Lecture No 3

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Lecture No 3

Presentation skills
By Tahira Muqadas
Course code:00307 English -III
(technical writing and communication skills)
Semester 3rd
The Islamia University Bahawalpur

 Essay
 Essay structure
 Purpose of essay
 Characteristics
 Forms of essay
 Elements of essay
 An essay is a short academic composition. The word
“essay” derived from a French word” essai” or “essayer”
which mean trail.
 An essay is a piece of non-fiction writing, written
composition, sharing ideas or opinion on same or specific
 A literary composition on any topic.
Essay structure
An essay has three main parts:
 An introduction (introductory paragraph)
 A body (at least one, but usually more paragraph)
 A conclusion (concluding paragraph)
The introduction
An introduction paragraph has two parts:
General statement
 Introduction the general topic of the essay.

 Capture the readers interest.
Thesis statement
 States the specific topic.
 May list subtopics or subdivision
 May indicate the pattern of organization
 Is normally the last sentence in the introductory paragraph.
Body paragraph
The body paragraphs are used to:
 Develop your topic.
 Prove your points
The body paragraph should have:
 Some sort of pattern (chronological order or comparison /
contrast, or a combination).
 A logical division of ideas (division into subtopics and
discussion of these subtopics in separate paragraph)
The conclusion
The conclusion is the final paragraph in an essay. it has three
 It signals the end of essay.
 It reminds the reader of your main points. You can do this
in two ways:
i. Summarize your subtopics
ii. Paraphrase your thesis
 It leaves the reader with your final thoughts on the topic.

Purpose of essay
 It has many purpose depending bon what the writer wants
to write about and how he/ she wants to affects the readers.
 The main purpose of an essay is to discuss, persuade,
describe, explain, interpret or analyze particular topic.
o A good essay must contain the following characteristics
o An essay must be a unity.
o One theme with definite purpose.
o Treating in an orderly manner of one subject.
o It should be concisely written and not too long.
o The style should be simple, direct and clear.
Personal touch
o It should have an individuality or show the personal touch
for the writer.
Forms of essay
Formal essay

 This is known as impersonal essay. The content is
informative and scientific in nature. The writer uses the
“aesthetic’ approach in language and style.
Informal essay
 It is called familiar or personal essay. It expresses personal
experience or observation on human nature. Its purpose is
to entertain rather than to inform.
Elements of essay
 Audience
It refers to whom the essay is intended for.
 Purpose
It refers to intention or goal in writing essay.
 Subject
It is the topic discussed in the essay.
 Point of view
It is the how the ideas are told to the reader.
 Theme
It refers to lesson or message of the essay.
 Mood
It refers to the feelings which to the writer would like the reader
experience or get from the literary work
 Tone

It is the attitude of the writer towards his/her subject.
 Style
This is the special way in the ideas of the essay are developed.

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