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English First Additional Language

Grade 7

Extension and Remediation

Worksheet Book



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Platinum English

First Additional Language

Grade 7

Extension and Remediation Worksheet Book

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Chapter 1: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Read the story below and complete the questions that follow.
Long ago, Hippo lived on the land but he found the heat of the sun very uncomfortable. He asked N’gai, who
was the Lord of Creation, to let him leave the plains at the foot of Mount Kenya. He wanted to live in the
cool waters of Lake Nakuru and the Tana River. N’gai was worried that Hippo would eat the fish. However,
Hippo said, “Every time food passes through my body I will come out of the water and scatter my dung on
the earth with my tail. You’ll be able to check that there are no fish bones.” N’gai agreed, and to this day
Hippo comes onto the land to eat grass and to spread his dung across the ground by flicking it with his tail.

1. Underline six examples of proper nouns in the story above. Sometimes one proper
noun is made up of more than one word. (6)

2. Fill in the missing words to complete the sentences. A proper noun begins with a
____________ letter. In the story proper nouns are used to name ____________
and ____________. (3)

3. Write the common nouns in the list under the correct headings in the table below.
heat plains food comfort tail
request grass promise fish surprise waters (11)

Concrete noun Abstract noun

4. Underline the correct word in brackets.

a) When it is time for him to eat (a/some) food, Hippo comes out of the water. (1)
b) He enjoys eating (a/some) sweet grass. (1)
c) Then he drinks (a/some) water. (1)
d) He made (a/some) promise to N’gai and he has kept his word. (1)
e) This is (an/some) interesting story. (1)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 1: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Read the blurb below for a book about trickster tales titled “West African trickster tales” and
then answer the questions in your exercise book.

West African trickster tales

Retold by Martin Bennett
This is a lively collection from West Africa, a place “where stories grow on trees”. It includes stories about
such famous tricksters as Hare, Tortoise and Anansi the spider who is the greatest of them all. Each story
is full of larger-than-life characters and situations. You will read about how Anansi got his thin waist, how
Crocodile learnt his lesson and how Monkey managed not to get eaten by Shark.

1. Is the statement below True or False? Give a reason for your answer.
Martin Bennett was the first person to tell these stories. (2)
2. Which word in the first sentence of the blurb tells you that there is more than one
story in the book? (1)
3. Lively means interesting and exciting. Give a reason why the writer of the blurb
describes the book in this way. (2)
4. Copy and complete the sentences.
Famous means _____________. (2) The most famous trickster is _____________. (1) (3)
5. To be “larger-than-life” means to be more interesting or exciting than an ordinary person,
creature or situation. Do you like to read stories with larger-than-life characters?
Write Yes or No and give a reason for your answer. (2)
6. Copy and complete the sentence choosing the correct word in brackets.
The word how in the last sentence of the blurb tells readers that they will be reading an
(instruction/explanation/argument) about something. (1)
7. Copy and complete the sentences.
a) West Africa is written with capital letters because ____________________. (2)
b) Hare, Tortoise, Anansi, Crocodile, Monkey and Shark are written with capital letters
because ____________________. (2)
8. Write the nouns in the list under the correct headings in the table below.
trickster furniture homework story newspaper
sugar spider information flour telephone (10)

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 2: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Fill in the complex nouns from the list to complete the sentences below.
respect for One of the a feeling of The role of a Visitors to the
school property leader’s jobs pride leader school
a) ___________________ comes with responsibility. (1)
b) ___________________ is to make new learners feel welcome. (1)
c) Learners should wear their school uniforms properly to show __________________. (1)
d) ___________________ should always be greeted politely. (1)
e) Learners must have ___________________. (1)

2. Replace the nouns in brackets with a personal pronoun from the list below.
they them him her she he
a) (The new boy) was sitting on a rock. (1)
b) He watched (the white boys) walk past. (1)
c) (The white boys) smiled and nodded at (the new boy). (1)
d) (The new girl) came walking towards him, looking scared. (1)
e) He smiled at (the new girl). (1)

3. Fill the correct possessive pronoun in the space.

theirs ours yours hers his mine
a) I think this book is _________ and that one is _________. (2)
b) We think the book is _________ but they say the book is _________. (2)
c) He says the book is _________ but she says it is _________. (2)

4. Complete the sentences below using compound nouns from the list.
exercise books schoolchildren chalkboard homework
a) The____________ were working quietly at their desks. (1)
b) The examples were written in chalk on the ____________. (1)
c) They were doing the task in their ____________. (1)
d) If they do not finish in class, they must complete the task for ____________. (1)
Total: 20 marks

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Chapter 2: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
The role of a leader comes with lots of responsibility. A leader must make sure that other learners
follow the rules and they must be a good role model for the other learners. Both boys and girls can
be good leaders. Some of the things that leaders must do are to make sure new learners feel welcome,
help the teachers run assemblies, make sure that litter is picked up, check that learners are dressed
correctly in their school uniforms and that learners arrive on time for school. They must also make
sure that learners respect school property as well as other learners, and that they do not run in the
school corridors or damage anything in the bathroom. A leader who uses his or her role to bully others
is not a good leader at all.

a) Choose the best word below to complete this sentence:

The role of a leader comes with lots of _________________.
A power
B benefits
C responsibility
D praise (1)
b) What does it mean to be a good role model? (2)
c) Write down four things that a leader must do. Write in full sentences. (4)
d) Why is it important to make sure that learners respect other learners and do not
damage school property? (2)
e) Explain why a leader who uses his or her role to bully others is not a good leader. (2)
f) Think of two other duties not in the passage that a school leader could do.
Write in full sentences. (2)
g) How do you think leaders should be chosen at school? (2)

2. Look at the words in bold in the passage above. Say whether the words are compound
nouns or complex nouns. Write the words under the correct heading in the table. (6)
Compound noun Complex noun

3. Fill in the correct pronouns in the passage below.

He is a good leader because the other learners listen to _________. He is a role model to
the learners because when he tells _________ to pick up litter, he also picks _________
up. He is always properly dressed in his uniform and tells learners that _________ must be
proud of their school uniforms. (4)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 3: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. The following word definitions have been jumbled up. Draw a line from each word to
the correct definition. An example has been done for you. (5)
episode the way the text is set out on the page, with paragraphs, columns and so on
cliffhanger a television or radio story that is one of a series
scriptwriter words printed in darker thicker letters to make the reader notice them
layout the style and shape of the letters used in print
font an exciting situation in a television programme at the end of a scene – you
do not know what will happen next
bold a person who writes the words for films or television or radio programmes

2. Read the paragraph below and then answer the questions that follow.
The group of learners practised their play in the playground. They sat under the trees and went over
the script. The group leader listened to the cast going over their lines. Then she asked them to make
their voices sound like the characters. “You all sound the same,” she said. The learners started again.
This time they spoke with different voices. It sounded much better. Then they acted it in front of the
class. The other learners all clapped. “I thought you were very good,” said the teacher. “You planned
your presentation well.”

Some of the verbs in the paragraph have been underlined.

a) Write three verbs in the simple past tense that end in ed.
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ (3)
b) Write one verb in the simple past tense where a vowel in the word changes.
___________________ (1)
c) Write two verbs in the simple past tense where the word has been completely changed.
___________________ ___________________ (2)
d) Write two simple past tense verbs where the last letter was doubled before adding ed.
___________________ ___________________ (2)
e) Rewrite the teacher’s words, “I thought you were very good,” in dialogue form.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)

3. Match the words in the first column with their antonyms in the second column.
Word Antonym
a) same disappear
b) appear different
c) visible incorrect
d) respect invisible
e) correct disrespect (5)
Total: 20 marks
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Chapter 3: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Read the paragraph below. Underline all the finite verbs in the simple past tense.
Circle all the non-finite verbs.
The group of learners wrote a play and then rehearsed it. They sat under the trees and went over
the script. The teacher observed them as they were going over their lines.
She reminded them to make their voices sound like the characters. “You all sound the same,”
she said. The learners started again. This time they spoke with different voices.
It sounded much better. Then they acted the play in front of the class. When the play ended the
audience clapped enthusiastically. “I thought you were very good,” said the teacher.
“You planned your presentation well.”

2. Find the following items in the paragraph:

a) Two collective nouns: ________________ ________________ (2)
b) Synonyms for observed and ended: ________________ ________________ (2)
c) An antonym for different: ________________ (1)
d) Two verbs that double the last letter before adding ed: ________________
________________ (2)
e) One verb that changes its form completely in the past tense: ________________ (1)

3. Copy and complete the dialogue below. Use your own ideas. Add the necessary
punctuation. Make the conversation interesting and lively.
Learner 1: What is your favourite programme on TV at the moment?
Learner 2: _________________________________________________________________
Learner 1: Why _____________________________________________________________
Learner 2: Because __________________________________________________________
Learner 1: _________________________________________________________________
Learner 2: _________________________________________________________________
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 4: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Read the glossary below. Then read the story and answer the questions that follow.

water rat – a rat that can swim that lives in the ground near water
turtle – a type of tortoise with flippers for legs that lives mostly in water
flood – when water from too much rain, or from a river, starts to rise up

A myth about how the world was made

Long, long ago, there was a terrible flood in the land. It rained and rained and the water covered the
land. The people climbed up the mountain to get away from the flood. Three animals, a water rat, a duck
and a turtle, made a boat. They sat on the boat as it floated on the water. Meanwhile, the people on the
mountain prayed to God to save them.
God said, “Bring me some sand from the bottom of the water, and I will make a new land.” The people
shouted to the animals to help them. “Please get us some sand from the bottom of the water,” they
called. First the duck dived down into the water, but he could not reach the sand. Then the turtle dived
down. He got nearly there, but he had to come back.
Then the brave water rat said he would go. He took a deep breath and dived down, down, down into
the water. He got to the bottom and took some sand in his mouth. He swam back to the boat but water
went into his lungs. He was drowning. The duck and the turtle were sitting in the boat, watching for him.
They saw his body and pulled him out.
“He is dead!” said the duck, and he started to cry. Then the turtle opened the water rat’s mouth.
Inside his mouth he found some sand. He took the sand out and then the water rat could breathe again.
The duck threw the sand high into the sky. Then God made a new land for the people and animals out of
the sand.

a) How did the people escape the flood? ______________________________________ (2)

b) How did the three animals escape the flood? ________________________________ (2)
c) Which of the three animals got the sand? ___________________________________ (1)
d) Why did the duck start to cry? ____________________________________________ (2)
e) Find four verbs in the story that are in the simple past tense and end in ed.
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (4)
f) Find two verbs in the simple past tense that do not end in ed.
____________ ____________ (2)
g) Find a synonym in the story for soil. __________ Give the plural of soil. __________ (2)

2. Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets. Some will be comparative adjectives
and some will be superlative adjectives.
a) That winter was the (wet) ____________ winter the people had ever known. (2)
b) The water on the land rose (high) ____________ than the houses. (2)
c) The three animals were (lucky) ____________ than other animals with no boat. (2)
d) The water rat was the (brave) ____________ of all the animals. (2)
e) The turtle is a (good) ____________ swimmer than a tortoise. (2)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 4: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Read the myth below and answer the questions that follow. This myth does not tell about
the natural world like most myths do. It explains how intelligence came into the world.

A myth about how intelligence came into the world

There was once a village chief named Anansi. He was very clever and people respected him for his
intelligence. But he began to brag and boast about it. He walked around the village, finding fault with
everyone. “You see how foolish you all are,” shouted Anansi. “Why can’t you be clever like me?” The
more he boasted, the more nervous the villagers became and the more foolishly they acted.
Then the chief began to think he should store his intelligence. “What if these stupid people try to
steal my intelligence?” he asked his wife. He told her to make a big clay pot with a lid. Together they
packed his intelligence into the pot and put the lid on. Then Anansi’s wife tied the pot onto his stomach
with a rope. Off he went to the forest to look for a tall tree to store it in. Meanwhile his young son
followed him quietly, on tip toe. He wanted to see what his father was going to do with such a big pot.
The chief found a tall tree and started to climb it. He struggled because the pot was in the way. Then
the boy called out “Father, the pot is getting in your way. Tie it at your back.” Well, the chief looked
around at his son, looked at his fat stomach, looked at the tree and realised that he had been very
foolish. He burst out laughing and said: “How can I be so clever if my son solves my problems better
than I can?” He realised that intelligence is the way you look at things, the way you think, not something
that can be stored. He threw the pot down and it smashed into tiny pieces. The intelligence flew out
into all the people of the world.

a) What do you think the message of this story is? ______________________________ (2)
b) What effect did Anansi’s bragging about his intelligence have on others?
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
c) Can intelligence really be stored or fly around the world? Explain your answer.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
d) Find four verbs in the myth that are in the simple past tense that do not take ed at
the end of the word.
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ (4)

2. Write an extra paragraph for the myth in your exercise book describing what Anansi
said to his wife when he got home, about what had happened in the forest. (10)

3. Fill in the missing adjectives in the comparative table below.

Adjective Comparative form Superlative form
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 5: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Use the words in the first column to complete the table below. Some of the words
have a prefix or a suffix, and some of the words have both a prefix and a suffix. (11)
Word Prefix Root Suffix
a) unlock un lock –
b) kindness – kind ness
c) retell
d) teacher
e) unhelpful
f) bicycle
g) mistake
h) dangerous
i) dishonest
j) disapprove
k) mismanagement

2. Change the word in brackets into the antonym of the word.

a) Give me the key so that I can (lock) ____________ the door. (1)
b) This map is (helpful) ____________ so I hope I don’t get lost. (1)
c) My teacher (approves) ____________ of (honest) ____________ children who
cheat in their tests. (2)
d) The event was a failure because it was (managed) ____________ . (1)

3. Circle the finite verbs in the sentences in Question 2 above. Underline the main clause
in each sentence. (4)

4. Underline the correct word in brackets.

a) Oh (deer/dear), John (missed/mist) the goalposts! (2)
b) Yay, Tamsin (past/passed) her exams! (1)
c) I have (read/red) all the instructions but I still don’t understand. (1)
d) The train is (dew/due) to arrive soon – I hope we won’t (be/bee) late. (2)
e) Nandi lost her shoes and had to walk home with (bear/bare) feet. (1)

5. Fill in the missing letters to complete the words.

a) I love it when there are no cl_ _ ds in the sky, and lots of fl _ _ ers in the fields. (1)
b) I jumped out the _ _ air and ran to ca_ _ _ the bus. (1)
c) Swi _ _ _ off the li_ _ t when you leave. (1)
Total: 30 marks

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Chapter 5: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Add prefixes to create antonyms and complete the table below. Use this list of words:
possible fair agree perfect active behave afraid patient
complete like acceptable obey trust polite correct read (8)

dis- im- in- mis- un-

2. Complete these sentences using words from the table above.

a) The task is ____________, so I refuse to do it. (1)
b) Your work is ____________ because you have not answered the last question. (1)
c) My father taught me that I should never be ____________ as rudeness is always
____________. (2)
d) When you ____________ with something, or if you ____________ someone,
you have a right to voice your opinion. (2)

3. Circle the finite verbs in the sentences in Question 2. (4)

4. Complete this table, using the sentences in Question 2. Note: the main clause is not
always the first clause, and some sentences have more than one dependent clause. (4)
Sentence Main clause Dependent clause Dependent clause

5. Complete these sentences with clauses of your own.

a) John got lost in the night, so _____________________________________________. (2)
b) My teacher praised me for my work because ________________________________. (2)
c) My father always taught me that __________________________________________. (2)
d) When you have a good idea, _____________________________________________. (2)
Total: 30 marks

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Chapter 6: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. The paragraph below contains ten errors in subject-verb agreement.

Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. (10)
Mandela Day (have) become an important day on the South African calendar. On this day
volunteers (works) at many different community projects. There (is) other important days such
as Freedom Day and Heritage Day. Some people are now giving another name to Heritage Day
by calling it National Braai Day. They (argues) that all South Africans (likes) to meet around a
fire. They say that doing this (promote) unity in the country. Others (disagrees). They say that
not everyone (enjoy) a braai. Some people (doesn’t) eat meat because they are vegetarians and
other people can’t afford to buy meat. How (does) you think Heritage Day should be celebrated?







2. Complete the table by filling in the correct form of the adjectives. (10)
Adjective Comparative form Superlative form
more attractive

3. Circle the subject and underline the predicate in each of the sentences below.
a) All the people in our street get together for lunch in the street on Heritage Day. (2)
b) Everyone shares the food that they bring. (2)
c) My mother’s potato salad is a favourite with all our neighbours. (2)
d) My two brothers usually bring their guitars. (2)
e) I like to join them in singing after lunch. (2)
Total: 30 marks
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Chapter 6: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

Fresh food for all

The principal and teachers at Banareng Primary School were worried about the number of children who were
performing poorly because they were not getting enough to eat. The principal obtained a small donation of
money from a local company. She also got information about gardening from an organisation called Food and
Trees for Africa. Teachers and learners began working on a project which has changed their lives.
Today, much of the school yard is covered with vegetable patches and a herb garden. Labels in the herb
garden tell you what each herb can be used for – some for cooking and many as medicines. Every day all
learners get a meal of vegetables from the garden cooked by members of the local community. Vegetables are
also sold quite cheaply to people in the neighbourhood.
By working in the gardens, learners have found out how to make compost to enrich the soil and how to
use water wisely. To help make compost, learners bring empty cans, old newspapers and vegetable waste
to school and layer them in covered pits. Sometimes teachers use the gardens to teach mathematical
calculations and as a topic for writing activities.

1. Complete the sentence below by adding one word.

Many of the children at Banareng Primary School were not doing well at school
because they were ____________. (1)
2. List two kinds of support that helped the food gardens project get started.
a) _____________________________________________________________________ (2)
b) _____________________________________________________________________ (2)
3. Give two examples from the article which show that the vegetable growing has been
a) _____________________________________________________________________ (2)
b) _____________________________________________________________________ (2)
4. List two things that learners can learn about herbs.
a) _____________________________________________________________________ (2)
b) _____________________________________________________________________ (2)
5. Write a sentence to explain how they can learn these things.
________________________________________________________________________ (2)
6. State whether the following are True or False and give a reason for your answer.
a) Learners make compost for the gardens at their homes.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
b) The community around the school benefits from the garden.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
7. Circle the subject and underline the predicate in each of the sentences in the first
paragraph of the article. (8)
8. Underline the correct form of the verb in brackets.
a) One of the teachers (ask/asks) learners to collect empty cans for the compost pit. (1)
b) Learners (measure/measures) the space between each tomato plant. (1)
c) The soil (needs/need) more water in summer than in winter. (1)
Total: 30 marks

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Chapter 7: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Rewrite these sentences in indirect speech in your exercise book.

a) Sisanda asked, “How are you?” (1)
b) “I love ice cream!” shouted Thando. (1)
c) Amina complained, “I do not feel like doing my homework.” (1)
d) “I left my book at home,” explained Ishmael. (1)
e) My father sighed, “I must sweep the floor.” (1)

2. Underline the correct relative adjective in brackets to complete each sentence.

a) (What/Which) is your best colour? (1)
b) (Which/What) team do you support? Cape Town Ajax or Manchester United? (1)
c) (What/Which) fruit do you like eating? (1)
d) (Which/What) kind of trees are they going to plant? (1)
e) (What/Which) T-shirt will you wear? The green one or the yellow one? (1)

3. Match each proper noun in the list to the correct common noun below.
Idutywa Pretoria Cape Town International Zimbabwe Orange
Airport River
a) city – ________________ (1)
b) river – ________________ (1)
c) airport – ________________ (1)
d) town – ________________ (1)
e) country – ________________ (1)

4. Say whether the sentences below are simple or compound.

a) I put on my swimming costume and jumped into the water. ________________ (1)
b) The first three athletes got prizes. ________________ (1)
c) She waited until the rain stopped. ________________ (1)
d) We must go, because it is getting late. ________________ (1)
e) The show was in the school hall. ________________ (1)
Total: 20 marks

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Chapter 7: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Correct the punctuation or spelling mistake in each advertising slogan below.

a) By one get one free. _____________________________________ (1)
b) South Africas best-selling brand. _____________________________________ (1)
c) Hurry wile stocks last! _____________________________________ (1)
d) Sal now on. _____________________________________ (1)
e) To for the price of one._____________________________________ (1)

2. Match each feminine noun in the list to the correct masculine noun below.
actress queen niece ewe rooster
a) nephew – ____________ (1)
b) actor – ____________ (1)
c) hen – ____________ (1)
d) king – ____________ (1)
e) ram – ____________ (1)

3. Complete the sentences. Write whether the sentence is simple or compound after
each sentence.
a) He jumped into the water and _____________________________________. (2)
b) I watched _____________________________________ last night. (2)
c) She won a _____________________________________. (2)
d) It rained but the match _____________________________________. (2)
e) The event took place _____________________________________. (2)

4. Complete each sentence. Underline the best demonstrative adjective in brackets.

a) (This/These) is our house. (1)
b) (That/Those) boy over there is my brother. (1)
c) (That/These) are my shoes. (1)
d) (Those/This) colours are my favourite. (1)
e) (Such/These) language is rude. (1)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 8: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Underline the correct form of the verb in brackets to make sentences in the passive voice.
a) Athletics Day (attended/was attended) by the whole school and most of the parents. (1)
b) Soraya (was beaten/was beat) by Charlene in the 100 metre race. (1)
c) Riaad, the school’s fastest runner, (was overtook/was overtaken) by Stephen. (1)
d) The leftover food from the event (was gave/was given) to poor families in the
community. (1)
e) The video of the prize-giving ceremony (is been shown/is being showed/is being
shown) tonight in the school hall. (1)

2. Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Why elephants have trunks

Long ago, elephants did not have trunks. They had short noses. This story explains how they got
their trunks. An elephant went to the river to drink some water. He bent down to drink and a crocodile
quickly grabbed his nose with its sharp teeth. The crocodile pulled and pulled. The elephant pulled and
“That’s sore!” said the elephant. “Won’t you please let go?”
But the crocodile went on pulling. The elephant’s nose got longer and longer. At last, the crocodile’s
jaw became sore from pulling. He let go and the elephant went home. The elephant could do so much
with this new long nose! He could pull down trees and take a shower. So the other elephants rushed off
immediately to get long noses too. Now all elephants’ noses are long and are called trunks.

a) Find an apostrophe used for the contraction of did not in the story. ____________ (1)
b) Find an apostrophe used for the contraction of will not in the story. ____________ (1)
c) Find an apostrophe used for the contraction of that is in the story. _____________ (1)
d) Find an apostrophe used to show possession. ____________ (singular) (1)
e) Find an apostrophe used to show possession. ____________ (plural) (1)
f) Write two adjectives from the story. ____________ and ____________ (2)
g) Write two adverbs from the story. ____________ and ____________ (2)
h) Write the past tense of the verb grab. ____________ (1)
Total: 15 marks

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Chapter 8: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Write the following sentences in the passive voice. Start with the words in bold.
a) Most of the learners and their parents attended Athletics Day.
Athletics Day was _____________________________________________________. (1)
b) Parents cooked the refreshments for the event.
The refreshments for __________________________________________________. (1)
c) Thabo beat Jack in the 100 metre race.
Jack was _____________________________________________________________. (1)
d) The principal handed out the trophies.
The trophies _________________________________________________________. (1)
e) Parents took lots of photographs of the winners.
Lots of photographs ___________________________________________________. (1)

2. Edit the paragraph below. Rewrite the paragraph in your exercise book. Add in the
apostrophes where necessary. Write P or C to show whether the apostrophe shows
possession or contraction. (5)

How to tell the difference between a cheetah and a leopard

Both leopards and cheetahs are carnivores, but not everybody knows the difference between them. Heres
a way to differentiate them. The leopard has a clear face but the cheetah has black lines going from its eyes
to the edges of its mouth. They look like tears have been running down the cheetahs face. Both animals are
predators, which mean they hunt for their food. But the leopards legs are powerful so it can run further to
chase buck. Even the front legs are strong so it can pull a buck up into a tree. A cheetah cant do that, but it
can run very swiftly. In fact, it can run so fast that even a springbuck couldnt outrun it. You probably havent
noticed that their spots are different. All leopards spots are like flowers, whereas those of the cheetah are
dark and neat.

3. Answer the following questions based on the paragraph above.

a) Find the one apostrophe that shows plural possession. ____________ (1)
b) Find two adjectives: ____________and ____________ (2)
c) Find two adverbs: ____________and ____________ (2)
d) Find a word which means eats meat. ____________ (1)
e) Find a synonym for the word observed: ____________ (1)
f) Find a word which means tell them apart. ____________ (1)

4. Look for words inside words, for example whereas has the word here in it and tears
has the word ear in it.
a) Find a word in the paragraph above that has the word ring in it. ____________ (1)
b) Find a word in the paragraph above that has the word red inside it. ____________ (1)

5. Write a summary of the paragraph in your exercise book. Use the title “The differences
between a leopard and a cheetah”. Only give the main points and write in full sentences.
Use 40 to 50 words. (5)
Total: 25 marks
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Chapter 9: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Add the missing punctuation marks to the dialogue.

Learner Who was Chris Hani
Teacher He was a lawyer a socialist and a brave activist who fought against apartheid
Learner How did he die
Teacher He was assassinated and so was Ruth First, Mahatma (Mohandas) Gandhi and
David Webster
Learner It’s shocking how many activists were assassinated (10)

2. Underline the verb in each sentence below. Write T for transitive or I for intransitive
next to the sentence.
a) Chris Hani was a brave soldier. ___________________________________________ (2)
b) He studied at the university of Fort Hare. ___________________________________ (2)
c) Nelson Mandela gave a speech at his funeral. _______________________________ (2)
d) Many brave people were assassinated. _____________________________________ (2)
e) Apartheid rule has ended. _______________________________________________ (2)

3. Complete the sentences to change them from the active to the passive voice.
a) Many people admired Chris Hani.
Chris Hani __________________ by many people. (1)
b) The apartheid government banned the ANC in 1960.
The ANC __________________ by __________________ in 1960. (2)
c) The ANC formed a military organisation called MK.
A military organisation called MK ___________________ by __________________ . (2)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 9: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Rewrite the paragraph about Chris Hani, a famous activist. Add the correct
punctuation. (10)
In 1956 chris hani went to lovedale school in the town of alice. This was one of the eastern cape’s
oldest mission schools. Many well known leaders such as thabo mbeki zk Matthews and james
moroka had studied there. He met some boys who were involved in the anc youth league and
began to read about the problems in the area.







2. Underline the transitive verbs in the following sentences. Circle the intransitive verbs.
In 1958, Chris Hani matriculated. Then he went to the University of Fort Hare and
graduated with a BA degree. He learnt about socialism. He read and he thought.
In 1961, he joined the Communist Party. (7)

3. Change the sentences below from the active voice to the passive voice. The first one
has been started for you.
a) The apartheid government introduced Bantu Education in 1954.
Bantu Education _______________________________________________________. (1)

b) The government took over the mission schools.

_____________________________________________________________________. (2)

c) The ANC formed an Alliance to fight the government.

_____________________________________________________________________. (2)

d) In 1956 the government arrested 156 Alliance leaders.

_____________________________________________________________________. (3)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 10: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Use the conjunctions in the list to join the compound sentences below.
but and then and otherwise
a) Eat healthy food ____________ drink some water. (1)
b) Exercise is good ____________ you must not overdo it. (1)
c) Warm up before you exercise ____________ you can injure yourself. (1)
d) Start off by jogging ____________ do some stretching. (1)
e) Do some exercise every day ____________ you will stay fit. (1)

2. Underline the noun clause in each sentence.

a) I think that exercise is boring. (1)
b) What she said to her team mate is unacceptable. (1)
c) How Jan got into the A-team no one knows! (1)
d) Our coach said that we are playing a match next week. (1)

3. Complete the paragraph below by filling in the correct dependent clause in the list.
that there was if he wanted to carry as soon as he could who were much
something wrong on playing soccer older than he was
with his heart
until it was dark that he played it when he was three so that he could
outside whenever he could years old have the operation
Cristiano Ronaldo is a famous soccer player. He started playing soccer ________________
________________. He was just as good as some of the boys ________________________
________. Cristiano Ronaldo loved soccer so much ________________________________.
Sometimes he played ________________________________.
He was invited to play for many soccer clubs. Then doctors discovered _________________
_______________. He needed a special heart operation _____________________________
___. His club gave him money ________________________________.
He started playing soccer again ________________________________ ! (16)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 10: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Read the paragraph and then answer the questions that follow.
The vuvuzela is a long musical instrument that is shaped like a horn. It makes a loud noise when
you blow into it. It is used by soccer fans who blow them to show support for their team. The first
vuvzelas were probably made from kudu horns but now they are made from plastic.

a) Write an example of a compound sentence from the paragraph.

_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
b) Write an example of a complex sentence with a main clause and an adverbial
clause from the paragraph.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
c) Write two adjectival clauses from the paragraph.
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)

2. Add dependent clauses to the main clauses. Begin each dependent clause with a
suitable conjunction. In question a), underline one of the options in brackets.
a) I (enjoy/do not enjoy) watching the Olympics _______________________________. (2)
b) My friend will visit me __________________________________________________. (2)
c) Professional sportsmen and women train every day __________________________
_____________________________________________________________________. (2)
d) We will go and watch the game __________________________________________. (2)
e) You should always warm up _____________________________________________. (2)
f) Many people think _____________________________________________________. (2)

3. Circle three noun phrases in the sentences given below. Underline two noun clauses.
a) How many gold medals has Penny Heyns won? (1)
b) The TV schedule shows that the cricket will be on at 8 pm. (1)
c) The boy in the red shirt plays good tennis. (1)
d) How he could lose that game, I do not understand! (1)
e) The opening ceremony of the Olympics is always exciting to watch. (1)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 11: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Rewrite these sentences in indirect speech.

a) My teacher asked us, “What work do you do at home?”
_____________________________________________________________________ (1)
b) “Washing up and making my bed,” I answered.
_____________________________________________________________________ (1)
c) My mother said, “You are a great help.”
_____________________________________________________________________ (1)
d) “I hate ironing my shirts,” moaned my dad.
_____________________________________________________________________ (1)
e) “That’s women’s work,” complained the boy.
_____________________________________________________________________ (1)

2. Complete each sentence by underlining the correct relative pronoun in brackets.

a) I love flowers (who/that) smell. (1)
b) There is the woman (which/who) works so hard. (1)
c) He drives a car (which/who) is very old. (1)
d) Do you know someone (who/which) can help us? (1)
e) I like reading books (who/which) make me laugh. (1)

3. Write the correct root for each word.

a) disappointment – ____________ (1)
b) misuse – ____________ (1)
c) writing – ____________ (1)
d) skipped – ____________ (1)
e) unhappy – ____________ (1)

4. Find ten mistakes in the dialogue below. Rewrite the dialogue correctly.
Mother (angry): Its nearly suppertime Turn off the TV and come and lay the table
Son (complaining): But, mom, I did it last night It’s Sisanda’s turn
Daughter (shouting): Oh no, it’s not! I hung up the washing this afternoon
Mother (getting angrier): Why do you always argue about helping Im sick and tired of it
Son (sighing): Okay okay. I’ll come and do it.
_______________________________________________________________________ (10)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 11: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Complete each sentence with a suitable relative clause.

a) Where is the book that _________________________________________________? (2)
b) I know a man who _____________________________________________________ (2)
c) My father enjoys watching programmes which ______________________________ (2)
d) I have an aunt who _____________________________________________________ (2)
e) Do you see the car that _________________________________________________? (2)

2. Write the root for each word.

a) justice – ____________ (1)
b) treatment – ____________ (1)
c) privileged – ____________ (1)
d) discrimination – ____________ (1)
e) inequality – ____________ (1)

3. Complete the dialogue. Use the ideas in brackets to help you.

Father (angry): Thobile, it’s your turn to do the washing up and I see
it’s not done.
Son (making up a weak excuse)______________________________________________
Father (getting angrier) __________________________________________________
Son (sighing) __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ (6)

4. Answer these questions about the dialogue you wrote.

a) Who are the characters?_________________________________________________ (1)
b) What is the setting?_____________________________________________________ (1)
c) Describe the conflict in the situation. ______________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ (2)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 12: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Use demonstrative pronouns to complete this poem:

When my elephant wore a hat,
My father said, “Just look at ____________!”
When my pet snake gave a hiss,
My mother said, “Listen to ____________!”
When our house was full of fleas,
My sister said, “Get rid of ____________!”
When my monkey stole our clothes,
My brother yelled, “I want ____________!” (4)

2. Use prefixes to make new words to replace the words in brackets.

Dear Diary 24 August
I am (not happy) ____________ because the teacher was (not fair) ____________ at
school today. She punished me because my work was (not finished) ____________.
She told me that I looked (not tidy) ____________. She said that the story I wrote is
(not interesting) ____________. On days like this I want to (wind back) ___________
the clock and start again. (6)

3. Add suffixes from the list to make new words from the words in brackets in the sentences
-ness -y -ship -ence -dom
a) Today I will be full of (kind) _______________ to animals. (1)
b) Today I will have the (wise) _______________ to know when to talk and when to
keep quiet. (1)
c) Today I will show (honest) ________________ in everything I do. (1)
d) Today I will have (confident) ______________ in myself. (1)
e) Today I will show true (friend) ______________ to others. (1)

4. Fill in the missing punctuation marks.

__What can we do today__” Miriam asked her friends__
__It__s raining outside,__complained Jo. __We can__t play soccer.__
Andile suggested,__Let__s go to the library.__
__And what will we do there__” Miriam asked__
__Read books__ silly__ __The others laughed__ (10)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 12: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Complete the story below using demonstrative pronouns.

One morning, Sanna could not find her brown school shoes. She was cross.
“Wear ____________,” suggested her mother, who was carrying Sanna’s black shoes.
“No!” shouted Sanna, “I don’t want to wear ____________! I have to wear brown shoes.”
“What’s all ____________ about?” asked her father, coming into the room. “I won’t go
to school without my brown shoes,” said Sanna, and that’s ____________!” (4)

2. Think of six words that begin with the prefix un-. Fill them in on the mindmap. (6)

a) un____________

f ) un____________ b) un____________

e) un____________ c) un____________

d) un____________

3. Turn each word into an adjective by adding a suffix. Use each word in a sentence.
a) music _______________________________________________________________ (2)
b) beauty ______________________________________________________________ (2)
c) enjoy _______________________________________________________________ (2)
d) play ________________________________________________________________ (2)
e) energy ______________________________________________________________ (2)

4. Rewrite the sentences below in direct speech. Remember to use the present tense and the
correct punctuation. Remember, when people speak they often join words. When we write,
we use apostrophes to show that letters are missing, for example: they are – they’re.
The librarian, Ms Maliwa, told the children to sit quietly. She said she was going to read them an
exciting story. Lindi asked what the story was about. Ms Maliwa replied it was an adventure story about
a boy who got lost. Thabo exclaimed that he was once lost and he thought it was scary, not exciting.

“______________, children,” said Ms Maliwa. ___________________________________ (4)

Lindi asked, “What ________________________________________________________ (2)
Ms Maliwa replied, ________________________________________________________ (2)
Thabo exclaimed, “I was once lost, and I think__________________________________ (2)
Total: 30 marks

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Chapter 13: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Say whether the nouns below are concrete or abstract.

a) greed ______________________________ (1)
b) shoes ______________________________ (1)
c) love _______________________________ (1)
d) road _______________________________ (1)
e) clinic _______________________________ (1)

2. Complete the table with the correct form of the adjective. (5)
Adjective Comparative Superlative
a) short shorter
b) good best
c) nearer nearest
d) loud loudest
e) beautiful more beautiful

3. Complete the sentences in chronological order using the words in the list below.

After that Finally Second First Third

Josef went to town on Saturday.
a) ____________ he bought fruit and vegetables at the market. (1)
b) ____________ he stopped at the café to buy a cold drink. (1)
c) ____________ he looked for some shoes in a few shops. (1)
d) ____________ he met some friends for lunch. (1)
e) ____________ he returned home. (1)

4. Match the word in the first column to the correct synonym in the second column.
Word Synonym
a) journey soaked
b) far black
c) wet home
d) house trip
e) dark distant

Total: 20 marks

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Chapter 13: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Rearrange these sentences in order of importance by numbering them correctly.

Use the transition words to help you.
_____ Here are five important rules for swimming:
_____ Always swim or play safely in water.
_____ Secondly, don’t swim in dirty water.
_____ Lastly, don’t eat or drink while swimming.
_____ Thirdly, don’t dive in shallow water.
_____ Firstly, never swim alone. (5)

2. Complete each sentence using the correct comparative or superlative adjective.

a) I am tall, but my brother is ____________. (1)
b) Jamela is sweet, but her sister is the ____________ girl I know. (1)
c) A car is noisy, but a motorbike is____________. (1)
d) My mother is clever, but my aunt is the ____________ in our family. (1)
e) Netball is enjoyable, but soccer is ____________. (1)

3. Say whether the nouns below are concrete or abstract.

a) hate _________________________________ (1)
b) jealousy ______________________________ (1)
c) head _________________________________ (1)
d) doctor _______________________________ (1)
e) stress ________________________________ (1)

4. Match the word in the first column to the correct synonym in the second column. (5)
Word Antonym
a) far dry
b) mountain found
c) wet large
d) lost near
e) tiny valley
Total: 20 marks

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Chapter 14: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Use the map below and write directions to help Lucky find his way from the Moyo Market
Theatre to the bus stop at the corner of Sauer Street and Jeppe Street. The first step has
been done for you.

a) Turn right out of the Moyo Market Theatre and walk to Bree Street.
b) At Bree Street turn left and cross ____________ Street. (1)
c) Continue straight until you reach the second road which is called ____________. (1)
d) Turn ____________ until you reach Jeppe Street. (1)
e) At Jeppe Street turn ____________and continue until you see the bus stop. (1)
f) If you reach ____________ you have walked one block too far. (1)

2. Underline the correct relative pronoun in brackets.

a) This is Mr Khan (which/who) owns the shop. (1)
b) Lucky is a boy (which/who) is looking for his father. (1)
c) This is the letter (which/who) Lucky wrote. (1)
d) The post office is in an old building (which/who) was built in 1918. (1)
e) Lucky and Mr Khan are two people (which/who) are lucky to have met each other! (1)

3. Underline the correct reflexive pronoun in brackets.

a) Mr Khan wrote the letters (himself/themselves/myself ). (1)
b) Lucky’s mother brought up Lucky all by (herself/themselves/myself ). (1)
c) My brother and sister looked at photographs of (herself/themselves/myself ). (1)
d) A door cannot open by (himself/themselves/itself ). (1)
e) I made this cake (herself/themselves/myself ). (1)
Total: 15 marks

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Chapter 14: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow in your exercise book.
Dangerous streets
At night the dark is a blanket,
Like a cloud it covers the light.
The rats, the cats and the criminals.
All come out and bite.

I fear the soft, sad silence,

I fear the shrill, sharp screams.
I hear the scary footsteps.
They tip-toe through my dreams.

a) How many stanzas does this poem have? (1)

b) Write down two words which rhyme in the first stanza. (2)
c) Write down two words which rhyme in the second stanza. (2)
d) Quote a metaphor in the first stanza. (2)
e) Write down a simile in the first stanza. (1)
f) Choose one word below which describes the mood or tone of the poem.
A Happy
B Sad
C Scary (1)
g) Which word tells us that the footsteps move quietly in the poet’s dreams? (1)

2. Use a reflexive pronoun (pronoun + self ) to replace the words in brackets.

a) Lucky helped (Lucky) to an orange from Mr Khan’s table. (1)
b) Mr Khan was too old to look after the shop by (Mr Khan). (1)
c) The police officers did not catch the criminals by (the police officers) because
Lucky helped them. (1)
d) Lucky’s mother took (Lucky’s mother) to the hospital. (1)
e) You can read this story (without any help/on your own). (1)

3. Use the relative pronouns which or who to join the sentences.

a) “Lucky’s letters” is a story about a boy. The boy went to the city. (1)
b) Lucky went to the city. Going to the city was a big adventure. (1)
c) In the city, Lucky met Mr Khan. Meeting Mr Khan was a good thing. (1)
d) Mr Khan ran a shop. Mr Khan’s shop was actually a table on the side of the road. (1)
e) In the end, Mr Khan asked Lucky an important question. It was a question which
delighted the little boy. (1)
Total: 20 marks

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Chapter 15: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Underline the finite verb and put brackets around the subject in each sentence.
a) Friendship is an important part of my life. (1)
b) My group of friends and I were talking about our holidays. (1)
c) One of my friends went to Mozambique. (1)
d) Another of my friends had to go to Taiwan with her mother. (1)
e) Most of us stayed at home. (1)

2. Underline the dependent clause in each sentence.

a) If your friend is in trouble, you should help her. (1)
b) They are good friends because they have a lot in common. (1)
c) When your friend needs to talk, you should listen. (1)
d) We look forward to break so we can share our lunch. (1)
e) My friend is a lot of fun as he is always making jokes. (1)

3. Say whether the underlined dependent clause tells you more about the subject of
the main clause or the verb of the main clause. The subject is in brackets and the verb
is in bold. Write “subject” or “verb” as your answer.
a) (The girl) who is sitting alone is new. ______________________________________ (1)
b) (Many learners) ignore her because they have their own friends. _______________ (1)
c) (The gang of girls) that stands near the tuckshop are laughing at her. ___________ (1)
d) (She) looks at me with big eyes as I approach her. ___________________________ (1)
e) When I ask her sit with us, (she) smiles. ____________________________________ (1)

4. Say whether the adverbs in brackets are adverbs of manner, place, time or frequency.
a) She watches the other learners (nervously). ________________________________ (1)
b) They walk (across) to the tuckshop. _______________________________________ (1)
c) It starts to rain (heavily). ________________________________________________ (1)
d) Everyone (always) comes (late) for class when it rains. ________________________ (1)
e) The classroom (usually) leaks when it rains. _________________________________ (1)
Total: 20 marks

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Chapter 15: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
On my way to school, I pass an open piece of ground. It’s full of rubble and litter. Once I was
walking past and I saw a very thin dog. She was black and brown, very thin and she looked like she
was scared of everything. But when I looked at her, I saw she had clever eyes. She wouldn’t come
near so I put down some of my polony sandwich. Every day I looked for her and left her some of
my sandwich but she still wouldn’t come to me. While I was standing there one day, I was pushed
roughly from behind. I fell hard on the ground and felt a kick in my side. I knew it was S’celo from
my school. He is a bully who likes to hurt people for fun. Then I heard a growl and something brown
and black jumped over me. I heard S’celo shout and saw his feet running away. I sat up. A pair of
clever eyes looked at me. I held out my hand and she licked my fingers gently.

a) Where did the writer see the dog? _______________________________________ (1)

b) Why is this not a good place for a dog to live? ______________________________ (1)
c) Write down the words from the list below that describe what the dog looked like.
thin angry scared fat clever black and brown happy yellow
____________________________________________________________________ (4)
d) Do you think the writer is a kind person? Give a reason for your answer. _________ (2)
e) Why do you think the dog scared S’celo away? Look carefully at the mark allocation.
____________________________________________________________________ (3)
f) The writer says the dog has “clever eyes”. How does this make us think differently
about dogs? Explain your answer. ________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ (2)
g) What name do you think the writer might give to the dog? Give a reason for your
answer. _____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ (2)

2. Find the adverbs in bold in the passage. Write them down and say what type of adverb
each one is (time, place, manner). (5)

3. Write down the sentences below. Each sentence has a main clause and a dependent
clause. The dependent clause is underlined. Which dependent clause tells us more about
the subject of its main clause? Which dependent clause tells us more about the verb of its
main clause?
a) While I was standing there one day, I was pushed roughly from behind. _________ (1)
b) He is a bully who likes to hurt people for fun. _______________________________ (1)

4. An apostrophe has been used in the words wouldn’t and it’s. Write out these words
in full. What does this apostrophe show? (3)
Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 16: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Underline the suffixes in the sentences below. Examples of suffixes are word endings like:
-er, -ful, -ous, -tion, -ness, -ly, -able, -ish, -ment, -less
a) Baby monkeys are very playful and learn quickly. (1)
b) They are sociable and get a lot of enjoyment from playing. (1)
c) All baby monkeys learn communication from their mothers. (1)
d) Monkeys will be badly affected by the destruction of the rainforests. (1)
e) Greediness for money makes people careless about the environment. (2)

2. Underline the prefixes in the sentences below. Examples of prefixes are parts added on
at the beginning of a word, for example: pre-, pro-, in-, im-, con-, dis-, re-, en-, un-, de-
a) If you could see inside an anthill, you would discover thousands of ants. (1)
b) They construct their anthills from sand and spit. When they break, the ants
rebuild them very quickly. (1)
c) The anthills have tunnels inside to bring fresh air in, just like air conditioning. (1)
d) Their tunnels have entrances and exits. (1)
e) It’s important not to destroy anthills as they are a part of our environment. (1)

3. Read the story below. Find an example of a question, a statement and an exclamation.
Write them down. Then answer Questions d), e) and f )

Penguins are wonderful parents

Did you know that penguins are very good parents? Some penguin colonies live in very cold countries
where there is lots of ice. The mother penguin lays a big egg, but the baby inside will die if the egg gets
cold. The mother and father take turns to keep the egg warm on their feet. That egg never rolls onto the
ice. Never! When they swap over, they carefully roll the egg from one parent’s feet to the other parent’s
feet. While one parent catches fish the other parent keeps the egg warm. That’s amazing! Don’t you wish
all human parents were so caring?

a) Question: ____________________________________________________________ (1)

b) Statement: ___________________________________________________________ (1)

c) Exclamation: __________________________________________________________ (1)

d) Find a collective noun in the story: ________________________________________ (1)

e) Find an adjective ___________________________ and an adverb: ______________ (2)

f) Find a rhetorical question in the story: _____________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________. (1)
Total: 18 marks

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Chapter 16: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Make new words by adding prefixes and suffixes to the root words. An example has
been done for you. (5)
Prefixes: im-, re-, con-, in-, dis-, pre-, trans-, ex-, un-
Suffixes: -ful, -tion, -ous, -ment, -ly, -er, -ing, -ness, -able
Prefixes Root word Suffixes
discover/uncover/recover cover discoverer/discovery

2. Use your dictionary to look up the meaning of the following names for people who study
or work in a particular area of knowledge (like the word zoologist). Write the definitions
in your own words in the table below. (5)

Word Meaning
a) geologist
b) radiologist
c) sociologist
d) psychologist
e) economist

3. Write an imaginary diary entry. Imagine that you are a clever chimpanzee. Write a diary
entry for the day when a group of badly-behaved schoolchildren visit the zoo you live
in. Describe the silly and naughty things they do. Try to make your diary entry funny and
interesting. Remember to write using the first person pronoun. Be creative. (10)
_____________ (date)






Total: 20 marks

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Chapter 17: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Use an auxiliary verb from the list to complete the sentences below.
were are has have will can
a) The puppies _____ born three months ago. (1)
b) They ______ started to bark already. (1)
c) The mother dog ______ taught them to eat from a bowl. (1)
d) Look, the puppies _____ playing with each other! (1)
e) They ______ go to new homes when they are two months old. (1)
f) They _____ be fully grown when they are two years old. (1)

2. Use the modal verbs in the list to complete the sentences below. The sentences are all
about the SPCA, which is an organisation that helps animals.
can must will should ought to might
a) You ____ get a lot of pleasure from having a pet. (1)
b) You ______ look after your pet well. (1)
c) You _____ take your cat or dog to the SPCA to have it spayed. (1)
d) All pets ______ __ be spayed, so that they do not have unwanted puppies
and kittens. (1)
e) The SPCA ______ ask you to pay a small fee, if you can afford it. (1)
f) All dogs ________ be vaccinated against rabies, by law. (1)

3. Here is a diary entry written by a person who has a new pet cat.
Ginger cat in through window. Very cute and playful. Sleeps on bed next to me. Purred loudly
whole night. Pleased now I got a pet.

When someone writes a diary, they do not always use full sentences. Rewrite the extract
from a diary below, filling in the missing words to make full sentences. The first sentence
has been done for you as an example.

The ginger cat climbed in through the window.

____ ____ very cute and playful. It sleeps on ____ bed next to me.
____ purred loudly ____ whole night. ____ pleased now ____ I have got a pet. (8)
Total: 20 marks

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Chapter 17: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. The essay below is written by a Grade 7 learner. The title is “My dog”. This essay has 25
mistakes. They have been underlined for you. Rewrite the essay correcting each mistake.
There are:
a) Five verbs that have the wrong tense or the wrong spelling of the tense
b) One verb that has the wrong concord (It ends in an s, but it should not.)
c) Two pronouns that are wrong
d) One word that uses the wrong article (the instead of a)
e) One adjective that is wrong (uses the word most and -est)
f) Five words that have the wrong spelling
g) One common error that confuses his and he’s
h) One common error that makes one word out of two words
i) One proper noun that does not use a capital letter
j) One relative pronoun that is wrong (what instead of which)
k) One mistake that uses much instead of many
l) One noun that is singular but it should be plural
m) Two prepositions that are wrong
n) One conjunction that is wrong (therefore)
o) One shortened form that has the apostrophe in the wrong place.
My mother gived me a new dog for me birthday. The dog was a puppy, it was about four months old.
I called him Pepper, therefore he is black, with the little bit of white.
Pepper is the most naughtiest dog! He can steel food. He puts he’s front feet to the kichen table, and
then he takes any food he can find. He has stealed avocado pears, butter aswell as meat.
But pepper is also a very brave dog. We live near a mountain what has much baboons. ____ my
sister’s birthday some baboon tries to come on our house to steal food. We were outside in the garden.
The birthday cake was inside the house. Pepper barked and barked, and tried to bit them. My farther
runned and chased them away. They would have stolen the hole cake! My father said Pepper could
have a peas of boerewors to thank him for saving the cake!
So, although Pepper is’nt well behaved, we all loves him.






Total: 25 marks

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Chapter 18: Worksheet A

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Choose the correct words from the list to complete the negative sentences below.
do not cannot should not will not are not
a) I ____________ like the taste of carrots. (1)
b) I __________ eat nuts because I am allergic to them. (1)
c) The potatoes ________ cooked yet. (1)
d) Babies _________ eat spicy food because it is bad for them. (1)
e) My naughty little sister _________ eat vegetables unless they have sugar on them. (1)

2. Use the word not to turn the sentences into negatives.

a) The sun is shining today. _______________________________________________ (1)
b) So I will wear sandals. __________________________________________________ (1)
c) It will probably rain later this afternoon. ___________________________________ (1)
d) We will have athletics it if rains. __________________________________________ (1)
e) I do like the hot summer weather. ________________________________________ (1)

3. Write these contractions in full.

a) haven’t ___________________ (1)
b) isn’t ______________________ (1)
c) won’t ____________________ (1)
d) can’t _____________________ (1)
e) shouldn’t _________________ (1)

4. Find the mistake in each of the sentences and rewrite the sentence correctly.
a) I don’t have no sugar in my tea.
____________________________________________________________________ (1)
b) You don’t mustn’t drink fizzy drinks too often.
____________________________________________________________________ (1)
c) My father does’nt have sugar because he is diabetic.
____________________________________________________________________ (1)
d) I can’t go to school yesterday because I was sick.
____________________________________________________________________ (1)
e) I willn’t have any coffee late at night because it keeps me awake.
____________________________________________________________________ (1)

5. Rewrite the words in brackets as a contraction. Make sure you put the apostrophe
in the correct place. Write only the new word.
a) My teacher (has not) finished marking the tests. (1)
b) The test (was not) very difficult. (1)
c) I think I (will not) have any difficulty in passing the test. (1)
d) I (do not) know when we will get the results. (1)
e) I (could not) remember one of the answers, but I knew the rest. (1)
Total: 25 marks
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Chapter 18: Worksheet B

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Here are ten parts of a letter. Use these parts to write a letter. Rearrange the parts to put them
in the right place.
A I would like to apply for the bursary that your school offers each year to a music student. I
am hoping to become a professional musician when I leave school.
B Dear Mr Andrews
C Yours sincerely
D 27 March Street
E My mother is a clerk employed by a bank. I have attached copies of her last three salary
statements as proof of her income. My father passed away in 2009.
F The Department Head: Music
Burns Senior School
G I have been studying piano and violin for four years. I have excellent results, and I have
included copies of my certificates with this letter.
H Scarlette Jacobsen
I 20 November 2014
J Application for music bursary











Total: 20 marks

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Maskew Miller Longman is an imprint of Pearson Marang (Pty) Ltd

First published in 2013

Extension and Remediation Worksheet Book ISBN 978-0-636-14782-9

Teacher’s Guide Pack ISBN 978-0-636-14598-6

Edited by Jenny Neethling

Book design by MML Studio
Artwork by Marlene Visser
Typesetting by Catherine Gillespie; Chris Leo
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