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Nama : Zuan Sandria Baltazar Serang

Class : Dik E PBI 22

NIM : 223121023

Receptive written language skills

Lecture: Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl. Appl., M.pd.

Assignment : Explain the advantages of getting familiar with each of the twelve types of text assigned
previously for a reader. To help you get familiar with all those text types dealing with the generic
structures and language features in particular you are allowed to get the completed assignments from
the other groups. Also, you may discuss the advantages first with your group members before you
forward your personal perceptions to the GCR.

My answer :

Type of text
A. Procedure
B. Recount
C. Narrative
D. Description
E. News Item
F. Report
G. Analytical Exposition
H. Spoof
I. Hortatory Exposition
J. Explanation
K. Discussion
L. Review

Advantages and effects of learning text in reading skills :

A. Procedure Text
* Help readers know how to do certain activities
* Help use a tool or equipment correctly
* Helping readers understand the right way to do things.
* Gives instructions on how to do things in the correct order.
B. Recount Text
* We can recall an event or experience that has passed in order to inform or entertain the
C. Narrative Text
* Knowing a story through a series of storylines and complementary elements
* In certain types of narrative text, this text is useful in expanding the knowledge of the reader
or listener about something (historical narrative text, narrative news, and narrative of product
* We can also convey a message or social message through the character's character and
various events that occur in the story
* We know in detail about an event to discuss its cause and effect to expand the knowledge
and knowledge of the reader

D. Report text

1. Presenting about something.

Text reports are useful for presenting something in the form of seminars, promotions, work
shops, training, performance reports, research reports, and others.

2. Explaining Facts About Something

The function of report text is to explain facts about something to the readers. Things that can be
explained with factual reports are things that come from nature or are man-made.

3. Support in Scientific Work

In addition to these functions, report text can also be used as a support in scientific works. This
is because in scientific work, many text reports are needed to support our scientific hypotheses
or conjectures.

E. Descriptive text
1. Make the reader understand more about the object being described
2. Readers can feel about the situation or know the description of the object in the description.

F. News Item text

The purpose of someone writing a news item is to convey information to readers, viewers, or
listeners, news that is interesting and worthy of being news and in a way that invites public
G. Analytical Exposition
- We come to know whether something should or shouldn't happen or be done.
H. Spoof text
- Spoof texts can provide satire and criticism of the actions of public actors or someone
- We become entertained by the funny stories and illustrations if we can identify the spoof text
I. Hortatory Exposition
- We can judge the author's opinion on a problem accompanied by supporting arguments.
- We become open minded and interested in agreeing with the views written.

J. Explanation text
How important is it for us to study explanatory texts so that we know explanation of various
phenomena that occur around us. Phenomenon that explained in explanatory texts, for example
natural, social, cultural, and etc. In addition, the benefit of studying explanatory texts is that we
can understand a detailed information based on the owner's opinion and data
existing facts such as understanding, explanation, process, and others. In the process of reading
skills, it can develop us to read scientific things. using causal conjunctions that help us to learn
how to write sentences that are causal. Explanatory text also uses a lot of scientific sentences
can help us to develop new scientific vocabulary
1. Adding insight about a scientific things.
2. Adding insight into the process of occurrence of a phenomenon.
3. Increase knowledge and create an intellectually intelligent young generation.

K. Discussion text

The discussion text has the aim of conveying opinions on a discussion of issues, until they get an
agreement from both parties who are creative. learning this text can develop our ability to write an
argument and write an opinion, the linguistic rules used in this text are relational verbs, mental verbs
and comparative conjunctions. helps us write and learn about the various ways of using comparative
conjunctions and the language of mental verbs. The structure of this text is issue, argument, suggestion.
we can learn about the presentation of issues, suggestions and arguments in writing texts. The
discussion text also serves to see a problem from various perspectives. These diverse perspectives give
consideration to recommendations or decisions.

L . Review text

Review comes from the word review. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, several meanings of the
word review and review are explained as follows.

Ulas has the form of the verb review, which means to provide explanations and comments; interpret
(further explanation, opinion, etc.); study (investigate). As for the review means peeling; interpretation;

So, a review text is a text whose contents are in the form of explanations, comments, interpretations
of something (news, books, works of art, etc.), to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the
object being reviewed. The final purpose of the review text is to give consideration to the audience
about whether or not the object being reviewed is good. Therefore, the purpose of writing a review
text is to evaluate a work. review is an argument, we can learn how to write a good review sentence
according to the structure of language without offending other people

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