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)MPREHENSIVE. PRACTICAL PHYSICS—XI | If wind has velocity w, velocity of sound waves in direction of wind becomes, v +1 and the ‘same in opposite direction becomes v ~ w. (It is assumed that w < v). | VIVA VOCE [> Q.1. Define wave motion. Mi ‘Ans. Read Art, 16.01 | Q.2. Give characteris Hii Ans, Read Art. 16.02. HH | Q.3. Define transverse wave motion. 1] ‘Ans, In transverse wave motion, particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular tothe direction of the propagation of the wave. 1 Q.4. Give examples of transverse wave motion. r ‘Ans. Examples are : waves produced in strings, light waves, waves on surface of water, E.M.W. ics of a wave motion. li H Q6. Inwhich (ype of medium traneverse waves are produced? ‘Ans. Transverse waves are produced only in solide and on liquid surface, \ r Q.6._ Define longitudinal wave motion. | ‘Ans. In longitudinal wave motion, particles ofthe medium vibrate along the direction of propags- | Gono the wae | @.7. Give examples of longitudinal wave motion. | ‘Ane, Examples ar: waves produced in epeings, end waves, | Q.8__ In which type of medium longitudinal waves are produced ? ‘Aus Longitudinal wav ae prodoced in elds in Hiquids and also in gaee 1 Q.9. Define amplitude. F ‘Aus The maximum displacement ofa vibrating particle, on either side of ite mean postion, in | called ito amplitude l 10, Define vibration. i ‘Ans. The motion ofthe vibrating particle from its mean postion to one extreme, then to other extreme (through its mean postin and back to mean position is elied one vibration \ Q.11. Define time period (or period) ‘Ans. The time taken by a particle to complete one vibration, i calle it ive period Te is denoted ly byT. i Q.12, Define frequency. "Ans. The mutnber of vibrations made by a particle in uit tine (ne second), ia calle ita frequen. ’ Tt is denoted by v. 4 ih @.13. Give relation between time period and frequency. t 1 ‘ ‘Ans, The relation is Fw Te Q.14. Define phase. i ‘Ans. Phase of a vibrating particle at any instant isthe state ofthe particle, as regards its position | and direction of motion at that instant Q.15. Hows the phase represented ? ‘Ans. The phase is represented in terms of angle or time. i Q.16, How are phase angle and phase time related? i ‘Ans. A phase angle of 2 is equal to a phase time 7: | Q.17. Whatiis phase difference ? | ‘Ans. ‘Two vibrating particles having diferent postions and directions of motion at same instant, are said to have a phase diference. Ww \L PHYSICs—xI | v +wand the i ‘the direction of ster, E.MLW. tion of propaga- pean position, is fe, then to other vibration. Flo. It is denoted edits frequency Fears its position At same instant, WAVE MOTION AND VELOCITY OF WAVES 197 es Q18, ‘Ans Qi9. Ans. .20. Ans. 21 Ans. Q.22. Ans Q.28. Ans. Qu. Ans, 25. Ans, Q.26. ‘Ans. Qa. ‘Ans. Q28, ‘Ans. 29, Ans. Q.30. Ans. Define a erest. The region of maximum displacement on the positive side of a transverse wave, is called er ea trough. n of maximum displacement on the negative side of a transverse wave, is ealled ‘a compression or condensation, n of maximum density of the medium in a longitudinal wave, is called a compression or a condensation Define a rarefaction. The n minimum density of the medium in a longitudinal wave, is called rarefaction Define a wavelength. The distance travelled by the disturbance during the time period of the vibrating particle, is called wavelength (length of the wave). It is denoted by symbol Gi ‘The distance etween two consecutiv e other definition of wavelength. sts or troughs in a transverse wave or between tw consecutive compressions or rarefactions in a longitudinal wave, is also called a wavelength, Give a general definition of wavelength. The distance between any two consecutive particles of the medium in same vibrating phase also called a wavelength, Define wave frequency. The number of waves produced per second, is called wave frequency. It is equal to the fr of the particle or the body, whose vibrations produce the w Give relation between wi The relation is, velocity, wave frequency and the wav ath, Wave velocity = Wave frequency x Wavelength, Give expression for velocity of transverse waves along a stretched string. The Wave r unt length of string velocity of Ion; sudinal waves through an elastic medium. Blastie constant of medium Wave velocity = Density of the medium E “Vp Give Newton's formula for velocity of sound in air: The Is the formula correct or wrong? ‘The formula is wrong. Its result is less by 16% from actual value. (The velocity comes to be 280 ms instead of 332 m s-! at 0° # Qa. Q.42. 9.43. F Q.44. 45. WEE IMPREI What was the reason for Newton's formula to be wrong ? Newton's assumption for isothermal changes in the medium (air) was wrong. Actually changes are adiabatic. ‘What is an isothermal change? ‘A change in pressure and volume of a gas at the same temperature, is called an isothermal change, What are the conditions for a change to be isothermal ? ‘The change must be slow and in conducting surroundings. What is an adiabatic change? ‘A change in pressure and volume of a gas, without any heat exchange with surrounding, is called an adiabatic change. What are the conditions for a change to be adiabatic ? ‘The changes must be quick and in non-conducting surroundings. What mistake of Newton was pointed out by Laplace ? Laplace pointed out the changes in medium are adiabatic and not isothermal as assumed by Newton. Give Laplace's formula for velocity of sound in air. Yep Is the formula correct ? ‘The formula is correct. It gave velocity of sound waves at 0°C at 331 with value 382 m s-'. How does velocity of sound vary with temperature of medium (air)? ‘The velocity of sound in air varies directly as the square root of the absolute temperature of ‘medium (air ‘The formula is, v= ‘ms, which agrees well ox WF Define temperature coefficient of velocity of sound. ‘The increase in velocity of sound for an increase of temperature by one degree, is called the ‘temperature coefficient of velocity of sound. It is represented by the symbol a. a= 0.61 ms" per °C. Write expression for velocity of sound waves in air at °C. ‘The expression is, v,=up tat How does velocity of sound vary with pressure of medium (air) ? ‘There is no variation of velocity of sound in air due to change in pressure of medium (air). How does velocity of sound vary with density of medium (air)? ‘Velocity of sound varies inversely as the square root of the density of the medium (air). What is the ratio of velocity of sound in hydrogen to that in oxygen under similar conditions? ‘The velocity of sound in hydrogen is four times ofthat in oxygen. How does velocity of sound vary with humidity ? Velocity of sound increases with increase in humidity in air. Sound travels faster after rains, hhence it appears louder. How does velocity of sound vary with wind velocity ? Velocity of sound increases in direetion of wind and decreases in opposite direction.

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