if you have carried him away,
“So Peter and the other disciple tell me where you have put him, and I

did you started for the tomb. Both were

running, but the other disciple out-
will get him.’

42 know? ran Peter and reached the tomb

first. He bent over and looked in
at the strips of linen lying there
“Jesus said to her, ‘Mary.’

“She turned toward him and cried out

id you know that Mary
but did not go in. Then Simon in Aramaic, ‘Rabboni!’ (which means
Magdalene got her name from
Peter came along behind him ‘Teacher’).
the town of Magdala where
and went straight into the
she lived? Magdala was a small
tomb. He saw the strips of “Jesus said, ‘Do not hold on to me, for
fishing town located on the Sea
linen lying there, as well as I have not yet ascended to the Father.
of Galilee. The Scriptures record that
the cloth that had been Go instead to my brothers and tell
Jesus visited Magdala once
wrapped around Jesus’ them, “I am ascending to my Father
during His earthly ministry
head. The cloth was and your Father, to my God and your
(Matthew 15:39). It was during
still lying in its God.” ’
this visit that Jesus delivered
place, separate
Mary of Magdala from demon
from the linen. “Mary Magdalene went to the disciples
possession. She never forgot
Finally the with the news: ‘I have seen the Lord!’
how Jesus set her free and her
other And she told them that he had said
devotion to Christ continued after
dis- these things to her.”
His death.
(John 20:1-18, NIV)


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OUT punch lines
OF THE “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love” (John
15:9, NIV).

STORY “Pointing to his disciples, he said, ‘Here are my mother and my broth-
ers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother
and sister and mother” (Matthew 12:49, 50, NIV).
Go through this week’s Scripture story and put an X
by parts of the story that are new to you. Look for some-
“For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a life-
thing you had not caught or realized before.
time; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in
the morning” (Psalm 30:5, NIV).
The writer of this narrative is John. Did you notice how John
referred to himself during this episode? Did you catch the fact “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with
that he made sure everyone knew that he “outran” Peter in getting all your soul and with all your strength” (Deuteron-
to Jesus’ tomb. Why did he note this fact? omy 6:5, NIV).

“See what great love the Father has lavished

on us, that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are! The reason the world
What is the attitude of the women who came to Jesus’ tomb? How was does not know us is that it did not know him”
this an act of heroism, given the fact that a rabid mob had just crucified their (1 John 3:1, NIV).

Lord two days earlier?

Why did Mary Magdalene remain at the tomb weeping? What kind of relation-
ship do you think she had with Jesus?

What do you think caused Mary not to recognize Jesus? How can that hap-
pen to us today?

“Only He who is one with

What two lessons can you take away from this biblical episode?
God could say, I have power
to lay down My life, and I
have power to take it again. In
His divinity, Christ possessed the
power to break the bonds of death.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 785


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 89 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath _________________________________ Jesus viewed His family?
Read Matthew 12:49, 50; Luke 24:1-12. _________________________________ _________________________________

H ow did you do matching up the biblical

names of heroines in the What Do You
Think? section with the clues describing their
The first human to see the resurrected Christ
was a once demon-possessed woman. Not

Jesus said in Matthew 12:49, 50 that those

contributions in Scripture? For the record, the only that, but Jesus told her His future plans who do the will of His Father were His true
answers are: Deborah-B; Ruth-C; Abigail-D; and then trusted her to deliver this news to family. The people who wept bitterly over the
Esther-A; Mary-E. His disciples. God gave to Mary Magdalene death of Jesus, and made their way to His
a privilege that no other human—male or tomb at the first opportunity, were those who
According to Luke, who were the first people female—could claim. had surrendered their lives to His Father’s will.
to arrive at Jesus’ tomb on the day of the They were His family.
resurrection? What’s the message here?
_________________________________ _________________________________ Thursday
_________________________________ _________________________________ Read Psalm 30:5.

Peter and John came to the tomb. But where

were all the others who had vowed never to
Read John 15:9.
A teen guy posted the following message

leave Jesus’ side?

T his week’s Flashlight has a sense of
urgency to it.
“Dear God, life seems so rough right now, and I’m
all but ready to give up on everything, including
life. This period of pain has been going on for over
Read John 20:1-17. What did Jesus say to His disciples in John a year, and it is affecting both me and my family.

A fter reading the Into the Story section,

explore the passage by answering the
Out of the Story questions. Jesus had many
I pray that happiness can find me again, that the
sun will come out, and that I can once again find
reasons to love life. I don’t want to live like this
more followers than the 12 disciples we have anymore. Please help me.”
all come to know. Some of His most devoted How about Matthew 20:17-19?
disciples were women, some of whom came to _________________________________ Based on what you learned this week, what
His tomb to care for His body. _________________________________ would you say to encourage this guy?

Imagine that you were one of the women who Jesus did everything He could to prepare His Friday
saw Jesus’ empty tomb. What words would disciples for His death, by pointing them to the Read Deuteronomy 6:5.
you use to describe the experience? Read John
20:1-17 once again and then share five words
that would have best captured the moment for
Resurrection. This was the hope that He was
eager to communicate to Mary Magdalene,
His disciples, and all of us today. Because
O ne day Jesus will break through the heav-
ens and return to earth to save all who
have confessed and accepted Him as their Lord
you. ____________, _______________, Jesus conquered death, we need not fear it. and Savior. That is the blessed hope that keeps
_______________, _______________, We have hope! God’s earthly family going. What are you doing
_______________, to prepare for Jesus’ soon return?
Monday Read 1 John 3:1.

Read John 20:17.
his week’s Key Text is one of the most
powerful texts in the Bible.
H ave you noticed the not-so-hidden theme
in this week’s Punch Lines? The theme
can be summed up in one word—love.
this week’s reading*
Who is Jesus talking to in this scripture? While reading this week’s Scripture story, did
The Desire of Ages or Humble
_________________________________ you notice anything peculiar? Where were
Hero, chapter 82.
Jesus’ family members?
What is the main message that Jesus is com- *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
municating? What does John 19:25-27 tell us about how more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 90 12/13/20 10:19 AM



journeying with
Scripture Story: Luke 24:13-34.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapter 83.
Key Text: Luke 24:30-32.


The students will:
I. SYNOPSIS • Understand that the process of revelation and
Perhaps the angels in heaven say of us today, learning takes time and effort. (Know)

“What are you thinking? Can’t you see the truth right in • Sense a growing confidence that Christ comes
front of your eyes?” It’s easy for us to look back at the to us when we struggle. (Feel)
pivotal story of Christ’s death and resurrection and feel • Decide to let God’s Word reveal who He is to us
baffled by the disconnection, lack of clarity, and utter today. (Respond)
disbelief of Christ’s disciples. But it may be that
humanity today is more blind than the two travelers on III. EXPLORE
the road to Emmaus on the day Christ rose from the The Son, Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs, No. 4
dead. God the eternal Son became incarnate in Jesus
The Emmaus story is rich with insightful angles and Christ. Through Him all things were created, the char-
poignant lessons. The men walk home at the end of the acter of God is revealed, the salvation of humanity is
day having not seen Jesus yet, but walking with their accomplished, and the world is judged. Forever truly
eyes cast down. In defeat they trudge their way home God, He became also truly human, Jesus the Christ.
with Christ at their side, and their attitude has every- He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the
thing to do with how they process the events of the virgin Mary. He lived and experienced temptation as a
weekend. Another insightful moment comes when human being, but perfectly exemplified the righteous-
Christ begins to teach them from the Scriptures along ness and love of God. By His miracles He manifested
the way. The disciples would later say, “Did not our God’s power and was attested as God’s promised
hearts burn within us as He opened the Scriptures to Messiah. He suffered and died voluntarily on the
us?” (see Luke 24:32). Furthermore, the disciples cross for our sins and in our place, was raised from
invited the stranger to stay and, as a result, Christ the dead, and ascended to heaven to minister in the
revealed Himself to them. heavenly sanctuary in our behalf. He will come again
Students will be able to draw various lessons from in glory for the final deliverance of His people and the
their study of this story. One key theme is the risen restoration of all things. (Isa. 53:4-6; Dan. 9:25-27;
Christ, who comes to us in our disillusionment and dis- Luke 1:35; John 1:1-3, 14; 5:22; 10:30; 14:1-3, 9, 13;
may and, if we listen and cling to Him, He will reveal Rom. 6:23; 1 Cor. 15:3, 4; 2 Cor. 3:18; 5:17-19; Phil.
Himself to us. 2:5-11; Col. 1:15-19; Heb. 2:9-18; 8:1, 2.) 91

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TEACHING Out of the Story for Teachers
After you read the Into the Story section with
I. GETTING STARTED your students, use the following in your own words to
process it with them.
Activity • Read the story and underline the phrases that
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- you think are key to understanding the inter-
tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis- change between Jesus and the two disciples.
cuss their responses. • How does the Bible describe their attitude?
As the students respond, you might note the What do they do and say that reveals their emo-
trends and similarities of the responses as they share. tional state?
It’s often believed that being an eyewitness to Jesus • Why do you think they don’t immediately recog-
would remove all doubts in our relationship with Him, nize Jesus? Is it because Jesus is concealing
that if we were able to see Jesus face to face our faith His identity, or are they so confused they don’t
would never waver. But being in the literal, physical see who He is?
presence of Jesus is no guarantee that our faith would • When the disciples said, “We thought He was
be stronger—as the disciples’ lives reveal. As we’ll dis- the one who would redeem Israel,” what other
cuss in our lesson today about the disciples on the road way could this happen other than Christ dying?
to Emmaus, feelings can cloud our vision of who God is. • What do you think changed in their understanding
of Christ and His death when Jesus taught them
Illustration from the Scriptures as they walked? What in par-

Share this illustration in your own words: ticular do you think made their hearts burn?
It is clear that the two disciples who walked the • When Christ broke the bread, what images do
road to Emmaus on Resurrection Sunday did not get you think went through their minds?
the right message. It is like the story of how the • What do you think is the message God has for
Napoleonic Wars ended. The Duke of Wellington led you in this passage?
the armies to victory at the Battle of Waterloo. How-
ever, when the battle had ended, Wellington sent news Extra Questions for Teachers
of the great victory back to England. A series of bon- • How much would knowing that Christ is risen
fire stations had been set up to send code messages change their mind-set? Notice that they heard
back to England. The message that Wellington sent to rumors from the women that Christ’s body was
the homeland was: “Wellington defeated Napoleon at not there. Can you say their first words in verses
Waterloo.” But a thick fog set in and clouded the mes- 19-24 with a different attitude and have it mean
sage, so that the people in England heard only the first something entirely different? Try reading it out
part: “Wellington defeated.” The news devastated loud both ways: one with an attitude of despair
many back home until the fog lifted and the full, clear and failure, and the other with an attitude of
message was revealed. What a difference it makes to hope and possibility. How does our mind-set
have all the information! shape the meaning?
• How do the symbols and rituals (such as Com-
II. TEACHING THE STORY munion, baptism, etc.) awaken our experience in
worship? What would make them more effective
Bridge to the Story reminders for us today?
Share the following in your own words: Use the following as other teachable passages that
It is likely that the disciples and many others on relate to today’s story: Matthew 17:1-8; Revelation 1:1-
that Sunday had only part of the message, which left 3; John 21:4-8; Acts 9; Luke 16:19-31.
them with a confused view of the outcome. When in
your life have you had a situation that left you disillu- Sharing Context and Background
sioned and confused—as though you were in a fog? Use the following information to shed more light
How did you emerge from the cloud? What did you do on the story for your students. Share it in your own
to try to see your situation more clearly? words.


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The town of Emmaus was about seven miles west
of Jerusalem, which means the disciples were walking

into the setting sun as they made their way home. It is Tips for Top-Notch Teaching
hard to know how long they walked, but it took long
enough to approach their destination as it became Time Teaches

dark. Given that they were deep in discussion, it is Students, whether they are talkers or think-
likely that they were not pressed for time, but were ers, need time to flesh out their thoughts or let
pressed by a more important conundrum. them marinate. You can tell the students in your
Looking at a few key words Luke uses to describe class who talk out their ideas and those who
the mind-set of the disciples helps to provide back- simply ruminate. The key for both is that time
ground that explains their behavior. Luke says: “And helps both types of learners. In your teaching
they talked together of all these things which had hap- make sure there is time to think and time to dis-
pened. So it was, while they conversed and reasoned” cuss the things that matter the most.
(Luke 24:14, 15, NKJV). These three words describe This lesson is a case study in discussion
an ongoing discussion—back and forth, throwing and reflection. The travelers were “discussing,”
ideas around. In a sense they were playing the tape but it wasn’t enough—they needed time for the
forward and backward of the weekend events, trying biggest event in history to settle in to its great
to make sense of them. significance. Whether you offer students time
Christ did two things to help them understand. to think in class, or reflective opportunities after
First, He reminded them of what God said in His Holy class, the critical point is to give them permis-

Word: “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, sion to be patient with their conclusions.
He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things
concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27, NKJV). It is likely
that Jesus used the same passages of Scripture and on the reenactment of God’s acts in their history.
repeated the same things He had been teaching for Every festival was a vivid display of who God is and
three years. But timing can be everything. Not only what He has done. The Hebrew mind was trained to
did Christ teach them who He was, but He showed observe and remember every gesture, nuance, and
them by breaking the bread. The text says: “He sat symbol. In Deuteronomy 6:6-9 the lesson plan for
at the table with them, . . . took bread, blessed and learning actively reads: “And these words which I
broke it, and gave it to them” (Luke 24:30, NKJV). command you today shall be in your heart. You shall
The entire Hebrew worship/education tradition rests teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 93

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 93 12/13/20 10:19 AM

of them when you sit in your house, when you walk about what you saw help? How does this activity con-
by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise nect with what the two disciples experienced on the
up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and road to Emmaus? What can we learn from it today?
they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You
shall write them on the doorposts of your house and Summary
on your gates” (NKJV). Share the following thoughts in your own words:
To get an idea of the significance of the revelation First impressions always make a significant
at the table, consider the fact that the two disciples impact. But if first impressions were the primary basis
made their way back to Jerusalem that very night, in for how we see each other, and Christ for that matter,
the dark, to find the rest of the other disciples. This we would miss the mark. This story is not a case of
whole story is rich with spiritual truths. But under- misplaced first impressions. The disciples on the road
standing how the Hebrew mind viewed the process of to Emmaus walked and talked with Jesus. They knew
learning fills in the background of this story and offers Him beyond the first impression. But trauma and
some practical insight on how to experience a “revela- tragedy have a way of creating a fog that clouds our
tion” of Christ. vision and suspends our ability to put the whole pic-
ture together. In Hebrews the Bible says: “But we see
III. CLOSING Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for
the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor,
Activity that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for
Close with an activity and debrief it in your own everyone” (Hebrews 2:9, NKJV).

words. If you are saying to yourself, “Yeah, I see Christ

The goal of this activity is to demonstrate how the and know who He is, but . . . ,” then you are still in a
passage of time, discussion with others, and persis- fog. If who Christ is and what He has done for you
tent vision enable us to see and know Christ better. does not do much to stir your soul to want to follow
Using a photo, a picture, or a display of fruit or Him, then you are not seeing Him clearly. The disci-
flowers, invite students to describe what they see on a ples on the road thought they had Christ figured out.
piece of paper. Make sure you unveil the item briefly But their discussion revealed there was more to
and then cover it up. Invite students to share what they know. The revelation occurred because they cared
initially noticed. As they discuss what they saw, some enough to walk, talk, and keep looking; because in
will notice things others will not have noticed and time, the risen Christ appeared. Even though it was
therefore will have a broader understanding. Also, dark and dangerous on that road, “they rose up that
reveal the item on display again for a little bit longer very hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found
period of time and see what else they see. the eleven and those who were with them gathered
Compare your first response with what you now together, saying, ‘The Lord is risen indeed and has
understand. How did having a conversation with others appeared to Simon’ ” (Luke 24:33, 34, NKJV).

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapter 83.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


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real.solid.stories LESSON 11

Scripture Story: Luke 24:13-34.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapter 83.

journeying with Jesus


Photo by Alden Ho

“Now it came to pass, as He sat at

flashlight the table with them, that He took

bread, blessed and broke it, and
“Christ never forces His company upon anyone. He interests Himself in those who
gave it to them. . . . And they said
need Him. Gladly will He enter the humblest home, and cheer the lowliest heart.
to one another, ‘Did not our heart
But if men are too indifferent to think of the heavenly Guest, or ask Him to abide
burn within us while He talked
with them, He passes on. Thus many meet with great loss. They do not know Christ
with us on the road, and while He
any more than did the disciples as He walked with them by the way” (The Desire
opened the Scriptures to us?’”
of Ages, p. 800).
(Luke 24:30-32, NKJV) 95

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 95 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Jesus of Nazareth,
who was a Prophet mighty
in deed and word before God

do you think?
and all the people, and how the chief
priests and our rulers delivered Him to
be condemned to death, and crucified
Agree or Disagree Him. But we were hoping that it was
The disciples, having been eyewitnesses to Christ, had an He who was going to redeem Israel.
easier time believing and being faithful than followers today. Indeed, besides all this, today is the

Explain. third day since these things happened.
What is more helpful for believing: a firsthand experi- Yes, and certain women of our com-

ence, or having the Bible and all of history to testify on pany, who arrived at the tomb early,
Jesus’ behalf? Do you ever think that if you could have astonished us. When they did not find
been there and seen Jesus, your faith in Him would His body, they came saying that they
be stronger?
STORY had also seen a vision of angels who
said He was alive. And certain of those
who were with us went to the tomb and
__________________________________ “Now behold, two of them found it just as the women had said;
_________________________________ were traveling that same day to but Him they did not see.’
________________________________ a village called Emmaus, which

was seven miles from Jerusalem. “Then He said to them, ‘O foolish ones,
And they talked together of all and slow of heart to believe in all that
these things which had happened. the prophets have spoken! Ought not
So it was, while they conversed and the Christ to have suffered these things
reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew and to enter into His glory?’ And begin-
near and went with them. But their ning at Moses and all the Prophets, He
eyes were restrained, so that they did expounded to them in all the Scriptures
not know Him. the things concerning Himself.

did you
“And He said to them, ‘What kind of “Then they drew near to the village
conversation is this that you have where they were going, and He indi-

with one another as you walk and cated that He would have gone far-
are sad?’ ther. But they constrained Him, saying,
‘Abide with us, for it is toward evening,
“Then the one whose name was and the day is far spent.’ And He went
erhaps one of the great-
Cleopas answered and said to in to stay with them.
est ironies is couched in the
Him, ‘Are You the only stranger
word the disciples used for their
in Jerusalem, and have You “Now it came to pass, as He sat at the
fellow traveler. The word paroikeis,
not known the things which table with them, that He took bread,
typically translated “visitor,” means
happened there in these blessed and broke it, and gave it to
to inhabit a place as a stranger. Another
days?’ them. Then their eyes were opened and
way to say it is: “Is it possible
that you are the only one who they knew Him; and He vanished from
“And He said to them, their sight.
doesn’t have a clue about what
‘What things?’
is going on here?” But in truth,
“And they said to one another, ‘Did
as you’ll read in the story for
“So they said not our heart burn within us while He
this week, Jesus was more at
to Him, ‘The talked with us on the road, and while
home with understanding than
things He opened the Scriptures to us?’”
the two disciples.

(Luke 24:13-32, NKJV)


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 96 12/13/20 10:19 AM

OUT punch lines
OF THE “And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord
Jesus. And great grace was upon them all” (Acts 4:33, NKJV).

STORY “From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go
to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests
and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day” (Matthew
Read the story and underline the phrases that you
16:21, NKJV).
think are key to understanding the interchange between
Jesus and the two disciples.
“When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but
Jesus only. Now as they came down from the mountain,
How does the Bible describe their attitude? What do they do
Jesus commanded them, saying, ‘Tell the vision to no
and say that reveals their emotional state?
one until the Son of Man is risen from the dead’”
(Matthew 17:8, 9, NKJV)

“But we see Jesus, who was made a little

lower than the angels, for the suffering of death
crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the
Why do you think Jesus is not immediately recognized? Is it because grace of God, might taste death for everyone”
Jesus is concealing His identity, or are they so confused that they don’t (Hebrews 2:9, NKJV).
see who He is?

“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but
then face to face. Now I know in part,
but then I shall know just as I also am
known” (1 Corinthians 13:12, NKJV).

When the disciples said, “We thought He was the one who would redeem
Israel,” what other way could this happen other than Christ dying?

What do you think changed in their understanding of Christ and His death
when Jesus taught them from the Scriptures as they walked? What in par- 47
ticular do you think made their hearts burn?

“The miracles of Christ

are a proof of His divin-
When Christ broke the bread, what images do you think went ity; but a stronger proof that
through their minds? What do you think is the message God has
for you in this passage?
He is the world’s Redeemer
is found in comparing the
prophecies of the Old Testa-
ment with the history of the New.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 799


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 97 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath clarify God’s purpose and plan for your life, get in the way of His leading in your life. Stay
Read Acts 4:33. what three stories would you choose? Write focused on this for several miles and see what

R ead and respond to the voting question

in the What Do You Think? section of this
week’s lesson. Many think that being there
them down and send them to a friend or some-
one you know who might be struggling. Share
your story of going from confusion to clarity.

would enhance the evidence so much that _________________________________ Read 1 Corinthians 13:12.
less faith would be required to believe. Is that
how it works?
_________________________________ H ow does God reveal Himself to you? Think
about the events in your life in which God
has shown Himself to you in unmistakable
_________________________________ Tuesday ways. Did clarity come immediately or as part
_________________________________ Read Matthew 17:8, 9. of a longer process? Imagine the experiences

How can we believe in the Resurrection today

with the same kind of faith and passion as
R ead the quote in the Flashlight section
and ruminate on the times in your life
when you were “indifferent” to God’s voice and
of others such as Saul/Paul or Thomas and
how they got to a point where they were sure
in their faith in Christ.
believers did back then–perhaps even more? presence. How did you emerge from the fog
Explain. of apathy? Think of someone you know who How is the Resurrection relevant today?
_________________________________ persistently tries to see Christ in everyday life. _________________________________

_________________________________ Invite them to share with you what they do to _________________________________

_________________________________ fight apathy from clouding their vision of Christ. _________________________________

Sunday Wednesday Pray for an opportunity to testify to this event

Read Matthew 16:21.

R ead the Into the Story section and use the

questions in the Out of the Story section
T he Punch Lines texts in this week’s lesson
capture how important the resurrection
is to the Christian faith. Included in the listed
with someone this week.

to guide you through this amazing story. What verses are a couple that show how Christ
parts of this story were new to you? How do you clearly foretold the disciples of the Resurrec-
think this story helps believers today who strug- tion. How could they forget? Even the Pharisees
gle with having all the right information but still remembered Christ’s promise to rise from the
miss the Savior? What lesson or insight did you dead (Matthew 27:62-66). Which verse speaks
gain from this story that might change the way to you personally?
you see Christ in your everyday life? How can _________________________________
you pay attention to Him as you walk each day? _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ Thursday
Read Hebrews 2:9.
Read Luke 24:30-32. T ake a several-mile hike this week—either
by yourself or with a friend—not simply

T he Key Text this week emphasizes the way

God’s word brings clarity to our minds and
feels like a warm light burning within us.
for exercise, but to deepen your understanding.
Simply talk about all the events of the life of
Christ that are meaningful to you. Think and
imagine the trial where the disciples recap-
When in your life has God’s Word illuminated tured the fire of their faith by listening to God’s this week’s reading*
your mind with clarity and warmed your heart Word. Bring your Bible and read from the last
The Desire of Ages or Humble
with purpose? Think about some of the reve- moments of Christ’s life. Take the time to get
Hero, chapter 83.
lations you have witnessed in the Bible. If you clear about who He is and what He longs to do
had to choose three stories from Scripture that in your heart. Confess the things that tend to *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 98 12/13/20 10:19 AM



making things right

Scripture Story: Luke 24:33-48; John 20:19-29; John 21:1-22.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
84, 85.
Key Text: John 21:15.


The students will:
I. SYNOPSIS • Understand their need for other people and rela-
After Jesus’ death and resurrection, the disciples tionships. (Know)

were emotionally exhausted and in need of encour- • Sense their need for God’s intervention to heal
agement. They were still drained from grief, yet excited breaches in trust as well as damage to their own
at the knowledge that Jesus had risen from the dead. self-worth from past mistakes. (Feel)
The stress and pressure was affecting each of them • Turn to God to heal their hearts and help them
differently. Thomas decided not to believe, pulling build and nurture relationships with the people
away from his friends and not believing their word that around them. (Respond)
they had indeed seen Jesus in the flesh and alive.
Faced with all of their personal stories, he simply shut III. EXPLORE
the door on the possibility unless he were to see it Unity in Body of Christ, Seventh-day Adventist
himself. He separated himself from the strength and Beliefs, No. 14
comfort of his friends, emotionally pushing away from The church is one body with many members,
them. called from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
Peter, on the other hand, longed to belong with In Christ we are a new creation; distinctions of race,
the other disciples the way he used to. But when he culture, learning, and nationality, and differences
denied Jesus in His weakest hour, Peter had lost their between high and low, rich and poor, male and female,
respect and trust. He had used to be a loud-mouthed must not be divisive among us. We are all equal in
fellow, speaking his mind before he knew it himself. He Christ, who by one Spirit has bonded us into one
bragged that he loved Jesus more than the others did. fellowship with Him and with one another; we are to
But now that he had been tested and failed, he was serve and be served without partiality or reservation.
publicly humiliated and distanced from the group. Through the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Scrip-
Jesus not only had a commission for His disciples tures we share the same faith and hope, and reach out
to go out and preach to all the world, but He also in one witness to all. This unity has its source in the
wanted to reunite them into the bonded group they oneness of the triune God, who has adopted us as His
used to be. Thomas needed to be shown the proof he children. (Ps. 133:1; Matt. 28:19, 20; John 17:20-23;
required to bring him back into unity with the believing Acts 17:26, 27; Rom. 12:4, 5; 1 Cor. 12:12-14; 2 Cor.
group. Peter needed an opportunity to show himself 5:16, 17; Gal. 3:27-29; Eph. 2:13-16; 4:3-6, 11-16; Col.
loyal to Jesus after his denial. Jesus also needed to 3:10-15.)
show the others that He had forgiven Peter and that He
still trusted him with the important work to be done. 99

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 99 12/13/20 10:19 AM

TEACHING self-possessed, and teachable. He could then feed the
lambs as well as the sheep of Christ’s flock.
I. GETTING STARTED “The Saviour’s manner of dealing with Peter had
a lesson for him and for his brethren. It taught them to
Activity meet the transgressor with patience, sympathy, and
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- forgiving love.”—Ellen G. White, Lift Him Up, p. 224.
tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis- Peter was forgiven and reunited with his fellow
cuss their responses. disciples in service to God and to the lost sheep
Invite the students to share their own defense tac- of Israel. His words of encouragement to trust and
tics that they use when they are uncomfortable, ill at remain faithful to God are as much for us today as they
ease, or under stress. How do they respond? Do they were for his time.
pull away from the group? Do they seek solace with
other people? Do they get quiet or tight-lipped? II. TEACHING THE STORY
Make a list of all the different reactions to stress
and post it where everyone can see it. Go through Bridge to the Story
each point and ask what their first response would be Share the following in your own words:
if they saw a person acting this way. Would they assume Sometimes we don’t think that other people’s
the person was rude? Would they avoid the person? problems affect us a great deal. We wish they wouldn’t
Would they recognize someone in need of help? bother us. But we aren’t as independent as we might
like to think. We were created to need each other, and

Illustration only when we care for each other are we truly secure
“Three times Peter had openly denied his Lord, and happy. Even the disciples had to learn that lesson,
and three times Jesus drew from him the assurance of and Jesus took great pains to show them just how
his love and loyalty, pressing home that pointed ques- much they needed to be a united group.
tion, like a barbed arrow to his wounded heart. Before
the assembled disciples Jesus revealed the depth Out of the Story for Teachers
of Peter’s repentance, and showed how thoroughly After you read the Into the Story section with
humbled was the once boasting disciple. your students, use the following in your own words to
“Peter was naturally forward and impulsive, and process it with them.
Satan had taken advantage of these characteristics to • In what ways does Jesus show the disciples that
overthrow him. Just before the fall of Peter, Jesus had He loves them?
said to him, “Satan hath desired to have [you], that • When could Jesus have given the disciples a
he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, talking to, or a rude awakening?
that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, • What was Jesus trying to do when He ques-
strengthen thy brethren” (Luke 22:31, 32). That time tioned Peter?
had now come, and the transformation in Peter was • Why was this way of reaching His goal the kind-
evident. The close, testing questions of the Lord had est and gentlest way to achieve it?
not called out one forward, self-sufficient reply; and Use the following as other teachable passages that
because of his humiliation and repentance, Peter was relate to today’s story: Job 42:7-17; 1 Corinthians
better prepared than ever before to act as shepherd to 12:12-30; 13.
the flock . . . .
“Before his fall, Peter was always speaking unad- Sharing Context and Background
visedly, from the impulse of the moment. He was Use the following information to shed more light
always ready to correct others, and to express his on the story for your students. Share it in your own
mind, before he had a clear comprehension of himself words.
or of what he had to say. But the converted Peter was When Jesus died, the disciples were put through
very different. He retained his former fervor, but the the most emotional, stressful times of their lives up to
grace of Christ regulated his zeal. He was no longer that point. Not only were their hopes dashed that Jesus
impetuous, self-confident, and self-exalted, but calm, had, in fact, been the Messiah, but they also lost a


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✂ What would happen to them, Jesus’ devoted followers,
if the Jewish leaders and Rome would crucify Jesus?
Tips for Top-Notch Teaching When Jesus rose from the dead and showed Him-
self to them, the disciples were overjoyed! However,
One-Minute Learning
this was an equally emotionally intense time for

Do a one-minute paper at the end of class.
them. The shock of Jesus rising from the dead, the
In this exercise, students write down what they
remembering of Jesus’ words that pointed to this,
consider (a) the main point of the class and (b)
and the emotional jolt each time they saw Him, was
the main question they still have as they leave.
taking its toll on them. They would gather together
Collect and read these unsigned papers. You
to encourage each other and remind each other of
can use some of these questions to begin the
Jesus’ promises. But not everyone responded to
next lesson.
this stressful time in the same way.
This technique keeps the students attentive
Peter and the others had been fishermen up to the
during class and also helps you gauge where the
point when Jesus called them. Some theologians con-
students are in their learning. Where are they
jecture that they had not been successful in the rab-
spiritually? What ideas can you focus on next
binical schools and had been forced to take up their
Sabbath to help them in their personal experi-
fathers’ trades. When Jesus called them to follow Him,
ence with God?
He had shown them their value to Him. But when
—Taken from:
Jesus died, and even after He had risen, they felt lost.

_Concerns/Spring_1995/TC_Spring_1995_Students What would they do? How would they support
_Thinking.htm. themselves? The whirlwind time with Jesus was
over, so they turned back to what they knew—
close friend in the cruelest way that Rome could think Even in the fishing boat, they were talking about
up. They were grief-stricken for their personal loss. Jesus. This was a time of transition, and while they
But they were also second-guessing everything they knew that Jesus had risen, they also knew that
thought they knew up to that point. Had Jesus really things would never be the same again. Peter had lost
been the Christ? Had everything they had grown to the respect of his friends and fellow disciples. He
trust and believe been false? If He did not overthrow was not the loyal follower of his Master that he had
Rome and become their king, had He lied about who believed he was. The others felt let down too. Even in
He was? They were also afraid for their own lives. the joy of Jesus’ resurrection they felt lost and

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 101

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 101 12/13/20 10:19 AM

disillusioned. They needed something . . . Someone to Summary
reunite them. Share the following thoughts in your own words:
Unity was important to Jesus, but it was also
III. CLOSING important to the disciples. They wanted to be united.
Peter wanted to be part of the group, respected once
Activity more. God wants us to be united because that is how
Close with an activity and debrief it in your own He created us to be happiest, most useful, and most
words. secure. Belonging is important on many levels of the
Ask the students to think of one way in which they human experience.
would like to contribute to the church as a Sabbath Belonging in a spiritual family is a key part of our
School class. Perhaps they will want to help with song spiritual growth. We need each other for encourage-
service, welcome visitors, or help in an outreach for ment, accountability, and friendship. When we join
the community. They might not have a solid idea right with other believers . . . really join with them—not just
away, but ask them to think about it and come to Sab- sitting in a service and then escaping—we experience
bath School the next week with an idea. the fellowship that God intended for us to enjoy.
What makes them feel that they are part of the Sometimes, like Peter, we have to make up for
church? What makes them feel that they contribute past mistakes. Sometimes, like Thomas, we have to
and are appreciated? How would they like to make choose to believe instead of choosing not to. The end
that happen? result is the same, however. We are no longer strug-
gling alone.

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 84, 85.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 102 12/13/20 10:19 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 12

Scripture Story: Luke 24:33-48; John 20:19-29; John 21:1-22.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 84, 85.

making things right

Photo © Thinkstock 2021

“When they had finished eating,

flashlight Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon

son of John, do you love me more
“Another lesson Christ had to give, relating especially to Peter. Peter’s denial of
than these?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said,
his Lord had been in shameful contrast to his former professions of loyalty. He had
‘you know that I love you.’ Jesus
dishonored Christ, and had incurred the distrust of his brethren. They thought he
said, ‘Feed my lambs.’”
would not be allowed to take his former position among them, and he himself felt
that he had forfeited his trust. . . . The Savior gave him opportunity to regain the (John 21:15, NIV)
confidence of his brethren, and, so far as possible, to remove the reproach he had
brought upon the gospel” (The Desire of Ages, p. 811). 103

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 103 12/13/20 10:19 AM

around him (for he
had taken it off) and
jumped into the water. The
other disciples followed in the boat,

do you think? towing the net full of fish, for they were
not far from shore, about a hundred
Answer the following questions, giving your most honest
“When they had finished eating, Jesus
1. Where do you feel the most loved and accepted?
said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of

2. What makes you feel loved and accepted? What can a
John, do you love me more than these?’
person do to show that they care for you in a way that

is meaningful to you?
“‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘you know that I
3. Is it possible to love others without first loving
love you.’
4. Is it possible to love someone if you are holding
a grudge?
5. Is it possible to love yourself if you haven’t
STORY “Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’

“Again Jesus said, ‘Simon son of John,

forgiven yourself for your shortcomings?
“ ‘I’m going out to fish,’ Simon do you love me?’
6. What is your strongest defense reflex when
Peter told them, and they said,
you are feeling insecure or unaccepted?
‘We’ll go with you.’ So they went “He answered, ‘Yes, Lord, you know

7. At what times do you find yourself using

out and got into the boat, but that that I love you.’
those words or actions?
night they caught nothing. Early in
the morning, Jesus stood on the “Jesus said, ‘Take care of my sheep.’
shore, but the disciples did not realize
that it was Jesus. “The third time he said to him, ‘Simon
son of John, do you love me?’
“He called out to them, ‘Friends,

did you haven’t you any fish?’ “Peter was hurt because Jesus asked
him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’

know? “‘No,’ they answered.

“He said, ‘Throw your net on the

He said, ‘Lord, you know all things; you
know that I love you.’

50 ccording to a study done

right side of the boat and you will “Jesus said, ‘Feed my sheep. Very truly
by the American Psychiatric
find some.’ When they did, they I tell you, when you were younger you
Nurses Association, the lack
were unable to haul the net in dressed yourself and went where you
of a sense of belonging has
because of the large number wanted; but when you are old you will
been associated with lone-
of fish. stretch out your hands, and someone
liness, emotional distress,
else will dress you and lead you where
psychological disturbance, and mental illness.
“Then the disciple whom you do not want to go.’ Jesus said this
They wanted to discover if a sense of
Jesus loved said to to indicate the kind of death by which
belonging could actually work as
Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’ As Peter would glorify God. Then he said
a buffer against clinical depres-
soon as Simon Peter to him, ‘Follow me!’
sion in people who were at high
heard him say, ‘It
risk for depression based on
is the Lord,’ he “Peter turned and saw that the disciple
their family history, etc. The
wrapped his whom Jesus loved was following them.
result? Yes! A sense of belong-
outer gar- (This was the one who had leaned
ing makes a huge difference!
m e n t back against Jesus at the supper and
had said, ‘Lord, who is going to betray
you?’) When Peter saw him, he asked,
‘Lord, what about him?’

“Jesus answered, ‘If I want

him to remain alive
104 until I

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 104 12/13/20 10:19 AM

return, what is that
to you? You must follow
punch lines
me.’ ” “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either
of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has
(John 21:3-8, 15-22, NIV) no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly

broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, NIV).

“‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord.

OF THE ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as
snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like

STORY wool’ ” (Isaiah 1:18, NIV).

“Jesus said to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved

What was Jesus trying to do when He questioned Peter about his love you; go in peace’” (Luke 7:50, NIV).
for Him?
“Whoever watches the wind will not plant;
whoever looks at the clouds will not reap”
(Ecclesiastes 11:4, NIV).
How did Peter seem to feel about this questioning? “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be

clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than
snow” (Psalm 51:7, NIV).

What would Peter’s public insistence of his love for Jesus do for those who
were listening, especially after Peter denied Jesus three times when He was

Was Jesus’ forgiveness of Peter enough to allow Peter to go on with the work
Jesus had given them to preach the gospel? What more was needed, both

from Peter and from the other disciples?

Have we really accepted God’s forgiveness if we refuse to forgive our-

“The reproach of the disci-
selves? ple’s sin is cast upon Christ.
It causes Satan to triumph,
and wavering souls to stumble.
By giving proof of repentance,
the disciple, so far as lies in his
power, is to remove this reproach.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 811


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 105 12/13/20 10:19 AM

Sabbath advice holds for us. How can you contribute to Thursday
Read John 20:19-29. the call to feed the lambs? Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.

A nswer the What Do You Think? questions.

Thomas chose not to believe in Jesus’
resurrection. But even though he put up a
P eople are the true treasures of life, and
we should not take them for granted. How
can you become more closely united with your
strong defense against believing, Jesus gave family, friends, and church? How can you
Thomas the proof he had been insisting he Tuesday contribute to these relationships in such a way
have before choosing to believe with the other Read Psalm 51:7. that you can make them happier for having
disciples. Instead of judging Thomas’ stubborn-
ness, look at what he might have been feeling
to cause him to pull away from the group and
E llen White tells us that Jesus was giving
Peter a chance to make up for his past
mistakes. Jesus had forgiven Peter, but Peter
known you? If unity is this important to God,
how important should it be to us?
separate himself beliefwise. How do we do the still needed to be reinstated with the other _________________________________
same thing, and why? disciples. We make our own share of mistakes _________________________________
_________________________________ too. Life is a learning experience, and we aren’t
_________________________________ always going to get it right on the first try. Is Friday
_________________________________ Jesus’ forgiveness always enough, or do we Read Proverbs 12:26.
sometimes have to take an extra step (with
T he most frustrating and challenging aspect

Sunday Jesus’ help) to make up with the people we of life is the maintenance of relationships.
Read Isaiah 1:18. have let down? In what ways might we be able Books abound, exploring how to build and

A nswer the Out of the Story questions.

Peter had fallen in the eyes of the other
disciples and the other believers. He had been
to regain trust in broken relationships? What
opportunities do you see to mend fences with
people you might have hurt in the past?
maintain relationships with everyone from your
family members to your coworkers to random
people you meet who might be important to
the loudest talker, but when the test came, _________________________________ you later. It’s not always easy! Relationships,
Peter had denied Jesus three times in His time _________________________________ however, are also the most satisfying part
of need. Jesus used His questioning of Peter to _________________________________ of life. It isn’t possible to have solid, strong
give him a chance to publicly declare his love relationships if you haven’t taken care of things
for his Master, and to help build a bridge for Wednesday inside yourself.

Peter to become fully accepted by the other
11 once more. Why was it Jesus’ deliberate
intention that Peter be united with the group
I n this week’s Punch Lines we can learn that
God is willing to forgive us and make us
clean. All we have to do is come to Him in faith
How can God help you to be complete within so
that you can have satisfying relationships with
again? What could unity do for both Peter and and ask for forgiveness. other people?
the others? _________________________________
_________________________________ Ecclesiastes 11:4 tells us that if we are focused _________________________________
_________________________________ on things that might scare us or make us anx- _________________________________
_________________________________ ious, we won’t get anything useful done. This
is also true about our past mistakes. If we can’t
Monday forgive ourselves, we will never be able to move
Read John 21:15. forward and be the people God intends us to

J esus tells Peter what he must do—“Feed

My lambs.” This was not only his direction
for the ministry—to nurture the new believers
be. Refusing to forgive ourselves also affects
our relationships. Relationships matter, and it is
God’s will that we have happy, functional rela-
who needed gentle care and guidance—but tionships to fulfill our lives. “Two are better than
also instructions about how to become united one” and “a cord of three strands is not quickly this week’s reading*
with the believers once more. Peter would be broken.” For what do you need to forgive your-
The Desire of Ages or Humble
united when he worked side by side with his self? How can receiving this forgiveness allow
Hero, chapters 84, 85.
brothers. By working together, they would be you to move forward?
united in their goal, and there would be ample *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
opportunity to build trust once more. The same more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 106 12/13/20 10:19 AM



calling change
Scripture Story: Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-12.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters
86, 87.
Key Text: Acts 1:1:10, 11.

I. SYNOPSIS The students will:
When Jesus ascended from this earth, He left a • Hear the story of Jesus’ ascension and the part-

clear mission for His followers: “Therefore go and ing challenge He gave to His followers. (Know)
make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the • Sense God’s calling to share the gospel with
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy friends who are far from God. (Feel)
Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have • Be challenged to respond to the Great Commis-
commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to sion. (Respond)
the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19, 20, NIV). Two
men dressed in white punctuated this command of III. EXPLORE
Christ with the pointed question: “Why do you stand The Remnant and Its Mission, Seventh-day Advent-
here looking into the sky?” (Acts 1:11, NIV). ist Beliefs, No. 13
Still today, as followers of Christ we are confronted The universal church is composed of all who
with the Great Commission to go and make disciples, truly believe in Christ, but in the last days, a time of
baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and widespread apostasy, a remnant has been called
Holy Spirit. Thus, failure to carry out this calling con- out to keep the commandments of God and the faith
fronts us with the same question: “Why are you stand- of Jesus. This remnant announces the arrival of the
ing around looking into the sky?” judgment hour, proclaims salvation through Christ,
We might tout airtight theology and offer inspiring and heralds the approach of His second advent. This
church services, but if we’re not fulfilling the Great proclamation is symbolized by the three angels of
Commission, then we’re just stargazers. As the old Revelation 14; it coincides with the work of judgment
cliché reminds us: “We can be so heavenly minded in heaven and results in a work of repentance and
that we’re of no earthly good.” reform on earth. Every believer is called to have a per-
God wants change agents—fully committed dis- sonal part in this worldwide witness. (Dan. 7:9-14; Isa.
ciples who will reach lost people and then teach them 1:9; 11:11; Jer. 23:3; Mic. 2:12; 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 Peter
to obey everything Jesus commanded. 1:16-19; 4:17; 2 Peter 3:10-14; Jude 3, 14; Rev. 12:17;
This lesson provides the ideal story to challenge 14:6-12; 18:1-4.)
your students to throw themselves into a cause bigger
than themselves. Use this opportunity to inspire your
class to respond to Jesus’ invitation to share the
gospel with the world. 107

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 107 12/13/20 10:19 AM

TEACHING D.C. President Nixon gave each astronaut the Presi-
dential Medal of Freedom. What a celebration! The
I. GETTING STARTED human race had just accomplished its greatest tech-
nological achievement of all time.
Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- II. TEACHING THE STORY
tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis-
cuss their responses. Bridge to the Story
Or use this as an alternate activity: Invite your stu- Use the following transition from Kevin Miller to
dents to imagine the ascension of Christ. While their bridge the story and the lesson:
eyes are closed, read Luke 24:50-53 and Acts 1:9-12. When Jesus Christ accomplished the greatest
Give them a minute of silence to envision the scene. act of love and redemption of all time—when He
Then ask them to share how they think they would went through the clouds to heaven’s shores—what
have responded to the experience of witnessing the a celebration! Jesus had just completed the most
ascension of Jesus. dangerous and most important mission of all time.
He had faced every temptation but never gave in
Illustration to sin. He stood up to the intense hatred of people with
Kevin Miller, former editor and executive vice only truth and love. He willingly obeyed God and ful-
president of Christianity Today, contrasts two space filled His mission of giving up His life as a sacrifice to
missions. Miller recounts the catastrophe in Janu- bring people back to God. He defeated the devil. He

ary of 1967. There was a launchpad test of Apollo destroyed death. Now He’s returned in victory.
1, which was to be the first flight of a three-man Why do we celebrate the Ascension? Because all
Apollo capsule into earth’s orbit. Experts surmise heaven celebrates the victorious return of the Son, the
(although there is still debate over exactly what Lamb who was slain, the Lion who conquered, the
happened) that somewhere in the capsule’s 31 One who says in joy and power: “All authority in
miles of wiring, a wire had been stripped of its heaven and on earth has been given to me.” 1
insulation. A bare wire that happened to be near
a cooling line caused a violent chemical reaction Out of the Story for Teachers
between the silver in the wire and the ethylene glycol. After you read the Into the Story section with
Flames spread across the cabin ceiling. At 6:31 p.m. your students, use the following in your own words to
astronaut Roger Chaffee said: “We’ve got fire in the process it with them.
cockpit.” A few seconds later, the transmission ended Matthew 28:16-20
with a cry of pain. All three astronauts died. • Do you think seeing the resurrected Jesus
Two years later, when Apollo 11 got ready to carry changed the opinions that the disciples held
human beings to the moon, U.S. President Nixon asked about Him and His mission to this earth? If so,
William Safire to write a speech entitled “In Event of Moon how? If not, why not?
Disaster.” If anything went wrong on the moon mission, • Notice how some of the disciples “worshipped”
Nixon would read the speech on TV, the radio communi- Jesus but “some doubted.” Had you been one
cations with the moon would be cut off, the astronauts of the disciples that day, which camp do you
would be left alone to die, and a minister would com- think you would have been in? Explain.
mend their souls to “the deepest of the deep.” • Have each student write a contemporary trans-
Fortunately, that’s not what happened. On July 20, lation of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19,
1969, with less than 30 seconds of fuel left, the lunar 20).
module landed in the Sea of Tranquility, and Com- Luke 24:50-53
mander Neil A. Armstrong stepped off the ladder onto • Compare the disciples’ reaction to the Ascen-
the gray, powdery surface of the moon. It was the first sion with the feelings and emotions of the two
time a human had ever gone to another celestial body. people on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-27).
After their return to earth, the astronauts had What is the difference between the absence
parades and dinners held in their honor in Washington, caused by the Crucifixion and the absence


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 108 12/13/20 10:19 AM

caused by the Ascension? Sharing Context and Background
• How does the Ascension impact a Christian’s Matthew 28:16-20—Last words are very impor-
worldview? tant. If someone is dying or leaving us, they’re not
• Compare and contrast the worship described likely to sign off with trivial small talk. In the case of
in this passage with the worship described in Jesus, He departed this earth with very important
Matthew 28:17. words of instruction for His followers. Jesus made it
Acts 1:9-12 clear that His followers were under His authority; they
Ellen White offers this description of the scene: were to make more disciples; they were to baptize and
“While the disciples were still gazing upward, voices teach these new followers to obey Jesus; and in case
addressed them which sounded like richest music. They there were any doubts, Jesus would be with them until
turned, and saw two angels in the form of men. . . . the end. In previous missions Jesus sent His disciples
“These angels were of the company that had been to preach His message to the Jews (Matthew 10:5, 6),
waiting in a shining cloud to escort Jesus to His heav- but now His mission knew no bounds. Jesus died to
enly home. The most exalted of the angel throng, they redeem people from all nations.
were the two who had come to the tomb at Christ’s res- Luke 24:50-53—Except for Mark’s brief description
urrection, and they had been with Him throughout His of the Ascension (Mark 16:19), only Luke (here and in
life on earth. With eager desire all heaven had waited Acts 1:8-12) mentions this incident. He alone records the
for the end of His tarrying in a world marred by the time (Acts 1:3) and the place (Luke 24:50) of the event.
curse of sin. The time had now come for the heavenly This story makes a fitting conclusion to Luke’s
universe to receive their King. Did not the two angels Gospel because it contains strong components of

long to join the throng that welcomed Jesus? But in both the physical and spiritual realities of Jesus.
sympathy and love for those whom He had left, they Throughout his Gospel, Luke portrays Jesus as the
waited to give them comfort” (The Desire of Ages, pp. supreme example of a life lived perfectly in harmony
831, 832). with God’s plan—as a child living in obedience to His
• In what ways might we be indicted for standing parents and yet startling the religious leaders in the
around, looking up into the sky? Temple with His knowledge; then as an adult serving
• How does God comfort us when we long to be God and others through teaching and healing; finally,
in the presence of our ascended Lord? as a sacrifice for sin without complaint.
This emphasis was well suited to the Greek

Teaching From the Lesson

Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Key Text • PPoint

unch Lines
Invite students to share the Key Text with the out to your students the verses
class if they have committed it to memory. listed in their lesson that relate to this week’s

Flashlight story. Have them share the verse that spoke
 Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out most directly to them and allow them to explain
that most of the time it is from the commentary why they chose it
on this week’s story found in the book The • Further Insight
Desire of Ages. Ask what relationship they see Ask them how the quote in Further Insight con-
between the statement and what they have just veys the point of the story in this lesson.
discussed from Out of the Story. 109

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 109 12/13/20 10:20 AM

✂ Tips for Top-Notch Teaching
tom spirit but a real live human being who addressed
both the physical and the spiritual needs of the people
He came to serve.
Increasing Class Participation Acts 1:9-12—After 40 days with His disciples (Acts
Ever feel like your students have checked out 1:3), Jesus returned to heaven. The two men, or

in Sabbath School class? Teacher Dr. Mike Wong angels, made it clear that Jesus would return the
offers these simple suggestions for improving stu- same way in which He left—visibly and in bodily
dent engagement: form. We know He is coming again; there is no rea-
• Ask better questions. Consider asking son to be caught unaware (1 Thessalonians 5:2).
questions that promote deeper thinking, rather
than generic questions, such as “Are you following III. CLOSING
this?” For example, ask, “How would you explain
this idea to a non-Christian friend?” Activity
•  Use activities. Consider assigning in-class Close with an activity and debrief it in your own
problem solving to pairs, small groups, or the words.
whole class, and then walk around the classroom Have each student spend time alone in prayer.
to help. The prayer should focus around the simple question:
•  Encourage students to take responsibil- “God, how can I fulfill the Great Commission this
ity for learning. Make it clear from the outset why week?” Allow enough time for students to wait in
silence for impressions from God. You can discuss the

the lesson is relevant and how they will benefit if

they remain engaged. experience in the larger group if you wish; or simply
have students leave when they are done.

—Adapted from
The bottom line is this: Jesus called us to be
change agents, not stargazers. Can we change the
audience that Luke was addressing. The Greeks put world for Christ? We must at least try. We must go—
a high value on being an example and improving one- whether that means across the street or across the
self, and were often engaged in conversations about ocean—and make disciples. This was not a sugges-
perfection. The Greeks, however, struggled to rec- tion; it was a direct command from our risen Savior!
oncile the spiritual importance of the physical world. As we go, take comfort in knowing that Jesus is
They believed the spiritual was more important than always with us.
the physical. To help them understand the God-man 1
Kevin Miller, as posted at the subscription resource at www
who perfectly combined the physical and the spiritual
worlds, Luke emphasized that Jesus was not a phan-

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired
commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with
this lesson is The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 86, 87.
Humble Hero is Book 3 in a special adaptation of the Conflict of the Ages Series, cre-
ated by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Read more about it at www.corner


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 110 12/13/20 10:20 AM

real.solid.stories LESSON 13

Scripture Story: Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:50-53;
Acts 1:9-12.
Commentary: The Desire of Ages or Humble Hero, chapters 86, 87.

calling change agents

Photo by Barin Von Foregger

“They were looking intently up

flashlight into the sky as he was going,

when suddenly two men dressed
“Christ had sojourned in the world for thirty-three years; He had endured its scorn, in white stood beside them. ‘Men
insult, and mockery; He had been rejected and crucified. Now, when about to ascend of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you
to His throne of glory—as He reviews the ingratitude of the people He came to stand here looking into the sky?
This same Jesus . . . will come
save—will He not withdraw from them His sympathy and love? Will not His affections
back in the same way you have
be centered upon that realm where He is appreciated, and where sinless angels wait
seen him go into heaven.’”
to do His bidding? No; His promise to those loved ones whom He leaves on earth is,
‘I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world’” (The Desire of Ages, p. 830).
(Acts 1:10, 11, NIV) 111

CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 111 12/13/20 10:20 AM

“After he said this,
he was taken up before
their very eyes, and a cloud hid
him from their sight.

do you think? “They were looking intently up into the

sky as he was going, when suddenly
Are you a good follower? Or do you tend to be more of a
two men dressed in white stood beside
leader? Rank yourself from 1 (“That’s not me at all”) to 10 (“That is
them. ‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why
totally me”) after the following statements:
do you stand here looking into the sky?

_____ I lean on God for everything.
This same Jesus, who has been taken
_____ My friends tell me I’m really good at following
from you into heaven, will come back

in the same way you have seen him go
_____ If I sense God is calling me to do something I
into heaven.’ ”
do it without hesitation.
_____ I ask my parents or other adults for advice.
_____ I believe that God makes His will known
through His Spirit.
STORY (Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-12,

_____ I’m content to be a support person on

“Then the eleven disciples
a team.
went to Galilee, to the moun-
_____ I prefer one-on-one mentoring to
tain where Jesus had told them

being in front of a big crowd of

to go. When they saw him, they
worshiped him; but some doubted.
_____ I believe the kingdom of God
Then Jesus came to them and said,
gets built through personal
‘All authority in heaven and on earth
relationships—one friend at a
has been given to me. Therefore go
and make disciples of all nations,
_____ I never worry about anything.
baptizing them in the name of the
_____ I prefer singing in a choir rather
Father and of the Son and of the Holy
than singing a solo.
Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you.

did you And surely I am with you always, to

the very end of the age.’ ”
“When he had led them out to
the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted
ccording to a site on friendship
up his hands and blessed
evangelism, polls suggest that
them. While he was blessing
approximately 90 percent of con-
them, he left them and was
verts come to faith because they
taken up into heaven. Then
were invited by a “relative, friend,
they worshiped him and
or neighbor.”
returned to Jerusalem
with great joy. And
they stayed contin-
ually at the tem-
ple, praising


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OUT punch lines
OF THE “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s
crown” (Revelation 2:10, NIV).

STORY “ ‘You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘and my servant whom I
have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand
that I am he’ ” (Isaiah 43:10, NIV).
Matthew 28:16-20
“This is love for God: to keep his commands. And his
Notice that before Jesus challenges His disciples with the
commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God
Great Commission, He reminds them that all authority has
overcomes the world” (1 John 5:3, 4, NIV).
been given to Him (verse 18). Why do you think He did this?
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not
on your own understanding; in all your ways submit
to him, and he will make your paths straight”
(Proverbs 3:5, 6, NIV).
Why do you think Jesus reminded His disciples that He would always
be with them? “You are my hiding place; you will protect
me from trouble and surround me with songs
of deliverance” (Psalm 32:7, NIV).

Acts 1:9-12

What attitude do you sense in the angels’ question “Why do you stand here
looking into the sky?”

a. Sympathy c. Sincerity
b. Curiosity d. All of the above


Luke 24:51, 52
insight 55

“He teaches us to
Would you characterize this passage as positive or negative? Why? look upon every needy
soul as our brother, and
the world as our field.”
—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 823


CCLTG B4 2021 text.indd 113 12/13/20 10:20 AM

Sabbath ________________________________ ________________________________
Read Isaiah 43:10. _________________________________ ________________________________

A dd up your points from the What Do You

Think? section to discover your “Follower
Quotient.” Use this key:
Read Acts 1:9-11.

0-20 points = You are a leader, not a

C ompare the Key Text with this quotation
from Ellen White: “God is not partial.
All who are made partakers of His salvation
Read Psalm 32:7.

21-40 points = You tend to lead rather here, and who hope to share the glories of the llen White writes: “When Christ ascended
than follow. kingdom hereafter, must gather with Christ. to heaven, the sense of His presence was
41-60 points = You are comfortable Each must feel that he is responsible for his still with His followers. It was a personal pres-
leading or following. own case, and for the influence he exerts ence, full of love and light. Jesus, the Savior,
61-80 points = You lean toward follow- over others” (Testimonies for the Church, vol. who had walked and talked and prayed with
ing. 1, p. 179). them, who had spoken hope and comfort to
81-100 points = You are a gifted team their hearts, had, while the message of peace
player, supporter, and Ask yourself: was still upon His lips, been taken up from
follower. • What influence do I exert over others? them into heaven, and the tones of His voice

Compare your score with the score of friends • What does it mean to “gather with Christ”? had come back to them, as the cloud of angels
in your Sabbath School class. Discuss the • Do I understand that I am responsible for received Him—‘Lo, I am with you alway, even
following questions: my own case? What does that look like in unto the end of the world.’ Matthew 28:20.
my life? . . . They knew that He had ascended to heaven
How might you sense God calling you to to prepare places for them, and that He would
help build the kingdom of God as a leader? Tuesday come again and take them to Himself” (Steps
a follower? Read 1 John 5:3, 4. to Christ, pp. 73, 74).
_________________________________ R ead this week’s Flashlight. Escape to
a quiet place and reflect on God’s love
for you.
Do you enjoy the sense of Christ’s personal
presence? If so, in what ways? How will you
Do you tend to be a change agent? respond to His call to a consistent relationship
_________________________________ Wednesday with Him?

56 _________________________________ ead the verses in Punch Lines. Dig deeper _________________________________
into God’s Word by reading these addi- _________________________________
Review the instructions that Jesus gave to His tional texts: _________________________________
followers at His ascension. How can you make • Matthew 5:14-16
His calling personal and follow those directions • Mark 1:17
today? • Acts 1:8
_________________________________ • 2 Timothy 4:1-8
_________________________________ • Luke 9:23-27

Sunday Thursday
Read Revelation 2:10. Read Proverbs 3:5, 6.

R ead the sections Into the Story and Out of

the Story. If we are to accept the challenge A t Jesus’ ascension, the two men dressed
in white asked the disciples, “Why do you
that Jesus gave His followers as He ascended just stand here looking up at an empty sky?” this week’s reading*
to heaven, would our message be charming? (Acts 1:11, The Message ). In other words:
The Desire of Ages or Humble
popular? offensive? Why or why not? “Are you going to be a stargazer or a change
Hero, chapters 86, 87.
________________________________ agent?” Jesus asks you to choose being a
________________________________ witness for Him today. How will you answer? *Humble Hero is a special adaptation of The Desire of Ages,
created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get
more information about it at http://www.cornerstoneconnections
.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read
at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages series each year.

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