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Radiographic Bone Level Changes of Implant-Supported

Restorations in Edentulous and Partially

Dentate Patients: 5-Year Results
Hadi Gholami, DDS, Dr Med Dent1/Regina Mericske-Stern, Prof Dr Med Dent2/
Gerda Kessler-Liechti, Dr Med Dent3/Joannis Katsoulis, PD Dr Med Dent, MAS4

Purpose: To evaluate and compare crestal bone level changes and peri-implant status of implant-supported
reconstructions in edentulous and partially dentate patients after a minimum of 5 years of loading. Materials
and Methods: All patients who received a self-tapping implant with a microstructured surface during the
years 2003 and 2004 at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Bern, were included in this study.
The implant restorations comprised fixed and removable prostheses for partially and completely edentulous
patients. Radiographs were taken immediately after surgery, at impression making, and 1 and 5 years after
loading. Crestal bone level (BIC) was measured from the implant shoulder to the first bone contact, and
changes were calculated over time (∆BIC). The associations between pocket depth, bleeding on probing
(BOP), and ∆BIC were assessed. Results: Sixty-one implants were placed in 20 patients (mean age, 62 ± 7
years). At the 5-year follow-up, 19 patients with 58 implants were available. Implant survival was 98.4% (one
early failure; one patient died). The average ∆BIC between surgery and 5-year follow-up was 1.5 ± 0.9 mm
and 1.1 ± 0.6 mm for edentulous and partially dentate patients, respectively. Most bone resorption (50%,
0.7 mm) occurred during the first 3 months (osseointegration) and within the first year of loading (21%, 0.3
mm). Mean annual bone loss during the 5 years of loading was < 0.12 mm. Mean pocket depth was 2.6
± 0.7 mm. Seventeen percent of the implant sites displayed BOP; the frequency was significantly higher
in women. None of the variables were significantly associated with crestal bone loss. Conclusion: Crestal
bone loss after 5 years was within the normal range, without a significant difference between edentulous
and partially dentate patients. In the short term, this implant system can be used successfully for various
prosthetic indications. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014;29:898–904. doi: 10.11607/jomi.3042

Key words: crestal bone level, edentulous, implant survival, partially dentate

O sseointegrated implants have been used suc-

cessfully to restore function to fully and partially
edentulous patients. Modifications of implant design
rough surfaces.1 However, very few of the long-term
best-documented oral implants from the major oral
implant companies are still available on the market.2 In
on both the macroscopic and microscopic levels have addition, little is known about the impact of the type
been implemented to improve implant success rates. of edentulism (partial or complete) on crestal bone
Some clinical advantages have been reported for mod- level changes around implants. In 2001, a new implant
erately rough surfaces in comparison with smooth or system, Thommen (Thommen Medical), was released
to the market. To date, few clinical studies have report-
ed working with this implant system,3,4 although sev-
Student, Department of Prosthodontics,
School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland. eral other dental implant systems have been properly
2Director and Chair, Department of Prosthodontics, documented for 5 years or more.2 In a pilot study, clini-
School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland. cal procedures, prosthetic complications, and required
3Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics,
maintenance after 1 year of loading were shown to
School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland.
4 Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics,
be comparable to other implant systems.3,4 Accord-
School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland. ing to the authors, osseointegration of Thommen im-
plants was highly successful in a variety of patients,
Correspondence to: Dr J. Katsoulis, Department of and their stability was very good, although some mi-
Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, University nor problems were identified with the instruments for
of Bern, Freiburgstrasse 7, 3010 Bern, Switzerland.
Fax: +41-31-632-49-33. Email:
prosthetic procedures. These instruments were subse-
quently improved, modified, or replaced. The system
©2014 by Quintessence Publishing Co Inc. offers implants with different platforms and a low

898 Volume 29, Number 4, 2014

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shoulder design that may provide favorable results in

the esthetically demanding anterior maxilla.3 For the
current study, the Element implant (Fig 1a), which has
a cylindric screw design and a short machined neck of
1.0 mm, was selected. This implant type is more often
indicated for completely edentulous mandibles, an-
terior fixed crowns, and short partial dentures, com-
pared with the Contact (Fig 1b) implant, which has a
root-form screw design and a longer machined neck
of 1.5 mm. Furthermore, various abutments, healing
caps, and a sophisticated screwdriver are available,
making clinical application of the system easier. No dif-
ferences in failure rates, complications, or bone levels
were seen after 3 years between implants that were a b
loaded immediately or early.5 A limited number of
Figs 1a and 1b   (a) The SPI Element, with short polished collar,
studies are available that have assessed longitudinally as used in this study; (b) SPI Contact, which features a relatively
the survival and success rates of implants and various longer polished collar neck and a root-form design.
supporting restorations for 5, 10, or more years. Some
studies were published in the 1990s; most discussed
the Brånemark System (Nobel Biocare) and a few fo- prospective pilot study for the treatment of partially
cused on ITI implants (Straumann).6–11 and completely edentulous patients who had been
While some crestal bone loss of 1 to 2 mm in the ini- referred to the Department of Prosthodontics, Univer-
tial phase after placement and during the first year of sity of Bern.3,4 Signed informed consent was obtained
loading has been observed and described as a normal from all patients stating that the patients accepted
effect of the bone-remodeling process after the sur- the treatment plan (placement and restoration of the
gical trauma of implant placement, continuing bone implants) and agreed to cover the related costs and
loss should not occur or should not exceed 0.2 mm follow the maintenance program. Each patient was
per year.6 A distinction between early and late implant interviewed, and medical histories were thoroughly
failures was made and clinical manifestations were dis- evaluated to ensure their good general health at the
cussed by Esposito et al in 1999 and 2000.12,13 The re- time. Patients were categorized as class I or II accord-
ported prevalence of peri-implantitis with progressive ing to the American Society of Anesthesiologists clas-
crestal bone loss is between 0% and 14.4% in different sification.15 Adequate bone volume (height and width)
populations with various study durations.14 was a prerequisite for placement of implants with a
Currently, there is little information available on the minimum length of 8 mm and minimum endosseous
clinical long-term success of this specific implant sys- width of 3.5 mm. Exclusion criteria for the placement
tem for different clinical indications. A comparison of of implants were drug or alcohol abuse, psychiatric
survival and success rates between implants placed in problems, history of heart attack within the previous 6
partially and completely edentulous jaws has not been months, uncontrolled diabetes or insulin dependence,
performed. Thus, the aim of the present study was to immunocompromised status, current chemotherapy
compare the success rate of the cylindric, medium- or leukocyte disorders, any health conditions that
rough-surface Element implant (Thommen Medical) would compromise a surgical procedure under local
when used to support removable and fixed dental anesthesia, extraction at an implant site fewer than 6
prostheses after a minimum of 5 years of functional months before implant placement, and the presence
loading. The hypothesis was that the crestal bone level of irradiated bone, severe parafunctional habits, or
of implants connected to rigid bars and fixed denture severe atrophy that required bone augmentation be-
prostheses remains stable, fulfilling the success crite- fore implantation.16 Light smokers (fewer than 10 cig-
ria, without any difference between partially and com- arettes per day) were included in the study but were
pletely edentulous patients. asked to participate in a smoking cessation program
prior to implant therapy.
The patients had partially or completely edentulous
MATERIALS AND METHODS jaws, and the prosthetic indications comprised various
reconstructions with fixed and removable prostheses
Patients and Implant-Prosthetic Treatment in the maxilla or mandible. All patients enrolled in
During a 1-year period (2003 to 2004), the Thommen the study underwent the same clinical screening and
implant system (Thommen Medical) was used in a pretreatment protocol prior to implant placement.

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 899

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a b
Figs 2a and 2b   Digital measurements of crestal bone levels in relation to the known implant length for (a) interforaminal implants
in the edentulous mandible and (b) single implants in a partially edentulous maxilla.

Active periodontal therapy consisting of motivation, were digitized with an adequate scanner (HP LaserJet
instruction in oral hygiene practices, scaling and root 4000). Vertical changes in the bone level were mea-
planing, and periodontal surgery was performed until sured on the mesial and distal sides of each implant,
any periodontal disease had been appropriately con- with the implant shoulder used as a reference point
trolled (no bleeding on probing [BOP] and no pockets (Figs 2a and 2b). First bone-to-implant contact (BIC)
deeper than 6 mm). Restoration therapy (for any caries was defined as the distance between the implant
lesions) was also carried out, and complete dentures shoulder and the most coronal point of the implant in
were adapted or new provisional prostheses were de- contact with the alveolar bone.17 This value was calcu-
livered prior to placement of implants. lated for each implant in the series of radiographs and
Patients underwent implant placement surgery compared between surgery and follow-up appoint-
within a 12-month period that ended in 2004. The im- ments to determine the crestal bone level changes.
plants were placed according to the drilling protocol The known length and size and typical design of the
prescribed by the manufacturer and surgical guides. implants (distance of screw threads, implant shoul-
A standard healing period of 3 months for the man- der) allowed for accurate reading of BIC by means of
dible and 4 months for the maxilla was maintained. computer software that allowed calibration to adjust
No provisional prostheses were connected to the im- for distortion and magnification. Crestal bone changes
plants during this time. The treatment was performed were expressed as ∆BIC for the corresponding inter-
by different trained clinicians but under the supervi- vals and the overall observation time.
sion of the same instructor in the same clinical setting. When all patients were recalled for the final radio-
Radiographs were obtained immediately after surgery, graph after 5 years of loading, clinical peri-implant
at the time of impression taking (loading), and 1 and 5 parameters were recorded, namely pocket depth (PD)
years after loading of implants with the definitive pros- and BOP, using a graded probe (with markings at 3, 6,
theses. Panoramic radiographs were used when im- 9, and 12 mm). PD and BOP were measured at four sites
plants were placed interforaminally in an edentulous (mesial, distal, buccal and lingual, in millimeters, for
mandible, while single periapical radiographs were PD), and the presence or absence of BOP was reported
obtained with film holders for all other indications. The as percentage of measured sites.
surgical and prosthetic procedures were identical for Different criteria to determine implant success have
all patients according to standard protocols, and stan- been proposed by various authors using clinical and
dard instruments were used. radiologic parameters.18–22 Survival of implants, mean-
ing that the implant is still in function, is presented via
Follow-up Protocol life table analysis in the current study. A distinction
Five to 6 years after implant loading, all patients were was made between early failures (during the healing
recalled for an examination by one trained and cali- phase) and late failures (after loading with a provision-
brated investigator who had not been involved in the al or definitive prosthesis). To clinically assess peri-im-
treatment. Peri-implant parameters were recorded, plant health, various measurement parameters were
and radiologic crestal bone levels were assessed digi- defined, usually adopted from periodontology23,24 (eg,
tally (DBSWIN 4.5.2, Dürr Dental). Analog radiographs radiographic measurements8,25). The gold standard to

900 Volume 29, Number 4, 2014

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Table 1   Cumulative Implant Survival Rate over 5 Years

No. of failed No. surviving Cumulative
Time interval No. of patients Implants No. of dropouts implants during interval survival rate
Before loading 20 61 0 1 98.4% 98.4%
0 to 1 y 20 60 0 0 100% 98.4%
1 to 2 y 20 60 0 0 100% 98.4%
2 to 3 y 20 60 0 0 100% 98.4%
3 to 4 y 20 60 2 0 100% 98.4%
4 to 5 y 19 58 0 0 100% 98.4%

determine implant success is the measurement of ra- Table 2   Demographic and Implant Information
diologic crestal bone level changes on the mesial and with Respect to Crestal Bone Level
distal sides of the implants. As proposed by Albrekts- Changes (∆BIC)
son et al,18 therefore, a bone loss equal to or less than
No. of No. of ∆BIC (mm)
0.2 mm per year was defined as acceptable. implants implants (mean ± SD)
placed (20 at 5 y (19 (surgery
Statistical Analysis patients) patients)* to 5 y)
All data were subjected to statistical analysis using Dental Edentulous 38 35 1.5 ± 0.9
SPSS software (version 18, SPSS). Descriptive statistics
Partially 23 23 1.1 ± 0.6
were used for patient demographics and calculation of
∆BIC. The cumulative survival rate was calculated for
Jaw Mandible 26 24 1.5 ± 1.1
all implants placed. Nonparametric testing was per-
Maxilla 35 34 1.3 ± 0.7
formed to compare ∆BIC between groups. The Pearson
Location Anterior 40 38 1.4 ± 0.9
correlation coefficient was used to assess the associa-
Posterior 21 20 1.3 ± 0.9
tion between PD and ∆BIC.
Gender Male 30 28 1.5 ± 0.9
Female 31 30 1.3 ± 0.9
RESULTS Implant   8 mm 5 5 1.2 ± 0.7
11 mm 32 31 0.9 ± 0.7
Patients and Implants 14 mm 24 22 1.7 ± 1.0
A total of 20 patients (10 women and 10 men) received
Implant 3.5 mm 26 25 1.5 ± 0.9
a total of 61 placed implants and were enrolled in the diameter
study. The mean age at the time of implant placement 4.2 mm 35 33 1.2 ± 0.8
was 62.1 ± 7.2 years. Only two patients were younger
Total* 61 58* 1.4 ± 0.9
than 50 years. The patients were similar in terms of
*One implant in the posterior maxilla failed during the healing phase,
gender, dental status, and number and distribution and two implants were lost in the anterior mandible after 3 years
of implants. In one woman, one implant failed during (the patient died).
the healing period, resulting in a 98.4% implant suc-
cess rate after the entire observation period (Table 1). Crestal Bone Level Changes
Thus, a total of 60 implants (34 in the maxilla, 26 in The loaded implants (n = 60) exhibited successful os-
the mandible) were loaded and assessed radiographi- seointegration without peri-implant radiolucency dur-
cally from the beginning of the prosthetic treatment. ing the observation period. Table 2 demonstrates an
In all, 16 implant overdentures (1 in the maxilla sup- overview of patients, implants, and mean ∆BIC after
ported by four implants and 15 in the mandible on 5 years. The average ∆BIC in edentulous and partially
33 implants) and 23 single crowns in the anterior and dentate patients between surgery and the 5-year fol-
posterior regions of both arches were delivered to the low-up was 1.5 ± 0.9 mm and 1.1 ± 0.6 mm, respec-
patients. At the 1-year follow-up exam, all 20 patients tively (Mann-Whitney U test, P = .071) (Table 3). The
were available with 60 implants, while at the 5-year fol- bone remodeling process in both partially dentate and
low-up two implants were lost to follow-up since one edentulous patients was most pronounced during the
male patient with an implant-supported mandibular period after surgery (50% of implants) and during the
overdenture had died. Thus, a total of 58 implants in 9 first year of loading (21%). Thereafter, from loading to
men and 10 women completed a minimum of 5 years the 5-year follow-up, the bone level changes showed
of observation. a stable mean annual bone loss of < 0.12 mm (Fig 3).

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Soft Tissue Parameters

Table 3   Mean Crestal Bone Level Changes
over Time, with Percentages of The average PD was 2.58 ± 0.73 mm at the 5-year
Completed Bone Loss over Time follow-up. Slightly increased PD values were found in
patients who still had their natural teeth. When dental
Surgery– Loading– status and the jaw were considered together as a sin-
loading 1y 1–5 y Total
gle effect, PD was deeper in the maxilla and in jaws still
Edentulous 0.7 mm 0.4 mm 0.4 mm 1.5 mm
(46%) (27%) (27%) (100%)
exhibiting natural teeth (P < .006). Thirty percent of all
implants exhibited one or more sites with positive BOP,
Partially 0.6 mm 0.2 mm 0.3 mm 1.1 mm
edentulous (55%) (18%) (27%) (100%)
ie, 17% of all implant sites, with a higher frequency in
female patients (P = .009). The Pearson correlation co-
Total 0.7 mm 0.3 mm 0.4 mm 1.4 mm
(50%) (21%) (29%) (100%) efficient did not reveal correlations between PD and
∆BIC or between BOP and ∆BIC.

Mean crestal bone level (mm)

The implant survival rate did not reach 100% in this
study, since one implant failed during the healing pe-
Partially edentulous riod and two implants were excluded from the study.
–2.0  However, the survival rate can be considered satisfac-
–2.5  tory, especially taking into consideration the learning
curve with the new implant system. The two implants
Edentulous in the patient who passed away did not show any signs
–3.5  of problems during the initial follow-up appointments.
–4.0  Although it appears that a sandblasted acid-etched
Surgery Loading 1 y 2y 3y 4y 5y implant surface may shorten the healing time and
Fig 3  Crestal bone level changes in edentulous and partially
moderately roughened surfaces display a stronger
edentulous patients. bone response,1 in the present study standard heal-
ing times were used (3 months for the mandible and
4 months for the maxilla). Unlike other previously de-
scribed conical implant systems,26,27 the present im-
>2 mm  plants were not placed at the crestal bone level; rather,
Partially edentulous
the machined 1-mm neck was left out of the bone.
1.5–2 mm  The mean level of supracrestal implant positioning is
shown in Fig 3 (surgery). Furthermore, conical implants
Bone loss

1–1.5 mm  have a longer conical intrabony part. This was not the
case with the cylindric implant used in the present
0.5–1 mm 
study. Therefore, the pronounced loss of crestal bone
<0.5 mm 
of up to 3.6 mm was most likely a result of the collar
length.26 Furthermore, this study26 had a mean fol-
0 5 10 15 20 low-up time of 3 years for 19 implants and 5 years for
No. of implants only two implants, limiting the strength of the results.
However, this increased bone loss was not observed
Fig 4   Frequency of measured bone loss in edentulous and par- with the present implant design. Currently, the pres-
tially dentate patients from surgery to the 5-year follow-up. ent implant system has been in use for 11 years. The
first generation of these implants, which was used in
the present study, featured a sandblasted, acid-etched,
medium-rough surface.
The time point of measurements is crucial when
Five percent of all implant sites in the edentulous pa- comparing crestal bone level changes in different
tients and no implants in the partially dentate patients studies. In many studies, baseline was set as the day
exhibited crestal bone loss ≥ 2 mm, while > 85% and of reentry and loading.20,28–30 In the present study, the
94% of implants had < 1.5 mm of bone loss, respec- healing period was included in ∆BIC measurements,
tively (Fig 4). In all, six implants showed bone loss which resulted in 46% (edentulous) and 55% (partially
≥ 2 mm after an observation time of 5 years. dentate) higher total ∆BIC values in relation to total

902 Volume 29, Number 4, 2014

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bone loss. There are different ways of reporting crestal quality were obtained and measurements were done
bone loss in clinical studies, but only minor variations using known implant dimensions as landmarks.
in the measured values have been seen. Standardized Other indices, eg, the modified bleeding index ac-
radiographs were not taken annually and the mean an- cording to Mombelli and Lang,23 have been used to
nual bone loss, as reported in the studies, is therefore an evaluate peri-implant parameters in other studies;
extrapolation, calculated over the entire observation however, BOP and PD are easy to use and provide valid
time. If this type of reporting had been applied to the information. One limitation of the present study was
measurements in the present study, the annual crestal the very small number of patients/implants and the
bone loss would be less than 0.1 mm. One long-term heterogeneity of prosthetic indications. Thus, a mul-
study reported only 0.05 mm of crestal bone loss per tivariable regression analysis of 58 implants (or 116
year for different types of implants in the edentulous sites) in 18 patients is questionable.
mandible supporting fixed prostheses.28 In another PD of the implants was not associated with BIC, but
long-term study on interforaminal ITI implants (Strau- PDs were significantly higher in the maxilla than in the
mann) with plasma-sprayed surfaces, a mean crestal mandible. This may be explained by the thick palatal
bone loss of 0.54 mm was found after an average ob- mucosa in the maxilla. ∆BIC values for implants in par-
servation period of 16.5 years31; this translates into tially dentate jaws had the tendency to be lower. One
an average of less than 0.1 mm of bone loss per year. explanation may be that the crestal bone of healthy
Bone loss around implants in the edentulous maxilla teeth contributed to the stability of the crestal bone
within a time period of 5 or more years was less than at the adjacent implant sites. For single-tooth replace-
1 mm with ITI implants in another study; the healing ment with ITI implants, crestal bone loss from the time
period was not stated.29 A more recent retrospective of crown placement up to 9 years was minimal (around
study with three different implant systems reported 0.5 mm). All implant sites had healthy adjacent natu-
> 2 mm crestal bone loss after an observation period ral teeth with stable crestal bone. All patients were in
of 4 years.30 That study used Straumann implants with good health, and major systemic problems or medi-
a sandblasted/acid-etched surface, and no differences cations that could adversely affect osseointegration
between the three implant systems were observed. or the stability of the crestal bone were not present.
It has been commonly reported that most bone re- Conclusions cannot be drawn for the implants that lost
modeling occurs during the healing period and dur- ≥ 2 mm of crestal bone, and it should be noted that
ing the first year of loading. Factors such as surgical these findings are still within the limits of normal varia-
trauma, occlusal overload, biologic width, the implant- tion. However, the number of implants was small and
abutment microgap, implant crest remodeling, and patients with different dental status and locations of
peri-implantitis are considered the causes of initial implants were included. Therefore, the significance of
crestal bone loss around implants.32 Petrie and Wil- these findings should not be overstated. However, the
liams in 200533 concluded that wide, long, nontapered compliance of the patients involved during the obser-
implants were more likely to show favorable long-term vation period of 5 to 6 years was excellent. The hypoth-
results. Another study reported that implant length esis that mean crestal bone remains stable around the
failed to affect the implant success rate in patients implants was confirmed, since crestal bone changes
who had undergone maxillary sinus augmentation remained within the range of known success criteria.
prior to implant surgery.34 One study of narrow-diam-
eter (3.5-mm) implants failed to show a lower survival
rate.35 The present data with these microstructured CONCLUSIONS
medium-rough implants showed a tendency toward
the best results when the implants had a standard di- Within the limitations of the present study, it can be
ameter of 4.2 mm and length of 11 mm. concluded that peri-implant parameters of the spe-
Subtraction radiography may be a highly precise cific microstructured medium-rough implants were
method to evaluate crestal bone level changes,25 but stable and the bone loss around implants was within
clinical studies typically use periapical radiographs, the range designated by implant success criteria over 5
whether traditional or, more recently, digital. The accu- years of functional loading in partially and completely
racy and reliability of oral radiographic methods have edentulous patients. Thus, the present implant system
been studied in human cadavers and in animal mod- can be considered reliable, effective, and comparable
els,28,36 with insignificant overall errors found. In the to other systems in the short term for the rehabilita-
present study, film holders were used for radiographs, tion of partially or completely edentulous patients.
except for interforaminal implants in an edentulous More studies with more implants and longer observa-
arch, where a high mouth floor often prevented the tion periods are needed to provide a higher level of
use of film holders. Panoramic radiographs of good evidence.

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 903

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