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Which changes are needed to render all genera

of the German flora monophyletic?

Article in Willdenowia · March 2016

Impact Factor: 0.72 · DOI: 10.3372/wi.46.46105



22 authors, including:

Dirk Albach Norbert Kilian

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Freie Universität Berlin


Marcus A Koch Alfonso Susanna

Universität Heidelberg Institut Botànic de Barcelona


Available from: Krzysztof Spalik

Retrieved on: 12 April 2016
Which changes are needed to render all genera of the German flora
Author(s): Joachim W. Kadereit , Dirk C. Albach , Friedrich Ehrendorfer , Mercè Galbany-Casals ,
Núria Garcia-Jacas , Berit Gehrke , Gudrun Kadereit , Norbert Kilian , Johannes T. Klein , Marcus A.
Koch , Matthias Kropf , Christoph Oberprieler , Michael D. Pirie , Christiane M. Ritz , Martin Röser ,
Krzysztof Spalik , Alfonso Susanna , Maximilian Weigend , Erik Welk , Karsten Wesche , Li-Bing
Zhang & Markus S. Dillenberger
Source: Willdenowia, 46(1):39-91.
Published By: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin (BGBM)

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Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem



Which changes are needed to render all genera of the German flora monophyletic?

Version of record first published online on 24 March 2016 ahead of inclusion in April 2016 issue.
Abstract: The use of DNA sequence data in plant systematics has brought us closer than ever to formulating well-
founded hypotheses about phylogenetic relationships, and phylogenetic research keeps on revealing that plant genera
as traditionally circumscribed often are not monophyletic. Here, we assess the monophyly of all genera of vascular
plants found in Germany. Using a survey of the phylogenetic literature, we discuss which classifications would be
consistent with the phylogenetic relationships found and could be followed, provided monophyly is accepted as the
primary criterion for circumscribing taxa. We indicate whether and which names are available when changes in ge-
neric assignment are made (but do not present a comprehensive review of the nomenclatural aspects of such names).
Among the 840 genera examined, we identified c. 140 where data quality is sufficiently high to conclude that they
are not monophyletic, and an additional c. 20 where monophyly is questionable but where data quality is not yet
sufficient to reach convincing conclusions. While it is still fiercely debated how a phylogenetic tree should be trans-
lated into a classification, our results could serve as a guide to the likely consequences of systematic research for the
taxonomy of the German flora and the floras of neighbouring countries.
Key words: classification, generic circumscription, German flora, monophyly, phylogeny
Article history: Received 4 November 2015; peer-review completed 22 December 2015; received in revised form 10
January 2016; accepted for publication 14 January 2016.
Citation: Kadereit J. W., Albach D. C., Ehrendorfer F., Galbany-Casals M., Garcia-Jacas N., Gehrke B., Kadereit G.,
Kilian N., Klein J. T., Koch M. A., Kropf M., Oberprieler C., Pirie M. D., Ritz C. M., Röser M., Spalik K., Susanna
A., Weigend M., Welk E., Wesche K., Zhang L.-B. & Dillenberger M. S. 2016: Which changes are needed to render
all genera of the German flora monophyletic? – Willdenowia 46: 39 – 91. doi:

1 Institut für Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany; *e-
mail: (author for correspondence);;;;
2 Institute for biology and environmental sciences, Carl von Ossietzky-University Oldenburg, Carl von Ossietzky-Str. 9 – 11,
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany; e-mail:
3 Department for Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Vienna, A-1040 Wien, Rennweg 14, Austria; e-mail: friedrich.
4 Departament de Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal i Ecologia, Facultat de Biociències, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
ES-08193 Bellaterra, Spain; e-mail:
5 Botanic Institute of Barcelona (CSIC-ICUB), Pg. del Migdia s. n., ES-08038 Barcelona, Spain; e-mail: ngarciajacas@ibb.csic.
6 Institut für Allgemeine Botanik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany; e-mail: clausing@uni-mainz.
7 Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Königin-Luise-Str. 6 – 8, D-14195 Berlin, Ger-
many; e-mail:
8 Centre for Organismal Studies, Biodiversity and Plant Systematics, Heidelberg University, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany; e-mail:
9 Institute for Integrative Nature Conservation Research, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Gregor Mendel-Str. 33, A-1180 Wien,
Austria; e-mail:
(Addresses continued on next page)
40 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

Introduction ever, most plant systematists (hopefully) will agree that

the use of DNA sequence data in plant systematics has
“All a taxonomist’s decisions are subject to revision in brought us closer than ever to formulating solid hypoth-
time” (Davis & Heywood 1973), and indeed even the eses about phylogenetic relationships, which could serve
most cursory comparison of taxa at any rank through as basis for classification. Perhaps ironically, exactly
the history of plant systematics reveals that their circum- how to translate a phylogenetic tree into a classification
scription has changed again and again. For example, as has resulted in fierce debates. Probably the majority of
regards Rothmaler’s “Exkursionsflora von Deutsch- authors will argue that the branching pattern of a phy-
land”, used as basis for the present paper, well over 40 logenetic tree should be the primary criterion for clas-
genera have been subject to changes in circumscription sification and that only monophyletic taxa (consisting
when comparing the 19th and 20th editions of the Grund- of ALL descendants of one common ancestor) should
band (Jäger 2012). Major reasons for changes in taxon be accepted. Some nevertheless maintain that non-
circumscription, as described and discussed in great de- monophyletic taxa should also be accepted in order for
tail by e.g. Davis & Heywood (1973) and Stuessy (2009), classification to depict not only patterns of phylogenetic
include the discovery of new species, availability of new relationship, i.e. tree topology, but also degree of (phe-
data (characters), new approaches in data analysis, and, notypic) divergence. (Most of these latter authors will
often related to the preceding point, changes in concepts describe the taxa they think of as paraphyletic; however,
of classification. At any point in time an author suggest- as is evident from Fig. 1, assessments of taxa as either
ing change of taxon circumscription will have believed paraphyletic or as polyphyletic based on tree topology
to provide something “better”, where “better” had to be alone are alternative ways to read a phylogenetic tree.)
evaluated against the aim and purpose of the classifica- It is not our aim here to summarize or add to that discus-
tion. sion. For that, the reader is referred to a recent review
Post-Linnaean plant systematists (and indeed some by Schmidt-Lebuhn (2012), a proponent for recognizing
systematists before Linnaeus) increasingly aimed at only monophyletic taxa, and a response to that review
producing a “natural system” in which a priori selec- by Stuessy & Hörandl (2014), opponents to that view. It
tion of characters used for classification was replaced by is also not the aim of this paper to provide a general re-
the simultaneous evaluation of many characters (Davis view of changes of genus concepts through time, which
& Heywood 1973; Stuessy 2009). With the publication have been reviewed and discussed repeatedly (e.g. Hum-
of Darwin’s (1859) “Origin of Species”, introducing the phreys & Linder 2009 and references therein).
concept of evolution, “natural” obtained a new meaning, Instead, our aims are: (1) Taking the generic circum-
and “natural” taxa were interpreted as groups of com- scriptions of the 19th edition of the Grundband of Roth-
mon ancestry. Although “Post-Darwinian systems have maler (Jäger 2005) as starting point, to identify genera
differed little in content, though they have differed in ar- which are not or not unequivocally monophyletic. Such
rangement, from those of the later pre-Darwinian taxono- conclusions are based on a thorough survey of the phy-
mists” (Davis & Heywood 1973), “After Darwin, virtu- logenetic literature. We make an effort to assess the qual-
ally all comprehensive systems of classification of plants ity of published phylogenies in terms of taxon sampling,
were avowedly phylogenetic” (Stuessy 2009). DNA regions analysed and support for relationships
We are far from having DNA sequences of all spe- identified. This sometimes results in the conclusion that
cies, and probably even farther from resolving all rela- a given genus may or may not be monophyletic, but that
tionships among species and higher level lineages. How- the data available are too preliminary for drawing taxo-

(Addresses continued from previous page)

10 Evolutionary and Systematic Botany, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Regensburg, Universitätsstr. 31, D-93053 Regens-
burg, Germany; e-mail:
11 Department of Biochemistry, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa; e-mail: mpirie@sun.
12 Department of Botany, Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz, PF 300 154, D-02806 Görlitz, Germany; e-mail:;
13 Institut für Biologie/Geobotanik und Botanischer Garten, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Neuwerk 21, D-06108
Halle, Germany; e-mail:
14 Department of Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, 101 Żwirki i Wigury str.,
02-089 Warsaw, Poland; e-mail:
15 Nees-Institut für Biodiversität der Pflanzen, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Meckenheimer Allee 170,
D-53115 Bonn, Germany; e-mail:
16 Institute for Biology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Am Kirchtor 1, D-06108 Halle (Saale), Germany; German
Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Deutscher Platz 5e, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany; e-mail:
17 German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Deutscher Platz 5e, D-04103 Leipzig, Ger-
18 Missouri Botanical Garden, PO Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, U.S.A.; e-mail:
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 41

provided monophyly is accepted as the pri-

mary criterion for circumscribing genera
(and taxa in general). In general, these op-
tions are either to expand genera in order
to include former satellites (based, as it
turned out, on single or few autapomorphic
characters), or to split genera into smaller
generic entities. Recent trends with respect
to these two strategies have been discussed
by Humphreys & Linder (2009). Where
easily available, we indicate whether and
which names could be used when changes
in generic assignment are made. We do
not, however, present a comprehensive re-
view of the nomenclatural aspects of such
It is our aim to convince the users of
Floras, who want to name plant species for
very different reasons and perhaps more of-
ten than not are rather reluctant to accept
new names, that the name changes dis-
cussed here reflect the progress of system-
atic botany and should be considered just
as the results of other branches of biology
or of any other science are considered when
based on solid evidence.
We follow family circumscriptions and
the linear order of families as found in Jäger
(2011) and will not discuss these further.
For more information on angiosperm fam-
ily circumscriptions the reader is referred
to Stevens (2001 onwards) and APG III
As already indicated above, several
changes of the generic circumscriptions
used in the 19th edition of Rothmaler (Jäger
2005) have been made in the 20th edi-
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic relationships among Meconopsis, Papaver, Roemeria and tion of that work (Jäger 2011), and some
Stylomecon (simplified after Kadereit & al. 2011). Based on tree topo­logy alone, of these changes have been discussed
Papaver can be interpreted either as paraphyletic (in relation to Asian Meco­ and justified by Jäger (2012). Similarly,
nopsis 2, Roemeria, Stylomecon and Meconopsis cambrica) or as polyphyletic some changes resulting from novel phy-
with P. sect. Meconella, P. sect. Argemonidium, P. aculeatum, P. californicum logenetic work have been implemented
and Papaver s.str. as independent lineages. Interpretation of Papaver as both
poly- and paraphyletic is also possible. by Buttler & Hand (2008a, 2008b, 2011,
2013) and Hand & Buttler (2009, 2012,
nomic conclusions. Genera not included in our compi- 2014) in their “Liste der Gefäßpflanzen Deutschlands”.
lation below either are monophyletic or have not been Work similar to that presented here has been pre-
investigated in detail sufficient to draw conclusions on sented for other European Floras (British Isles: Stace
the matter. Some of the changes that we discuss have 2010; Italy: Banfi & al. 2005, 2011; Nordic countries:
already been incorporated in the most recent, 20th edi- and
tion of the Grundband of Rothmaler (Jäger 2011), and a collaborative-centres-and-projects/dyntaxa/) and some
proportion of those have been justified by Jäger (2012). Floras of other parts of the world have explicitly accepted
We nevertheless base our discussion on the previous, only presumably monophyletic taxa (e.g. Baldwin & al.
19th edition (Jäger 2005) in order to explain the phy- 2012, 2015).
logenetic basis for all of these recent changes. (2) We In the end, it is left to the authors of Floras to decide
will discuss, with reference to discussions in the litera- which principles and strategies they follow when circum-
ture, which classifications would be consistent with the scribing genera (and other taxa). However, as pointed out
phylogenetic relationships found and could be followed at various times in history (for references see Humphreys
42 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

& Linder 2009), judgement should always be based on Hill with Asplenium is advocated (e.g. Smith & al. 2006;
global and not regional knowledge. For example, it may Lin & Vianne 2013). Consequently, P. scolopendrium (L.)
appear shocking from a German perspective that Anagal­ Newman should be A. scolopendrium L. and C. offici­
lis L. (incl. Centunculus L.), Glaux L. and Trientalis L. narum Willd. should be A. ceterach L.
are all nested in a highly paraphyletic Lysimachia L. and
should be included in the latter genus (Manns & Ander- Thelypteridaceae (L.-B. Zhang)
berg 2009; see below for details), but from a global per- Lastrea Bory was resolved as part of Oreopteris Holub
spective it is rather less so. Anderberg & al. (2007) point- based on plastid markers (He & Zhang 2012), and L. lim­
ed out similarities between, e.g. Anagallis arvensis  L. bosperma (All.) Ching should now be known as O. lim­
and Lysimachia nemorum L., between Trientalis and the bosperma (All.) Holub.
North American Lysimachia subg. Seleucia Bigelow and
the South American Lysimachia subg. Theopyxis (Grise-
bach) J. D. Ray, and, while acknowledging their mor-
phological distinctness, between Glaux and Lysimachia Flowering plants
mauritiana Lam.
In the following, we describe and discuss the results Hydrocharitaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
of our literature survey. We looked at ALL genera con- A phylogenetic analysis of the family based on nuclear,
tained in Jäger (2005) but present results only for gen- plastid and mitochondrial DNA sequences (Chen & al.
era that are not or not unequivocally monophyletic. The 2012) provides some evidence that Egeria Planch. may
work presented here is work in progress. Any comment not be monophyletic when Elodea Michx. is treated as
on what we have written is highly welcome and will help a distinct genus. As only two of five species of Elodea
us in future updates of this paper. were included in that study, and support in the relevant
part of the tree is not entirely convincing, treatment of
the two genera as separate is acceptable for the time be-
Lycophytes and ferns ing. If combined, as has been done in the past (for dis-
cussion see Les & al. 2006), Elodea would be the name
Lycopodiaceae (L.-B. Zhang) to be used.
Diphasiastrum was resolved as embedded within Lyco­
podium L. (Wikström & Kenrick 1997, 2001). Thus rec- Zosteraceae (J. W. Kadereit)
ognition of Diphasiastrum Holub as a separate genus The finding that Heterozostera tasmanica (M. Martens
would make Lycopodium paraphyletic, and Zhang & ex Asch.) Hartog is deeply nested in Zostera L. (Les &
Iwatsuki (2013) suggested inclusion of Diphasi­astrum al. 1997; Les & al. 2002; Kato & al. 2003; Tanaka &
in Lycopodium. However, this finding was based on al. 2003) opens the option to maintain Zostera including
plastid rbcL data and limited sampling only, and a final Heterozostera (Setch.) Hartog as one genus, or to divide
decision should await better sampling and use of addi- this group into two or three genera. In both latter op-
tional DNA sequences. tions Z. marina L. would remain in Zostera and Z. noltii
Hornem. would have to be combined in Nanozostera
Hymenophyllaceae (L.-B. Zhang) Toml. & Posl. as N. noltii (Hornem.) Toml. & Posl. Sub-
A new classification of the family recognized only nine division into three genera has been advocated and justi-
genera (Ebihara & al. 2006), and Trichomanes speciosum fied with morphological distinctness in inflorescence and
Willd. should now be known as Vandenboschia speciosa vegetative characters by Tomlinson & Posluzny (2001),
(Willd.) G. Kunkel. Trichomanes L. in a new circumscrip- and maintainance of Zostera as one genus has been rec-
tion is a mainly neotropical genus with a few species in ommended by Les & al. (2002).
continental Africa, Madagascar and the Indian Ocean
(Ebihara & al. 2006) and was resolved as sister to Vanden­ Potamogetonaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
boschia Copel. based on plastid rbcL data (Ebihara & al. It has been shown that species of Potamogeton subg. Co­
2007). leogeton (Rchb.) Raunk. constitute a monophyletic line-
age which is well-supported sister to the remainder of
Aspleniaceae (L.-B. Zhang) Potamogeton L. (Lindqvist & al. 2006). As this lineage is
Plastid data resolved the family into two well-supported morphologically well characterized, as well summarized
clades, Asplenium L. and Hymenasplenium Hayata (van by Preston (2005; but see also Wiegleb & Kaplan 1998),
den Heede & al. 2003; Schneider & al. 2004), which it could be separated at generic rank as Stuckenia Börner,
have different chromosome base numbers as well as dis- as argued by Lindqvist & al. (2006) and other authors
tinct root characters (Murakami 1995; Schneider 1996). (Les & Haynes 1996; Holub 1997; Haynes & al. 1998;
All other small segregate genera are nested within Asple­ Kaplan 2008), or could be maintained within Potamoge­
nium (van den Heede & al. 2003; Schneider & al. 2004). ton as argued by Wiegleb & Kaplan (1998). If treated
Thus, synonymization of Ceterach Willd. and Phyllitis as a distinct genus, P. pectinatus L. should be known as
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 43

S. pectinata (L.) Börner and P. filiformis Pers. as S. fili­ that the “most obviously problematic taxa are the read-
formis (Pers.) Börner. ily recognized anthropomorphic species Orchis (Aceras)
anthropophora (L.) All. and O. italica … shown as the
Dioscoreaceae (J. W. Kadereit) two earliest-diverging species, making the anthropomor-
Tamus L. is clearly nested in Dioscorea L. (Caddick & al. phic species paraphyletic relative to a monophyletic non-
2002a, 2002b; Wilkin & al. 2005). In consequence, T. com­ anthropomorphic group”. Given the absence of a final
munis L. should be treated as D. communis (L.) Caddick solution to the question which taxon is indeed basally
& Wilkin. An alternative option, to split Dioscorea into branching in Orchis s.str. (i.e. a sister group relationship
many smaller genera, as suggested by Huber (1998), was between A. anthropophorum and Orchis s.str. is still pos-
discussed but rejected by Caddick & al. (2002b). sible; see Pridgeon & al. 1997; Bateman & al. 2003; see
also Jacquemyn & al. 2011), and the still debated future
Liliaceae (J. W. Kadereit) treatment of Orchis s.str. in general (see below), one
According to studies by Peterson & al. (2008; see also could also retain A. anthropophorum as the only species
Peterson & al. 2004) and Zarrei & al. (2009), all based of Aceras and the only Orchis-like species without a spur.
on a broad species sample and both nuclear and plastid On the other hand, the inclusion of Aceras in Orchis s.str.
sequences, a non-monophyletic Lloydia Rchb. is nested is one of the most widely accepted changes of contro-
in Gagea Salisb. If Lloydia should be included in Gagea, versial generic circumscriptions in European orchids (see
as suggested by Peruzzi & al. (2008) and Zarrei & al. Bateman 2009: Tab. 1).
(2011), a name for L. serotina (L.) Rchb. in Gagea would ITS phylogenies implied inclusion of Coeloglossum
be available (G. serotina (L.) Ker Gawl.). viride (L.) Hartm. in an otherwise paraphyletic Dacty­
lorhiza Necker ex Nevski (as Dactylorhiza viridis (L.)
Orchidaceae (M. Kropf) R. M. Bateman & al.; see Bateman & al. 1997, 2003;
Initiated by molecular phylogenetic studies by Pridgeon Pillon & al. 2007). Further molecular markers, especially
& al. (1997) and Bateman & al. (1997), European orchids, chalcone synthase variation (Inda & al. 2010b; see also
and especially the genus Orchis L. s.l., have become a Inda & al. 2010a, 2012), supported this inclusion because
prime example for recent rearrangements in generic de- C. viride was found nested in Dactylorhiza. However,
limitations (Stace 2010). Although subsequent phyloge- evidence against its inclusion exists, and a combined ITS
netic studies (cf. Cozzolino & al. 1998, 2001; Aceto & al. and ETS phylogenetic tree resolved C. viride as sister
1999; Bateman 2001; Pridgeon & al. 2001; Bateman & to Dactylorhiza (Devos & al. 2006). The latter authors
al. 2003) generated support for (most of) these rearrange- also compiled morphological characters differing be-
ments (but almost exclusively based on ITS sequence tween the two groups (Devos & al. 2006: Table 1; see
variation only), most remained subject to fierce debates also Wucherpfennig 1999). Most strikingly, C. viride
in the orchid community (cf. Wucherpfennig 1999, 2002, has a nectariferous spur (van der Pijl & Dodson 1966),
2005; Bateman 2001, 2009, 2012a, 2012b; Buttler 2001; whereas Dactylorhiza has food-deceptive flowers. As
Devos & al. 2006; Kretzschmar & al. 2007; Tyteca & Coeloglossum Hartm. is the earlier name, a proposal to
Klein 2008, 2009; Scopece & al. 2010; Paulus 2012; conserve Dactylorhiza over Coeloglossum was needed
Tyteca & al. 2012). Possible and partially implemented (Cribb & Chase 2001).
rearrangements (cf. Jäger 2012) include either splitting As a consequence of studies uncovering the (mor-
of polyphyletic genera into smaller genera (e.g. Orchis phological) heterogeneity and the phylogenetic inter-
s.l.), or inclusion of genera, either with several species mingling of different infrageneric species groups of the
(e.g. Nigritella Rich. in Gymnadenia R. Br.) or monospe- closely related genera Liparis Rich. and Malaxis Sol.
cific (e.g. Aceras anthropophorum (L.) R. Br. in Orchis ex Sw., the monospecific Hammarbya paludosa (L.)
s.str.), in (otherwise) paraphyletic genera in order to ob- Kuntze, certainly a close relative of these two genera
tain monophyletic entities. (although not ­sampled in the respective studies; e.g.
Phylogenetic studies placed the (previously) mono- Came­ron 2005), “has often been included in a broadly
specific Aceras anthropophorum close to Orchis italica defined genus Malaxis” (Pridgeon & al. 2005: 464 – 465).
Poir. (Pridgeon & al. 1997; Bateman & al. 2003). This There are a number of unique features characteriz-
close relationship at the base of the Orchis s.str. group ing H. paludosa (e.g. incumbent anthers (Szlachetko &
(see below) was not only supported by the original ITS Margońska 2002), vegetative reproduction by bulbils at
sequence data, but also by seed ornamentation patterns the leaf margin), which, however, have been doubted to
(Gamarra & al. 2012), hybridization patterns (Klein 1989, be sufficient for differentiation at the generic level given
2004; Scopece & al. 2007), and the nuclear OrcLFY, the high variation in Malaxis s.l. (Wucherpfennig 2005).
OrcPI, OrcP2 loci (Montieri & al. 2004; Cantone & al. Independently, and referring to recent (but still unpub-
2009, 2011), although support by the mitochondrial cox1 lished) phylogenetic analyses by G. A. Salazar, Pridgeon
marker (Inda & al. 2010a) and chloroplast rpl16 intron & al. (2005: 464 – 465) stated that H. paludosa “does not
data (Inda & al. 2012) was ambiguous due to low res- lie in the main Malaxis clade (Salazar, pers. comm.) but
olution. Therefore, Bateman (2012a: 111 – 114) noted rather is sister to a large clade that includes both Malaxis
44 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

s.str. and Liparis s.str.” Until comprehensive phylogenet- lecular phylogenetic relationships obtained obviously de-
ic evidence on relationships among Malaxis and Liparis pend on taxon sampling, type of data analyses performed
becomes available (see below), H. paludosa presently and outgroup selection (see Pillon & al. 2007). In conse-
can be maintained in a monospecific genus. quence, Nigritella can still be recognized as a morphologi-
The monospecific Chamorchis alpina (L.) Rich. cally well-defined genus, until more comprehensive analy-
and the dispecific Traunsteinera Rchb., represented by ses are available.
the widespread T. globosa (L.) Rchb. in Germany, form Finally, species of Orchis s.l. were placed in at least
an independent, well-supported clade (Cozzolino & al. three major and only distantly related groups based on
2001; Bateman & al. 2003). This surprising result refutes ITS data (Bateman & al. 1997, 2003; Pridgeon & al.
the originally hypothesized sister group relationship be- 1997). These three groups in principle correspond to hy-
tween the latter taxon and Orchis s.str. (Pridgeon & al. bridization patterns (Klein 1989, 2004; Scopece & al.
1997) and induced Pridgeon & al. (2005: 228) to state: 2007). As regards the first group, the formerly monospe-
“However, the two morphologically distinct genera are cific Neotinea Rchb. f. was expanded by Pridgeon & al.
sufficiently similar in ITS sequences to be potentially (1997) and Bateman & al. (1997) to encompass the “…
viewed as congeneric”. If treated as congeneric, Chamor­ small-flowered, essentially trilobed-lipped species of the
chis represents the older genus name (cf. Alrich & Hig- ustulata-group that were formerly included in Orchis s.l.
gins 2011). These could in theory have been treated as a genus sepa-
In (still unpublished) molecular phylogenetic analy- rate from the more narrowly delimited original concept of
ses by Bateman and colleagues, Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Neotinea, given the relatively long molecular branch and
Rich. is nested within a paraphyletic Listera R. Br. as sis- distinct vegetative markings of N. maculata…” (Pridgeon
ter to L. ovata (L.) R. Br. (illustrated by Pridgeon & al. & al. 2001: 228). Relevant for the German flora, the com-
2005: 492). Already Chase & al. (2003) had considered binations N. ustulata (L.) R. M. Bateman & al. (O. ustu­
Listera species as photosynthetic members of Neottia lata L.) and N. tridentata (Scop.) R. M. Bateman & al. (O.
Guett. (without presenting the respective phylogenetic tridentata Scop.) were provided (Bateman & al. 1997).
analysis, except for a “summary”, i.e. Fig. 1 on p. 73) and However, the small flowers of N. maculata (Desf.) Stearn
suggested that the two genera should be combined (see are different from the ustulata-group by producing nectar
also Tesitelová & al. 2015, where Neottia (n = 2) is nest- (Pridgeon & al. 2001; Duffy & al. 2009), and by being
ed within Listera (n = 3) based on ITS, 18S and trnL(UAA) 100 % autogamous (Duffy & al. 2009), while the species
intron data). A close relationship between the two gen- of the deceptive ustulata-group depend on pollinator-
era has long been documented (e.g. Dressler 1990), and mediated outcrossing. This would provide arguments
a combined generic treatment as Neottia, which is the for treating N. maculata as an independent genus. If this
older name, has already been published by Szlachetko approach is taken, the names Odontorchis ustulata (L.)
(1995). In this treatment, however, Neottia ovata Bluff & D. Tyteca & E. Klein and Odontorchis tridentata (L.) D.
Fingerh. is placed in N. subg. Listera (R. Br.) Szlach. The Tyteca & E. Klein are available (Tyteca & Klein 2008).
third species of a newly circumscribed Neottia native in The second fairly well-supported clade encompasses
Germany is N. cordata (L.) Rich. (L. cordata (L.) R. Br.). all species of former Orchis that have 2n = 36 (or 2n = 32
Pridgeon & al. (1997) “took the controversial step of in the case of O. papilionacea L.) chromosomes as well
sinking the morphologically distinct Nigritella back into as Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich. (Pridgeon & al.
synonymy with Gymnadenia s.str., which would other- 1997). Pridgeon & al. (2001: 255) stated that while “A.
wise have been paraphyletic.” (Pridgeon & al. 2001: 229). pyramidalis is distinctive… The other members of this
These authors stressed that “despite superficial differences newly circumscribed genus Anacamptis Rich. are dif-
in flower form and resupination, Nigritella shares several ficult to distinguish morphologically from Orchis s.str.,
morphological characters with Gymnadenia: palmate- but their flowering stems bear cauline sheathing leaves.”
digitate tubers; two lateral, lobe-like stigmas; and two pol- Members of Anacamptis in this new circumscription in
linia each with a caudicle…” (Pridgeon & al. 2001: 298). the German flora are A. coriophora (L.) R. M. Bateman
How­ever, other authors, especially Wucher­pfennig (1999, & al. (O. coriophora L.), A. morio (L.) R. M. Bateman &
2002), advocated maintaining Nigritella as a genus based al. (O. morio L.) and A. palustris (Jacq.) R. M. Bateman
on at least ten (“superficial”) morphological characters, but & al. (O. palustris Jacq.).
also based on allozyme data (Hedrén & al. 2000). It was The remaining Orchis s.l. taxa should then, follow-
noted that a study of character evolution across Orchidinae ing Pridgeon & al. (1997) and Bateman & al. (1997), be
clearly showed that Nigritella is a morphologically derived treated as Orchis s.str. comprising an anthropomorphic
lineage (Wucher­pfennig 2002) arguing for keeping the ge- species group (with flowers shaped like “little men”,
nus Nigritella even within a paraphyletic Gymnadenia. i.e. sepals and petals forming a compact head and the
However, in a more recent molecular analysis of ITS and labellum showing “arms” and “legs”; e.g. O. militaris
rpl16 intron sequences, Pillon & al. (2006) documented a L., the type of Orchis) plus Aceras R. Br. (see above)
sister group relationship between their Ni­gritella (n = 2) and a non-anthropomorphic group (e.g. O. mascula (L.)
and Gymnadenia (n = 5) samples. This illustrates that mo- L.). However, suggestions have been put forward to split
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 45

­Orchis s.l. further (Tyteca & Klein 2008, 2009), partly ig- sometimes combined evidence of ITS plus cpDNA vari-
noring problems of paraphyly (criticized, e.g. by ­Scopece ation seems to improve results (e.g. Pillon & al. 2006), it
& al. 2010; Bateman 2012a). However, the two supported does not in other cases, indicating the dominance of the
species groups within Orchis s.str. (Bateman & al. 2003) ITS information (e.g. Inda & al. 2012). Moreover, it is
could be treated as O. subg. Orchis (i.e. ­O. militaris, O. striking that the overall taxon sampling, some 20 years
purpurea Huds. and O. simia Lam.) and O. subg. Mascu­ after the first molecular phylogenetic publications, is still
lae H. Kretzschmar & al. (i.e. ­O. mascula, O. pallens incomplete. Also, multiple samples of single taxa have
L. and O. spitzelii Saut. ex W. D. J. Koch; Kretzschmar rarely been included. In consequence, many molecular
& al. 2007). Tyteca & al. (2012) compiled morphologi- phylogenetic relationships have still not been solved sat-
cal and pollinator assemblage data for these two groups isfactorily, and some nomenclatural changes accordingly
and concluded that all their information as well as mo- are premature, giving rise to frequent debate.
lecular (Bateman & al. 2003) and seed micromorphology
data (Gamarra & al. 2012) are in favour of a separation at Amaryllidaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
the generic level, i.e. as Orchis and Androrchis D. Tyteca Using a broad sample of Galanthus L. and Leucojum
& E. Klein (Tyteca & al. 2012; see also Tyteca & Klein L., Lledó & al. (2004) reported that the former genus
2008 for respective names, i.e. Androrchis mascula (L.) is deeply nested in the latter. In order to maintain these
D. Tyteca & E. Klein, A. pallens (L.) D. Tyteca & E. Klein two genera, the authors recommend to recognize the ad-
and A. spitzelii (Saut. ex W. D. J. Koch) D. Tyteca & E. ditional genus Acis Salisb. for large parts of Leucojum.
Klein). Generic allocation of G. nivalis L., L. aestivum L. and
Several orchid genera have been shown not to be L. vernum L. would remain unaffected if this approach
monophyletic: Liparis and Malaxis, both comprising would be taken.
about 250 species (Mabberley 2008), are to some extent
intermingled (Cameron 2005); Platanthera Rich. should Cyperaceae (B. Gehrke)
include Piperia Rydb. (Bateman & al. 2003; already im- Carex L. has been found to be paraphyletic and to in-
plemented there); and Herminium L. is phylogenetically clude all other members of the Cariceae, i.e. Cymophyl­
intermingled with Peristylus Blume or Habenaria Willd. lus Mack., Kobresia Willd., Schoenoxiphium Nees and
(Douzery & al. 1999; Bateman & al. 2003). However, ir- Uncinia Pers. (Roalson & al. 2001; Starr & al. 2004).
respective of exact phylogenetic relationships, which are The results of the molecular phylogenetic work are un-
not yet completely resolved, the nomenclature of the spe- ambiguous. Retaining Kobresia would lead to the neces-
cies occurring in the German flora will not be influenced sity of describing a myriad of morphologically indis-
if their respective monophyletic clades are preserved at tinguishable smaller genera and would also mean that
the generic level, as Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich., Platan­ Kobresia would have to be either greatly extended to
thera bifolia (L.) Rich. and Herminium monorchis (L.) R. include many species of Carex subg. Psyllophora (Degl.)
Br. are the types of the respective genus names (Alrich & Peterm. (= Primocarex Kük.) or that Kobresia (and Un­
Higgins 2011), and Platanthera montana (F. W. Schmidt) cinia) would have to be split into various smaller lineag-
Rchb. f. (P. chlorantha Cust. ex Rchb.), the second native es. Combination of all names of Cymophyllus, Kobresia,
species of this genus, is definitely closely related to the Schoenoxiphium and Uncinia in Carex are currently un-
type, P. bifolia (Bateman & al. 2003). However, Malaxis derway (Global Carex Group 2015). The names Carex
monophyllos (L.) Sw. might be affected by future chang- myosuroides Vill. for Kobresia myosuroides (Vill.) Fiori
es: a BLAST search of recently published matK barcodes and Carex simpliciuscula Wahlenb. for K. simpliciuscula
of this species (Kim & al. 2014; Xiang & al. 2014) re- (Wahlenb.) Mack. should be used.
vealed higher DNA sequence similarity to a group of Eleogiton (L.) Link was recently discovered to be nest-
Liparis species around the type, L. loeselii, than to the ed in Isolepis R. Br. (Muasya & al. 2001). Isolepis was
Malaxis species group around the type, M. spicata Sw. thought to be characterized by having one or more pseu-
(cf. Cameron 2005). On the other hand, this critical point dolateral spikelets and an erect culm, but the nodding
in the systematics of Malaxideae could alternatively be culm of the single terminal spikelet, believed to char-
solved by choosing a wide genus concept. In this case, acterize Eleogiton, is now known to have evolved from
Malaxis would be an older name than Liparis (and Ham­ within Isolepis (Muasya & al. 2001). Eleogiton fluitans
marbya; see above). (L.) Link was therefore recently changed to I. fluitans
In summary, one major problem with respect to sev- (L.) R. Br.
eral recently suggested changes in generic circumscrip- Recent studies suggest that Schoenoplectus mucro­
tion in European orchids is that new molecular phyloge- natus (L.) Palla and S. supinus (L.) Palla are not part of
netic hypotheses often are based on only one molecular Schoe­noplectus (Rchb.) Palla, but belong to Schoeno­
marker (i.e. ITS; Bateman & al. 2003). Other molecular plectiella Lye, a cosmopolitan group, which is most
markers often resulted in limited phylogenetic resolution closely related to the African Pseudoschoenus (C. B.
given the probably young age of several European orchid Clarke) Oteng-Yeb. (Shiels & al. 2014). Schoenoplec­
lineages (cf. Inda & al. 2010a, 2010b, 2012). Although tiella differs morphologically from Schoenoplectus by
46 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

having an unbranched inflorescence (Jung & Choi 2010), and Helictotrichon s.str. (Döring & al. 2007; Quintanar &
whereas Schoe­noplectus has a pseudo-lateral branched al. 2007; Schneider & al. 2009; Röser & al. unpubl. data).
inflorescence. Both genera have culm-like primary bracts Avenula is represented by A. pubescens (Huds.) Dumort.,
opposed to the inflorescence with leafy bracts in Scirpus Helictochloa by H. pratensis (L.) Romero Zarco and H.
L. (Jung & Choi 2010). If recognition of Schoenoplec­ versicolor (Vill.) Romero Zarco and Helictotrichon s.str.
tiella as suggested by Lye (2003) should be accepted, by H. parlatorei (Woods) Pilg. The description of the
both S. mucronatus and S. supinus must be excluded from new genus Helictochloa, type designations and transfer
Schoenoplectus as Schoe­noplectiella mucronata (L.) J. of species to Helictochloa have been published by Rome-
Jung & H. K. Choi and Schoenoplectiella supina (L.) ro Zarco (2011).
Lye. However, final decisions must await a better under- The distinctiveness of Anthoxanthum L. and Hiero­
standing of relationships between Pseudoschoenus and chloe R. Br. has repeatedly been questioned due to the
­Schoenoplectiella. occurrence of seemingly intermediate species in Africa
and SE Asia. Following Schouten & Veldkamp (1985),
Poaceae (M. Röser) the two genera have been merged by some authors (Wu &
A number of molecular phylogenetic studies employing Phillips 2006; Allred & Barkworth 2007; Kellogg 2015;
nuclear and chloroplast DNA markers have shown that Soreng & al. 2015). The study by Pimentel & al. (2013),
Festuca L. s.l. is a large paraphyletic group that encom- using AFLPs, chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences,
passes Lolium L., Micropyrum (Gaudin) Link, Vulpia C. suggests that the intermediate taxa originated by ancient
C. Gmelin and a number of further genera (Torrecilla & hybridization between the two genera. The question as
Catalán 2002; Catalán & al. 2004, 2007; Torrecilla & al. to whether Anthoxanthum and Hierochloe should be kept
2004; Inda & al. 2008). Lolium is nested within a more separate or amalgamated in a single genus thus remains
ancestral broad-leaved clade, whereas Micropyrum and unanswered.
Vulpia belong to the presumably more recently derived
fine-leaved Festuca lineages. Vulpia additionally appears Ranunculaceae (E. Welk)
to be polyphyletic and encompasses separate diploid and Traditionally Aconitum L., Consolida (DC.) Gray and
tetraploid/hexaploid lineages, which are not sufficiently Delphinium L. (and Aconitella Spach, see Soják 1969)
understood to date. Because of several uncertainties con- were grouped in tribe Delphinieae. Molecular phylo-
cerning limited sampling of intermediate taxa and miss- genetic research revealed three Delphinium species (D.
ing representation of several Festuca groups, Catalán subg. Staphisagria J. Hill) to form the sister clade to all
& al. (2007) argued for maintenance of Lolium, Micro­ other Delphinieae (Jabbour & Renner 2011a; 2011b),
pyrum and Vulpia. This would require no name changes and Consolida incl. Aconitella to be nested in Delphini­
for taxa of the German flora. Micropyrum and Vulpia um excl. D. subg. Staphisagria. The position of D. subg.
were included in Festuca by Soreng & al. (2015), but Lo­ Staphisagria is supported by biochemical, karyological
lium was kept separate and considered congeneric with and morphological characters. Furthermore, Wang & al.
Schedonorus P. Beauv. (syn. F. subg. Schedonorus (P. (2013) found a sister position of the Chinese Aconitum
Beauv.) Peterm.), which was segregated from Festuca. gymnandrum Maxim. to Delphinium (sensu Jabbour &
Polyploidy and hybridization play an important role Renner 2012). In order to arrive at monophyletic Aco­
in the evolution of Sesleria Scop. and allies. Preliminary nitum and Delphinium, name changes are required. Of
data from Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms these, inclusion of Consolida (and Aconitella) into Del­
(AFLPs) and plastid DNA (trnL-ndhF) sequences sup- phinium (Jabbour & Renner 2012) is relevant for the
port the recognition of Oreochloa Link as a separate German flora. In consequence, C. ajacis (L.) Schur, C.
genus (with only O. disticha (Wulfen) Link represented hispanica (Costa) Greuter & Burdet and C. regalis Gray
in the German flora) and underline that Psilathera ovata should be listed as D. ajacis L., D. hispanicum Costa and
(Hoppe) Deyl diverges from the remainder of Sesleria D. consolida L., respectively.
(Lakušić 2013). Further study including a more com- Based on molecular phylogenetic analyses, Bittkau &
prehensive taxon sampling is needed to clarify whether Comes (2009) found Garidella L. to be clearly mono-
the monospecific Psilathera Link (only P. ovata (Hoppe) phyletic while Nigella L., its sister group, was not well
Deyl in the German flora) can be maintained or should be supported as monophyletic. This may imply future inclu-
merged with Sesleria as was done in Jäger (2011) and by sion of Garidella in Nigella, which, however, would not
Lazarević & al. (2015). affect naming of the German species of Nigella.
Delimitation of genera allied with Helictotrichon Combined analyses of DNA sequence data, bio-
Besser ex Schult. & Schult. f. is a long-term matter of chemical data and morphology by Compton & al. (1998)
debate. Molecular phylogenetic studies using different suggested to include Cimicifuga Wernisch and Souliea
chloroplast DNA and nuclear ITS sequences of a suffi- Franch. in Actaea L. (also Compton & Culham 2002;
ciently broad sample of relevant taxa suggest to acknowl- Gao & al. 2008). However, it has also been argued to
edge three genera occurring in the German flora, namely keep the genera separate based on the fleshy fruits of
Avenula (Dumort.) Dumort., Helictochloa Romero Zarco Actaea (e.g. Wang & al. 1997; Lee & Park 2004). Ac­
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 47

taea and Cimici­fuga can also be distinguished using seed group. The morphological and geographical independ-
morphology and seed anatomical features (Ghimire & ence of Ficaria Huds. and Ceratocephala Moench is
al. 2015). If Cimi­cifuga and Souliea should be included comparable to that of Myosurus L. It thus seems to be
in Actaea based on phylogenetic relationships, German justified to follow Emadzade & al. (2010) who proposed
­Actaea will not be affected because Actaea L. is the old- to recognize Ceratocephala, Ficaria and Myosurus (plus
est genus name. several other small genera) as separate genera, but to
Hoot & al. (1994) suggested that Hepatica Mill., include Batrachium (DC.) Gray and Aphanostemma A.
Knowltonia Salisb. and Pulsatilla Mill. should be includ- St.-Hil., sometimes recognized as separate genera in the
ed in Anemone L. s.l. (cf. Ehrendorfer & Samuel 2001; past, in a then monophyletic Ranunculus.
Schuettpelz & al. 2002). However, Pfosser & al. (2011)
argued that these genera could also be retained because Berberidaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
of unsuitable outgroup selection (Clematis L.) in Hoot Monophyletic Berberis L. with simple leaves clearly is
& al. (1994) and Schuettpelz & al. (2002). Using Ra­ nested in a paraphyletic grade of Mahonia Nutt. with
nunculus ficaria L. as outgroup in their study, a position compound leaves (Kim & al. 2004; Adhikari & al. 2015),
of Clematis within Anemone s.l. became probable. The a pattern of relationship already postulated by Ahrendt
sister-group relationship of species of A. subg. Anemo­ (1961). As the two genera are very similar to each other
nidium (Spach) Juz. (A. subsect. Anemonidium Spach, A. in many respects (for discussion see Adhikari & al. 2012),
subsect. Himalayicae (Ulbr.) Tamura, A. subsect. Keiskea and the different lineages of Mahonia would be difficult
Tamura and A. subsect. Omalocarpus (DC.) Tamura) to to justify at generic rank, they probably are best treated
Hepatica found in all studies renders Anemone para- as one genus, Berberis, as was done by these authors.
phyletic in relation to the embedded Hepatica and Pul­ Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. had originally been de-
satilla. Similar to combined karyological and molecular scribed as B. aquifolium Pursh.
phylogenetic analyses by Mlinarec & al. (2012), Hoot &
al. (2012) found, again with Clematis as outgroup, that Papaveraceae (J. W. Kadereit)
A. subg. Anemonidium contains Anemonastrum Holub Papaver L. is part of a group of four genera distributed al-
and Hepatica, while Pulsatilla is positioned within A. most entirely in the Old World (Schwarzbach & ­Kadereit
subg. Anemone. Accordingly, they suggested to incor- 1995). The other three genera are Meconopsis Vig.,
porate Hepatica in Anemone as A. sect. Hepatica (Mill.) ­Roemeria Medik. and Stylomecon G. Taylor. Subdivision
Spreng. or A. subg. Hepatica (Mill.) ­Peterm. For Pulsa­ into these four genera is based largely on capsule mor-
tilla they suggested inclusion in Anemone as A. sect. Pul­ phology. Various analyses of these four genera (Kadereit
satilloides DC. or A. subg. Pulsatilloides (DC.) Juz. An & al. 1997; Carolan & al. 2006; Kadereit & al. 2011;
alternative solution might be splitting Anemone into at Xiao 2013; Liu & al. 2014) revealed that patterns of rela-
least two genera corresponding to the x = 7/8 divergence tionship cut across traditional generic delimitations (see
seen in Anemoninae. At the moment, it seems best to wait also Fig. 1). First, three subgroups of Papaver, i.e. (1)
for further analyses before combining the large number Papaver s.str. (all sections except P. sect. Argemonidium
of taxa affected. However, from the results of all studies Spach, P. sect. Californica Kadereit, P. sect. Horrida El-
cited it seems inevitable for Anemonastrum Holub to be kan and P. sect. Meconella Spach), (2) P. californicum A.
subsumed in Anemone again. The resulting combination Gray (P. sect. Californica) and (3) P. aculeatum Thunb.
is Anemone narcissiflora L. (P. sect. Horrida) form a clade together with Meconopsis
Caltha L. has been divided into two sections: the cambrica (L.) Vig. and Stylomecon heterophylla (Benth.)
monophyletic C. sect. Psychrophila (DC.) Bercht. & J. G. Taylor. Second, P. sect. Argemonidium is most close-
Presl in the S hemisphere and the paraphyletic C. sect. ly related to Roemeria. Third, P. sect. Meconella Spach
Caltha in the N hemisphere (Schuettpelz & Hoot 2004). is most closely related to one of three subgroups of
Based on a broader sampling, Cheng & Xie (2014) Meconopsis. While this pattern of relationships allows
showed that Thacla Spach (Caltha natans Pall.) diverged several classifications, the following option has partly
first in the genus, and that the other species fall into two been followed (Kadereit & Baldwin 2011; Kadereit & al.
monophyletic clades, i.e. Caltha s. str. and Psychrophila. 2011). A newly circumscribed Papaver should contain
Thus, it would be possible to raise Psychrophila to genus Meconopsis cambrica, Papaver s.str., P. aculeatum, P.
rank, but this would inevitably require C. natans to be californicum and Stylomecon heterophylla. Of the spe-
raised to Thacla. Any decision here will not affect the cies found in Germany, P. confine Jord., P. dubium L.,
name of C. palustris L. P. lecoqii Lamotte and P. rhoeas L. would remain in Pa­
A number of molecular phylogenetic studies revealed paver. Meconopsis cambrica was originally described as
that Ranunculus L. in a wide sense is polyphyletic (Leh- P. cambricum L., and the name P. heterophyllum (Benth.)
nebach & al. 2007; Hoot & al. 2008; Wang & al. 2009). Greene is available for Stylomecon heterophylla. Papa­
Although the entire tribe Ranunculeae could be recog- ver sect. Argemonidium, represented by P. argemone and
nized as a very broadly circumscribed Ranunculus, this P. hybridum in the German flora, should be united with
would result in a morphologically highly heterogeneous Roe­meria, with which it shares sepal and pollen charac-
48 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

ters (Kadereit & al. 1997). The combination R. argemone of future name changes in other parts of the family. As
(L.) C. Morales & al. is available for P. argemone. regards Hylotelephium, future name changes are conceiv-
Although Papaver alpinum L. as part of P. sect. able because relationships between this genus and Me­
Meconella should clearly be excluded from Papaver, the terostachys, Orostachys and Sinocrassula are not yet fully
exact relationships of P. sect. Meconella to Himalayan resolved.
Meconopsis are not sufficiently clear yet to suggest a for- The large clade of the family containing the type con-
mal name. However, it seems to be sister clade to a newly sists of two subclades, known as the Leucosedum-clade
circumscribed Meconopsis (excl. Cathcartia Hook. f. and the Acre-clade (van Ham & ’t Hart 1998), respec-
and M. cambrica) and probably is best treated as a dis- tively.
tinct genus. The Leucosedum-clade, which also includes Dudleya
Britton & Rose, Mucizonia A. Berger, Pistorinia DC.,
Crassulaceae (J. T. Klein) Prometheum (A. Berger) H. Ohba, Rosularia Stapf, Tel­
Sedum L. has repeatedly been shown to be highly missa Fenzl and Sedella Britton & Rose, contains seven
polyphyletic (van Ham & al. 1994; van Ham & ’t Hart species of German Sedum, i.e. S. album L., S. atratum L.,
1998; Mort & al. 2001; Mayuzumi & Ohba 2004; S. cepaea L., S. dasyphyllum L., S. hispanicum L., S. ru­
Gontcharova & al. 2006; Carrillo-Reyes & al. 2009). In bens L. and S. villosum L. These seven species are scat-
the most recent phylogenetic analysis of Crassulaceae tered across a number of subclades, which partly contain
based on combined nuclear ITS and chloroplast DNA one or more of the genera listed above.
(Klein & Kadereit in prep.), the 20 species of Sedum The remaining five species of German Sedum, i.e.
found in Germany fall into several lineages. S. acre, S. alpestre Vill., S. annuum L., S. sexangulare
(1) Sedum rosea (L.) Scop. represents a lineage that is L. and S. sarmentosum Bunge fall into the Acre-clade,
often accepted as the genus Rhodiola L., with c. 60 spp. which also includes Cremnophila Rose, Echeveria DC.,
mostly found in C and E Asia, in which S. rosea should Graptopetalum Rose, Lenophyllum Rose, Pachyphytum
be known as R. rosea L. Link, Klotsch & Otto, Thompsonella Britton & Rose and
(2) Sedum spurium M. Bieb. represents a lineage that Villadia Rose. In this Acre-clade, S. acre is supported
is often accepted as the genus Phedimus Raf., with c. 20 sister to all remaining taxa, and S. alpestre, S. annuum,
spp. mostly found in SW to E Asia, in which S. spurium S. sarmentosum and S. sexangulare again are scattered
should be known as P. spurius (M. Bieb.) ’t Hart. Phe­ across a number of subclades.
dimus and Rhodiola are sister to each other and could In view of the relationships described above, several
be combined in one genus. However, among other mor- potential options exist for a monophyletic Sedum. (1) Se­
phological differences, Phedimus spp. have hermaphro- dum could be treated as monospecific with only its type,
dite flowers, whereas most Rhodiola spp. have unisexual S. acre. Of course, species that have not been sampled
flowers. yet may fall into this clade. (2) The entire Acre-clade
(3) Sedum maximum (L.) Hoffm., S. telephium L. and could be treated as Sedum. This, however, would imply
S. vulgare (Haw.) Link represent a lineage that is often inclusion of Cremnophila, Echeveria, Graptopetalum,
accepted as the genus Hylotelephium H. Ohba, with c. 30 Lenophyllum, Pachyphytum, Thompsonella and Villadia.
spp. distributed mainly in C and E Asia, and should be Sedum in such circumscription would contain c. 500 spe-
known as H. maximum (L.) Holub, H. telephium (L.) H. cies. (3) The Acre-clade and the Leucosedum-clade (with
Ohba and H. vulgare (Haw.) Holub, respectively. Hylo­ c.  160 species) could be combined into Sedum, which
telephium is closely related to the C to E Asian genera would require additional inclusion of Dudleya, Mucizo­
Meterostachys Nakai, Orostachys Fisch. (non-mono- nia, Pistorinia, Prometheum, Rosularia, Telmissa and
phyletic, see below) and Sinocrassula A. Berger. Sedella.
(4) Sedum forsterianum Sm., S. ochroleucum Chaix Whereas recognition of a monospecific Sedum (op-
and S. rupestre L. represent a lineage that should be ac- tion 1) would require description of a large number of
cepted as the genus Petrosedum Grulich, as was done, genera for former species of that genus, options 2 and
e.g., by Thiede & Eggli (2007). Petrosedum is closely re- 3 would require combination in one genus of morpho-
lated to a small group of SW Asian Sedum spp. that has logically very different genera that are geographically
not yet been excluded from Sedum (S. ser. Nana ’t Hart widely distributed. Of these three options, option 1 ap-
& Alpinar). pears best to us, although the new genera that will have
The remaining species, including the type, Sedum to be described partly may not be easy to differentiate
acre L., fall into a large clade of the family that contains morphologically or geographically. However, as Sedum
a large number of other genera (see below). If the spe- has not yet been completely sampled, and many relation-
cies discussed above were to remain in a monophyletic ships within the Acre- and Leucosedum-clades are not
Sedum, essentially two thirds of the family would have supported, I recommend to retain all Sedum species of
to be included in that genus. Accordingly, segregation the Acre- and Leucosedum-clades in Sedum until rela-
of three of the above four genera, i.e. Rho­diola, Phe­ tionships are understood better. However, such Sedum
dimus and Petrosedum, is likely to be stable irrespective clearly is not monophyletic.
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 49

Saxifragaceae (J. W. Kadereit) tween the two genera (Cristofolini & Conte 2002). Lem­
The non-monophyly of Saxifraga L., first shown by botropis nigricans (L.) Griseb. (Cytisus nigricans L.) is
­Soltis & al. (1993), has been confirmed in several studies morphologically very distinct by its elongate racemes,
(for discussion see Fernández Prieto & al. 2013; Tkach calyx shape and naviculate hairs, but is phylogenetically
& al. 2015). In particular, a group of 70 – 90 species from nested within Cytisus (Käss & Wink 1995, 1997). Saro­
North America and Eurasia is only very distantly related thamnus scoparius (L.) W. D. J. Koch (C. scoparius (L.)
to the remainder of Saxifraga and has to be treated as the Link), which is widespread in Europe, is part of C. sect.
genus Micranthes Haw. The one species affected in the Spartiopsis Dumort. with four more species distributed
German flora is Saxifraga stellaris L., which should be in the Iberian Peninsula (Cristofolini & Troia 2006).
treated as M. stellaris (L.) Galasso & al. Following Soltis Molecular phylogenies based on plastid and ITS
(2007), the two genera are clearly distinct in pollen and markers support the monophyly of three subgenera
ovule characters. of Genista, but the segregate genera Genistella Ortega
(Genista sagittalis L. / Genistella sagittalis (L.) Gams)
Linaceae (J. W. Kadereit) and Ulex L. (20 spp.; U. europaeus L. in Germany) are
A broadly sampled phylogeny of Linum L. and relatives nested in the Genista clade (Pardo & al. 2004). However,
by McDill & al. (2009) showed that the South Ameri- a comprehensive revision of the complex is still missing.
can Cliococca Bab., the North American Hesperolinon The neophytic Amorpha fruticosa L. represents a
(A. Gray) Small and Sclerolinon C. M. Rogers and the poorly understood polyploid complex within the North
Eurasian Radiola Hill (with only R. linoides Roth) are American genus Amorpha L. (16 spp.). The monophyly
nested within Linum. McDill & al. (2009) proposed to of the genus is questionable: it is supported by plastid
return these four genera to Linum, in which they have sequences, while phylogenies based on nuclear genes
been classified before. Radiola linoides should then be suggest its paraphyly because the clade also contains the
L. radiola L. North American shrubs Errazurizia rotundata (Wooton)
Barneby and Parryella filifolia Torr. & A. Gray (Mc-
Euphorbiaceae (J. W. Kadereit) Mahon & Hufford 2004, 2005; Straub & Doyle 2014).
Following Webster (2014; see discussion of literature However, Amorpha is a Linnaean genus, and accord-
there), Euphorbia L. is best treated as one large genus ingly the name of the introduced A. fruticosa will remain
with >2000 spp. as the four major clades recognized unchanged if the above-named species are included in
(Chamaesyce, Esula, Euphorbia and Rhizanthium), Amorpha.
partly treated as subgenera (see, e.g., Bruyns & al. 2006; Planted as ornamentals in Europe, Wisteria Nutt.
Zimmermann & al. 2010; Horn & al. 2012; Yang & al. contains four to seven deciduous lianas distributed in E
2012), cannot be defined morphologically. Accordingly, Asia and North America. Phylogenetic reconstructions
segregation of subclades, e.g. the Chamaesyce Clade based on plastid and nuclear genes suggest the inclusion
(Webster 2014; E. subg. Chamaesyce Raf., e.g. Yang & of the evergreen lianas Afgekia Craib and Callerya Endl.
al. 2012), at genus rank would result in a paraphyletic in Wisteria (Li & al. 2014). Since Wisteria is the oldest
Euphorbia. In consequence, all species of Euphorbia name, the names of the cultivated species in Germany
growing in Germany should be retained in that genus. will be not affected.
Coronilla L. (nine spp.) and Securigera DC. (13 spp.)
Fabaceae (C. M. Ritz) each represent monophyletic entities in a highly sup-
The circumscription of the genera Cytisus Desf. (40 spp.) ported clade that is sister to Hippocrepis L. according to
and Genista L. (90 spp.) has been subject to long-stand- an ITS-based phylogeny (Sokoloff & al. 2007). However,
ing discussions. The first published molecular phyl- detailed analyses based on other genetic markers so far
ogenies based on plastid (rbcL) and ITS data revealed are missing. Based on present knowledge, two options,
two well-supported lineages, Cytisus and Genista, each either adopting a large Coronilla s.l. including Securi­
containing numerous segregate taxa of uncertain posi- gera (Sokoloff 2003) or recognizing two genera (Lassen
tion (Käss & Wink 1995, 1997). Reviewing the published 1989), are equally possible. In the first case the name
phylogenies, Cristofolini and Troia (2006) proposed a C. varia L. and in the second case S. varia (L.) Lassen
new sectional classification of Cytisus. Since raising all should be used.
monophyletic entities within Cytisus s.l. to generic rank The most comprehensive study of Anthyllis L., based
would lead to an impracticably high number of small and on plastid and nuclear markers, support its monophyly
often monospecific genera, the authors advocated inclu- when Hymenocarpus Rchb. is included in Anthyllis and
sion of Chamaecytisus Link. (30 spp.), Lembrotropis the Mediterranean genera Dorycnopsis Boiss. (two spp.)
Griseb. (monospecific) and Sarothamnus Wimm. (five and the monospecific Tripodion Medik. are segregated
spp.) in Cytisus. Molecular studies did indeed not sep- (Degtjareva & al. 2012). Contradicting results were re-
arate Chamaecytisus from Cytisus s.str. (Käss & Wink ported in an ITS-based phylogenetic study with a rela-
1995; Cubas & al. 2002; Pardo & al. 2004), and species tively small taxon sampling (Nanni & al. 2004). This
with an intermediate morphology blur the boundaries be- study placed two annual species of Anthyllis, which were
50 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

clearly part of Anthyllis in the study by Degtjareva & al. other smaller genera should be transferred to a very large
(2012), together with Tripodion near Lotus L. However, Hedysarum, or Hedysarum should be split into several
this result is questionable because resolution and taxon genera. In the latter case the name H. hedysaroides (L.)
sampling were much lower than in the study by Deg­ Schinz & Thell. would remain unchanged because this
tjareva & al. (2012). In any case, the name of the German species is closely related to the type of the genus name.
A. vulneraria L. would not be affected. Lotus (190 spp.) Similar results were obtained for Onobrychis Mill.
in its traditional circumscription is polyphyletic and di- Plastid phylogenies supported Onobrychis as a mono-
vided into an Old World clade and several New World phyletic entity but ITS phylogenies failed to do so (Ami-
lineages (Allan & Porter 2000; Allan & al. 2003). The rahmadi & al. 2014; Duan & al. 2015).
latter have now been recognized as four genera (Aram­ All published phylogenies revealed a close rela-
barri & al. 2005). Studies focusing on the highly support- tionship between Trigonella L. (60 spp.) and Melilotus
ed Old World clade revealed that the segregate genera Mill. (20 spp.), which is supported by morphology (e.g.
Tetragonolobus Scop. (five spp.) and Dorycnium Mill. incised margin of stipules, notched apex of standard,
(ten spp.) should be returned to Lotus (Degtjareva & al. smooth surface of seed coat). Most reconstructions based
2006; Degtjareva & al. 2008), a result already suggested on either plastid, ITS or nuclear low-copy genes revealed
by morphological studies (Polhill 1981). However, the Trigonella as paraphyletic in relation to Melilotus (Bena
phylogenies published so far rely on nuclear ribosomal 2001; Steele & Wojciechowski 2003; Steele & al. 2010;
DNA only. Since incongruencies between markers are Dangi & al. 2015). In contrast, a combined analysis of
a common phenomenon in Fabaceae, additional genetic ITS and plastid data showed well-supported monophyly
data are required. When Dorycnium and Tetragonolobus of both genera (Dangi & al. 2015). However, taxon sam-
are included in Lotus, the names L. germanicus (Gremli) pling in both genera has not been sufficiently exhaustive
Peruzzi (D. germanicum (Gremli) Rikli), L. herbaceus to solve this problem. The so-called medicagoid species
(Vill.) Jauzein (D. herbaceum Vill.), L. hirsutus L. (D. of Trigonella (23 spp.) distributed in the Mediterranean
hirsutum (L.) Ser.) and L. maritimus L. (T. maritimus (L.) area share a complex explosive tripping mechanism of
Roth) should be used. pollination with Medicago (Small & al. 1987). In support
All phylogenies based on plastid and nuclear markers of this, nuclear ribosomal sequences corroborate the in-
published so far suggest a close relationship between Ca­ clusion of these species in Medicago (Bena 2001).
lophaca Fisch., Caragana L. and the monospecific Asian A recent comprehensive study of tribe Vicieae based
Halimodendron DC. (Sanderson & Wojciechowski 1996; on plastid and ITS sequences revealed that neither Vi­
Wojciechowski & al. 2000; Zhang & al. 2009; Duan & cia L. (140 spp.) nor Lathyrus L. (160 spp.) are mono-
al. 2015). The morphologically distinct Calophaca and phyletic in their current delimitation (Schaefer & al.
Halimodendron are probably nested within Caragana, 2012). Comparable results were also obtained by earlier
but statistical support for this was low and more research studies based on matK sequences of a small number of
is needed (Zhang & al. 2009). In any case, the name of species (Steele & Wojciechowski 2003; Wojciechowski
the introduced Caragana arborescens Lam. will not be & al. 2004). Lathyrus is paraphyletic in relation to two
affected by any changes in generic circumscriptions be- monophyletic groups: the Caucasian Vavilovia Fed.
cause Caragana is the oldest genus name. (two spp.) and Pisum L. (three spp.; Smykal & al. 2011;
The monophyly of Hedysarum L., containing c. 180 Schaefer & al. 2012). Vicia appears to be paraphyletic
spp. distributed in the N hemisphere, still remains ques- because annual species of V. sect. Ervum (L.) Taub. (e.g.
tionable. Two N African species have been excluded V. tetrasperma (L.) Schreb.) and V. sect. Ervilia (Link.)
from Hedysarum and recognized as Greuteria Ami- W. Koch (including V. sect. Ervoides (Godr.) Kupicha
rahmadi & Kaz. Osaloo (Amirahmadi & al. 2014). Ac- and Trigonellopsis Rech. f. and V. hirsuta (L.) Gray)
cording to plastid phylogenies, Hedysarum (including were sister to Lathyrus s.l. and the remaining species
the monospecific genus Sartoria Boiss. from Turkey) of Vicia including Lens Mill. (four spp.; Schaefer & al.
is monophyletic (Amirahmadi & al. 2014; Duan & al. 2012). Schaefer & al. (2012) recommended the inclusion
2015). The close relationship of Hedysarum and Sarto­ of Pisum and Vavilovia in Lathyrus. Vicia could be then
ria has also been corroborated by biochemical analyses recognized as a monophyletic entity by including Lens
(Arslan & Ertuğrul 2010). In contrast, trees based on ITS and re-transferring V. articulata Hornem., V. ervilia (L.)
sequences separated H. sect. Hedysarum (containing the Willd., V. hirsuta (L.) Gray, V. parviflora Cav.,V. sylvatica
type, H. alpinum L.) from H. sect. Multicaulia (Boiss.) B. L. and V. tetrasperma (L.) Schreber to either Ervilia Link
Fedtsch. and H. sect. Stracheya (Benth.) B. H. Choi. The or Ervum L.
latter two were sister to a clade comprising Onobrychis
Mill. (Amirahmadi & al. 2014; Duan & al. 2015). Further Polygalaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
studies including sequences of nuclear low-copy genes Several studies (Eriksen 1993; Persson 2001; Forest
are needed to unravel the reasons for these incongruen- & al. 2007; Abbott 2011), of which the study by Ab-
cies. If non-monophyly of Hedysarum should obtain fur- bott (2011), although not including full results, used a
ther support, either all species of Onobrychis and some large sample and both nuclear and plastid sequences,
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 51

have shown that the large genus Polygala L. is highly Alchemilla forms a clade with Aphanes L. and the
polyphyletic. In consequence, several segregate genera mainly South American Lachemilla Rydb., easily rec-
of groups formerly included in Polygala have been pro- ognizable by the lack of petals and the presence of only
posed (for summary see Pastore 2012). Of the species of four calyx and epicalyx lobes (Notov & Kusnetzova 2004;
Polygala known in Germany, P. chamaebuxus L. should Gehrke & al. 2008). Molecular phylogenetic work re-
be removed from Polygala. According to Abbott (2011), vealed the existence of a fourth, previously unknown clade
this species is part of a lineage which should be called with Alchemilla species from Africa (Gehrke & al. 2008).
Polygaloides Haller and be treated as P. chamaebuxus Aphanes is clearly nested among Alchemilla, Lachemilla
(L.) O. Schwarz. Although not all other German species and African Alchemilla (Gehrke & al. 2008). As there are
of the genus were sampled in any of the published phy- no obvious morphological features to separate the Afri-
logenies, their close relationship to each other has been can clade of Alchemilla from the European clade, and the
documented (Lack 1995) and it seems safe to assume that entire clade is readily recognizable by floral morphology
they all will remain in Polygala. despite differences in life cycle, size and leaf morphol-
ogy, I would like to recommend to include Aphanes in
Rosaceae (B. Gehrke) Alchemilla leading to reusing the names Alchemilla ar­
Many genera of the Potentilleae, such as Comarum L., vensis (L.) Scop. for Aphanes arvensis L. and Alchemilla
Dasiphora Raf., Duchesnea Sm. and even Fragaria L., microcarpa Boiss & Reut. for Aphanes inexspectata W.
have at some point been included in Potentilla L. (Mab- Lippert. Irrespective of this, Alchemilla, Aphanes, and
berley 2002). However, recent molecular phylogenetic Lachemilla in their traditional circumscriptions differ in
work clearly showed that Fragariinae and Potentillinae habit and some details of floral morphology. Whereas Al­
are distinct lineages. Based on molecular work authors chemilla and Lachemilla species are perennial and usually
tend to recognize Potentillinae as comprising only two have four introrse stamens inserted at the outer side of the
genera. These are (1) Potentilla s.str. excluding P. fru­ discus (Alchemilla) or 2( – 4) extrorse stamens inserted at
ticosa L., P. palustris (L.) Scop. and P. rupestris L. (see the inner side of the discus (Lachemilla), Aphanes species
below) and including, amongst others, Duchesnea indica are annual or short-lived and have only a single extrorse
(Andrews) Teschem (as P. indica (Andrews) Th. Wolf), stamen at the inner side of the discus.
which is deeply nested in Potentilla s.str., and (2) Argen­ Potentilla palustris is most closely related to Al­
tina Hill (Feng & al. 2015), a mostly Asian group, includ- chemilla as circumscribed above according to chloroplast
ing P. anserina L. (as A. anserina (L.) Rydb.). The sepa- data and to Sibbaldia using nuclear data. Unless included
ration of Argentina s.l. and Potentilla s.str., which are in either of these two genera, which is not desirable from
sister lineages, is based on differences in the insertion of a morphological point of view, it should be reinstated as
the styles, with Potentilla s.str. having subterminal styles, Comarum palustre L. It seems that especially the Asian
whereas Argentina has lateral ones (Dobes & Paule 2010; species of Sibbaldia require more work (Eriksson & al.
Sojak 2010; Feng & al. 2015). However, considering the 2015), but it is most likely that S. procumbens L. can re-
relationship between these two genera, it would also be tain its name.
possible not to recognize Argentina as a separate genus Molecular phylogenetic work in combination with
and use the name Potentilla for all species of the Poten­ morphological character optimization has shown that
tillinae (Eriksson & al. 2015). Rosaceae contain only three major lineages (Potter & al.
The other monophyletic subtribe in the Potentilleae, 2007): Dryadoideae, Rosoideae and Spiraeoideae. The
the Fragariinae, has its highest species diversity in Asia last includes the formerly recognized Amygdaloideae,
and includes numerous smaller lineages as well as Al­ Maloideae, Prunoideae as well as Pyrinae. Evolution
chemilla L., Fragaria and Sibbaldia L. Well nested in of derived fruit types (pome, drupe, achene) has been
Fragariinae and more closely related to Fragaria than shown to be more complex than traditionally hypoth-
to Alchemilla or even Potentilla are P. fruticosa and P. esized (Morgan & al. 1994; Potter & al. 2002; Potter &
rupestris. These should be treated as Dasiphora fruti­ al. 2007).
cosa (L.) Rydb., a monospecific genus, and Drymocallis In the newly defined Spiraeoideae, the most promi-
rupestris (L.) Soják. Drymocallis Soják is a small genus nent result of molecular phylogenetic work is the recog-
confined to the N hemisphere. Alternatively, Fragaria nition that the species of Sorbus L. fall into two major
could be extended to include Dasiphora and Drymocal­ clades. As part of the first major clade, Sorbus s.str.,
lis, amongst some other Asian groups, but the genus then which is closely related to Pyrus L., should include only
would no longer be united by its characteristic fleshy pinnate-leaved species (Campbell & al. 2007; Potter &
receptacle. Leaving D. fruticosa and D. rupestris in Po­ al. 2007; Lo & Donoghue 2012). In this clade, S. domes­
tentilla would necessitate including Alchemilla, Fragaria tica L. should be placed in the monospecific genus Cor­
and Sibbaldia in Potentilla as well, which is obviously mus Spach according to Lo & Donoghue (2012) because
not desirable. Most authors therefore seem to prefer to this species is sister to a clade formed by Sorbus s.str.
recognize Dasiphora and Drymocallis as genera separate and Micromeles Decne. according to chloroplast data,
from Fragaria. with a weakly supported incongruent placement of Mi­
52 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

cromeles as sister to Aria (Pers.) Host (see below) ac- Onagraceae (C. M. Ritz)
cording to nuclear ITS sequences. If this approach were Heterogeneity of Epilobium L. in stamen characters
taken, the only species remaining in Sorbus found in had already been noticed by Linnaeus. Several sec-
Germany would be the type, S. aucuparia L. Chloroplast tions are recognized in the genus, of which only E. sect.
and combined chloroplast and nuclear data suggest that Chamaenerion Ség. and E. sect. Epilobium grow in Ger-
Sorbus species with simple leaves are not closely related many. While the former has alternate leaves, weakly zy-
to Sorbus s.str., but are a subclade of the second major gomorphic flowers with only a very short hypanthium,
clade also including Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill. and oth- almost entire petals, recurved stamens of almost equal
ers. In this subclade of simple-leaved Sorbus species, Lo length, a recurved style and pollen in monads (type: E.
& Donoghue (2012) suggested to recognize the mono- angustifolium L.), E. sect. Epilobium has opposite leaves,
specific genera Aria (with S. aria (L.) Crantz apparent- actinomorphic flowers with a distinct hypanthium, emar-
ly as A. nivea Host), Chamaemespilus Medik. (with S. ginate petals, erect stamens of different length, an erect
chamaemespilus (L.) Crantz as C. alpina (Mill.) K. R. style and pollen in tetrads (lectotype: E. hirsutum L.). All
Robertson & J. B. Phipps) and Torminalis Medik. (with phylogenetic analyses of the family, partly using a broad
S. torminalis (L.) Crantz as T. clusii (M. Roem.) K. R. taxon sampling and both nuclear and plastid sequences
Robertson & J. B. Phipps). However, Chamaemespilus (Baum & al. 1994; Levin & al. 2003, 2004) invariably
and Torminalis form a well-supported clade together with demonstrated that E. sect. Chamaenerion is sister to the
Aria and could also be included in Aria (Li & al. 2012a; remainder of the genus. Considering this pattern of rela-
Lo & Donoghue 2012; Sennikov 2014). Lo & Donoghue tionship, it is both possible to treat E. sect. Chamaenerion
(2012) pointed out that the former inclusion of Aria and at generic rank on account of its morphological distinct-
satellite genera in Sorbus reflects the finding that numer- ness, as was done in most North American Floras, or to
ous apomictic microspecies in Europe and W Asia are include it in Epilobium. If treated as a distinct genus, this
of apparent hybrid origin involving species of Aria (incl. would affect classification of E. angustifolium, E. dodo­
Torminalis) and Sorbus s.str. (Aas & al. 1994; Nelson- naei Will. and E. fleischeri Hochst. The name Chamaene­
Jones & al. 2002). Maintainance of Sorbus as one genus rion has long been discussed controversially. Chamaene­
would require sinking Cotoneaster Medik., Crataegus rion Ség. instead of Chamaenerion Hill or Chamerion
L., Malus Mill. and many other genera in Pyrus L. (Sen- Raf. has to be used according to Sennikov (2011).
nikov 2014), which is evidently even less desirable. As shown in the well-sampled phylogeny of Ona­
graceae by Levin & al. (2004), Oenothera L. is only
Rhamnaceae (J. W. Kadereit) monophyletic when Calylophus Spach, Gaura L. and Ste­
Phylogenetic studies in Rhamnaceae, focusing on Fran­ nosiphon Spach are included, as was done by Wagner &
gula Mill. and Rhamnus L., suggested that Frangula and al. (2007).
Rhamnus are distinct genera, and that Rhamnus is best
divided into Rhamnus s.str., the Old World genus Oreo­ Lythraceae (J. W. Kadereit)
herzogia W. Vent and the New World genus Ventia Hauen- A phylogenetic analysis of Lythraceae including sever-
schild (Hauenschild & al. 2016). Of the German species al species of Lythrum L. and Peplis portula L. (Morris
of Rhamnus, R. pumila Turra falls into Oreoherzogia, in 2007) clearly showed that Peplis L. is deeply nested in
which it should be known as O. pumila (Turra) W. Vent. Lythrum and should, as already done by Webb (1967), be
Following Hauenschild & al. (2016), Rhamnus s.str. and treated as L. portula (L.) D. A. Webb.
Oreoherzogia can be distinguished by the number of lat-
eral leaf vein pairs (3 – 5 in Rhamnus, 6 – 20 in Oreoherzo­ Malvaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
gia) and by the position of a seed furrow (lateral-medial A well-sampled phylogenetic analysis of Alcea L., Al­
in Rhamnus, dorso-medial in Oreoherzogia). thaea L., Lavatera L. and Malva L. using nuclear and
plastid sequences by Escobar García & al. (2009) re-
Urticaceae (J. W. Kadereit) vealed that, probably with the exception of Alcea, these
Evidence has been presented that the generic circum- genera are not monophyletic. This had been shown be-
scription of Parietaria L. in relation to Gesnouinia Gau- fore for Lavatera and Malva by Ray (1995). The two
dich. and Soleirolia Gaudich. may require modification species of Althaea found in Germany fall into two only
(Wu & al. 2013). However, no sufficiently well-sampled distantly related clades, with Althaea hirsuta L. as rep-
phylogeny is available yet to tackle this problem. resentative of one clade more closely related to Malva
/ Lavatera and Althaea officinalis L. as representative
Myricaceae (J. W. Kadereit) of the second clade more closely related to Alcea. Spe-
Myrica L. has been found to be diphyletic by Huguet & cies of Malva fall into three separate clades, of which the
al. (2005). Following these authors (for discussion of no- one containing M. alcea L. and M. moschata L. is more
menclature see their paper), M. gale L. lectotypifies the closely related to one of two clades of Lavatera that con-
genus name Myrica, and M. pensylvanica Mirb. should tains L. thuringiaca L. than to a second clade of Malva
be treated as Morella pensylvanica (Mirb.) Kartesz. with M. verticillata L., M. sylvestris L. and M. neglecta
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 53

Wallr. As is evident, these patterns of relationship require include Cardaminopsis in Arabidopsis Heinh. The Ger-
taxonomic changes. Escobar García & al. (2009) did not man species of Cardaminopsis will be A. arenosa (L.)
present a new classification of this “Malva alliance”, but Lawalrée, A. halleri (L.) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz and A.
both Banfi & al. (2005, 2011) and Stace (2010) suggested lyrata subsp. petraea (L.) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz (Al-
to recognize an enlarged Malva containing Lavatera and Shehbaz 2012; Kiefer & al. 2014).
Althaea hirsuta and relatives. A new classification of Thlaspi L. was proposed
four decades ago (Meyer 1973, 1979), recognizing the
Resedaceae (J. W. Kadereit) genera Microthlaspi F. K. Mey., Noccaea Moench and
A phylogenetic analysis of a broad sample of Resedace­ Thlaspi for species of Thlaspi s.l. in the German flora.
ae using nuclear and plastid sequences by Martín-Bravo This concept has been confirmed by a series of molecu-
& al. (2007) demonstrated that Reseda L. is paraphyletic lar studies (e.g. Mummenhoff & al. 1997a, 1997b; Koch
in relation to the genera Ochradenus, Oligomeris and & Mummenhoff 2001). Microthlaspi and Noccaea do
Randonia. This group of genera consists of two major not group in tribe Thlaspideae, but are members of
lineages, and the four species of Reseda found in Ger- tribe Coluteocarpeae (Koch & German 2013). For the
many fall into both. Reseda alba L. and R. luteola L. German flora, T. caerulescens J. Presl & C.  Presl, T.
fall into two different subclades of the lineage that also cepaeifolia (Wulfen) Koch and T. montanum L. were
contains Oligomeris, whereas R. lutea L. and R. odorata transferred to Noccaea and should be recognized as N.
L. fall into two different subclades of the lineage that caerulescens (J. Presl & C.  Presl) F. K. Mey., N. ce­
also contains Ochradenus and Randonia. Although the paeifolia (Wulfen) Rchb. and N. montana (L.) F. K.
authors argued that Ochradenus and Randonia should be Mey., respectively. Thla­spi perfoliatum, with its two
recognized at generic rank, they do not propose subdivi- morphologically slightly differentiated cytotypes (T. er­
sion of Reseda into smaller genera. If this should even- raticum Jord. and T. improperum Jord.; Koch & Bern-
tually be proposed, the name Reseda would have to be hardt 2004), has to be included in Microthlaspi as M.
applied to a clade containing R. lutea, the type of the perfoliatum (L.) F. K. Mey. It has also been proposed
genus name. to combine most genera of tribe Coluteocarpeae in a
broadly defined Noccaea (Al-Shehbaz 2012). However,
Brassicaceae (M. A. Koch) since comprehensive molecular analyses of the entire
Brassicaceae, currently recognized to contain 325 genera tribe with its more than 125 species (Koch & German
in 51 tribes (Al-Shehbaz 2012; Koch & al. 2012; Kiefer 2013) are lacking, this concept should not be followed
& al. 2014), show high levels of homoplasy in almost at the moment.
every morphological character used in the circumscrip- Considering the German flora, Alyssum saxatile L. has
tion of tribes and genera in the past. Consequently, reli- been shown to be member of a clade including various
able systematic concepts often have to be obtained from species of Aurinia Desv., which is sister to Bornmuellera
molecular data, and many changes of tribal and generic Hausskn. and Clypeola L. (Cecchi & al. 2010; ­Resetnik
circumscriptions have become necessary. & al. 2013). Consequently, A. saxatile is best treated as
Based on molecular data, Erophila DC. is nested in Aurinia saxatilis (L.) Desv. All other Alyssum species in
Draba L. (Jordon-Thaden & al. 2010) and should be in- Germany belong to a then monophyletic Alyssum.
cluded in that genus, and E. verna (L.) Chevall. should Integration of Dentaria L. in Cardamine L. (Carlsen
be known as D. verna L. If recognized at species rank, & al. 2009) and of Coronopus Mill. in Lepidium L. (Al-
E. praecox (Stev.) DC. and E. spathulata Lang should Shehbaz & al. 2002; Mummenhoff & al. 2008) is strong-
be D. praecox (Stev.) and D. spathulata (Lang) Sadler, ly supported and both are nested in the respective genera
respectively. in molecular analyses. The four Dentaria species of the
Several species of a formerly widely defined Arabis German flora should be known as Cardamine bulbifera
L. have to be transferred to other genera: A. glabra (L.) (L.) Crantz, C. enneaphyllos (L.) Crantz, C. heptaphyl­
Bernh. has to be treated as Turritis glabra L., A. pauciflo­ los (Vill.) O. E. Schulz and C. pentaphyllos (L.) Crantz.
ra Garcke as Fourraea alpina (L.) Greuter & Burdet and Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm. and C. squamatus (Forrsk.)
A. turrita L. as Pseudoturritis turrita (L.) Al-Shehbaz Asch. are now best treated as Lepidium didymum L. and
(Koch & al. 1999, 2000, 2001; Karl & Koch 2014). None L. coronopus (L.) Al-Shehbaz, respectively.
of these three genera groups in tribe Arabideae any long- Pritzelago Kuntze and Hymenolobus Nutt. of tribe
er (Koch & al. 2007; Couvreur & al. 2010). Even after Erysimeae are best included in Hornungia Bernh. These
these changes, Arabis is still a paraphyletic taxon. Since three genera form a well-supported clade (Mummenhoff
A. alpina L. is the type of the genus name, all remaining & al. 2001; Kropf & al. 2003), and it has been demon-
Arabis species might be transferred to newly introduced strated that there is no single character that reliably dis-
genera in the future. tinguishes the three genera (Al-Shehbaz & Appel 1997).
Cardaminopsis Hayek is the sister group of Arabi­ Consequently, the following names should be used: Hor­
dopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Koch & Matschinger 2007; nungia alpina (L.) O. Appel, H. petraea (L.) Rchb. and
Hoh­mann & al. 2014), and it has been widely accepted to H. procumbens (L.) Hayek.
54 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

Maximum-likelihood trees derived from ITS1 and appendages in fruit (Schuster & al. 2011a). In Germany
ITS2 sequences available from BrassiBase (Koch & it comprises few, mainly ruderal species (P. aviculare L.
al. 2012; Kiefer & al. 2014; http://brassibase.cos.uni- agg. – including P. arenastrum Boreau, P. oxyspermum clearly show that Cheiranthus cheiri Ledeb. and P. raii Bab., the latter sometimes treated as a
L. is nested in Erysimum L., where it should be called subspecies of P. oxyspermum). In our context, these spe-
E. cheiri (L.) Crantz. Hirschfeldia Moench of tribe cies are distinct by having essentially solitary or at the
Brassiceae consists of one species only: H. incana (L.) most approximate flowers in axillary glomerules and a
Lagr.-Fossat is most closely related to Erucastrum C. silvery ochrea. Genetic studies support the monophyly
Presl. (including its type, E. virgatum C. Presl.; Arias & of Polygonum L. s.str. (Schuster & al. 2015).
al. 2014). However, since Erucastrum as currently treat- A clade related to Polygonum L. s.str. contains the
ed is a polyphyletic genus, and various other Erucastrum genera Reynoutria Houtt. and Fallopia Adans. Their tax-
species might be transferred to different genera in future onomy is notorious for frequent changes and their treat-
(Arias & Pires 2012), it seems best to keep Hirsch­feldia ment is inconsistent among C European Floras (Fischer
separate until various phylogenetic hypotheses have & al. 2008; Jäger 2011; Tison & de Foucoult 2014). Fal­
been tested in more detail. lopia in its traditional circumscription contains mostly
lianas, while Reynoutria includes extremely tall herbs
Santalaceae (J. W. Kadereit) that are invasive in many regions. Both taxa share the
Thesium L. was found to be monophyletic only when the presence of extrafloral nectaries and have wings on the
genera Austroamericum Hendrych and Thesidium Sonder floral bracts. Viable intergeneric hybrids are known, and
are included (Moore & al. 2010). Discussing the options polyploidy and extreme morphological variability add to
of either sinking these two genera into Thesium or main- the taxonomic difficulties. In consequence, Reynoutria
taining them, requiring splitting of Thesium in its tradi- has often been included in a broader Fallopia s.l., where
tional circumscription into several smaller genera, Moore it was treated as a section. Uncertainty about the treat-
& al. (2010) preferred the former option for morphologi- ment of the two genera pertains, although molecular ap-
cal reasons. proaches have used both chloroplast and nuclear markers
for a very good taxonomic coverage. These studies sup-
Polygonaceae (K. Wesche) port the monophyly of each of the two genera (Schuster
In Rumex L. two monophyletic subgenera can be distin- & al. 2011b, 2015). The S hemisphere Muehlenbeckia
guished: R. subg. Acetosa (Mill.) Rech. f. and R. subg. Meisn., however, has been identified as closely related
Rumex. This is the approach currently chosen in most (Haraldson 1978), and recent molecular studies implied
C European floras, although it is possible (but not man- that it is indeed sister to Fallopia (Schuster & al. 2011b,
datory) to raise these subgenera to generic rank (Hejný & 2015). This is in line with the fact that both Fallopia and
Slavik 1990). According to molecular analyses, R. subg. Muehlen­beckia share a base chromosome number of 10
­Acetosa includes the sometimes separately treated R. (11 in Reynoutria) and contain flavones (absent in Rey­
subg. Acetosella (Meisn.) Rech. f. (Schuster & al. 2015). noutria). Including Reynoutria but not Muehlenbeckia
This is supported by shared morphological characters, in a broadly circumscribed Fallopia would thus result in
e.g. the presence of hastate leaves. a polyphyletic group. In view of this, keeping Fallopia,
The taxonomy of Polygonum L. has posed particular Muehlenbeckia and Reynoutria as separate genera cur-
challenges. The traditional broad concept had survived rently is the best – but not necessarily final – solution.
two centuries in spite of repeated criticism including calls The second large tribe relevant for relationships of
to split the genus into up to nine sections, which com- Polygonum s.l. in Germany are the Persicarieae, which
menced as early as 1856 (Meisner 1856). Based on mor- are monophyletic and morphologically distinct by the
phological evidence, Haraldson (1978) reinforced these presence of three veins arising from the base of the tepals,
earlier proposals for splitting Polygonum, which have of nectaries and of non-dilated stamen filaments (Lamb
since been confirmed by studies of both plastid and nu- Frye & Kron 2003; Kim & Donoghue 2008; Sanchez &
clear DNA markers (Lamb Frye & Kron 2003; Galasso & Kron 2008). The tribe includes Aconogonon (Meisn.)
al. 2009; Schuster & al. 2015). Polygonum s.l. clearly is Rchb., Bistorta Mill. and Persicaria (L.) Mill. Persicaria
polyphyletic and should be split into several genera, partly is characterized by spicate or capitate panicles, a usually
even belonging to different tribes. Some details, however, entire but often ciliate or pectinate ochrea, and has 4 – 8
are still controversial, given that new molecular studies stamens and 4 or 5 tepals. All recent treatments agree
continue to differ from preceding ones, and no final con- that it is monophyletic and should be excluded from tribe
clusions have been reached. Accordingly, all inferences Polygoneae (Kim & Donoghue 2008; Fan & al. 2013).
remain somewhat tentative. Thus, the following combinations should be used for the
Species of tribe Polygoneae have outer tepals with German species: Persicaria amphibia (L.) Delarbre, P.
one primary vein and include a range of life forms. Poly­ hydropiper (L.) Delarbre, P. lapathifolia (L.) Delarbre, P.
gonum s.str. is characterized by a distinct pollen mor- maculosa Gray, P. minor (Huds.) Opiz, P. mitis (Schrank)
phology and by outer tepals that do not develop large Assenov and P. pensylvanica (L.) M. Gómez. Except
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 55

for P. maculosa (formerly Polygonum persicaria L.), Though using a somewhat smaller species set, Fan
epithets could be directly adopted from former names in & al. (2013) also presented a comprehensive molecular
Polygonum. Although the highly variable P. amphibia is study, which confirmed the odd position of K. delica­
a morphologically distinct taxon within Persicaria (Kim tula (plus one Aconogonon species). In their analysis, A.
& Donoghue 2008), there is no need to raise it to genus polystachyum is nested within other Aconogonon species,
level (Galasso & al. 2009). which jointly form the sister clade to the core Koenigia
Bistorta Mill. is morphologically distinct (with a ro- species. Fan & al. (2013) also discussed the possibility
sette of basal leaves and usually only one terminal, spi- to adopt a broad concept of Koenigia. However, they
cate panicle), and both chloroplast and nuclear data im- acknowledged that merging the larger Aconogonon in
ply that it is monophyletic within Persicarieae (Kim & the smaller Koenigia is somewhat impractical and also
Donoghue 2008; Fan & al. 2013). Molecular approaches, remarked on the apparently different chromosome base
however, are not fully consistent with respect to its ex- numbers in the two groups. They advocated keeping the
act relationships to Aconogonon and Koenigia L. None- two genera independent and placing the odd K. delicatula
theless, most current Floras and also molecular studies in a new monospecific genus, for which no valid name is
(Galasso & al. 2009; Sanchez & al. 2011; Schuster & al. available yet. This would also be supported by some of
2011a) accept its generic rank. The German species thus its morphological features that are transient to Persica­
have to be named B. officinalis Delarbre and B. vivipara ria. Splitting the whole complex into several, partly new
(L.) Delarbre (formerly Polygonum bistorta L. and P. vi­ genera indeed is an alternative solution to the problem
viparum L., respectively). implied by the tree of Schuster & al. (2015), but would
The taxonomy of Aconogonon is particularly com- presumably result in the formation of many small genera
plicated. Species in this group have been placed in Per­ such as Rubrivena. Given that details of the evolution of
sicaria, Polygonum or Rubrivena M. Král (the last for Acononogon / Koenigia remain unclear, I opt for an in-
A.  polystachyum (Meisn.) Small as the only species of termediate position. The special position of Aconogonon
Aconogonon s.l. occurring in Germany). Recent mo- and Koenigia in Persicarieae is undebated, but instead of
lecular studies implied that Aconogonon species are drawing far-reaching taxonomic consequences, I rather
distinct from Bistorta and Persicaria, but also revealed acknowledge the level of uncertainty by keeping Aco­
their close relationship with the mostly boreal and po- nogonon as a separate genus for the time being. In line
lar Koenigia (Galasso & al. 2009; Sanchez & al. 2009). with Fan & al. (2013), I regard evidence for a separate
Aco­nogonon and Koenigia have broadly similar pollen, genus Rubrivena as questionable and maintain the estab-
and the two genera cannot easily be separated by mor- lished name A. polystachyum for the taxon occurring in
phological characters. Studies based on cpDNA have C Europe.
suggested that Koenigia in its traditional circumscrip-
tion may be nested between Aconogonon and Rubrivena Caryophyllaceae (M. S. Dillenberger)
(Sanchez & al. 2011). The so-far most comprehensive Regarding generic delimitations in the Caryophyllaceae,
study covering many taxa and employing both cpDNA Greenberg & Donoghue (2011) stated: “none of the eight
and nuclear markers (Schuster & al. 2015) confirms this largest genera (Arenaria, Cerastium, Dianthus, Gyp­
close relationship and finds one large clade that compris- sophila, Minuartia, Paronychia, Silene, Stellaria) appear
es all analysed species of Aconogonon and Koenigia (and to be strictly monophyletic”. For some genera taxonomic
Rubrivena). While most Koenigia species form a distinct adjustments have already been made (e.g. Dillenberger
group, some (but not all!) accessions of K. delicatula & Kadereit 2014), but not for all. All taxonomic changes
(Meisn.) H. Hara are sister group to a clade comprising that were recently made for taxa in the German flora, or
other Aconogonon and Koenigia species (incl. A. poly­ that need to be made in the future, are related to these
stachyum). This implies that Koenigia in its traditional eight genera.
sense is not monophyletic. Relationships of Aconogonon There are several problems concerning the mono-
are even more puzzling, with a number of polyploid Aco­ phyly of Cerastium L. and Stellaria L. Cerastium is
nogonon species being more closely related to Koenigia an almost cosmopolitan genus with about 100 species.
than to other members of the genus. Moreover, differ- Stellaria is cosmopolitan, too, and contains c. 120 spe-
ent accessions of some Aconogonon species appear on cies (Mabberley 2008). Both genera have emarginate
very different branches in the Aconogonon / Koenigia to deeply lobed petals, but this character is shared with
clade. Details of the evolution of this group clearly are other genera, e.g. Myosoton Moench (Bittrich 1993).
not fully understood, and thus Schuster & al. (2015) ad- Myosoton is a monospecific genus, with M. aquaticum
vocate the fusion of all taxa in one large genus. They (L.) Moench as its only species. This species has re-
propose to unite them under the name Koenigia, which cently (Jäger 2011; Seybold 2011) been treated as part
was chosen for priority reasons. These authors also draw of Stellaria, as S. aquatica L. This is congruent with the
the necessary taxonomic consequences and provide the findings of Greenberg & Donoghue (2011), where S.
new combination K. polystachya (Meisn.) T. M. Schust. aquatica is nested with good support in a clade of several
& Reveal. Stellaria species, including S. media (L.) Vill. but not the
56 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

type of Stellaria, S. holostea L., and is closely related to G. takhtadzhanii Schischk. ex Ikonn. has to be excluded
S. bungeana Fenzl. Unfortunately, Stellaria does not be- from Gypsophila because it is sister to Vaccaria and the
come monophyletic by including Myosoton. With good rest of Gypsophila.
support, S. holostea is sister to a clade containing the (2) Vaccaria hispanica is included in Gypsophila as
largest part of Stellaria, but also Cerastium, Holosteum G. vaccaria (L.) Sm.
L. and Moenchia Ehrh. Furthermore, Cerastium is not I prefer the second solution for different reasons. Vac­
monophyletic since a well-supported clade of two spe- caria is quite similar to Gypsophila and its inclusion in
cies, C. cerastoides (L.) Britton and C. dubium (Bastard) that genus will not require large changes in the circum-
Guépin, is sister to Holo­steum. This position is poorly scription of Gypsophila. The other point is that it is dif-
supported, but Moenchia is sister to the rest of Cerastium ficult to justify splitting Gypsophila into different gen-
with good support, making it impossible to retain the two era only to retain Vaccaria as an independent genus. As
Cerastium species in Cerastium without including at least Greenberg & Donoghue (2011) included only few of the
Moenchia. To amend these various violations of mono- 150 Gypsophila species in their phylogeny, I cannot fore-
phyly there are at least two possible solutions: see to what extent an independent Vaccaria would affect
(1) The first solution is to merge Cerastium, Holos­ subdivision of Gypsophila.
teum, Moenchia and Stellaria (including Myosoton) in one The second issue concerns the paraphyly of Petrorhagia
large genus with c. 230 species. Which name among those in relation to Dianthus, and the position of Gypsophila mu­
with equal priority (i.e. Cerastium, Holosteum and Stel­ ralis L. and several other Gypsophila species from outside
laria) is correct for this genus needs further investigation. Germany as sister to Dianthus and Petrorhagia instead of
This genus combines most species with deeply lobed pet- being part of the rest of Gypsophila. Petrorhagia is a ge-
als, but also some species with entire or emarginate petals. nus with 33 species distributed from the Canary Islands
(2) The second solution is to change generic circum- across the Mediterranean region to Kashmir (Mabberley
scriptions and to describe new genera. On the basis of the 2008). Although the phylogeny of Greenberg & Donoghue
phylogeny of Greenberg & Donoghue (2011), it is clear (2011) contains only three species of Petrorhagia, it unam-
that Stellaria needs to be split into different genera. Stel­ biguously shows that the genus is paraphyletic. Two solu-
laria retains only S. holostea and probably closely related tions seem possible:
species that were not included in the phylogeny of Green- (1) Dianthus, Petrorhagia and Gypsophila muralis (and
berg & Donoghue (2011). The largest number of Stel­laria some more Gypsophila species from outside Germany) are
species have to be transferred to a new genus. This new included in a more broadly circumscribed Dianthus.
genus contains all former German Stellaria species ex- (2) Petrorhagia is split into at least two genera, and
cept S. holostea. This genus is then sister to a clade con- G. muralis is transferred into a new, probably monospe-
taining Cerastium, Holosteum and Moenchia. Moenchia cific genus. Regarding the other Gypsophila species in
can be retained unmodified and is sister to Cerastium. this group from outside Germany, this solution would re-
Cerastium contains all German species with four or more quire establishing additional small to monospecific gen-
styles. The two species with three styles that are sister to era for those Gypsophila species. Dianthus, Petrorhagia
Holosteum, i.e. C. cerastoides and C. dubium, are best and the Gypsophila species of this clade show some
included in Holosteum, which also has three styles, or morphological variation. It is difficult to decide whether
those two species (and maybe other Cerastium species this variation is sufficient to justify splitting Petrorhagia
from other regions with three styles) should be treated into different genera that can be distinguished from each
as a new genus. Both solutions require a large number of other and from Dianthus and the small genera containing
taxonomic changes and a decision between them cannot former Gypsophila species, or whether all species of this
be easily made. However, changes in the circumscription clade are sufficiently alike to be merged into one genus,
of the above genera are inevitable. i.e. Dianthus. Linnaeus (1753a) described the type of
In Gypsophila L. and relatives of interest (i.e. Dian­ Petrorhagia, P. saxifraga (L.) Link, as D. saxifragus L.,
thus L., Petrorhagia (Ser.) Link and Vaccaria Wolf.) two P. prolifera (L.) P. W. Ball & Heywood as D. prolifer L.,
issues need to be discussed. The first is the treatment of but no name for G. muralis is available in Dianthus.
Vaccaria. Vaccaria is a monospecific genus containing Minuartia L. (sensu McNeill 1962) comprises about
only V. hispanica (Mill.) Rauschert. This species is native 175 species that are distributed in the N hemisphere. It
to Eurasia, especially the Mediterranean region, but has was delimited from most other genera of Caryophyl­
become naturalized in large parts of the world (S Africa, laceae by a combination of three styles and three capsule
Australia and North and South America). The phylogeny valves. Molecular phylogenies revealed that the genus
of Greenberg & Donoghue (2011) unambiguously placed consists of ten independent lineages (Fior & al. 2006;
Vaccaria within Gypsophila. It differs from Gypsophila Harbaugh & al. 2010; Greenberg & Donoghue 2011;
mainly by its calyx wings. The position in the phylogeny Dillenberger & Kadereit 2014), each of which is closest
allows two alternative solutions. relative of another genus or group of genera. According
(1) Vaccaria remains a monospecific genus that is sis- to Dillenberger & Kadereit (2014) the genus is best di-
ter to the largest part of Gypsophila. Therefore at least vided into 11 genera instead of including other genera
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 57

in Minuartia. The ten lineages were divided into 11 gen- & Donoghue (2011) and should have taxonomic con-
era because in one case there was no morphological or sequences. Atocion is sister to Viscaria Bernh. and the
karyological character or combination of characters to names for the two species are A. armeria (L.) Raf. and A.
define this clade as one genus. Therefore two subclades rupestre (L.) Oxelman. An inclusion of Atocion in Silene
with more uniform morphologies were described as gen- would also affect Eudianthe Rchb., Heliosperma and Vis­
era. Including other genera in Minuartia would have af- caria and is therefore not desirable. Atocion is glabrous,
fected most genera of subfam. Alsinoideae or subfam. has elliptic or oblanceolate leaves, a regular dichasium,
Alsinoideae and subfam. Caryophylloideae. In conse- and flowers with entire or emarginate petals and three
quence, several species of Minuartia in the C European stigmas (Lidén & al. 2001). Silene species with the same
flora need to be treated as part of other genera. Minu­ character combination of hairiness, inflorescence type
artia species transferred to other genera are: Cherleria and stigma number have lower leaves that are spathulate
sedoides L. (M. sedoides (L.) Hiern), Facchinia cher­ and petals that are usually lobed. Furthermore, these Si­
lerioides (Sieber) Dillenb. & Kadereit (M. cherlerioides lene species have anastomosing calyx veins, but Atocion
(Sieber) Bech.), present in the German flora only with has non-anastomosing veins (Lidén & al. 2001).
F. cherlerioides subsp. aretioides (Port. ex J. Gay) Dil- Irrespective of the inclusion of Lychnis in Silene or its
lenb. & Kadereit, F. rupestris (Scop.) Dillenb. & Kadereit separate treatment, L. viscaria L. is not part of either of
(M. ru­pestris (Scop.) Schinz & Thell.), Sabulina austri­ these two genera. The species clearly belongs to a well-
aca (Jacq.) Rchb. (M. austriaca (Jacq.) Hayek), S. stricta supported clade that is sister to Atocion (Greenberg &
(Sw.) Rchb. (M. stricta (Sw.) Hiern), S. tenuifolia (L.) Donoghue 2011). The correct genus name for the species
Rchb. (M. hybrida (Vill.) Schischk.), S. verna (L.) Rchb. of this clade is Viscaria Bernh., and L. viscaria should be
(M. verna (L.) Hiern) and S. viscosa (Schreb.) Rchb. (M. known as V. vulgaris Bernh. Viscaria vulgaris is the type
viscosa (Schreb.) Schinz & Thell.). The only two spe- of Viscaria.
cies in Germany that remain in Minuartia are M. rubra Another problem is related to Silene pusilla Waldst. &
(Scop.) McNeill and M. setacea (Thuill.) Hayek. Kit., which is nested in the well-supported Heliosperma
Silene L. contains c. 700 species that are restricted (Rchb.) Rchb. The inclusion of S. pusilla in Heliosperma
to the N hemisphere (Mabberley 2008). Although the as H. pusillum (Waldst. & Kit.) Rchb. is justified and
genus is large, there exist only small problems with its necessary.
monophyly. One point concerns Lych­nis L., which con-
tains c. 20 species distributed in N-temperate and arctic Chenopodiaceae (G. Kadereit)
regions (Bittrich 1993). Its treatment as separate from Si­ Chenopodium L. in its traditional wide circumscription,
lene L. has repeatedly been regarded as doubtful (see Ox- comprising c. 150 spp. worldwide, has been shown to be
elman & Lidén 1995). Lychnis has usually five styles and highly polyphyletic with Chenopodium lineages spread all
five capsule teeth, whereas Silene has three or five styles over the phylogeny of subfam. Chenopodioideae (Kade-
and six or ten capsule teeth. Even the most recent phyl- reit & al. 2010; Fuentes-Bazán & al. 2012a, 2012b). Ac-
ogeny of the Caryophyllaceae could not unambiguously cording to Fuentes-Bazán & al. (2012a, 2012b), species
determine the position of Lychnis (Greenberg & Dono- of Chenopodium belong to six different genera: Blitum
ghue 2011). In that study Silene seems to be paraphyletic L., Chenopodiastrum S. Fuentes & al., Cheno­podium L.
in relation to Lychnis. However, this position is not well s.str., Dysphania R. Br., Lipandra Moq. and Oxybasis Kar.
supported, and a change of position is possible. For the & Kir. Although the sampling for the molecular analyses
moment, the species of Lychnis in the German flora, i.e. was far from complete, the polyphyly of Chenopodium
L. coronaria (L.) Desr. and L. flos-cuculi L., should be seems well supported and future studies will reveal where
maintained, but future inclusion in Silene, as S. coronaria unsampled species belong. Twenty of the 23 species of
(L.) Clairv. and S. flos-cuculi (L.) Clairv., seems likely. former Chenopodium occurring in the German flora were
The second problem is related to Cucubalus baccifer included in the molecular studies by Fuentes-Bazán &
L. Although Silene is not sufficiently well supported, the al. (2012a, 2012b), and these are distributed among all
position of C. baccifer seems to be clearly within Silene six genera. Blitum is represented by three species: B.
(Greenberg & Donoghue 2011). Therefore it seems advis- bonus-henricus (L.) Rchb. (C. bonus-henricus L.), B.
able to treat this species as S. baccifera (L.) Roth. capitatum L. (C.  capitatum (L.) Aschers.) and B. virga­
Several problems hinge on the acceptance of Helio­ tum L. (C. foliosum Aschers.). Chenopodiastrum is rep-
sperma Rchb. and other smaller genera. When accepting resented by Chenopodiastrum hybridum (L.) S. Fuentes
Heliosperma, several smaller genera need to be recog- & al. (Chenopodium hybridum L.) and Chenopodiastrum
nized in order to keep Silene monophyletic. One of these murale (L.) S. Fuentes & al. (Chenopodium murale L.).
genera is Atocion Adans. Based on a molecular phylog- Species with glandular hairs and an aromatic odour clear-
eny, Lidén & al. (2001) excluded five species, including ly need to be classified in Dysphania, which is only dis-
S. armeria L. and S. rupestris L., from Silene and includ- tantly related to core Chenopodium. In the German flora
ed them in Atocion. These results were verified with a these are D. ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants (C.
large sample of Silene and related genera by Greenberg ambrosioides L.), D. botrys (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants
58 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

(C. botrys L.), D. pumilio (R. Br.) Mosyakin & Clem­ Hydrangeaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
ants (C.  pumilio R. Br.) and D. schraderiana (Schult) Although Philadelphus L. appears to be paraphyletic in
Mosyakin & Clemants (C. schraderianum Schult). Lipan­ relation to the monospecific Carpenteria Torr. (Guo &
dra is represented by L. polysperma (L.) S. Fuentes & ­al. al. 2013), classification of P. coronarius L. as a Philadel­
(C. polyspermum L.) and Oxybasis by O. chenopodioides phus would not be affected as P. coronarius is the type of
(L.) S. Fuentes & al. (C. botryodes Sm.), O. glauca (L.) the genus name. Philadelphus inodorus L. falls into the
S. Fuentes & al. (C. glaucum L.), O. rubra (L.) S. Fuentes same clade as P. coronarius.
& al. (C. rubrum L.) and O. urbica (L.) S. Fuentes & al.
(C. urbicum L.). Of the remaining species present in the Primulaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
German flora, Chenopodium album L., C. berlandieri Mast & al. (2001) demonstrated that Cortusa L. is deeply
Moq., C. ficifolium Sm., C. opulifolium Schrader ex Koch nested in Primula L. Accordingly, it should be treated as
& Ziz, C. patericola Rydb. and C. vulvaria L. belong to P. matthioli (L.) V. A. Richt.
Cheno­podium s.str. Chenopodium hircinum Schrader, As summarized by Manns & Anderberg (2009), sev-
C. strictum Roth and C. suecicum Murr have not yet been eral studies using either nuclear, plastid or both nuclear
included in molecular analyses. Chenopodium aristatum and plastid sequences have shown that a non-mono-
L. (Dysphania aristata (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants) is a phyletic Anagallis L. (incl. Centunculus L.), Glaux L.
neophyte in the German flora and should be treated as Te­ and Trientalis L. (as well as the non-C-European genera
loxys aristata (L.) Moq. This monospecific genus is close- Asterolinon Hoffsgg. & Link and Pelletiera A. St. Hil.)
ly related to Cycloloma Moq., Dysphania and Suckleya A. are all nested in a highly paraphyletic Lysimachia L.
Gray (Kadereit & al. 2010; Fuentes-Bazán & al. 2012a). Based on a careful consideration of morphological vari-
Halimione Aellen is well-supported sister group of ation in this group of genera, and facing the choice be-
the large genus Atriplex L., from which it can be distin- tween including all in Lysimachia or splitting Lysimachia
guished by unique seed and fruit characters (Kadereit & in such a way that at least some of the above genera can
al. 2010). Inclusion of Halimione into Atriplex as pro- be maintained, Manns & Anderberg (2009) argue: “It is,
posed in Sukhorukov (2006) is possible, but not recom- however, difficult to establish morphological characters
mended by the present author (G. Kadereit). to distinguish between different subgroups within Lysi­
Bassia All. and Kochia Roth were both found to be machia and the morphological distinctiveness of these
polyphyletic in molecular studies (Kadereit & Freitag subgroups is not very high. Furthermore, the characters
2011; Kadereit & al. 2014). Most species of Kochia in- used to recognize Lysimachia are also present in Ana­
cluding the two species present in Germany, K. laniflora gallis and to large extent also in Asterolinon, Pelletiera
(S. G. Gmelin) Borbás and K. scoparia (L.) Schrader, and Trientalis. Consequently, proposal of new genera for
have been included in Bassia, and the remaining species some Lysimachia (e.g. L. nemorum L. and L. serpyllifo­
were classified in two new genera, Eokochia Freitag & lia Schreb.), or transfer of L. nemorum and allied taxa
G. Kadereit and Grubovia Freitag & G. Kadereit. Other to Anagallis would inevitably result in poorly diagnosed
species of Bassia (B. dasyphylla Kuntze, B. hirsuta (L.) genera. Choosing among alternatives, we find it better
Kuntze and B. sedoides (Schrad.) Asch.) needed to be to merge the smaller segregate genera with Lysimachia,
transferred to new genera (Grubovia dasyphylla (Fisch. rather than splitting Lysimachia further.” Through earlier
& C. A. Mey.) Freitag & G. Kadereit, Spirobassia hir­ work and the work by Banfi & al. (2005) and Manns &
suta (L.) Freitag & G. Kadereit and Sedobassia sedoides Anderberg (2009) combinations are available for C Eu-
(Schrad.) Freitag & G. Kadereit) in order to define mono- ropean Anagallis (plus Centunculus), Glaux and Trientalis
phyletic genera in Camphorosmeae (Kadereit & Freitag as species of Lysimachia. These would be L. arvensis (L.)
2011). Of these new genera only Spirobassia (S. hirsuta) U. Manns & Anderb. (Anagallis arvensis L.), L. europaea
occurs in Germany. (L.) U. Manns & Anderb. (Trientalis europaea L.), L. foe­
Salsola L. is a large and highly polyphyletic genus mina (Mill.) U. Manns & Anderb. (A. foemina Mill.), L.
(Akhani & al. 2007). Unfortunately there is disagree- maritima (L.) Galasso & al. (Glaux maritima L.) and L.
ment among experts concerning the typification of Sal­ tenella L. (A. tenella (L.) L.).
sola. Mosyakin & al. (2014) proposed a conserved type,
S. kali L., while Akhani & al. (2014) argued in favour of Ericaceae (M. D. Pirie)
the current type, S. soda L. If S. soda is accepted as type Three genera have been recently re-delimited to make
of Salsola, S. kali has to be included in Kali Mill., as Kali them monophyletic. The first is Kalmia L., which be-
soda Moench (Akhani & al. 2007). comes monophyletic only after inclusion of Loiseleuria
Desv. (Gillespie & Kron 2013). Accordingly, Loiseleu­
Nyctaginaceae (J. W. Kadereit) ria procumbens (L.) Desv. should be known as Kalmia
As shown by Levin (2000), Oxybaphus Willd. is clearly procumbens (L.) Gift & al. ex Galasso & al.
part of Mirabilis L. where it should have the rank of sec- The second is Rhododendron L., with c. 850 species,
tion. Accordingly, O. nyctagineus (Michx.) Sweet should which should include Ledum L. based on morphological
be treated as M. nyctaginea (Michx.) MacMill. evidence by Kron & Judd (1990) and molecular evidence
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 59

by, e.g., Goetsch & al. (2005). In Germany, the native L. of limnic habitats with a worldwide distribution, typified
palustre L. should be known as R. tomentosum Harmaja by G. palustre L., a well-known element of the European
and the introduced L. groenlandicum Oeder as R. groen­ flora. The morphological distinctness and deviating chro-
landicum (Oeder) Kron & Judd. mosome base number x = 12 (otherwise mostly x = 11 in
The third is Monotropa L., which is replaced by Hy­ Rubieae) also suggest generic separation of this subclade.
popitys Hill. in Jäger (2011). Evidence from nuclear en- It was no surprise to find two Galium species (G.
coded markers suggests that the type of Monotropa, M. boreale L. and G. rotundifolium L.) from G. sect. Platy­
uniflora L., and that of Hypopitys, H. monotropa Crantz galium (DC.) W. D. J. Koch in the same clade (V-D) as
(M. hypopitys L.), are more closely related to other the generally recognized genera Cruciata and Valantia
monotropoid genera than to each other (Bidartondo & L.: they all are characterized by whorls of two leaves and
Bruns 2001). Species delimitation within Hypopitys is only two additional leaf-like stipules. This and the rel-
controversial, but resolution of the precise number and evant DNA data could justify the transfer of G. boreale
delimitation of species (including H. hypophegea G. Don and G. rotundifolium to a separate genus, corresponding
in Germany) across its broad geographic range seems un- to G. sect. Platygalium s.latiss. (also including the former
likely to further affect generic boundaries. European genus Trichogalium Fourr., the American ge-
Problems in generic delimitation remain in Vac­ nus Relbunium (Endl.) Benth. & Hook. and probably also
cinium L. A number of different genera are apparently the monotypic Microphysa Schrenk from C Asia) with a
nested between its c.  450 species, with no evidence to worldwide distribution and up to 230 other, clearly re-
suggest that the type, V. uliginosum L., is closely re- lated former Galium and Relbunium species centred in E
lated to any of the other species of the German flora, Asia and the Americas.
and clear indication that V. myrtillus L. is more closely The majority of the remaining C European Galium spe-
related to species elsewhere (Powell & Kron 2002). As cies (24 in Germany; Jäger 2005) always have leaves and
the specialists are apparently not in favour of expanding leaf-like stipules in whorls of more than four (and up to
the circumscription of Vaccinium it is likely that name 12). They are clearly verified as members of a worldwide
changes will yet be required, but the current phyloge- “monophylum” that corresponds to clade VI and the ge-
netic hypothesis is insufficiently resolved and sampled to nus Galium s.str. with about 350 predominantly Old World
offer a solution. species. The relationships of its species in Germany cor-
respond quite well with the following more or less DNA-
Rubiaceae (F. Ehrendorfer) supported taxonomic sections: G. sect. Aparine W. D. J.
Since more than 20 years ago, DNA-analytical phylo- Koch (G. aparine L. and G. spurium L.), G. sect. Aspera
genetic studies on the critical tribe Rubieae (Rubiaceae) (DC.) W. D. J. Koch, syn.: G. sect. Microgalium Griseb.
have become available (e.g. Ehrendorfer & al. 1994; (G. parisiense L.), G. sect. Galium (G. album Mill., G.
Manen & al. 1994; Natali & al. 1995, 1996; Soza & aristatum L., G. glaucum L., G. intermedium Schultes [G.
Olm­stead 2010a, 2010b; and particularly Ehrendorfer & schultesii Vest], G. lucidum All., G. mollugo L., G. ×po­
Barfuss 2014: Fig. 1 & 2, with clades and their refer- meranicum Retz., G. sylvaticum L., G. truniacum (Ronn.)
ence numbers). These studies have made it increasingly Ronn. and G. verum L.), G. sect. Hylaea (Griseb.) Ehrend.
clear that the traditional genera Asperula L. and Galium (G. odoratum (L.) Scop.), G. sect. Kolgyda Dumort. (G.
L., both well represented in the flora of Germany (Jäger tricornutum Dandy and G. verrucosum Huds.), G. sect.
2005), are polyphyletic in their present circumscriptions. Leptogalium (G. anisophyllon Vill., G. megalospermum
Monophyly was documented only for Cruciata Mill., All., G. noricum Ehrend., G. pumilum Murray, G. saxatile
Rubia L. and Sherardia L. In order to achieve mono- L., G. sterneri Ehrend. and G. valdepilosum H. Braun)
phyly for Asperula and Galium, one would have to lump and G. sect. Trachygalium K. Schum. (G. uliginosum L.).
all these genera (and several others except Rubia) into a A more detailed presentation of our current knowl-
giant Galium s.latiss. with about 900 species worldwide edge concerning relationships within tribe Rubieae in C
and a very complex infrageneric classification. Europe can be found in Kästner & Ehrendorfer (in press).
If a more narrow generic concept for C European Ru­ Before one can begin to execute the possible and DNA-
bieae is preferred, Asperula would have to be restricted supported taxonomic and nomenclatural changes within
to its type, the annual A. arvensis L., and its perennial the Rubieae discussed above, further critical research ap-
sister taxon A. taurina L. (clade V-B). The large A. sect. pears obligatory.
Cynanchicae (DC.) Boiss. (with A. cynanchica L. and
A. neilreichii Beck), centred in the Mediterranean area, Gentianaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
is more closely related to Sherardia (both in clade V-A) Several phylogenetic studies of Gentianaceae–Swerti­
than to Asperula s.str. and might also deserve separate inae (Chassot & al. 2001; von Hagen & Kadereit 2001,
generic status. This also applies to A. tinctoria L., a mem- 2002) have shown that generic circumscriptions in this
ber of the traditional A. sect. Glabella Griseb. (clade V-C) group require substantial revision. Thus, it is evident that
with a disjunct Eurasian distribution. Also into clade V-C Gentianella ciliata (L.) Borkh. and G. tenella (Rottb.)
falls Galium sect. Aparinoides (Jord.) Gren., a subclade Börner are only distantly related to Gentianella s.str.,
60 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

and should be treated as Gentianopsis ciliata (L.) Ma tions between Veronica and groups considered distinc-
and Comastoma tenellum (Rottb.) Toyok., respectively. tive commonly exist. For example, such transitional spe-
Even after exclusion of these (and related) species, Gen­ cies between Pseudolysimachion and Veronica occur in E
tianella is polyphyletic, as is Swertia L. If this eventually Asia and Japan (Albach 2008). Thus, based on molecular
should result in the recognition of several smaller genera, and morphological arguments, these analyses suggest in-
the generic identity of the remaining German species of clusion of these genera in Veronica rather than further
Gentianella would remain unaffected as they fall into the splitting (Albach & al. 2004b; Garnock-Jones 2007). In
same clade as the type of the genus name, G. campestris C Europe, reintegration of Australasian Hebe and rela-
(L.) Börner. As S. perennis L. is the type of Swertia, rec- tives and North American Synthyris Benth. will be of
ognition of segregate genera will not affect the generic interest mainly to horticulturists, but reintegration of
identity of S. perennis. For descriptions and discussion Pseudolysimachion, the species of Veronica with dense,
of genera see Struwe & al. (2002). Inclusion of Coma­ spicate inflorescences, reverses a split adopted by many
stoma (Wettst.) Toyok. and Lomatogonium A. Braun in European Floras since the 1960s (Holub & Pouzar 1967).
Gentianella, as suggested by Banfi & al. (2005), who in All European species of Pseudolysimachion were origi-
consequence provided a combination for L. carinthiacum nally described as species of Veronica. Therefore, only
(Wulfen) Rchb. in Gentianella, is not justified by the data taxonomic changes at the intraspecific level were neces-
available unless a much larger number of lineages, in- sary (Albach 2008).
cluding several lineages of Swertia, are included in Gen­
tianella. Lamiaceae (M. S. Dillenberger)
Ballota L. contains c. 30 species that occur in Europe, the
Oleaceae (J. W. Kadereit) Mediterranean area, W Asia and, with one species, S Af-
As first suspected by Wallander & Albert (2000) on the rica (Mabberley 2008). Several species of Ballota were
basis of plastid sequences, a monophyletic Ligustrum included in a phylogenetic analysis of subfam. Lami­
L. was found deeply nested in a paraphyletic Syringa oideae (Bendiksby & al. 2011b). This phylogeny unam-
L. using nuclear sequences (Li & al. 2002). In conse- biguously showed that Ballota is not monophyletic. The
quence, inclusion of Ligustrum in Syringa may have to type of Ballota, B. nigra L. (the only species of the genus
be considered once stronger evidence for such relation- in Germany), is well-supported sister to Marrubium L.,
ship is available. Interestingly, one species of Ligustrum, represented in the German flora by M. peregrinum L. and
L. sempervirens (Franch.) Lingelsh., sometimes classified M. vulgare L. The other Ballota species are sister to this
as a separate genus, is intermediate in fruit morphology B. nigra–Marrubium clade. Only two other Ballota spe-
between Syringa (capsules) and Ligustrum (berries or cies, B. frutescens (L.) Woods and B. integrifolia Benth.,
drupes) by having berries that become leathery and even- form a separate clade that is sister to the former clade and
tually dehisce. a clade containing species of Moluccella L., Otostegia
Benth. and Sulaimania Hedge & Rech. f. There are two
Plantaginaceae (D. C. Albach) solutions to obtain a monophyletic Ballota. The first is to
A hundred years ago, Veronica L. included all Scrophu­ merge all species of this clade (i.e. Ballota, Marrubium,
lariaceae with a tetramerous flower and short corolla Moluccella, Otostegia and Sulaimania) in one genus. The
tube, two stamens and a flattened capsule. In that circum- second solution is to exclude B. frutescens and B. integri­
scription the genus included approximately 300 species. folia from Ballota and to combine the rest of Ballota in-
Subsequent authors treated more and more groups of cluding B. nigra and Marrubium in one genus. In order
distinct species as separate genera, such as Hebe Juss. to avoid creation of one very large and heterogeneous
mainly from Australasia, Pseudolysimachion Opiz from genus, it seems reasonable to take the second approach.
Eurasia (V. longifolia L. and V. spicata L. in the German Since both genera were described by Linnaeus (1753b),
flora) and Veronicastrum Farw. from E Asia and E North it remains unclear at this point which genus name should
America. The first DNA-based phylogenetic analyses be used. Marrubium contains 40 species (Mabberley
(e.g. Albach & Chase 2001; Wagstaff & al. 2002; Albach 2008), so that a comparable number of new combinations
& al. 2004a) supported the separation of some genera would be needed when using either name.
(Paederota L. and Veronicastrum), but demonstrated that The treatment and circumscription of Clinopodium L.
most genera split off in the 19th and 20th centuries are is very different in different Floras of Germany (e.g. Jäger
nested in a lineage that should be recognized as a mono- & Werner 2005; Jäger 2011; Seybold 2011). Clinopodi­
phyletic Veronica. These results caused a sometimes um in its broad circumscription, including Acinos Mill.,
heated discussion on whether autapomorphies need to Bancroftia Billb., Calamintha Mill., New World Micro­
be considered as important as symplesiomorphies (e.g. meria Benth. and Satureja L. contains c.  100 species
Brummitt 2006). However, subsequent analyses added and is almost cosmopolitan (Mabberley 2008). Seybold
support to the molecular results and demonstrated that (2011) included Acinos and Calamintha, but not Satureja,
autapomorphies of these segregate genera are not as clear in Clinopodium, and Jäger & Werner (2005) treated Aci­
as sometimes believed, and that morphological transi- nos, Calamintha, Clinopodium and Satureja as separate
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 61

genera. A molecular phylogeny of subtribe Menthinae nus name and will therefore most likely not be affected
illustrates the whole dimension of the problem (Bräuch- by any changes of generic circumscriptions. The only
ler & al. 2010). In this phylogeny, Clinopodium is highly genus of this group that seems to be unproblematic is Sa­
polyphyletic and numerous genera are nested among dif- tureja. This genus, together with Gontscharovia Boriss.,
ferent Clinopodium clades. The species of Acinos form a is part of a polytomy with the Clinopodium-clade (the
well-supported clade together with Ziziphora L., a genus numerous genera listed above) and a clade of Old World
of c. 20 species distributed from the Mediterranean area Micromeria (Bräuchler & al. 2010). Even if Satureja is
to C Asia, Afghanistan and Himalaya (Mabberley 2008). paraphyletic in relation to Gontscharovia, Satureja has
In this clade, Acinos and Ziziphora are not supported as priority over Gontscharovia and no taxonomic changes
monophyletic. Calamintha species are in a well-support- will be necessary in the German flora.
ed clade with the type and other species of Clinopodium. A long-discussed problem is the correct placement
Another genus that causes problems with respect to the and naming of species belonging to Galeobdolon Adans. /
monophyly of Clinopodium is Monarda L., a small ge- Lamiastrum Heist. ex Fabr. (Dandy 1967; Holub 1970;
nus of c. 16 mostly North American species (Mabberley Rauschert 1974; Mennema 1989; Krawczyk & al. 2013).
2008) occurring in Germany with one introduced spe- Choice of genus name is a nomenclatural problem, which
cies, M. didyma L. (Jäger & Werner 2005). The large will not be dicussed here. In recent Floras of or cover-
number of genera, species and clades makes several solu- ing Germany, either both names were used: Galeobdolon
tions possible. For the German species only two solutions (Jäger & Werner 2005; Jäger 2011) and Lamiastrum (Hey-
need to be discussed. The first is to include all species of wood & Richardson 1972; Seybold 2009), or the species
Acinos, Calamintha, Clinopodium and Monarda in one of Galeobdolon / Lamiastrum were included in Lamium
genus, together with the whole or parts of Acanthomintha L. (Seybold 2011). Molecular phylogenies of subfam.
(A. Gray) A. Gray, Blephilia Raf., Bystropogon L’Hér., Lamioideae (Bendiksby & al. 2011b) and of Lamium
Conradina A. Gray, Cuminia Colla, Cunila D. Royen ex (including species of Galeobdolon  / Lamiastrum; Ben­
L., Cyclotrichium Mandenova & Schengelia, Dicerandra diksby & al. 2011a) clearly showed that a well-supported
Benth., Glechon Spreng., Hedeoma Pers., Hesperozygis clade of species of Galeobdolon  / Lamiastrum is sister
Epling, Hoehnea Epling, Killickia Bräuchler & al., Men­ to a well-supported Lamium. Accordingly, both inclusion
tha L., New World Micromeria Benth., Minthostachys of Galeodolon / Lamiastrum in Lamium and treatment as
(Benth.) Spach, Monardella Benth., Obtegomeria Doro­ two distinct genera would result in monophyletic gen-
szenko & P. D. Cantino, Piloblephis Raf., Poliomintha era. When included in Lamium, G. argentatum Smej­kal,
A. Gray, Pycnanthemum Michx., Rhododon Epling, G. flavidum (F. Herm.) Holub, G. luteum Huds. and G.
Stachydeoma (Benth.) Small and Ziziphora. Alternative- montanum (Pers.) Pers. ex Rchb. should be L. argentatum
ly, Clinopodium can be split into clades which could be (Smejkal) Henker ex G. H. Loos, L. flavidum F. Herm., L.
treated as morphologically recognizable genera. In view galeobdolon (L.) L. and L. montanum (Pers.) Hoffm. ex
of substantial morphological variation of the lineages Kabath, respectively. The treatment of these four taxa at
concerned it is not meaningful to merge so many genera species level has been questioned. When treated as sub-
only to prevent Clinopodium from being split. Although species of Lamium galeobdolon (e.g. by Bendiksby & al.
it is not clear how exactly Clinopodium will be split in 2011a), the names to be used would be L. galeobdolon
the future, the impact of this approach on German species subsp. argentatum (Smejkal) J. Duvign., L. galeobdolon
can easily be seen. Since Calamintha is very closely re- subsp. flavidum (F. Herm.) Á. Löve & D. Löve, L. gale­
lated to the type of Clinopodium, and this relationship is obdolon subsp. galeobdolon and L. galeobdolon subsp.
well supported, there is no other solution than to transfer montanum (Pers.) Hayek, respectively.
Calamintha to Clinopodium. The Calamintha species in Majorana Mill. and Origanum L. are two genera con-
Germany, C. menthifolia Host and C. nepeta (L.) Savi, taining commonly used spices. Origanum is distributed
will have to become known as Clinopodium menthifolium in Eurasia and contains c. 38 species (Mabberley 2008).
(Host) Stace and Clinopodium nepeta (L.) Kuntze. No Majorana hortensis Moench was first described as O.
species name in Clinopodium is available for the hybrid majorana L. A phylogenetic analysis by Katsiotis & al.
taxon Calamintha ×foliosa Opiz; at subspecies level Cli­ (2009) showed that M. hortensis is nested among other
nopodium nepeta nothosubsp. subisidoratum (Borbás) species of Origanum, so that recognition of M. hortensis
Govaerts has been used. It is not possible to treat the would make Origanum paraphyletic. Therefore the inclu-
species of Acinos as part of Clinopodium without includ- sion of M. hortensis in Origanum, as O. majorana, is ap-
ing in Clinopodium all genera listed above. Although propriate.
the relationships between Acinos and Ziziphora are not Salvia L. in its traditional circumscription is a large
fully resolved, it seems necessary to combine these two genus of 800 – 900 tropical to temperate species (Mab-
genera in one genus. Ziziphora has priority over Acinos, berley 2008). Recent molecular studies in the genus
and the species of Acinos accordingly need new names in clearly showed that Salvia is highly polyphyletic (Walker
Ziziphora. These are not yet available. The only German & Sytsma 2007; Will & Claßen-Bockhoff 2014) and will
Clinopodium species, C. vulgare L., is the type of the ge- have to be split into several genera (Will & Claßen-Bock-
62 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

hoff 2014; M. Will pers. comm.). The only alternative Phelipanche Pomel, introduced for some morphologi-
would be to include several smaller genera in Salvia, e.g. cally deviant species more commonly treated as O. sect.
Rosmarinus L., which would inflate this large genus even Trionychon Wallr. (in Germany O. arenaria Borkh., O.
more. The German flora is largely unaffected by these purpurea Jacq. and O. ramosa L.; see lead 1 in the key
changes. According to the different phylogenies available, to Orobanche in Jäger 2011). The group differs from the
only one species of the German flora, S. glutinosa L., will type section not only in flower morphology but also in
have to be transferred to a new genus. seed ultrastructure (Plaza & al. 2004) and pollen morphol-
Stachys L. is a large genus of c. 450 species distribut- ogy (Abu Sbaih & al. 1994). Whereas first cpDNA-based
ed in temperate and warm regions of the world, including phylogenetic analyses suggested O. ramosa to be nested
tropical mountains but excluding Australasia (Mabberley in the rest of Orobanche (Young & al. 1999; Manen &
2008). Molecular phylogenies have shown that Stachys al. 2004), subsequent analyses using ITS (Schneeweiss &
is highly polyphyletic, with many different genera nested al. 2004) revealed a biphyletic Orobanche with O. sect.
among different Stachys clades (Bendiksby & al. 2011b; Trionychon and New World species of the genus form-
Salmaki & al. 2013). In Germany eight species and one ing a clade and O. sect. Orobanche sister to Diphelypaea
hybrid taxon of Stachys can be found. These fall into four Nicolson. More detailed analyses of cpDNA sequences
larger Stachys clades (Salmaki & al. 2013). Only S. ar­ demonstrated that the nested position of O. sect. Triony­
vensis L. and S. palustris L. fall into the clade containing chon is due to horizontal gene transfer (Park & al. 2007).
the type of Stachys, S. sylvatica L. This clade also con- However, analyses of another nuclear marker (PhyA;
tains Haplostachys Hillebr., Phyllostegia Benth., Steno­ Bennett & Mathews 2006) as well as cpDNA analyses
gyne Benth. and Suzukia Kudô. Sideritis L. is one of those removing introgressed sequences (Park & al. 2008) agree
genera nested among different Stachys clades (Bendiksby on phylogenetic relationships with Orobanche being
& al. 2011b; Salmaki & al. 2013). This genus of c. 140 monophyletic and O. sect. Trionychon and New World
N-temperate species of the Old World and Macaronesia species being sister to O. sect. Orobanche. Thus, no taxo-
(Mabberley 2008) occurs in Germany with only one nomic changes will be necessary.
species, S. montana L. Relationships among the genera
listed above and several others are complicated and not Linderniaceae (D. C. Albach)
fully resolved. At this point two solutions seem possible. Only two species of Linderniaceae occur in Germany
One is to include all species of a clade called Eurystachys and are commonly still recognized under Lindernia L.,
Salmaki & Bendiksby (including Stachys and Sideritis; one being the type of the genus name, L. procumbens
Salmaki & al. 2013) in one genus. The other is to split (Krock.) Borbás. Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell, though,
Stachys into a large number of smaller genera. Both so- has been demonstrated to be more closely related to
lutions are problematic. The first would result in a large Micranthemum Michx. than to Lindernia (Fischer & al.
genus that is morphologically heterogeneous and, accord- 2013). However, no generic realignment has been pro-
ing to Salmaki & al. (2013), c.  194 new combinations posed so far. Lindernia dubia had been recognized as
would have to be made. The second solution would allow separate from Lindernia before under the names Gratiola
maintaining morphologically distinct genera. However, it dubia L. or Ilysanthes riparia Raf., but was included in
would require dividing Stachys into several genera that Lindernia by Pennell (1935). Ilysanthes Raf. had been
would be difficult to delimit (Salmaki & al. 2013). In this separated from Lindernia based on the reduction of the
second approach a similarly high number of combinations androecium to two stamens, which Pennell (1935) did
would be necessary. The first solution would allow keep- not consider stable enough to merit generic rank. Fischer
ing all German species of Stachys in Stachys, which, how- & al. (2013) seemed to favour inclusion of Micranthe­
ever, would also have to include Sideritis. In the second mum in Lindernia. However, since Micranthemum also
solution, Stachys alpina L., S. annua L., S. byzantina K. has only two stamens and occurs sympatrically with L.
Koch, S. germanica L. and S. recta L. most likely would dubia in North America, combining L. dubia in Micran­
need to be excluded from Stachys. The relationships of themum remains a possibility.
Sideritis are unresolved. It therefore remains unclear
whether Sideritis montana would need a new name when Convolvulaceae (J. W. Kadereit)
opting for the second solution. A further difficulty of the A monophyletic Calystegia R. Br. is clearly nested within
second solution is a high level of incongruence between Convolvulus L. (Stefanović & al. 2002; Carine & al. 2004;
the nuclear and plastid data sets analysed (Salmaki & al. Williams & al. 2014) and should be classified in Convol­
2013). Future changes in this group are clearly neces- vulus following Stefanović & al. (2002). Combinations
sary. They will affect large numbers of species on a global are available for most German species of Calystegia, and
scale, but only few species of the German flora. C. pulchra Brummitt & Heywood should be Convolvulus
dubius J. L. Gilbert, C. sepium (L.) R. Br. should be Con­
Orobanchaceae (D. C. Albach) volvulus sepium L., C. silvatica (Kit.) Griseb. should be
There has been some debate about the monophyly of Convolvulus silvaticus Kit. and C. soldanella (L.) Roem.
Orobanche L., and some publications re-used the name & Schult. should be Convolvulus soldanella L.
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 63

Solanaceae (J. W. Kadereit) sentatives of two highly natural and monophyletic spe-
Lycopersicon Mill. is clearly nested in Solanum L. (Spoon- cies groups, which are retrieved as sister groups in mo-
er & al. 1993) and should be treated in that genus. Accord- lecular studies (Weigend & al. 2009; ­Cecchi & al. 2014).
ingly, the tomato should be called S. lycopersicum L. These species groups have recently been segregated into
Whitson & Manos (2005) demonstrated that the two two different, easily distinguished genera (Cecchi & al.
species of Physalis L. listed for Germany, P. alkekengi 2014): Buglossoides s.str., essentially comprising the two
L. and P. peruviana L., fall into two distantly related species B. arvensis and B. incrassata and largely restrict-
clades of Physalinae. The authors argued: “To correct ed to the circum-Mediterranean region and Europe (and
the paraphyly of Physalis, nomenclatural changes are re- introduced as weeds elsewhere), and Aegonychon Gray
quired. Options include restricting the name Physalis to with a total of three species, one narrow S Italian endemic
P. alkekengi, the type, and renaming the 75+ species of and the widespread A. purpurocaeruleum (L.) Holub. in
New World Physalis, or broadening the circumscription W Eurasia as sister to the morphologically barely distin-
of Physalis by uniting the majority of the Physalinae into guishable Japanese endemic A. zollingeri (A. DC.) Holub
a single genus. However, the least taxonomically disrup- (Cecchi & al. 2014). The clear morphological differences
tive approach for dealing with this problem is to re-typify between these two groups justify their separation into
Physalis using a Linnaean species that is a member of the two well-defined genera, but phylogenetic data would
morphologically typical Rydbergis clade, such as P. pu­ equally permit a broader delimitation of Buglossoides,
bescens. The atypical species could then be recognized as including Aegonychon.
four small genera (for P. carpenteri, P. alkekengi, P. mi­ The genera Eritrichium Schrad. ex Gaudin, Hackelia
crophysa, and subgenus Physalodendron), which would Opiz and Lappula Moench have a confused taxonomic
produce a morphologically homogeneous Physalis. A history, but Hackelia was finally segregated from Lap­
proposal to re-typify Physalis is currently in progress.” pula by Johnston (1923). The only C European species
This proposal has been made by Whitson (2011), and con- of Hackelia and Lappula and the types of those names,
servation of Physalis L. with conserved type has been rec- H. deflexa (Wahlenb.) Opiz and L. squarrosa (Retz.)
ommended (Applequist 2012). If accepted, P. alkekengi Dumort., have recently often been treated as belonging
should be known as Alkekengi officinarum Moench. to a single genus, i.e. Lappula. Recent molecular stud-
ies retrieved these two species in widely separate clades
Boraginaceae (M. Weigend) in tribe Eritrichieae, together with the bulk of the spe-
Generic limits in the large family Boraginaceae (1500 – cies currently assigned to the respective genera. There
1600 spp.) are highly problematic and numerous re-align- is therefore both morphological (Johnston 1923) and
ments of generic limits are required, but few of these prob- molecular (Weigend & al. 2013) evidence supporting
lems concern the German flora. The genus Omphalodes the recognition of the two genera. The exact limits be-
Moench is represented only by two species in Germany: tween Eritrichium and Hackelia and Lappula still require
O. scorpioides (Haenke) Schrank and O. verna Moench. additional work, with several extra-European segregate
Omphalodes scorpioides has been shown to be more genera apparently nested in them, and some species in-
closely related to Mertensia Roth than to the typical rep- correctly placed. This, however, does not concern the
resentatives of Omphalodes (Weigend & al. 2013), and is German or European flora.
now accommodated in the monospecific genus Memore­ The delimitation of Anchusa L., characterized by radi-
mea A. Otero & al. as Memoremea scorpioides (Haenke) ally symmetrical flowers, from Lycopsis L. with curved,
A. Otero & al. (Otero & al. 2014). This is clearly sup- slightly zygomorphic flowers, has been contentious in
ported by molecular data, but also by gross differences the past. Morphological differences are small but strik-
in habit and its aberrant fruit morphology (circular wing ing, and the segregate Lycopsis is currently not generally
of the nutlet forming a hollow ring, not a flat appendage). recognized. Hilger & al. (2004) advocated the subdivi-
Omphalodes in the narrowest sense is restricted to those sion of Anchusa into several smaller genera, including
perennial, rhizomatous herbs which are closely related to the separation of Lycopsis. However, their molecular data
O. verna, the type of the genus name. This group ranges failed to retrieve the two species of Lycopsis as mono-
from N Spain to N Iran. Other groups from Asia and the phyletic, and there was no statistical support for Anchusa
Americas previously assigned to Omphalodes either have excluding Lycopsis. Generic limits in Anchusa s.l. clearly
already been segregated from the genus (Otero & al. 2014) require more work, and it seems more sensible at this
or will likely be removed to other genera. stage to recognize a single, more widely defined genus
The genus Buglossoides Moench is also represented Anchusa until much better data are available.
by only two species in Germany. Buglossoides arvensis Two other genera represented in Germany will likely
(L.) I. M. Johnst., an annual weed with tiny white flow- be subject to re-definition in the near future, without af-
ers and four triangular-ovate, verrucose nutlets and B. fecting the taxonomy of German species: Both species
purpurocaerulea (L.) I. M. Johnst., a perennial herb with of Cynoglossum L. were retrieved in the core-clade of
large, blue, hypocrateriform flowers and single, smooth, Cynoglossum s.l. (Weigend & al. 2013) and certainly will
spherical nutlets. They represent the C European repre- remain part of a redefined Cynoglossum. However, Cy­
64 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

noglossum likely will have to include a whole range of W Seseli sensu amplo encompasses 100 – 120 species
Eurasian segregate genera (Hilger & al. 2015). Similarly, and is obviously polyphyletic: its species occur in tribes
Heliotropium europaeum L. is the type of Heliotropium Apieae, Pimpinelleae and Selineae (Downie & al. 2010),
L. and therefore will not be affected by name change, and in Selineae they are placed in several clades (Spa-
irrespective of how the limits of Heliotropium, with the lik & al. 2004). Seseli hippomarathrum Jacq. together
large genus Tournefortia L. deeply nested in it (Luebert with three other congeners forms a clade that is not most
& al. 2011), will ultimately be redefined. closely related to S. tortuosum L., the type of the genus
name; for this group, a restitution of Hippomarathrum G.
Apiaceae (K. Spalik) Gaertn. & al. has been considered (Spalik & al. 2004).
Hacquetia DC. is nested within Sanicula L. (Valiejo- Depending on taxonomic sampling and the method of
Roman & al. 2002; Calviño & Downie 2007) and should phylogenetic inference, this clade was placed sister to the
therefore be sunk into synonymy; for its only species, H. Seseli clade (Spalik & al. 2004) or sister to Peucedanum
epipactis (Scop.) DC., the name S. epipactis (Scop.) E. s.l. (see Appendix S2 in Banasiak & al. 2013). Detailed
H. L. Krause is available. molecular and morphological studies are necessary to
Apium L. s.l. is polyphyletic and among its European elucidate the taxonomic status of this group. Upon res-
species only the type, A. graveolens L., is retained in the titution of Hippomarathrum the name H. pelviforme G.
genus; the other true celeries are distributed throughout Gaertn. & al. would be available for S. hippomarathrum.
the S hemisphere (Spalik & al. 2010). For its other Eu- Seseli annuum L. has not yet been included in molecu-
ropean members, the genus Helosciadium W. D. J. Koch lar analyses; therefore, its phylogenetic affinities remain
has been reinstated (Hardway & al. 2004; Spalik & al. unknown.
2009; Ronse & al. 2010) including H. inundatum (L.) W. Libanotis pyrenaica (L.) Bourgeau is closely related
D. J. Koch (A. inundatum (L.) Rchb. f.), H. nodiflorum to L. montana Crantz, the type of Libanotis, and in Flo­
(L.) W. D. J. Koch (A. nodiflorum (L.) Lag.) and H. re­ ra iberica (Aedo & Vargas 2003) the former was syno-
pens (Jacq.) W. D. J. Koch (A. repens (Jacq.) Lag.). The nymized with the latter. In molecular analyses, the clade
species of Heloscia­dium are hydrophytes or helophytes containing these two species is sister to a clade contain-
and are closely related to the morphologically and eco- ing the type of Seseli (Spalik & al. 2004; Banasiak &
logically similar Berula W. D. J. Koch and Sium L., al. 2013). If a broad definition of Seseli is adopted, e.g.
members of tribe Oenantheae (Spalik & al. 2014). based on the Seseli clade in Spalik & al. (2004), then Li­
Carum L., the type of Careae, includes c. 30 species banotis should be sunk into Seseli and the species is to be
that in molecular analyses are located in several disparate named S. libanotis (L.) W. D. J. Koch.
clades interspersed with species of Chamaesciadium C. A. Ligusticum mutellinoides (Crantz) Vill. (Pachypleu­
Mey., Fuernrohria K. Koch and Grammosciadium DC., rum mutellinoides (Crantz) Holub) is also closely related
with only few species closely related to the type of Carum, to the Libanotis–Seseli clade in tribe Selineae, whereas
C. carvi L. (Zakharova & al. 2012). Carum verticillatum the types of Ligusticum L. and Pachypleurum Ledeb. are
(L.) W. D. J. Koch is a very distant relative of its nomina- placed in the Acronema clade, which deserves rank as a
tive congeners and, therefore, was placed in the reinstated separate tribe (Downie & al. 2010; Banasiak & al. 2013).
monospecific genus Trocdaris Raf.; its proper name is T. Depending on the delineation of Libanotis and Seseli,
verticillata (L.) Raf. (Zakharova & al. 2012). This species Ligusticum mutellinoides may be included in either of
forms an isolated lineage in a clade of hydrophytic umbel- these two genera. Alternatively, Neogaya Meisn. may be
lifers constituting tribe Oenantheae (Spalik & al. 2014). reinstated. Its type is N. simplex (L.) Meisn., a taxonomic
The genera Angelica L., Cnidium Cusson, Libanotis synonym of L. mutellinoides. In molecular phylogenetic
Haller ex Zinn, Peucedanum L., Selinum L., Seseli L. trees, Ligusticum mutellina (L.) Crantz is placed in the
and Trinia Hoffm. are part of the taxonomically difficult Conioselinum chinense clade far from the type of Ligu­
tribe Selineae (Spalik & al. 2004; Downie & al. 2010). sticum and, therefore, should be excluded from the genus
Many of its genera are polyphyletic while at the same and placed in the reinstated Mutellina Wolf, as M. pur­
time many monophyletic lineages have unnecessarily purea (Poir.) Reduron & al. (Valiejo-Roman & al. 2006).
been split into small segregates. Numerous species have Cnidium dubium (Schkuhr) Schmeil & Fitschen is not
not yet been included in molecular phylogenetic studies, most closely related to the type of Cnidium, C. monnieri
and the generic boundaries remain unclear. Phylogenetic (L.) Spreng., and should therefore be recognized as Ka­
relationships within this tribe were mostly examined us- denia dubia (Schkuhr) Lavrova & V. N. Tikhom. (Valie-
ing only nuclear ITS sequences that have some limita- jo-Roman & al. 2006).
tions. Moreover, the tribe originated relatively recently, Trinia is exceptional in Apiaceae due to its dioecious
c.  12 Mya, and underwent rapid radiation (Banasiak & breeding system, and this feature seems to be synapo-
al. 2013: Appendix S2). In effect, internal branches of morphic for the genus. So far, only T. hispida Hoffm. has
the phylogenetic trees obtained from molecular data are been included in molecular phylogenetic analyses and it
short and often poorly supported, precluding unambigu- was placed in the Seseli clade very close to the type of
ous taxonomic inferences. Seseli (Spalik & al. 2004). If this placement is confirmed
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 65

upon extended sampling of species and molecular mark- some species of Valeriana could make the two genera
ers, then either Trinia is to be included into the synonymy monophyletic.
of Seseli or the latter is to be restricted to a clade of only
a few closest relatives of its type. Campanulaceae (N. Kilian)
Peucedanum sensu amplo includes c. 100 – 120 species The two German species of Lobelia L., L. dortmanna L.
worldwide and is a “dustbin” genus encompassing taxa and L. erinus L., fall into two different clades of a highly
that do not fit elsewhere. The European species have often paraphyletic Lobelia (Antonelli 2008). If this should re-
been transferred to small segregate genera including Cer­ sult in splitting of Lobelia, an approach considered pre-
varia Wolf, Dichoropetalum Fenzl (= Holandrea Reduron mature by Lammers (2011), L. erinus would belong to a
& al.), Imperatoria L., Oreoselinum Mill., Thysselinum different genus.
Adans. and Xanthoselinum Schur. Of these, however, Wahlenbergia Roth has been shown to be polyphylet-
only Cervaria and Dichoropetalum are unambiguously ic (Haberle & al. 2009; Roquet & al. 2009; Prebble &
supported by molecular data because their types are dis- al. 2012; Cupido & al. 2013). Wahlenbergia hederacea
tant relatives of Peucedanum officinale L., the type of the (L.) Rchb., the only species present in Germany, is not
genus name. The remaining segregates form the Peuceda­ only misplaced in Wahlenbergia (typified by W. elongata
num s.l. clade that can be retained as one genus (Spalik & (Willd.) Schrad., a synonym of the S African W. capensis
al. 2004). Therefore, the use of the names Dichoropetalum (L.) A. DC.; Lammers 2007) but also in the otherwise
carvifolia (Vill.) Pimenov & Kljuykov (P. carvifolia Vill.) monophyletic wahlenbergioid group of genera (Cupido
and Cervaria rivini Gaertn. (P. cervaria (L.) Lapeyr.) is & al. 2013). It appears instead to be a close relative of
advocated. If a very narrow definition of Peucedanum is Feeria Buser and Jasione L. (Prebble & al. 2012; Cupido
adopted, the names Imperatoria ostruthium L. (P. ostru­ & al. 2013; Crowl & al. 2014; but not so in Mansion & al.
thium (L.) W. D. J. Koch), Oreoselinum nigrum Delarbre 2012), but its systematic position still needs clarification.
(P. oreoselinum (L.) Moench), Thysselinum palustre (L.) A number of molecular phylogenetic studies of Cam­
Hoffm. (P. palustre (L.) Moench) and Xanthoselinum al­ panulaceae (Eddie & al. 2003; Park & al. 2006; Roquet
saticum (L.) Schur (P. alsaticum L.) are available for the & al. 2008, 2009; Borsch & al. 2009; Haberle & al. 2009;
respective species of Peucedanum. Mansion & al. 2012; Crowl & al. 2014) have shown that
Molecular data have demonstrated that Laserpi­ Campanula L. in its present circumscription is not mono-
tium L. is polyphyletic (Weitzel & al. 2014; Lyskov & phyletic, and that the species of this genus fall into at
al. 2015), and this polyphyly is strongly supported by least four major clades, each containing other genera of
nrDNA and cpDNA markers (Banasiak & al. in press). the family. Referring, with a view on the German flora, to
Six closely related species including the type, L. gal­ the analysis based on the most comprehensive sampling
licum L., as well as L. latifolium L. constitute Laserpi­ by Mansion & al. (2012), which also provides the best
tium s.str. Laserpitium siler L. forms an isolated lineage resolution so far, the three largest major clades are rele-
that is not closely related to the type and, therefore, the vant. These are: (1) the Campanula s.str. clade (Park & al.
restitution of the monospecific Siler Crantz has been 2006; Roquet & al. 2008, 2009; Borsch & al. 2009; Man-
postulated; the respective name for L. siler is S. monta­ sion & al. 2012), including the type of the genus name,
num Crantz. Laserpitium prutenicum L. is more closely C. latifolia L., and comprising clades 13 – 17 in Mansion
related to Daucus L. than to Laserpitium s.str. and, to- & al. (2012), contains the majority of the Campanula spe-
gether with its closest relative, L. hispidum M. Bieb., cies in Germany (C. alliariifolia Willd., C. alpina Jacq.,
it deserves to be placed in a new genus, Silphiodaucus C. barbata L., C. bononiensis L., C. cervicaria L., C. glo­
(Koso-Pol.) Spalik & al. (Banasiak & al. in press). The merata L., C. latifolia, C. medium L., C. rapunculoides
respective name for L. prutenicum would be S. pruteni­ L., C. sibirica L., C. thyrsoides L. and C. trachelium L.,
cus (L.) Spalik & al. all nested in clade 17). The Campanula s.str. clade also
includes the species of the S European Trachelium L., but
Dipsacaceae (J. W. Kadereit) the different analyses demonstrate that this genus does
Virga Hill. with V. pilosa (L.) Hill and V. strigosa (Roem. not constitute a natural group but is found dismembered
& Schult.) Holub clearly groups in Dipsacus L. (Avino in clades 13 and 16 in Mansion & al. (2012). (2) The
& al. 2009; Carlson & al. 2009) and these two species Rapunculus clade (clades 5 – 12 in Mansion & al. 2012)
should be known as Dipsacus pilosus L. and D. strigosus includes all but one of the remaining species in Germany
Roem. & Schult., respectively. (C. baumgartenii Becker, C. cochleariifolia Lam., C.
rhomboidalis L., C. rotundifolia L. [incl. C. gentilis Ko-
Valerianaceae (J. W. Kadereit) vanda] and C. scheuchzeri Vill. in clade 12; C. patula L.
Neither Valerianella Mill. nor Valeriana L. are mono- and C. rapunculus L. in clade 9) and also contains (in
phyletic according to Hidalgo & al. (2004) and Bell & clade 6) the genera Adenophora Fisch. and Hanabusaya
Donoghue (2005). However, inclusion of Fedia Gaertn. Nakai. (3) The third major clade, which has low support,
emend. Moench in Valerianella, and both inclusion of comprises the well-supported clades 2 – 4 in Mansion &
Plectritis (Lindl.) DC. in Valeriana and exclusion of al. (2012), in which several Campanula lineages (among
66 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

them the last German member C. persicifolia L. in clade only C. ruthenica Lam., which should be known as R. ru­
3) are mixed with Asyneuma Griseb. & Schenk, Legousia thenica (Lam.) M. V. Agab. & Greuter. As for the segre-
Durande and Phyteuma L. as well as with the American gation of C. sect. Cyanus (Mill.) DC. as a separate genus
genera Githopsis Nutt., Heterocodon Nutt. and Triodanis (e.g. Greuter & al. 2001), molecular evidence, although
Raf. Faced with different classificatory options, i.e. (1) inconclusive, points at a sister relationship of C. sect.
treating all clades containing species of Campanula as Cyanus and C. sect. Centaurea (e.g. Garcia-Jacas & al.
one genus, (2) limiting Campanula to the Campanula 2001). The latest proposal for a classification of the entire
s.str. clade, and (3) splitting Campanula into numerous genus Centaurea (Hilpold & al. 2014) and the revisions
small genera, an option briefly discussed by Park & al. of tribe Cardueae by Susanna and Garcia-Jacas (2007,
(2006), Roquet & al. (2008) concluded: “We favor the 2009) do not accept Cyanus Mill. as generically different
first option in order to arrive at a generic delimitation that from Centaurea.
reflects the evolutionary history of Campanula. This ap-
proach is more consistent with previous taxonomic work, Cichorieae (N. Kilian)
Campanula has always been very rich in number of spe- Lapsana L., together with the equally epappose Mediter-
cies, and it does not seem to us reasonable to divide it ranean Rhagadiolus Juss., is nested in Crepis L., as has
ad nauseam. … However, a comprehensive study of the been shown in nuclear ribosomal (ITS) and chloroplast
currently recognized genera that fall within Campanula (matK) DNA marker phylogenies by Enke & Gemein-
should be conducted before changing their taxonomic holzer (2008). To maintain Lapsana, which is monospe-
status.” If this approach would be taken, all species of cific after the well-supported segregation of the E Asian
Adenophora, Legousia and Phyteuma would have to be Lapsanastrum Pak & K. Bremer (Pak & Bremer 1995;
treated as Campanula. Deng & al. 2014) and the dispecific Rhagadiolus as
separate monophyletic genera, Crepis would have to be
Menyanthaceae (J. W. Kadereit) split into two morphologically ill-defined entities. This is
Although Nymphoides Ség. was found to be non-mono- definitely no practicable solution. If only monophyletic
phyletic, with one species more closely related to one genera should be accepted, merging of both genera with
clade of a non-monophyletic Villarsia Vent. than to the Crepis would be the more appropriate solution, although
remaining species of Nymphoides (Tippery & al. 2008), breaking with a long tradition (no combination of Lap­
N. peltata (S. G. Gmel.) Kuntze will not change name sana in Crepis has been published). The morphological
even when combined with Villarsia because Nymphoides circumscription of Crepis does not, however, preclude
is the older name. the inclusion of Lapsana communis L. (and of Rhaga­
diolus) if variation is extended to allow for the absence
of a pappus. In other subtribes, parallel cases of epap-
Asteraceae pose entities traditionally treated as separate genera are
similarly found nested in regularly pappose genera (e.g.
Cardueae (A. Susanna & N. Garcia-Jacas) Deng & al. 2014).
Extensive molecular analyses in subtribe Centaureinae The members of Hypochaeris L. cluster in two main
have demonstrated that Centaurea L., as defined in clas- clades according to the phylogenetic analyses of nuclear
sic terms, was a polyphyletic assemblage (Susanna & al. ribosomal (ITS) and several chloroplast DNA marker
1995; Garcia-Jacas & al. 2001). As regards naming of sequences by Samuel & al. (2003, 2006) and Enke &
the two main lineages, problems originated with an in- al. (2012). The results, however, are inconclusive as to
adequate type of the genus name proposed by Britton & whether the two clades actually form a sister group and
Brown (1913), a decision later ratified by Dittrich (1993): thus to the monophyly of Hypochaeris. Based on these
C. centaurium L. This species belongs to a group of some findings, Talavera & al. (2015a) opted for splitting the ge-
20 – 25 taxa that are not closest relative of the largest part nus in the forthcoming treatment of Flora iberica, there
of the genus. Two alternate solutions were possible for recognizing the segregates Achyrophorus Adans. (in its
achieving a natural delineation of the two genera that narrow sense distributed in the Mediterranean region)
should be recognized: first, to keep the old type and lim- and Trommsdorffia Bernh. (with T. maculata (L.) Bernh.
it the use of Centaurea to this group of species, which [H. maculata L.] and T. uniflora (Vill.) Soják [H. uniflora
would imply renaming more than 200 species in a differ- Vill.] in the German flora), a solution that necessitates
ent genus; second, to conserve a new type belonging to recognition of at least a fourth genus for the NW African-
the main group of the genus. This second, more conserv- South American clade of Hypochaeris s.l.
ative (in terms of botanical nomenclature) option finally Leontodon L. in its traditional circumscription is at
prevailed: a new type, C. paniculata L., was proposed least diphyletic (Samuel & al. 2006; Enke & al. 2012). Le­
by Greuter & al. (2001) and is now the conserved type ontodon subg. Leontodon and L. subg. Oporinia (D. Don)
of Centaurea (Wiersema & al. 2015). The valid name Peterm., which both received strong support in molecu-
for the genus comprising the smaller group of species is lar phylogenies, are nested in two different major clades
Rhaponticoides Vaill. This change, in Germany, affects of the subtribe. This finding from phylogenetic analyses
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 67

based on both nuclear ribosomal (ITS) and chloroplast (but not a necessity), the current state of our knowledge
(matK) DNA marker sequences necessitates the recogni- of Scorzonera s.l. is still far too preliminary to draw tax-
tion of L. subg. Oporinia (including L. autumnalis L., L. onomic conclusions.
helveticus Mérat and L. montanus Lam. in Germany) as a Sonchus L. has turned out to be paraphyletic with
separate genus, Scorzoneroides Moench, with S. autum­ respect to various smaller Mediterranean-Macaronesian
nalis (L.) Moench as type (Greuter & al. 2006) and S. and Australian-New Zealand segregates as well as to the
helvetica (Mérat) Holub and S. montana (Lam.) Holub as SE Pacific Ocean island endemics Dendroseris D. Don
additional species in the German flora. The authorship of and Thamnoseris Phil. in a series of molecular phyloge-
Scorzoneroides should be attributed to Moench (Meth.: netic analyses based on both nuclear ribosomal and chlo-
549. 1794), because an earlier place of publication of that roplast DNA markers (Kim & al. 2007 and references
name and other genus names (in a German translation therein). The preferred and envisaged taxonomic solution
dated 1754 – 1756 of a pre-Linnaean work by Vaillant) is is the broadening of the generic concept for Sonchus and
expected to be added to the list of suppressed works by (re)inclusion of all these genera (Mejías & Kim 2012). A
the next International Botanical Congress (Applequist splitting approach would inevitably dismember even the
2014: 1370). Leontodon s.str., moreover, is paraphyletic four German representatives of the genus, the congener-
with respect to the small, chiefly Mediterranean genus ity of which has never been questioned.
Hedypnois Mill., not present in the flora of Germany The systematics of the Lactuca alliance, which is
(Enke & al. 2012). The nrITS phylogeny by Samuel & represented in the German flora by the genera Cicerbita
al. (2006) and Enke & al. (2012) also provide initial indi- Wallr., Mycelis Cass. and Lactuca L., has been in live-
cation (without statistical support, and not supported by ly debate for more than 200 years. The first molecular
the matK phylogeny) that L. sect. Thrincia (Roth) Benth. phylogenetic analyses published (Koopman & al. 1998;
(with only L. saxatilis Lam. [Thrincia saxatilis (Lam.) Wang & al. 2013) explained the difficulties in arriving at
Holub & Moravec] in the German flora) forms a clade a natural classification with frequent convergent evolu-
not sister to the remainder of Leontodon s.str. Based on tion of morphological characters. Consequences for the
these findings, Talavera & al. (2015b) revived the genus generic classification of the species in Germany are to
Thrincia Roth for this clade. be expected, but phylogenetic reconstruction is still in
Picris L. is monophyletic after exclusion of the small progress and any reclassification would be premature at
Mediterranean-SW Asian genus Helminthotheca Zinn present.
(Samuel & al. 2006; Enke & al. 2012). Its segregation has Prenanthes L. has been redefined completely on the
previously been concluded for morphological reasons by basis of molecular phylogenetics, now being understood
Lack (1975). The only species of the latter genus in Ger- as a probably monospecific genus, accommodating the
many is H. echioides (L.) Holub (Picris echioides L.), chiefly European P. purpurea L. (Kilian & Gemeinholzer
which also provides the type of the genus name. 2007; Kilian & al. 2009; Wang & al. 2013).
Scorzonera L. is polyphyletic in all current circum- The placement of the C and SE European Tolpis
scriptions according to the initial molecular phyloge- staticifolia (All.) Sch. Bip., the only representative of
netic investigations in the subtribe by Mavrodiev & al. Tolpis L. in the flora of Germany, is not settled yet. Tolpis
(2004) and Owen & al. (2006), using nuclear ribosomal staticifolia and the S and tropical African T. capensis (L.)
(ITS and ETS) DNA markers and Amplified Fragment Sch. Bip. (plus its close ally T. mbalensis G. V. Pope)
Length Polymorphisms (AFLP) variation, respectively. have been excluded from that chiefly Mediterranean-
According to these analyses, the clade of Scorzonera Macaronesian genus based on palynological differences
s.str. (including the type of the name, S. humilis L., (Blackmore & Jarvis 1986) and on the results of a chlo-
as well as S. purpurea L.) is sister to a clade compris- roplast ndhF sequence phylogeny by Park & al. (2001),
ing Podospermum DC. (of which the only member in which placed the two species as sister to Taraxacum F. H.
the German flora, P. laciniatum (L.) DC. [S. laciniata Wigg. (T. capensis) and Crepis (T. staticifolia), respec-
L.], provides the type of that name). The other mem- tively.
bers of Scorzonera in its wider circumscription, as far Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses of the Hiera­
as included in the analyses, are distributed over at least cium alliance using nuclear ribosomal, low-copy nuclear
three further clades. Two of them, which form a clade and chloroplast DNA markers (Fehrer & al. 2007, 2009;
sister to the clade comprising Koelpinia Pall. and the Krak & al. 2013) revealed conflicting topologies between
Podospermum and Scorzonera s.str. clades (Owen & al. the different gene trees in particular due to both reticulate
2006), each include one species in the German flora: S. evolution and incomplete lineage sorting during the rapid
austriaca L. and S. hispanica L. The third clade is the evolution of the alliance. Discussing the available evi-
“Lasiospora clade” (including S. hirsuta L., the type of dence, the authors concluded that the nuclear ribo­somal
Lasiospora Cass.), which is sister to all other lineages DNA gene trees provide the best approximation for the
of the subtribe but has no representatives in the German reconstruction of the species tree. Accordingly, Hiera­
flora. Apart from the segregation of Podospermum DC. cium L. in the wide sense is polyphyletic. Hieracium
from Scorzonera s.str., which is supported as an option subg. Pilosella (Hill.) Fr. is sister to the W Mediterranean
68 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

genus Hispidella Lam., both are sister to H. subg. Hiera­ involved should now be placed in two separate genera
cium and the American H. subg. Chionoracium Sch. Bip. not closely related to each other (Galbany-Casals & al.
(= Stenotheca Monnier), the four taxa in turn are sister to 2010; Andrés-Sánchez & al. 2011): Logfia Cass. includes
the chiefly Mediterranean-Macaronesian genus Andryala L. minima (Sm.) Dumort. (F. minima (Sm.) Pers.) and L.
L., and, finally, H. intybaceum All., which is restricted to gallica (L.) Coss. & Germ. (F. gallica L.), and Filago in-
the siliceous Alps, forms the sister group to all of them. cludes the rest of the species present in Germany. Fila­
The taxonomic consequences already widely drawn are go neglecta (Soyer-Willemet) DC. has been claimed to
the recognition as separate genera of Hieracium and Pi­ be of hybrid origin between L. gallica and Gnaphalium
losella Hill (for taxonomy and new combinations needed uliginosum L. (Holub 1976; Jäger 2011), but this is cur-
see Bräutigam & Greuter 2007; for the authorship of Pi­ rently considered highly doubtful (Andrés-Sánchez, pers.
losella the above notes on Scorzoneroides also apply). comm.). However, it is not clear yet if this rarely col-
The further consequence in order to arrive at monophylet- lected species belongs to Filago or Logfia.
ic entities is the resurrection of the genus Schlagintweitia Bombycilaena erecta (L.) Smoljan. has not been treat-
Griseb. to accommodate H. intybaceum (as S. intybacea ed in Jäger (2005, 2011), but there exists at least one old
(All.) Griseb.) and its few allies (Gottschlich & Greuter record of this species from Germany (Andrés-Sánchez &
2007; Greuter & Raab-Straube 2008). al. 2014). The genus Bombycilaena (DC.) Smoljan. has
been shown to be a lineage separate from Micropus L.
Senecioneae (J. W. Kadereit) and Filago in a molecular phylogeny and is currently con-
Phylogenetic analyses of Senecioneae (Pelser & al. 2002, sidered to include only two species from the Old World
2007, 2010) have shown that Senecio L. in its traditional (Galbany-Casals & al. 2010; Andrés-Sánchez & al. 2014).
circumscription is not monophyletic but rather both poly- Omalotheca Cass. (sensu Holub 1976) has often been
and paraphyletic. As regards species in the German flora, considered a synonym of Gnaphalium L. (e.g. Anderberg
it is evident that those species that lack outer involucral 1991; Jäger 2005, 2011). However, a molecular phylog-
bracts, i.e. S. congestus (R. Br.) DC., S. gaudinii Gremli, S. eny (Galbany-Casals & al. 2010) has shown that Gna­
helenites (L.) Schinz & Thell., S. integrifolius (L.) Clairv. phalium s.l. is not monophyletic and that these two gen-
and S. rivularis (Waldst. & Kit.) DC., need to be segregat- era should be considered separate, given that G. supinum
ed as Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb., in which they are known L. – the type of Omalotheca – is not closely related to
as T. palustris (L.) Rchb. (for S. congestus), T. tenui­folia G. uliginosum – the type of Gnaphalium. Additionally,
(Gaudin) Holub (for S. gaudinii), T. helenites (L.) B. Blöch & al. (2010) showed that G. hoppeanum W. D. J.
Nord. (for S. helenites), T. integrifolia (L.) Holub (for S. Koch, G. norvegium Gunnerus and G. sylvaticum L.,
integrifolius) and T. crispa (Jacq.) Rchb. (for S. rivularis). three species also present in Germany, form a clade with
Tephroseris is only very distantly related to Senecio s.str. G. supinum. In conclusion, with regard to the German
and even belongs to a different subtribe of Senecioneae. flora, Gnaphalium should be restricted to G. uliginosum,
Species related to Senecio jacobaea L. should be seg- and the other four species named above should be consid-
regated as Jacobaea Mill., which again is only distantly ered to belong to Omalotheca, as O. hoppeana (W. D. J.
related to Senecio s.str. These, besides S. jacobaea (J. Koch) Sch. Bip. & F. W. Schultz, O. norvegica (Gun-
vulgaris Gaertn.), include S. abrotanifolius L. (J. abro­ nerus.) Sch. Bip. & F. W. Schultz, O. supina (L.) DC. and
tanifolia (L.) Moench), S. alpinus (L.) Scop. (J. alpina O. sylvatica (L.) Sch. Bip. & F. W. Schultz. Smissen & al.
(L.) Moench), S. aquaticus Hill (J. aquatica (Hill) G. (2011) noted that Gnaphalium s.str. includes diploid spe-
Gaertn. & al.), S. erraticus Bertol. (J. erratica (Bertol.) cies (2n = 14), whereas Omalotheca species are all poly-
Fourr.), S. erucifolius L. (J. erucifolia (L.) G. Gaertn. & ploids, and that the latter genus is part of a large clade of
al.), S. incanus subsp. carniolicus (Willd.) Braun-Blanq. ancient allopolyploid origin, together with, among oth-
­(J. incana subsp. carniolica (Willd.) B. Nord.; for a re- ers, genera such as Antennaria Gaertn, Bombycilaena,
cent account of the S. carniolicus aggregate see Flatscher Filago, Gamochaeta Wedd., Leontopodium R. Br. ex
& al. 2015), S. paludosus L. (J. paludosa (L.) G. Gaertn. Cass. and Logfia (Galbany-Casals & al. 2010).
& al.) and S. subalpinus Koch. (J. subalpina (W. D. J. Helichrysum Mill. is not monophyletic. Some Aus-
Koch) Pelser & Veldkamp). Combinations in Jacobaea tralasian species had already been transferred to other
are available for all these species (Pelser & al. 2006). genera for morphological reasons (see Bayer 2001 and
Endocellion Turcz. ex Herder, containing two spe- Ward & al. 2009 for a review) and later were shown
cies in Asia, is clearly nested in Petasites Mill. (Steffen not to be part of the main Helichrysum clade (Galbany-
2013) and should be treated as part of that genus. This Casals & al. 2004; Ward & al. 2009; Smissen & al. 2011).
does not affect the generic identity of the Petasites spe- This affects H. bracteatum (Vent.) Willd., an ornamental
cies in Germany. species (Jäger 2005), which should be known as Xero­
chrysum bracteatum (Vent.) Tzvelev (Bayer 2001). Ana­
Gnaphalieae (M. Galbany-Casals) phalis DC. and Pseudognaphalium Kirp., two genera of
Phylogenetic analyses and morphological data show hypothesized allopolyploid origin, are embebbed in the
that Filago L. is not monophyletic, and that the species main Helichrysum clade (Galbany-Casals & al. 2014).
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 69

The need for a generic re-circumscription of these three Willd., A. versicolor Willd.) to the genus Symphyotri­
genera, plus others, was extensively discussed by Galba- chum Nees (subtribe Symphyotrichinae). On the other
ny-Casals & al. (2014), who recommended maintaining hand, Li & al. (2012b) found no evidence for a close re-
Anaphalis, Helichrysum and Pseudognaphalium as in- lationship between Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees and
dependent genera until more data are available. This af- any other genus of subtribe Asterinae and supported its
fects two taxa present in Germany, A. margaritacea (L.) independent generic status. Finally, in subtribe Conyzi­
Benth. & Hook. f., an ornamental but naturalized (Jäger nae, it has been repeatedly demonstrated (Noyes 2000;
2011) species native to Asia and North America, and P. Andrus & al. 2009; Brouillet & al. 2009) that neither
luteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt. The latter spe- Conyza Less. nor Erigeron L. as previously defined are
cies was treated as Gnaphalium luteoalbum L. in Jäger monophyletic; a situation that is best accommodated by
(2005). At present it remains unclear if this species should merging the two genera into Erigeron, as was already
be included in Helichrysum or Pseudognaphalium, or if suggested by Greuter (2003). This requires the trans-
it should be treated as Laphangium Tzvelev as was done fer of C. bonariensis (L.) Cronquist, C. canadensis (L.)
in Jäger (2011). Cronquist and C. sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker to this
more broadly circumscribed genus (as E. bonariensis
Astereae (C. Oberprieler) L., E. canadensis L., and E. sumatrensis Retz., respec-
The most comprehensive molecular phylogenetic anal- tively).
ysis of tribe Astereae based on nrDNA ITS sequences was
made by Brouillet & al. (2009). To a large extent, its re- Anthemideae (C. Oberprieler)
sults are supportive of the generic delimitation proposed In the S hemisphere subtribe Cotulinae, phylogenetic
by Greuter (2003) for the Euro+Med plantbase treatment analyses by Himmelreich & al. (2012) based on se-
of the tribe and of Nesom & Robinson’s (2007) treatment quence variation of nrDNA ITS and intergenic spacer re-
of Astereae in Kubitzki’s The families and genera of vas­ gions (psbA-trnH, trnC-petN) of the chloroplast genome
cular plants (Kadereit & Jeffrey 2007). have shown that Cotula L. is non-monophyletic, even
In subtribe Solidagininae, results by Brouillet & al. when the Mediterranean C. cinerea Delile is excluded as
(2009) confirm that Solidago L. is polyphyletic and that the independent and monospecific genus Brocchia Vis.
the naturalized S. graminifolia (L.) Salisb. should be (as B. cinerea (Delile) Vis.) following results by Ober-
transferred to Euthamia (Nutt.) Cass. as E. graminifolia prieler (2004a). Being the type of Cotula, sinking of
(L.) Nutt. because it belongs to another lineage than the Leptinella Cass. and Soliva Ruiz & Pav. into a broader,
type of Solidago (i.e. S. virgaurea L.). While in subtribe then monophyletic genus would not affect the name of
Bellidinae the monophyly of both Bellis L. and Bel­ C. coronopifolia L., naturalized in the N hemisphere. Of
lium L. was repeatedly found in molecular phylogenetic subtribe Artemisiinae, as circumscribed by Oberprieler
studies based on nrDNA ITS sequences (Fiz & al. 2002; & al. (2007a, 2009), only Artemisia L. and Leucanthe­
Brouillet & al. 2009; Fiz-Palacios & Valcarcel 2011), mella Tzvelev are represented in our area. In the case
phylogenetic analyses in subtribe Asterinae have led of the former genus, there is a consistent tendency sup-
to extensive generic rearrangements due to the consist- ported by many molecular phylogenetic studies of the
ently demonstrated polyphyly of Aster L. in its classical last years (e.g. ­Vallès & al. 2003; Sanz & al. 2008; Pel-
circumscription. According to nrDNA ITS-based analy- licer & al. 2010, 2011; Garcia & al. 2011) for lumping
ses by Brouillet & al. (2009), a more narrowly and more the numerous small to large segregate genera (i.e. Cros­
naturally circumscribed genus Aster in Germany would sostephium Less., Filifolium Kitam., Mausolea Poljakov,
only comprise A. alpinus L. and A. amellus L., while A. Neopallasia Poljakov, Picrothamnus Nutt., Seriphidium
linosyris (L.) Bernh. should be transferred to the Eura- Fourr., Sphaeromeria Nutt. and Turaniphytum Poljakov)
sian genus Galatella Cass. as G. linosyris (L.) Rchb. into a broadly defined and monophyletic Artemisia. On
f., the halophilic A. tripolium L. to the genus Tripolium the other hand, studies focusing on phylogenetic rela-
Nees as T. pannonicum (Jacq.) Dobrocz., and A. bellidi­ tionships among the remainder of the Artemisiinae sensu
astrum (L.) Scop. not only to the separate and monospe- Oberprieler & al. (2007a, 2009) in general and on the
cific genus Bellidiastrum Scop. (as B. michelii Scop.) generic delimitation of Ajania Poljakov versus Chry­
but also to another subtribe (Bellidinae). The last has santhemum L. in particular, presented no consistent and
also been confirmed by the phylogenetic analyses by well-supported evidence for the affiliation of Leucanthe­
Fiz & al. (2002) and Fiz-Palacios & Valcarcel (2011). mella Tzvelev to any other genus of the subtribe (Ma­
Finally, molecular phylogenies based on nrDNA ITS suda & al. 2009; Zhao & al. 2010). As a consequence,
alone (Brouillet & al. 2009) or on nrDNA ITS + ETS Leucanthemella with its sole European species L. sero­
complemented by the intergenic spacer region trnL- tina (L.) Tzvelev should be treated as an independent
trnF of the chloroplast genome (Li & al. 2012b) support evolutionary unit at genus rank. After inclusion, moti-
the transfer of the naturalized “New World asters” (i.e. vated by molecular phylogenetic studies, of the Medi-
A.  laevis L., A. lanceolatus Willd., A. novae-angliae terranean monospecific Otanthus Hoffmanns. & Link
L., A. novi-belgii L., A. parviflorus Nees, A. salignus and the equally monospecific Turkish endemic Leuco­
70 Kadereit & al.: Rendering all genera of the German flora monophyletic

cyclus Boiss. in subtribe Matricariinae (Guo & al. 2004; novii Herder transferred to Richtera Kar. & Kir. [Son-
Oberprieler 2004b; Ehrendorfer & Guo 2005), Achillea boli & Oberprieler 2012]) and the suggested inclusion in
L. constitutes a monophyletic genus. Support from a Tanacetum of many satellite genera (e.g. Balsamita Mill.,
comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis for the Gonospermum Less., Gymnocline Cass., Hemipappus K.
monophyly of the Eurasian and Mediterranean Matri­ Koch, Lugoa DC., Spathipappus Tzvelev and Xylanthe­
caria L. with its presently accepted six species (Ober- mum Tzvelev), support for a monophyletic Tanacetum
prieler & al. 2007b, 2009) is still missing. However, the remains weak and awaits phylogenetic reconstructions
transfer of the Aegean M. macrotis Rech. f. to Anthemis based on a broader sampling of molecular markers (Son-
L. (as A. macrotis (Rech. f.) Oberpr. & Vogt) based on boli & al. 2012). For the time being, this argues for the
nrDNA sequence information (Ober­prieler & Vogt 2006) presently used broad generic concept of Tanacetum in
and the repeatedly shown support for the generic inde- Germany.
pendence of Matricaria (subtribe Matricariinae) from After having been raised from sectional rank in
Tripleurospermum Sch. Bip. (subtribe Anthemidinae; e.g. Tana­cetum to an independent genus by Heywood
Oberprieler 2004b, 2005; Oberprieler & al. 2007a) and (1975), Leucanthemopsis (Giroux) Heywood was con-
from Microcephala Pobed. (subtribe Handeliinae; e.g. sidered to be related to Leucanthemum Mill. by Bremer
Oberprieler & al. 2007a; Sonboli & al. 2012) contributed & Humphries (1993) until molecular phylogenetic stud-
strong evidence for the naturalness of Matricaria in its ies revealed its even closer relationships with three
present circumscription. In subtribe Anthemidinae sensu monospecific genera endemic to the Iberian Peninsula,
Oberprieler & al. (2007a, 2009) with its species-rich core Castrilanthemum Vogt & Oberpr., Hymenostemma
genera Anthemis L. and Tanacetum L., considerable ef- Willk. and Prolongoa Boiss. This resulted in its accom-
forts have been made to achieve a natural delimitation modation in the new subtribe Leucanthemopsidinae
of genera based on molecular phylogenies. After Ober- (Oberprieler & al. 2007a, 2009). More recently, a multi-
prieler (2001) had shown, with a limited taxon sample, locus phylogenetic analysis of all species of the sub-
that Anthemis in its traditional circumscription is para- tribe in a coalescent-based species-tree reconstruction
phyletic, and that the species of A. sect. Cota (J. Gay) clearly demonstrated the well-supported monophyly of
Rchb. f., distinct in their achene morphology, should Leucanthemopsis (Tomasello & al. 2015).
be transferred to the independent genus Cota J. Gay ex As already discussed by Vogt (1991) in his revision of
Guss. (Greuter & al. 2003), Lo Presti & al. (2010) cor- Leucanthemum Mill. in the Iberian Peninsula, the genus
roborated this finding based on a comprehensive species in its traditional circumscription contained species that
sampling (c. 75 % of the described species) and sequence are only remotely related to its type, L. vulgare Lam. Ac-
information from both nuclear and plastid markers. With commodation of these divergent species in the independ-
the exclusion of further four species from the Caucasus ent genera Mauranthemum Vogt & Oberpr. and Rhodan­
region (i.e. A. calcarea Sosn., A. fruticulosa M. Bieb., A. themum B. H. Wilcox & al. by Vogt & Oberprieler (1995)
marschalliana Willd. and A. trotzkiana Bunge) from An­ and Bremer & Humphries (1993), respectively, has led
themis and their accommodation in the newly described to a well-circumscribed and strongly supported mono-
genus Archanthemis Lo Presti & Oberpr., and the above- phyletic Leucanthemum, as was recently corroborated by
mentioned inclusion of Matricaria macrotis (Oberprieler a multi-locus phylogenetic analysis by Konowalik & al.
& Vogt 2006), three natural, morphologically distinct (2015).
genera were established (Lo Presti & al. 2010; Son- In subtribe Santolininae sensu Oberprieler & al.
boli & al. 2012). To reflect these phylogenetic findings, (2007a, 2009), genus delimitations were studied in molec-
Anthemis austriaca Jacq. and A. tinctoria L., hitherto ular phylogenetic analyses by Oberprieler (2002). Based
treated as Anthemis in Germany, should be transferred to on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-trnF sequence variation,
Cota, as C. austriaca (Jacq.) Sch. Bip. and C. tinctoria this study demonstrated the paraphyly of Chamaeme­
(L.) J. Gay. lum Mill. relative to the monospecific Cladanthus Cass.
The natural circumscription of Tanacetum L. remains Transfer of four W Mediterranean Chamaemelum species
problematic even after considerable taxon and marker to Cladanthus led to two well-supported monophyletic
sampling. Based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnH- sister genera, with the widely cultivated and sporadi-
psbA sequence information, Sonboli & al. (2012) could cally naturalized C. nobile (L.) All. and the W Mediter-
­demonstrate that there is no support for a generic sepa- ranean C. fuscatum (Brot.) Vasc. as the only members of
ration of the yellow-rayed or rayless species of Tanace­ Chamaemelum.
tum from the white- and red-rayed species of Pyrethrum Glebionis Cass. with the naturalized G. segetum (L.)
Zinn. On the other hand, even after exclusion of several Fourr. comprises only two species and is the type ge-
enigmatic species from Tanacetum based on phyloge- nus of the small subtribe Glebionidinae (Oberprieler
netic analyses (i.e. T. annuum L. and T. microphyllum & al. 2007a, 2009). Phylogenetic relationships within
DC. transferred to the newly established Vogtia Oberpr. this subtribe were studied by Francisco-Ortega & al.
& Sonboli [Sonboli & al. 2012]; T. paradoxum Bornm. (1997), who found little support for the monophyly of
transferred to Artemisia [Sonboli & al. 2011]; T. seme­ the subtribe and for the genus (sub Chrysanthemum) in
Willdenowia 46 – 2016 71

a maximum-parsimony analysis based on nrDNA ITS are better accommodated in other genera. This affects the
sequence variation. While more recent studies using German I. xanthiifolia Nutt., which, according to Panero
model-based sequence analysis methods (maximum (2007), should be considered a species of Euphrosyne
likelihood) gained strong support for the monophyly DC. and called E. xanthiifolia (Nutt.) A. Gray.
of the subtribe (Oberprieler 2005; Oberprieler & al.
2007a), relationships among the genera of Glebionidi­ Madieae (J. W. Kadereit)
nae, i.e. the species-rich Argyranthemum Webb (24 Although Eriophyllum Lag. does not appear to be mono-
spp.), Glebionis (two spp.), and the two monospecific phyletic (Baldwin & al. 2002), E. lanatum (Push) Forbes,
genera Heteranthemis Schott and Ismelia Cass., remain a naturalized ornamental in Germany, is part of the per-
unclear, especially after a recent study based on nrDNA­ ennial clade, which also contains the type of the genus
ITS sequence variation by Imamura & al. (2015), who name. In consequence, no change of name will be neces-
found G. coronaria (L.) Spach nested in a group of Ar­ sary should the genus be split.
gyranthemum species. If future studies should corrobo-
rate the non-monophyly of the four genera of Glebio­
nidinae, and their merging would be necessary to arrive Conclusions
at a monophyletic genus, the oldest genus name for this
entity would be Heteranthemis Schott. For the time be- Among the 840 genera examined, we identified c.  140
ing, however, retaining the four genera in their present where data quality is sufficiently high to conclude that
circumscriptions appears preferable due to their mor- they are not monophyletic, and an additional c. 20 where
phological and geographical distinctness. monophyly is questionable but where data quality is not
yet sufficient to reach convincing conclusions. The reso-
Inuleae (J. W. Kadereit) lution of these uncertainties will depend on the expansion
Phylogenetic analyses of tribe Inuleae have shown that of taxon and DNA sequence datasets, and on the inter-
neither Inula L. nor Pulicaria Gaertn. are monophyletic pretation of the results by taxonomic specialists. In many
(Anderberg & al. 2005; Englund & al. 2009), but this has cases recognition of non-monophyly offers the options of
not yet been translated into formal taxonomic changes, either to expand genera in order to include former satel-
although possible taxonomic consequences were dis- lites or to split genera into smaller generic entities. As
cussed by Englund & al. (2009). The species of Inula we do not know which of these options will be adopted
present in Germany fall into at least four different clades, in each case, we cannot say how the number of genera
of which I. graveolens (L.) Desf. is more closely related recognized in the German flora will be affected. General
to Pulicaria and its relatives than to Inula and its rela- trends in global plant classification, e.g. towards larger
tives and has been treated as Dittrichia Greuter. Main- genera based on molecular data (Humphreys & Linder
tainance of this genus will depend on future treatment 2009), may or may not be reflected in the consequences
of the various lineages of Pulicaria. If, after exclusion for the comparatively small and well-studied German
of some lineages as suggested by Englund & al. (2009), flora. However, the summary presented here clearly in-
a broad concept of Pulicaria is adopted, Dittrichia will dicates that considerable further change is inevitable pro-
have to be included in that genus. If, on the other hand, a vided monophyly is accepted as the primary criterion for
narrow concept of Pulicaria is adopted, Dittrichia would circumscribing genera (and taxa in general). Although
remain an independent genus and the two species of Puli­ such developments may be met with some dismay by us-
caria present in Germany (P. dysenterica (L.) Bernh. and ers of Floras, they reflect ongoing progress in our scien-
P. vulgaris Gaertn.) would remain in Pulicaria. Adoption tific understanding of plant diversity.
of a broad concept of Inula would require inclusion of
Carpesium L. and Telekia Baumg. Adoption of a narrow
concept would require distribution of the German species Acknowledgements
in probably several genera, dependent on treatment, and
only I. helenium L., as the type, would remain in Inula. M. Galbany-Casals would like to thank Santiago Andrés-
Sánchez and Rob Smissen, and J. W. Kadereit would like
Helenieae (J. W. Kadereit) to thank Arne A. Anderberg, Bruce G. Baldwin, Christo-
Both Bidens L. and Coreopsis L. have been shown not to pher D. Preston and Clive A. Stace – all for helpful ad-
be monophyletic (Mort & al. 2008), but this has not yet vice. Eckehart J. Jäger and an anonymous reviewer are
been translated into taxonomic changes. gratefully acknowledged for helpful comments.

Heliantheae (J. W. Kadereit)

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Online ISSN 1868-6397 · Print ISSN 0511-9618 · Impact factor 0.721
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