Hydraulic Structure - Lec6

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Hydraulic structure in Gezira scheme (GS)


To fulfill water project objectives such as purpose of producing crops or

increasing crop production, water delivery to the land must be provided by a
reliable and efficient irrigation system.
Many different types of Hydraulic structures are required in a water project to
effectively and efficiently convey, regulate, and measure the water discharge and
also to protect the hydraulic structure itself from storm runoff damage.
Background of the hydraulic structure:
1. Water Conveyance Structure:

It is usually necessary, because of topography or existing manmade

features, to use inline canal structures to convey water along the canal route.
Such structures include:
 Inverted siphons to convey canal water under natural channels,
 Road crossings to carry canal water
under roadways,
 Bench flumes to conduct the water along
a steep hillside, and
 Drop or chute structures to safely lower
the canal water down a hillside.

2. Water Regulating Structures:

Regulation of water discharge begins at the source of water supply. This

may be a head works structure adjacent to a diversion dam on a stream or river, a
turnout from a larger canal, or a pumping plant located on a reservoir or large
canal. Downstream from the source of water supply, regulation of canal discharge
is primarily controlled by outflow through turnout structures. Where canal flow is
to be divided and directed in several directions, division structures are used to
regulate the discharge in each direction. Spillway structures also are used to
control flow in a canal; however, they are more commonly thought of as
protective structures as their primary function is to discharge excess canal flows
and thereby protect the Hydraulic Structure from damage.
Regulating structures are also capable of
raising the canal water surface higher than
would normally exist when the canal is
flowing at less than design capacity. A check
structure, for example, is used to raise the
canal water surface when the canal is
flowing at partial capacity so that a turnout
structure may still deliver its designed
capacity. Check structures are spaced at
appropriate intervals along a canal to provide this capability.

3. Water Measurement Structures:

Efficient management of an irrigation system insists that measurement of

the rate-of-flow and volume delivered be made. Equitable water distribution to
the users is a primary consideration. Water measurement also tends to prevent
unnecessary wasteful water management
practices, thereby enhancing the
conservation of this great natural resource.
Several types of water measurement
structures or devices are used; Parshall
flumes, weirs, weir boxes, open-flow
meters, and constant head orifices are the
more common types.
The constant head orifice, although
sometimes used as an inline canal water
measurement structure, is more commonly used in conjunction with a turnout.

4. Protective Structures:
Provisions must be made in an open irrigation system to externally protect
the canal on the uphill side from damage by storm runoff water, and internally
protect the canal from excess canal flows caused by storm waters entering the
canal, or by miss operation of the canal system. Cross-drainage structures and
wasteways provide this protection.

5. Structure Components and Appurtenances:

Nearly all canal structures are made of several different structural parts which
together make up the complete structure. These parts, (components and
appurtenances) include:
 Pipe:
Pipe is commonly used for that part of a structure placed underground and which
may or may not be subjected to internal hydrostatic bursting pressure. Pipe is
made from one of several different materials such as reinforced concrete,
asbestos cement, etc. Selection of the appropriate pipe material is dependent on
several considerations.
 Pipe appurtenances:
Appurtenances include such as pipe collars, air vents, blow offs, and manholes.
 Transitions:
Transitions connect a canal or natural channel to a structure inlet or structure
outlet. Several different transition configurations of reinforced concrete are used.
Earth transitions are used as required to vary base widths and invert slopes.
 Energy dissipaters:
Energy dissipaters are used at the outlet ends of drop or chute structures to
dissipate excess energy. Energy dissipation may be achieved by a hydraulic jump
in a stilling pool or by impact in a baffled outlet. Excess energy may also be
dissipated by a hydraulic jump within a pipe; by impact on a baffled apron; by
impact and valve losses in a high-head vertical energy dissipater.
 Safety features:
Safety features are used to prevent humans, livestock, and wildlife from entering
a canal and canal structures, and also to assist in their escape if inadvertently
entered. Various types of fencing, guardrail, nets, racks, ladders, and signs are
used as safety precautions.

Example of Types the Hydraulic Structure in the Gezira Scheme:

In Fig (1) a table showing some hydraulic structure types in the scheme and
its properties such as (size, No and its function in the scheme):
1. Canal Regulators:

The control structures are designed to maintain a constant upstream level

and the discharge is controlled by manually operated means.
The two main classes of regulator gates in use are the vertical lifting sluice
gate and the movable weir.
There are a number of different types of sluice gate (gantry operated sluice gates,
rack and worm gates, roller sluice gates).
The system of water control throughout the distribution system relies on
knowledge of the discharge characteristics of the regulator gates.

Up Stream Down Stream

Fig (2): Canal Regulators (RSG), (MOIWR, 2011)

2. Moveable Weirs:

Moveable weirs are installed as head and cross-regulators on major canals

and at most head regulators on minor canals for discharge up to 5m 3/sec. They
comprise a moveable weir plate and frame with a downstream plate sloping at
1:5 set in a masonry or concrete structure.
The characteristics of these weirs are:
(I) provided the upstream level is kept constant, they give a very accurate
discharge from a formula requiring the value of the head of water over the weir
(II) The discharge is independent of the downstream water level;
(III) Being overshot, they are very sensitive to fluctuation in upstream level (WB

There are two types of Moveable weir:

 Moveable weir type (I)
Used when Q ≤ 5.0 m3/sec
And maximum water head = 0.45 m
 Moveable weir type (II)
Used when 1.0 m3/sec ¿ Q ¿ 5.0 m3/sec
And maximum water head = 0.7 m

Fig (3): Moveable Weir, (MOIWR, 2011)

3. Escapes:

The Gezira scheme is characterized by a very limited capacity for escapage

of surplus water. Very large areas on the periphery of the scheme have no escape
possibility at all.
The total escape capacity is (67 m3/s) which is less than 20% of the capacity
of the main canals and is intended primarily to allow for emergency spillage due
to sudden decreases in irrigation demand following rainfall. As a result of the low
escape capacity combined with the long length of supply canals, farmers are often
required to continue to take water into their fields for some time, even when they
are already flooded by heavy rain.

4. Field Outlet Gates and valves:

The original field outlet valves, in abbreviation FOP gates, discharging into the
Abu XX through field outlet pipes (FOP) consisted of a chopper-type valve. The
flow was controlled by rotating the chopper gate about hinge pin.

Fig (3): Field Outlet Gates

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