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June 2021
(2nd Week)

Krishak Bondhu Scheme

“The West Bengal Cabinet decided to hike the annual allocation to every farmer under the “Krishak
Bondhu” scheme.
• Farmers will now receive an increased financial support from Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000 for one acre or
more of cultivable land.
• The scheme was launched in 2019.
• All farmers — including landless ones — are included in the Krishak Bandhu scheme.
• The scheme also provides for a life insurance cover of Rs 2,00,000 in case of death, irrespective of
the cause, of an earning family member (farmer) aged between 18 and 60 years.
• The premium for Crop Insurance will also be provided by the state government to all of the
beneficiaries under the scheme.

Aspirational Districts Programme

• Recently UNDP India has released an independent report and lauded Aspirational Districts
Programme (ADP) as ‘a successful model of local area development’.
• Report highlights that ADP has made concerted efforts due to which neglected districts in remote
locations and districts affected by Left Wing Extremism are on positive trajectory of growth.

• Under this program , a total of 117 Aspirational districts have been identified by NITI Aayog for
rapid transformation by 2022.
• The broad contours of the programme are Convergence (of Central & State Schemes), Collaboration
(of Central, State level ‘Prabhari’ Officers & District Collectors), and Competition among districts
driven by a spirit of mass Movement
• Selection of aspirational districts is based upon composite indicators, which include
o Health & Nutrition (30%)
o Education (30%)
o Agriculture & Water Resources (20%)
o Financial Inclusion & Skill Development (10%)
o Basic Infrastructure (10%)

Organic farming in India

Exports of India’s organic farm products has increased to 51 percent in 2020-21 despite the challenges
thrown by pandemic .
• Currently, 2.78 million hectare of farmland is under organic cultivation. It accounts for just two per
cent of the total net sown area in India.
• Major part of this area is concentrated only in few states like Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and
• Madhya Pradesh tops the list with 0.76 million ha of area under organic cultivation, which equals to
the 27 per cent of India’s total organic cultivation area.

Vertical Farming

A S Agri and Aqua LLP, one of the leading Agriculture Development and Agro-tech Solutions companies in
India, have introduced Soil-Based Vertical Farming.
• Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers.
• Advantages
o Year-Round Quality Produce.
o 50 – 60 times the higher yield per acre
o Controlled Environment (Polyhouse)
o Elimination of Agricultural Runoff
o Abandoned or unused properties can be utilized
o Reduced Risk from Pests and Changing Weather Patterns
o Extremely Minimal Chances of Crop Failure
o Sustainable Production for Urban Centres

Red Rice
• Iron rich ‘red rice’ is grown in the Brahmaputra valley of Assam, without the use of any chemical
• The rice variety is referred to as ‘Bao-Dhaan’, which is an integral part of Assamese food.
• It looks red due to the presence of a component called anthocyanin.

India's agriculture exports

• India's agriculture exports (including marine and plantation products) have registered a growth of
17.34 per cent to $ 41.25 billion in 2020-21.
• It remained stagnant for the past three years (USD 38.43 billion in 2017-18, USD 38.74 billion in
2018-19 and USD 35.16 billion 2019-20).
• The largest markets for India's agricultural products are the USA, China, Bangladesh, UAE,
Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Nepal, Iran and Malaysia.
• Exports to most of these destinations have registered growth, with the highest growth being
recorded for Indonesia (102.42%), Bangladesh (95.93%) and Nepal (50.49%).
Indo-Israel Agricultural Project

Recently, three Centres of Excellence are opened in the Karnataka, under the Indo-Israel Agricultural
• India and Israel are into a strategic partnership under the Indo-Israel Agricultural Project.
• They signed an agreement in 2006, on the basis of which an Indo-Israel action plan has been
• The three centres that are set up under this action plan, features a host of state-of-the-art
technologies, including:
o Canopy management
o Automated drip irrigation system
o High and ultra-high density planting
o Various trellising system of planting
Objective :

o Disseminate knowledge of agriculture and technology

o Demonstrate the technological advancements and best agricultural practices

o Train farmers and officers

SDG India Index 2021

Recently, NITI Aayog published Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) India Index 2021.
• The Index measures India’s progress in achieving SDGs , set by the United Nations, with 2030 as the
deadline to achieve them.
• Kerala topped the list followed by Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
• The four agriculture parameters taken into account for this report are
o agricultural productivity of food grains (kg/hectare) [SDG 2]
o gross value added (GVA) in agriculture (in lakh/worker) [SDG 2]
o fertiliser [SDG 12]
o groundwater consumption [SDG 6]
• SDG 2 : aims to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030 and calls for promoting
sustainable agriculture, supporting small-scale farmers, and equal access to land, technology, and
• SDG 6 : Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all:
• SDG 12 : aims at resource efficiency, green economies, and sustainable infrastructure by focusing
on reducing degradation and pollution and minimising waste.
Note : GVA provides the rupee value for the amount of goods and services produced in agriculture after
deducting the cost of inputs and raw materials that have gone into their production.

Agristack Project

• Under this Project , Government aims to prepare a farmer database by linking the land records of
farmers across the country that would integrate data from PM Kisan programme , Soil Health
Cards scheme and the Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance Scheme as well as other data such as geo-
tagging of agricultural assets.
• The government envisions post-harvest management solutions and managing agriculture datasets
such as crop yields, weather data, market demand and prices.
• Microsoft is the partner agency.
• Indian government and Microsoft would be conducting a pilot programme in 100 villages.

Demand Based Tele Agriculture Advisories

• In order to provide farmers, location specific ‘Demand Based Tele Agriculture Advisories’, the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), have signed an MoU with Digital India Corporation
(DIC), Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology.
• ICAR and DIC have agreed to collaborate to develop and deploy ICT platforms to establish a multi-
media, multi-way advisory and communication system for supporting various agricultural activities
at local level.
• Interactive Information Dissemination System (IIDS) would be deployed at ICAR, which gives an
option to the farmers to receive individual needs-based information for only those services to
which they have subscribed.
• Currently the IIDS platform has been deployed in North Eastern states, Andhra Pradesh and
Telangana which would be extended to all over the country with this MoU with ICAR.
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