EE8251 QB 010 Edubuzz360

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Department of electrical & electronics


1. Find the equivalent current source for a voltage source of 100V with series resistance of 2
Ω.(AU May/Jun 2010, 11, 12)
2. Find the equivalent voltage source for a current source of 10A with parallel resistance of 5
Ω.(AU May/Jun 2007)
3. Write the voltage and current division rule. (AU May 2007)
4. Define Kirchhoff’s voltage law. (Nov/Dec 2013)
5. Explain the concepts of current division in a circuit. (Nov/Dec 13)
6. Define RMS voltage. (May/June 14)
7. Define ohm’s law and its limitations. (May/June 14, 13)
8. Write briefly about resistance in a circuit. (May/June 15)
9. Define impedance and power factor of alternating circuit. (May/June 12, Dec 10)
10. Define mesh analysis of a circuit. ?( May/June 11, Dec 12)
11. Distinguish between a mesh and loop of a circuit. ?( May/June 13, 16, Dec 10)
12. Mesh current method is based on KCL and node voltage method is based on KVL- true or
false? (Dec 11)

UNIT II – Network reduction and theorems for DC and AC circuits

13. Give the expression for star to delta transformation. (AU Nov/Dec 2006, Apr/May 15)
14. Write the expression for delta to star transformation. .(AU May/Jun 2011, 15 Nov/Dec 12)
15. State Thevenin’s theorem. (AU Apr/May 2011)
16. State Norton’s theorem. (AU Nov/Dec 2010, 2011)
17. State super position Theorem. (AU May/Jun 2009)
18. State maximum power transfer theorem for D.C. circuits. (AU Nov/Dec 2009, May/Jun 10,
13, 15)
19. State reciprocity theorem (AU May/Jun 12, 13, 14, Nov/Dec 13, 14)
20. Write the objective of star-delta transformation. (AU Nov/Dec 2013)
21. Why do you short circuit the voltage source and open the current source when you find
Thevenin’s voltage of a network? (May/June 14)
22. Define Nodal analysis of a circuit. ?( May/June 12)
23. Write briefly about network reduction technique. (May 15)
24. List the applications of Thevenin’s theorem. (Dec 15)
25. What is the condition for maximum power in DC and AC circuits?
26. A load is connected to a network of the terminals to which load is connected, R th = 10 ohms
and Vth = 40V. Calculate the maximum power supplied to the load. ? (May 17)


UNIT III – Transient Response Analysis

27. Define the term ‘time constant’. (Nov 09, April 11, June 11, Nov 13, May 14, Nov/Dec 15,
May/June 16, April/May 17)

28. Write the purpose of Laplace transformation in the circuit analysis. (Nov/Dec 2013,
Nov/Dec 14)
29. What is meant by transient time?(Nov 13)
30. Distinguish between natural and forced response. (May/June 14)
31. Write the expression for the Laplace transformation of sine function (sin ωt). (May/June 14)
32. Determine the Laplace transform of unit step function u(t) and sinusoidal function sin
(ωt).(Nov/Dec 16)
33. A RLC series circuit has R=10 ohms and L = 2H. What value of capacitance will make the
circuit critically damped? (Nov/Dec 16)
34. A RLC series circuit has L = 2H, C=5 mic. Farad. What value of resistance will make the
circuit critically damped? (Dec 09, May 16)
35. Define the frequency response of series RLC circuit. (April/May 15)
36. Distinguish between steady state and transient state. (Nov/Dec 15)
37. What is the condition to be present in a series RLC circuit to make the circuit critically
damping?(May 10)
38. Find the time constant of RL circuit having R=10 ohms and L=0.1 mH. (May 13)
39. A 50 mic. Farad capacitor is discharged through 100 Kilo ohm resistor. If the capacitor is
initially charged to 400 V, determine the initial energy. (Nov/Dec 14).

UNIT IV – Three Phase Circuits

40. What are the advantages of 3 phase system over 1 phase system?(May 09, 16 Nov/Dec 12,
13, 16)
41. Write the current and voltage expressions for star and delta connection of a three phase
42. Distinguish between balanced network and unbalanced network. (April/May15, 17, 09)
43. Write the effect of power factor in energy consumption billing. (May/Jun 14)
44. A three phase motor can be regarded as a balanced Y load. A three phase motor draw 5.6
kW when the line voltage is 220V and the line current is 18.2 A. Determine the power
factor of the motor. (Nov/Dec 11,12)
45. A three phase 440V supply is given to a balanced star connected load of impedance (6-j8)
ohm in each branch. Find the magnitude of the line current. (May/June 12)
46. A three phase 400V supply is given to a balanced star connected load of impedance (8 +
j6) ohm in each branch. Find the magnitude of the line current. (May/June 16, Nov/Dec
47. Which type of connection of three phase system is preferred at the point of utilization?
Why?(May 07)
48. List out the method of power measurement in three-phase balanced circuits. (Nov/Dec 09)
49. Three inductive coils each having resistance of 16 ohm and reactance of j12 ohm are
connected in star across a 400V, 3 phase, 50 Hz supply. Calculate phase voltage.
(Nov/Dec 10,12)


50. In a three-phase balanced star system, the voltage across R and Y is 400 ∠00 V. what will
be the voltage across B and Y? Assume RYB phase sequence. (April/May 11)
51. Write the expression for the power measured by two wattmeter’s used in 3-phase balanced
load, in terms of voltage, current and power factor.
52. What is meant by neutral current? When doe it occur in a three-phase star-connected
53. What is a phase sequence of a 3-phase system?(Nov/Dec 16)
54. Draw the phasor diagram of line currents and line voltage of a balanced delta connected
load. (April/May 17)
55. Distinguish between unbalanced source and unbalanced load.(May 14, 15)
56. Write the equations for the phasor difference between the currents of the delta connected
network. (Dec 14)
57. Write the distortion power factor equation of the three phase circuits. (May 15)
58. When three phase supply system is called balanced supply system?(Dec 15)

UNIT V – Resonance and Coupled Circuits

59. Define self and mutual inductance of a coil. (April/May 17)

60. When do you say that a given a.c. circuit is at resonance. (May 11)
61. Define quality factor or Q-factor. (Dec 09, May 14)
62. Determine the resonant frequency for the series circuit consisting L=100 mH, C=0.1 mic.
F. (Dec 10)
63. What is quality factor of series resonant circuit? Give its significance. (Dec 14)
64. Determine the resonant frequency for the series circuit consisting R=10ohms, L=0.5 mH,
C=10 mic. F. (Dec 10)
65. Determine the resonant frequency for the series circuit consisting L=100 mic. H, C=0.1
mic. F. (Dec 10)
66. Define quality factor of the coil. (June 09)
67. Define bandwidth of resonant circuit. (May 09, 13)
68. What is selectivity? ( Dec 15)
69. Define resonant network. ( May 12)
70. Determine the quality factor of a coil for the series resonant circuit consisting R=10 ohm,
L=0.1 H, C= 10 Mic. Farad. (May 14)
71. Define frequency response of series RLC circuit. (May 15)
72. Define mutual inductance. (Dec 12, May 15)
73. Give significance of coefficient of coupling between two coils. Or what is meant by
coupling coefficient? (Dec 09, 15, May 16)
74. Write dot conventions. Or state ‘dot rule’ for coupled coils. (May 12, 15)
75. Explain the use of tuned circuits at radio frequencies. Or give applicdations of tuned
circuits. (May 13)


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