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A Midsummer Night's


Directions: Open and save this document to your computer. Look for answers as you read, but
finish reading each scene before you compose your responses. Type and save your answers here;
the boxes will expand as you write.

1. How are the actors going to keep from scaring the ladies when Pyramus kills himself or
when the lion roars? Would you say Bottom's suggestions are practical or fanciful?
Explain your answer.
He wrote a prologue that he is not actually killing himself. To prevent scaring ladies,
the lion is not a real lion. His suggestions are practical because they prevent scarring
too many ladies.

2. How are the actors going to manage the setting/scenery such as the moonlight and the
They will have someone to play the part of the moon. They will have someone stretch
their fingers in an O shape.

3. Why do the rest of the actors run off when Bottom reappears?
The head of Bottom had been turned into a donkey, the actors were scared of the

4. Identify and list here examples of Bottom's malapropisms.

The plain-song cuckoo gray, the finch, the sparrow, and the lark.

5. What does Puck plan to do when he follows after the other actors?
He plans to turn into a scary thing and scare the actors.

6. What wakes Titania?

Oberon sprinkles magic love juice in her eyes.

7. What is ironic and humorous about Titania's speech (lines 121-140)? Refer to specific
Titania tells Bottom that he is handsome and wise. He tells the fairies to tie his mouth.
“Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful.”

8. Bottom says, “…reason and love keep little company together nowadays.” Why is this
such an apt statement at this point in the play?

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The lovers in this play love each other because of reasoning. They love without the
reason when they love due to the love potion.

1. Which character is used by Shakespeare to connect the two plots? We see this working
in the first 2 pages of this act. Explain your choice.
He is used to Shake sphere connecting two plots. In my opinion he uses tricks to have
Demetrius fall in love with Helena and Lysander fall in love with Hermia.

2. What does Hermia accuse Demetrius of doing?

He accuses him of killing Lysander.

3. How are Puck and Oberon going to correct Puck’s earlier mistake?
They correct it by putting the magical flower juice in Lysander’s eyes while he is
sleeping. He makes sure that Hermia is the first to see when he wakes up. He did this
so Lysander could fall in love with Hermia and Demetrious could fall in love with

4. Why is Helena upset when Demetrius says he loves her? Isn’t this what she had wanted
all along?
She wanted him to fall in love with her but she thinks it’s a cruel joke and doesn’t
believe him.

5. To what does Demetrius compare his heart (lines170-174)? Explain the comparison.
(look up “sojourned” if you need help)
He compares his love for her to a guest that has now come home too Helena. He is in
love with before and is in love with her again. It was only temporary. He gives her to
Lysander in exchange for Lysander to reject his love for Helena, now Demetrius can
claim her.

6. Of what does Helena accuse Hermia?

Helena accuses Hermia of mocking her.

7. How close had Hermia and Helena been in the past?

They use to be best friends.

8. How does Lysander treat Hermia? Why can’t she believe what he says?
He treats her badly and tells her he hates her. She cannot believe it because the night
before he was in love with her.

9. Of what does Hermia accuse Helena?

Hermia accuses Helena of stealing Lysander and also making fun of her.

10. Why is Helena afraid of Hermia?

She is afraid of him because Hermia would win her in a fight.

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11. What are Lysander and Demetrius going off to do?
They are going off to fight for Helena.

12. What does Oberon tell Puck to do about the two young men?
He tells him to separate the two to make them fall asleep.

13. What is Oberon going to do about Titania?

Oberon is going to ask for a boy.

14. Why doesn’t Oberon fear the coming of day?

He has powers.

15. How well does Puck’s trickery work?

He tricks them into thinking he is Demetrius and Lysander.

16. What specific line tells us that Hermia still loves Lysander, even after all of his language
of hate?
“What, can you do me greater harm than hare? Hate me? Wherefore? O me! What
news, my love? Am not I Hermia? Are not you Lysander? I am as fair now as I was

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